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A Gaby Fan-Fiction
by Stanman

What did Gaby/Drew do for Christmas? Is there really a Santa Claus?
It was the week before Christmas and the Apollaniris Cycling Teams had booked a local pub to host the Christmas party. Everybody was to dress as a Christmas theme character for the party and give a small donation to help the local orphanage to have Christmas for the orphans. The donations could be money or a gift for a child.
After the party, the orphanage would get the donations and have a feast from the abundant food gift from the pub. The Bond family had volunteered to help with the party by helping Kris Kringle. Drew was to receive a special gift this year from an unexpected source.
['That boy is going to make us late for the party. And him being a cycling champ.']
"Come on Drew! Shake a leg!" yelled Dave Bond as he stood at the bottom of the stairs.
Then from his room, came a slam as Drew shut his bedroom door, "Coming Dad!." replied Drew.
He flew down the stairs wearing his Christmas Elf costume and almost raan over his dad. He had volunteered to be a Christmas Elf at the Apollanaris Christmas party and as such, he was wearing green tights, red elf shoes and top while his elf cap was red and green.
"Careful there Drew, you don't want to wreck," chortled Dave. ['He is so accident prone at times that it's a wonder that he doesn't have any scars.']
"Sorry dad, but you did say for me to shake a leg," Drew laughed as he shook his right leg in amusement.
"That I did Scamp, that I did," agreed a chuckling Dave. ['I fell for that one.']
Then from the dining room came a whistle, "You look cute Drew, just like an Elf," admitted Josie Peters who was visiting for the holiday.
"Thanks Gran, at least everybody knows it's me and not Gaby tonight," he mused as he looked down at his "B" cup chest. [I think that I am the only guy who has breasts as large as his girlfriends.']
Then Josie cupped Drew's chin in her hand and looked him in the eye, "You still being seen as a girl even at school?" ['He had that problem back in Warsop and his having to borrow clothes from girls did not help either.']
Then Drew sighed, "No Gran, but at the bakery, some customers pinch my but," he admitted as he rubbed his rear. ['Now I know what that girl Sandy in Grottoes goes through at times. I am glad that she has friends like Erin and Diana.']
Then Josie smiled at her distraught grandson, "Well, they see a pretty girl when they do that. I went through the same when I was a waitress," she chuckled. ['Some things never change and my uniform dress was quite daring for the day being just over the knee,']
"It's not funny when it's boys from school that know about me working there," he fumed. ['Why they get a thrill I will never know.']
"Well, if you let the manager know and the school, I am sure that they will stop."
"Well, I have started screaming and having them leave in front of their mates."
"That'll do even better," Josie laughed. ['Glad to see that he is able to handle his problems.']
Then Jenny and Julie both came down wearing duplicate costumes," Gran, are you Mrs. Kringle for the party?" asked Julie. ['She looks so cool dressed like that, too bad she doesn't have the figure to be a cute Christmas Elf.']
Then Josie Peters grinned, looking down at her red floor length dress, "Yes, George asked me to, and sent me this costume, luckily, my gray hair makes a wig pointless." [' It's been too long since I have been to a Christmas party since Walter died. Time to stop living in the past.']
"Then who's Kris Kringle?" asked Jenny. ['Has that George tried to set her up with a date tonight?']
Then Dave hugged Jenny, "Don't know Luv, but knowing George, he has it covered," said Dave. ['He always looks out for the team.']
Then Josie noticed the time on the mantle clock and saw it was getting late, "OK everybody, let's go," said Josie.
Then they piled into Jenny's Mercedes and Julie got to drive since she had her learner's permit. She drove carefully and parked the Bond mobile in the slot reserved for Jenny. As they entered the pub reserved for the party, it chose that moment to start snowing hard.
"Oh great! I hope that we don't get snowed in," fumed Julie. ['Too bad that Lars couldn't make it.']
Then Jenny placed her hand on Julie's shoulder, "Well, I am sure that you can find a boy here if we are," replied Jenny. ['i was the same way with Dave when I was that young.']
Then George who was dressed as Jack Frost opened the door, "Hurry up and get in here! You're the last to arrive." ['Seems that the Bonds ae always last, but Jenny and Drew are fast on the bike.']
Inside the YE Olde Tavern pub, the entire Apollaniris Team was wearing varied Christmas theme clothing and by the hearth was Kris Kringle seated upon his throne, "Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas family Bond, please enjoy yourselves. Drew, will you please come over here?" ['He is the Guest Rider this year if he accepts.']
Drew looked over at Dave, "Should I dad?" ['Why would a man dressed as Father Christmas want to see me?']
"Go ahead Drew, he probably wants to talk about your helping with the gifts tonight." ['George wouldn't do anything to hurt or embaress Drew I hope.']
Then Drew approached Kris and shook his out stretched hand, "Hello Mister Kringle sir, I am Drew Bond," ['I hope that he does not think I am a girl.']
After shaking Drew's hand, Kris smiled, "Well Drew, I understand that you are to be my Christmas Elf tonight, would you like to ride with me during my Annual Christmas Ride?" ['Now to get him to believe in me.']
"Sure, but I have a question for you." ['Looks like dad was right, but what ride is this? A part of some parade or do I ride with him in some charity event?']
Then the kindly old man seated in the throne smiled at Drew, "Yes Drew, I know that you are a young man even though you look like a young woman and have issues about your body." ['Not much, because anybody that knows Drew knows this.']
"Thank you Mister Kringle, but anybody on the team could have told you that," he sighed. ['No doubt George told him to prevent a scene here.']
"Yes, but do they know that your Christmas Wish is to visit Maddy?" ['He has not voiced that wish to any yet.']
"No, I have told no one that, but that's easy enough to guess." ['Just what is this guy aiming at? Why does he act like he is the Real Deal?']
"And that you have sent her a special gift of German Chocolates with assorted nuts?" ['THAT he did in secret.']
"How did you know that? I only sent it yesterday!" ['Could he really BE Father Christmas? I have met Doctor Who and he was suppossed to be a fictional character on B.B.C.']
"Ho! Ho! Ho! Drew, I am really Kris Kringle." ['Now will he believe? it's ben awhile since that hearing in New York.']
As in The Miracle On 34th Street?" ['We have seen every version on the telly and have them to watch with the Pingers tomorrow.']
"The same." ['Ah!Now I see the Light of Christmas in his eyes now. Now he is ready for the Ride.']
"Does that mean that Rudolph is real too?" ['I have always liked that story and his adventures that came afterwards.']
"Yes, and Jack Frost as well as the other Christmas Legends and other Magical Beings." ['If only more people Believed, then there would be more Light in the world, but that is not for me to decide.']
Then Drew looked down at his breasts and sighed, "Does that mean that you can make my body more masculine?" ['Too bad that I can't take those hormones and still ride.']
Then a tear flowed down the kindly old man's cheek, "Unfortunately, that gift I can not give you because you are the Cyclist as Doctor Who said." ['Other than that, I would use my Magic to help the young man.']
Then Drew visibly deflated as his hopes were dashed, "I do not understand." ['Am I doomed to look like a girl unless I give up cycling?']
Kris then smiled at Drew, "You have a history yet to complete that as yourself will help others." ['I can say no more without revealing more of his Future.']
Drew then shook his head in defeat, "OK, I was hoping that things might be different somehow," he sighed. ['I will not give up cycing unless I have too.']
"That is why I want to take you on my Ride, I select a special boy or girl each year and they are all young at heart like you." ['Young Bond, even after all this time, the Goodness in your heart shines through,']
Then Drew's tummy loudly rumbled, "OK Mister Kringle, I will go, but now I am getting hungry," he grinned at his body's announcing its need. ['I wonder what's on the buffet?']
"Ho! Ho! Ho! Go and eat my friend, because you and your family are to help me tonight." ['Come to think about it, I am hungry to, but I need to tend my reindeer friends first.']
Then Drew joined his family at dinner while Kris went behind the throne where the reindeer were kept, "Ho! Ho! Ho1 my friends, time for your feeding, where's Jewel?"
Then a petite girl dressed exactly like Drew came forward, "Here I am Santa, Have you found the Rider yet?"
Then Kris chuckled with glee, 'Ho! Ho! Ho! Yes I have Little Elf Friend. Are you ready to help feed my reindeer friends?"
"Yes Santa."
"Then let's feed them and then we may eat dinner out there with the humans."
It was a traditional Christmas dinner from England with German additions for variety. Drew stuffed himself upon the feast and was allowed to drink cider with his meal. He enjoyed his one mug of cider and after he finished, he had a mug of eggnog. He was feeling very mellow and thanks to the meal, he stayed sober.
After the meal, Drew and his family gathered around Santa where Josie doled out cups of hot cocoa to each recipient that sat with Kris while Julie and Jenny handled the cameras as Dave took pictures and Drew helped by handing out the presents.
All went well until a drunk crashed the party. He came through the door by the hearth that was locked for the party.
As he barged in, he saw Drew in his costume, "Well, Well, Well, What a pretty Elf girl, come give me a kiss Sweetie!" Then he lunged at Drew. ['Gotta have a kiss from this sweetie.']
"KEEP AWAY CREEP! I'M NOT A GIRL!" Drew exclaimed as he sidestepped out of the way. ['Why me? Why can't I be a normal boy?']
Then Dave Bond landed a fist on the drunks nose, knocking him out, "Are you OK Drew?" ['I know he'll have nightmares from this,']
Smoothing down his top, Drew grinned, "Yeah Dad, he didn't touch me." [' Never saw dad get physical before, COOL!.']
"Drew, you need a drink to calm down?" asked Jenny as she hugged Drew.[' I'm scared for my son, yet he handled things well. I guess he is growing up.']
"Yes please mum, but soda if I may." [' I have had enough Holiday Spirits for the night, besides, I doubt that mum or dad woud let me have anymore.']
Then Josie handed Drew a cup of warm tea, "Sorry Drew, but they are out until they replace the supply, so have this tea instead." [' Drew needs some cuddling tonight, too bad Maddy is not here.']
Then Julie ran up and hugged Drew, "My god bro, you sure do have your adventures don't you?" she giggled. ['Hopefully, I can help my bro to laugh about it.']
Then Drew started to laugh and had to wipe his eyes from the tears," Yeah sis, I guess that this will make a good tale to tell to Maddy and the gang." ['Thanks sis, you've helped me to see the humor about this.']
"Thank you Dave Bond, you stopped that Grinch from causing any real harm." ['Too bad that there are real Grinches in the world.']
Then Jenny stalked over to Kris, "Any real harm?! Mister Kringle, my son could have been hurt," fumed Jenny. ['If that drunk had gotten a hold of Drew, he might have revealed my son's endowments.']
Then Kris looked into Jenny's hardened eyes, "Jenny Bond, your son was never in danger with everybody here." ['I would have stopped him from hurting Drew before anything happened to him.']
Then Jenny pointed to her son, "Well Kris Kringle or whatever name you want to go by, you don't have a son that gets mistaken as a girl." ['I have had this nightmare for years and now it has happened to my son.']
"No I do not, Please do not let this ruin your Christmas Spirit." ['Now to invoke my Power and help Jenny to remember the Season.']
"You're right Mister Kringle." ['Drew is safe and the drunk is out cold thanks to Dave, I think that we'll have some fun tonight.']
The rest of the night went well and afterwards, the Bonds were back home asleep talking about their gifts, then went to bed.
The Christmas Spirit really grew in the Bond Household as they visited their friends in and around the city. Finally it was Christmas Eve and Drew was fast asleep when he was awakened by a jingling of tiny bells and the sound of someone on the roof.
"Oops, I forgot about tonights sleigh ride with Father Christmas. I had best get dressed." Drew said out loud as he hurriedly looked for something to wear.
Then a jingle and soft white glow announced the arrival of Father Christmas, "Ho1 Ho! Ho! Drew, I see that you overslept tonight," he chuckled. ['Poor lad, he got so caught up in Christmas activities that he did not set out anything to wear, well I can take care of that.']
"Won't you awaken my family?" asked Drew as he frantically sought for something to wear.
"Ho! Ho! Ho! My lad, we are safe. In fact, no one will know that you left for this ride," chuckled the ever mirthful Kringle.
"Well, OK, but I can't find a thing to wear," sighed Drew.
Then his Christmas party costume floated out from under his bed and suddenly Drew was once again a Christmas Elf, " Ho! Ho! Ho! Drew my lad, wear this since you are my Helper tonight."
"OK Father Christmas, shall I start by escorting you to the tree?"
"Lead the way my lad."
So Drew led Father Christmas down to the room where the Christmas Tree was set up and Father Christmas pulled out gifts for everyone in the household. Then he went over to whre the snack was et out and swifltly ate a portion and drank the eggnog, then he gathered up the remaining snacks and left behind a box of candy canes.
"Come Drew my lad, let's give my reindeer friends a few of these snacks to go with others I have from Mrs. Clause."
Then they appeared on the roof where Drew fed the nine reindeer who all gave him a kiss for his kindness while Father Christmas sat in the sleigh. Then Drew got in next to Kris and they were off on the Christmas Eve Sleigh Ride.
Drew saw the world that night threw the eyes of Father Christmas who went from house to house with Dew and left gifts behind and in some cases, much needed gifts that helped the recipient in some small way.
It was on the return to Germany that Drew got his Wish as they landed on Chez Peters, "Here you are my lad, We have already been here, but now we are here for you to see Maddy."
"Will she know that I am here?"
"In a dream Drew, in a dream. Now go and wish her a Merry Christmas."
Then Drew was kneeling by Maddy who was wearing a night dress that Drew had given her. She was sleeping under the Christmas quilt that Josie had sent her one year. Drew looked at Maddy with longing and finally kissed her on the cheek.
"Merry Christmas Maddy my Love. I have missed you ever since I left for Germany. I do not kow what the future holds for us, but I hope that one day we will be married. But when we are, I will wear a tux, NOT a wedding dess," he smiled as he remembered their many adventures together.
Then he was back in the sleigh and heading back home. Father Christmas left him in his bed and then whisked away to the North Pole and Home.
Meanwhile Maddy opened her eyes as Drew left and silently cried tears of happiness, " I love you too Drew, I too hope that we marry one day. And don't worry, I will make sure that you are properly attired in a tux for our wedding my Love."
Merry Christmas
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nice short piece
I am embarrassed to admit a taste for the sentimental but I enjoyed this very much.