Stripper Candy Part 1

By the way, my name is Paul. I’m that creepy guy that sits in the back of post modern women’s history thinking of how I can get any one of these Femme Nazis to do anything remotely sexual with me, other than flirt and tease me about being a man in a woman’s major.

Tracy, the hottest girl in the group, suggested I accompany her to work tonight to meet her boss. So here I am dressing up in my best to meet a guy hoping for a job doing anything for money.

Stripper Candy

Part 1

By Olivia-Kate

It was in the end of my sophomore year at the local college that my parents split up. My father was paying my way through college at the time of the divorce and I received a letter from him stating that he would not be able to pay my tuition any more. I was desperate. I needed money and fast. I tried everything I could think of but no one wanted to hire me. I asked a few female “friends” from study groups what I could do in the meantime to make an initial down payment on an extended plan. I was two thirds through a degree in women’s studies. I thought it would help me get a better chance working as a social worker someway. By the way, my name is Paul. I’m that creepy guy that sits in the back of post modern women’s history thinking of how I can get any one of these Femme Nazis to do anything remotely sexual with me, other than flirt and tease me about being a man in a woman’s major.

Tracy, the hottest girl in the group, suggested I accompany her to work tonight to meet her boss. So here I am dressing up in my best to meet a guy hoping for a job doing anything for money.

I meet Tracy in the parking lot and follow her to her car.

“Good evening Paul.” She warmly greets me. “Are you ready to meet Luigi?”

“Is that your Boss?” I inquire.

“I called him this afternoon and he says he has a job for you if you can give him two full weeks starting today.”

“I don’t have any classes for ten days with the midterms just finishing up.” I say.

“I’ll see if I can sweet talk him for you.” She smiles.

I get in the car and Tracy hands me a Mountain Dew and a pill.

“You have to take this or I am not taking you to see Luigi.” Tracy says.

“What is it?” I ask.

“Paul, do you want to understand what women go through so you can help them live better lives in the face of discrimination and bigotry?” She begins to monologue.

I take the pill and down the Dew. Tracy starts the car and pulls out of her sorority house parking lot. I try to pay attention to where I am going but suddenly find myself feeling very tired and soon I pass out.

I wake up in an office with a slightly overweight man with a handlebar mustache smiling at me.

“Good evening Paul, I am Luigi.”

I’m feeling hung over with a splitting headache and blurred vision. For some weird reason I feel very horny but flaccid at the same time. I was extremely frustrated and in need of anything to satisfy my itch.

“Why did you have me drugged?” I breathe as the pounding in my head worsens.

“I am a business man Mr. Righetti. I have an exclusive gentlemen’s club and I operate only by referral. I have some of the most wealthy and successful professionals in attendance nightly. I don’t want a mook like you ruining that for me by blabbing about it to your friends, so I had Tracy drug you.”

“What did she drug me with?”

“It’s a special blend of sedatives, metabolic enhancers and a few harmless hormones that help you assimilate them into your system quickly. I call it Stripper Candy.” He beams proudly.

“What exactly does it do besides knock people out and give them splitting headaches?” I ask.

“That is my little secret. If you agree to my terms I will tell you at the end of your ten day trial period.”

“What are your conditions?” I wonder.

“The only two conditions are one, no questions asked, and two, you will do everything I or my associates tell you to do. Do you agree to these terms?”

I nod in agreement hoping the throbbing in my temples will fade.

“Since you agree to my conditions I want you to take another dose of Stripper Candy and go to sleep in your new apartment. I will send an associate for you in the morning. I want you to go to the closet in your bedroom and put on the pajamas that catch your eye. Good night Paul.”
I pass in and out of consciousness and find the closet easily enough and see that it is filled with negligees of all sorts of colors and varying skimpiness. I browse through them all and find a nice pink lacy number that fits me so nicely.

Now, I’m not gay but I felt drawn to wear the whole ensemble. I quickly put on the garter belt and slip the stockings over my surprisingly smooth hairless legs. The cool silky feeling washes over my legs and I feel so deliciously free in these feminine trappings. I move on to putting on the panties. I feel so turned on by wearing all this and yet I feel nothing stirring down below. I think I might be going crazy but I feel like my penis is shrinking or maybe turning inward. The panties feel so amazing and it doesn’t even make my genitals fall out of the sides. Were these garments made for men?

I hurriedly finish putting on the camisole top and crawl into the luxurious silk sheeted bed. I go to turn off the light and find a note hanging on the light switch. It reads:
“Paul, play the CD while you sleep on repeat. I will have a man come pick you up in the morning.
I turn on the CD player that’s on the nightstand and hit play, turn off the lights and relax. I start to think of how strange I must appear to an outside observer, I mean here I am a regular guy trying to get a little money to finish my schooling dressing in drag and agreeing to do anything no questions asked. I start to wonder about what Luigi told me about his “Stripper Candy” and my brain starts to hurt. I close my eyes and let the silky comfort I’m being bathed and fall gently to sleep.

I wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and can’t wait to get started with my ten days of work. I start by going to the bathroom and find the biggest bathtub I have ever seen and immediately start to fill it with the bubble bath solution that is on the ledge. I slip out of my nightie and ease into the bath. I can’t help but notice that my nipples are very sensitive and look a little swollen. I start to inspect my chest and also find that all of my chest hair has completely fallen off. I turn my attention to my genitals and notice that I am not hallucinating about my penis shrinking. My testicles have also shrunk quite noticeably.

Normally I would be more than a little upset at this but I find myself wanting this. In some strange way I can’t wait for my breasts to fully develop and my vagina to be ready to fuck some lucky man. I get so turned on by this I suddenly realized that I am fingering my now small and unresponsive penis like I’ve seen my ex-girlfriends finger fuck themselves. I get into such a great feeling and a steady rhythm that I start to feel myself cum. I am so taken back by this feeling that I want to feel it again and I figure to hell with breakfast, I want to fuck someone now.

I get a knock on the door just when I finished my third orgasm and I just roll out of the tub and loosely throw a robe on. I rush to the door and answer. The most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on was at the door. My jaw dropped and all I could think of was grabbing this man and telling him to stick it in my ass.

I couldn’t believe what was going on in my mind. Deep down I am horrified at what I am thinking, but I also deeply want him to fuck me in the ass.

I just stare in disbelief. He breaks this awkward silence.

“I’m supposed to pick up Rebecca?” His deep voice sends pleasurable chills down my spine.

“Are you sure you have the right apartment number?” I ask.

With that he just walks in pushing past me and sits down on my couch. He sits with his arms laid out across the top of the cushions and puts his head back.

“Luigi told me you wouldn’t ask any questions.” His voice melts my most sensitive parts.

“I didn’t know what name I was supposed to be going by.” I defend.

“For your punishment, since it is your first offense, you are going to blow me right here and now.” He says so dreamily.

I immediately disrobe and excitedly pull on his belt buckle. I finally get it undone and drop his pants around his ankles. My god this man is hung. I put my quivering mouth on his giant organ and start to gently bob my head up and down. I work up a really good rhythm and start to get into the activities I started my day with. I slowly reach my hand down to my groin and start to rub my little penis.

He pulls my hand away and gently raises my head a little leaving my now tired jaw wrapped around his juicy cock.

“I didn’t tell you to touch yourself.” He scolds.

I go back to sucking him off when he pushes the back of my head down as hard as he can on his dick and I feel it slip down past my tonsils and gently right into my throat. Immediately upon working past my gag reflex I feel this giant dick pulse and jerk as a welcome bath of jiz floods my throat and I work really hard to take it all in. I feel my self start to gag as he pulls it out of me and he looks right into my eyes and points his finger right at me.

“Don’t you dare spill a single drop of my sperm, or I will make your ass sorry if you do.” He warns.

I almost intentionally drop a little on his thigh just to have that glorious member in my throbbing sphincter when it accidentally starts to seep out of my mouth and a huge wad falls right on his nut sack.

He grabs me by the hair and pushes my face right into his lap and orders me to lick him clean and I gladly do it. He stands up and goes right to my bed and lays down on it.

“Get over here and lay face down with your ass in the air.” He commands.

I hurriedly run to my bed and do as he tells me.

“Now this is going to hurt a lot.” He says.

In anticipation I relax as best as I can and I feel his hard hot head press against my asshole. I push back with my ass and I feel this giant of a penis go right into me. At first I almost screamed in pain but as I laid there and let him pump me I started to relax and it was feeling really really good. Just as I was expecting him to continue to bully me around about my pleasure he grunts to me.

“Touch yourself. I want to feel you cum.” He breathes.

I reach down and start to rub my little penis, and the sensation I had earlier this morning is nothing compared to the sheer ecstasy I find myself in now. I rub my fourth orgasm out since I got up two hours ago and right as I cum I feel him throb and pulse twice as hard as before, and twice as much comes out of him.

I lay there in a glow of delight and disgust at once. That part of me that had reservations about homosexuality was very quickly dying in the back of my mind as I started to wonder if I was becoming gay or if I was being turned into a woman. I wondered if my penis shrinking was in fact it turning inward. Was the CD I had playing all night really a mental reprogramming? After thinking about it for a few seconds I decided I didn’t care as long as I got to have more great sex with hotties like my current roommate.

“Get dressed.” He panted.

I got up and started to pick up my clothes that I wore to come here.

He gets up and grabs my clothes out of my hand.

“You don’t wear men’s clothing anymore.” He says.

I was partially put off by this notion but at the same time relieved. I so enjoyed my experience of sleeping in lingerie that I just wanted to wear it all of the time but I didn’t want to be seen as some kind of freak.

I casually sauntered over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of panties. They were a day-glo pink thong that looked like it might be a little tight to fit into. I gently bent down and put one leg through followed very naturally by the other. As I pull my panties up I find I was right, they are tight. I pulled as best as I could and it pinched my now even smaller nuts and leave a small but unmistakable bulge in my pink spandex clad midsection.

My mystery man walks over and tells me to stop. He gently pulls my panties down, tucks my tiny penis and balls in-between my legs, and pulls my panties up holding them in place.

“You’ll need a bra as well.” He says.

I find a matching bra and put it on. Surprisingly it fits me perfectly and I have very lovely A-cup breasts that fit snugly into the cups. I notice that my bra has some room for growth.

“That bra will go to a full B-cup.” My mystery man says. “Now find yourself a garter and some stockings. I want you in a very slutty dress with a short hem.”
I go to my bathroom and pick up my garter and stockings from last night and put them on. I go to my closet and open the other door on it and see a whole rack full of different dresses. I find a cute light pink one and slip into it. I go back to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I need some make-up. I find a purse with my new name on it in the drawer of the sink. I put some eyeliner on and follow up with some mascara. Next comes the foundation to make my cheeks look more profound. Lastly comes my lipstick. I find the perfect shade of red and put some on. I give myself a once over in the mirror. I must admit after one night and to pills I have a surprisingly feminine look.

I come out of my bathroom and take a little walk in front of my mystery man. He nods approvingly.

“Now you need some shoes.” He says.

I look around for some shoes and I quickly find a row of boxes filled with pumps. I’m a little worried that I won’t know how to walk in them but they are the only kind of shoes around. I find some patent leather pumps with only a four inch heal. I figured I would try these as the rest are six inches or bigger.

I take a few shaky steps and figure it would be better to take very short steps.

“That’s very nice.” My boy toy coos.

I take a few short steps and feel just why men admire women’s legs, especially when they’re wearing heels. My calves are so tight I walk very gingerly to keep my ankles isolated.
We get to my mystery dates car and get going to my first appointment as a female. I walk very sheepishly up to the counter of a beauty salon and ask for my name, Rebecca. The receptionist gladly takes me back to the waiting area and takes a seat next to me.

“So,” She begins. “What made you decide to do it?” She asks.

“Do what?” I ask in return.

“You know.” She smiles. “What made you decide to take a loan from Luigi?”

“Is it that obvious?” I inquire.

“I deal personally with all of Luigi’s new hires.” She explains. “I have a knack for making strippers look very refined and high maintenance.”

“How much has Luigi told you about me?”

“He told me that a Miss Rebecca Righetti will be in around nine thirty. He also informed me that she was to be treated very special and given the royal treatment.”

“So how do you know that I took a loan from him?”

“I used to work for him as one of his entertainers until I finished my degree in cosmetology.”

“What did you do as an entertainer?” I implore her.

“I didn’t do anything degrading, if that’s what you’re asking. I was his personal assistant and advisor on who to hire and what treatments to give the girls that weren’t making the money that he expected of them.”

“So he was basically a pimp?” I ask.

“No, more like an active manager at the most exclusive gentlemen’s club in town. If a man does something to a girl that she is uncomfortable with, Luigi has connections that educate men in need of knowledge on how to treat a lady.”

I was impressed with my new employer. I had great confidence that if my mystery man did something out of line I was in good hands.

The stylist comes out to greet me and takes me back to the styling suite.

“Now Rebecca, take off all of your clothes and lay on the table face up.” She orders me. “I am going to do my best to make you into a world class beauty. I want supermodels to be jealous of your looks when I am done with you.”

I lie down on the table and wait for the horrified screaming that will surely come from this poor beautician when she sees my remaining man parts.

She walks in and takes a look at me from head to toe and just nods.

“So Miss Righetti,” She starts. “Amanda tells me that you work for Luigi.”

“Yes I do.” I breathe out.
“I helped him come up with his Stripper Candy. I have a PhD in bio-chemistry. My working here is simply to facilitate the legal investment of his profits from the club. I specifically engineer the drug to make your body become what Luigi wants in a woman for one of his customers. I was approached by Luigi two weeks ago telling me that I had a huge task ahead of me. He told me about your recent developments at home, and that he made arrangements to quash any attempts to have you employed in this town specifically to go global with his Stripper Candy. I also had to come up with a neural reprogramming of your mind so that you would pay the least attention to any technical parts of your total transformation. In short I was supposed to make you a complete bimbo whose only desire is please her man and look extremely beautiful and act very refined in public.”

“In short, I’m supposed to be a complete angel in the world view and a whore in the bedroom.” I exasperate.

“Yes.” She agrees. “I want you to take two doses of Stripper Candy and I will be back for you in the morning. When you awake you will have been completely transformed into a woman. Your breasts will still take a few days to finish growing to their full size, but you will be one hundred percent female. Also, you will have your memories of ever having been a man wiped from your memory. You will do everything a man tells you to do with out question. I look forward to being the first to give you a female orgasm in the morning. Oh, and by the way,” She smiles. “Your mystery date is my bisexual brother. He wants nothing to do with you after today.”

Crushed at the news I had hoping for a steady boyfriend from my boy toy I take my two pills and listen to the music, consigning myself to my fate. I hope that life will truly be better for me as Rebecca than they were as Paul.
I wake up feeling refreshed and rested like I never have. I honestly can’t remember ever being this alive in my life. Even as a young girl I never slept this well. I am looking forward to my new job as an exotic dancer. I think it’s so hot that some of the world’s most influential men will want me to be their fantasy that I just can’t wait for tonight.
Janet said she would be in with my new outfit and my dance instructor at seven. I got up and showered and lounged around in the glory that is my nudity.

I was just lying on the bed when suddenly I felt a firm hand on my breasts grab them and squeeze them just the way I like it.

“Get up on all four for me.” A dreamy voice told me.

“For you I will gladly do anything.” I replied as I rolled over.

“Jessica,” The dreamy voice called. “I want to watch the two of you fuck each other until the two of you are covered in each others’ pussy juices.”

Jessica crawls underneath me in a sixty nine position and starts to lick my pie.

“Rebecca,” The voice behind me melts my inhibitions. “I want you to receive all of the pleasuring and only participate for your pleasure. When you are done with Jessica I want you to get dressed and meet me outside at the coffee shop.”

I lock my legs as Jessica licks and finger fucks me. I lick her and stroke her pussy with my tongue. We turn around and start to rub our clits together. I feel myself getting very antsy and I need to have my pussy filled. I want it so bad I can taste the cock in my mouth. I ask Jessica if she has a dildo to fuck me with. I am happy to say that Jessica had the perfect double ended dildo in the things she brought for me. I lube it up by sucking on my end while vigorously rubbing Jessica’s pussy, and she does the same for me. Jessica is the first to break away from our little embrace and puts the end I had in my mouth in her pussy. I lie down and let her put her big dick in my anxious pussy. Carefully, we turn over and start to buck our hips together and fuck this amazing dick.

I decide that I want Jessica to fuck me like a man would. I voice my desire and she tells me to hold on. A minute later Jessica comes out from behind the dressing curtain, tightening a strap on.

“I have to tell you,” Jessica says. “This is your personal dick. It was molded from a man you know.” She coyly smiles.

“Who was it molded from?” I ask as I continue to masturbate in expectation.

“It was molded from your ex-boyfriend Paul.” She smiles.

“I so love the way his dick makes me feel.” I moan as I get close to climax.

Jessica walks right up to me wearing “my” dick. The thought makes me laugh. My Jessica has MY “dick” to fuck me with. She walks right to where I am curled up in my little dose of pure ecstasy.

“Blow me bitch!” she barks.

I am so turned on at the thought of being someone’s bitch that I gladly get down on my knees and start to cup her balls in my free hand while I suck on her gorgeous cock.

I know it’s not the biggest dick I have ever sucked, but I just love how filling it is in my mouth. I wish I could get even just one drop of this man’s precious baby batter anywhere on or in me.

After Jessica feels that I have lubed her ample dick up enough, she grabs me by the hair and pulls me off of her wet hard penis. She forcefully bends me over and viciously rams it into me. God, I am loving the way this feels. For what seems like an eternity Jessica rams me with her perfect rod just the way I remember being fucked by this dick. I cum and cum again all over her dick.
Exhausted, Jessica slumps down next to me panting.

“That,” She rasps. “Was the best fucking I have ever had from anybody. I am almost ashamed to have done what I did to you. I hope you enjoy being a bimbo for Luigi as I have enjoyed exploring my lesbian desires with you.”

I get up off of the table and get dressed in the clothes that Jessica brought for me. It is a very lovely little black dress, with the perfect matching shoes and seamed nylons. I run my fingers through my hair and admire that my makeup is not running. I think Jessica gave me some cosmetic tattoos.

To Be Continued…

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