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A Gaby Fan-Fiction
by Stanman
Synopsis:With the Bond's moved to Germany, just what do the gang get up to back in Warsop? This story gives a shot at answering that very question. |
We woke up and saw that we'd forgot to change out of our costumes. T was dressed as the Romulan Female Commander while Helen was dressed as Mara: wife of Klingon Commander Kang.
Mom was dressed as Yeoman Janice Rand, dad as Captain Kirk and Maggie as Savvik; Spock's daughter wearing a blue uniform dress.
Why these leg revealing costumes were chosen I didn't know, but the dress I wore sure was drafty and only Helen didn't run the risk of showing her bloomer. I guess this was retribution in a way for getting Drew into dresses at the cons, but why the 'rents?
"Are you awake Helen?"
"Yeah, just wondering if I should get up."
"Well, don't be surprised when you get up," I giggled.
"Because we are still in our costumes, Mara," I announced as I threw off the duvet to reveal my costume. Only my boots were missing and they were on the floor.
Then Helen copied me and found out that like me, only her boots were missing as they were on the floor, "This is the first time that I wore tights to bed since I was in ballet."
"You were in ballet Helen?"
"Yep, used to wear my tights and leotard when I napped after Ballet when I was a toddler."
"Why did you stop ballet?"
"I only stopped ballet when mum and I moved here to Warsop, and now I cheer instead."
"OK, same here, but for me it was because mum loved dressing me in dresses and matching tights. You like wearing tights to bed? Makes my legs feel warm."
"At times, but not when I go to wee," she giggled.
"Same here. want to wear your costume to breaky?"
"Sure, after morning ablutions."
So, after we tended to our morning ablutions, we went to find our 'rents who had already made it down to breakfast and like us, were in costume.
"Maddy, or should I say Commander, want some breaky?' asked dad with a grin.
"I don't know Captain Kirk, is there any Vulcan Chicken Soup? Or should I say Plomeek Soup?"
"Since when does a Romulan eat Vulcan dishes?" asked Maggie.
"Since we are all at a convention Mummy Savvik," giggled Helen.
Then we all had a good laugh and sat down to breaky. The meal was buffet style, so I had a bit of everything even Rokeg Blood Pie, a Klingon dish. I am NOT the endless pit that Drew is, But what with my cheering and biking, I AM catching up much to mum's delight.
She loved feeding us kids and with Drew and Jules in Germany, we kids had pretty much gone our separate ways. Rhodri/Em was staying with his/her dad over the summer break and had enrolled as Em.
Ally went with Em to Wales when her dad Rhoderck Morgan got his daughter Em for the break. He doesn't know that he actually has a son. Em's mother Sylvie Morgan felt that he would take her son, so he met Em instead. His new wife can't have children, so he wants his only child. His wife Cherys has turned Em into a girly girl which made Rhod become Em.
Bernie has been seeing some students who are known for their tendency to break the rules and get into trouble. It seems that when the Bonds went to Germany, that she lost her focus and joined the thugs. We have tried to be her friend, but it's hard when she doesn't want our help.
Clive is still head over heels in love with Gaby, in spite of the fact that she broke up with him. He and Paul still don't know that Drew is Gaby, nor that he is becoming Gaby physically because of his low levels of testosterone. We've kept the news from them because we are afraid that they will tell others, especially Clive.
Paul has been helping his sister by babysitting his niece. It is a full time job as she tends to run off and explore. Well, I was that way when I was a kid, to keep me grounded my 'rents put me on a leash until I stopped running off. Too bad that can't be done today, thanks to Social Services.
Jules two friends have found another couple of girls to replace her, now the Liquorice Toffees are playing at different parties. They have a place for Jules if she ever returns whicg she wants to do.
"Mum, the Klingon dish is scrummy, I wonder what it really is?' I asked.
"Tastes like mashed potatoes with sausage, although the food coloring is a bit much," she sighed.
"What's wrong Pet? Are you OK?"
"I'm fine John, it's just the idea of ruining a perfectly good dish has me down."
"No Carol, it started last night, maybe you need to see the doctor."
"Unfortunately, I can't take the time off work, Can you help Maggie?"
"Sure, should we take my Volkswagen Beetle or take Carol's Peugeot?"
"Wait a minute, don't I get a say in this?"
Then daddy hugged mum, "Carol, please go, remember that your cousin Jenny contracted cancer, and you two are the same age."
"OK John, but only if Maggie goes as well and the girls during the next school break," mum responded.
"I am game John, what about you girls?"
"As long as it's a woman doctor, I don't want a man looking at my girl bits."
"Same here." I agreed.
Then we finished our meal and changed out of our costumes and headed home. Since it was cold, we girls kept our tights on under our jeans and fleece. Poor daddy's legs got chilled because he did not have any thermals.
On the way home, we came across a museum of ancient machines and since daddy was driving, we stopped, much to our guests wonder.
"John has a thing for old machines, he loves exploring their past and how they are made now," explained mum.
"Yeah, kinda like Drew's dad with old archaeological sites. I offered.
"My dad's hobby was build models of just about everything. Our cellar if chock full of his hobby." sighed Helen.
Then Maggie hugged her daughter, "I know sugar, I miss him too, but this con sure was fun. For awhile there I forgot about missing your dad."
"Me too mum, I think that he is in Heaven right now, smiling down at us for going to the con with the Peters."
"Thank you for taking us to the con," they chorused.
"Your welcome you two, but you should thank Maddy, when she befriended Helen, we decided to treat both of you since she likes to get Drew to go," mum replied with a smile.
"Still, I'd like to do something to thank you for your kindness."
"Right mum, I wouldn't feel right about accepting such a gift without doing something in return."
"Well, I won a contest at work and the prize was this, so it didn't cost us a thing, not even the costumes, YOU provided them Maggie," chuckled dad.
"Maggie, you mean to tell me that YOU are why I'm wearing this frock? Not that I really mind, it's just a bit drafty," I giggled.
"Yeah Maddy, mum loves Star Trek with Kirk and the Ring trilogy her favorite novels," informed Helen.
"Then why don't you wear shorter skirts?"
"Because Carol, even though I like Star Trek, I don't want to wear those uniforms, I'll leave it to my daughter to wear the short skirts since she's a cheerleader," she giggled.
"Gee! Thanks mum! I only do it because you are so gung ho! about it," Helen exclaimed.
"Oh Helen, I was a figure skater when I was your age, but when I had you, I gave it up to become a mum and never regretted it."
"Mum, do you still have your old dresses?"
"Yes, why?"
"Well, since you, Maddy and I are about the same size, I was thinking that we could wear them and the costumes when we practice cheering or race."
"Helen, I can understand cheering, but not racing."
"Simple Aunt Carol, wearing the costumes with racing skins or thick tights will help us when we race."
"Oh, I see, the costumes will cause the boys to pay attention to us, not racing."
"Right Maddy."
"I know what you're talking about, I wore my badminton kit as a cheerleader kit to one of Drew's races and cause a wreck when I did a flip," I giggled.
"No wonder you were a bit chuffed that day, and I thought it was because Drew won," chuckled dad.
We had plenty of fun that day, we even got to meet the cast of the three Star Trek series. They had the sets for the shows set up and since we were wearing Star Trek costumes, we got to have our pictures taken on each set. We also received the entire Star Trek Micro Machines set for most authentic costumes.
That night, Helen and I made sure to dress properly for bed. I wore a pink sleeping gown, Helen wore a blue one. Looking at her, I aw a very pretty girl who was coming out of her shell just as I was coming out of mine.
Helen had withdrawn when her daddy died, and had only begun to open up after MY Drewbie got her involved with the gang. I was a bit stand offish at first because she could very easily have taken Dew from me. It was only after I had admitted that my missing Drew had hurt me that I was able to befriend Helen because I saw a kindred spirit in her.
We were in bed when Helen reached for her book, "Maddy, want to hear another story by Stan?" ['These stories are all light hearted. But I will only share them with Maddy.']
I leaned forward, "Sure Helen! Those stories are great!" ['Wonder what story she has tonight?']
"OK, the Title of this story is The Two Princesses
"Are we the Princesses? I giggled.
"Maybe," she giggled back.
Once upon a time there were two kingdoms ruled by wise and just kings. The West Kingdom and the East Kingdom were peaceful and prosperous. Princess Catrina of the West Kingdom and Princess Serenity of the East Kingdom were best friends and were both tutored by the Great Wizard Beren in all things.
Beren cared for his charges and taught them simple spells to protect them from harm, for the Dark Magician desired to overthrow the Kingdoms and rule with an iron fist.
To Princess Catrina he taught the skills of weaving and dance for her small lithe body was made for it. Princess Catrina had a marvelous gift, she could talk to the animals. The Courtyard was a haven for orphaned cubs and kittens of all forest animals. Princess Catrina cared for them and would not eat any meat because of her love for her animal friends.
To Princess Serenity, he taught how to play the piano and harp for she was a musician at heart. Her room was a haven away from Court for she was a truly gentle soul that found joy in music and dance. The Courtyard was filled with trees and songbirds that sang as she danced. She would not eat meat to honor her best friend.
To both he taught the skills of intrigue and court, for even in fairy tales, that is how things work. The two Princesses learned many things from the wizard and both began to learn his craft as well. They learned simple parlor tricks to delight their fathers and learned to defend themselves from those that would harm them.
"That Beren sure knew his stuff. Must have been as powerful as Camelot's Merlin."
"Yes Maddy, he was powerful, and very knowledgeable on many subjects."
When both began puberty was when the Dark Magician's spell began for he needed innocent blood to help him win. For they were of Wizard Blood of old. Beren had placed each child with royal families that were cursed to be barren so as to cause strife when the Crown was to be passed.
One day, an old hag approached Princess Catrina as she danced within her Courtyard. Princess Catrina saw her and asked," Pray tell me o visitor how may I help you today?"
"I am an old woman and but need to sit and rest. Please o Princess, dance and sing to ease my burdens for awhile."
"Then if you wish me to sing and dance for you, sing and dance I shall." Then as she sang and danced, she was transformed into a doll.
"What bewitchment is this?"
"O Princess, you are mine now, you shall be a Princess Doll until I release you." With that, Princess Catrina became a doll that the old hag picked up and in a puff of smoke vanished, leaving behind a letter on the bench.
Then the King entered the Courtyard looking for his daughter. "Catrina, where are you?"
Seeing the note, he bent over to retrieve it. When he read the note, he cried out, "WHAT BEWITCHMENT IS IT THAT HAS MY DAUGHTER!! I MUST SEE THE GOOD WIZARD!!" With that said, he sent a carrier pigeon to summon The Wizard Beren from his castle.
"He trusts Beren for him to call upon him. Is he trustworthy?"
"Yes, Beren is trustworthy, he could easily rule both Kingdoms."
Meanwhile, an old hag appeared in the Courtyard of Princess Serenity where she was playing the harp. Seeing the old hag, she stopped playing and asked, "Greetings to you my guest, how may I serve your needs?"
"Ah dear, sweet child, please continue playing yon harp. I have not heard such beauty in my entire life."
"Your wish is my command kind lady." As she began to play, she merged with the harp until she was a part of it. Her body formed the frame, her hair and gown flowed away from her body to form the harp as the strings played her distress.
"Oh my pretty Princess, now you shall play for me or lose your innocence." then with a cackle of evil glee she shrank the harp until it fit into her palm. Then she vanished again, leaving behind another note for her father to find.
Then her father came into the Courtyard to find out why she no longer played her harp. "Serenity, where are you my child?" Then, seeing the note, he read it and started crying aloud, WHO HAS TAKEN AWAY MY DAUGHTER!?!? I MUST CALL UPON THE GOOD WIZARD!!" Then he ran to the tower that held the pigeons and sent a note to call The Wizard Beren to his Court.
"They both trust him and are friends. Are they related?"
"That is not revealed, Maddy."
In his castle, Beren was relaxing when both pigeons arrived. "What is this? What would cause the two kings to summon me?"
Reading the notes, he hastily requested both to come to his castle and all would be explained. After the pigeons left, Beren began to assemble his arsenal of magic to combat the old hag. He assembled his wand and staff along with special potions about his person and then readied his castle for his guests.
As both of the Kings approached, Beren called out to them as he was walking down the road. "Oh great and wise Kings, I know of the plight of your daughters. They are under a bewitchment made by the Old Hag, who is my ancient enemy the Dark Magician."
"I go now to free them from their spells. King Leopold, Father of Catrina, your daughter is spelled into a scullery maid. I must free her from the spell or she will never return to you. King Hart, Father of Serenity, your daughter is spelled into a magical harp. I must free her or she will stay that way forever."
"Can you indeed free our daughters Good Wizard?" the Kings asked in unison.
"Yes I can for I know his secrets and shall bring them both home. They are as dear as daughters to me. Please stay in my castle as my guests until I return."
Then as the Kings entered Beren's Castle and were treated with dignity and honor, Beren spelled himself into Princess Catrina's enchantment. She was the beautiful daughter of a kind father that had died, leaving her to be raised by her Aunt Sophie who had two daughters.
"That Beren must have several potions and special equipment. How do the Kings avoid getting into trouble?"
"Simple Maddy, he seals away the things that can hurt anybody."
Catrina was made to a servants black dress. To humiliate her, the hem was at mid thigh, forcing her to wear black tights under her bloomers. Aunt Sophie entertained many young nobles in order to find a husband for her daughters.
Her daughters Molly and Dolly were twins and had lost their maidenhood early on and often were wooed at night by their suitors. But poor Catrina was hard pressed to stay a maiden as the nobles tried to woo her as well.
When an announcement arrived announcing Prince Charming's Birthday Ball, the twins both forced Catrina to make them evening gowns and her Aunt Sophie demanded one as well so that she could see her daughters woo the Prince.
When Catrina was alone, Been appeared before her as she was standing outside, wishing for a way out of her plight for she knew the fairytale that she was in and dreaded the fulfillment of it.
"Wizard, are you here to help me out of this tale or am I to become the unwilling chattel in this story?"
"Ah my Princess, only if you wish to live this life instead of your own will I leave you here. "
"I detest this life and people, my Father taught me to respect others, but if I had a wish, I would wish that Aunt Sophie and the twins pay for their treatment of me."
"Then allow me to correct your clothing Princess, please go to your room and don the gown laid upon your bed."
Going to her room Catrina found that the gowns which she had made were all there, but her other clothing was gone, "Wizard, I made these gowns for THEM! I know that they will not fit me."
"My Princess, they will now."
Coming out in a beautiful gown, the Wizard then sent them to his castle where her Father awaited her return.
"My Princess, you are returned!! Now my heart is at ease." he said as he hugged her.
"Yes Daddy, but my friend Serenity has yet to return. Until she does, my heart is broken."
"The Princesses are the best of friends."
"So it would seem Maddy."
"How do you know this my daughter?"
"The old crone told me."
"Be at Peace everybody, I will go and get Serenity from the story that she is trapped in," With that, Beren vanished into the realms of magic.
Beren appeared besides the frozen form of Princess Serenity, freeing her from the harp, "Wizard, I thank you for freeing me. The giant was always using me to sate his need for food. He has used me to raid the farms under his cloud."
"Worry not my Princess, soon Jack shall deal with the Giant and end his reign of terror."
"Good, but I still want to make that old crone pay for her evil."
"A giant glutton? Very apt, I giggled.
"Yeah, and we can get Drew to play the giant if we ever do a play based on the story," Helen giggled.
"Your wish will soon be granted as soon as I return you to your Father." Then he sent them back to his castle.
"My Daughter, You are safe!! Beren has kept his word to us!!" Then he hugged his daughter.
"Yes Daddy, I am safe now, but what of Catrina? Where is she?"
"Right here my friend." Then the two Princesses danced until Beren fell over in pain and the Dark Magician stood over him, laughing evilly.
"Dark Magician, you have caused great harm to the Two Kingdoms! For your crimes, you are banished from the Earth for all time." said Princess Catrina.
"Foolish girl, you can not banish me," he sneered.
"No, but TOGETHER, WE can! said Princess Serenity, then raising their hands in unison, they sent him into the Outer Darkness forever. Then, as they wept over their beloved teacher, he awakened.
"Wizard, what just happened here?"
"Princess Catrina, both of you have Wizards Blood flowing in your veins, That is why I taught you so that you could harness your gifts."
"Are you our Father then?"
"No Princess Serenity, I am but a simple Wizard that has taught two wonderful students."
"But what of our Kingdoms, we love each other and do not want to marry a Prince, sorry Daddy, but I want to wed Princess Serenity."
"That is simple my daughter, you two can adopt just as we two Kings did and you have always made me proud to have been your Father."
"And I love you my daughter, marry Princess Catrina and be happy."
"Thank you Daddy."
Then the two Kingdoms were joined into one and the Two Princesses adopted children who received their gifts of Wizards Blood thanks to Beren who became the trusted Adviser and with their Father, helped them to rule wisely.
"Quite a cute story there. Where does he get them from?"
"Well, not even he knows, he says that his muse gives him stories at the oddest times."
Then we went to sleep where I dreamed of Drew being Captain Kirk.
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Sequence of Chapters
The "Chapter-ology" is a mess! Everything through Chapter 7 is okay, but . . . . .
Previously, we had Chapters 8 and 9. Today we have a 'new' Chapter 8 that is the same as the previous Chapter 9, and a completely new Chapter 9!
To add insult to injury, the old Chapter 8 doesn't match anything. Where does it fit in the current sequence of 'Chapters'?
Donna M.