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Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *7*

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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 7*
A Clear Head

Battle Scars Part 5

Lucifer smiled as he cleaned his swords and his magical staff which he very rarely used ,looking at the weapons which have claimed numerous lives. Its told he had imbued the staff with the souls of thousands of people he had killed turning it into a very powerful weapon .He had the staff created after his battle with Nathan to make sure he doesn't loose again. But he still took pleasure in beating his enemies to death using his bare fists.

The Girl in the Frat House -- Part 3

Harold is a slight and effeminate boy who finds both friends and tormenters as he begins his freshman year in college in one of the rowdiest of frat houses. Sometimes he is a lovely girl named Heidi and his beauty is stunning and convincing. Yet, he finds joy as well by being a boy named Harold. He struggles to find the best direction for his future.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 245

Galling As Falling - Appalling!
by Angharad
part 245.

I assumed mention of bikinis was just a wind up because there was no way I was wearing one to play with dormice, especially on film. Simon and Des were still sparring.

"You want a drink presh?" asked Simon.

I wasn't really listening, thinking about bikinis and Des. "Erm, what?"

"Do you want a drink?"

The Steam in the Mirror, the Fog from the Sea (part 2)

The fountain that my own fingers recall, nothing like this: Drawn from a pond, a puddle. But, oh, how I felt an ocean of you crashing in. Ocean: warm saltiness of life, thick with potential, humming with energy barely contained, condensed of beating hearts and fluttering gills and lashing tails of a million, of a billion tiny creatures saying: Live, live.

A Mother's Love - Vol. 1.07


As we got in the car she looked at me strangely and said.

"Well this is something that I never thought I would have to say to my son in law, but I think you'd better repair your make up, your mascara has run"


A Mother's Love Part 7

by Alys

The Greatest Lie -4- Those Happy College Nights

The Greatest Lie
Chapter 4
Those Happy College Nights

WARNING! This story meant solely for adult audiences! It contains scenes of graphic sex and forcible rape described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading, hit the back key or dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! This story is purely fictional. All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental.

Houston, We Have a Situation Here - Part 2 (final)

Eventually she let me loose long enough to get a good look at my face. “You certainly make a pretty girl, even under all those tears. Come on. Let’s get both of you cleaned up.” To Wendy she asked, “How bad have things gotten?”

Houston, we have a situation here - Part 2 Final
By Buggie

For King & Country (part 12)

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 244

Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by: Angharad
part 244.

On the drive back to Dad's house, I called Des, fortunately he was there, I'd meant to do it the day before but got sort of side lined.

"Hi Des, it's Cathy Watts."

"Oh, hello darlin' to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Simon and I have been up to see my dad and thought it would be super to say hello this evening if you're free."

For King & Country (part 11)

The Greatest Lie -3- Town and Gown

Summer school and risky business as Alex explores life in college and on the streets.
The Greatest Lie
Chapter 3
Town and Gown

WARNING! This story meant solely for adult audiences! It contains scenes of graphic sex and forcible rape described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading, hit the back key or dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! This story is purely fictional. All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 243

Easter Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad
part 243.

Stella's cooking was well received and I cleared up the dishes, popping them in the dishwasher. She was talking with Tom, or was that flirting with Tom? He was old enough to be her father, but that was between them.

Tragedy of the Spirit Part 21 DEJA VU

What Maisie Knew: 15. Pray For Her Soul, Girls

"Look at this, though!" I said, pointing to a comment in italics. It read The "evil twin".

"Whoa! What does that mean?" Maisie asked. "Mrs. Wix, evil? I don't believe it. It's impossible."

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

One Long Summer [Chapter 4 - Playing Games]

by Phantasi Boi

Intro: Here’s chapter 4 of my 1st attempt at a serial. As always I welcome comments be they praise or criticism. Please don’t be angry if I get any facts wrong regarding gender issues, it is only a story, besides the characters themselves could be getting it wrong rather than me. Feel free to point out any errors I make though.

They hadn’t noticed Nadine walk back in; she heard this last comment despite the fact they were talking quietly.

“Did I hear right Lini? You’re not a real girl?”

“Erm, no not at all, we were just talking about someone else.”

For King & Country (part 10)


For King & Country (part 10)

by Miss K

Masters' mission nears its conclusion as she penetrates the security surrounding Room 497. But Sato has a final surprise up her sleeve. Who lives and who dies...?

The Greatest Lie -2- Don't You Hate Buses

Bus rides can be adventures, from brutally humiliating to romantically fulfilling...
The Greatest Lie
Chapter 2
Don’t You Hate Buses?

WARNING! This story meant solely for adult audiences! It contains scenes of graphic sex and forcible rape described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading, hit the back key or dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! This story is purely fictional. All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental.

Sister's Punishment

Chris lands himself in trouble at school while his parents are away. His sister devises a suitable punishment for him, agreed to by the school.

This is my first post to BigCloset, and my first in several years. The story is several years old but never seen online in this form until now. It is inteded to end how it does, open and leaving leaving the reader wondering what comes next. Use your imagination! ~.^ -- SD

Pray Happy For You

I wrote this late at night, worn out from a very disappointing day. All I knew, and it is my only Anchor, was that my suffering is no different from others I know here. I was in utter despair with tears flooding my vision. Much to my total astonishment, some of you enjoyed it. I am non-plused by your reactions, but thank you.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 241

Easy As ....(you decide).
by: Wassername
part - something which is less than a whole.

Tom pretended to shrink upon seeing us. "My God," he said, "can't a fellow get away from these pestilent women, to eat in peace?"

"Apparently not," said a male voice behind us, "but if you're fed up with them, you can send them over to me anytime."

The Greatest Lie -1- Prom Night

Alex Rios, snobbish highschool intellectual, begins his awkward transition through a relationship with a beautiful Latina friend. But their feminine idyll ends horribly when they are caught by her old boyfriend Miguel...

The Greatest Lie

Chapter 1
Prom Night
by Alexandra Rios

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental. It contains graphic sex and forcible rape described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! A previous version of Chapter 1 (titled "The Biggest Lie") was originally posted to Fictionmania on January 6, 2002. Chapter 2 carries on our heroine's adventures and transformation.

What Maisie Knew: 13. A Shiver of Excitement

Mom paused and looked at me for a moment. "I don't understand why that girl can't talk to her own mother."

"I can't speak for Maisie," I protested.

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

For King & Country (part 9)

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 5

As she approached the office, Hiromi saw something amiss. Her office door was ajar. Hiromi walked straight into the room only to find someone seated at her desk.

It was the computer programmer Omar Rafique also known as 'The Indian' within the Watanabe Yakuza. He was operating Hiromi’s computer.

“Get out of there!” Hiromi growled. “At once!”

Omar stood up from the chair and immediately became apologetic. Saying he was only doing a software upgrade.

“I don’t care, get out of my office now.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Five

Synopsis- Captain Slater continues her Swan Song mission while at the same time undergoing both physical and mental changes.


More DopplerPress

Pea Pod 3: Give Peas a Chance


Audience Rating: 


The continuing adventures of Doug Gordon, Queen of Ka'an. (Ka'an in Mayan means Heaven.) Ka'an is actually an alien world populated by women... and a man-eating plant. Well, it is actually male-eating plants that spit out females. Doug and his wives fixed everything, but now Doug must remake a planet... and it seems Ka'an will be remade in his image!

Pea Pod 3

It's the third book in Holly's rollicking adventure story about a man, a plant, a harem - Ka'an!

Heaven and Hell 5: Lillith's Ransom at Amazon


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Lorelei did such a good job on various Hellish problems that she got kicked upstairs. No! Not up THERE, just into the Bureaucracy of Hell. The Big Guy Down Below has a cruel sense of humor.

Oh, Joy.

And now a new problem! Lillith, Queen of Temptresses, Mother of Succubae, has been canned — literally! Jade has her in a canning jar displayed as a trophy.

Heaven and Hell 5 Cover

There's only one thing Lorelei can do. Sit on Lillith's throne to keep peace among the Succubae while moving ahead with Hell's agenda—including maintaining the Truce with Heaven—and figuring out how to get Lillith's pretty butt out of the Can!

Oh, Bliss!

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