Reversals - Ch05

Reward for Eric

Eric sat at their small kitchen table unfocused and bleary eyed, lost in his own meandering thoughts and the predicament Julia had put him in, still struggling with the fact that she could cut him off financially, that he was completely dependent on her for money and everything that came with it.

He stared at the empty sink with a sense of shame and humiliation. It had never occurred to him, in all the months that he'd been unemployed, that she'd be capable of using finances like a weapon, that she'd be capable of blackmailing him into doing things she wanted like forcing him to do the dishes. It made him feel like he was some type of indentured servant. It gave new form to the expression 'the power of the purse'. It was a a woman's purse, Julia's purse. What type of man was he to become dependent on the purse his wife carried around in her pretty little hands and brightly polished nails?

Eric cradled his chin in his palms, elbows on the small dinette, hunching over the table like some morose, lost soul. It was all very sobering, even frightening. With her newly discovered power over him, what might she do next? How vulnerable was he? What were her limits? Where would she take this?

He berated himself for being so stupid to have let it happen, to have put himself in the position he was in. Maybe he had spent too much time gaming, letting the world pass him by while he spent all his time in electronic illusions and fantasies. The gaming had consumed too much of his time, had become another form of drug that competed with too many things in real life. He should have been aggressively looking for another job, looking for anything to provide an income into their home.

Eric's expression changed to a weary scowl as self-contempt began to sink in ever deeper. Maybe that was it. Maybe he was being punished for not being a good provider. Maybe this was deeper than Julia being unkind and demanding. Maybe the dynamic was more visceral, something at the core of being a human animal, a part of the natural order of things that transcended culture and society. Maybe a strong female simply resented being attached to a weak male that wasn't providing for her. Maybe her animosity was a natural, even appropriate response to a male that was failing her. Was that it?! If that was true, maybe, in a small way, he deserved what was happening to him.

Eric sat up and rubbed his face with his hands, trying to relieve some of the weariness and tension. He had to find a job, it was that simple, or at the very least, find something worthwhile to do that Julia could accept as valuable. Even if the economy was difficult, even if women did seem to be getting preferential treatment these days, regardless the obstacles, he had to find accomplishments outside of playing games on his computer. He cradled his chin again, hoping inspiration would find him, hoping a solution would readily present itself. It didn't.

In the short term, maybe it made sense not to fight her so much. Swallow his pride. Help by keeping the apartment clean like she wanted. It was something she was asking for, demanding really he reminded himself, and it was, at least, something useful. Besides, he had agreed to three months of doing all the household cleaning, a punishment for playing games during the day.

"Punishment." Eric spat the word out with distaste. His cheeks inflamed with embarrassment recalling the forceful and commanding way Julia had forced him to accept it. Worse, adding considerably to his confusion and frustration, a part of him was actually excited at how she had behaved! It made his stomach churn at the thought of it but there was something exciting about a strong, demanding, beautiful woman that he couldn't quite shake. He felt a brief twitch in his pants as he recalled his hot, sexy wife yelling at him and smiling as he knuckled under to her threats. It was mortifying. He shook his head trying to forget it and gave a hard, angry press to his penis with a clenched fist trying to subdue it.

Eric pushed away from the table hoping to escape his thoughts. He took a few steps across the kitchen and retrieved a dust cloth from a cabinet. He then walked into the living room, and began dusting, trying to set his mind to the task. He wanted to finish before Julia got home. The idea of her standing over his shoulder as he cleaned the apartment was unsettling. It was better to do it while she was out. He kept himself moving, trying his best to do a good job. He didn't want to give Julia an opportunity to complain about the quality of his work.

It took some time to properly dust the living room and dinning room. He'd left their sculpture for last since it seemed to be a magnet for dust. By the time he was almost finished with it he heard a chirp from his phone. It was another text message, like others that hour, begging him to get on the game and play. They'd all been from people in his guild, in the game. He'd been ignoring them. This last one was from his friend Lucas.

"Eric we really need you in-game... raid night tonight... where ya been all day?" Lucas had sent.

Eric stared at his phone and his heart dropped. What was he going to tell Lucas? They'd made a pact a long time ago to not ignore each other's text messages. It was a respect thing. He couldn't just ignore Lucas. But how could he tell his best friend, the guy he had been playing computer games with since college, the guy that had been his best man, that he was suddenly afraid of his wife and what she might do to him if she found him playing the game when she got home?

A second message from Lucas quickly followed, "What do you want me to tell the guild buddy?"

Eric thought for a bit, his phone in one hand, a dust cloth in the other. The last thing he wanted was for Lucas to know the truth about what Julia was doing to him. He didn't want to lie to his best friend either.

"Tell them I'm having problems with my computer," Eric finally messaged back, then he added an emoji of a crying face and sent that too.

It was a half-truth at best but not entirely a lie. He was having more of a possible, future, problem with his computer. It was twisted logic but if Julia did resort to taking the power cord, as threatened, the machine would be unusable until she decided to give it back. Even though the machine was fine at the moment, it felt risky to play since she hadn't told him it was okay to play that night. After the big fight, it was better to be safe than sorry. So, he reasoned, it was fair to claim he was having 'problems' with his computer.

Lucas replied, "Sorry to hear... hope you get it fixed soon... the guild will be disappointed."

Eric put down his phone and stared at the text. He felt suddenly... lost. Uneasy. Lucas and the guild were just on the other side of his computer screen. It was like a magic window to a better place. He was someone important there, a 'big man'. The guild needed him for raiding, questing, adventuring. He wanted the action of the game, needed the action of the game. Maybe he could just...

No. There was just no telling what Julia might do. Take the power cord? Cancel his subscription to the game altogether? Explaining something like that to Lucas would be humiliating beyond belief, "sorry, my wife has me by the financial balls and decided to cut them off."

No. That would be unbearable. Lucas would never understand something like that, he was a fairly traditional guy.

Eric returned to his cleaning, the yearning to jump into the game growing while the disorienting feelings of being lost and alone continued to tug on his mind like a heavy weight threatening to drown him. In real life, he didn't feel important at all. He wasn't a 'big man'. He didn't feel like he was much of anything really. Dust cloth in hand, he began to wonder if he was experiencing some of the same emotions a housewife from the 1950s or 1960s had struggled with.

After he finished all the dusting, he sat down in front of his computer and simply regarded it, almost with a sense of reverence. He ran his fingers lightly across the top of the keyboard. What incredible machines computers were. He wanted so badly to turn it on and jump into the game. Instead, he sat there struggling with feelings of abandonment and sadness, lost in an ocean of self-pity, as the game called to him like a drug called to its user, beckoning his indulgence. Fear over what Julia might do was the only thing keeping him from playing.

Eric grabbed his battered game guide and leafed through it, taking care to not further damage the cover that Julia and torn off earlier. A faint smile crossed his lips recalling all the hours he spent combing through it's secrets and the fun that had come from it.

He was still paging through the guide when he heard the front door open and the distinct sound of Julia's stilettos tapping on the tiles of the entryway. He quickly put the book down. He could feel his heart beating harder, faster. Pushing away from his computer, he walked out to greet her. He only hoped she was in a good mood as he spotted her at the door.

Walking into the apartment, Julia only glanced at Eric, barely acknowledging his presence. He looked like a deer caught in headlights, frozen at the doors to the bedrooms in the back of the apartment, trepidation clearly etched into his face. She walked slowly towards the kitchen, looking around, appraising the apartment as she moved. A subtle grin formed and she nodded with approval as she noted that Eric had been cleaning.

He moved slowly towards her as she made her way across the kitchen to inspect the sink. She peered in and looked to Eric with a satisfied smirk, pleased that the sink was empty, that he had done as he was told. It was such a thrill to give him orders and to later inspect his work to make certain it was done to her satisfaction. If she pushed him fully into a female lead marriage, maybe these feelings could be hers forever.

Eric stood before her looking timid, almost afraid of her, clearly hoping for approval. It made sense, Julia reasoned, maybe he was already starting to accept that she he begun to lead their marriage. Maybe he was a natural submissive at heart who'd been waiting for a dominant woman all along. Julia rolled the words over in her mind,'female lead marriage'. It excited her, made her feel powerful and as she looked upon her nervous, apprehensive husband it seemed perfectly proper and appropriate. Eric certainly wasn't fit to lead but she was, at home and at the office.

So why not explore a FLM? Why not push him towards it? She could change her mind later, if she didn't like it, right? But before she formally pressured him into accepting a FLM, she wanted more power over him, more authority over him. Just like Samantha had suggested, she was going to take over Eric's sex life, totally, then she'd spring her trap.

Most men lusted for her. If she was honest with herself, she'd been using sex to get what she wanted ever since high school. She used it to manipulate men in the business world all the time. Eric was no different. Sex had always been her domain in their marriage. She'd given him most of what he'd wanted in the past, openly shared her sexuality with him. That would change now. She was going to take it to the next level, using her sexuality as a weapon against him. Sharing was done. She was going to take over. He'd have a hard time adjusting. At the very least, it promised to be naughty fun for her.

Julia smiled. "Thanks for doing the dishes, love," Julia said.

Eric nodded his head and sighed in relief that she wasn't angry anymore. "Of course, you... were right about that," he said with a slight quaver in his voice. "I straightened up and did the dusting too."

Julia took a couple of slow steps closer to him. "I noticed," she said pleasantly.

Eric grinned uneasily as Julia reached out and put her hand on his shoulder, tracing one of her long red talons against the side of his neck suggestively while continuing to smile. He was distraught by the events of the day and further unbalanced by her apparent shift in demeanor. He couldn't help but like this kinder, gentler, sexier version of Julia though.

She took another step closer to him, her face mere inches away, her smoky eyes looking directly into his, her red lips beckoning to him. "Good job, on the apartment," she said softly. He could feel the heat of her breath. The floral fragrance of her perfume filled the air.

Eric faintly nodded, acknowledging the compliment, as he took in the image of his beautiful wife. Her long lovely hair flowed over her soft shoulders. He could feel the nearness of her, the warmth of her body. The neckline of her blouse revealed the swell of her lovely breasts, the cleavage deepening and receding, over and over, as she moved her arm on his shoulder, teasing his neck with her nails. Julia's curvaceous, soft, feminine body virtually demanded attention. It forced his body to respond, his need for her deepening by the moment.

"I hope you understand why I was so upset earlier," Julia said with a soft, sultry tone.

Eric opened his mouth but was lost for words, his eyes fixed on his wife's breasts instead as they moved under her silk blouse.

Julia had a lithe, curvy, fit body, her breasts large for her lovely frame. Eric wanted desperately to hold them in his hands to feel their contours, their softness, the weight of them. She moved even closer and lightly pressed her breasts into him, moving them against him ever so slightly, teasing him with them as she continued to rub the side of his neck, occasionally tickling his earlobe or playfully tugging at his hair.

She leaned close to his ear to whisper. "There are certain things I'm going to have to do to make sure our family gets back on track. If that means punishing you at times... then I will. I hope you can understand that."

Eric's brow wrinkled. As much as he hated her taking control like she was, as he'd reasoned earlier, maybe he partially deserved what she was doing, on some level at least. Still, she could be a little more reasonable, a little kinder. He resolved to ask for better treatment, to demand it.

"Maybe I--"

"Shh," Julia said as she poked her pretty finger against his mouth silencing him. "Let's not talk about it right now," She whispered. "Besides, there's better things you can be doing with your mouth than talk."

Julia took a step back as her right hand gently cupped under her left breast. Her nipples had swollen, pushing forward, clearly visible under her blouse. Her hand reached up slowly and she began to massage her breast, tugging, pinching at her nipple through her blouse and bra. She let out a soft gasp of pleasure as she pressed her thighs tightly together and squeezed them, swaying her curvaceous hips and ass at the same time in one ravishing expression.

Eric reached out towards her, mesmerized with her. His erection straining for release in his pants.

Julia smacked his hand back with a wicked grin, well aware of what her body was doing to him, reveling in her power over him. "Not yet naughty boy," she said confidently, her hands shifting to her hips. "I plan on rewarding you for... Let's say for cleaning the apartment," she suggested. "But you don't get to touch me unless I tell you to. You got that?"

Eric nodded his agreement, spellbound by Julia's body, willing to agree to almost anything at that moment. He was utterly amazed by her raw beauty and sexuality. It was one thing to be attractive and alluring. It was another to use it as boldly, audaciously and brazenly as Julia did. She had no reservations about her sexuality, she gloried in it.

Julia assumed a relaxed, suggestive pose, kinking out her right hip as her hand dropped to it, her other hand naturally falling to her left thigh, her long nails wrapping around her skirt as her hands rested on her body. It looked like a modeling pose, it probably was. "So, you think you deserve a reward?" Julia asked.

"Please, Juls. Yes," Eric said nodding his head. "I'd like a reward."

Julia bit her lower lip seductively then tugged at her breast again as she dropped her head back. Her long hair danced across the small of her back as she sighed. Slowly, she brought her head back up, then leaned toward Eric. She leveled her gaze at him, peering directly into Eric's eyes with a piercing, smoldering gaze.

"You want me, Eric?" she asked softly.

"Yes," he whispered.

"Beg me then, Eric," she demanded.


"Beg me, Eric!" she demanded more forcefully as her hands and nails played over her chest.

Eric was rock hard. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew she was manipulating him, taking even more control. He knew he should be walking away from her, but at that moment, his mind was clouded by raw sexual need. He just didn't care.

"Please, Juls?"

"Beg me, Eric!" she demanded again, her voice more shrill.

"I beg you, Juls. Please, I want you. Please let me touch you."

Julia smiled with satisfaction. It was another victory, making him beg to touch her. "Say it again!"

"I beg you, please let me touch you, Julia," he said as he tried to bury his shame for letting her control him so easily.

Julia reached under her skirt, her hands running up her thighs, and she tugged at her panties. Her body wriggled a bit as she pulled them down, below her skirt. She dropped them and they landed around her feet, between her high heels. Stepping out of them, she picked them up and held them directly in front of Eric's face.

Eric looked at her panties, inches from his nose, black-lace, bikini panties. There was a tiny red bow on the front. They were soaked in the crotch from Julia's wet pussy.

"Open your mouth Eric," Julia said with a firm voice.

Eric moved his head, to look around her sodden panties. Her eyes were fixed, determined. He couldn't believe what she was asking him to do.

"I said, open your mouth, Eric!" Julia demanded.

Eric did as he was told, slowly, hoping for a reprieve.

Then, with a jabbing motion, Julia thrust her panties into his mouth, poking the crotch filled with her juices as deep as she could with her nails until Eric began to gag.

"Close your mouth now, Eric," she commanded. "And don't you dare let go," she added.

He closed his lips around her panties leaving half of the delicate garment dangling from his mouth. A bitter taste from her secretions began mixing with his saliva, some of it passing down his throat. He struggled to keep from gagging.

"Don't you let go until I tell you to. I want you to SUCK on them, Eric" she said. Julia stepped next to him, looking directly into his eyes again with her smoky caldrons, a cruel expression formed on her lips as she leaned her breasts into him. "If you ever want to touch me again you keep sucking my lady juice out of those panties, Eric," she said. "There's a lot more where that came from too."

Eric felt mortified, being forced to suck on his wife's pussy soaked panties, the taste getting worse by the moment. Did he really deserve this for failing to provide? What would she do if he refused? Cut off sex all-together? Cut him off financially? He fought back tears that started to well up in his eyes from the shame of it. But despite the pain from what she was doing to him, some part of him must still be excited by the game she was playing -- his cock was rock hard. That made it all so much worse. What was happening to him?

Julia grabbed the part of her panties dangling from Eric's lips with her thumb and index finger. Her tongue swept across her teeth, lightly licking the inside of her lips. "I hope you're enjoying the taste of my panties, Eric," she sneered. "Don't let go now or you'll be in big trouble." She pulled on the lace garment and began leading him to their bedroom, like it was a short leash attached to his mouth. Eric followed behind awkwardly, stumbling to keep pace, as her skirt and ass swayed under her stilettos on the way to their bed.

Reaching the foot of the bed, Julia turned Eric around, and put his back to it. She stood there enjoying his predicament, considering what to do to him next, curling a strand of her hair around a finger and teasing it with her nails as she smiled.

"Take off your cloths, Eric. Every stitch," Julia said.

Eric looked confused and flustered, hoping for something more normal with his beautiful wife.

"Now, Eric. Strip!" She demanded. "And keep the panties in your mouth for now. They're doing a nice job keeping you from talking back to me."

Eric slowly, nervously removed his clothing. Watching his every move, Julia stood there fully dressed, still playing with her hair, as he removed one item after another and dropped them at his feet. Finally, he stood there naked in front of her with a larger erection than Julia ever remembered, his face red from embarrassment.

Without warning, Julia shoved him. Eric toppled back, with a grunt, onto the edge of the bed. He raised up on his elbows, her panties still in his mouth.

Julia held out her hand. "Panties," she said.
Eric took them from his mouth and placed them in her open hand, relieved to finally be rid of them, the stale aftertaste making him grimace. She tossed the panties over her shoulder without a glance as she stood over her naked husband.

Julia looked down at Eric with a sense of pity and contempt, her feelings conflicted by how cruel she could be, but at the same time, she was reveling in her new station over him, in the clear and utter contrast that was forming between them. She stood there, hands on hips, legs slightly spread, her skirt taught over her thighs, in a dominant posture over a man that had striped himself naked on her command. The sense of power over him was so exhilarating, like a drug, she wanted more.

"Undo the zips on my shoes, Eric."

Eric looked up to his fully clothed wife and the sneer on her pretty face feeling diminished and vulnerable, the enjoyment in her expression, at his predicament, was confusing and deeply unsettling. It was probably easier not to fight her right now, easier to go along, and hope she didn't take things too far. After-all, wasn't this supposed to be a reward? He got off the bed and knelt down in front of her. Julia put her right foot forward and in the small movement he was certain he could smell her arousal, stirred from under her skirt.

"Now, Eric! And stop being so slow when I tell you to do things."

His fingers were trembling slightly as he reached down to the black dress sandal adorning Julia's lovely foot. The shoe looked new, sexy, a dozen thin straps wrapping around her foot with a four inch tall stiletto under her heel and a golden zipper in the back. Her pretty toes poked out of the front, the pedicure as flawless as the rest of her, each nail trimmed to perfection and polished the same bright red as the tips of her fingers. Carefully, he reached to the back of the heel, admiring the smooth slope of her ankle and the high feminine arch of her foot as he did so, and pulled the zipper down, freeing her from the shoe.

Julia shifted her weight and presented her other shoe to him wordlessly. The smell of her arousal wafted to him again, from under her skirt, causing his nostrils to flare and his own arousal to spike even higher. He lapsed into a daze. In the deep recesses of his mind, the part that was more animal than man, he wanted to throw her down and plunge into every crevice of her. But, she was in command here, she had the power, not him. She tapped him in the knee, demanding attention. He shook his head to clear it. Focusing back to his task, he reached forward with both hands, sliding his fingers over the soft leather of her shoe with one hand, as he reached for the zipper, and caressing her slender stiletto with the other. He pulled down the zipper with a deliberate slowness, as he admired her from the floor.

"Stand up, Eric."

He did as he was told, standing up in front of her. Still wearing her heels, she was taller than he was in his bare feet. She closed the inches between them and walked him back until his legs rested against the foot of the bed. Julia smiled and shoved him backwards again, giggling as he fell, his cock rocking back-and-forth as he bounced on the bed.

Julia took off her heels and tossed them to the side. She kept her eyes focused on Eric, a mischievous grin twisting across her face as she studied him on the bed. It made Eric uneasy. It was like she was planning to do something wicked while she focused on her prey, hunger building in her as she anticipated the meal.

"Where do you keep those handcuffs you bought?" Julia asked.

"You... hate those," Eric said.

"No. I hated that you wanted to put them on me," Julia said. "Where are they?"

Eric motioned to his nightstand next to the bed. "Bottom drawer," he said faintly.

Julia walked over and fumbled around in Eric's nightstand until she found the handcuffs and the key that went with them. She opened both cuffs and tossed them to Eric, while holding onto the key. The handcuffs landed next to him on the bed.

"Cuff yourself."

"You can't be serious, Juls," Eric said with a touch of paranoia beginning to set in.

"Do I need to put my panties back in your mouth to keep you quiet?" she asked. "If you want to have sex with me, I expect you to do as your told. Now put the cuffs on or get out of the bedroom, Eric."

Eric looked at his determined wife, her arms crossed under her breasts, waiting for him to comply. He knew he had to. He grabbed the handcuffs off the bed, stared at his wrists for a few moments, then snapped the first cuff closed on his right wrist. His heart started racing as he approached his left wrist with the second cuff, readying himself to slam it shut--

"Stop!" Julia shouted. She kneeled on the bed next to him, pulled his arms behind his back, and closed the second cuff on his other wrist before Eric even realized what she was doing. She jumped off the bed and positioned herself in front of her now cuffed husband. Smiling, she held the key to the cuffs in front of his face and tossed it behind her. "Now, we're going to have some fun, Eric," she said, biting her lower lip seductively.

"Work your way up the bed now. Get your head up by the pillows."

Eric, unceremoniously, dropped back and squirmed his way up the bed with his cuffed arms underneath him. Julia giggled as his cock flopped around from his efforts. When he finally got his head to the pillows, Julia jumped onto the bed. She carefully balanced herself, one foot just below his chest, the other on the bed, as she looked down on him with a twisted smile. It was too late for him to run away now. Julia dropped down, on top of Eric, straddling his hips, pulling her skirt up to her waist in the process. He struggled underneath her. She smiled. He was her's to do with as she pleased, to arouse, to tease, to have her way with.

Julia stared at his flat, male chest. It was only a vestige of what it might be. She imagined, in detail, small breasts on him with large womanly nipples. She reached out tentatively towards his chest and stopped. Was she really ready to shape his body to her will? Literally feminize him?! It was a giddy thought. Everything she'd ever been taught, until only recently, said 'no'. But, was it really that radical of an idea to put breasts on him? Fully functional, nurturing, lactating, female breasts? What was gender in the twenty-first century anymore anyway? Wasn't masculinity more of an outdated construct? Something ready for the ash-heap of history? What about equality? Wasn't that the higher ideal? She took her hands, fanned out her fingers, and reached out again towards his chest. This time, Julia began rubbing her palms over his nipples, giving his chest a massage as she imagined them growing under her fingers. He would look so different with boobs, even small ones.

She had a sudden urge to take him, to use him, to be the aggressor like so many men had done to her in the past. She wet her lips in anticipation. Pulling herself forward, sliding over his belly, she slowly lowered her face to his, her hair falling around his head as she got closer. Eric saw her looming over him, her face and hair obscuring the rest of the room, her breath moist and hot. Then it happened, she kissed him, deeply, wantonly, her tongue plunging ardently as she crushed her lips into his, over and over again, pushing, scrapping, mashing. Eric struggled under her, his passion building with the ferocity of the kiss and her wriggling body as she bleed ever closer into something more violent than sexual. Finally, she stopped, bitting at his lower lip as she pulled away, claiming him, leaving Eric stunned at the fury of the attack. He licked at his bruised lip, at the tiny drop of blood she had left there, suddenly lost in a swirl of passion and ambivalence.

Still sitting astride him, Julia unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall open, revealing the black-lace bra cupping her breasts. She smiled at Eric as her hand reached inside her blouse and began stroking the underside of the cups, her fingers depressing her breasts enough to lift them with each pass. She closed her eyes and moaned softly as she continued her erotic massage, stroking and clutching at her breasts through black-lace, lost in her own world, luxuriating in her femininity. As she came out of her sweet reverie, still clutching one of her breasts, a smile gracing her face, she slowly slid her free hand to Eric's chest. She sat there like that for a short time, lost in a trance, wishing it were already done, wishing he already had breasts and that he loved them as much as she loved her own at that very moment. Maybe he could see the wisdom of it, maybe it would be easier than she'd thought, maybe she could convince him to want his own breasts.

Julia tossed her hair over her back and smiled at Eric as she thrust her boobs out from behind her blouse and shook them at him, teased him with them. "You want to see them?" she asked rhetorically.

Eric only nodded, still reeling from everything that had happened.

"Wanna see a little trick?" she asked smiling.

He nodded again.

Julia slid her left bra strap over her shoulder where it disappeared under the short sleeve of her blouse. She playfully pouted at Eric like she'd lost something as she reached into the sleeve with her fingers and fished it out, pulling it past her elbow, then pulling her elbow back while pulling the strap forward past her hand, freeing her arm from the strap completely. She did the same with the other strap, on the other arm. Eric was still trying to puzzle out what she had done, and why, when she suddenly pulled the bra forward and her ample breasts spilled free of the cups. In another few moments she had rotated the bra around and had undone the hooks binding it to her, her breasts bouncing free as she tossed the bra behind her. She jiggled them at Eric with a beaming smile. He'd never seen her do that before, had never seen any woman do that before, removing a bra while still wearing her blouse. He didn't realize such a thing was even possible. It was like she had shared some secret female knowledge with him that men normally weren't privy to for some reason.

Her breasts now poking out from her blouse, she lowered them slowly to Eric's chest, aligning her nipples to his nipples, until they touched. She pressed her breasts just slightly into him. The soft, warm touch of her breasts caused Eric's cock to twitch in response. She dangled them like that, little more than nipples to nipples, giggling.

Eric looked down, between their bodies, and saw lovely, deep, soft, feminine cleavage. From the way she held herself above him, it almost looked like they were joined by her boobs, almost like they shared them. She giggled again as she looked at her boobs between them. Then she suddenly dropped back and started licking his tiny nipples. First one, then the other. It felt strange to Eric, not erotic really, just strange. She'd never shown an interest in his chest before, not at all, never.

"You're so totally flat, Eric," she said she said quietly, almost to herself. "There's just nothing here at all."

Eric nodded subtly, confused by her observation of the obvious. Of course, he was flat, he was a man.

"I can hardly even find a nipple," she quipped, smirking at him. She then proceeded to try to pinch one of his tiny buds between the tips of the nails on her thumb and forefinger. She bit her lower lip as she brought the tips together causing Eric to suddenly jerk back as she pinched his vestigial nub. She giggled softly at his discomfort.

Eric wrinkled his forehead, pulling at the handcuffs that kept him from grabbing at her.

"It's too bad men don't have nipples more like women," Julia said. "You'd love the delicious feeling of having your nipples sucked and played with."

"I envy you," he said sarcastically.

"Really!?" she said excitedly, suddenly grinning.

"No. Of course, not," he replied, feeling oddly humiliated. It just wasn't something a man thought about, didn't she get that? He found her breasts deeply erotic and was wholly gratified that she had them and enjoyed them but it wasn't something a man actually envied or wanted for himself.

"You mean you never wondered what it might be like to have boobs?" she asked sweetly. "Not even once?"

"No!" he exclaimed and shook his head. "Normal men don't think about that," he added.

Julia pursed her lips as she looked at him, a bit disappointed. Of course, she hadn't expected him to say 'yes' but she had hoped that maybe he'd harbored some secret fetish or had, at least, wondered about it. She sighed. It would have made things so much easier if he'd been a secret transvestite with a boob fetish or something.

Of course, she might still force him to do it, even if he didn't want to. Julia's eyes narrowed, the playfulness leaving, they changed to something harder. She was done toying with him for now. Julia rolled the words over in her mind again,'female lead marriage'. She needed more power over him. Eventually, in time, she planned on taking complete control of his sex life. He'd be completely dependent on her if he ever wanted to cum again. If he didn't like where she'd lead them he could leave. It was that simple.

Julia stood up carefully on the bed, rocking a bit as she straightened out her legs, both breasts swinging wildly as she gained her balance. She towered over Eric then, breasts jutting out of her blouse, her legs looking like pillars under her skirt which had dropped back into position around her thighs. She took short little steps, positioning herself directly over Eric's head.

From Eric's position on the bed, she looked almost like a giantess standing over him. He was staring straight up her skirt to her naked womanhood. The view was magnificent. Julia's legs were enchanting, perfectly smooth with slim ankles and well defined calves leading to perfectly tapered thighs. At the apex, Julia's sweet pussy beckoned, the smooth hairless lips of her womanhood, the naked cleft of her sex, calling out to him demanding his attention and adulation. Eric was desperate to touch her, desperate to join with her, his cock ached with need for her, every beat of his heart making him throb with increasing desire for her.

"Poor baby, you're going to need to earn the privilege to fuck me tonight," she said.

"W... What?!" Eric said confused. She'd never played a game like this before in the bedroom.

Julia slowly nodded and smiled. "You need to EARN the privilege, Eric." She said it more slowly the second time, as if she were speaking to a child.

Eric appeared stupefied at first, as if his mind didn't want to grasp what she was telling him. Julia stood there, looking down at him, hands on her hips, waiting for him to catch up with her. "What do you want me to do?" Eric finally asked.

Julia smiled, this really was easier than she thought it might be, every concession bringing him closer to being fully under her control. Chances were, if he were a stronger man, none of this would be happening to him, Julia reminded herself.

"Well, I was thinking about our sex life the other day, Eric." Julia inched her skirt up her legs as she spoke. "And I realized, in all the years we've been together, you've never brought me off orally even once," she said as she spread her thighs slightly apart to give him a better view of her. "I think that needs to change, Eric."

Eric's expression changed to revulsion, "But... I-"

"I know," Julia started, "you don't like... oral. You don't like the smell. You don't like the taste. But I don't care about your excuses anymore. You're long overdue in learning how to satisfy a woman with your tongue. So, you're going to take some lessons tonight on how to focus on the woman's needs, on my needs."

As Eric considered how to respond to Julia's proclamation she unexpectedly sat down on his face and shoved the lips of her pussy at his mouth, demanding service, clasping his cheeks between her thighs, ending any objections from him. He struggled under her, pinned down and handcuffed, at the mercy of his wife.

She held him there directing him, teaching him, berating him for his lack of skill, as he desperately tongued her crevice. Her pussy creamed on his face, soaking him in a heady womanly reek. Julia didn't spare him in the least as she gyrated on his face, forcing him to submit to her, relishing in the power her pussy had over him. After a long number of minutes of effort and struggle Julia finally came, rocking herself violently on his face as the waves of pleasure hit her. Sweating, exhausted, she finally released her grip on Eric's head and laid back on him to rest.

Eric's tongue and mouth ached terribly. His entire face smelled like Julia, he could smell nothing else. He both loved and hated what she'd just done to him. She'd used him, debased him, he wanted to run but also wanted more, was desperate for more of her sweet pussy. Maybe it was a stupid and obvious thing to consider but she was just so utterly and completely female. It was a thought, a feeling, that resonated deep in his being. Her mere presence was invigorating. And at that moment, he wanted her touch more than anything else in the world, his cock was aching for her, desperate for release. He needed to fuck her so bad nothing else mattered.

"Juls?" He tugged futilely again at the handcuffs restraining his arms under him.

She ignored him.

"Juls? Please?"

Julia reached behind her and grabbed his turgid member. It quivered at her touch. She squeezed him hard and giggled. It was obvious how needful he was for her. Releasing him, she jumped off the bed and walked back, into the room, where she bent down to retrieve something off the floor.

"Julia?! Please! I did what you wanted. My dick needs you babe. Please?"

Julia didn't respond.

"I'm so hard it hurts."

Julia returned to the side of the bed smiling, holding the panties she'd put in his mouth earlier in one hand and the key to the handcuffs in the other.

"Unfortunately, your technique is terrible, Eric. You barely got me off, it took like forever, and I think I did most the work at that. So... I'm sorry, but you didn't earn the privilege to cum tonight." Julia put on an insincere pout then flicked his penis to underscore the point.

"What?! Julia?! You can't be serious!" Eric was aghast. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, what his, once sweet, wife was saying to him.

Julia shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe next time you'll do better," she said.

"Julia, please!" Eric pleaded. "Do something for me. Please?"

She shook her head. "I can't. You didn't earn it. Maybe next time this will encourage you to try harder to please your wife first. You really need to learn to lick pussy better or your little dick won't ever get fucked again," she said.

Eric threw his head back and groaned in utter frustration, yanking at the cuffs restraining him. "Let me out then," he demanded. "I'll do it myself! Let me out!"

Julia's face turned deadly serious. "Don't you dare tell me what to do, Eric," she hissed. "You will never bark an order at me ever again. Not you, not any man. Never again!" Her tone and demeanor was so serious it actually frightened Eric. "As far as the cuffs go, if you don't like my little bedroom games then you can forget about ever touching me again! I'm the woman, it's my way or not at all! You got that?"

Eric lay there stunned into silence.

"You got that?!" she repeated.

Eric nodded. "I'm sorry, Juls. I didn't mean to upset you." He looked at his angry wife and felt like he barely knew her anymore. She had changed so much. He wasn't sure what she was capable of.

"Well, you did and I'm afraid you've earned another little punishment, Eric." As she said it, the same thrill she had the first time she used the word pulsed through her. "Nothing to harsh. You can just lay in here until until your little penis wilts," she said, then added, "Still handcuffed so you can't play with yourself. I don't want you touching that thing tonight."

She walked closer to him and lowered her voice. "I want to give you these as a memento of tonight," she said, holding out the panties she'd shoved in his mouth earlier. "I want you to keep them to remind yourself of this night. You might want to wash them first though," she wriggled her nose. "I'd hand them to you but..." Her playful smile returned, then she pulled her panties over his head and rotated them around until the crotch sat over his nose and his eyes were peeping through the leg holes. Julia giggled. He looked absolutely ridiculous and absurd. "Now, if you don't make a fuss, I'll release you after 'Mr. Happy' goes back to sleep."

Eric said nothing.

Julia smiled, spun around, and walked out of the bedroom. She paused to look back at him. He just laid there, on his back, staring at the ceiling, his cock still standing straight up. He looked so beaten already. She'd taken him down so far already. He looked so weak and pathetic all of a sudden. Did a man like that even deserve to fuck her? Ever? She shook her head. Maybe she could just have his cock caged or maybe they could make him impotent when they put boobs on him. Either way, handcuffed, with a pair of panties over his head, he looked like a man that deserved to be dominated by a woman. Julia shrugged and walked away.

She stopped in the dinning room, suddenly unsure of why she was on the verge of losing a promotion because of Eric. Samantha was right, she'd been right all along, about everything. After tonight, Julia was more convinced than ever that she wanted a FLM and Eric would just have to deal with whatever she decided.

Before she lost her nerve, Julia fetched her laptop from work. She set it up in the dinning room, connected it to the office, and quickly wrote an email to human resources.


I want to thank you personally for all the information and assistance you've recently provided. You've been very helpful.

After due consideration I've decided to accept the promotion. I'm excited by my new leadership position and all it entails. I'm really looking forward to crossing the 'bridge to the future'.

Julia Grant

She paused to look it over, staring intently at the words on the screen. She'd signed it with her maiden name, not the hyphenated 'Grant-Cook' just 'Grant'. She'd just done it, didn't even think about it. It just seemed natural and right.

It was funny how life could change so dramatically at times, watershed events that could have life-altering consequences. She pushed away from the table, without sending the email, and walked to the doorway of their bedroom. She looked at Eric laying there, waiting for her to decide to return, his penis at half-staff now.

She stood there for a full minute looking at him, considering her options. If she did send the email accepting the promotion it probably would crush his fragile male ego eventually. Of course, that might make him even more dependent on her, give her even more power over him, make it easier to push him into a FLM. But did she really want to be that unkind to him? If he'd only found another job then none of this would be happening to him. He was as much to blame for his current situation as she was, maybe more she told herself. She had tried to be a good wife to him.

Julia returned to her computer and reread the email. It had the potential to alter both their lives forever, maybe dramatically. She hit the send button. It was done.

She walked back to the doorway of their bedroom and regarded him again. She wondered if it was too soon to buy Eric a training bra.

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