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The last crossdresser in the world

The sound of a car driving away, caused by a smile on Jack's face.
e waited another 10 minutes to be safe. The treasure chest was hidden behind the drawer.
A plaid skirt, a low-cut blouse, tights, panties, a bra and mary-jane shoes.
A beautiful set, created over a year.
It fits Jack perfectly. Everything fits well. He looks like a regular girl.
Excitement when he sneaks out of the house dressed like that. I've never forgotten it.
The thrill of being caught or laughed at.
Now it's all over. He can only change secretly at home.

Hope's Light - Chapter 2 - Paintings


Hope's Light (Chapter 2 of 35)

by Erisian

Book 6


If you have yet to read the saga - the tale starts here:

Into The Light

Hope you enjoy!


Chapter Two - Paintings


Ever since that moment of radical transformation (or resurrection, if one prefers) back at the start of all the madness - when my name went from Justin to Jordan and personal pronouns flipped on their heads - I’ve had occasion to journey to a scattering of spiritual places. Planes of existence, dreams, realms - call them what you will - they all had a certain commonality. They were formed around an inner core, a nugget of desire or purpose which stabilized the whole and resonated throughout. Some were tied to entire stories sung forth in glorious splendor, others built on specific concrete principles or even emotional states. The more coherent the core, the more cohesive the realm - and all the souls and spirits resonating in sync with that pattern locked-in the solidity even further. Their presence and observations made things more ‘real’ within that domain.

I’ve tasted, touched, ripped, reinforced, and even created such places anew. The planes of Hell were no exception in their properties, and while I’d only visited two of the many available, for various (and desperate!) reasons I’d needed to delve deep into the structures of both to fight against a Chaos-corrupted agent attempting to shred them into incoherent pieces.

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 24

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 24


It’s an hour and a half past visiting hours by the time we’re done watching the movies and we’re all yawning and stretching and stuff and we head downstairs to leave or rather they are and I walk them downstairs mostly to get the aches from the bed and sitting for so long out and stuff.

We hug and promise to talk online and stuff later and I watch them get into their cars and stuff.

Danny has his license apparently and he’s driving this old, really old cutlass cruiser station wagon…that’s Oldsmobile I think it’s such a beater but it kind of suits him.

Sigh…What a really, really good night.

*And Now…

Playing her way - Chapter 5

Playing her way - Chapter 5

© D.L.

Emily, Anna and Wendy had found a shady spot under a tree away from other students. They had a short time before they had to split up to go to various lunch time clubs and activities. Wendy was part of the debating society and Anna was due for a private Violin lesson. Emily would also be heading to the music department, but for a recording session. After explaining her deception to Anna, and filling Wendy in on the latest developments she wasn't sure she was in the mood for recording any videos.

I, monster. chapter 3.

Alright, so last post of October. It's been a great month for me writing wise; hard to believe this time last year saw the creation of "Room in Hell."

For those wondering, more 'normal' posts will start for me next month, on the desktop as we speak is Vagrants chapter 10. For now, enjoy this one, and happy Halloween!

Case 1: Terri Kinsley ~ 11 (Conclusion)

This is the transitional piece to the new “Joy of Life” universe. While not imperative, if you have not read the “Joey’s Joy” series, some of the later chapters in this series may not fully make sense.

In this chapter, Terri makes a choice—sort of.

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 23

Hopscotch… A Jump Through Life 23


I hear some clapping from the doorway and I look up to see Danny and Jo-Beth with some bags of stuff. And Danny’s grinning and he looks different than his pictures but not, he’s beefed up some since a lot of them by like maybe ten or fifteen pounds of like muscle by the looks of his arms and he’s got a haircut too.

And Jo-Beth who’s clapping all happy like is well…she’s short like five four but she’s got longer hair than her pictures sort of show on her Facebook page and she’s really curvy too like with the sexy hips and she has these really huge boobs.

And I’m kind of feeling a little shy and stuff and I’m biting my lower lip a little and stuff.

“Hey…you guys came.”

Danny grins holding up a big take out bag from MacDonald’s. “And I brought ice cream.”

Kaitlyn squees. “Yay Ice Cream!”

Wow Danny…he looks at her and he looks like he was kind of just hit by a truck.


*And Now…

Playing her way - Chapter 4

Playing her way - Chapter 4

© 2014 D.L.

It was with some trepidation that Emily followed Anna down the corridor. It was Thursday and they had just finished supper. They now had a club or activity slot before the evening prep period.

"Where are we going?" Emily asked, "I don't like surprises."

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 22

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 22


Mom takes Dad’s hand and she kisses him and she leads him out of my room and I look at Kaitlyn and she sort of blushes under the scrutiny and bites her lower lip a little and we sort of do that intense stare at each other thing before the tears are building up in my eyes and I start to cry and…

“Thank you, thank you for just like dropping your life and coming…” (Sniffle.)

She gives me that head tilty really light up the day kind of pretty smile and she reaches up and she thumbstrokes some of the tears that are starting away from my face.

I’m happy crying still some and just emotionally crying too and I’m shaking a little because I’ve never had anyone do that to me before and my brain’s in like good shock?

“You’re my friend Sarah of course I’d come.”

*And Now…

Shocking Developments - Part 1

Terrael grew up in paradise, until the Fomorians showed up. Now Humans, Hypers, and Fae all face extinction and Terrael is their only hope. Can he get used to his own changes and make the one change that can save them all?


Shocking Developments
Part 1 of 3


My mother’s eyes shot wide open. “You can’t seriously be thinking about taking Terry to see her,” she sputtered. “She wasn’t playing with a full deck before the Flare. After she threw away any cards she might have had left.”

Playing her way - Chapter 3

Playing her way - Chapter 3

© D.L. 2014

"Care to explain what is going on?" Mrs Rogers asked Anna once back in her office. The headmistress had shoved the door almost closed, deliberately leaving it ajar.

In Tandem Orbit 8

For Friends and Family Part 14

Nicky and Amy.jpg
For Friends and Family Part 14 – Love and Truth.

Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman. In this chapter the new Nichola's feeling for Brett intensify and she has a really deep heart to heart conversation with her new Mother.


Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 21

Hopscotch… A Jump in Life 21


It was sort of scary dealing with them and at the same time it was just all sorts of cool.

He has Mom sign the stuff for charges to be pressed if and when they can and he leaves with the police officer.

The town police officer was kind of quiet, I’m not sure what he was thinking or if it was like about me or me being trans or not. I really couldn’t tell and I don’t know if that’s just me in my head or it’s just a police thing.

I sigh and double hand hold my coffee as they’re done and Mom and Dr. Johansson are looking at me. “You want to go for a walk and clear out the ughs from all of this?”

I take a breath and a sip then nod. “I think so, okay let’s go.”

Mom slips her arm around my back and we head out to do a few rounds round the hospital with her and my therapist.

*And Now…

A Longer War 21

I was in the bottom of some new-style cabin cruiser, trying to see if it was the seal around the shaft that was leaking or whether it was a warped hull, and I heard him call my name.

“Hang on, Ern! Just got to get this fastened back on!”

I took most of the dirt off my hands with a rag as I stepped ashore.

“Won’t give you my hand, pal. Covered in oil and grease”

The Second Bell

The Second Bell
By Melange
Copyright© 2014 Melange
All Rights Reserved.

TopShelf's Fall 2014 Back to School Contest

Didn't it start right here? Facing only herself, nothing more and nothing less. Like with many changes, it all began with a simple question: What if...

For once, she hadn't brushed it away as an idle thought. For once, she had listened to that feeling inside. A little like how your legs could get stiff if you sat down too long, a part inside her had grown stiff from being cramped up. She needed to stretch out. Stretch the wings of her imagination and soar.

But that was before, and today was the day. It was time to be brave.


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Your past is always there. Erik discovers that his will force him to make choices about his future and decisions about those he can trust.

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