Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”
Volume 2: “Total Badass.”
Chapter 08: “The Siege Shuffle.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
Reality, Babylon Five Reality. Date, January Twenty-Ninth, Twenty-Two Eighty-One. Location, planet Mars. City, Mars Dome One, capital of Mars. Edgars Industries Headquarters. Main tower building. On one of the higher floors. Inside the office of E.I. CEO Michael Garibaldi. Time, after sunrise, nine ten PM, local time.
Michael Garibaldi sat in his cushioned chair, behind his desk, as he talked to his guest. The mysterious, reality traveler, Lee.
Garibaldi was in his brown suit. Lee was in his black suit.
Lee was sitting in the chair in front of Garibaldi’s desk, to Garibaldi’s left, with the other chair beside Lee's chair, to Garibaldi’s right, being left empty.
Barring one restroom break. The two men had been talking to each other, for a while. And while Lee did not give all the details of the situation. He have Garibaldi the basics. Including, the names of the individuals that after after him.
During the conversation, Garibaldi used his remote to stop the movie, on the wallscreen monitor to his right, so he could pay for closer attention what Lee was telling him.
As Garibaldi set his remote back on his desk, the screen had defaulted to screensaver setting, showing the 'EI' logo of Edgars Industries.
This action did not go unnoticed by Lee. And Lee continued with his explanations, while carefully answering Garibaldi's questions. Though, Lee subtly avoided answering a few questions.
Lee was presently answering the most recent of Garibaldi questions, “Yes. I believe that Fabiola was using her forty by forty-six millimeter China Lake grenade launcher. And it packed a punch.”
Garibaldi inquired, “What about the weapons the others were using? While the videos were detailed. Due to lighting, angles, and distance from the cameras, I could not get a good look at most of the weapons those after you, were using.”
Lee said, “The best I can figure most of them are usual their who hardware, and equipment. Except for those from alternate futures, to my own time.”
Lee then check his watch, he thought, 'My watch said it is eight fifty-eight. Though, I know my watch is slow, when compared to Mars local time. Still, I have been speaking to Garibaldi for over an hour. And while I said I would answer his questions. I only did so to a degree. I left out why they are after me. Specifically, my stories. Though, I have told Garibaldi other things about my situation, in detail. But, time is starting to run short. The women, and their friends, will eventually get here. I need to get the reality device and get out of here.'
Garibaldi commented, “It is no surprise that some of them would be using older hardware.”
Lee pointed out, “But, that hardware is still deadly to this day. Some guns, that are a century old in design, are still effectively used on the battlefield, in my time.”
Garibaldi replied, “True.” He thought, 'And I think I have all the questions I need from Lee, for right now. While he is clearly being cagey about some matters. He is being straightforward with the questions I have concerning for the here and not. But, I do not want him to believe that I fully believe him explanations, just yet.'
Then, Garibaldi change of tone, in his voice caught Lee's attention, as the older gentleman stated, with slight disbelief in his tone of voice, “So, let me get this straight. You are being chased by badass fictional characters from other realities. You, yourself, are from other reality. A reality where I, and this reality, are from a fictional series known as Babylon Five. And watching that series is where you learned the, 'ah hell', Minbari phrase from?”
Lee answered, “Yes.”
Garibaldi thought, 'Now, to ask some questions, dealing with myself, and those I care for.'
Garibaldi commented, “I will give you leeway on the fictional characters being here. The video, and audio, recordings back you up on that. But, I find it hard to believe this is a fictional reality. Can you prove your claim?”
Garibaldi mentally lamented, 'I have to ask this question, for my very sanity.'
Lee responded, “Yes. With a simple question. Did your wife let you keep your large Daffy Duck picture, of him screaming in frustration, above the headboard of your bed, like you had it in your quarters on B Five?”
Garibaldi thought, with a mix of concern, worry, and wonder, 'Oh boy. It is all true. Only a very, very close friend would know that. Or, someone from another reality. And I trust my friends completely. As such, I feel the reality angle is possible.'
Garibaldi cracked a grin, as he said, “Now, I believe you. And yes. She is a fan of the classics, as well. That is part of how we first met.”
Lee returned Garibaldi smile, as he guessed, in a playful tone of voice, “So, you shared your second more favorite thing to do in the universe with her, that allowed you to move on to doing you favorite thing in the universe with her?”
Garibaldi thought, with mild concern and amusement, 'Oh... This guy knows a thing, or two, about me. He also likely knows a lot about those after him, as well. No wonder he is able to stay one step ahead of those after him.' He said, “You do know me well.”
Lee joked, “Well, you are not the only one that doesn't like to deal with their personal life, due to it being too much trouble.”
Garibaldi chuckled for a few seconds. He then said, “I will also give you that one... I will have to see my series sometime.”
Lee thought, 'So, he is already planning figuring out, and then doing some, reality traveling of his own. I cannot fault him for wanting to do so. Though, I can warn him, on a few things about watching one's own series.' He cautioned, “While I understand, that can be an interesting experience. Be careful. A lot of the bad stuff that happened to you, and those you care for, are shown in that series.”
Garibaldi thought, 'I bet.' He responded, “I will keep in mind. By the way, did some of the episodes, on the data crystals, have a secondary audio channel on them. With the creators and cast commentaries?”
Lee said, “Yes. Some of the episodes do. But, some of the episodes. Not all of them. But, you will get a good chuckle from the commentaries. Though, we do not have data crystals were we are from. We have them on various video discs.”
“Also, buy a few extra copies, and do so right after the initial disc releases. The manufacturers whom made the discs did not do that great a job on the discs, and they start to degrade over time.”
Garibaldi grinned, as he stated, “Thanks for letting me know. And I hope the commentaries are enjoyable to listen too...”
“Now, moving forward. From what you told me, most of those after you are characters from the Black Lagoon reality. Along with the Cowboy Bebop and Firefly realities. Along with the Knight Sabers, of the Bubblegum Crisis OVA reality, plus for others with them, in hardsuits of their own, you have no been so forthcoming in talking about.”
“And not going into the gender bending aspect of the lunacy. These badasses have also had biological, and in one case, cybernetic upgrades. What lunatic would give them such enhancements? Even I know they are violent, borderline sociopathic manics!...”
Lee placed the open palm of his right hand on the front of his forehead, as he admitted, in an embarrassed tone of voice, “It seemed like a good idea at the time.”
Garibaldi flatly accused, “Well then, you're an idiot.”
Lee dropped his right hand to his side, as he looked over at Garibaldi. He casually commented, “That goes without saying. Hey, you wanted answers, and an invitation to this party. You got it. I freely admit that this is all on my head. I am just trying to stay one step ahead up them, in the hopes of losing them.”
Garibaldi pointed out, “While you might lose the others. Even I know you will never lose the Bloodhound. From the way she sounded on the phone. Which I have a recording of, as well. It is a company phone, after all. She will likely track you for eternity for what you did to her master. And I don't blame her for that. That is if your cancer doesn't kill you first.”
Lee said, “Don't worry. I have plans on appeasing the maids. But first, I have to cure my cancer. Which I think I know how to do.”
Garibaldi responded, “Good luck with that.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.”
Garibaldi said, “I am sure you have noticed that I have not asked you how you got into this mess. And why those women are dead set on capturing you.” Garibaldi thought, 'And when I subtly tried to ask you about those matters, you sidestepped and avoided those issues.' He verbally continued, “That is because my gut tells me that learning such things might risk my very sanity.” He mentally reflected, 'Though, it would not be the first time my sanity has taken a hit.' He went onto say, “And I also have a feeling that is why you left out that part of your story, as well.”
Lee thought, 'Actually, you have been subtly inquiring on those issues a few times. And I have been carefully steering our conversations away from those matters, when you did.' He complimented, “Your gut is very wise. So, let us table those questions as a, maybe later.”
Garibaldi agreed, “Okay.” He thought, 'You are not going anywhere, without my say so. As such, I can always find out this questions, later.'
Lee thought, 'Now, for me to ask the more important question of the hour.' He calmly asked, “So, are you going to turn me over to them?”
Garibaldi though, 'I admit that it is tempting. But, no.'
Garibaldi flatly said, “No. While I don't blame them for being pissed off at you. You have not lied to me once, since you got here. All are your actions reflect someone trying to safe his own ass, while minimizing harm to others. At your core, you clearly have a sense of responsibility and honesty. And those are the only reasons you are still here, and not with them, right now.”
Garibaldi thought, 'I have concerns of where you should end up, Lee. Because, I am fairly sure, if something happens to you on my watch, those after you, will come after me. And if you stay in this reality, with what I suspect you know about me. That could be a very bad situation for everyone involved.'
Lee began, “You are correct...”
Garibaldi interrupted, in a firm tone of voice, “I am not finished... Likely, the only reason you don't turn yourself over to them, is that you don't want to dying screaming, from a long painful death. Which, I don't think you deserve...”
“And oh... Don't get me wrong. I think those after you should have their pound of flesh from your hide. They just do not need your entire hide. Also, I know better than to try to contact them. They are not the type of people to negotiate.”
Lee just nodded in a confirmation, as he conceded in thought, 'Well, a few of them. But, the majority likely are not up to negotiating for my surrender. Especially, after some of the stunts I pulled, in my escapes from them, last night.'
Garibaldi continued, “That is what I thought. And while I do not know how you did it. I am not sure I want to know how you did it. We both agree that it might harm my sanity if I did. And given what you clearly know about them. Likely before you ever met them. I would guess that the actions you did to piss off those after you, big time, were done so, unknowingly, by you. And you are trying to make the best of this epically, bad situation, you find yourself in.”
Lee agreed, in a kind tone of voice, “Exactly. And thank you.”
Garibaldi cracked a smile, as he flatly responded, “Oh, don't thank me, just yet. I have other questions for you. I have some friends missing, and I was wondering if you know anything about their disappearances.”
Lee has a sneaking suspicion he knew what Garibaldi was talking about.
Garibaldi punched a few keyboard buttons on his desk computer and the wallscreen, to Lee's right, that had been showing the movie. The viewscreen suddenly showed pictures of Susan Ivanova, Zack Allan, and Marcus Cole.
Lee turned to his left. He looked at their pictures. And he both immediately recognized, and he was surprised at whom he saw. He turned to Garibaldi, as he asked, “They're gone?”
Garibaldi calmly said, “So, you know of them.”
Lee had the decency to turn his head, and looked away from Garibaldi, as he quietly cursed, “Damn...” He then looked back over at Garibaldi.
Garibaldi stated, “Well, I guess that helps lend credence to you claim of the Babylon Five series. While most everyone knows who Zack and Ivanova are, I am guessing you know who Marcus Cole is.”
Lee answered, “Yes. Marcus Cole was a badass Ranger, whom fell in love with Ivanova. Unfortunately, Ivanova was seriously injured, in battle, and Marcus used his alien device, on Babylon Five. The alien device was originally used as corporal punishment, by draining the lifeforce of one person to another. Marcus used his own lifeforce to safe Ivanova. But, it put Marcus into a death like state. Fortunately, Marcus was put on ice before he could actually die.”
“The alien device itself was found by an older, human woman, a Doctor Laura Rosen, whom brought the alien device to Babylon Five, to help people. Eventually, it wound up in the hands of the Doctor Franklin's medical staff. Whom did not use it. Barring one exception. When it was used once to safe your own life. And that is where Marcus stole it from, so he could use it on Ivanova.”
Garibaldi complimented, “Not bad.” He thought, 'He knows his stuff. But, all that information can be found in this reality. If one has enough credits. Now, to find out what else he really knows.' He requested, “Okay. Now, what else can tell that likely most people would not know?”
Lee calmly said, “Marcus Cole was a virgin, when he made his sacrifice to save Ivanova. Which likely makes him one of the oldest, male virgin, self-sacrifices, in the known multiverse.”
Garibaldi could not help but chuckle a little at Lee's commented. He then smiled, as he said, “You are correct. Ivanova once mentioned that to me. What else do you know?”
Lee deadpanned, “Enough to embarrass half this galaxy, and blackmail the other half.”
Garibaldi continued smiling, as he replied, “I bet.” He thought, 'His answers do confirm my concerns. I need to make sure, that what ever happens, Lee, here, leaves this reality. If the wrong person, of this reality, gets their hands on him. The knowledge they could gain from him could cause an interstellar war. Though, I still need to find out what happened to my friends.'
Garibaldi dropped his smile, while he tone of voice became serious, as he said, “Still, back to my friends that have disappeared. They disappeared a few days ago. I have kept their disappearances out of the news for as long as I could. To give my own personnel time to searched for them. Though, they turned up nothing.”
“But, the story finally broke several hours ago, about Ivanova and Zack's disappearances. Though, given what happened tonight with you, I think you might have a clue about what happened to them?”
Lee looked at Garibaldi, as he calmly inquired, “I am more than willing to help. But, I need more detailed information?”
Garibaldi answered, “No problem. We do have some basic descriptions on the suspects. After reviewing video recording. There was an unidentified woman, on Babylon Five, near where Zack's quarters were hours before he disappeared. The suspect is a slender, young, human, asian woman, with long, black hair.
“Also, a redheaded asian woman with her hair in a ponytail, and a petite, caucasian woman with short black hair. Both human. Where shown on video, to have had one hell of a fist fight with Ivanova, in Ivanova's office, at Earth Gov, on Earth.”
“My friend did not go down easily. But, they eventually beat her, and the three of them literally disappeared with her, before security could show up. That is why I am helping them handle this case. I have experience with the weird things.”
Lee thought, 'That is an understatement. I have enough details to draw a picture, and know where this is heading.'
Lee inquired, “And there were reports of a pink robot where Marcus was being store, on ice, in that cyro-tube?” He mentally added, 'Chang would not risk sending Roberta on such a delicate mission. On the other hand, Arcee can be surprisingly delicate and stealthy.'
Garibaldi accused, in a tone of voice that was to calm for the situation, “Yes, a large, pink robot was spotted in that cryo facility, on Minbar. So, you are connected to this robot?”
Lee thought, with a mix of anger and sadness, more towards himself, than anyone else, 'That is a yes. Damn it! The Hell Sabers are here. And this reality has become an alternate universe, because they were some of the ones that were part of the Babylon Five decommissioning ceremony.'
Lee mentally reflected, with a little bit of hope, 'Though, with them gone. That might be a sign that in this reality, the Babylon Five station will not be destroyed. But, that is a matter for another time.'
Lee then realized something that Garibaldi did not mentioned, as he thought, with concern, and worry, 'Garibaldi did not account for Roberta. Where is she? Though, I will have to work in that question, into our conversation. For right now, I might as well admit my involvement. While keeping my part, and what is going to happen to your friend, vague. Very vague. So, you don't kill me on the spot for what I have inadvertently done to your friends.'
Lee admitted, “Yes. I am. But, in a way you might find hard to believe.”
Garibaldi thought, 'After what we have discussed, so far. That is saying something.' He questioned, “I am not going to like answer? Am I?”
Lee responded, “No. Still, I have an important question for you. Did your security team, here, at any time, in the last few days, see a woman, with long purple hair, that wore sunglasses? Or, she showed she had a right cybernetic eye, left cybernetic arm, or right cybernetic leg? With her hair style being in a similar style as the way Roberta has her hair?” He thought, 'Because they are the person, from to different points in their timeline.'
Garibaldi stated, “Now that you mention it. Yes. Our security noted seeing a woman like that a day ago. She was on a blue and black motorcycle, and she drove the entire bypass around this headquarters. She then disappeared. She had on a helmet, but her long purple hair was in a ponytail, coming out from under the back of her helmet.”
Lee thought, 'Blue and black motorcycle. That is her motoslave. Oh crap. There are two Robertas on this planet at the moment. And one is after me. And the other is after you, Garibaldi. That is bad. And if they already captured those three, it makes since that they would be after you. You are one of the biggest badasses in this galaxy. And this is just after the end of the Babylon Five series... Well, right before they blew up the Babylon Five Station... But close enough... And Chang also did like to wait, when he could. Barring a few exceptions... Like Annie.'
'Though, Doctor Franklin would likely be fine. He is more a pacific than a badass. And Chang didn't go after aliens, for obvious reasons. Except for a couple of exceptions. Like Vash. Whom is a humanoid plant. But, a wonderful person. With Chang likely wanting to capture Vash, to study Vash's destructive angel arm weapons.'
'And Chang would not dare go after John. Because, the would risk alerting the first ones, beyond the rim, to Chang's existence. So, that means that Garibaldi here is likely the last target.' He sarcastically added, in thought, 'Luckily him... I better keep this simple and just tell him the basics.'
Lee stated, “Long story short. A group of humans from another reality are kidnapping the most badass humans in the multiverse, and I believe that you are their next target.”
Garibaldi thought, 'At least my family is not here. Now, for damage control.' He said, “Okay. Should I be worried for my family?”
Lee commented, “As long as they are not in this headquarters, they should be fine.” He thought, 'I hope you daughter is still at that convention, where she is safe. And I hope your wife is not here, either.'
Garibaldi responded, “Good. Neither of them are here.”
Lee thought, with relief, 'That is good to hear.'
Garibaldi tone of voice became more serious, as he continued, “And after confirming your connection to my friends disappearing. I changed my mind. I will get that back story from you, later.”
Lee commented, “And I will be more than willing to tell you. Though, we should agree. With both our asses currently on the line. This is not a good time to do so.”
Garibaldi stated, “Yes. I agree. But, I need to know what I am facing? Like you told me, what you are facing. You have only vaguely hinted at what I am also facing. But, I need to know. Worst case scenario? What can both our enemies bring to bear against us?”
Lee thought, 'While I best not give you too many details right now. I can still give you an idea of what was are facing.'
Lee answered, “First, we are facing two groups. One group after me. Another group, after you. They are connected in a temporal manner. And not to sound like a Vorlon. But, given the resources of who is after me, and the resources of who is after you, it is a shorter list of what we are not facing.”
Garibaldi questioned, “That bad?”
Lee said, in a straightforward manner, “Yes. The situation is about as bad as the Vorlons and the Shadows knocking on your door, at the same time.”
Garibaldi replied, with worry in his tone of voice, “That is bad.”
Lee agreed, “Yes. That bad. The good news is that I have a way of escaping this mess. And since you are caught in it, you need to come with me.”
Garibaldi questioned, in a serious tone of voice, “Before I decide to go with you. I need to know. Do you have the means to return me here, from wherever you are planning to take me too?”
Lee answered, “Yes. In an instant. With luck, those here will never even know you are gone.”
Garibaldi said, “Okay. I guess I will be coming with you, then. At least, until this mess blows over...” He then realized something, as he inquired, “Will it blow over?”
Lee stated, “For you, yes. Those after you are from the past, compared to those after me.”
Garibaldi asked, “Good. And after we are safe, you will tell me?”
Lee pointed out, “We may never be safe. Or, more aptly, I may never be safe, again. But, I will tell you what is going on, after I get our asses out of this specific fire.”
Garibaldi shrugged, as he casually replied, “Story of my life.”
Lee thought, 'And what a story that is.'
Garibaldi commented, “Though, I am starting to wonder if you are embellishing some. I am a very well connected, and powerful man.”
Garibaldi thought, 'The only reasons that I am considering coming with you. Is I am not sure how I can counter their their tactics. They kidnapped Ivonava, in the heart of Earthdome, and got away clean. That is no easy feat. I am not sure I could pull that stunt off.'
'Marcus was kidnapped from a secure cyro-facility on Minibar. Pull something over on a Minibari is almost as hard as tricking a Volrlon.'
'Zack was kidnapped in Babylon Five. I taught Zack everything he knew about security. And I personally designed the security systems and protocols currently used on Babylon Five.'
'This all leads me to believe that security measures I have here, are not adequate to protect myself from whomever is coming after me.'
Garibaldi then focused on Lee, as he thought, 'But, before I go anywhere with you, Lee. I also want to see if you truly realize the resources I can bring to bear here. There is nothing wrong with checking to make sure that the person one is trusting one's life to, is doing so with an informed decision.'
Lee said, “That I have no doubt about. That is why we are talking, instead of me running. Still, I do have an idea of how powerful a person you are.”
Garibaldi grinned, as he said, in a confident tone of voice, “You cannot imagine how powerful a person I am.”
Lee retorted, “Actually, I can imagine a lot. Which is literally why I am in this situation, in the first place.”
Garibaldi asked, “What could you have come up with to get you into this mess?”
Lee stated, “It is involves metaphysics. And as you have already guessed. The short answer is I messed with the lives of the wrong kind of people. Those after me. And they want vengeance against me.”
Garibaldi questioned, “That is how you pissed them off?”
Lee tone of voice became more serious, as he stated, “Yes. From a very indirect manner for me. And a very direct manner for them. It is a bit complicated. Still, you need to understand what you are facing. And what I believe you can bring to bear against them. Which would not be enough.”
“At the upper limit, those after me have friends that can call in Farscape Peacekeeper Commander Carriers. And those after you, can call in Star Wars Star Destroyers. Both of those types of ships are big, well armored, have powerful energy shields, and are loaded with weapons, that can turned the surface of a planet to char.”
“Your friends, with White Star Fleet, would have their hands full just taking down one of those types of ships. And that is not counting the types of starfighters, infantry armies, support ships, and other resources, our enemies could bring to bear, against us.”
“And the people that lead these armies are not idiots. They can not only outgun you, but they can out-think you.”
“It is even more serious at the individual level. None of those personally after me are idiots. They know what they are doing. And they are very good at what they do.”
“Your Rangers, as badass as they are, could not hand two of those after us. In a six on one battle. And from what is sounds like, both maids were just playing with the Rangers. Because they did not use their weapons, and they let the Rangers live.”
“On that matter, the attack on the police station was only an appetizer to the type of hell on earth that just one of these women could bring to the battlefield. And that is just one of them. When they are working together, full out, no holding back, I am not sure God itself could stop them.”
Garibaldi slightly grinned, as he suggested, “How about a nuke?”
Lee honestly answered, “It depends on how fast they could teleport out. Still, nukes have worked for you in the past. Your friend John Sheridan made great use of them. And some of the fans from my reality, nicknamed your friend, John Nukem Sheridan, for his liberal use of such powerful weaponry.”
Garibaldi could not help but let out a laugh. He continued to grin, as he said, “I will have to remember that nickname.”
Lee responded, “Go ahead. It is a good nickname to remember. But, we both know a nuke would be out of the question in this battle. And I will give myself up, before I risk harm to this domed city, and the people inside it.”
Garibaldi grin grew a little wider, as he complimented, “That is the answer I wanted to hear from you.”
Lee thought, with mild delight, 'Good. I passed his personal test. Now, to get down to business.' He inquired, “Good. Now, what type of defenses does this place have?”
Garibaldi answered, “This place has all sort of automatic defenses, such as projectile, lasers, and plasma, weapons, of several sizes, stationed and hidden throughout this facility. With all of them ready to pop out of their hidden housing, at a moments notice. Should I give the command. Which I can do so in several ways. What you saw at the gate, coming in, was only a taste of what I have to dish out.”
Lee grinned, as he replied, “Nice.”
Garibaldi said, “Still, considering who we are dealing with. And the massacre at police station. I ordered the complete evacuation of this place. Save for one technician I trust, whom is working on something for me. I don't mind losing the buildings. And items. They are insured. But, I do not want to lose any lives over this, if I can avoid it.”
Lee complimented, “You are a better man, than most people.”
Garibaldi grinned, as he responded, “Thank you. Also...”
Suddenly there was a ring from Garibaldi cellphone, in his chest, coat pocket.
Garibaldi used his right hand to pulled out his cellphone, unfolded it, and place it to his right ear.
As the same time, without looking, Garibaldi used his left hand to punch some keys on his desk, then changed the walkscreen, to his right, from pictures of his friends, to security video feeds.
Garibaldi looked over at the feeds. He did not immediately see anything. He then turned back to Lee, as he calmly said, into the phone, “Hello.”
A female voice, calmly said on the other end of the line, in english, “Hello Mister Garibaldi. First, we have no interest in harming you, nor those you care for. My name is Rock. I am the leader of the group after Lee. We know he is in your office, next to you. We would like to speak to him.”
While Rock had said this, both Garibaldi and Lee had been looked at each other. Lee noticed that Garibaldi had dropped his grin.
Garibaldi thought, 'They must be using themo-scans to see us. There is not much I can do about the fact that the human body puts out heat based radation. And if I had fully insulated the buildings of this complex, to where they could not be done. The annual electrical bill, for air conditioning for this place, would be equal to the the annual GDP of the entire planet of Mars. And even I could not afford that.'
'Now, to let Lee know what is going on. Though, since Roberta pulled a similar stunt with Matthew's phone. Lee probably already has an idea of what is going on.'
Garibaldi held then out his cellphone, and placed his left palm over the microphone of the cellphone.
Lee saw this, and Garibaldi watched at the younger man rolled his eyes slightly, for a few seconds. As Lee eyes returned to looking back at Garibaldi, he stated, “Let me guess. They found me?”
Garibaldi deadpanned, “Yea. They found you.”
Lee pointed out, “As I said, they are not idiots. I take it they want to speak to me?”
Garibaldi replied, “Yes. It is Rock, on the other end of the line. Though, I thought Rock was a man?”
Lee commented, in a sober tone of voice, “She was... Also, she is their leader... Well, one of their leaders. And she is one of the saner ones of their group.”
Garibaldi guessed, “And Revy is the other leader?”
Lee replied, “Yep.”
Garibaldi thought, with concern, 'Rock and Revy. Talk about a pair.' He inquired, with a hint of humor in his tone of voice, “So, you going to do the standard, stall them until you can think of a workable plan?”
Lee cracked a grin, as he shrugged. He causally said, “Hey. It worked for Captain Kirk, all the time. And it worked for you guys, plenty of times, back on Babylon Five.”
Garibaldi returned Lee's grin, as he agreed, with a bit of joy in his tone of voice, “You are right about that. On both points.”
Both men chuckled, for a few seconds.
A few seconds later, as they calmed down, Garibaldi said, “Well, here she is?” He then handed Lee his cellphone. He reached across the desk, to hand Lee the cellphone.
Lee took the phone in his right hand. He then placed his right thumb on the microphone of the cellphone, as he thought, 'At least Garibaldi did not set the cellphone to speaker option. He is respecting my privacy on this matter. That is good. Still, we need to know who we are currently facing?'
Lee requested, “I noticed that you turned the wallscreen to security video feeds. So, you are thinking along the same lines as me. While, I am on the phone, could you please quietly turned the viewscreen back on, and flip through outside the security cameras to find them. They would not call, unless the were already grouped right outside the headquarters, and ready for war.”
Garibaldi thought, 'If these people are as good at this game as Lee states, then he is likely correct. That is why I switched to the security video feeds on the first place'
He replied, “Yes. It is a good idea. And that is what I am planning to do that, anyway.”
Lee watched as Garibaldi used the keyboard on his desk to work on the video feed on the wallscreen by them. Along with the video feed, Garibaldi selected the GUI on the monitor screen, to the building security system, which was hard-lined to that monitor.
Garibaldi used the touch-pad on his desk, below his keyboard, to select the log in selection for the security video feeds. After which, he used his desk keyboard to punch in his personal password. To allow him full access to the security feeds. Where he only had a lower level access hardwired to his office. In case he was cut out from the main computers of the building, from his office.
Lee turned his head towards the viewscreen monitor, to his left, as he watched Garibaldi quickly flipped through the outside cameras, until he came to the one that showed Rock, Revy, and their teams, on in a field, outside the concrete walls of the Edgars Industries Headquarters.
Garibaldi punch up a closer camera, and used the zoom in feature to so those the people there.
Lee and Garibaldi saw the group that were after Lee, outside, in the grassy field, near a hill, about a hundred yards from the concrete wall that encircled the Edgars Industries complex. Near the one of the two lane entrances to the headquarters. But, they were over a two miles from the outer highway loop, that went around the headquarters.
The group was composed of Rock and Revy's group. Which was Rock, Revy, Dutch, Janet, Benny, and their five teenage, adult children. Ranma, Natsuru, Akira, and their three adult children. Roberta, Fabiola, Balalaika, B, Aeryn, and Violin.
From the grainy video of the members of Rock and Revy's group, Lee could make out that Balalaika and B had their sniper rifles with them. And Aeryn had what looked to be a large peacekeeper pulse burster cannon, in her two hands.
Also, six members of Serenity crew were there from the previous night, were present. The three members of the Bebop Crew. Lee could barely see their weapons on the video screen.
And the eight members of Knight Sabers. All in their hardsuits. And with there were eight, blue and black Typhoon II motoslaves. All of the motoslaves were in eight feet tall, robot mode, each of whom were holding large weapons.
Given their size, both Lee and Garibaldi could clearly make out the types of weapons the large robots were holding in their hands. Two of the Typhoon II robots carried long range, anti-material rifles. Four of the Typhoon II robots carried large gatling guns, with beta c-mag style magazines. And the last two Typhoon II robots each carried one large, ammo drum style, grenade launcher.
They entire group were spread out by about fifty yards in circumference. With a few of the members together. Most of whom seemed to be talking to each other.
Lee then noticed, on the bottom right part of the screen, the camera, which stated, 'east outer wing.'
Lee thought, 'Good. We now know where they are. And they all appear to be in one spot.
And most of them look ready for battle. Especially, the Knight Sabers. And while, I am still not sure on the weapons the Knight Sabers are all using. Specifically, the new members. Their motoslaves are definitely locked and loaded for war. And I would not be surprised if what I believe is true about those Typhoon IIs That they AIs have been upgraded, along with the hardsuits the Knight Sabers are wearing.'
'And those Typhoon are not the only ones that are packing some heavy weapons. Aeryn has a pulse burster energy cannon in her two hands.'
'The pulse burster weapon is one of the biggest, most powerful, badass, mass-produced, two-handed weapons the Peacekeeper's ranks have on hand. The weapon is as long as Aeryn is tall. And she knows how to use it, effectively.'
'The pulse burster weapon is composed of eight barrels. Each shot fires a power energy shot, that explodes on contact.'
'The weapon used an ammo cartridge clip that has fifteen energy rounds in it. Each round has enough energy for eight shots to be fired. One from each of it's barrels. Either, in one single combined blast, or in secession, as a large energy machine gun. This allows for up to a hundred and twenty shots per ammo cartridge.'
'And I am sure that Aeryn brought extra cartridges.'
'The pulse burster weapon was designed as an anti-infantry weapon, to penetrate choke points, and military pillboxes. And each shot it powerful enough to penetrate the armor plating of a modern tank, from my reality. As such, it can tear holes into these buildings. This makes pulse burster a great weapon for breaking this siege... Which is what we have, right now.'
'Given they are ready for war, and I do not see the Hell Sabers anywhere... Though, the Hell Saber members all know better than to create a paradox. It is best to handle the situation with care.'
Then, Lee noticed something else, as he thought, 'And except for the motoslaves, none of them brought their vehicles, nor zipcraft. Intelligent thinking Rock. That will keep things low key. And anyone that looks at you from the road might mistake you for some protestors, or something else. With the distance from the road far enough, not to make out the weapons you have you... Hell, they might even think you are having a picnic.'
Lee continued to look at the wallscreen monitor, while keeping his right thumb on the microphone of the cellphone. He plainly stated, “Well, they came in locked and loaded.”
Garibaldi also continued to look at the viewscreen monitor, as he responded, “I recognize many of them. And any doubt I had about you exaggerating, is pretty much dead. I fully believe you now.
Lee turned to Garibaldi, as he said, “Thank you. And do not use your rail-gun cannons on them, just yet. Let us hold them in reserve. We need to keep this civil, unless they start shooting. Agreed?”
Garibaldi looked over at Lee. Garibaldi said, “Agreed. And I am increasingly starting to understand situation you are in, and what you are facing. I do not want to make things worse. Maybe you can reach a peacefully solution.” He mentally added, 'Though, I doubt it.'
Lee honestly replied, “That would be doubtful.”
Garibaldi thought, 'Even he realizes that he probably cannot do that, as well.'
Lee then removed his right thumb from the microphone of the cellphone, as he thought, 'Rock is probably a local burner phone she bought to use just for this call. Benny, Janet, and Nene, are all good enough hackers to get Garibaldi cellphone number.'
'And they have scanners to see us with. And given, except for one, person, everyone else here is gone. It is a simply process of elimination as to where I am at, and Garibaldi is at. And give we are likely high up, they probably guess that we are in Garibaldi's office.'
'Still, it is best to be polite in this situation.'
Lee held the cellphone up to his right ear, as he greeted, in a polite, kind tone of voice, “Good morning, Rock. I hope you slept well?”
Rock said, on the other end of the line, “Good morning, Lee. And I did. So, how about yourself?”
Lee answered, “I am fine for the moment.”
Rock stated, in a kind tone of voice, “That is good to hear... Well, I am willing to admit that the last sixteen hours, or so, has been interesting. And after we lost you at the factory. We regrouped. We talked it over. And how about you just surrender. We promise not to kill you. And I promise, you will still have an ass, and your life, after we are done with you.”
Lee casually inquired, “So, Lotton talked to you about that?”
Rock answered, in a polite tone of voice, “Yes. And I am happy that you will at least admit to yourself, and others, that you deserve to be punished.”
Lee pointed out, “That problem is, I do not think you can keep that promise.”
Rock was silent for a few seconds. She then said, “Well, at least you do not say, no. So, that is progress. And to be fair. We are not that crazy about storming this fortress, because we have no interest in making Garibaldi, and his allies, our enemies.”
Lee responded, “I can see our point of view on this matter. But, the fact you don't want to attack this place, for very good reasons, does put me in a position to negotiate.”
Rock conceded, in annoyed tone of voice, “Yes. It does. So, what are your demands?”
Lee answered, in an arrogant tone of voice, “You all go home, and let me escape.”
Rock flatly replied, “That is not happening.”
Lee shrugged, as he responded, in a more casual tone of voice, “That was worth a try. Still, let us talk for a little bit. While we both finalizing our plans on how to deal with each other. There is no point in rushing.”
Rock responded, “I agree. More time works for both of us. And it is so pleasant for us to have our cards laid out on the table, while we talk.”
Lee commented, “Yea. Using the gambling motif can be fun.”
Rock agreed, in an amused tone of voice, “Yes. It is. I take it you are watching us on the security cameras?”
Lee turned to the wallscreen monitor, to his left. Though the camera feed, he saw Rock waving at him, with her left hand, towards the complex, while she used her right hand to hold her cellphone to her right ear. Though, the angle more of a sideways angle to the camera, to Rock's right side, due to Rock not knowing which hidden camera was taking pictures of her group.
A few seconds later, Rock dropped his left hand back to her side.
Lee looked back over at Garibaldi. He saw that Garibaldi had raised an eyebrow to the conversation Lee was having. But, he said nothing to Lee.
Meanwhile, Lee happily admitted, into the cellphone, “Of course. And I must say you have a strong showing. The firepower the Knight Sabers brought for the round of this game is truly impressive. And I find it flattering, concerning the fact that Aeryn would bring that Peacekeeper Pulse Burster, she has, for little old me. Yet, I am surprised that Roberta does not have her M eighty-two A one light fifty anti-material rifle, with fifty caliber BMG ammo, and underside, six tube grenade launcher.”
Lee saw Garibaldi give him a look of disbelief.
Lee lipped the words, “Blood Trail arc.”
Garibaldi lipped the words, in reply, “Oh. Got ya.”
Rock complimented, “Detailed as ever, Lee. And to answer your question. Early this morning, when got together, Revy asked that same question. And Roberta mutter something about not heading home, just yet.”
Lee inquired, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone of voice, “So, Roberta and Fabiola have not let their sweet, wonderful master know what they are doing, and what is going on, right now?”
Rock agreed, “That is my guess, as well. Also, since I shared a little. It is your turn to do so.”
Lee conceded, “Well, to to be fair, Garibaldi is keeping most everyone out of this fight. So, it is pretty much just those involved, plus Garibaldi. And maybe one, or two others in the various buildings. I am honestly not sure.”
Rock stated, “That is nice to hear. And just so you both know, we have no interest in harming anyone... Except you... And I forgot to mention, that earlier, we did make sure to have a long talk with the maids over the attack at the police station. And the subsequent chase... And they agreed to show a little more... Restraint towards our goal of capturing you... I think we have things handled at the moment.”
Lee turned to the wallscreen monitor to see that Rock turn to look at Roberta, and Fabiola. Both maids turned to Rock, with mild scowls on their faces. Though, there was no reaction from Rock, to their scowls.
Lee thought, 'I don't think Rock's talk had much effect on them. But, it is clear that Rock is not backing down either. This is good for both of us. Though, I don't dare try to use the knowledge that Garcia does not know what Roberta and Fabiola are doing, as blackmail material towards them. That has, backfire, written all over it. Besides, I detest blackmail... And it is best to be polite. Being polite is the only reason Garibaldi is even talking to me. Instead of already handing my ass over to them.'
Lee turned back to looking at Garibaldi, as he calming replied, to Rock, over the phone, “I hope you're right.”
Rock commented, “Still, it is best for you to surrender. You chances of a clean getaway are very slim.”
Lee freely admitted, in a casually tone of voice, “You're right about that. Though, it is just not in my nature to surrender, and give in. Still, I know better than to hope to rely on the conservation of ninjutsu. Because all of you are just too damn good at what you do.”
Rock agreed, with a hint of happiness in her tone of voice, from Lee's compliment, “You would be correct.”
Lee asked, “So, on a side issue. And I know I am stroking my ego a bit by asking and finding out. But, did I make the news, last night? Garibaldi hinted at it. But, I would like a confirmation.”
Rock answered, “Yes. And I must say, you are one crazy, though skilled driver, to get Roberta off your tail. And I have known a few.”
Lee smiled, as he stated, in a confident tone of voice, “After last night. I feel that I can safely say that I can now outrun the devil.”
Rock responded, in an arrogant tone of voice, “Perhaps. But, can you outrun us?”
Lee pointed out, “While I already admitted that you are holding a pretty strong hand in this situation. My hand is respectable, as well.” Lee looked up at Garibaldi, with the older man looking back down at him, as Lee continued, “As we both agree. I am in a fortress, controlled by one of the most genre savvy, badass individuals this galaxy has ever produced.”
Garibaldi smiled, as he lipped the words, “Thank you.”
Lee returned Garibaldi's smile, as he nodded once, towards Garibaldi's' direction.
Lee then bluffed, as he continued, “And I am sure you are worried that some of your friends may die in the attack. Such as from the gun turrets you likely saw shred that semi, Roberta stole, last night. Though, after everything, I am happy to see she made it out alive. By the way, it she okay. The resolution with these cameras is not that great.”
Rock stated, “Actually, Roberta is fine for the moment. And no. I am not worried. We already knew from infrared heat signatures in the building, that were is no army of guards in there. There are only a few of people in there, including yourself. Thank you for confirming that.”
Lee mentally reflected, 'That confirms that they have scanners and they can see us. And this is a reminder that Rock can think several moves ahead, herself. Also, I already have an idea on how she plans to reach me.'
Rock continued, in a smug tone of voice, “Though, as I said, I did order everyone not to attack the civilians unless they are attacked first. Also, even if you turn out the lights, we have infrared-night-vision goggles, on hand. And, along with those goggles, with our enhanced sight, which you gave us, we well still be able snipe all your turrets. Both outside and inside. From a distance. As we slowly close in on you.”
“And we both know, that after last night, that you are not going to call the police, again. Because, after the massacre at that police station, the police would more than happy to hold you responsible for that attack, and crucify your ass.”
Lee forced himself not to get angry, and to remain calm. He though, 'I forget how arrogant Rock can be, as well. Our pride is a falling that we both have. And I am sure we both realize for each other. And I will do the last thing she expects me to do.'
Lee complimented, in a casual tone of voice, “That is not a bad plan. That is something I might have thought up.”
Rock replied, “Thank you.”
Lee though, 'Now, to remind you of some of the dangers of the weapons in this fortress.'
Lee stated, “Also, if you do attack, it is likely that some of your group will get shot. PPG plasma rounds can do massive damage to internal organs and bones, while the surface wounds appear superficial.”
Rock calmly responded, “I will make sure my people get checked out, if that happens. But, it won't happen if you surrender. I will ask you again. Will you surrender?”
Lee answered, “No. Though, this situation does remind me of some of your life. Such, as that siege by the freakshow circus.”
Rock said, “Yes. I remember incident. And now I am the show-woman of this freakshow circus.”
Lee questioned, “True. Still, I wonder... How did I inherit your old life, Rock? I mean, I am even in a friendship with a crazy redheaded babe.” He thought, 'Though, she dyes her hair red.'
Rock flatly replied, “Karma.”
Lee said, “I guess... And for what it is worth, I did try to be your friend.”
Rock stated, “I know. That is the tragic part about all this. And if you hadn't done what you had done, we would be friends.”
Lee countered, “If I had not done what I did, we would have never met. And given your lifestyle as a crook, beforehand, your life would likely be over by now, along the rest of your friends.”
Rock conceded, “You are probably right. Still, that does not excuse what you did.”
Lee said, “I know. And I not asking forgiveness, just understanding.”
Rock responded, “I think I can give you that.”
Lee replied, “Thank you. And you know what, we are more alike in other ways.”
Rock inquired, “Such, as?”
Lee commented, “First, I do not say the following as a way to insult you. Nor, to belittle you. I still have the utmost respect for you.”
“That being said. I never mentioned this in my stories. Because I found it to damn depressing. And I am sure you realize this. That just like me, you can never go home again. Though, I am also sure you have not mentioned this to anyone else.”
“That like me, if you go home, you homeland's government will arrest you. But, for you. If you go home again. You will be arrested in connection to the murders over that mafia war that happened, during you last trip to Japan.”
“No matter what gender you are, your finger prints are the same. And your fingerprints are on that belly gun... The Accu-Tek pistol, which Balalaika used to kill the japanese gangster, Kousa, and the others in that building. Specifically, the pistol was shown, in the water, in full view, with the fingerprint from your right pinky finger is shown on the left side on the pistol, on the back of the slide.”
“On a side note, I must compliment you use of gun safety, by keeping you index finger on the trigger guard, and not the trigger of that pistol. While you prefer not to use guns. It is clear that Revy and Dutch taught you the basics of how to use a gun, and proper gun safety.”
“And I must agree with Balalaika that gun is an atrocious pistol. Like most belly guns, such pistols are not designed for long distance accuracy. And they have a shorter grip, which effects accuracy, even more so, when firing. And the lighter weight of the pistol, compared to heavier pistols, makes the recoil worse when firing the weapon.”
“Now, back to the topic at hand. I am sure that Interpol, and the local Tokyo police have identified your fingerprints as one of the three sets on that pistol. The other two being Balalaika's, and Morozumi, Kousa's bodyguard, whom owned the pistol.
“Of course, up until a minute after that murder, you had no idea, beforehand, that Balalaika was under orders to first destroy the Yakuza group threatening the Washimine group, and then destroy the Washimine group, as well. To be exact. Her orders, in her own words, were to make war, and burn it all to ashes.”
“And though, out of tact, I did not tell Molly this. I also did not mentioned this last night, by radio, because it was an open line, with Balalaika listening. But when Molly was Yukio, she did not help herself by planning to head to Roanapur, as her family's representative. And the situation was worse, due to Balalaika having wiretaps allowing her to learn of this plan ahead of time.”
“But, after all is said and done. You should know. That you should feel no guilt in asking Balalaika to destroy the Washimine group. Because she was going to do anyway. The only real mistake you made was trying to save a girl that clearly did not want to be saved.”
“And you cannot truly save those that do not want to be saved.”
“By the point of time, as which you tried to do so, she and Ginji were going to die violently. One way, or another. They had already set their path. And all you could have done was say a prayer for them, and leave them to their fates.”
“Also, it was them that kidnapped you, and dragged you and Revy into that final confrontation. As such, there was no way that their deaths were your fault.”
“So, you need to accept that, let go, and move on.”
Rock replied, “I already have.”
Lee stated, “Good. But, that is not all.”
Rock took the bait, as she questioned, “Really, what else do you have to say?”
Lee stated, “Something many people miss. But, I don't. On a subconscious level, you are always on guard.”
Rock asked, “And how would you know that?”
Lee answered, “That messed up dream you had about the whole Tokyo garage standoff, between you, Revy, Balalaika, and Boris. Where Balalaika had you pinned against the hood of a hood of a car, while she pointed her pistol right between your eyes. Meanwhile Revy drew down on Balalaika and Boris. And Boris was pointing his pistol at Revy.”
Rock commented, “That was a very tense situation for Revy and I. And it was a situation that was very hard for me to forget.”
Lee stated, “I realize that. But, in your dream, it was Chang that was pinning you to the hood of the car, and holding one of his custom Beretta seventy-six pistols to your head.”
“That dream was your subconscious reminding you of what Balalaika did in Tokyo. That Chang was just as capable of Balalaika, in pulling off a massacre, like what she and Hotel Moscow did in Tokyo.”
“Along with this, at the time, I am sure your subconscious reminded you that Revy was still somewhat of a danger towards you. Though, since then, she had gotten much better, when it comes her relationship towards you. And I am not just talking about how you to are lovers. But, you are also friends that completely trust each other.”
“Though, at the time, those were three of the five most influential people in your life. With Dutch and Benny being four and five.”
“So, at some level you were aware of how dangerous your life had become. I am not saying you did not already realize you were in a dangerous situation. But, you may not have realized how severe the danger was around you. Until Fabiola shot you, in the chest, with that blank round, after that whole jungle run.”
“And getting shot does put things in perspective for a person.”
Lee thought, 'And unlike you, Rock. At the very beginning of this chase against me. Before I even came to Mexico. I never had any illusions about the dangers I am in. Nor, did I have any illusions about how dangerous all of you badasses are, towards others, outside your group, including myself.'
Lee noticed that line was quite for several seconds.
Lee thought, 'Rock, I will give you your chance to mull over what I just said to you.' Lee then remained silent, as he allow Rock to say the next word.
Several more seconds later, Rock then said, in a calm tone of voice, “I admit you have made several points there. Thank you.”
Lee thought, 'Good. We are making progress in the right direction.' He kindly replied, “You're welcome, Rock.”
Suddenly, an explosion that lightly rocked the building that Lee and Garibaldi were in.
A few seconds later, there was another explosion, that lightly rocked the building.
Lee thought, 'What the hell?'
Lee looked over at Garibaldi. He saw surprise show on Garibaldi's face.
Lee continued his thoughts, 'From Garibaldi's facial expression. I can tell that he is thinking alone the same lines and I am. Now, to find out, who, or what caused the explosives. First, I need to check with Rock. And I hope it was from her group. Or, the problems Garibaldi and I have, had just multiplied by a factor of ten.'
Lee complained into the cellphone, “Not to ruin the mood. But Rock, I thought you had enough style to wait on attacking me, until after you finished gloating.”
Rock replied, in a confused tone of voice, “It wasn't us.”
Lee said, “Then please, hold on one minute.”
Lee continued to hold the cellphone to his ear, he placed his right thumb on the device's microphone.
Lee looked over at the man behind his desk, as he requested, “Garibaldi, please find out where those explosions came from.”
Lee saw that Garibaldi was already working his keyboard, as Garibaldi replied, “I am already on it.”
Garibaldi thought, 'I still want to keep an eye on Rock's group, so I will use split screen mode.'
The screens in his office suddenly showed several cameras in the complex, dividing the screen between them. The name of the location on the bottom right of the boxes on the screen.
There were fours, sectioned in quarters. In the upped left box, the camera continued to show the, 'east outer wing', with a close up to where Rock and her group were.
The upper right box show a camera of a tunnel system, with the label, 'west end waste tunnel B'.
The two lower boxes showed two camera angels that listed, 'west outer wing'. The lower left box showed a wide angle of the area. While the lower right box showed a close up of the area.
Both men saw what was coming from the west side of the complex, from the large outside walls of the concrete fence, and tunnel shown on the video feeds.
They recognized what the new attackers were, and from the looks of it, the attackers on the west end of the headquarters had already destroyed the rail-cannons turrets, on that side of the complex, before they could fully came online, take aim, and fire. Both the large ones that had popped up from the cylindrical parts of the concrete fence. And small large guns that popped in the tunnel system.
There attackers were also taking out the other automate weapons systems, as they were slowing coming towards the main, center building that Garibaldi and Lee were inside of.
Fortunately, the main building that Garibaldi and Lee was in was still a fair distance from the outer ring walls of the large concrete fence.
Garibaldi continued to look at the security video feeds, as he demanded, “How the hell did they get here unnoticed?”
Lee turned back to Garibaldi, as stated, “Each one has a reality device built into them. They can appear at once, at a seconds notice. And that is likely what they literally did.”
Garibaldi looked at Lee, as he sarcastically responded, “Lee, you really know how to create a rogues gallery.”
Lee sarcastically replied, “It's a gift. But, I think we can make this work for us.”
Garibaldi requested, “I would like to see how you plan to do that?”
Lee grinned, as he replied, “Just watch the master at work.”
Lee removed his right thumb from the microphone, with the phone still to his right ear. He said, into the cellphone, “Well Rocky-babe, the past versions of your lover, and her Hell Saber friends, just screwed the pooch. Sometime in their lives, they send a small army of boomers to attack this place, right now. I got combat and battle boomers attacking the west gate. And what looks to be boomer dogs coming up from the sewer system.”
“By the way, your girls are on the east gate.”
Lee mentally reflected, 'Damn. Chang is thorough, those boomer dogs are only from the BGC concept art. I vaguely remember that art showed a boomer dog having laser guns attached to their backs, like extra arms. Yet, those boomer dogs are only using their teeth and claws to take out those laser defenses. So, I think Chang probably was using a very early prototype design, when he had them made. Which makes sense.'
'Also, I can tell that the defenses are destroying a number of boomers inside and outside, and slowing them down. But, not enough to stop them.'
Lee verbally continued, “Anyway Rock, you might want to ask them what exactly they have done. So, we can salvage this situation.”
The line was silent for around minute. Rock then stated, “From what Shenhua and Sawyer tell me, that during the one month truce, when I was in the vat, the girls were sent here for Garibaldi, and a few others. And they saw present Roberta. After they did so, they all decided to use an army of boomers to get Garibaldi, and thus prevent the risk of a paradox by meeting us... And the worst part is that it has been so long that none of them, they don't clearly remember if they caught Garibaldi, or not.”
Lee sarcastically thought, 'Talk about a fun mystery.' He mentally reflected, with more seriousness, 'Still, I did wonder how they spent that month, or whatever. Given time dilation angles. And it figures Rock would get her information from those Shenhua and Sawyer.'
'Revy's memory is not the best about such little details. Even concerning ground assaults, if she is not directly involved. Though, Revy is likely nearby, listening to the conversation. So, she can stay up to date with the situation.'
'And from the look on Roberta's face, from the video camera feed, I saw a few minutes ago, is any indication, she is to pissed off to safely approach.'
'And now that I know who sent those boomers. Which was no great mystery. I think I know exactly how to make this work for Garibaldi and myself.'
Suddenly, over the cellphone, Rock sternly stated, “I know what you are thinking.”
Lee smirked, as he commented, “I already knew the Hell Sabers were after Garibaldi. Arcee, as a pink robot, is very noticeable.” He mentally added, 'Among other things. I think I will not tell Rock that they had been spotted in their other kidnappings.' He requested, “But still, thrill me with your brilliance.”
Rock stated, “You plan to force us into a situation where we have to fight the boomers, while you two escape.”
Lee complimented, “That is what I love about you, Rock. You can cut through the bullshit, and figure out what is really going on. And you have the guts to tell the other guy about it to their face. Anyway, the boomers are after us. If they get us, I'm dead, and we both know it. So, good luck, as all of you dance in the palm of my hand.”
Lee dropped his smirk, as he hung up the cellphone, by folding it up. He then handed the cellphone, across the desk, to Garibaldi.
As Garibaldi pocketed his cellphone, he commented, “You know, towards the end, that was quite an arrogant statement to make to her.”
Lee calmly admitted, “Of course. And it is doubly arrogant in that I was quoting what she had previously said in the Blood Trail. And while it is rude, and manipulative, it might throw her a bit off her game. Thus, buying us a little more time to make our escape...” Lee smirked, as he continued, “It is all just calculations. You just have to understand all the angles, to make the situation work for you. And I have become a master at that.”
Garibaldi thought, 'So, that is his game. And he freely admits that he uses his words to get the reactions he wants. That is arrogant of him. Also, I am sure he is thinking he can play me the same way. Though, it is best I not let him in on my seeing through his ruse. And he is a fountain of information, and skills, that I can use to get myself out of this mess.'
Garibaldi asked, “I can see your point. So, how deep are we in it?”
Lee deadpanned, “We are literally between a rock and a hard place... Pun intended.”
Garibaldi let out a laugh, as he got Lee's joke.
Lee dropped his grin, as his voice turned serious, as he continued, “But, all joking aside. You have an army of death machines, known as boomers, after your ass. And I have an even more dangerous army of badass babes after my ass. If you can find good news out of that, I would be surprised.”
Garibaldi shrugged, as he casually remarked, “Plenty of actions, and T&A, as they clash over who gets us.”
Lee cracked a grin, as he complimented, “Garibaldi, I love your positive thinking. And you are right. The good news is as long as we don't get caught in the crossfire, we might survive.”
Garibaldi requested, “Since you have more experience in this situation. Bottom line it for me. How screwed are we? And how do we get out of this mess?”
Lee stated, “Garibaldi, if they get their hands on you, they will screw you worse than the Bester and Psi Corps did. The good news is that Rock will likely not try to get to us from the outside of the building. Though, with their infrared equipment, they can see us, through the building.”
Garibaldi commented, “I already figured that was how they knew I was with you. Tough, that cannot be helped. Because I refused to live in a windowless environmental again. After living on Babylon Five, I have had enough of that.”
Lee responded, “I can sympathize with that. Also, Rock will likely send the Knight Sabers, and their motoslaves to deal with the boomers. That will mean their most heavily armed, and armored, members of their group will be busy fighting the boomers. And not your resources.”
“And Rock will likely have the Knight Sabers, along with a few others also covering this building, from all sides, to keep the boomers from trying to scale this building from the outside. Though, I would not worry about that too much, while the boomers can climb. It would take them time to do so. And they would be shot before they reached us. Also, while they are designed to hover along the ground, they are not designed for vertical flight.”
Garibaldi requested, “It has been years since I have scene that series, with those killer machines, and powersuited babes. So, refresh my memory. What are these boomers? What are these they capable of?”
Lee stated, “The seven feet tall, humanoid shaped, blue boomers are combat models. They have build in weaponry. And in battle, they are designed for infantry combat. The larger, brown boomers, with the right lances, are battle boomers. They are basically walking light tanks. Their lance has a machine gun and rocket launcher on it. They are tougher and pack more punch than the combat boomers, but they are not as physically agile, nor as mentally flexible as combat boomers.”
“The two types are mass produced models. And they do have some problems. While I am not sure about the battle boomers, the combat boomers have personalities, and can be talked to. Though, barring a few exceptions, they cannot be reasoned with, nor go against their programming.”
“And I know better than to try that.”
Garibaldi thought, 'So do I. Though, years ago, Jeffery had some luck reasoning with an alien weapon. But, I am not as good as Jeffery was. And he is not here, right now. So, I won't even try doing that.'
Lee continued, “Between the two types, they designed as infantry, and light armored ground assault. And barring a few exceptions, they will just make their way up the building from the inside.'
'I am not sure about the boomer dogs. But, if I was to guess, they look like they don't have much in the way of weapons, except their teeth and claws. They are likely designed for reconnaissances, and dealing with targets of opportunity.”
“Also, even though the boomers have larger numbers, given possible upgrades to the Knight Sabers had done to their hardsuites and motoslaves. Along with them being heavily armed, and there being eight members, and eight motoslaves. Twice the numbers and firepower than the originally had. And factoring in the human members have been given a super-soldier serum I would guess that the Knight Sabers can handle the boomers, and compensate for your defenses, without being seriously injured, nor killed.”
Garibaldi sarcastically thought, 'And these are the killer robots, and super badasses that are after us...' He mentally continued in a calmer emotional state, 'Still, I am starting to see the good news in all this.'
Garibaldi inquired, with a slightly happier tone of voice, “Okay. I am starting to see how you view the situation getting better. But, I am sure you also have a plan of escape?”
Lee answered, “Yes. And it is really simple. You need to take me to my reality device. We both use it, and we immediately escape to one of the few places none of them will immediately follow. And don't worry. The place is perfectly safe. As long as we land on dry land. And I am fairly sure I can accomplish that for both of us.”
Garibaldi thought, 'You comment does not fill me with confidence. Though, you are offering me a quick way out of her. So, I will my mouth shut on the matter.'
'And since I don't dare risk call in a shuttle. It will likely get shot down by one side of the other, after us, outside. So, you way is our only way. And it has something to do with that device you had. And you called it a reality device. As such, it is not hard to figure out what it does. Even though I have no clue how it does what it does.'
'Now, to take him to his device, so we can get out of here.'
Garibaldi got up from his chair, behind his desk. He stated, “The device is in a lab, seven floors below us. Still, how do you know I won't use the device myself, and leave you here to your fate?”
Lee thought, 'He likely said few floors below us, last time, to throw me. Should I try to escape and get to my reality device on my own. Not bad. Now, tell him why I am not worried about his possibly betraying me.' He smirked, as he stated, “Because I never told you have to work it.”
Garibaldi conceded, “Good point.” He mentally added, 'And him not mentioning that was clearly intentional on his part. This man is as sharp as he lets on, or sharper.'
Lee then realized something. He asked, “Are the defenses on this floor, are on the floor we are going turned on?”
Garibaldi stated, “No. There are no hidden gun turrets on the top ten floors, including this one and the one we are going to. I do not want risk assassinating my, and my family, with a similar keystroke.”
Lee inquired, “Okay. That is a good point. Also, given you stated the place was evacuated. And that your family is gone. Do you expect them back any time soon. We do not want to them to return here, in the middle of this mess. It is oversights like this, that can get people killed.”
Garibaldi thought, 'That is a good point. Fortunately, the answer is, no.' He answered, “No. My daughter is at a convention center, and my wife is also busy with some charity work.”
Lee replied, “Good. Just checking. And before we leave, we need to see that technician. I don't want him killed on my account.”
Garibaldi thought, 'I see he is still concerned with the welfare of others.' He said, “Don't worry, we will see him along the way.”
Lee thought, 'Good. And except for that one other guy. I don't have to worry about anyone else getting hurt, while I am here, on my account. And I am sure I can figure something out to save him. Still, I don't want to take someone I don't know about, with me, into the multiverse. That could have dire consequences for everyone involved.'
'Also, I wonder why he is here? My precognition is warning me that it is very bad for me. But, I don't see how?'
'Though, I will worry about that, later. Right now, there is one other matter concerning Garibaldi’s family, that need needs to take care of.'
Lee said, “Okay. And before we leave, I suggest you call your wife and child, and say goodbye to them. Chances are you will not see them again. For a while. Though, for them probably hours, to a day. But, for you, it might be months to years. Though, just in case it is longer for them. It is good to say goodbye.”
Garibaldi replied, “You are correct about that.”
Lee then turned to cameras on the wallscreen, as a thought occurred to him.
Lee thought, 'Oh no.' Lee commented, “Before we leave. Something just occurred to me. While I know Rock has hackers. Rock might have hackers get into the computer systems. And while we see the defenses work against the boomers, it is possible that Rock may have had the defenses on the eastern side, of this headquarters, turned off. And Rock is devious to have that done.”
Lee thought, 'That was a major oversight on my part. But, I cannot think of everything. Especially, at this high level of the game we are playing. I just hope that Garibaldi can fix it, before that oversight comes back to bite me in the ass.'
Garibaldi agreed, “You might be right. I will check right now.” He leaned down and typed on his desk keyboard.
Lee watched as the video camera feeds disappeared from the wallscreen monitor, and replaced by two dimensional map, of the complex, looking down. There were several red dots, on the yellow outline of the map, that showed the buildings, fences and other locations where the defensive were were at. The doors on the very western part of the wall were hollow circles, while the rest of the west side, up to half way into the building they were in, was solid red. But, the completely eastern half of the map, including the eastern half of the building we in, was blinking red dots.
Garibaldi leaned up and looked at the wallscreen. He stated, “Crap. You are right. The hollow circles show the defenses that the boomers have destroyed. The solid dots show the defenses that are still online. And as you have probably already guessed. The blinking dots show the defense weapons that have been taken offline.”
Lee thought, 'So, sniping the defenses was plan B, for Rock. And she allowed me to think it was plan A for her. Which would have them arriving here sooner than I expected. That is very clever of her.' He asked, “Can they be turned back on?”
Garibaldi said, “Not without my security team being here. And even if they were here, I don't think we would have the time to turn them back on, before either side got to us.”
Lee requested, “Perhaps it is for the best. And is just means we need to hurry. So, lead the way.” He mentally added, 'Besides, I don't want to kill Rock, nor any members of her team. And I still have a few ideas on how to slow them down.”
Garibaldi politely requested, “One moment, please.” He used the keyboard on his desk to off the wallscreen. After which, Garibaldi leaned further down on his desk.
Lee then watched as Garibaldi reached into the top side left drawer, to Garibaldi’s left, of Garibaldi’s desk.
Lee then saw the telltale yellow glint of gold in Garibaldi’s hand, before Garibaldi quickly pocketed the items in his left front pants pocket. While Lee only saw a corner of one of the small items, Lee could tell was it it.
Lee thought, 'Those are likely small gold bars. I guess somethings are universal.'
Garibaldi looked up at see that Lee noticed what he was doing.
Garibaldi cracked a grin, as he commented, “I don't like leaving, empty handed.”
Lee complimented, “That is a good policy.”
Garibaldi replied, “Thank you.”
Lee commented, “And gold is valuable in a number of human realities.”
Garibaldi remarked, “Of course. Gold and greed have a long history, together.”
Lee agreed, “Absolutely.”
Garibaldi then closed the drawer, and leaned up. He then walked around his desk, to his right side.
As he head towards the door, he walked pass Lee. He said, “This way.”
Lee silently got up, and he followed Garibaldi, as the older man lead Lee to the nearest elevator.
When the ended the hallway, Garibaldi turned left, and down the hallway, in the opposite direction from which Lee came toward Garibaldi’s office.
As they walked down the hallway, Lee followed behind Garibaldi, and to the older man's left.
As they continued walking down the hallway, at a conformable pace, Lee saw Garibaldi pull out his cellphone, unfold it, and dial a number.
Garibaldi then held his cellphone to his right ear. A second later, he said, “Hello Lise. We need to talk.”
Lee thought, 'Lise is Michael Garibaldi's wife. And I think it is best I stay silent until he is finished on the phone. I am in enough trouble with him, as is.'
Lee remained silent, as he listened to Garibaldi’s side of the conversation
Garibaldi said, “Yes. I am glad you are having a good time on at the botanical gardens show...”
Lee thought, 'So, that is where Garibaldi’s wife is. And that is likely in another part of Mars Dome One.'
Garibaldi continued, “Anyway honey. I have gotten into a bit of a rough spot. Don't worry. I am fine. Though, I am going to have to disappear for a while. But, I will try to return soon. And no matter what it looks like, I am alright...”
Garibaldi went onto say, in a loving tone of voice, “Thank you. And I love you, too.”
Garibaldi then hung up his phone.
By then, they had reached the two elevators, for that side of the floor, that were set side by side, with each other. As the two men came to a stop in front of the two elevators, Garibaldi press the down arrow on the wall, between two of the elevators.
Next, Garibaldi dialed another number. Afterward, he held the phone up to his ear.
A few seconds later, he said, “Hello Mary.”
Lee thought, 'That must be Garibaldi’s daughter, Mary, whom I briefly met at the sci-fi convention.'
The elevator doors, to their left, then opened up.
Both men walked into the elevator, and turned around to face the doors to the elevator, with Lee standing to Garibaldi’s left side.
While using his right hand to hold his cellphone to his right ear, Garibaldi used his left hand to pulled out a key from his pocket. He slid the key into the button he wanted to go to. Turned the key a quarter turn to the right, and pushed it in. That button lit up. Garibaldi then turned the key back a quarter turn, pulled it out. Afterward, he pocketed the key.
Lee saw where they were, from the fact the buttons on the rectangular panel all had numbers on them. And that the button corresponding to the floor they were on was lit up. Along, with the button of the floors they were on, the button of the floor that Garibaldi selected was lit up as well.
Lee thought, 'We are on the sixty-eighth floor. And we are heading for the sixty-first floor. There are seventy floors in all, on the panel. Not counting the basement levels.'
'And I would guess the top two floors are probably the penthouse area for the Garibaldi family to live in. Also, the top ten floors, including the penthouse levels, require a key to use. And I would guess that key is a universal key for the elevators. With other keys given to people, per the floor they are assigned to. And though that key is low tech and simple. It a wonderful security measure. Because, instead of hacking the elevator to get it to work. You have to have a physical key to get it to work.'
'And if the elevators are this low tech. Than I doubt the hackers can hack them, to shut the down. Which is good. Though, I am sure that Garibaldi has a way to remote control them.'
'Also, I do hope lock picking is not a lost art here... But, that won't stop those after us. The boomers can still rip their way through the elevator shaft. And while Rock will not send in full assault to get me, due to the boomer army outside. Instead, Rock will likely send small team, because defenses are down on their side of this headquarters. And given how high up we are, that team will likely take the stairs. I highly doubt Rock's team will try to scale the outside of this building.'
'In addition, the elevation we were currently at furthers validates my theory that Rock's group might be to worried about getting hit by boomers at a distance, while out in the open. And they will also be watch the outside building, to prevent the boomers from trying to scale the outside, to reach us.'
'On that note, I would not be surprised if Rock did not put Balalaika and B on sniper detail on this side, to guard the outside of the building, while asking the Knight Sabers to cover the west side, while they stall the boomers on that side of the complex.'
'Still, given their raw numbers, some boomers will get past the Knights Saber. And it is a far distance, it is possible, the boomers will reach us from both inside and outside. And the boomers use infrared as well. So, they know were we are. And with us being the only two of three people in the entire building, to start with, it is academic that we are the targets.'
As the elevators closed, Lee heard Garibaldi say, in a kind, calm, tone of voice, “I am glad you are having a great time...
Lee thought, 'Mary must been giving Garibaldi an earfull of how much of a great time she is having at the convention. Like any teenage daughter would towards the father she loves.'
Garibaldi stated, “Still, I have something to tell you. And I think you are going to need to sit down to hear it...”
“Well, it is not that bad... But, it is bad...”
Garibaldi continued, in a reassuring tone of voice, “I am going away for a while. Though, I promise, I will return. And everything will be fine...”
“Yes. I love you will all my heart, as well. Now, have some fun, honey. That is what life is all about.”
Garibaldi then hung up the connection, and dial another number.
A few moments after setting the cellphone to his ear, Garibaldi said, in a calm tone of voice, “This is Garibaldi. I need you to put my contracts on hold. I will be disappearing on my own. I will contact you when I need to you resume those contracts... Thank you.”
Garibaldi then hung up his cellphone, folded it back up, and pocketed the device, back where he kept it in his coat.
While the elevator continued moving down, Lee and Garibaldi both remained silent, as Lee thought, 'I believe that Garibaldi was just talking to a his contractor, that handles the hits he wants to taken out on people. Which, from what I understand, he rarely ever does.'
'And most of these hits are from not immediately hits. Instead, the people, in question, are on a list. The list composed some of Garibaldi's few living enemies. With the hits on the list only taking effect, if something should ever happen to Garibaldi, or his family. Should something happen to any of the members of the Garibaldi family, hitmen would kill his enemies on that list.'
'Unless Michael Garibaldi stopped the hits in advance. Such as now. And it makes sense for him to contact the hitmen, to put the hits on hold, so as he does not needlessly stir the pot, and make the situation worse for everyone, by accidentally having those hits go forward, due to his planned disappearance.'
Just then, Lee felt the elevator stop. A second later, the doors opened.
As they exited the elevator, Lee let Garibaldi take lead.
A few seconds later, the elevator doors closed behind them.
Lee walked at Garibaldi walked out of the elevator section, then turn to the left, in an adjoining hallway. Lee then follow Garibaldi.
As they walked down the hallway, Lee saw that all the doors to his sides were close. Also, Lee noticed some strange vertical, six inch lines, on the walls, every so often. Both on the floor they were on, and on the floor they had come from. The lines were a slightly different shade of color, than the wall colors. And the lines ran in parallel, down both sides of the hallway.
Lee thought, 'Hmm... I will have to ask Garibaldi about those lines, later. Still, there is something I need to say to Garibaldi right now. And I need to mean it.'
And as they walked, Lee sincerely apologized, “I am sorry I screwed up your life, Garibaldi.”
Garibaldi continued looked ahead of Lee, as he commented, “To be honest, I am surprised something like this has not happened sooner... And we should be reaching our destination, any second now.” He thought, 'At least, you are willing to apology over you part in this mess. Though, you have no exactly told me what you are part in this mess is about.'
Lee thought, 'Well, at least he was polite about my apology.'
A few seconds later, Lee saw them approach an open door, down the hallway to his, and Garibaldi’s left.
Garibaldi then walked into the room, with Lee right behind him.
Lee also decided to leave the door open, to the hallway.
As they ended the room, Lee saw that it was a lab, with white fluorescent lighting, from the ceiling lights, turned on.
To Lee's right was a long, wooden, rectangular island, that went down to the floor, with several drawers on all sides. The island ran along the room, to the far wall, with a six foot gap between the far wall and that side of the island.
Beside the island was with a human, male technician, in a white lab coat. Lee could see the man was working on something, on the table. With him using his tools, while having his back to the wall bordering the hallway.
In wall in front of the three men were two large paned windows to the outside. And from the morning sunlight, Lee could see cityscape outside, with the dome walls in distance.
On the far wall, to Lee's right, was a sealed, pear of metal doors. And to Lee's left, along the wall, were sets of shelves, with electronic equipment, tools, and books.
The floor was white linoleum tile.
Lee asked, “Which way does the window face?” He thought, 'Because, given I woke up in a room in this building, and we have been turning down corners a few time. I am not exactly sure.'
Garibaldi answered, “The south side. Like my office.”
Lee replied, “Good. Also, are those windows bulletproof?”
Garibaldi answered, “Unfortunately, no. Only the top three floors have bulletproof windows. All the windows below those floor are just rate for wind resistance.” He thought, 'Though, I have been slowly updating the security on this building for the last several years. I was scheduling the window replacements later this year. I guess I am a day late, and a dollar short.'
Lee mentally cursed, 'Damn.' He calmly replied, “Okay.”
Garibaldi said, “Now, let me introduce the both of you to each other.”
Garibaldi turned to the male technician, whom overhead Garibaldi.
Lee saw the technician lean up from the island table he was working at, and looked at the other Garibaldi, and himself.
Lee saw the human man was a moderately tall, but lean, fair skinned man, with black hair, in a short ponytail, tied back in a black scrunchy. The man wore a long, white lab coat, and he appeared to be in his mid-thirties.
Garibaldi gestured to the man, with his right hand, as he stated, “This is Bernard Maximilian. He is my chief technology researcher. And he agreed to stay and work on something, while I had the rest of my headquarters evacuated.”
Bernard turned to Garibaldi, as he kindly said, “It is alright Mister Garibaldi. I do not mind.”
Garibaldi mentioned, “And he is very polite...” Garibaldi then gestured to Lee, with his right hand, as he continued, “Bernard, this is Lee. Our guest.”
Bernard turned to Lee, as he said, “It is a pleasure to meet you.”
Lee looked over at Bernard, as he replied, “Likewise. And we need to discuss a few things, before you get back to work. But, I believe you employer would be better fit to explain the situation.”
Garibaldi overheard Lee's comment, as he thought, 'Yes. And my employee would take the situation more seriously if I told him, instead of Lee. That is a nice move on your part Lee.' He turned to Bernard, as he calmly said, “The headquarters is are under attack.”
Bernard raised an eyebrow, as he questioned, “Again... So, that is what rocked the building a few minutes ago?”
Lee thought, with amusement, 'So, this is not the first time this headquarters has been under attack. And the personnel has some experience with that. That really do not surpise me. But, it is a matter for another time.
Lee turned to Bernard, as he stated, “Yes. And we are on our what to escaping. But first, we need to know you plans of escape?”
Bernard answered, “There is a trapdoor right where I am standing. The button is at the bottom of the island, by my feet. The trapdoor leads directly down to a closet on the next level below us. And in the back of the closet is access the saferoom. This secret saferoom is one of the most heavily armored locations in the building. I should be fine there, until this blows over.”
Lee said, “Okay. If that is what you want to do.” He mentally added, 'If the boomers sense myself, and Garibaldi leave, they will likely teleport. And Rock's group has not interest in this man. So, as long as we are gone, he should be fine. Plus, I cannot take an unknown person with us, for several reasons. Also, he states he has experience in this headquarters being attacked, so I will trust his judgment, concerning this attack itself. And he clearly has a plan, and knows what to do during this attack. Still...' He turned to Garibaldi, as he commented, “He is your employee. It is your call.”
Garibaldi flatly stated, “I am taking a huge gamble going with you. And I not risking someone else.”
Lee inquired, “Good answer. And let's not waste time. So, where is my reality device? Also, what is Bernard working on here, that is so important?” He thought, 'I have been wondering that.'
Garibaldi looked Lee, with a slightly embarrassed look on his face, as he began, “Ah.. Well...”
Lee realized the subtext of Garibaldi comment. He flatly interrupted, “Oh no, you didn't?”
Lee quickly marched over to stand beside Bernard, as he to looked at what Bernard was working on.
On the island table, with tools set aside, Lee saw that Bernard had almost completely taken his reality device apart.
The device was outside its housing. With its parts and electronic tools sitting on the island beside it. Also, Bernard was holding a couple of electronic tools as well.
As Lee completely took look at the dissembled reality device, with mild shock, Garibaldi continued his explanation, in a calm tone of voice, “We wanted to know how it worked, and what it did. And scanners would not tell us, heads, nor tails, about it. So, I had it taken apart. Though, my friend here should be able to put back together, long before those after us, get here.”
Lee looked at up at Garibaldi, with a look of disbelief on his face. Lee flatly accused, as whine, “Oh, come on, Garibaldi. You have been in this game long enough to know that Murphy Law's will screw you when you least expect it.”
Garibaldi conceded, “Yes. This is my fault.”
Lee request, “Next time. Just ask, first.”
Garibaldi replied, “Okay. I will” He mentally added, 'He took that bit of bad news better than I expected.'
Lee looked back at the dissembled reality device, as he grimly thought, 'I really am in my freakshow circus situation. Like Rock, Revy, Eda, and Janet. Eda was lucky that during her siege, of that Greenback Jane arc, that the only problem she had was the getaway boat was late. But, that was her fault for not calling Dutch in advance. Where in this situation, not having access to my immediate getaway is not my fault.'
'And this is far more complicated than that. I may have imagined these reality devices, but I intentionally kept how they worked vague, because I am not a quantum physicist... Well, technically, after the math and science courses that Violin taught me in the time loop, I could be... If I wanted to... Still, I don't know how these things work. And I am way over my head, if I try too...'
'Why, oh why, am I constantly forced to do things the hard way?'
Lee muttered, in a quiet, though whiny tone of voice, “No matter the life. No matter the reality. It is never the easy way. Why is that? Can't I just get a break for once in my life? Or, is every single event in my life going to be like pulling teeth?”
Garibaldi overheard him. He chuckled. He then replied, “I know the feeling.”
Bernard commented, “So, this is a reality device? As in traveling the multiverse? And you two are planning to use it to escape from those attacking the base?”
Lee turned to Bernard, as he thought, 'This dude is sharp. I will give him that.' He answered, “Yes. But, I don't think is a wise idea for you to come with us.”
Bernard looked at Lee, as he agreed, “Neither do I. You are not the only ones that studied such subjects. Besides, I have a family here that depends on me. Also, I get the feeling that whomever is attacking this place is after both you, and Mister Garibaldi, because his statements reflect he is coming with you. And they are not after, myself.”
Garibaldi stated, “Exactly.” The other two men looked at Garibaldi, as he continued, “That is why I hired Bernard here. He is smart. He is a quick learner. And he knows better than to jump feet first into a problem, without looking prior to doing so.”
Lee turned to Bernard, as he guessed, “And you likely already memorized how this device works?” He mentally reflection, 'Why jump in the deep end of the multiverse, when you can just take your time, and wade in the shallow end? This moment this mess is over, you will likely begin work on your own device. And you will take your sweet time in doing so. And you will be care each step of the way.'
Bernard turned to Lee, as he admitted, “Of course.” He turned to Garibaldi, as he commented, “And I can replicate the technology?”
Garibaldi responded, “Good. But, keep that to yourself, until I get back.”
Bernard replied, “Yes sir.”
Lee thought, while feeling concern, 'There is not much I can do about Bernard knowing how this technology works. Though, if he can figure out how the technology works to fast, I can probably, eventually figure it out, as well. I just don't have the time right now to do so. And I need to get him to work for us. So, we can get out of here.'
Lee politely requested, “Still, I need you to put this thing back together, as quickly as possible. And have it in working order.”
Bernard looked at Lee, as he calmly stated, “It is going to take time.”
Lee calmly said, “Then, set a speed record. Because we do not have long, before those after us, reach us.”
Lee mentally lamented, 'I have to calm down. This guy is my only ticket out of here. Upsetting him would be counterproductive. And it is no wonder my precognition was screaming. And with our luck. Chances are, Bernard, here, won't be finished until the very last moment... I am going to have to squeeze every second I can, to stall the assault on this building, from both sides. Luckily, I have some ideas on how to do that.'
Bernard replied, “Okay. It should take me only little while to put it back together.”
Lee said, calm tone of voice, “That will be fine And I know you cannot test this device. But please, let it be in working order.”
Bernard stated, “When I get finished, the electronics will be functioning to the point the device should work.”
Lee commented, “That is all I can ask. And look at it this way. You get this fixed on time. I am sure when you boss gets back, he will want you to continue research on this. And that means funding for more toys for your labs.”
Garibaldi overheard this, as he thought, 'I see that Lee is going with the carrot. And I agree with his strategy. So, I will help. Besides, he is right about that.' He stated, “That is a promise, Bernard.”
Bernard looked Garibaldi, as he commented, “I know. Our lives and my reputation is on the line and I won't disappoint you, Mister Garibaldi.” He then leaned back over, as he started using the tools in front of him, on the island, to put the disassembled reality device back together again, as quickly as possible. While still making sure the device would function.
Lee said “Good.” He then turned back to Garibaldi, as he inquired, in a casual tone of voice, “First, how long until they get here?”
Garibaldi stated, “If they use the windows, about twenty minutes. But, I don't think either group will. So, say thirty minutes, with change.”
Lee looked at his watch. It was ten five AM. He thought, 'Factoring five minutes to get here, and the time for the discussion, I would say we have twenty-five minutes.'
Lee then looked back at Garibaldi, as he questioned, “Okay. While they can see our body heat. Can they see and hear us with your camera system?”
Garibaldi answered, “No. One of the first things I did was CEO was separate the cameras and microphones for security from everything else. The surveillance system of this headquarters is hardwired to only be viewed from monitors on the top ten levels of this building, and the security office. That is why they have not shut it down, like the weapon defenses, on half the complex. Also, there are no microphones in the camera security system.”
Lee thought, 'You probably got tire of people bringing down your camera system. Or, wiretapping your conversations.' He complimented, “Good job.”
Garibaldi replied, “Thank you.”
Lee thought, 'Now, to see what other options we have. He requested, “Now Garibaldi, if you can give me access to the security system here, I might be able to buy us five to ten more minutes. I have a few ideas that we might be able to use to slow down those coming after us.”
Garibaldi thought, 'It is clear that Lee is always planning. Not a bad thing, I just have to be watchful of him. Still, we could use those minutes.' He said, “Yes. Over here.” Garibaldi then walked over to the open door to the hallway.
It was then that Lee noticed a wall mounted wallscreen monitor, like the one that was in Garibaldi’s office, right beside the door, on the inside of the room they were in.
Lee thought, 'I must have missed that, when I walked inside the room. Just a lesson that even I can miss one or two things. Every now and then. And in the game we are in, that can prove fatal.' He then walked over to join Garibaldi by the wallscreen.
As Lee joined Garibaldi by the monitor, Garibaldi said, towards the monitor, “Garibaldi. Alpha-three-nine-six clearance.”
Lee thought, 'Garibaldi likely prefers a to use a keyboard, because his voice can be recorded. But, this situation is too dire to look for a spare keyboard here. Also, these wallscreens do have microphones, and cameras. Not counting other such surveillance hidden in this room, and through the headquarters. But, just like Garibaldi, the situation is too dire to worry about being recording by hide security cameras, and microphones. I will just play it by ear.'
'Also, I find it ironic that Babylon Five series showed that even with gun control, and a complete surveillance police state, on the station, did not mean that someone was watching the cameras, and listening to the microphones all the time. But, such things did record all the time. But, that is something to ponder later, when our asses are not on the line.'
Lee saw that the monitor then displayed a GUI interface that provided a series of selections to choose from.
Garibaldi tapped the screen to high light a list that was labels, 'building defense'.
Garibaldi continued to look at the monitor, as he asked, “So, what do you have in mind?”
Lee also looked at the monitor, as he answered, “It depends. I am sure that this place has other defenses that are not automatic, to prevent civilians from being trapped, and allowing them to escape.”
Garibaldi responded, “Yes. Though, usually my security team is given discretion on such matters.”
Lee said, “I am sure. Though, with them gone, we will have to do the jobs, ourselves. Let's run down the possibilities. So, let's start the ball rolling. Does this place use a halon, or carbon dioxide fire suppression system?” He thought, 'If so, that will not slow down the boomers. But, it will slow down Rock's group. Because they will have to wait to air each room out, one by one. Because such systems remove the oxygen in the rooms.'
Garibaldi answered, “No. We use water. A sprinkler system. We even have hoses tied to water towers higher up in the building. It is low tech, but the water tank is located near the top floor, and also partly acts as a ballast to the building.
Lee thought, 'Oh well. Still, the water system might be even more useful.' He stated. “Good. That is even better. Can you get me some electrical extension cords, as well?”
Garibaldi stated, “Yes. They are in a nearby storage closet, in the hallway. You must really have something in mind.”
Lee cracked a smile, as he coyly responded, “All in good time. Now, does your building have security barricade doors that can slide out of the walls. I think I noticed a few lined vertical line sections on the walls, as we made our way down here. But, I was just not sure if that wasn't the where the sections of the buildings, on each floor were bridged together?”
Garibaldi thought, 'So, he knows a little about construction. I will just file that for possible later use. I just been going up with those upgrades, floor by floor. I just having reached my office and apartment levels yet, on the top floors.'
Garibaldi said, “Actually, those places are where security barricade doors slide open. They are two doors that slide from each side, and lock together in the center. They are stationed about every fifty feet along the hallways. And the only reason they are not defaulted on, are as you stated. We prefer to arr on the side of caution, to allow civilians a chance to escape. With security using them to trap the attacks, while given time for the civilians to escape.”
Lee guessed, “And with security not here, the barricade doors all still open?”
Garibaldi replied, “Yes.”
Lee asked, “No problem. How much can these doors take?”
Garibaldi admitted, “Not a lot. They were designed to withstand plasma hits, not raw physical attacks.”
Lee countered, “Still, let's just shut them all, anyway. And we should be able to do so from here. That will at least slow them down for a few more minutes.”
Garibaldi said, “Okay. Let uss see if we can do that.” Garibaldi then used his right fingers to punch a few buttons on the wallscreen. He stated, “We do have a problem. I don't have access to the east half of them.”
Lee thought, 'Look's like Rock's hackers stuck again. Still, I am not going to complain.' Lee requested, “Then, just drop the doors on the west half. What other defenses you have on the west wing?”
As Garibaldi set the barricade doors to close, he answered, “Basically what you already saw on the camera. Outside automated projectile and energy weapons. Inside, automated lasers guns and PPG guns, every twenty feet, hidden in false ceiling tiles, until used. Also, there is laser grid in the stairwell and elevators. And they are already one. At least for the west wing... And the doors are shutting on the west wing of the building, as we speak.
Lee inquired, “Okay. Also, can we manually close the barricade doors on this floor?”
Garibaldi stated, “Yes. There is a numerical pad, in hidden panels, by each side of the barricade doors.”
Lee responded, “Good. On this floor, how many barricade doors between us and them?”
Garibaldi answered, “Three on each side.”
Lee said, “We can work with that. Remember, all we got to do is delay them. Also, can you control the elevators from that monitor?”
Garibaldi responded, “Yes. I can control where they go. But, those hackers can override my controls.”
Lee thought, with a mix of worry and relief, 'I guess I was wrong. And we got lucky on that. Still, let's see if my idea for the elevators can pan out.'
Lee pointed out, “That depends. Do you have to manually reset the elevators emergency drop locks, that protect it from falling if the cables are cut?
Garibaldi thought, 'He has a point there.' He replied, “Yes... And I can I set them off from here.”
Lee requested, “Then, send all the elevators to go three floors below us, and lock them there. They will had to tear into both the bottom and the ceiling to get to us. Also, they may mistake the floor, or two above the elevator, as the floor we are on. Which will buy us some more time.”
Garibaldi thought, 'Now, that is down right devious. Lee, I am starting to realize why those after you, are having such a hard time catching you.' He complimented, “Good thinking. And what about the stairwell?”
Lee turned to looked at Garibaldi, as he said, “We will get to that in a minute. But, before we handle that. I need to know if you have anything on hand, here, that we can use to slow them down?”
Garibaldi turned to Lee. He smiled, as he answered, in a relaxed tone of voice, “Don't worry. I have plenty of toys for this party, already on hand.” He then started walking towards the large metal doors, on the far right side of the room.
Lee walked with Garibaldi stand by the doors, beside him, to Garibaldi’s left.
Lee saw there was a key pad by the metal double doors, to his left.
Garibaldi quickly reached over and tapped a number code on it.
Then, Garibaldi and Lee quickly stood back, as the doors automatically unlocked and opened towards them.
Then, the lights inside, from the ceiling. Lee saw that it was the size of a wide closet, that was not very deep.
To Lee's left, Lee saw PPG pistols mounted in place on twos, that were a foot wide. There was eight PPG pistols in all. And Lee saw that unlike other PPG pistols, these had trigger guards on them. Also, on the third row, below the first two were several energy caps for the PPG pistols. And on the fourth row, as the bottom was clip on holsters for the PPG pistols. The hostlers were leather, and were designed to be used for either left, or right, side without a problem.
To Lee's right, Lee on the foot long right row, there was PPG rifles, which trigger guards as well. Three in all, in the one foot long row. The rifles had straps on them. On a second row below the PPG rifles were more energy caps. And on a row below that were a set of sheathed combat knives.
In front of Lee, on the eight foot wide row, Lee were three large PPG machine guns, with folded tripods. They were mounted one on to of the other, in three rows. The machine guns were four feet long. And there four large PPG caps for it, on a bottom, fourth row.
Lee though, 'Not bad. We can use these weapons. I think I will go for the pistols. Also, while I am not great with dual wielding two pistols at once. I am fair at that skill. And pistols are better in close quarters combat. But, I want to have more than one, so I can pack more punch.'
Garibaldi stated, “As I am sure you overheard. This is not the first time this headquarters has been attacked. And I keep a weapons locker like this, on every level. Just in case. I just wish we had time to get to the large weapons arsenal. Where I keep various types of grenades and explosives.”
Lee commented, “I would guess, given these are the places you are studying unknown technology, you would want to keep in potential types of explosives out of the area.”
Garibaldi responded, “Exactly. And I guess this weapons locker will have to do... By the way, that reminds me...”
Garibaldi turned to his right, as he asked loudly, “Hey Bernard. Do you want a weapon? I know you are checked out for one. Considering, I was the one that taught that class, that day.”
Bernard did not look up from the island table, as he continued working. He replied, “No. I will leave the fighting to the professionals”
Garibaldi let out a laugh. He then turned back to look at Lee.
Lee looked back at Garibaldi, as he inquired, “If this is a weapons locker to you. What is an arsenal?”
Garibaldi looked at Lee, as he replied, “Something I can outfit a platoon with.”
Lee commented, “So, for you, pretty much was every other home, in the deep south of Dixie would have what you concern a weapon arsenal?”
Garibaldi inquired, “Huh? Where are you from? And when?”
Lee answered, “Southeastern United States, during the early twenty-first century.”
Garibaldi commented, “And I thought that gun-nut culture was a historical cliche.”
Lee smirked, as he stated, “Not in my reality. BWHAHAHAHA!”
A few seconds later, as Lee calmed down, Garibaldi inquired, “Now, lets get you equipped. First, given you previous comment, I take it you have experience with firearms?
Lee answered, “Yes. Actually, a lot. Though, mostly for target practice. But, I have no experience with PPG weapons. The experience I have is with older firearms. Mostly from the twentieth century.”
Garibaldi cracked a smile, as he said, “Then, this will not be hard for you. In loading and unloading the PPG pistol energy cap is much like loading and unloading a semi-automatic pistol magazine.”
“Instead of loading the energy cap at the bottom of the grip, you load it in the back, where the hammer would be, if it was a firearm pistol. You insert and twist it a quarter turn to the right, and when you here the charge up hum for a second, it is read to go. Though, there is a safety catch on the left side, up top of the grip. Just like the pistols of your time, the red dot means it is ready to fire. Right beside the safety is the select fire dial. S for signal shot per trigger pull. B for three round burst. And A for automatic. After you take off the safety, just aim, and pull the trigger.”
“Also, if the hum after putting in a PPG energy cap lasts for more than a few seconds, pulled the cap out immediately, or pistol will likely explode. Because, it is a bad energy cap.”
Lee replied, “Okay. And does a PPG have a kick?”
Garibaldi answered, “A little. But, nothing like the pistols of your time.”
Lee joked, “The future can spoil people.”
Both men chuckled a little at Lee joke.
As they calmed down, Garibaldi stated, “Also, I need to explain the power dial to you. The button on the right side of the pistol, above the grip is where the power dial is located.”
“The dial goes from low to high. The most powerful the shot, the less ammo you will get from each energy cap. For a normal energy cap, Low is twelve shots. Medium is seven shots. High is four shots.”
“Though, these energy caps are top of the line, and have double the energy capacity. So, they have double the amount of ammo. Also, these PPG pistols and rifles are some of the best quality PPG weapons made. They have five settings, instead of three. The other two setting, is medium-low and medium-high. They are between low and medium settings, and medium and high settings, respectively.”
“Also, do not try to switch the dial while firing, that is a chance it will cause the PPG to explode in your hand.
Lee responded, “No problem. Now, what are those large cannons in front of us? Are those PPG weapons?”
Garibaldi answered, “Yes. They are PPG machine guns. And they already have energy caps in this. Those are the bottom are just spares.”
Lee asked, “Okay. So, are those large machine guns, with the tripods, automated?”
Garibaldi responded, “Absolutely. You just set them up at a choke point and it will fire at anything that moves in.”
Lee said, “Good. We can use them for that. But, where do you think it would be best to put them?”
Garibaldi answered, “We have three, so two of them in the lab, pointed at the window. It is the only way to cover that window safely. And one is not going to handle the job, if those death machines come through there.”
Lee replied, “I agree And we will have the third one in the hallway, right outside, pointed towards the west end of the building, to give those boomers trouble.”
Garibaldi complimented, “Good idea. They are the greater danger.”
Lee said, “Yes. Those killing machines are playing for keeps. But, keep in mind that the Rock's group are trying to use non-lethal means. And if we kill them, all bets are off.”
Garibaldi thought, with annoyance, 'Why do things have to be so complicated? Though, Lee does have a point there. And Rock and her friends are only after Lee. I do not want to get on their bad sides.'
Garibaldi responded, “I will keep that mind. Also, I suggest you set your PPG pistol to medium-low. A head shot from that setting with kill. But, a body shot will not. And that will give you twenty shots at that setting. And I will set my rifle to low, given it has more powerful shots.”
Lee replied, “Okay.” He mentally added, 'That is good to know. And he is getting a PPG rifle. He likely wants to have the option of having a strong punch to his shots, if he needs it. And he might, against those boomers.'
Garibaldi inquired, “Still, are you sure PPG rounds will hurt these boomers?”
Lee answered, “They should. These killer machines are designed to take projectile and laser hits. They are not designed to take plasma hits, like from our PPGs. And their nervous systems are similar to humans. So, they should go down after a few shots. But, aim for the head. We cannot take chances.”
Garibaldi replied, “I can follow that logic.”
Lee stated, “Good. Now, here is my plan. We get two electrical extension cords, first. Then please, lead me to the eastern stairwell. When we are finished there, we will come back for the automated machine guns. Two for the room. And finally the third tripod in the hallway. I will get the third one, myself, while you manually close the barricade doors leading to the lab.”
“We will use one PPG machine gun being the last line of defense for that on the west side of the hallway, against the machines. And we will handle the humans ourselves. If they reach us, before we are gone.”
Garibaldi thought, 'Not bad.' He replied, “Good plan. Now, let's get our weapons.”
Lee said, “Fine with me.”
Lee reached over, on the left side, and he picked up two clip on holsters. He clipped one holster, on each side of his belt.
Lee then picked up one PPG pistol, and energy cap. He found the PPG pistol did not weight much, compared to the semi-automatic pistols he was use to. He set the crescent dial, on the right side, to medium-low. He then put the energy cap into the back of the pistol, and turned it a quarter turn to the right. He heard the hmm that lasted a second. Next, he looked on the left side set the rate of fire to single shot. Afterward, right side the fire selector, he turned off the safety. Finally, he carefully holstered the weapon in his right waist holster.
Lee did the same thing to another PPG pistol, and when that pistol was ready, he holstered it in his left waist holster.
Meanwhile, Garibaldi, picked up a PPG rifle. He set the weapon to medium-low, and the fire selector to single shot. He then picked up an energy cap, that had been on the row, below the row of rifles, and loaded the cap into the weapon. After he heard the hum for a second, of the weapon being primed, he turned the weapon to the right side, and turned off the safety. Finally, he slung the strap of the weapon, over his right shoulder.
Lee noticed that Garibaldi was ready, as he thought, 'Now, that I think about it, I better hedge my bets for later.' Lee then reached in front of Garibaldi, to the right side of the weapons locker, and he grabbed a combat knife, which was sheathed in a black leather scabbard. He tucked the scabbard end of his new knife in the back of his pants, under his coat, as he thought, 'Now, I am ready.'
Garibaldi noticed Lee do this, but he said nothing.
Lee turned to Garibaldi, as he requested, “Now, before we get the cords, and head to the eastern stairwell. I need to know where is the fire-hose near the eastern stairwell?”
Garibaldi looked over at Lee, as he answered, “The hose on that side of the floor is by the stairwell. The other hose on this floor is located by the western stairwell.”
Lee replied, “Good. That is perfect.”
Garibaldi said, “I think I know where you are going with this. And I think it is brilliant. Also, the closet with the electrical cords are this way. Also, there are plug outlets nearby the stairwell. Just follow me.”
Garibaldi quickly turned, and walked out of the room, and into the hallway, with Lee following him.
Two minutes later, Garibaldi had briskly lead Lee to the eastern stairwell.
They had already stopped by the hallway storage closet, and now, each man carried an orange, wrapped, hundred foot long, pronged, power-cord, on their left shoulder.
As they reached the shut door to the entrance to the eastern stairwell, on that floor, Lee drop coil of cords, onto the group. Garibaldi saw this, and he did that same.
Lee thought, 'Now, where is the fire-hose.' he quickly looked around, and he saw wall mounted box, with a windowed door, that had the fire hose, which was folder back and forth, on itself.
Lee thought, 'Good. There it is. And not a second to lose.' Lee turned to Garibaldi, as he requested, “Please, go unwrapped that fire hose, and bring it here.”
Garibaldi silently did as requested. He walked over, opened the glass and metal case, and unwrapped it.
Meanwhile, Lee walked over to the metal door to the stairwell, which was clearly marks as the eastern stairwell entrance.
Unlike this factory doors, the doors in the building, including the stairwell, had door knobs and hedges.
Lee opened the door, and looked in the stairwell.
He found the stairwell to be fairly well illuminated by the lights running along the walls.
As Lee looked around he thought, 'Good. Given the boomers on the west end of the complex. Rock's group will not likely risk going to the western stairwell, and risk facing both the boomers and the active defenses on that side of this place. Also, this trick will likely not work on the boomers. So, there is not point in trying it on the western stairwell. Besides, there are plenty of defenses on that side of the building.'
'And while I am fairly sure that Knight Sabers will be outside, fighting. One or two might accompany Rock's group, into the building, and up these very stairs.'
'Since, it is likely that most of the Knight Sabers will be busy dealing with the boomers outside, with their motoslaves. That does not mean all of them will be. And I can guess which Knight Saber will be coming in Rock's group. That being Nene, the combat hacker.'
'Rock will ask Nene to come along for the very fact she realizes she might need a hacker in the group. And by asking Nene, Rock can keep Benny and Janet out of the line of fire.'
'So, I need to plan accordingly.'
' Fortunately, this staircase is what I was hoping for. Stairs leading up in a square, clockwise, corkscrew, fashion. The steps have not holes in them, and are made of concrete. Also, the open space, in the middle is three feet, by three feet, square. Plenty of room to slide down a rope. But, it is too tight for a hardsuit to use their jumpjets. Or, someone to just attempt to jump up, with super-strength. So, they will have to take the stairs. Which will be very slippy, real soon.'
'Also, metal railings, that are connected, and running down the stairs, from around the center, are just what I need.'
'Since hardsuits are insulated, they are the only ones that will be able to come up here, first. With the rest of the group waiting for Nene, and maybe one other, reaching my trap, and disabling it. Then, the others will soon follow still. Doing it that way will take time from them, and buy us more time.'
'Now, to get back to work.'
Lee turned, and walked back further into the hallway. He saw that Garibaldi had brought the fire-hose over to him. With Garibaldi setting the end of fire-hose near the electrical cord, as he continued to unwind it.
Lee looked at the other man, as he said, “Good job. Now, just hold tight a moment. I will soon have a task for you. But, first I need to make sure I can do this.”
Garibaldi leaned back up straight. He looked at Lee, as he replied, “Okay.” He then walked over to a nearby wall, and leaned back on it, as his PPG rifle was slung on his right shoulder.
Lee quickly walked over to the cord he had dropped. He then sat down, and pulled out his new combat knife, from the back of his pants, with his left hand. Next he picked up the female plug end of his cord, with his right hand.
Lee was careful, as he first cut off the female end of the plug. He then stripped that end of the plug of its the orange, rubber, sheath down by around twenty feet.
When Lee finished, he saw three wires, in three separate rubber sheaths.
One blue wire. One red wire. And one green wire.
Lee thought, 'Well, green is universally ground. And since red is never used for common return, it has to be the hot wire. And blue is the common return. Also, that reminds me, I need to ask Garibaldi some things.'
Lee inquired, “Does this stairwell go to the ground floor? Or, to the basement?”
Garibaldi continued unwinding the hose, as he answered, “Ground floor. We have a separate set of stairs for the lower levels.”
Lee thought, 'That is better news than I had hoped. At least, the boomer dogs will not have a directly path here, on the western staircase.' He asked, “Okay. And what voltage is the AC electricity in this place?”
Garibaldi said, “Two twenty, with low amperage.”
Lee replied, “Thanks.” He thought, 'Okay. Two twenty is better than one twenty. And with the low amps. This trap will shock them. But, it will not likely kill them. Now, I will not need the ground, as I finish stripping the other two wires.'
Lee then cut the green wire to where the three colored wires went back into the sheath. He then stripped the red and blue wires, starting at the end of the exposed wires, by two feet.
When Lee finished, he looked up at Garibaldi, as he said, “Take the male end of your cord, and find a nearby plug, and plug it in. But, do not plug it into my power-cord.”
Garibaldi replied, “Okay. I will.” He turned and went to his power-cord, as he thought, 'Lee clearly has a plan. I might as well got along with it. But, we are burning time doing this. Also, I need to be careful to get my cord, and not Lee's, so I don't accidentally electrocute him.'
When Garibaldi reached the cord, he leaned down, and picked up the male end of his cord. He made sure it was his cord, and Lee's cord, so he wouldn't accidentally electrocute Lee.
Next, Garibaldi leaned back up, and walked to the nearest hallway wall socket he could find, as his cord unwrapped itself, behind him.
Meanwhile, Lee sheathed his knife, got up, and pulled the stripped part of his cord with himself, as he walked down to the stairwell. As he walked, his cord continued to unwind.
He carefully walked down a flight of stairs, he then bent down, and tied the red wire at the top of the corner railing, while making sure the wire touch the concrete. Lee got up, and walked down another flight of stairs, with the blue wire.
He then bent down, and tied the blue wide at the bottom of that corner railing, while making sure the wire was touching the concrete floor as well.
Lee stood up. As he made his way back up, he thought, 'At worst, I trip the breaker to just this small section. But, if my plan works, I will delay Rock's team for a little while.'
When Lee reached the hallway, he saw Garibaldi was standing there, by the doorway. With Garibaldi already plug in his cord.
Lee stepped to the side, to allow Garibaldi to see into the stairwell.
Garibaldi looked into the door, leading into the stairwell, and the wires there were inside he. He then turned to Lee. He commented, “Okay. I see you are building an electrical trap.”
Lee turned towards Garibaldi, as he stated, “Yes. I am. And this trap should work. Or, trip the breaker for this small part of the building. If it works, it will slow them down.”
Garibaldi asked, “I agree. It is worth the risk. How long until you are done?
Lee replied, “A minute. Maybe less. All we need to do now, deals with the fire-hose, and the electrical cord.”
Garibaldi pointed out, in a calm tone of voice, “Well hurry. We have a lot to do.”
Lee then walked over to the end of the fire-hose that was connected to the wall.
He then let the hose slide through his hands, to his right side, with the hose both sliding in his hands, while being guided in the direction he was taking it. Lee continued doing this until he ended the stairwell. He then set the hose continued to slide in his hand, as he took it down a flight of stairs.
When Lee reached bottom corner, of that flight of stairs, where it turned, Lee pulled out his knife, and cut the hose, completely part, at that point. He then sheathed his knife. Next, he then leaned over, as the position, the part of the hose, that was still connected to the wall, to where the opening was hose was set right behind the exposed red wire, and pointed down the next flight of stair, where blue wires, several steps down.
After which, he picked up the loose peace of hose, leaned up, and pulled the loss hose back up with him, to the hallway he had just come from.
Lee walked by Garibaldi, as he dropped the loose hose. He went over to the box the fire-hose had been in, with that end of the hose still connected to the shutoff valve, in the box.
Lee then turned the small wheel, a full turn. He heard the water moving through the hose, as he though, 'All I want is just need a steady flow. I don't need, nor want to turn it all the way on.'
Next, Lee walked back over to the stairwell. He saw the water was just gushing out of the host, and down the stairs, with enough water to wet the entirety of each step, and corner, as it went down to the ground floor.
When Lee reached the hallway, Garibaldi was waiting for Lee, in the same place he had been before. By the door to the stairwell.
But, Lee saw that during his absence, Garibaldi had retrieved the female end of the uncut power-cord.
Garibaldi held the female end of the electrical cord he had just plugged in, in his right hand.
Garibaldi commented, “I take it you are going to need this.”
Lee came to a stop a stop by Garibaldi. He looked at Garibaldi. Gave Garibaldi a warm smile, as he complimented, “I enjoy working with competent people that can see when a plan is coming together. And whom know what I am going to need next in my plans, before I have to make a request.”
Garibaldi turned Lee's smile, as he replied, “Same here.”
Lee gently took the female end of Garibaldi’s cord with his right hand.
Lee then bend over, and picked up the male end of his cord, with his left hand.
Lee leaned back up straight. He looked over Garibaldi, whom was looking back at him.
Lee said, “Now, the moment of truth.”
Lee plugged both cords together. After a few seconds of nothing happened to the lighting, Lee commented, “I guess it work.”
Garibaldi stated, “Either way, we have other work to do. Let's do the tripods next.”
Lee agreed, “You're right.”
Garibaldi then turned and started heading back towards the lab.
Meanwhile, Lee dropped the plugged in cords to the floor, and he followed Garibaldi to the lab.
As they walked back to the lab, Lee looked at his watch, and he saw they has spent ten minutes doing all that.
While they walked, Lee thought, 'To much time was spent doing this. We have to hurry.'
A minute later, they reach the lab, and the weapons locker.
Lee silently watched as Garibaldi pulled out one of the PPG automated machine guns.
Lee pulled out one of the weapons the same way Garibaldi did so.
Lee held the PPG machine gun in his hands, while keeping the barrel of the weapon facing away from Garibaldi and Bernard. He thought, 'These things are not that heavy. Just big. Though, I will have to be careful, when handling them.'
Lee then noticed Bernard, at the island, in the back of the room, has he was still putting the reality device back together.
Lee thought, 'Please, finished before they get here.'
Lee turned to Garibaldi.
Lee watched as Garibaldi to his PPG machine gun and brought it to the center of the room, between the island and the large windows.
Garibaldi then set the tripod and machine gun, with the barrel of the weapon facing the window.
Lee even noticed Garibaldi lean down and push buttons on a panel on the left side of the stock of the weapon. While making sure he stay behind the weapon.
Lee did the same thing. As he set the tripod mounted weapon down, beside the other weapon, to Lee's left, while facing the window. Lee pointed the barrel towards the windows. Next, he leaned down, pressed the same buttons on the left side of the stock, of the weapon he was setting up.
As Lee leaned up, he saw both weapons were fifteen feet away from the window, five feet from the island, behind them, and side by side. The two automated weapons also had a clear field of fire to the large windows.
Lee then noticed Garibaldi standing next to him, as the older man silently watched Lee set up his PPG machine gun.
Garibaldi asked, “Any problems?”
Lee answered, “No. But, I am concerned these weapons might harm anyone that came in, after we escape.”
Garibaldi explained, “Not to worry. Given you do not want to shoot the humans after us. The settings on those buttons I set are so the weapons will not shoot humans. Though, there is a setting for not shooting humans and aliens. But, I am not taking any chances the sensors might accidentally decide to not fire on the boomers coming after us.”
Lee said, “That is a good call.”
Garibaldi responded, “Thanks for the vote of confidence. Now, they way the system works is that the weapons have three forms of sensors. A standard camera with pattern recognition for shapes and colors. Like human shapes, and normal human skin tones. A motion sensor. And a heat sensor with pattern recognition for shapes, and heat signatures.”
“Any two of the heat signatures, shapes, or colors, that does not line up with human, will be fired upon. Otherwise, it should not fire. My company makes these weapons. And this safety system is a wonderful selling point. Also, the local police and military does not use thermo-camoflage gear, as a standard practice, so these weapons should not fire on them.”
“There is also two other safety features. Unless otherwise set, if it sees a human in the line of fire, it stops firing. It has pressure points on the bottom of the tripod. If the tripod is moved, or the weapon is picked up. The weapon locks, and cannot be manual used, unless its systems are reset. So, if the weapon is knocked on its side, it will not automatically fire.”
“Still, these weapons are great for holding a choke point. They are able to turn, and pivot on all points, from their base. Thus being able to lock on the target, and fire within less than two seconds. With a rate of accurate, sustained fire that is almost unmatched for any weapon of its type and size.”
Lee thought, with amusement, 'I swear. I think he is giving me the sales pitch, in the hopes I buy one, later. Still, I love working with a man who comes prepared. And I think it is best I don't mention that boomers' fusion system. With them fusing other electronics and weapons, to their bodies and using them. Including, firearms. We are already in a stressful enough situation, as is. I don't want to add to that.'
Lee stated, “Good. Now, please start closing the barricade doors. While, I will get the third PPG machine gun ready. I will wait to turn it on, until you get back... Just in case.”
Garibaldi replied, “Okay.” He then turned, and rushed out of the room.
Meanwhile, Lee went back to the weapons locker.
As soon as Garibaldi left the room, at the island table, Bernard did not looked up from his work, as he casually asked, “Lee, who are you really?”
Lee did not turn to the other man, as he cracked a grin. He thought, 'I guess it makes sense that you want to ask that question, when your boss is out of earshot.' He coyly answered, “A man out of time and space, in so many ways... Now, please get back to work.”
Bernard chuckled, as he continued working on putting back together Lee's reality device.
A minute later, as Lee carried the third, and final PPG machine gun with him, into the hallway, he saw Garibaldi walked passed him, and towards the west end of the floor.
Lee turned towards the west end of the hallway, as he saw the last set of double barricade doors had closed behind Garibaldi.
Lee did not let this distract him, as he walked over and set the tripod mounted weapon up, about ten feet from the western barricade door.
Lee thought, 'That was quick. But then, with our asses on the line. We have to be quick. Also, those doors shut quietly.'
Nearly a minute later, just as Lee finished setting the weapon up, on its tripod, with the end of its barrel facing twenty feet from the western barricade door, he heard footsteps approaching him, from behind.
Lee turned around to see Garibaldi walking up to him.
Behind Garibaldi, Lee saw the nearest eastern barricade doors were shut tight.
Lee mentally noted, 'That last eastern set of doors is less than ten feet from entrance to the lab. This is literally spitting distance from where I plan to take cover from behind that island. That is way too close to have a firefight with those expert gunslingers.'
'And I will not have to lean out the door, to keep them at bay. But, I better hope either, Bernard gets my reality device fixed, beforehand. Or, they arrive just as the boomers do, from the west side of the building. Or, we are screwed. Because, I am pretty sure we will not be able to hold off the boomers for long, either.'
'Still, I better finish with this weapon, so I can talk with Garibaldi.'
Lee quickly bent down behind the weapon, and he punched the buttons on the stock.
As Lee leaned back up, Garibaldi reached him.
Garibaldi stated, “That is the last set barricade doors. I cannot think of any thing else we can do.”
Lee said, “I agree.”
Garibaldi mentioned, “You know. This situation reminds me of an old sci-fi horror movie, from your time period. It was simply titled, Aliens. The sequel to the movie, Alien.”
Lee thought, with concerned, 'Why did he have to mention that movie, by name?!... Considering those horrors exist in the multiverse, I don't even want to think about them. Just like the works of Lovecraft. I just don't want to think about those creatures, either. But, that movie does point out some problems we might have.'
Lee deadpanned, “Yea. The director's cut. Where the automatic defenses hold off the monsters for a while.”
Garibaldi responded, “Yes. I like movies where it is soldiers versus monsters. Been there. Done that myself. Usually, the soldiers win, as long as they have the firepower, manpower, and they know what they are dealing with, beforehand.”
Lee agreed, “Yes. The only monster movies I respect are the ones were the people set against the monster are armed with gun, or some other time of firearm, they know to properly use.”
Garibaldi said, “I agree.”
Lee suggested, “Well, if you like those types of movies, I suggest you track down the movie, Dog Soldiers. British Soldiers versus werewolves.”
Garibaldi replied, with mild amusement in his tone of voice, “Seen it. And it is a good movie. Though, it is a bit dated.”
Lee shrugged, as he said, “Well, for you, it would be. Me, on the other hand. No. I found soldiers versus werewolves to be cooler than werewolves versus vampires, and soldiers versus alien monsters.”
Garibaldi commented, “I can see your point. And I have personally face things far worse than any of those types of monsters.”
Lee calmly stated, “You are one of the few people that can honestly make that claim. Still, the movie you first mentioned does raise a few questions with our situation. Such as, the characters in that movie did not take into account the ventilation in both above and below them, in their siege. Do we have to worry about our ventilation ducks?”
Garibaldi answered, “No. The ventilation ducks are to small to get into.”
Lee responded, “Good. Still, should we be concerned if the killing machines might break through ceiling? Or floor?”
Garibaldi stated, “The floors and ceilings of this building are made of concrete that is reinforced with titanium bars, in a lattice work. If they try to come through the floor, or ceiling, we will hear them them long before they even start to make it onto our floor.”
Lee inquired, “Okay. Do these walls have any metal in them, to prevent people form just busting through the walls?”
Garibaldi answered, “Yes. Two centimeter thick, vertical, titanium bars, set every twenty centimeters in the walls. As rich as he was. William Edgars could not afford solid metal reinforced concrete walls, for a fortress this size.” He thought, 'And I have been updating it, ever sense I became CEO of this place.'
Lee said, “Okay. We can still work with that. And it is unfortunate that PPG rounds don't go through walls.”
Garibaldi inquired, “Why is that?”
Lee commented, “Because those that are after me use guns which use bullets that will go through walls.”
Garibaldi calmly replied, “I will keep that in mind.” He thought, 'That is a very good point. I have to keep in mind that those coming for us use a wider, and more dangerous, variety of weapons than I have experience defending against, in a close quarters gunfight.'
Lee responded, “Good. Now, let's head back to the lab and wait for the storm, while hoping you employee can finish the job, before this shit storm fully hits up.”
Garibaldi inquired, “Yes. Let's hope so. By the way, I noticed something about you, Lee, that I need to ask you about. For a guy who is dying, and facing an army of pissed off, badass women, you seem pretty happy?”
Lee smirked, as he stated, “I am probably the happiest dead man walking person you will ever meet. Given I am in the late stages of cancer and I have a badass army breathing down my neck. I know that more than likely I am going to die one way or another.”
“But, I have broken through the realities. I have defeated my enemies time and again. I had proven to myself that anything is possible. And so what if my body is about to die? I still have my soul. I know reincarnation is real. The possibilities for myself are still wide open. I honestly look forward to what role I will have in my next human incarnation. So, there is no reason for me to worry about the long term. I just have to make it through the short term.”
Garibaldi complimented, “That is a good way to look at your situation.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.” Lee then turned and started walking towards the lab door, with Garibaldi following right behind him.
A few seconds later, as they walked into the lab, Lee turned to Bernard, as he asked, “How is it coming?”
Bernard did not look up, as he responded, “Slowly be surely.”
Lee sarcastically thought, 'That response does not fill me with confidence. But, I need to know how much time was have left?'
Lee looked at his wrist watch. It stated ten twenty-nine AM.
Garibaldi noticed this, as he inquired, “How much time do we have left?”
Lee looked up and towards Garibaldi, as he answered, “By your estimation, about ten to twenty minutes.”
Garibaldi said, “Okay. So we do have a few minutes.” He turned towards the interior wallscreen monitor, by the open hallway door.
Lee noticed this, and he turned in the same direction as Garibaldi.
Garibaldi stated, “I suggest we see what the others after us are doing.”
Both men then walked over to the wallscreen. Garibaldi quickly changed the monitor to show a four was split screen, with four different camera feeds.
Garibaldi then used his fingers to page through all four feeds, very quickly, until he found what he wanted to watch, on what was going outside of their floor.
Lee and Garibaldi then saw something happen on one of the feeds, that made Garibaldi said, “Well, that is interesting.”
Lee commented, “I guess we don't have to worry about those boomer dogs anymore.”
Garibaldi agreed, “Yes. Let us count our blessings.”
Nearby, Bernard continued working, as he said, in a humorous tone of voice, “Amen to that.”
Lee looked over at Garibaldi, as he complimented, “That is what one more thing I like about you Garibaldi. You hire people with a sense of humor.”
Nearby, as he continued working, Bernard cracked a smile over Lee's comment.
Garibaldi looked over at Lee, as he responded, “Yea. Having those around me with a sense of humor, helps keep me sane.”
Lee replied, “I agree. That can help.”
Garibaldi offered, “Since we got a few minutes to kill, anything you would like to talk about?”
Lee cracked a grin, as he answered, “Matthew... Babylon Five Station... Wicked burn...”
Garibaldi smiled, as he questioned, “He mentioned that to you?”
Lee answered, “You would be surprised what people would say when they are running for their life, for the very first time.”
Garibaldi shrugged, as he casually said, “Actually, I would not be suprised. I have seen it first hand. And, given how wild that story is, I don't think you would believe me... On second though, given the screwy situation we are in, you likely would. But, it is not something I would talk about while sober.”
Lee guessed, “And since you are a recovering alcoholic, I am never going to find out what happened, during that event, from you?”
Garibaldi responded, “Exactly. Though, from what Matthew told me, it was very funny, and very strange. But, you will not get me to gossip about my own personnel.”
Lee thought, 'I have to admit, that is a good policy for Garibaldi to take.' He conceded, “Fair enough.”
Garibaldi mentioned, “Still, you might someday get the story from Matthew. But, I suggest you don't ask him about it. He was a good friends with that journalist of his. And talking about brings of a lot of mixed feelings for him. Concerning he has not seen his journalist friend in years.”
Lee said, “You have a point there. And I will respect his privacy.”
Garibaldi inquired, “Good. So, have you been in any battles before.”
Lee admitted, “Only a few gunfights.” He thought, 'Of which, happened last night.'
Garibaldi commented, “Well then, you are about to get a real taste of war. So, don't lose your nerve.”
Lee flatly said, “Don't worry. I won't. Also, believe it, or not. I try to avoid violence.”
Garibaldi responded, “After last night's chase though Mars Dome One, I believe you. And since you kept calm throughout that entire situation, I am not afraid of you going to pieces in the coming firefight.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.”
Garibaldi said, “Your welcome.”
The two men then turned back to look at the video feeds from the wallscreen monitor.
A few seconds later, Garibaldi noticed something on one of the camera feeds, as he commented, “Well, it looks like your electrical trap is working.”
Lee said, “Yes. Now, let's see how long it takes them to get through it.”
Garibaldi suggested, “Want to bet on it?”
Lee replied, “Nah. That would be a bad way to jinx the situation.”
Garibaldi said, “Agreed.”
Both men then went back to watching the camera feeds, as nearby, Bernard continued working on rebuilding Lee's reality device.
Roughly twenty minutes ago, a few hundred yards outside the east gate of the Edgars Industries Headquarters.
The others saw Rock quite fold up her cellphone, and pocket it. Though, they could see from the look on her face that she was not happy.
Rock mentally cursed, 'Damn! I can not believe Lee would put us into this situation. And that arrogant bastard also had the audacity to thrown my own words in my face.'
Rock then forced herself to calm down, as she continued her thoughts, 'Still, Lee was right about what he said, concerning my homeland. I can never go back to my homeland. Also, he was correct that I never told anyone about that. And though his words on that subject bought me no real comfort, he did make a few good points.'
'In addition, he stated the exact fingerprint and placement of the fingerprint. And that he correctly guessed that Dutch and Revy taught me how to use a gun, and proper gun safety. Which is kind of obvious that they would have done so, given the line of work we use to be in. With those two giving me some interesting gun lessons.'
'And these are also reminders of how Lee's mind works, when it comes to the details.'
Rock then cracked a grin, as she thought, in a more happy manner, 'I wish we could play this type of game, between I and Lee, under less serious stakes. Because it is clearly so much fun for both of us to do this. Due to us both enjoying such challenges.'
Meanwhile, among those near Rock were Aeryn and Violin.
To pass the time, the retired veteran, Sebacean soldier was doing the final checks on her pulse burster, when she noticed that Rock had finished her conversation on her cellphone. Aeryn looked up at Rock, and saw that her current leader went from being unhappy, to cracking a smile.
Aeryn inquired, in a firm tone of voice, “Rock, what is going on?”
Nearby, Violin over heard her wife, as she looked over at Rock, she thought, 'I think I will keep quiet and, for once, listen. Because, I am not real sure what the best way to handle this situation either... Besides, given my super-strength, speed, and durability, if I speak up, I might end up of getting volunteered into fighting those boomers with my bare hands. And I have no interest in doing so.'
Inside Violin head, Harvey commented, 'That is what I like about you, John. You still know when it is good time to back away.'
Violin mentally responded, 'But, with our luck, we are going to get sucked into this battle, one way, or another.'
Harvey mentally suggested, 'Then, we need to volunteer for something that does not put us on the front lines. Before we are assigned to the front line.'
Violin mentally complimented, 'Good idea.'
At that moment, Rock looked over at Aeryn, as she asked, in a calm tone of voice, “You heard the question, I asked Shenhua and Sawyer about, concerning the boomers?”
Aeryn answered, “Yes. Though, I admit I was not fully paying attention to the conversation.” She mentally added, 'I figured you would brief us before we moved out.'
Rock said, “Well, in the past, Revy and her team members, that worked for Chang, during their time in the Tower, sent an entire army of combat and battle boomers after Garibaldi. And they are attacking the other side of the this complex, right now. If we want to capture Lee, alive and relatively unharmed, we are going to have to slow down that army of boomers, on the other side of this place. While another group goes in and gets him.”
Aeryn shrugged, as she responded, “With this group, that should not be a problem. But, I wonder why Lee has not escaped, yet?”
Rock said, “I am not sure.” She mentally added, 'Even Lee is not arrogant to stick around just to inflate his ego. He knows how dangerous boomers are. He is not going to intentionally get himself into a situation, with him caught in the crossfire, between us and the boomers. Also, he has tried not to kill us, and instead, he resorted to running and using nonlethal means when he confronted us.'
'That means that the reality device he stole from me, might not be working. Or, he doesn't have it. And there is a quick way to check.'
Rock then reached down, and she grabbed the infrared binoculars that were hanging by a cord, around the her neck, with the binoculars resting on her chest, right below her breasts.
Rock then held the binoculars up to her eyes, with both hands. And she looked the binoculars towards the top of the center tower of Edgars Industries Headquarters.
She saw, on the sixty-eighth floor, two heat signatures, which Rock could tell were men. With both men heading towards the some elevators.
Rock that, 'So, Lee and Garibaldi are heading somewhere...'
She then looked eight floors down, to the sixty-first floor, where the group had previously spotted the only other personal in the building. And Rock could make out the person was a man as well.
Rock thought, 'And the two of them are probably heading to this other guy we saw earlier. I admit that none of us paid much attention to him. I now believe that was a mistake.'
Rock used her binoculars to zoom in on the man, and she saw that the man was in what looked like a researcher lab. The man was leaning down, over an island table, working on something.
Rock mentally guessed, 'From the look of the way the man is moving his arms, and hands. And he clearly using tools that infrared is not picking up. I would guess he has likely taken something apart, and he is studying it. And what is the item that Garibaldi would keep someone here to study, while sending everyone else away?... My stolen reality device...'
Rock's lips curled into a wicked grin, as she continued her thoughts, 'Meaning Lee does not have the reality device on him, and he was stalling, until he can get to it. But, I would bet money, that he does not know the device has been taken apart. And that is going to be a fun surprise for him to learn.'
'I wish I had realized this, when we first looked at that building with our equipment. And before Lee hung up on me.'
'I should have known that other guy would not be here, unless Garibaldi had him doing something important. Such, as study the reality device. I could have used this as leverage against Lee. Lee might have surrendered to us, if we called his bluff, and informed him the reality device was taken apart. And he would have believed me. Because I would tell the truth on such an important situation.'
'Lee knows that I prefer honesty in my negotiating tactics... Oh well, that is in the past. Now, we just need to get to him, and the others, before the boomers do.'
Aeryn noted that Rock had been looking through her binoculars for several seconds. She inquired, “What do you see?
Rock heard Aeryn's question, and she thought, 'I think it is best I not tell the others that the reality device Lee has is not working. That will just make them rush in faster. And we need level heads in this situation, or someone is going to get seriously hurt, or kills.'
Rock removed her binoculars from her eyes, and allowed them to drop back down, to her chest. She turned to Aeryn, as she answered, “Lee and Garibaldi are on the move. They are heading for the heading for the sixty-first floor, where the other heat signature showed a person being in the building.”
Nearby, Revy overheard this, as she turned to Rock and Aeryn. She commented, “Well, it figures that Lee would want to try to help everyone he can, get clear, before he escapes.”
Rock mentally conceded, 'That is a good excuse. But, I am still sticking to the reality device not working theory.' She turned to Revy, as she said, “Perhaps. But, either way, it is now a race to get to Lee.”
Revy smirked, “I have always loved races.”
Rock quipped, “Except in bed.”
Aeryn giggled at Rock's joke, for a few seconds.
Revy took Rock's joke in stride, as she commented, “What can I say? In enjoy foreplay.”
Rock shrugged, as she said, “I know. So do I. Still, I need a minute to think of a plan.”
Revy complimented, “Go ahead. You have a flair for thinking outside the box.”
Rock replied, “Thank you.”
Rock looked back at the tall, center tower of the headquarters in front of her, as she thought, 'Now, to come up with plan. While taking into account Lee's point of view, and possible plans that Lee may come up with to slow us down, and buy time. Because, once he learns the reality device is not working, he is going to use ever stalling tactic he can, short of using lethal towards us. And except for the maids, and the Bebop crew, last night. We have been playing softball with getting him. And he has returned the favor.'
'Still, he will do all this to buy time for that man working on repairing the device. I know Lee was intentionally vague on how reality devices work. Because even he does not know how they work. While we do. And we are going to keep that a secret. So, he will employ the next best thing, and have the guy that took apart the device, put it back together again. All in the hopes that it will still work.'
'And if the device still is not working, when the researcher is finish. In all likelihood, Lee will surrender himself, and the others to us, before he allows the boomers to get him, and the others.'
'But, I am not going to gamble that the device will not work. I am going to go from the point of view that it will work. And that we are working under that time limit, along with the race to get to him, Garibaldi, and the researcher, before the boomers do.'
'And if Lee escapes into the multiverse again. I have no idea where he will go. Though, I am sure, given he is crazier than we are... Never thought, in my entire life that I would say that about someone, considering the crew I run with... Though, taking his insanity into account, he will likely go to a location that we will not immediately follow him to. Because we will consider that location too dangerous to go to.”
'In addition, given the boomers are after Garibaldi, Lee will convince Garibaldi will be going with him. Which would likely not be that hard. And this means that Lee will have a savvy badass with him, to assist and aid him. That will only makes the situation more difficult in catching Lee.'
'So, we must catch Lee here, or we may never get another chance at catching Lee, again.'
'Though, I have gotten to the point, I have no serious hard feeling towards Lee. He has played this game well. And while what he did to us, in his writings was wrong. Eda and River are right. He didn't realize what he was doing at the time would effect real people. Plus, he has always been polite to us. And given Annie likes him, that means his manners towards all of us are genuine.'
'Yes. I want to punish him for what he has done to us. But, like I told him. I intend for his punishment to be something he will survive and recover from. And I would do my best to keep my promise. And I think I could get Chang, River, and Annie, to help me keep that promise. Given Chang and River agree that Lee needs to be punished. And while Annie just thinks Lee needs to be left alone. She will go along with the other two, if it helps Lee in the long term.'
'And I don't I blame Lee for using the situation of having two groups coming for him and Garibaldi, at the same time, to his advantage. And we both know that the presence of a small army of boomers, scrubs our full on assault plans. But, that does not mean we are going to just cut Lee loose, just yet.'
'I will just send in a smaller team. But, they will have to go in from the inside, from the bottom. If I try to have the girls teleport to the top, and scale that building from the outside, the boomers might see them, and snipe them at a distance. I just cannot take that risk.'
'Also, we know for a fact, from the infrared equipment, and our research this morning of the Edgars headquarters, that the top to floors of that main building is the Garibaldi private home. And I don't want to know what traps Michael might have in those two floors. So, they are going to have to go in from the bottom, and work their way up. Using the stairs. Because the elevators are too risky.'
'The only reason we did not hack the elevators was the it might make Lee and Garibaldi both even more unpredictable and dangerous. But, I am sure Lee will soon do something to elevators, to stop us, and the boomers, from using them. While using the elevators to his advantage.'
'Along with this, Lee likely already has plans to deal with us, and the boomers separately. And he has already probably guessed we will take the stairs closest to us, and he will do something to slow us down that way. And what he has in mind for the boomers will likely be very destructive towards the boomers that come after them.'
'Fortunately, we know where they are heading. And those I have in mind for the team going after Lee, Garibaldi, and that other person, will not get easily winds by climbing those started. Still, that is going to eat time. And time is the only thing that Lee needs right now. Not that I can do much about it at the moment. Because my primary consider is to not get anyone I care about, killed. Lee is actually a secondary objective.
where the are going.'
'But first, before we go after into that building, we are going to need another team to slow those boomers down. Otherwise, this mission would be suicide mission.'
By then, all of those presents had been informed by each other, that Rock was finally going to come up with a plan to capture Lee. And they had already turned their attention towards Rock.
Revy asked, “Had enough time for a plan?”
Rock looked over at Revy, as she replied, “Yea.”
Revy casually questioned, “Good. Given this is my screw up, what are we going to do, Rock? I know we are going in. But, I want to know how you want to play this. Even I admit those boomers are too dangerous, not play this carefully.”
Rock thought, 'What a minute, since this is the Hell Sabers fault, I wonder?' Rock asked, “Revy, since you and your other team members are the ones that sent the boomers. It is possible those boomers will not attack you, or the other members?”
Revy stated, “No. They will attack me and anyone else, with deadly force, in the target area. Which I believe is the complex itself. In the field, we used IFF devices to make sure the boomers would not attack us, and list us as friendly. There were two located in our hardsuits, and one on our person. Chang liked to be prepared. And before you ask, I doubt any of us have ours. My is back home, in a drawer, somewhere in our bedroom.”
Rock thought, 'IFF. Identification, friend or foe system. It is a simple system to use, and makes sense for Chang to have used it. Unfortunately, the combinations to the codes are too complex to break right now, in time, to help. So, back to my original plan.'
Rock responded, “Okay. In that case, before we go in, we need another team to slow those boomers down.” She turned to Sylia, whom was nearby, as she requested, “Sylia, I know how much the Knight Sabers want to capture Lee. But, your group is best equipped to stop those boomers. Or, at least slow them down.”
In her white hardsuit, with her helmet on, and face plate down, Sylia had been silently listening to the conversation between Rock, Revy, and Aeryn. Sylia turned to directly face Rock, Revy, and Aeryn, as she calmly agreed, “You are correct. What do you have in mind?”
Rock stated, “A classic flanking move. Go around to the other side of the building, and attack their flank.”
Sylia said, “That will not be a problem.”
Aeryn held up her pulse burster as she requested, “I would like to go, as well. I did not bring this thing around just to stand back and watch. Still, the pulse burster is not a close quarters weapon. It is better when used out in the open.”
Violin mentally grumbled, 'I hate being right.'
Harvey mentally replied, 'Ah, don't worry. If we time this right, we can still make this work for us.'
Rock thought, 'If Aeryn was a guy, I would think she was bringing that weapon along because she was trying to compensate for something. Maybe, she is actually doing that, right now. But, I am not crazy enough to say that out loud. And I have a feeling that weapon is probably more destructive then it appears. Though, Sylia will have to have the find word.'
Rock said, “Since Sylia will be the one leading this mission, it is ultimately her call.”
Rock, Aeryn, and Violin then turned to Sylia.
Sylia asked two seemingly innocent questions, “It depends. What combat skills do you have? And how much battlefield experience have you had?
Violin spoke up, “Don't ask. It would take her literally all day to answer those questions.”
Sylia looked over at Aeryn, and Aeryn just simply shrugged, in response.
Sylia turned to Violin, as she questioned, “And you are?”
Violin answered, “Violin Cephon Shinmyou Crichton, the reincarnation of John Crichton. This is my wife, Aeryn Sun Crichton.”
Sylia responded, “Ah, you are that reincarnation from Lee's stories. And you are both originally from the Farscape reality. Good series.”
Violin and Aeryn replied, in unison, “Thank you.”
Sylia thought, 'It took me a moment to recognize them. While John, or should I say, Violin is the most dangerous of the two. As John, Violin was responsible for some very, very destructive actions. And as Violin, and part alien super-soldier biology, she also now has the physical abilities to back up her intelligence and creativity.'
'Though, now that I recall. Last night, Lee warned Violin not to fight us. That was very wise of him.'
'And Violin has clearly not spoken up, until now, because she realizes how dangerous this mission is. And she does not want to end of fighting the boomers, herself. I cannot blame her for that.'
'As for Aeryn. She is a good foot solider. And with that weapon, we could make use of her. But, she will have to be careful.'
Sylia stated, “In which case, you may come. But, I am not sure how we can transport you. I am planning to fly and hit them hard at point blank range. But, without powerarmor, I don't feel it would be safe for you to come with us, in that manner. Both the boomers and the complex's defenses would be too dangerous for you to be that close to the battle. I would prefer for you to cover us from a distance.”
Aeryn calmly said, “I agree with your assessment.”
Sylia thought, with relief, 'It is so enjoyable to deal with such reasonable people. Still, we do have a problem with getting her there.'
Violin thought, 'Now, is my chance.' She stated, “We can use one of our reality devices to teleport to the west side, on the outside of the complex, beyond the gate. Away from the boomers. The boomers have already likely broke through the concrete walls surrounding this place. And made it into the courtyard of the complex.”
“We will use that opening to fire into the complex, towards the boomers flank, as Rock suggested. And because we will be outside the perimeter of the complex, it is very likely the defenses will not target us. Or, at least the defenses that are still standing on that side of the headquarters.”
“And as my wife here, kicks ass and takes names, I will stand guard, by her, in case a boomer does show up, unexpectedly. With that boomer being too close to us, for her weapon to use her weapon safely.”
Sylia asked, “Do you think you can handle fighting a boomer?”
Violin honestly admitted, “I doubt Winona, my pulse pistol, is not going to do much against those things. But, I can take one or two of this boomers down, at once, with my bare hands. Though, I really do not want to test that theory.”
Sylia thought, 'Neither Aeryn, nor Violin are idiots. They clearly taking this situation very seriously.' She complimented, “Wise thinking. Aeryn, you will provide artillery support, while Violin guards you. But, I want you to both to wait until three minutes until after we start our attack, before you join in. So, we are the first to draw their attention.”
Sylia mentally added, 'This way, I will not have to worry about Aeryn. And it will be one less problem for me to deal with, in the coming battle.'
Violin said, “Sure.”
Aeryn's lips curled into wicked grin, as she replied, “No problem.”
Inside Violin's mind, Harvey complimented, 'You volunteered for the task that keeps you off the front lines, but allows you to protect Aeryn. Without your wife taking offense to you doing so. Good job.'
Violin mentally said, 'Thank you.'
Revy commented, “Speaking of defenses. How many hits do you think you hardsuits can take from the lasers and other weapons in that base, before you go down?”
Sylia looked at Revy, as she thought, 'As loath as I am to admit. She has hardsuit experience. And it is a good question.” She responded, “That is a good point. And our hardsuits can probably take a few laser blasts. Though, I doubt that will be a problem. The boomers have likely already destroyed most of the outside defense grid on that side of the building.”
Aeryn agreed, “True. But, it is nice to think ahead.”
Revy replied, “Thank you.”
Sylia thought, 'I like the way this woman thinks. I think my team, and her, will work together well. And I might as well tell them...' She commented, “Also, my team and I are trained to avoid being hit. We like to stay mobile as much as possible.”
Revy responded, “I can appreciate that.” She mentally added, 'Considering, that is how I like to fight, as well.'
Rock had been listening to the conversation. She thought, 'Good. That is settled. Now, to handle the next part of my plan.' She turned to Balalaika and B, as he stated, “Balalaika, B. Please. I need you to keep your sniper rifles at the ready, so you can cover the main tower, and keep those boomers from scaling that building. I know you can only cover this side, along with the north and south side. And that the building is a fair distance from here. But, do you think you can take out those boomers with your weapons?”
Balalaika and B both heard Rock, as they turned to face her.
The two russian women unslung their sniper rifles. Balalaika state, “While I know we can hit them from her. I am not sure we can penetrate their armor from this distance.”
Rock thought, 'I think it is best that I ask no more from these two. Also, I am tempted to ask those two to go with the team I am going to put together, to enter the building. But, with both of them pregnant, that is not an option.'
Rock said, “That will be fine.” She then turned back to Sylia, as she request, “Sylia, if we have problems with boomers on this side of the complex, we may have to contact you for assistance.”
Sylia stated, “That should not be a problem. And I shall also keep a watchful eye on the west side of the main building.”
Rock replied, “Good.”
Meanwhile, Balalaika and B walked closer a little closer to the headquarters. Until, the rest of the group were at least ten feet behind both of them. Then, as they stood side by side, with Balalaika being to B's right side, they both got into kneeling positions, beside each other, as they uncovered the caps covering the front of back optics of their PSO-1 scopes, on their SVD Dragunov sniper rifles.
Then, they brought their rifles to their right shoulders, as they looked threw their scopes, at the main tower building of the complex.
Due to the fact they were being asked to cover a distance that was further than their sniper rifles were designed for, meant they had to be as steady as possible. The most steadiest position for using a rifle was in the laying down, on the stomach, in a prone position. With the standing position being the most unsteady.
But, because they pregnant to the point their stomachs started to show. And they did not want to lay on their stomachs. Along with them having to look at an upwards angle, the prone position would not work for them. So, they took the kneeling position. With one knee on the ground, and the other leg being crouched, with the foot flatly on the ground. And because they were using their right shoulders to place the butt of their weapons against, it was their left knees they placed on the ground, near their right foot, that was also placed squarely on the ground.
The two lovers then began their vigil, to watch for any boomers that may try to scale the outside building, from the three sides the couple could cover from their vantage point.
Revy looked over at Rock, as she smirked. She stated, “Babe, it doesn't take a genius to figure out who you are going to appoint to lead the team going inside.”
Rock turned back to Revy, as she said, “You're right, Revy. You are the one that is going to lead the team going inside.”
Meanwhile, everyone had been attention to conversation being held between Rock, and those she was talking with, on dealing with the current situations. And there were a few groans among those in the crowd that had heard of Revy's appointment as leader of the team going in.
Revy looked around her friends, and allies, as she barked, “Hey!”
The groans quickly silenced.
Revy then turned back to Rock, as she said, “Thank you, Rock. Though, who do you have in mind to come with me?”
Rock answered, “Well, let us make this a volunteer mission.”
Revy agreed, “Works for me.”
Rock looked around the group, as she casually said, “Okay. Who wants to come on this questionably insane, highly dangerous mission?”
About twenty feet from Rock and Revy, Mal and Zoe had been one of the many people present that had heard Rock's request for volunteers. The two war buddies looked at each other, then they looked back towards the two leaders of the current operation they were a part of.
Mal thought, 'Now is our chance.' He stated, “I would like to join in on this hunt.”
Zoe said, “So would I.”
Rock turned towards them, as she questioned, “So, you two want to go?”
Zoe answered for Mal and herself, “Yes. And we will even be willing to take orders from Revy.”
Rock grinned as she thought, 'Now, let's see how much they want this.' She responded, “It would be worth it, just to see you two do that. So, you are in?”
Zoe calmly said, “Yes. And thank you, Rock.” She mentally reminded herself, 'Mission before personal snarkiness. No matter how tasty the bait is.'
Mal replied, “Yes.”
Rock thought, 'Those two much really want to go. Neither of them took the bait, and back talked me on my comment.'
Rock stated, “Good. You are both in.”
Nearby, Jayne had watched Mal and Zoe volunteer. He thought, 'I am glad the captain did not volunteer me, as well. I draw the line as fighting killing machines. Unless I am forced too. You cannot have revenge, if you are dead.'
Lotton was standing by Jayne. She whispered, to Jayne, “Jayne, why are those two volunteering for this mission? I though you guys had more sense than that?”
Lotton mentally reflected, 'Even I am not going to volunteer. Personally, I like Lee, and I do not think it is worth running into a boomer, to capture him. Especially, an army of boomers that I had a hand in the production of. I have not interest being trapped in a, destroyed by her own creation, situation.'
Jayne turned toward Lotton. He looked down at the much shorter woman, as he softly said, “Well, from experience. The best I can tell. The captain sometimes gets a wild hair to do something dangerous. And Zoe, being the good little soldier, goes with the captain, to make sure the captain does not get himself killed.”
Lotton shrugged, as she replied, “That figures.”
Jayne said, “Yea. And I don't mind.”
Lotton asked, “Why is that?”
Jayne answered, “It is moments like this that allow me to realize the fact that I have the more sense than anyone else in my crew.”
Lotton nodded a few times, as she agreed, “I can go along with that.”
Jayne said, “This is not the first time something like this has happened. Where the captain does something foolish.” He mentally added, 'But, at least he didn't try to drag us all in, this time.' He verbally continued, “And I highly to doubt it will be the last time.”
Lotton suggested, “Okay. Now, let's see who else is going to be a part of that team, next.”
Jayne replied, “Agreed.”
Both Lotton and Jayne turned back to looked at Rock, and those around the black haired, japanese woman.
At the moment, Roberta and Fabiola, in their black and white maids outfits, were standing midway be between Rock and Jayne.
Currently, the two maids looking over at Rock.
Roberta stated, “I will go, as well.” She turned to Fabiola, as she commented, “But, you will stay here, in case any boomers show up, and attack this group.”
Fabiola looked over at her teacher, as she said, with a disappointed in her tone of voice, “Fine.”
Both of the maids then looked back at Rock.
Rock looked over at the maids, as she thought, 'No point in arguing with her. I could not stop her, even if I wanted to. Plus, she is right, that is why I am holding Akira's family back. In case the boomers do show up here.'
'Also, while I am sure the we, and our kids, along with Balalaika and B, can handle a boomer, or two. I don't want to take any unnecessary chances. Besides, none of us want to send our kids into the battlefield. Instead, I will only send those with the experience, know-how, and the equipment to do so.'
'Though, it is best to remind her of a few things, first.'
Rock stated, “Okay. You're in. But, you will behave and not kill, or torture any people. Not even Lee. Until after we bring him to Lagoon island.”
In response, Roberta smiled towards Rock, as she replied, “That will be fine.”
Though, Roberta's response did little to ease Rock's concern with her going along with the team that would capture Lee.
By then, Sawyer and Shenhua approached Rock and Revy.
Rock and Revy turned towards Sawyer and Shenhua, as they came to a stop a few feet away from them.
Both were dressed in their usual clothing, with Sawyer having her chainsaw carried on her back, by a strap. While, Shenhua has here various knives hidden within her clothing.
Sawyer commented, in a calm tone of voice, “As much as firepower is a good thing. You may need someone to cut through things.”
Shenhua requested, “I would like to come on this hunt, as well.”
Rock said, “True. You are both in. And I want to come, Shenhua, in case you have to get into a melee, close quarters fight.”
Shenhua said, “Thanks.”
Nearby, Lotton noticed this. She turned to her two lovers, as she said, “Good luck.” She mentally added, 'And I hope you both come back safely.'
Shenhua and Sawyer turned to Lotton and they warmly smiled at her. Lotton saw this, and returned their warm smiles. The two women then turned back towards Rock.
Meanwhile, Revy thought, 'I guess the old Hell Saber team is back together again. Except for Arcee. But, I guess a girl cannot have everything.'
'Though, I am not going to mention the Hell Saber name out loud, with the Knight Sabers in earshot. Even I realize that it is best not to remind them that for a while, thanks to Lee and Chang, we were their hardsuited, bad girl counterparts.'
Rock then realized something, as she thought, with worry, 'Oh crap. I forgot. I asked our resident hackers to turn off the buildings defenses. The boomers already have a head start, with nothing to stop them. I need to correct this as quickly as possible.'
Rock then turned to the three hackers, Benny, Janet, and Nene, whom were about twenty-five feet from her, to her right. She requested, “Benny, Janet, Nene, I know I asked you to turn off the headquarters defenses, but I need you to set it so that the western defenses are turned back on, and active, while the defenses on the eastern left turned off. We need to buy ourselves time to reach Lee and the others, before the boomers do.”
At that moment, Nene has been standing, in her red and pink hardsuit, by Benny and Janet.
Benny and Janet has been sitting on the ground, with two laptops, linked to Nene's hardsuit, as the hacked into the Edgars' computer system. Nene has been using her hardsuit as a wireless router for Benny and Janet's computers.
And the three of them had found that they did their jobs well, when they worked together.
Benny and Nene has been doing most of the work, with Janet paid attention for any signal triangulation for them, and possible computer viruses.
At that moment, all threw hackers turned to Rock. Benny smiles, as she stated, “We are way ahead of you. And already done.”
Janet explained, “We were about to turn the defense system completely off. But, the moment we heard you state that boomers were here. With senors showing them on the western end of the complex. We starting doing just what you requested.”
Rock smiled, as she felt relief. Rock compliment, “Good job.” She thought, 'This is why I like working with competent people that know me. They can anticipate my requests, before I make them... Within reason. Now, to see if we can find out what is going on, while blinding Lee and Garibaldi.'
Rock inquired, “While I want the defenses to remains on. Can you turn off the camera system? I don't want to let them see us coming?”
Benny answered, “No. We found that the surveillance system is separate computer network, from the defense system. And we cannot access it. They can see us, but we cannot seen them.”
Rock responded, “Can't be helped. We have to remember that Garibaldi has years of experience of successfully dealing with off the wall security problems, such as the problems we, and the boomers, are presenting him.”
Benny agreed, “Yes. And he is likely the only person in the multiverse that can make that claim.”
Rock replied, “You are probably right about that.” She thought, 'Still, we need to move on to what we can do. And there is one other matter I need to ask from them...' She requested, “Also Nene, I will need you to go with Revy's group, as well.”
As Benny, Janet, and Nene, heard Rock's request, Nene disconnected the wires, running to the USB ports on their laptops, to the right gauntlet of her hardsuit. With the wires recoiling into her gauntlet.
Nene turned to Rock, as she questioned, in a curious, though firm tone of voice, that lacked no fear what so ever, “And while do you want me to go?”
Rock answered, “For a few reasons. One, while you have combat skills, your role, and your suit's role are not front line. You will not be missed in the coming fight outside, with the boomers. Also, you have hacking skills that Revy's group are going to likely need.”
“I need a hacker on her team. Also, you have a combat suit, while Benny and Janet do not. Plus, you suit offers a few advantages that can help Revy's group, if they run into environmental hazards.”
Nene conceded, “I see your point. But, Sylia will have to make the final decision.”
Rock and Nene turned to Sylia. Sylia answered, “Go with them, Nene. They will need you more than I do.”
Rock stated, “Good.”
Nearby, Benny and Janet folded their laptops closed, and stood up. Benny smiled, as she whispered into Janet's left ear, “I do not mind not going into a battlefield.”
Janet smiled, as she softly replied back, “Same here. Better her than us.” She mentally added, 'I am so happy I could help Benny and Nene with their hacking. Benny taught me well. Also, I seem to have hit it off well with Nene, as a friend. I think it is because I have a striking resemblance to her friend, Lisa Vanette, from the Bubblegum Crisis series. I have seen the series. And I wonder if my looks where inspired by Lisa's character?... Ah well. Just one of those mysteries in life I may never get an answer too.'
Rock looked around, at her group, as she stated, “Okay. Just to double check. Here is the overview of the plan. Sylia's team, with their motoslaves. Along, with Aeryn and Violin, will head out to flank the boomers, on the west end of the complex.”
Rock turned to Sylia, as she said, “We will give you fifteen minutes to get their attention, and draw any of their forces, that may have come close to the east end of the build. At the end of the f Revy and her team will enter from the east end of the building.”
Sylia responded, “That will be fine.”
Rock looked over at Revy, as she stated, in a serious tone of voice, “Also, Revy, I want you and your team to be careful. Just because the security system is turned off, does not mean that it cannot be turned back on. I know Lee does not want to kill us. But, that do not mean that Garibaldi, and the other guy with them, might not try to do so, if Lee cannot convince them to do otherwise.”
Revy replied, “Understood.”
Rock turned to Nene, as she questioned, “Did you hear all that, Nene?” She mentally added, 'I can tell from the system that those three had going, that Nene was the one that was providing access to the security system of that building, for her, Benny, and Janet. Without her here, there is nothing really Benny and Janet can do to monitor the situation with their computers. So, I am going to have to rely on her skills. But, I am not worried. I am fairly positive that Nene is that good.'
Nene answered, “Yes. I will keep an eye on the computer system, as we make it through the building. It should not be a problem.”
Rock replied, “Thank you.” She turned back to Revy, as she stated, “Also, along with capturing Lee, if you find Garibaldi, and the other person in there, you are to rescue them, and anyone else you find that is not a boomer. I do not want any people killed in this battle. If we can help it.”
Revy shrugged, as she casually said, “I wasn't planning on playing hero today. But, since I cleaning up my own mess, I am not going to complain.”
Rock said, “Good.” She then turned to Sylia, as she inquired, “Does my plan sound good to you, Sylia?”
Sylia calmly answered, “Yes. It is a good plan.” She thought, 'I am starting to realize why Rock commands so much respect from those around her, even though she is clearly nowhere the fighter, that most of them are. That being said, she is an intelligent planner, whom pays respect where respect is due.'
Violin suggested, “Since this is going to be a rescue operation. Why don't we just contact Garibaldi again, and offer to rescue him, and anyone else there, in exchange for, Lee?”
Rock looked over at Violin, as she stated, “After all our actions last night, I don't think Garibaldi will go for it. Plus, Lee has likely already convinced him that he is worth saving.”
Molly, whom was standing near the maids, had been listening to the conversation, she spoke up, “Lee is like a small devil, whispering sweet lies, into someone's ear.”
Roberta and Fabiola slightly smiled at Molly's commented.
Rock turned to Molly, as she responded, “Exactly. Lee has been in there for hours. And Garibaldi is the type whom might take our offer as an insult. We go in, rescue him, anyone else, and capture, Lee. He can thank us, afterward, for saving his ass.”
Violin shrugged, “Well, it was worth asking.”
Rock looked back towards Violin, as she replied, “I agree.”
Violin gave Rock a warm smile, as she said, “I am glad you think so.”
Eda was standing across from the maids, with Rock in-between them. She commented, “Speaking of which. While you have mentioned this, Rock. It should be repeated for the more stubborn members of those here.”
Eda looked at Mal, Roberta, the Knight Sabers and Revy. She went onto say, “You should go easy on Lee, and Garibaldi. Given, all night, Lee has tried to use non-lethal means to slow us down, or stop us. Lee knows we want him alive. And he has returned the favor. He also realizes that killing us will only make things worse for him. The only exception to this was when he was dealing with Roberta, here.”
Eda turned her head towards Roberta. With Roberta frowning at her. Eda ignored Roberta's reaction, as she looked back at Rock. She casually continued, “And that is completely understandable.”
Everyone turned to Roberta, as they slightly tense up, as they saw Roberta frown. Roberta noticed their body language. Her frown turned into a grin, as she happily thought, 'At least they all remember who they are dealing with.'
Roberta looked at Eda, as she responded, “I will give you that one.”
Everyone then relaxed a bit.
Eda turned to Roberta, as she replied, “Okay.” She turned to Rock, as she stated, “As such. Lee has probably already convinced Garibaldi to use non-lethal means to slow us down. We should continue to do the same.”
Rock looked over at Eda, as she responded, “Agreed. And I already realized that. Still, it is best to be cautious in this situation. Though, we will try to take them down through non-lethal means.” She looked around, as she questioned, in a firm tone of voice, “Everyone, hear that?”
Revy halfheartedly responded, “Yea... Alright, you don't need to tell us a third time. We will do our best to play with kid gloves, when reach them.”
Rock looked at Revy, as she thought, 'I may love you, Revy. But, I am not taking any chances with you get pissed off and trigger happy. We will only have our fun with Lee, after we capture him. Not before.'
Meanwhile, Revy turned to Priss, whom was twenty feet from her, in her blue hardsuit, and helmet
Priss noticed, as she turned to face Revy, while asking, in a flat, annoyed tone of voice, “What?”
Revy flatly requested, “Don't get killed. I still want to settle the score with you for damaging my cutlass.”
Priss responded, in an annoyed tone of voice, “I won't think of it. Because, I am so looking forward to kicking your ass.”
Revy snapped back, “Dream on.”
Nearby, Linna, in her green hardsuit, was standing by Dutch.
Both women were watching Priss and Revy snap at each other.
Linna turned her head towards Dutch, as she calmly asked, “Is Revy always like this?”
Dutch casually responded, “Yes. Is your blue suited friend always like that as well?”
Linna answered, in a deflated tone of voice, “Uh huh. Priss has always been like this. Let's just be happy they are not being grouped together.”
Dutch deadpanned, “Amen to that.”
Several feet away, Sylia turned to her group, that had scattered among the crowd, and whom were talking to the others in the crowd.
Sylia said in both her radio, and through her speakers, “Knight Sabers. We are heading out.”
Linna looked over at Dutch, as she said, “Showtime.”
Dutch replied, “Good luck.” She mentally added, 'I am happy I am not going into that war zone.'
Linna said, “Thanks.”
Linna then turned towards seven of the other Knight Saber, besides Nene, as they all walked towards their motoslaves.
The other people present then watched as the seven of the motoslaves in robot mode open, to show they were exo-suits, for the hardsuite women.
Sylia, got into motoslaves that had large rifle in its hands. Priss, Leon, Linna, and Mackie got into the four motoslaves that used large machine guns. Kate and Daley got into the motoslaves that carried hand held grenade launchers.
With the eighth motoslave being another motoslave that was holding a rifle.
As the seven Knight Sabers got in their motoslaves, Violin step closed to Aeryn, as Violin pulled out her reality device.
Aeryn silently looked over at her spouse, as she smiled. Violin then press the red button on her reality device, which instantly teleported them to the opposite side of the complex, outside the gates and concrete walls. Along with being away from the boomers. There, the two lovers would wait for the Knight Sabers attacked, before they would offer fire support.
A few seconds later, everyone else, that was still present, watched seven of the eight motoslaves closed again, around the hardsuited women. Then, the eight motoslaves took into the air, by the horizontal ducted fan rotors, that were attached to the motoslaves, by the back of the shoulders, by pylons. With to ducted fan rotors per motoslave.
Rock viewed the Knight Sabers use their motoslave to fly into the air, towards battler. She then looked at analog wrist watch, on her left wrist.
She then looked back at the Knight Sabers, flying away, as she thought, 'Fifteen minutes until I send Revy and the others, inside the building. I hope no one is killed... Other than the boomers.'
Within less than a minute, the Knight Sabers had reached the boomers, and engaged them in battle, at near point blank range. With the seven Knight Sabers dropping out of their motoslaves, as they, and motoslaves, attacked the boomers. The motoslaves mostly used their weapons at a distance, at the boomers that were not directly fighting the Knight Sabers.
Though, the motoslaves were programed to take out the boomers in hand to hand. And they were mo than capable of fighting the larger, brown battle boomers to a stand still. But, their primary programing was to defend the Knight Sabers, even to the point of sacrificing themselves for their masters.
And given there was literally a hundred, or so boomers, it was likely the motoslaves would not be around for long.
Still, the boomers were very spread out, and not all of them were engaging the Knight Sabers and their motoslaves. Also, this number of boomers was still within the ability for the seven Knight Sabers that were present, along with their upgrade hardsuits and motoslaves, to handle. Especially, given the Knight Sabers had all be exposed to Chang's super-soldier serum, which enhanced their already formidable fighting abilities even further.
So, at the moment, the Knight Saber were focused on surviving, destroying, and containing the boomers. In that order.
Meanwhile, Aeryn and Violin teleported on field, on the west end of the complex, far away from the boomers and the concrete fense.
The two lovers then started making their way closer to the battlefield. And three minutes later, Aeryn joined in, on the battle, from a distance, with her pulse burster. While Violin stood behind Aeryn, to guard her wife.
Ten minutes later, as the battle continued, Violin stood behind and to Aeryn's right side, as she followed her wife closer to the battlefield.
Currently, they were still outside the perimeter of the Edgars complex, with Aeryn providing very skilled, long range support to the Knight Sabers, and the motoslaves.
While they were at a far distance from the fighting, due to their alien heritages, their eyesight was more than good enough to clearly see the fighting for the distance they were at.
Though, Aeryn did use a peacekeeper eye enhancing device, called an oculars. Which was an advanced alien type of binoculars. The oculars was a single metal shaped band device, that wrapped around the person's head, like a hair band, that was place around the back of the head. With the opening open part of the device resting right over the user's eyes, on their forehead.
The oculars improved Aeryn's aim a bit more. Thus, allowing her to make more precise shots with her pulse burster.
As Violin watched her wife use her pulse burster, at a distance of two hundred yards from the nearest groups of boomers, she was impressed with her wife's marksmanship abilities.
Violin thought, 'Damn, I love it when I get the chance to watch my girl at work. Especially, when she had an open field to fire her weapon from.'
Harvey mentally commented, in a happy manner, 'Yes. This is perfect popcorn material. Mores the pity, we don't have any popcorn.'
Violin giggled. She mentally pointed out, as she physically shrugged, 'At least we can enjoy the show.'
Harvey mentally agreed, in a joyous manner, 'Hear. Hear.'
Meanwhile, to avoid being an easy target, Aeryn walked to right, at an upward diagonal path. When she reached about twenty-five feet began walking to her left, at an upward diagonal path, until she reached around twenty-five feet. She then walked back to the right, in an upward diagonal direction.
Aeryn continued this zigzag direction, towards the battle, with Violin kept up with her, from behind.
As Aeryn did this, she provide a combination of artillery, and sniper support fire for the Knight Sabers and their motoslaves. Depending on the selector setting on her weapon. Sometimes, she fired a single shot, which killed a single boomer, for those boomers that were close to her allies. Or, she switched settings on the fly, to fire a grouped burst of shots, at once, destroyed several boomers at once, in explosions of energy. When those boomers were grouped together, thought away from her allies.
The accuracy Aeryn was displaying, each time she pulled the trigger was incredibly precise. In all the shots she had fired, She had yet to miss a target, while harming her allies, in the middle of the fighting. And she has been pulling the trigger of her weapon as often as it could cycle through her weapons recharge rate.
This gave Aeryn a kill ratio that was higher than any single Knight Saber, or motoslave, in the current battle.
At the moment, Aeryn was destroying a number of boomers that had tried to circle around, and out flank the Knight Sabers, behind them.
Aeryn easily dispatched the robotic killing machines.
Though, there was one minor thing about Aeryn, which slightly troubled Violin. Violin saw that Aeryn had a slash style smile on her lips, as she did her job.
As Violin looked back at the boomers in the distance, she thought, with mild concern, 'Damn. The only time I have seen Aeryn smile like that was after some really good sex. She is really getting into this battle.'
Harvey suggested, in thought, 'Let your wife have her fun.'
Violin mentally agreed, 'Of course. And I agree that it is best not to talk to her, right now. I don't want to ruin the good mood she is in.'
Harvey mentally replied, 'That would be a wise decision.'
Violin mentally commented, 'Also, I know that pulse burster is one of the most cumbersome peacekeeper weapons there is, to use. And Aeryn is wielding her weapon with the skill a surgeon using her scalpel.'
Harvey mentally pointed out, 'She has had a lot of practice.'
Violin mentally responded, 'Yes. She has. Still, I need to go back to checking to make sure no boomer tries to attack us, directly.'
Harvey mentally said, 'Good idea. Though, at the rate your wife, and those combat suited mistresses are destroying the machines, very soon, there will not be many of them left.'
Violin mentally responded, 'Let us hope so.'
Violin then continued to stand guard for Aeryn, behind her wife, as she kept up with the Sebastian badass.
In the distance, in the heart of the outside battle, in the west courtyard of the Edgars Industries Headquarters, Aeryn's combat skills did not go unnoticed.
Sylia did not let her thoughts distract her from her fight, as she used her left wrist blade to slice through one of the brown battle boomers, only to follow up her attack, with an attack with her energy cannon, in the underside palm of her right hand, that destroyed the head of a blue combat boomer.
The battle continued, with Sylia fighting more boomers, as she mentally reflected, 'I am pleasantly surprised by Aeryn's skills in this battle. When I first read Lee's stories, and researched the other people Lee mentioned in his stories, I thought Lee was embellishing on Aeryn's combat skills.'
'I see I am mistaken. And I will have to revise my opinion, and threat assessment, of Aeryn, to be equal to her lover, Violin.'
After destroying two more boomers, Sylia then risked a look around, at her subordinates, as she saw they were all holding their own, but a few of the motoslaves had already been trashed.
The robots had been destroyed due to their programing to protect the Knight Sabers, before themselves.
Both of the motoslaves that used rifles were destroyed. One of the motoslaves that use galting gun was seriously damaged, but still functioning.
Another two were mildly damaged, but were still able to fight. Those two being one with a grenade launcher, and one with a gatling gun. While three were undamaged. Those three being, two that used gatling guns, and one that used a grenade launcher.
Meanwhile, the Knight Sabers were in good shape.
Sylia checked the heads up display on the interior her visor, which showed that Linna had a crack on the right shoulder of her armor.
The mechanical finger manipulators in the right gauntlet of Leon's hardsuit was damaged. But, not her right hand.
Sylia guessed was likely due to Leon punching a boomer, even thought her right gauntlet was not designed to do so.
But, the rest of Leon's hardsuit, and built in weapons were fine.
Sylia mentally reflected, 'I may had to add a knuckle boomer to Leon's right gauntlet, if she keeps using that gauntlet for punching. But, better the hardsuit be damaged, than her.'
Meanwhile, Priss had a crack in the left front side of her upper leg armor. But, the crack did not damage the internal hardware, and Priss' right leg was fine.
And Mackie's stomach armor took a blow that cracked the armor there. But, her hardsuit still functioned and she was uninjured.
Kate's, Daley's, Nene and Sylia's own hardsuit were fine.
As Sylia continued fighting, she thought, 'I am glad all my girls are fine. I could careless about the motoslaves. I can always build more motoslaves. I am just happy that none of my team members have been harmed.'
'And I am glad that the others convinced me to included Kate, Mackie, Leon, and Daley, into my new eight member team.'
'While, I was sure Leon would make a good fighter. I was pleasantly surprised with the potential that Mackie, Kate, and Daley, showed in hardsuit combat training. Though, I am sure the super-soldier serum was a factor in those results. Still, they are fast learners, and they will take orders from me.'
'And though Mackie is now a woman, she still sometimes peeps on the Linna, Priss, Nene, and myself, when we are naked. Though, I thinks she does it mostly as a way to tease us, in a jovial manner. I guess some things don't change. While other things can change people drastically... Such as motherhood... And I am sure our eight teenage, adult children are doing fine, back home...'
'But, those matters are meant to be thought about, at another time.'
'Right now, I wonder how Nene is doing with Revy's group? At least our suits communications still work well at this distance. So, I will know if there is a problem with Nene, as second after it happens. Still, I am sure Nene will be fine. Though, I am concerned with the crazies she is currently having to work with.'
'But, revenge is never easy...'
Sylia then went back to destroying boomers with her team.
A few minutes later, on the opposite side of the complex, Rock looked at her analog wrist watch, as she thought, 'It is time.' She looked over at Revy, whom was looking back at her. Rock said, “Happy hunting.”
Revy smirked, as she said, “Thanks.” She then looked at her group, whom were nearby, and composed of Roberta, Shenhua, Sawyer, Zoe, Nene, Mal, and Revy, herself.
Revy shouted, in a confident tone of voice, “Alright ladies! We are moving out!”
Revy and the others then turned and started jogging towards the main building, in the center of the
As they jogged towards the closest gate into the complex, Mal thought, 'I would say something about being a guy, but then Revy and the others might make me sneeze, and actually be one of the ladies in this fight.'
When they came to one of the eastern gates, Sawyer make short work of it.
The group then continued on their way towards the main, center building, of the Edgars Industries headquarters.
Seven minutes later, outside the eastern walls of the complex, Balalaika and B were covering the building, as the others talk around them talked amongst themselves.
Meanwhile, Rock held her infrared binoculars with her right hand, as she used them. She noticed something happening on the sixty-first floor, specifically the eastern stairwell. She saw what she guessed, from the heat signature, that water was now running down the stairs.
Rock thought, 'Lee, is doing something there. I'm just not know what. And I think he is setting a trap for the stairwell my team is going into. I will radio them the warning. But, there is not much more I can do.'
'I wish I could have sent more people inside. But, four of those fighters are experts in range weapons and combat. Shenhua for close quarters fighting. With Sawyer being there to deal with obstructions, and assisting Shenhua, in fighting up close. And Nene for computer support, and there to aid in environmental hazards.'
'It is unfortunate, that there is too many obstructions of me to see the battle on the other side of the complex. I have not heard anything on the radio. But, that just means that the Knight Sabers have their own encrypted channel they use to talk amongst themselves.'
'And speaking of which. I almost feel sorry for the boomers, for siccing Aeryn on them... Almost... But, shooting at things really does make Aeryn feel better. And Violin will be with her, to make sure she is fine. Besides which, given Aeryn weaponry at the moment, can literally bring down a building, and Violin's own abilities, are even more dangerous, I did not feel that it was safe having them go with Revy and the others. Putting those two in the situation of possible close quarters combat is asking for trouble.'
'And I realized a head of time, when I saw the large weapon, that Aeryn teleport to Moya, to get it. And be back five minutes later. At least for us. I knew she was going make herself an active part of this siege, one way, or another. I am just lucky that she volunteered to help the Knight Sabers destroy the boomers on the other side of the complex.'
'Also, Aeryn and Violin have been known to destroy buildings, cities, planets, before. For the sole reason of having been cornered. I am not going to give them the excuse to inadvertently cause a disaster here. Instead, I am going to channel their destructive tendencies to where they will be most useful to us...'
'Well... I guess I might as well warn my team. And at least Benny, Janet, and Nene hacked into the computers, and turned off the automated defenses on this side of the fortress. So, Revy and the others don't have to worry about that problem.'
Rock pulled up her radio with her left hand, and press the talk button.
Three minutes ago, Sawyer had just used her chainsaw to break through east entrance doors of the main town building of the complex.
As Revy's group entered the building, they found themselves walking into one of the lobbies of the building. They saw that the most lights in the lobby were on. And the room stretched for a hundred feet in each direction, going inside the building, before it hit the walls, and started connecting to hallways and rooms.
The lobby was a standard business building lobby, with a few pillars around the lobby, that acted as support beams for the floor.
The group then continued walking for about ten seconds, Mal and Zoe noticed the others had suddenly stopped in their tracks.
As the two browncoats watched as the others pulled out their weapons. The two veterans pulled out their usual pistols, as well.
Zoe turned to Revy, as she asked, “What is it?”
As Revy and the others turned to looked deeper into the lobby, and they pointed their weapons in that direction, Revy answered, “We hear foot steps, approaching us fast. And they are no human footsteps.”
Nene checked the heads up display on the inside of her visor, as she stated, “Sensors state they are boomers, but and they are not humanoid.”
Suddenly, they saw six boomer dogs emerge from a hallway in front of them, across the lobby. With the boomer dogs immediately charging towards them.
The boomer dogs were each around the size of a hundred pound dog.
The boomer dogs did not appear to have any weapons, but they bared their teeth as they charge at seven armed adults.
At that moment, the dogs were about eighty feet from them.
As Revy looked at the cyberdriod animals, she smiled a feral grin. She sadistically thought, 'Finally, some action that Rock won't complain about.' She ordered, in a casual, relaxed tone of voice, “Girls, put these dogs down.”
Roberta, Revy, Mal, and Zoe, used their pistols, along with Nene using her the lasers in her gauntlets, to make short work of the boomer dogs. And the boomers were completely destroyed before any got within thirty feet of them.
Far out melee range of Shenhua and Sawyer weapons.
As the boomer dogs laid on their sides, destroyed, Nene confirmed, “They have been deactivated.”
Revy replied, “Good.” She lamented in thought, 'I do miss all the perks of having a hardsuit. The armor, enhanced strength, weapons, and sensors were so much fun to play with... Why did Lee has to get us such wonderful toys, and then take them away. That is one of the many reasons I want to kick Lee's ass.'
Shenhua turned to Revy, as she complained, “Revy, why didn't you save some for us?”
Revy turned to Shenhua, as she said, “When it comes killer robots, we cannot take chances. We will play, who can kill the most, later.”
Shenhua thought, 'She's right.' She shrugged, as she replied, “Agreed.”
Sawyer calmly inquired, “Personally, I don't mind you killing those machines before they reached us. And they must have come in front the west end. But, how did they know we are here?”
Nene answered, “They use infrared sensors to find us. A while back, while my friends and I were fighting Genom, in Megatokyo, I hack from Genom computers, and I got a look at their designs. These boomer dogs are prototypes reconnaissances boomers. They have a good sensor package. But, the only weapons they have are their claws and teeth. And they are lightly armor. So, from what I see, with my hardsuit sensors, it looks like Chang did not change the design, much.”
Roberta thought, 'As someone that is sometimes haunted by the past, I believe it is best not to remind Nene of her past, given our direct hands in wrecking her previous life.'
Roberta changed the subject, as she calmly asked, “How is the fight with your friends going?”
Nene used her heads-up display on the interior side of her visor, to pull of a status report on her friends hardsuits and health. She stated, “From the data I am getting, everyone is fine... Even your friends... And they are all really kicking some serious ass.”
Roberta responded, “That is comforting to hear.” She menially added, 'Good. I got her to think about something else. And it is always nice to meet other strong women. Especially, polite ones. Such as Nene here. I might like to get to know her, and a few of the others, later. If we can bridge the gap over what Chang and Lee made us do.'
Nene commented, “And we are lucky that we did not run into the other types of boomers out there.”
Mal turned to Nene, as he asked, “So, that is why they went down so quickly. Still, how dangerous are the other types of boomers out there?” Mal though, 'While Bob showed us the Bubblegum Crisis OVA series, years ago. A first hand report goes a long way, in situations like this.'
Nene turned towards Mal, as she commented, “Very dangerous. If you see them. Get to cover, and aim for their eyes. And if they suddenly open their jaws wide, duck, because they have a powerful energy cannon in pops out from the roof of their mouths. Also, if you seen panels open up on their chest, find the best cover you can get, because that is a heat weapon that will literally cook you in seconds. And that is just only two of the main weapons those monsters have. And those are the combat boomers. The battle boomers are even more dangerous and destructive.”
Mal replied, “Got you.” He mentally added, 'I am glad I asked. Chang was right, we are going to need those special weapons, he got for us.'
Revy inquired, “Now, where are the stairs?”
Nene turned, as she used her mechanical right index finger manipulator, in her right gauntlet, to point towards a metal door that was fifty feet to the group's left. She stated, “Sensors show that the closest set of stairs are right here.”
Revy commented, “Good.”
Nene mentioned, “But, I am registering water on the other side of the door. And the stairwell stop here, on this floor, with the water collecting right behind the door.”
Roberta turned to Nene, as she asked, “Water?”
Nene looked at Roberta, as she said, “Yes. Water.”
Just then, Rock said over the radio, “Revy, girls, I think Lee has set a trap for you in the stairwell.”
Nene said, “I believe Rock is correct. I am also detecting electricity as well.”
Revy used the discocker on her pistols to uncocked her pistols. She then holstered them. Next, she unhooked her radio, from her belt, as she pressed the talk button. She then calmly said, “Don't worry, Rock. We got this.” She then clipped her radio back onto her belt, were it had been.”
Revy asked, “Can we just shutdown the electrical grid? Or, water system?”
Nene answered, “No, on both counts. Even if I was able to turn off the water system, which is likely part of a none computer fire-system, the steps are still wet and electrified. And I don't dare try to cut off the electricity, because, along with my friends, and your friends, the automated systems on the west side of the complex, are the only things holding the boomers back.”
Revy muttered, “Damn.”
Zoe suggested, “Could we head for another set of stairwell?”
Mal calmly said, “I really don't want to get that close to the battle outside.”
Zoe replied, “Point taken.”
Nene stated, “Actually, my sensors state that the barricade doors throughout the west end of the building have been closed. It would take too long to get to another stairwell. Plus, the automated defenses are turned on for that side of the building.”
Sawyer inquired, “It makes sense for Garibaldi and Lee to do that. But, then how did these boomers get here?”
Nene commented, “They must have come into this building, before the barricade doors closed. The barricade doors are not automatic. And they were not turned on when we hacked into the system. Though, we made sure to turn them off on this side of the building. But, we will probably run into them on the sixty-first floor, given they can probably be manual turned on, one at a time.”
Nene stated, in a colder tone of voice, “Also, these reason the boomer dogs attacked was that they were probably ordered to look for witnesses and kill them.”
Nene turned to Revy.
Revy noticed Nene looking at her. She conceded, “Well, in our former line of work, what did you expect?”
Roberta thought, with annoyance, 'Leave it to Revy to drop a verbal grenade in the situation. Though, we are better fighters than Nene. She has a hardsuit, and this could go bad very quickly, if we are not careful.'
Nene said, with her voice like ice, “I am just happy you are no longer in that line of work.”
Revy shrugged, as she inquired, “Yea. I am happy about being more than being a hired gun. Besides, you Knight Sabers are mercenaries. So, where do you get off judging us, for the same line of work?”
Nene said, in an unexpectedly casual tone of voice, “Oh, I am not judging you. I was just wondering how you would react to me just silently turning my head towards you, after I made such a comment.”
Revy realized she had been had. She let out a laugh. She thn thought, 'Yep. Nene, here, is a genius.' She complimented, “Not bad.”
Nene replied, “Thank you.”
Roberta thought, with relief, 'That went better than I expected... Not that I am complaining.'
Sawyer pointed out, “Still, someone has to disarm Lee's trap.”
Mal joked, “I don't feel likely getting electrocuted.”
Revy turned to Mal, as she stated, “Not to worry. Nene's hardsuit is insulated.” She turned to Nene, as she said, “Nene, I need you to climb those stairs, as quickly as possible, and disable that trap.”
Nene looked at Revy, as she responded, “It will take me a several minutes. But, I should be able to do it.”
Revy replied, “Good.”
Nene then walked a few feet towards the stairs, with the group behind her. She then held out her right gauntlet, towards the door, which was still several feet from them. She order, “Everyone, stand back. And be ready to run, if the water starts coming this way.”
Nene gave the rest of her group few seconds later, to take a more few steps, further back, from her position. She used the lasers in her right gauntlet to quickly slice through the door to the stairwell.
Fortunately, the door quickly collapsed into several metal pieces, and fell apart in a mater of a couple of seconds. And luckily there was only a few inches of water that had built up behind the door. Also, due to the slight sloping, of the marble tiled, steel reinforced concretely floor, all the water moved towards the exit, With none of the water coming anywhere close to reaching the group.
Nene turned towards her group, as she said, “I will try to be as quick as I can. And I will radio you when I have the disarmed the trap.”
Revy said, “Okay. But, remember we are on the clock. It is a literally race to the top. So, hurry. As fast as you can.”
Nene replied, “Of course.”
Sawyer kindly said, “And be careful not to slip.”
Nene replied, “Don't worry. I will be careful.”
Nene then turned back towards the stairwell, as she briskly walked toward entrance to the stairwell.
A few seconds later, Nene made it to the stairwell, and she turned, and started walking up the stairs, as water flowed down them.
Nene looked up the stairwell, as she thought, 'Sixty-one floors up. Along the wet stairs. In a hardsuit, with heels. I am just glad the super-soldier serum gives me the stamina to climb this stairwell, without exhausting myself. And the serum has also helped with my balance and agility.'
'Still, I cannot just used my jump-jets to make my way up the center. The center open space is too tight. But, I can use my suit's enhanced straight, to jump from corner, to corner, up the stairs. So, this will not take to long.'
Nene started jumping for corner, to corner, up the square path, of the staircase.
As she did so, she thought, 'At this rate, I should be up their in ten to fifteen minutes. I could do this in five, if I was not having to be careful with my landings, due to the concrete steps being wet, and possibly slippery. Still, I am making good time.'
Nene then quickly made her way up the stairs.
Twenty minute later, she made it to the sixtieth floor of the stairwell.
Nene was not even winded, she saw the sign for the sixtieth floor. She thought, 'Well, the one thing this super-soldier serum did, that I like, was given me a great bod, with extreme endurance, that allowed me to retain my youth for decades to come... And I am so happy I am not even tired... Still, I am going to torture Lee for the rest of what he did to us... Now, where is the power cable and water coming from?'
'I am one floor below the floor where Lee is. The cable for the electricity has to be nearby. I know I did not miss it. Now, where is it?'
Nene's heads up display immediately used her hardsuit sensors to point out some a cable that was split, and connect at two different points, on the low part of a nearby railing, to her left, only two flights of stairs of stairs.
Nene looked across, and slightly up, from where she was standing, and she saw the cable, with her own eyes.
Nene thought, 'This will only take a moment.' She then used her right wrist laser to cut the cable when he was still completely sheathed together in orange rubber.
She then quickly made her way up the stairs. As she ended the sixty-first floor, she swift found the fire hose box. She briskly walked over to the fire box, where she used the valve to turn off the water.
Nene stated, into the radio that built into her suit, “The water is turned off, and the power cable to the trap is cut. You can come on up, now. But, watch your step.”
Nene then looked at the barricade doors in front of her, as she continued, “Also, it looks like I was right about those barricade doors, on this floor. Sawyer, we are going to need your chainsaw.”
Sawyer replied, over the radio, “Okay. We will be there in a few minutes.”
As Nene waited, she thought, 'I don't see a plug by the panel, and I don't have time to try to rewire. We are just going to have to force our way through. But, I am going to wait for the others, before we do anything. Just in case my sensors are missing any other traps that Lee and Garibaldi may have laid.'
Two minutes later, outside the east side of the complex, as those present continue to talk to themselves. Save for Rock, whom silently looked at the complex, with just her eyes. Along with Balalaika, and B, whom were sitting in kneeling position, while using their sniper rifles to help cover the main building of the complex.
Rock then overheard, Spike, Faye, and Jetta, talking, nearby.
Spike said, “I still say, we should have brought our zipcrafts, and gone to get Lee ourselves. I mean, Jet, Faye, we know exactly where the bastard is. We can just fly up there and get him.”
Rock thought, 'I need to defuse this situation, now.' She turned to them, as she calmly requested, “Spike. Faye. Jetta. Could I have a moment of your time?”
The three women turned to Rock, as Jetta said, “Sure Rock. What do you need?”
Rock calmly asked, “Are we all in agreed that we want to take Lee alive, without harming anyone else?”
Faye answered, “Yes.”
Jetta conceded, “Of course. Though, it is a fair question, after the stunt we pulled at the factory.”
Spike halfheartedly replied, “Yea...”
Rock said, “Then, here me out. The reason I did not want us to bring our vehicles was I wanted this to be low-key. I did not want to attract any unwanted attention. Your zipcraft, especially, would attract unwanted attention. If you flew up there, the local authorities would pick you up on radar. We are just lucky that last night, we were in a location the local police really didn't care about. But, here in the headquarters of likely one of their largest tax revenue producers, on the planet, they will come running, if they think something is up.”
“Likely, the only reason they haven't is that Garibaldi has kept them away, due to him have an idea of how dangerous we are.”
“And I am sure that this place has anti-air defenses. And even with the defenses down, your zipcraft are not designed to do the type of assault you are planning.”
“In addition, the only weapons one your vehicles, that can take out that window, without risk of harming those inside, is the Hammerhead's harpoon gun.”
“And your vehicles are single person vehicles. Meaning, only one of you could go up there. And your zipcraft are not designed to hover by a building, and allow you jump onto the building. Though, I am sure you have probably done that before. Still, that would bring up other problems.”
“Those problems being that neither Lee, nor Garibaldi, are idiots. From what I saw on my infrared binoculars, they set a trap for the boomers, and anyone else, trying to get at them, from that large windows in room they had decided to make their stand in.”
“If you tried to get to that room, that way you are thinking about, you would be sitting ducks for Lee and Garibaldi to take you out. Or, as the very least, damage the Hammerhead.”
“Along with this. Do not even think of landing your vehicles onto the roof. The top to floors of that building are Garibaldi's personal residence. There is no telling what personal traps Garibaldi might have set up there. We already know that Garibaldi knows better than to tie his electronics to one system. That is why we cannot shutdown, nor hack into the video system.”
“So, going in from the ground floor is the only realistic option. Besides, do you really want to face those boomers? Because, I don't.”
Rock mentally reflected, 'That is why I didn't go with them. Because if they do face those boomers, I would be more a hindrance, than an asset.'
Faye shrugged, as she replied, “Not really.”
Jetta pointed out, “Bob showed all three of us the Bubblegum Crisis OVA series. I have absolutely not interest in facing those monsters.”
Spike shrugged, as she commented, “I don't want to fight those killing machines, either.”
Rock thought, 'Good. At least, they know the seriousness of facing those killing machines.'
Rock casually responded, “Good. I am glad we are on the same page.” She then turned back to look at the main tower of the Edgars Industries headquarters, in the distance.
As the three women turned back to each other. Jetta commented, “And that folks, is why she is in charge of this operation.” She mentally reflected, 'Until Mal and Zoe take off with Lee, to Chang. While we disappear back to the casino, as well.'
Just then, everyone's attention was brought to the forefront, as they heard gunfire. All of them turned to see Balalaika and B firing this sniper rifles. But, after a few more shots, both of the loved stopped firing.
Balalaika cursed, “Damn it!”
Rock turned to them, as she asked, “What is it?”
Balalaika and B turned behind them, to look at Rock. B answered, “There are a dozen combat boomers climbing up the south side of the main building.”
Balalaika mentioned, “And while we are getting good hits on them. We can even see the dents on left on their heads. Our cartridges are not penetrating the boomers armored heads, at this distance.”
B said, “And the boomers are just ignoring our hits, and continuing up the building, at a steady pace.”
Rock calmly stated, “We knew that was a possibility, and we planned for it. But first, I need to check with what is going on, before I contact the others.”
While Rock turned towards the building, Balalaika and B stood up. The two russian lovers slung the slings on their rifles over their shoulders, as they stretched their legs.
Meanwhile, Rock pulled up her infrared binoculars, which were slung below her chest, and she held the binoculars to her eyes. As she zoomed in, she could see the heat signatures of the dozen combat boomers climbing up building.
Rock thought, 'I would guess the boomers were around the twentieth floor. And they even got the right side of the building, to come into the room, that Lee and the others are in. Meaning they see them, as well. And they are likely planning to crash into the large windows, of the room that Lee Garibaldi, and that other man are in.'
'Now, let's see what else is going on inside the building?'
Rock looked into the building, with her infrared binoculars.
She could see Revy's group making their way up the eastern stairway, with Nene on the sixty-first floor.
Rock also saw the heat signatures of a mix of combat and battle boomers slowly making their way up the west side elevator shafts, and west side staircase.
Rock mentally reflected, 'Revy and her group is already making their way up. And Nene is wisely waiting for the rest of her group to arrive, before she continue further down that floor.'
'But, the boomers, both inside and outside, are making their way up the building.'
'I would guess that the boomers are at about the fortieth floor level. But, the boomers seemed to be going slowly. And I guessed that the streaks of heat that surrounded the boomers in stairwell, and elevator shafts, were lases from the defense systems, in those location.'
'And due to this, the boomers were more slowly making their way up the stairs, as they take out the defenses, one at a time, before advancing further up.'
'Though, how the boomers are doing concerns me for several reasons.'
'One thing about boomers that separates boomers from other killing machine, is that they were programmed with a measure of common sense, in a lot of ways. Even to the point that their personalities, and sensors, allow them to enjoy some foods and drinks. Such as beer. They won't get drunk, but they can enjoy the taste of such drinks.'
'As such, they have been fighting the complex's defenses all the way. And because of this, they are taking things slowly. As far as they are concerned, there is no rush. They want to get Garibaldi in one piece. And rushing in will likely get Garibaldi killed.'
'Though, while these boomers on the inside of the building have slowed down, the ones on the outside have no such problems. But, at the rate they are climbing, the boomers on the inside are going to get to Lee and the others, before the boomers on the outside do.'
'And I noticed the defenses are not attacking the boomers scaling the building.'
'I would guess that it seems that the building defenses were not designed to fire up at the outsides of buildings. Nor, were they designed to fire at those scaling the buildings.'
'This is probably an intentional security design on Garibaldi's part. So no one could just hack into the defenses, and try to destroy the buildings themselves, with their own defenses. And that if the building's defenses were highjacked, Garibaldi could still have a means of escape, by getting outside the building, and hanging off the wall, until help arrived.'
'Now, I need to see if Sylia can stop those boomers on the outside. But, either way, Revy, and her group, is going to need to hurry.'
'Fortunately, it looks like that are going to beat both groups of boomers. But, it is going to be close.'
Rock lowed her binoculars back onto her chest. With her left hand, she unhooked her radio, off her belt, and pressed the talk button. She stated into her radio, “This is Rock. Sylia, we have a dozen combat boomers climbing the main building, on the south side. If they are not stopped, they will reach Lee, and the others with him, within half an hour.”
Over the radio, Sylia stated, in a slightly rushed tone of voice, “I apologize, Rock. But, we have our hands full at the moment. You are on your own.”
Rock thought, 'Yea. A few boomer stragglers that got past them, are nothing, compared to the army of boomers they are fighting.' She calmly responded, into her radio, “Understood. Revy will will have to deal with the situation. Revy, did you get all that?”
Revy replied, from her own radio, “Yes. Where are they?”
Rock answered, “They are just above the twentieth floor, and slowly climbing. Also, there are boomers in the western elevator shifts and staircase, but the building's defenses are slowing them down. I can see you, as well. At the moment, your group's speed, and the boomers speed, is almost neck and neck, with both groups of boomers. Though, you have a slight lead.”
Revy responded, “Okay. We will just have to hurry and get to Lee and the others, before the boomers. Though, we may have to teleport out.”
Rock stated, “If you do so, just head to Lagoon Island, at the proper time, with the three men. And we will then sort out everything there.”
Revy said, “No problem.”
Rock then clipped her radio back to her belt. Next, she pulled back up her infrared binoculars, so she could see what was happening in the main building.
At that moment, inside the eastern staircase, Revy's group, barring Nene, had been walking up the wet stairs at a hurried, but cautious pace.
Though, they had stopped, when Revy got the call on the radio.
As Revy clipped her radio back onto her belt, she looked back at her group. She stated, “You heard, Rock. Double time, people. And don't slip, or you will have to answer to me.”
Zoe mentally reflected, with concern, 'And I thought the captain was reckless. Revy puts the captain to shame in wanting to get to the target. Still, at least this concrete is rough, even when wet, that it still retains most of its traction.'
'And personally, I could care less about revenge on Lee. I am just trying to keep the captain from getting himself killed, while trying to claim that reward Chang posted on Lee. As far as I am concern, Chang has the right idea about hiring Lee. Anyone that can play this intelligent, savvy group, for chumps, while remaining polite, and mostly non-violent, it truly worth keeping around.'
The group then started making their way up the wet stairs, at a faster pace, they they were before. While they were mindful of trying to prevent themselves from slipping and falling on the wet concrete stairs. With them gripping and using the inside and outside railings, to speed up their accent.
At that moment, in the technology research lab, on the sixty-first floor, Garibaldi and Lee were looked at the wallscreen monitor, by the entrance to the hallway.
To their right, the door to the hallway was left open, and to their left, Bernard was at the island, working on rebuilding the reality device.
The monitor was split into four quartered sub-pictures, which showed four different video feeds in and around the building.
The upper left video showed a camera in the eastern stairwell, from an angle that showed the open door to the sixty-first level
The two men watched as Nene, in her red and pink hardsuit, stood in the hallway. After she had disabled Lee's trap, she walked into hallway, and just stood by the door to the stairwell, as she waited for the rest of her team to reach her.
And a few seconds ago, Garibaldi had switched to a camera in the eastern stairwell, at a lower level, and the two men had the other six members of Revy's group, including Revy herself, making their way up the eastern stairwell, to meet Nene. Garibaldi, then switched back to watching Nene, given she was on the floor they were presently on, and thus she was greater threat. Given she was the first to reach their floor.
As Lee looked a the wallscreen, he thought, 'Okay. That is not a bad group to send after me. And I am happy that I guessed correctly. With Nene being the only Knight Saber sent with Revy's group. And from this group, I think we can delay them a little longer, in a firefight, if we have to. Unfortunately, they are only a third of our problem.'
Garibaldi continued looking at the viewscreen, as he commented, “It looks like you friends got through your trap, and they are going to be here in a few minutes.”
Lee watched the viewsceen, as he responded, “And they are not alone.” He then used his right index finger to point at the other three video feeds on the wallscreen monitor.
At the moment, the two bottom screens showed the interiors of the two western elevators.
The two men watched as a large, brown lance from a battle boomer, ripped open the bottom of one of the elevator, while two pairs, of two blue claws, ripped into the bottom of the floor of the other elevator.
Soon, both video feeds showed boomers straying to rip through the ceilings of the elevators, until the feeds were both cut off, within seconds of each other, from the damage done to the elevators.
Garibaldi commented, in a slightly disappointed tone of voice, “Guess they are not taking the bait, and checking the lower levels, first.”
Lee pointed out, “With their infrared sensors, it was a long shot, anyway. But, I am surprised your laser grid did not stop them?”
Garibaldi stated, “Well, to be honest. It was a weak laser grid. Government regulations would not allow me install any laser grid that could cut the cables. They will harm human, or alien, flesh, but not the armor of these things. And with the more powerful defenses around the building, I did not argue the case, because I did not think I would ever need them.”
Lee calmly replied, “Just chalk it up as a learning experience, and move on.”
Garibaldi responded, “Yea. I will. And what about those boomers on the outside?”
Lee deadpanned, “I know.”
And on the upper right screen, Lee and Garibaldi could see another camera feed. This camera feed showed the south side of the building they were in, from an outside camera station on a nearby building, in the complex. They could even see the window of room they were in, from the camera.
They also saw that there were a dozen blue combat boomers scaling that side of the building, up, towards their location.
Currently, the boomers were currently around the fiftieth floor of the building.
Though, Lee could make out that some of the boomers had dents on the left sides of their heads.
Lee thought, with disappointment, 'I guess the Knight Sabers are too busy to stop a few loose boomers. And from those dents on the left sides of the boomers' head, the dents were likely made from bullet coming from the eastern side of the complex. I would bet money those dents were made by Balalaika and B's sniper rifles. Unfortunately, while the two of them can clearly hit the boomers' heads at this range, their ammo cannot penetrate the boomers' thick, armored skulls, from this distance.'
'And those boomers scaling the building worry me the most, because the only thing between us and them, are two large windows, two automated machine guns, and this crummy island table... Oh well, we will have to make do. Fortunately, even though combat boomers are walking weapons platforms, they prefer to do things with their hands, and melee weapons. And they want their target alive.'
'So, they are likely going to try to just make their way through the machine gun fire, to reach Garibaldi. Because, they are programmed to know that this room is too close quarters for them to use their energy weapons, without risk of seriously harming, or killing Garibaldi.'
'Though, combat boomers have the option of being equipped with lasers on their forearms. But, those weapons are easy to spot, and I don't see any of those weapons on the combat boomers that coming after us.'
'Even though I didn't write it, I guess Chang figured that combat boomers did not need such weapons, given all the weapons that were already build into those killing machines.'
'Still, those boomers will kill Bernard, and myself, if they get passed the automated machine guns. Fortunately, that is why Garibaldi and I are armed... But, I really don't want to find out how many boomers we can take out before, they reach us. I would much prefer just to escape into the multiverse.'
Garibaldi looked over at Lee, as he commented, “I thought you said they would not be scaling the walls?”
Lee turned Garibaldi, as he responded, “I freely admit that I overestimated the Knight Sabers abilities to contain them all at the ground level.” He thought, 'There is a first time for everything.'
Garibaldi requested, “Okay. And I am sure you see good news in this situation?”
Lee calmly stated, “Actually, I do. The good news is that the boomers in the elevator and stairwell, along with group after me, will probably get to this outside hallway, at the same time. They will stall each other, and that machine gun will help even the odds, by aiding those after me.'
“Also, we will use the island for cover against those that come in from the window. Still, we best get ready, right now.”
Garibaldi countered, in a matter of fact tone of voice, “Nice plan. The problem is that island would suck as cover. It would be like taking cover behind a cardboard box... Actually, it this thing is made of particle board. And those things will tear through it like it was nothing.”
Lee pointed out, “The boomers want you alive. And their weapons are too destructive, in this enclosed environment, for the boomers to use them. We can use that to our advantage. And I would prefer some cover, than nothing at all.”
Garibaldi conceded, “Point taken.” He then looked over at Bernard, as he commented, “Bernard, the party is about to get started soon. Get your items, and put them, and yourself, on the floor, between the island and the interior wall.”
Bernard did not looked up, as he responded, “Yes sir.”
Lee turned to looked at the technician, and his work.
Lee could see that Bernard was almost finished, as he inquired, “By the way, how long is it going to take to finish device?”
While Bernard was transferring the mostly assembled reality device, and his tools, to the floor, by his feet, he did not looked towards Lee. As he was much more focus on making sure he did not drop the items he was working with.
As Bernard did this, he calmly answered, “We are down to a matter of minutes. Fifteen minutes at most.”
Lee mentally grumbled, 'That is still not fast enough. And the only reason I don't threaten him is that I know that all it will do is make him go slower, and it will push him to betray me.' He calmly requested, “Please, do what you can, as quickly as you can.”
Bernard casually replied, “I will.”
Lee turned back to Garibaldi, as he commented, “You get by Bernard, and guard him. I will be beside you, nearer to the door. I will cover the door, you listen out for the window. But, we need to stay down, before they show up, because I don't want stray shots harm either of you.” He mentally added, 'Nor me.'
Garibaldi looked over at Lee. He said, “No problem. We should know when the boomers outside when we heard the windows shatter, and the machine guns open up.”
Lee thought, 'Given the dire situation we are in, I might as well tell them.' Lee mentioned, “One other item. I am precognitive.”
Garibaldi inquired, “Interesting... How good are you at your ability?” He thought, 'Lee would not mention that unless it was important to the situation.'
Lee calmly said, “I say that, in all seriousness, I can dodge bullets. Actually, that is what I literally did at the factory.”
Garibaldi thought, 'And I though I had a handle on this guy. He clearly likes to hide a lot about his skills from me. Also, that is a skill one would not boost about, in this situation, unless he was telling the truth...'
'Still, as I guessed. Lee likes to hide what he can do. He would only mention this, if me knowing about his ability would be useful to him.' He questioned, “And what bearing does this have for our current situation?”
Lee stated, “When the boomers get here, pay attention to me. If I am not having to cover the door, I may pop up, to fire towards the window. When I do, you do the same. And when I go back down, you do the same. My precognitive abilities will inform me of the right time to do this. That way, we can buy some more time, by firing, while minimizing the risk of us being shot.”
Garibaldi responded, “I understand.” He mentally added, 'Even Lee can truly dodge bullets. Which, given the last twelve hours. I am willing to believe Lee on his claims. Still, we need to focus on the matter at hand.'
Garibaldi stated, “Okay. Let's get ready.” He then turned, and headed over to Bernard, as he unslung his PPG, with him holding the rifle grip with his right hand, and the fore-end held with his left hand.
Lee quietly followed behind Garibaldi, as he pulled out his PPG pistols, from their holsters.
Both of them left the viewsceen on, as they took their positions. With all three men crouched down, between the island and the interior wall of the room.
Bernard was on the far end of the group. With Garibaldi in the middle. And Lee on the other end, that was closest to the door to the hallway.
Eleven minutes later, the rest of Revy's group walked into the sixty-first floor hallway, from the eastern stairway. Fortunately, none of them had slipped on the wet concrete.
Both Zoe and Mal were breathing heavily, while Revy, Sawyer, Shenhua, Roberta, and Nene, were not.
Zoe commented, “Sir, I am honestly thinking of taking Chang's offer for the same serum he gave these girls. Because they are not tired.”
Mal replied, “I won't blame you, if you did.”
The other women present just giggled a little, as they looked at Zoe and Mal.
Revy then inquired, in a casual tone of voice, “You guys still up to this?”
Mal looked over at Revy, as he answered, “Yes. We just need few moments to catch our breath.”
Mal then turned to gaze at the barricade doors, as he continued, “And I think we will be fine, by the time you get through those doors.”
Roberta looked at the doors, the back at the group, as she commented, “If we can get through them?”
Sawyer held up her chainsaw, as she said, “It should not be a problem. The barricade doors slide from both walls. And I doubt they go all the way into the wall. I will just cut on one of the corners, and Nene should be able to push them through, with her hardsuits's strength.”
A wrist blade popped from Nene left armored wrist, as she said, “I can do more than that. You take the left side, I got the right side.” She mentally added, 'I would prefer to destroyed the right door, that way, when the door comes down, I will be facing further into the hallway, to my side, instead of with my front. That way, if there are other traps, I will be a smaller target, and my side armor will take much of the glancing force, which is safer for me on several levels. Than taking a direct blow to the chest, or stomach.'
Sawyer replied, “That works for me.”
Mal turned to Nene, as he inquired, “Why don't you just use your laser, like last time?”
Nene gazed as Mal, as she commented, “They burn a lot of energy. And I would prefer we go in carefully.”
Sawyer looked at Mal, as she mentioned, “From my own hardsuit experiences, I already knew that. That is why I didn't ask.” She turned Nene, as she inquired, “Still, how many of these doors do we need to take out?”
Nene looked at Sawyer, as she answered, “My sensors say we have three sets of barricade doors, until we to get the room they are inside of. Also, the boomers have to get through three barricade doors, as well. And there is some sort automated machine gun, on a tripod, after the third door. Though, it is pointed towards the west end. It is likely meant to take down the boomers, and not us.”
Shenhua commented, “Lee will likely want to even the odds, so that we ended up fighting the boomers that are coming the other way. To buy himself some more time.”
Nene stated, “My thoughts, exactly. On the last door, we will just take down the right side door, which is opposite to the door to their room. With their room being to our left. Because, from what I saw, the last barricade door to their is around three meters from the open entrance to their room. They likely left the door open intentionally. From their heat profiles, I can see are armed. And it is clear they were watching us from a camera system, before they moved for cover. So, they know we are here, and who to expect.”
“Also, there are to other ground mounted automated machine guns in the room Lee is in. Like the one in the hallway. With them pointed at the windows. Behind the machine guns is an island table, with the three men between the back of the island and the inner wall.”
Revy commented, “Lee is likely trying to find the best cover, for all of them, from all sides.
Nene replied, “I agree.”
Zoe said, “It sounds like Lee has all his bases cover.”
Sawyer commented, “Well, Lee clearly does live by the rule, knowing is half the battle.”
The others just looked at her. Sawyer thought, 'They don't get the joke. And I hate explaining a joke to someone. But, I guess I am going to have to, in this case. At least vaguely.'
Sawyer stated, “It's a nineteen eighty's pop-culture joke. And I don't feel like explaining it to you.”
Zoe moved the conversation forward, as she questioned, “Moving on. Can we turned off the video system?” She mentally reflected, 'The first rule of combat is to cut off the enemies' eyes and ears. Though, I wonder why Rock and the others have no done so, yet?'
Nene thought, 'She must have missed that part of the conversation.' She answered, “I can not. They are defaulted to be left on. And I am sure they already know we are here. So, there is no point destroying them.”
Zoe shrugged, as she thought, 'I guess that makes sense.'
Revy cracked a wicked grin, as she commented, “So, they know we are coming, that just makes the hunt even more fun.
Roberta smirked, as she agreed, “I am with you on this, two-hands.”
Shenhua asked, “Nene, you said that Lee and the others had moved for cover. What are Lee, and the others doing right now? Also, do you see any other traps? And have the boomers made it to his floor yet?”
Nene answered, “Right now, the three men are crouched down, behind an island table, and the interior wall, in a room, further down the hallways. Lee is covering the door to the hallway. Garibaldi is the man in the middle, and he is likely going to cover the windows. And the third man, is on the other side of Garibaldi. That man is doing something on the floor. But, I don't know what it is.”
Mal asked, “If you had to guess, what does the third man look like he is doing?”
Nene answered, “Using tools to put something together on the floor... The reality device! That guy took apart, and he is trying to put it back together, while Lee and Garibaldi buy him time.”
Revy smile became slightly wider, as she said, with glee in her tone of voice, “So, that is why he hasn't reality jumped yet. He can't. Lee is trapped here, and he knows it. And now we do to.” She mentally added, 'I wonder if Rock already figured this out... If so, I guess she didn't tell us, because she didn't want to us to rush in here. Which is a smart move.'
Mal grinned wildly, as he said, “That is so nice to hear.”
Sawyer mentioned, “Garibaldi has always been an inquisitive man.”
Sawyer then noticed everyone just staring at her.
Sawyer commented, “What?... When I saw the series, I liked it. Even though we kidnapped a few of the people here. It didn't mean I didn't respect them.”
Nene deadpanned, “What do you do with those you don't respect?”
Shenhua said, “Don't ask.”
Roberta turned to Sawyer, as she said, “Don't feel bad at about that, Sawyer. It is a good series. After we left the tower, I showed it to Fabiola and the master, both of whom liked the series, as well. All three of us found it to be very well put together.”
Sawyer turned to Roberta, as she replied, “Thank you.” She then turned to the rest of the group, as she commented, “It is likely at some point that Lee was asleep. A night, like the night he had last night would wear anyone out. And Garibaldi had his reality device taken from him. With Lee not knowing the device was disassembled, while he was talked to Rock. If that was not case, Lee might have tried to be more negotiable with Rock, as they talked on the phone.”
Shenhua agreed, “Very likely.”
Revy said, “Now, let's get the bastard before he slips through our hands, once again. When it comes to Lee, he won't shot to kill, and he knows that we know that. And because of that, it is going to be a very quick fight.”
Sawyer pointed out, “Hold it, Nene still had not answered all of Shenhua's questions?” She saw Shenhua smile, as she continued, “We need to know about other traps that we might be facing?”
Revy agreed, “Good point.”
Nene answered, “There are none for us. And automated machine guns, are the only traps I see for the boomers. Likely, they are a last ditch effort to delay the boomers.”
Zoe pointed out, “We still need to be wary of such weapons.”
Nene agreed, “Yes.”
Zoe inquired, “Are the automated weapons capable of turning around to shoot us?”
Nene answered, “No. I don't think it has a full three hundred and sixty degree's, in turning. And as Revy pointed out, Lee doesn't want to kill us. And he likely convinced Garibaldi to do the same thing.”
Roberta stated, “Though, they are corners, they might change their minds. But, either way, we also need to know where the boomers are?”
Nene answered, “The boomers scaling the wall outside, are about ten floors down. But, the ones coming up from the inside the building, on the western side, are about to make it to this floor, from the elevator shafts, and stairwell.”
“The good news is. As I said. Like us. There are three sets of barricade doors, between them, and those men. But, that, and the automated machine gun, will not hold them for long.”
Revy stated, “Then, we don't have much time, and we need to hurry.”
Sawyer said, “Yes. Let's get this party started.”
She then turning on her chainsaw, and started walking towards the barricade doors, as Nene followed behind her.
The two women made short work of the barricade doors. With Sawyer chainsawing the left door, as where it met the wall. While, Nene used her wrist blade it cut through the right door, at where it met the wall.
Given they were cutting both sides, where the two doors met the walls, they did not both to cut the center, where the doors met, and locked together.
Nene then used her hardsuit raw strength to push the doors forward, and down to the floor.
After the first two double-doors fell, the two women moved onto the next set of barricade doors.
Meanwhile, the rest of Revy's group were behind them. And they pulled out their weapons, and readied themselves for battle.
A couple of minutes later, Garibaldi, Lee and Bernard crouched down beside each other, with their backs to the island. Lee and Garibaldi had their weapons ready, while Bernard continued to work on the reality device.
They had left the door to the hallway open, so they could cover the hallway, see who was coming. Lee was closest to the door, which Garibaldi being between Lee and Bernard.
Lee thought, 'At much as I would like to use that viewscreen by the door, to see what it happening. It will be to close for the action. And I would be completely wide open. It is best to stay down, and fire from here. At this angle, I can hit into the northern side of the hallway, near the barricade doors And all I want to do is stall them. Besides, their bullets would pass between the titanium bars in the wall, and though the walls. So, shooting from the door, would be unwise, unhealthy, and would likely get me killed.'
Lee then heard Sawyer's chainsaw starting to cut through the last eastern barricade door.
Lee looked at the open door to the hallway, as he tightened his grip on his PPG pistols. He said, “Looks like we are facing the girls first.”
Garibaldi stated, “Okay. You handle them. I will cover the window, when those monsters crash the party.” He mentally reflected, 'I would be tempted to give Lee up to these girls, at this point. But, I doubt they would go for it.'
Lee continued looking at the door, as he said, “Okay... And Bernard, how is the device coming along?”
Bernard answered, “We are down to a few minutes, until it is ready.”
Lee replied, “Good.” He mentally added, 'We still might escape... Even thought we are cutting this really damn close, in so many ways.'
Lee stayed down, as he made it to the end of the island, near the open doorway that lead to the hallway.
Next, from his vantage point, he watched as end of Sawyer's chainsaw came out of the northern most barricade door, from the top, where the door met the wall, and made it all the way down, to the floor.
After that, Lee watched as the chainsaw then came down between the doors, where the two doors that composed that set of barricade doors, met, and locked together.
When Sawyer finished, Lee watched the door tip forward, that finished. He then saw Sawyer for a second, before she backed away behind the other door, that was still standing.
Lee thought, 'They are leaving the other door up, as cover. That is very smart of them. Well, I might as well say, hi, and try to stall them. And hope they don't kill me, as they return fire.'
Lee held out his PPG pistols in front of him, as he took aim. He then yelled, “Hi girls! Sorry about this! But, I want to live!” He then fired both his PPG pistols at the north hallway wall, beside the open, where the destroyed barricaded door had been standing.
Beside Lee, Garibaldi could not help but chuckle a little at what Lee said and did. He thought, 'In my entire previous career as a security professional. Never have I once met a suspect that greeted me, apologizes in advance of shooting at me, and then fired at me. I guess that is a first time for everything. And I just hope his plan works, and he doesn't get us killed, or worse.'
Meanwhile, beside Garibaldi, opposite to Lee, Bernard was nearing completion to repairing the reality device, as he had heard what Lee had said, and then he heard Garibaldi chuckle. He thought, 'I am beginning to believe that that my boss, and this other man, are crazy. And if I was to guess, so are those after them. When I joined this company, it was to have a nice, stable, steady paycheck for my family, and I. Not to get into adventures. That is why I am taking the trapdoor, instead of going with them, somewhere in the multiverse...'
'Let someone else do the adventuring. My adventuring ends at watching a vid. Which I can turn it off any time I want.'
Bernard then continued to work on repairing the reality device, as quickly as possible. Though, slow enough that he knew he would not make a mistake, which could likely get them all killed. If he could not get the device to work right.
Thirty seconds ago, in the eastern side of the hallway, outside the lab, on the sixty-first floor, Sawyer had just finished remove the door to her right. As she watched the flat down, she quickly backed away, to where the rest of the group was standing.
Sawyer turned around to see that her group had their weapons out, and ready. Though, those in her group that were using firearms, were pointing their weapons towards the ground, and they had their trigger fingers resting on the trigger guards and not the triggers of the weapons.
As Sawyer came to a stop, by the left side of the hallway, behind the standing door, she turned off her chainsaw. Sawyer then thought, 'I think I just saw Lee. And he is armed.'
A few seconds later, the group heard Lee yelled, “Hi girls! Sorry about this, but I want to live!”
From the viewing angle they were at, the group saw Lee fire a few warning shots into the wall, on the other side of the hole they had made in the hallway.
Sawyer mentally reflected, “Yep. He is armed. And only he would be polite enough to apologize to us in advance, before firing a weapon as us. I don't think he wants to piss us off. He just want to keep his away from him.'
Shenhua commented, “I don't believe Lee shot first.”
Roberta shrugged, as she said, “I guess Lee prefers death, over capture.' She mentally lamented, 'And I had such lovely torture plans for him.'
Revy pointed out, “Nah. He is just buying time. Those shots hit the wall. He don't want to hit us.”
Mal commented, “So, who is going to disarm him?”
Everyone turned to Nene. Nene quickly pointed out, “This armor is designed for physical blows, along with energy and projectile hits. Years ago, Sylia, Mackie, and I studied the plasma weapons this reality uses. Even at low levels, my suit will not completely protect me from the blasts.”
Roberta said, “Don't worry, Nene. You have done enough alright.” She mentally reflected, 'Besides, you have been a nice person, and I really don't want to see you hurt. The only person I want to see hurt here is Lee.'
Revy stated, “I will handle him. Besides, I want another crack at him.”
Roberta deadpanned, “Who doesn't?”
Zoe seconded Revy, as she agreed, “I like that idea.” She thought, 'If Ms. dodge bullets wants to get him. I say more power to her.'
Revy then turned towards the barricade door that was still standing. She walked over to it. She came to a stop, right behind the door that was still standing. She faced the north wall, as she yelled, “Hi Lee! Glad you finally decided to stand your ground!”
Meanwhile, in the lab room, Lee had just heard Revy, as he remain crouched between the island and the interior wall.
Lee thought, 'It figures that Revy would be the one doing the talking for her group. And this just confirms that Rock made her leader of this group, instead of one of the others. But, better her, than one of the other ones, like Roberta. Well, I might as well reply before I piss her off enough to shoot at me.'
Lee yelled back, “Not much choice in this situation! And before we get into it, I freely admit that I know I cannot beat you in a gunfight!”
Revy happily responded, in a loud tone of voice, “Good! Then surrender, before the boomers get here!
Lee loudly conceded, “As tempting at it is! Not happening!”
Revy yelled, “How about you, Garibaldi?! We promise to get you, and your friend, out of this mess, unharmed?!”
Garibaldi loudly replied, “Unfortunately, I have to say no! My honor would never allow it! Besides, I always wanted to see what was on the other side of the looking glass!” He thought, 'Like the Alice in Wonderland stories.'
On the other side of Garibaldi, from Lee, Bernard heard all this. Bernard thought, with worry, 'Oh lord. These two are nuts. And I don't dare try to surrender. Because these people don't know me. And I know this, Lee, will likely kill me.'
While still covering the entrance to the hallway, Lee said, “Thanks, Mister Garibaldi.”
Garibaldi looked over at Lee, as he replied, “No problem, Lee.”
Revy pointed out, “Be careful what you wish for, because you may not like what you find!”
Garibaldi strongly replied, “I'm willing to take that risk!”
Lee then saw Revy start to put her head around the barricade door, to see them. Lee quickly fired a few shots with the PPG pistols, at the north wall, towards the floor, on the other side of the barricade door that standing. The shots were far enough not to hit Revy,'s head, but close enough to force Revy back behind the standing barricade door.
At that moment, in the hallway, Revy ducked back to the left side of the hallway.
Behind Revy, the rest of her group watched what happened.
Mal smirked, as he said, “Careful now. You don't want to get your head shot off.”
Revy giggled. She then said, “Those shots were way to far to hit me. As I said, Lee doesn't want to kill us.” She then mentally admitted, to herself, 'Though, he is starting to annoy me... Well, more so than usual.'
Revy then noticed that Lee was firing two shots at once. She realized, as she asked, “Are you dual wielding two pistols?!”
Lee sarcastically replied, “Yea! What?! Redneck can't dual wield?!”
Revy inquired, “Akira said you were not that good at dual wielding pistol?!”
Lee answered, “I am okay at doing it! I am just not at your level! Though, at this range, I don't have to be!”
Revy agreed, “Good point! Now, let me show you how to properly use a pair of pistols at once!”
She then popped her head around the opening, and fired both her pistols, are right above Lee's head.
Though, Revy aimed above Lee's head, inside the lab, Lee precognition warned him to duck. Lee instantly did so, as the bullets pass far over his head, and the island table he was standing beside.
As Lee leaned back up, he saw that Revy had duck back behind the barricade door.
Lee then heard Revy yelled, “Those were my warning shots! We know that your reality device is currently busted! Surrender, now!”
Lee thought, 'Shit! They figured it out! How?... Of course, Nene's hardsuit had infrared sensors. And it wouldn't take a genius to figure out what Bernard is working on... And that was likely the only warning I am going to get from Revy... What am I going to do?... I need to be honest. They got me dead to rights. I might as well surrender while I have time.'
But, just before Lee was about to open his mouth, everyone heard the sound of banging coming from western end of the hallway.
Lee grimly thought, 'It figures the boomers would show up, right now. Well, it looks like it is too late to surrender now.'
Lee turned to Garibaldi and Benard, as he stated, “Get ready guys. The monster killer robots have arrived.”
Garibaldi replied, 'Thanks for the heads up.”
Bernard kept working on the reality device, as he joked, “It is too late to get off this ride?” He thought, 'If I am going to die. I can at least say I cracked a few jokes, as well.”
Lee's lips curled into a wicked grin, as he stated, “Way too late.”
Bernard replied, “I was afraid you would say that.”
Lee then kept his wicked grin, as he likely chuckled at Bernard's response, for a few seconds.
And so the three men then began to mentally preparing themselves with facing the imminent attack of the boomers against them.
On the eastern side of the wall, Revy looked around the door, and towards the far end of the hallway. She saw brown lance tear through the barricade doors, from other end of the doors.
Revy immediately recognized the lance, as she thought, 'Crap! The boomers are here.'
Revy then watched, as the front battle boomer ripped off the barricade doors fulling. That was went the automated, PPG machine gun, on the tripod, twenty feet in front of the doors, start fire precise body shots at the boomers heads and chest.
Revy saw that the power level from each plasma blast was so strong that, while the boomers did not explode. Nor, show any serious outward injury, save for minor scorch marks. After one or two shots, the internal injuries to the electronic and organic components were so great that the boomers instantly stop moving, as the fell over, and were deactivated by the hits.
But, Revy did see other battle boomers and combat boomers behind boomers that fell.
These boomers just climbed over, or pushed out of the way, their fallen brethren, and continued forward, as the machine gun kept firing away at the killing machines.
Revy then ducked back behind the door, as she turned to looked at her group.
Mal guessed, “The boomers are here?
Revy answered, “Yes. But, the good news is that that energy machine gun is taking out the boomers where they stand.”
Nene stated, “Unfortunately, there are more coming. Too many for that machine gun.”
Roberta asked, “Can we take them?”
Nene answered, in a disappointed tone of voice, “Not really. It is too confined in here me to fight boomer. Trust me, close quarters with even one boomer is very dangerous. Even with a hardsuit. And my lasers will damage it. But, I have only enough energy to take down only one or two boomers. And my sensors states that machine gun will only slow them down for about another minute.”
“Though, from what my sensor shows, the energy weapons that Zoe and Mal's have, that are currently holster, under their coats, have the best chance of likely taken down most, if not all the boomers that are heading our way.”
Roberta thought, 'And we can probably handle the rest. So, we are not defeated, yet. Still, I wonder what weapons, Nene is referring too?'
Zoe cracked a grin, as she said, “I was wondering when one of you would notice we had these beauties.”
Zoe and Mal holstered the weapons in their hand. Next, they both of them each pulled out a firearm from two other holsters from their clothing. The held their new weapons in their right hands.
Revy was the first to recognize the weapons in the veterans' hands. She questioned, “Star Trek Federation phaser pistols? You brought phaser pistols with you? And I didn't even notice.”
Mal commented, in a humorous tone of voice, “And our shoulder holsters were a good place to hide them in.”
Shenhua asked, “Where did you get those weapons from?”
Zoe answered, “Chang got them for us,”
Shenhua deadpanned, “Why am I not surprised?”
Sawyer said, “Be happy for this turn of events. We should be able to take down several boomers with just those two weapons, with ease.”
Mal smiled, as he said, “Now ladies. Please, step out of the way, and let the professionals do their jobs.”
Roberta thought, 'It is so tempting to wipe that smile off his face. But, Sawyer is right. His and Zoe's weapons are our best bet to take down the boomers, and capture Lee. Still, there are a few things those two need to know about those killing machines...'
Roberta looked at Zoe and Mal, as she calmly stated, “The large brown boomers take precedence, in most cases, in being destroyed first. The lances on those large brown boomers' right arms have a machine guns and a rocket launchers built into them.”
“Also, as Nene said, early. If one of the blue boomers suddenly opens it's mouth, to fire its energy cannon, or popped up the heat panel on its chest, fire on those boomers first. Those four weapons will take us out in a few shots, even with the barricade here for cover. And head shots are your best bet here.”
Zoe said, “We will keep that in mind.” She mentally added, 'I am glad we are using the phaser pistols Chang got from us, instead of our usual weapons, like we had last night.'
Mal mentioned, “Just remember to set your weapons for medium setting. We want to take down as many as possible, while not running out of ammo for these things.”
Zoe looked at Mal, as she answered, “Already done, sir.”
Mal and Zoe then walked over to the barricade door. They then leaned around the door, with Mal standing, and Zoe kneeling, as they started shooting at the boomers. With each of them taking down a boomer with each shot they made.
At that moment, in the lab, between the island and the interior wall, Lee continued to watch the hallway.
Lee had already heard the PPG machine gun in the hallway come to life, a few seconds ago. He then then saw Mal and Zoe popped around the barricade door in the hallway, as they started to fire their weapons at boomers, across the hallway.
Lee immediately recognized the weapons, due to the streaks of red energy, long with the sound, and the way the weapons were shaped.
Lee quickly moved back closer to Garibaldi and Bernard, as he thought, 'Crap, Mal and Zoe have phasers. Fortunately, they are going after the boomers, and aiding that machine gun in the hallway. But, if they see me, one of them will likely switch their weapon to stun, and knock me out. And I cannot afford to be unconscious at this point in the game.'
Just as Lee came to a stop right beside Garibaldi, Garibaldi turned to Lee, as he ordered, “Status report.”
Lee continued to watch the doorway, as he answered, “Well, the boomers broke through the last barricade doors on the western side. The PPG automated machine gun is holding them off, with the help of energy fire from the humans after me. We have a minute, to a minute and a half.” Lee then turned to Bernard and Garibaldi, as he turned to the technician, as he inquired, “Bernard, how long on the device?”
Bernard continued working, as he answered, “Between thirty seconds, to two minutes.”
Lee stayed silent, as Garibaldi said, in a comforting tone of voice, “Just get the job done. I have faith in you.”
Bernard did not looked up, as he commented, “Thank you, Mister Garibaldi.”
Garibaldi smiled, as he replied, “You're welcome.”
Suddenly, the three men heard the two large windows, across from them, in the lab, being shattered. A second later, the two automated PPG machine guns stationed between them and the window, roared to life, signaling that the combat boomers that had been scaling the outside wall, had finally their room.
Garibaldi commented, “I guess the final members of this party just got here.”
Lee joked, “Yes. Coming through the window is so stylish these days.”
Garibaldi and Lee chuckled a little at Lee's joke.
Nearby, Bernard remained silent, as he re-doubled his efforts to get the reality device finished. He thought, 'If I am right. Once I finish this device, I just need to use the trapdoor under me, and disappear into the saferoom, a floor below. While both these armies follow Mister Garibaldi and Lee into the multiverse.'
Meanwhile, Garibaldi then saw Lee has turn around, with his front of the island. Garibaldi did the same, as he guessed, “So, when do we play the galaxy's most extreme version of the game of whack a mole? With us being the moles?”
Lee used his precognition, as he commented, “Any second now. Just follow me lead. You aim for the head of the boomer in front of you. I will do the same.”
A few seconds later, Lee's precognition alerted him it was the proper moment, and he then immediately popped up from the island, with Garibaldi down the same. Both men stood their ground, as they quickly took aim with their weapons, and fired at the heads of the two closest boomers were at.
The two boomers were just climbing inside, from the window ledges, and onto the floor, three feet below them. The boomers had not even gotten back to their feet, yet.
There were two other boomers lying on the floor, ten feet from the automated machine guns.
Lee and Garibaldi hit their marks, with Lee seeing the two boomer fall to the floor, dead, as he ducked down behind the island, for cover.
Garibaldi saw Lee duck down, and he did the same.
Garibaldi stated, “At least we now know our hand-held PPG weapons work on them.”
Lee agreed, “Yea. Unfortunately, not counting the four that are already down. There are eight other combat boomers trying to get in from the outside. And eventually, one side, or the other, in the hallway is going to win, and we are going to be overwhelmed.” Lee mentally added, 'At least the machine guns took two of them out. And we took another two of them out. That is eight to go, from the window. But, I don't know how long we can handle this.'
Bernard overheard this, and he realized where the conversation was heading. He said, “I am almost done. About thirty seconds.”
Garibaldi and Lee responded, in unison, “Good.”
Lee turned to his right to see though the hallway, as Mal and Zoe continued to fire at the boomers coming from the western end of the hallway.
Lee also realized something, as he thought, 'I am not hearing the machine gun from the hallway any more. Meaning the boomers have gotten past it, and the only thing holding them back is Revy's group. We have got to get out of here as soon as possible. But, I have to focus on keeping that window covered...'
Lee faced in front of him, at the island, as he said, “We are coming down to the wire. Ready for another round?”
Garibaldi replied, “Sure.”
Lee then used his precognition, and when he felt it was the proper time, he popped up from behind the island, with Garibaldi right beside him. Lee fired his PPG pistols at the head of a boomer climbing into the building, while Garibaldi used his PPG rifle to fire at the head of a boomer, that had just stepped onto the floor.
Both were kill shots, and Lee noted there there were another two boomers on the floor, making eight dead boomers in all.
Lee then ducked down, with Garibaldi doing the same.
Lee thought, 'Eight down. Four to go.'
Suddenly, on the other side of Garibaldi, Bernard yelled, “Done!” He then head out the reality device for Lee and Garibaldi.
Lee immediately dropped his pistols, as he turned to Garibaldi and Bernard.
Lee then reached passed Garibaldi, as Bernard handed him the reality device.
Lee said, “Thank you, Bernard. Now, get out of here.” He then looked at the device, as he thought, 'It looks intact, and Bernard strikes me as the type of person whom would be honest about finishing something. So, this should work, or Garibaldi and I are about to be dead, or worse.'
Bernard cracked a grin, as he responded, “No problem. Good luck. See, you later, Mister Garibaldi.”
Garibaldi turned to Bernard, as he replied, “You to, Bernard.”
Bernard then pushed his tools away from him, opposite to where Garibaldi was next to him. After that, Bernard turned toward the island in front of him. He used the front of his right foot to pressed a button on the bottom of the island, by him.
A second later, the floor opened up under him, as he immediately slid down to the closet in floor below. With the trapdoor closing a few seconds later, behind him.
Lee turned to Garibaldi, as he said, “Garibaldi, we need to discard our weapons. Where we are going, we won't be able to get ammo for them. And we don't want to contaminate the past of an alternate Earth.”
Garibaldi turned to look at Lee, as he inquired, “And then when and where would that be?... Though, we really don't really have time for this.”
Lee hastily stated, “I agree. And to answer you question. The late Earth during the twentieth century. Still, to many eyes and ears to get more detail.”
Garibaldi said, “Understood.” He mentally added, 'Lee is right. I am going to have to lose the PPG weapon. Besides, mine is almost out of ammo. Also, the weapon would be out of place, and to hard to hide on me. Still, Lee has that combat knife, and we have our wits. And, Lee is also right that we don't want the others to overhear where we are going. And we need to get their, right now!'
Garibaldi then set his PPG rifle down, beside him, opposite to where Lee was.
Garibaldi looked over at Lee, as he asked, “Do I need to get any closer?”
Given Lee and Garibaldi were less than a foot from each other, Lee continued to look at Garibaldi, as he answered, “No. We are close enough, as it.”
Garibaldi replied, “Good.”
Lee then held the reality device, as he began to think of when, where, and what reality he wanted to go too.
At that moment, almost twenty-five feet from them, two more, of the last four, blue combat, climbing the outside of the wall, made it up to the window. Given the boomers had been monitoring their brethren being destroyed by the automated machine guns, the two boomers had come up with a plan.
One would sacrifice itself, so the other could capture the target.
As both boomer made it over the ledge of the window, the combat boomer to Lee and Garibaldi’s right had it's back thruster vents open up. The thrusters were located in the boomer shoulder blades. They were horizontal, rectangular slits, that ran down three rows, on each side.
As the thrusters opened up, the boomer burst forward, through the air, towards the automated PPG machine guns.
The boomer took several plasma hits. A second later, its lifeless form crashed into the two machine guns, knocking them off their tripods, and shutting them down.
The dead deactivated. boomer then skidded to a stop, at the front wall of the island table, that Lee and Garibaldi were behind.
This cleared the way for the other boomer in the room, along with the two boomers behind it, to rush forward, over the island, and capture their target. While, eliminating the single witness, left in the room, by the target, that the killer machines saw with their infrared sensors.”
At that exact moment, Lee precognition screamed at him that it was time to leave that very second.
Lee mentally realized, 'That crash was the machine guns being taken out. We need to go now.' As he held the reality device, he had finished thinking of the time, place, and reality he wanted to to go. And he was very specific on where they would land, in the location he mentally thought of.
Lee then looked up, just as he pushed the red button on the reality device. He saw combat boomer heading over island, towards them.
But fortunately, Lee and Garibaldi disappeared into the multiverse, right before the boomer was about reached them. With the boomer still mercifully far enough away, to not travel with them, to their next destination.
At that moment, in the hallway, outside the lab, Mal and Zoe suddenly watched all boomers they saw disappear.
The two war veterans stopped firing, as Mal asked, “What is going on?”
Behind them, and the standing barricade door, Sawyer asked, “What do you mean?”
Mal and Zoe turned to face the rest of their group, as they holstered their phasers.
Zoe stated, “The boomers suddenly disappeared. Not that I am complaining.”
Roberta guessed, “Damn. Lee and Garibaldi are gone.” She then holstered her pistols.
Mal and Zoe then noticed that Revy follow suit, by holstering her pistols. Shenhua sheathed her knives. And Sawyer turned off her chainsaw, and slung it across her back, by its strap.
Nene stated, “Roberta is are right. Sensors show that Lee and Garibaldi are gone.” She thought, 'It is so tempting to throw a fit about losing Lee. But, I must remember that I am a better women than these girls. And I am sure, that later, Sylia will come up with a plan to catch Lee. This is only a delay, not a defeat.'
Meanwhile, Zoe thought, 'That figures. So close, and we almost had Lee. The irony being that the captain and I would have immediately teleport Lee, and anyone else with him, away, before the others realize it... I guess, there goes our reward... Oh well... At least Chang can be understanding about these sorts of things.'
Shenhua asked, “And the third guy with them?”
Nene said, “I tracked him to the floor below. There is a trapdoor in the lab. I cannot get a heat reading from him. I would guess he is in some sort of saferoom.”
Sawyer turned to Revy, as she asked, “Do you want to go after the third guy?”
Revy looked over at Sawyer. She shrugged, as she replied, “No. He is not important. If he was, the boomers would still be here. And I have no interest dragging an innocent bystander with us.” She thought, 'I would never hear the end of it, from Rock, if I did.'
Roberta pointed out, “He did help repair the reality device.”
Revy said, “That doesn't matter. He was just doing his job. And he clearly had enough common sense not to want to go with those two. That earns him points in my book.”
Roberta shrugged, as she replied, “You have a point there.”
Zoe inquired, “As fun as those questions are. I would still like to know where the army of killing machine went?”
Roberta turned to Zoe, as she coyly answered, “Back to our past?”
Zoe looked over at Roberta, as she politely requested, “Could you please elaborate?” She thought, 'I hate it when I am the one kept in the dark.'
Revy answered, “Garibaldi was the boomers' target. With Garibaldi gone, the boomers immediately teleported back to Chang's tower. At least those that were still functioning.”
Sawyer commented, “Chang did not want these boomers to just go rampaging through the multiverse for their targets. If their target escaped into the multiverse, they were to go back to the tower, report on what happened, and then await further orders.”
Revy said, “Yes. Even we are not foolish enough to let boomers loose on the multiverse, without some control over them.”
Zoe deadpanned, “That's... nice.” She thought, 'It is so tempting to start in on that subject with them, but we just don't have the time.'
Meanwhile, Revy ignored Zoe sarcastic remark, as she thought, 'I need to know if everyone else is alright?' She stated, “I need to talk to Rock and the others.”
Everyone else in the hallway became quiet, as Revy pulled out her radio. She then spoke into it, “Is everyone okay?”
Over the radio, Revy and the others heard Aeryn's voice say, in a calm, professional tone of voice, “There are no causalities on our end. Violin, myself, and the Knight Sabers will be fine. Though, they wrecked their motoslaves. Still, we are wondering why boomers disappeared, all of a sudden?”
Revy responded, with her radio, “We will get to that in a moment. Rock, how is your end?”
Over the radio, Rock answered, “We are fine? How about you?”
Revy thought, 'Good.' She answered, into her radio, “We're alive. But, Lee and Garibaldi got away. That is why the boomers disappeared. They were pre-programed to return to the tower, if their target, such as Garibaldi, jumps to another reality. Even we didn't want boomers chasing after people, across realities.”
On the radio, Sylia complimented, “That is wise programing.”
Revy inquired, over her radio, “Thank you. Would about the third person?”
Over her radio, Revy commented, “From what we understand. The third person dropped into a saferoom on the floor below us.”
Over the radio, Rock stated, “Leave him be.”
Revy thought, 'That is just what I was thinking of doing.' She replied, into her radio, “Of course.”
Over the radio, Aeryn asked, “Why would Lee take Garibaldi with him?”
On the radio, Rock stated, “That is probably how Lee got Garibaldi to go along with his plan. Lee likely didn't tell Garibaldi too much, But, he would have told him enough that Garibaldi would not want to take his chances staying here, nor turning to us, for help.”
Violin broke into the conversation, with her radio, “Also, Lee would not want to see anyone else hurt for his negligence. Besides, Garibaldi is a diehard otaku. That convention we went to last night. Which Garibaldi was the one funding. Proves that. Also, the B Five series out right showed he is a Looney Tunes fan. The thought of traveling the multiverse would appeal to his fanboy side. And I am sure Lee realized that. Lee also might have played that angle up, to entice Garibaldi into helping him.”
Over her radio, Revy agreed, “True. And even I will give Lee credit, that when given the opportunity, he was willing to at least save one of his unintended victims.” Revy looked over Nene, whom looked at her, and shrugged. Revy then looked over at Roberta, whom was looking back at her. Revy continued, into her radio, “We need to take that into account. And while we will torture Lee for what he did to us. What we do to him may not be too horrible.”
In responded, Roberta just snorted.
Nene thought, 'I will give Lee credit. He did save at least one of his would be victims. While trying his best not to harm us. Though, he did slow us down. That will not stop of from finding him, and punishing. Still, like Revy. We will take what he has done here, into account, when we do punish him.'
Nearby, Sawyer had been quietly listening to the conversation, as was everyone else, that was by Revy. After hearing Revy's last comment, Sawyer thought, 'Revy openly acknowledging Lee saving Garibaldi, and her considering leniency for Lee, is a good sign for Lee. Considering she has been one of the more vocal members of our group, demanding to make Lee pay. And I admire what Lee did, by saving Garibaldi. While not harming us. Lee truly is not that bad a person. He has just been very foolishness.'
'Now, to find out where he went.'
Sawyer then pulled out a small tracking table that she had stuffed under the back of her pants, under her shirt. She was careful not to harm herself, from the teeth of her chainsaw, which was slung by its strap on her back, while she reached for the tracking device.
Meanwhile, over the radio, Sylia stated, “Onto more pressing matters. We likely need to leave as soon as possible. The authorities will likely soon come. And we do not want to be here, when they arrive.”
On the radio, Rock agreed, “You are right. We have overstayed our welcome.”
Over the radio, Sylia commented, in a disappointed tone of voice, “It is unfortunate, we cannot stay long enough to remove these boomers bodies, the pieces of our motoslaves, and technology they hold, before the local authorities arrive.”
Revy replied, on her radio, “It cannot be helped.”
On the radio, Rock pointed out, “This reality is already very advanced technology. And boomer, and motoslave technologies will no give those that study it here that much of a technological edge in this reality.”
Over the radio, Sylia responded, “Then, I can live with this situation. Still, we must find Lee, and I guess, Garibaldi, as well.”
On the radio, Rock requested, “I agree. Revy, could you please find out where they are heading?”
Revy looked over at her group, to see that Sawyer had pulled out a tracking tablet.
Revy cracked a grin, as she said, into her radio, “Already on it.”
A second later, Sawyer saw, on the screen of her tablet, the read out stating, what reality, where and when the two men had gone too. She thought, with disbelief, 'You have got to be kidding me. Lee really is insane.'
Sawyer looked up at Revy, as she said, “We have a problem.”
Revy did not use her radio, as she asked, “What is it?”
Sawyer told Revy and those around her, when, where, and what reality, Lee and Garibaldi had gone to.
Revy agreed, “That is a problem.” Revy stated, into her radio, “Rock we have a problem on where, when, and what they are at.”
Over the radio, Rock inquired, “Lee and Garibaldi did not disappear? Did they?”
With her radio, Revy answered, “No. Lee took Garibaldi to Akira's home reality. And from what Sawyer is telling me, they are in the middle of Jusenkyo. And from the date, it is in the past. Likely even before Ranma became cursed, there.”
At that moment, on the eastern side of the headquarters, in the field, outside the complex, Rock stood looking at the main building, as she heard what her lover had just told here.
Rock turned to look, across her group, where was at Ranma. Ranma was standing around, talking with her family, Akira, Natsuru, Yurika, Nodoka, and Mikoto.
Rock mentally cursed, 'Damn. I sometimes hate being right.'
Rock then turned back to face the tower, as she forced herself to calm down, as she said, her the radio, “That is unfortunate. Lee knows we are definitely not going to immediately follow him there. It is too dangerous a place for anyone to go. And Lee knows this. But, I doubt we are lucky enough for Lee to curse himself. And he would make sure Garibaldi did not accidentally curse himself.”
Revy over the radio, continued her lover's commented, “And since we know the reality, the when, and the where, they are. We don't have to immediately follow them. We have plenty of time. So, instead, we can just use our reality devices to teleport back to the inn. To our rooms. Where we will get our stuff. Check out. Go get our vehicles. And then we all meet back home, at the island, a day after we first left for De La Plata Podrido. Once there. We will figure out a plan to catch up with Lee.”
Rock complimented, into her radio, “Good plan.”
At that second, in a hallway, on the sixty-first floor of the main tower of the Edgars complex, Revy stood there, with her group, as she replied, into her radio, “Thanks.”
Revy happily thought, 'I love it when we are in sync, like this.'
Revy then noticed Roberta continuing to look at her, with an unreadable expression on the Bloodhound's face.
Revy mentally reflected, 'I better find out if Roberta is going to go along with this.' She asked, “Is this okay with you?”
Roberta answered, in an even tone tone of voice, “It is fine.”
Revy thought, 'She is not happy about this. But, she will go along with it. For now.' She replied, “Good.”
Revy used her radio, as she stated, “I will see you girls back at the inn. Also, for time line wise, just keep in mind, a day after my group left Lagoon island, in my family's home reality, to originally go after Lee, in De La Plata Podrido. At noon, local time. Don't worry. It will work. I have done similar jumps in the past.” She then clipped her radio back onto her belt.
Next, she turned to the rest of the group, as she said, “Okay, ladies. The mission is officially over. As I am sure you just heard. We are going to head to the Blacksheep Inn. Then, we go get our vehicles, and head for my home island. Where we can figured out what to do next, to catch Lee... Any problems with that?...”
She noticed a few of the people with her shook their heads, but none of them verbally replied.
Revy said, “Good. Now, let's get out of here.”
Within the next few minutes, or so, everyone that was part of Rock and Revy's group, or a member of the Knight Sabers, used their reality devices.
Those that were staying at the Blacksheep Inn, teleported to their rooms, at the Blacksheep inn, where they collected their belongings, check out, retrieve their vehicles, and then head to Lagoon island, themselves.
Though, for those leaving the inn, most of them teleported to their homes, in the various realities, to drop off their luggage, and vehicles, before heading to Lagoon Island, a day after the Lagoon family had first left to find Lee, in De La Plata Podrido.
This include Mal, whom headed for Chang's casino, in Lee's reality.
For those in Lee's reality, it was only a few minutes after Mal had previously left. Two mornings after Lee original left his home reality. Mal then dropped off his few belongings that he had taken with him, along with his vehicle. He then updated Chang and River on what was going on. And finally, Mal headed to Lagoon Island.
Fortunately, Mal found that Chang was understanding, as Chang found the entire situation humorous.
And so, everyone soon made it to Lagoon Island, where they would come up with their next plan to capture Lee.
To be continued.
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What a Ride
entered in error. Sometimes technology is too much for limited minds
About 150 or so to 2
No death defying leaps, jumps, stumbles, or falls, yet. But now there are inside boomers, outside boomers, Revy and her crew, Mal and Zoe And the Bloodhound. What with the boomers, Sabers, knights and others, Revy's group, Akira's family, Violin and Aeryn, and heaven knows who else, all to get Lee and Garabaldi. What odds! So, who wins? That is a study in outstanding writing. Surprisingly enough, there was only a relatively short conversation, and another relatively short battle to the end, but it covered much. Of course Lee escapes and I don't think he used up more than a couple lives. Can't hardly wait till next episode. Thanks Paul.