Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”
Volume 2: “Total Badass.”
Chapter 03: “To the Ends of the Earth and Beyond.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
Reality, Lee's Reality. Time, late morning, after the evening when Lee escape into the multiverse. Location, a rural area, somewhere in northern South America.
It was morning, inside a safe-house, in the middle of nowhere, at an undisclosed location, in northern South America.
As Pedro awoke, he got up from his bed, and headed for the kitchen area of his hideaway home. The only clothing he had on was a white t-shirt, and white boxer shorts.
Pedro stumbled from the bedroom, through the living room, and into the kitchen.
The only light coming from the area was the sunlight filtering in from the curtained windows in the various room. Though, that was plenty of light to see with.
While Pedro made himself a cup of instant coffee, in his instant coffee maker, as his first thoughts of the morning were, 'At least I am safe now. That was way too close. Thank god, I plan ahead. There is no way they could find me here. I used only cash, and through third party contacts, to get this place years ago, just in case Paciano's life then caused trouble for me.'
'And this was long before the girls ever showed up in my home town, in my home reality.'
'No records connect me to the very county I am now in. Let alone with this house. And it was a rough day, yesterday, getting here. After the message from Lee, I dropped everything and ran. And I didn't stop for nothing. I changed through five different untraceable cars, and three untraceable boats. While showing how much of a lead foot I have. I smuggled myself across several counties, so no passport records exist of where I am.'
'There is no way they can get to me. It is a two hour walk to the nearest town. And this place has supplies, and equipment, that will last me for at least six months. So, I can stay here until the heat dies down.'
'Still, with two Lovelace maids after you, Lee. God have mercy on your soul. I will be praying for you.'
'And I doubt anyone would stop Roberta, given the supersoldier serum and cybernetic upgrades Lee gave the Bloodhound, through his stories. It is very likely nobody short of God himself could take Roberta in an outright fight. And even the victor of that battle would be debatable.'
By then, the coffee was ready. He filled his mug with the coffee, and he walked into the living room.
Just has he stepped into the living room, he looked in front of him, and he immediately stop in his tracks, in fear.
Whom he saw in his living room caused him to drop his mug on the carpet of the floor, with the coffee spilling out, while the mug stayed in one one piece.
Right in front of him, on the other side of the room, was Revy. She was smiling at him, as she sat on his couch, with her left arm resting on the left arm rest, while her right hand was in her lap. She in her usual clothing and pistols, with her legs propped up on the coffee table in front of the couch. She had a lit cigarette in her mouth.
To Revy's right side, Fabiola was sitting on the other side of the same couch at Revy. Fabiola was in her maids uniform, like Pedro saw the day before. Fabiola had her fingers laced together, with her feet on the floor, between the couch and the coffee table. In addition, Fabiola's lips were curled into a wicked grin across her face.
Revy blew out a puff of smoke from her mouth. The her voice was like ice, as she stated, in english, “Pedro. If you tell us everything you know about Lee, we might let you keep your balls.”
Suddenly, to Pedro's right side, ten feet away from him, the door to his bedroom closed by itself.
Pedro turned his entire body in the direction of the sound, and he saw Roberta approach him.
Roberta looked like what Pedro saw of her, the previous day. And while Roberta was in her maids uniform, her slasher smile was pure Black Lagoon Blood Trail Arc. The slasher smile that Roberta gave to Shenhua right after Roberta snapped one of Shenhua's long knives with her bare teeth!
Roberta came to a stop, mere inches from Pedro. And while Pedro was taller than Roberta. Roberta stood on her tip toes, in her shoes, so their faces were literally next to each other, as she smile insanely at him.
At that moment, Pedro realized that the slasher smile by Roberta was a hundred times scarier in real life. Especially, when said slasher smile was three inches from his face!
Pedro swiftly back up, as he used his right hand to grab his keyring, full of keys, from the nearby counter, to his right side, that bordered the living room and the kitchen.
Pedro came to a stop, as quickly held up a computer memory stick on his key ring, towards Roberta. He hastily stated, in english, “I recorded all the conversations, between Lee and I, on this memory stick. I can even point out which dates, and what parts of our conversations are likely relevant to the information you are looking for. I even have a laptop computer here, with a full charge, that I can use to do this with.”
As Pedro looked at all three women, he heard Revy coldly stated, “Good. You may still walk out of here, under your own power.”
The next several hours of Pedro's life were some of the most stressful, and uncomfortable, of his entire life.
Reality: Babylon Five Reality. Date: January Twenty-Sixth, Twenty-Two Eighty-One. Time: Sometime in the early afternoon, local time. Place: Babylon Five Station, Blue Sector, in a deserted hallway, between a large shuttle bay, and the customs sections.
Lee suddenly found himself, in a moderately sized, metal hallway. The hallway was decently lit, with ceiling and wall lighting.
In Lee's right hand, he steadied his gym bag, whose strap over his right shoulder. In his left hand was the reality device, he had just stolen from Rock.
Lee looked around, he saw there was no one around.
As Lee stopped looking around, and he looked down one of the directions of the hallway, he thought, 'That was slightly disorientating, due to the sudden change of scenery. But, that was to be suspected. And it was both instant, and painless. The good news is that while, hell was literally seven steps behind me, I escaped the girls, just in the nick of time. The bad news is that they now know who I am. And they will be coming after me. The worst news is that I have not idea what is going to happen to River, Pedro, and Melvin.'
'Melvin is not currently on their radar, so he should be fine. And with them likely following me into the multiverse, they will leave the Devil's Hotel. And Melvin will be about to continue his life in peace, without being caught by Balalaika and Hotel Moscow.'
'Pedro likely got my message, so he had time to escape. He is likely on another continent, by the next morning.'
'River, I am not sure about. I just have to hope that River will reveal herself to them, and they will let her be, given she is their friend, and if she is harmed, doing so will cause problems with Chang's group.'
It was then that Lee noticed he was still press down on the red button. He quickly released red button, as he thought, 'I guess there is as safety built into these devices. Pressing and holding it down will not cause it to reality jump again. One has to release the button and press it again, to use reality jump again. That was nice thinking on the part of those whom actually built these device. Because, I believe I missed mentioning safety measure.'
'Now, to implement my plan to escape. This time, and place, is the best chance, in the multiverse, that I can think of to lose the girls for good.'
'Still, I hope no one saw me just yet. Though, considering I don't see anyone around, nearby, I believe I am fine.'
Lee pocketed his reality device, into his left side pants pocket, as he noticed there was a window, on the wall, across the hallway where he was standing.
Lee turned and walked over the window. He looked out the window, and he saw that he was standing over what looked the large shuttle bay that was full of several shuttles, with literally thousands of humans, and aliens boarding those shuttles. There were also station personnel, in Earth Force uniforms, directing everyone.
As expected, with the professionalism showed by the Babylon Five staff, there seemed to be no trouble happening down there, on the landing deck.
Lee thought, 'Now, that is a sight to behold. This might even have been the same shuttle bay showed at the beginning of the Babylon Five episode, Gropos. Where thousands of Earth Force soldiers disembarked onto Babylon Five.'
'Still, this is perfect. I just need to get lost in the crowd. But first, I need to make sure I get what I need here. And then get on to the right shuttle. Though, all that will require is a convincing story, that I had already come up with. Along with a change of clothes, which I also have.'
'Given the when, where, and what reality I thought of, as I used this reality device. My exact thoughts were very detailed. I though, sometime between when Sheridan had his last supper with his friends, and the last time he visited the Babylon Five Station. To be specific, I thought of being taken to a hallway, that was safe for me to be in. Which was located in Blue Sector, near the docking area for the people being casually evacuated from Babylon Five, and the customs area of, but, also near a the restrooms. And away from any station staff, crew, or anyone else.
Lee looked around, and saw the sign for the restrooms. One of them was the men's restroom sign, by the door. There was two other doors. One for women. And the last was for methane alien breathers.
Lee thought, 'Good. Now, I just hope no one is inside the men's restroom.'
Lee turned towards the restroom, and he brisking walked into the men's restroom. He soon opened the door and entered the men's restroom.
As Lee shut the door behind him. Though, he found that door had no lock. Given there was nothing he could do about that. He turned around and he looked at the restroom. He found the restroom was a large, standard public restroom, much like from his own time, and reality. And it was very clean.
Lee thought, 'Not that I am complaining. But, the staff on the station are clearly planning keep this place clean, all the way up to the moment they blow this station up... That is inane. And I really mean it. One of the station janitors was show still at work, when Zack met with John, in the episode, Sleeping in the Light... Still, I cannot waste any more time than I have too. I have to keep moving. Just in case they might have tracked me down to where I am.'
'Also, since there is no lock on the door. After I check to make sure there is no one else inside here. I need to do this as quickly as possible, so someone does not walk in. With me in the middle of getting dress. With him starting to ask me questions.'
Lee then quickly checked all the stalls. He found they were empty, and he was the only one in the restroom.
Lee did quickly set down his gym bag.
He unzipped the bag.
Lee then took off his sunglasses, and gray fedora hat, as he pulled out all his items from his pockets, on the clothing he had on. Including his reality device, from his left side pants pocket. He placed the items into the gym bag. This including his reality device, gray hat, and his sunglasses.
Next, he quickly stripped down to his underwear, socks, his digital wrist watch, and his ring necklace. He also pulled out the leather belt, which was looped through his pants.
He then pulled out, from his bag, the clothing that was by the moderately sized suitcase, in the gym bag, but not in the suit case.
The clothing was a white t-shirt, which Lee put on first. Then, there was a white long sleeved button up shirt, which Lee put on, and buttoned up. After that, he put on some black pants, making sure both his shirts were inside his pants. Next, he looped his black leather belt through his pants. He then pulled out his black dress shoes.
Lee then pulled out a red tie, and walked to the large, long mirror, on the wall, over the sinks.
Lee then flipped up the collar of his dress shirt, put the tie under it, and then flip the collar back down. He then tied his red tie, in a formal knot, around his neck.
Lee walked back over to his gym bag, he pulled out a black coat, and put it on.
Afterward, he pulled out a black, short rimmed, fedora hat, and he put it on top of his head. With him making sure he had it on straight, with the proper side of he hat, facing forward, on his head.
Lee then reached into his gym bag, he pulled out the items that he had put into the bag, that were previously on his person.
This included a few decks of cards.
Lee also put the reality device in the interior, left pocket, of his coat, near his chest. He then pulled out, and put his sunglasses into the right interior coat pocket, opposite from where he had placed the reality device.
Lee then walked back over to the mirror over the sinks, and he looked out himself.
The black suit Lee wore was the black version of the gray suit he previously wore.
Lee straighten out his clothing, and make sure he looked alright.
As Lee looked at himself in the mirror, he jokingly thought, 'To quote the actor and sing, Will Smith, in his role as Agent J, in the original Men In Black movie. I make this look good... And I no longer have to wear glasses because I was disguised while with the women. That is a relief... Now, I have get what I need here, and to cover my tracks.'
Lee then walked back over to his pile of clothing, and his gym bag.
Lee pulled out the suitcase hidden in the gym bag. He then set pulled out his gray fedora hat. He set his suitcase on it's side, opened it, and he placed his gray fedora hat into his suitcase, in a manner which would not damage the hat. And he closed, and latched his suitcase, and set it on on it's bottom, onto the tiled floor.
Next, he checked to see that nothing else was in his gym bag. Which was the case. Lee then stuffed the pile of his clothing, that he had took off, into his gym bag. This clothing included his blue cloth jacket, and tennis shoes.
He zipped up his gym bag.
Lee stood up, picked up his suitcase, by its handle, with his right hand, and picked up his gym bag, by its handle, with his left hand.
Lee thought, 'Now, to clean up after myself.'
Lee calmly walked out of the men's restroom. Fortunately, the door the hallway pushed outward, so Lee just push the door open.
As soon as he was back in the hallway, he quickly located a wall mounted garbage chute. He walked up to the chute, he set down his suitcase, as he used his right hand to open the chute.
Next, he stuffed his gym bag down into the garbage chute, and closed the lid.
Finally, he picked up his small suitcase, by the handle, with his right hand, as he thought, 'I hate junking my clothing, but this clothing could be tied back to me. And though I am not crazy about men's suits, the best way to hide in plain sight is to present oneself as older, and more mature. When compared to my previous disguise as a drifter and gambler. And this suit helps with that. Now, all I have to do, is implement my plan.'
Lee then looked at the signs on the hallway walls. After reading the english on the side, he calmly followed the signs, towards the shuttle bay, full of people, at he had seen out the hallway window.
A few minutes later, Lee followed the arrows, through the hallways, along with going down one floor, by way of a set of stairs. He then made it to the shuttle bay area.
As Lee stood where he was, he looked around at the several people about the large area, he saw several aliens standing among the humans.
Lee did his best not to stare, while he tried to remain calm, as if he belonged there. While Lee did this, he maintained his poker face, as he thought, with a bit of childish wonder, 'I really am here, in the Babylon Five Station, surrounded by aliens. And not just human looking ones. This would be cool, if I was not in such a hurry. Now, to find a security official.'
As Lee looked around, he spotted a nearby human middle-aged man, wearing an Earth Force Babylon Five security uniform.
Lee thought, 'The last thing a law enforcement officer ever excepts is to meet someone with the audacity to pull such a naked con directly against them... Still, given the date. There is an off chance he could be a telepath. Given this is after Telepath War, and Psi Corps disbanded, and telepaths were granted more rights. If is he, I will just handle this a different way. Now, to see if I can pull this off, or end up in the brig.'
'If things go bad, I can go for my reality device, and escape. And I got enough moves, and my precognition is so good, that I can, in theory dodge bullets. I just do not want to test that theory. That is why I am running from the girls, instead of standing my ground.'
Lee then calm walked up to security officer.
The officer's back was turned to Lee, as Lee came to a stop, six feet from the office. Lee then stated, in a calm, yet straightforward manner, in english, “Excuse me officer. Could I have a moment of your time?”
The officer turn around, and looked at Lee for a few seconds. He then responded, “Yes. What can I do for you?”
Lee thought, 'He was giving me the once over. That is why I am wearing my best clothing. As they say. Dress for success. And my cover story requires that I appear professional looking. Now, to answer his question.'
Lee calmly said, “Official. I have a minor inconvenience. Some pick pocket stole my identicard, credit chit, and ticket, a minute, or so ago. I fully realize that you don't have time to search the people here, given you are evacuating the station. Though, I believe I do require some help to get off the station.”
The officer inquired, “I am glad you realize that. How much was on the credit chit?”
Lee answered, “Not much. The credit chit only had a few credits on it. Just traveling money.”
The officer asked, “So, what is your name? And where are you headed?”
Lee calmly answered, “My named is, Ello Gray” He mentally added, 'Which is an anagram of the word, allegory. As in, symbolism.' He continued, “I am heading for Mars. With a layoff here. And I am not upset by this situation. I can get another identicard, and someone to wire me money for tickets. The problem is I am sure neither of us has the time for me to get a background check, for a re-issuance of a identicard, and for someone to wire me some money.”
The officer agreed, “You are correct about that, Mister Gray. Our orders are to get everyone off the station. You must be one of the last few to use the station as a transit point in their travel. Let me see what I can do for you.”
Lee thought, 'Yes. One of the last few. With likely John Sheridan being the last.'
Lee watched as the officer used his communications link, stuck on the back of his right hand, to the Babcom system. The officer stated, “This is Officer Lars. I have minor a problem here. A human male here is claiming he has had his idenitcard, credit chit, and ticket stolen. Though, he is not interested in trying to catch the guilty party. He just needs help getting off the station.”
Lee recognized the voice on the other end of the link as Zack Allan, the current Chief of Security for Babylon Five.
Zack said, on the other end, “Bring him to my office.”
Lars turned off his link. He looked over at Lee, as he said, “If you will please follow me.”
Lee replied, “Just lead the way, Officer Lars.' Lee thought, 'I look forward to seeing Zack Allan. He is one of the more reasonable people that have ever been employed in the command staff of Babylon Five.'
Lee then followed Lars from the shuttle bay, and into the hallways. They soon passed the customs area, where the security officer waved Lee, and his suitcase, in his right hand, through. They then walked through the passenger lounge and soon made it to a transport tube, that took them to a nearby mono-rail station.
The mono-rail station was near the center of Babylon Five's spinning axis. As Lee forced himself to remain calm, as he experienced near weightlessness. He thought, 'Fortunately, there is enough gravity to walk. Still, even though this is my first time in low gravity, I have to remain calm, or the officer will notice something is off. And there will be no gravity on the shuttle. But, the passenger transport is a centrifuged gravity system, like Babylon Five, so that won't be a problem there. Though, I doubt I will lose my lunch, given I have expert control over myself'
A minute later, one of them shuttle core trams of the mono-rail stopped in front of them.
As the doors opened, Lee watched a few people, some were in civilian clothing, but most people were part of the station's employment roaster, and they wear various uniforms.
When the people finished exiting the shuttle core tram, the officer and Lee walked into the tram, and sat down.
They each them strapped themselves in, with Lee setting his suitcase on his lap, as he held it with both hands.
The tram then started moving.
A couple of minutes later, the tram came to a stop in Red Sector.
Red Sector was the commercial area of Babylon Five, and also the location of the headquarters for station security.
The doors to the tram opened, with the two men were released, and no longer strapped down. They stood up, and left the shuttle core. Lee held his suitcase, by its handle, with his right hand.
Lee then follow Lars out of the tarm, down a hallway on the mono-rail station.
Soon after, they rode down another transport tube, to the interior floor of Red Sector, where gravity was closer to Earth standard.
Five minutes later, of walking through hallways, they reached the security office.
They then walked though the security headquarters, until they reached the main office of the security chief.
Lee came to a stop in front of the security chief's desk, with the officer that escorted Lee standing to Lee's right.
Lee looked down to see Security Chief, Zack Allan, sitting in a cushioned chair, behind the desk. Lee saw the desk had built in computers, keyboard, and monitors, in it.
Zack was an older fair skinned man, wearing in a security uniform. Though, he was still in great shape for his age.
Lee remained silent, as Zack turned to his subordinate. He asked, “Did this man give you any trouble, Lars?”
Lars looked at his commanding officer, as he answered, “None whatsoever, Chief.”
Zack said, “Good.” Zack then turned to Lee, as he casually inquired, “And you are?”
Lee maintained his poker face, as he looked at Zack. Lee calmly stated, “Ello Gray, sir.”
Zack cracked a grin, as he responded, “Polite... I like that. Well, I am Security Chief Zack Allan. And Mister Gray, you seem to have a problem.”
Lee calmly stated, “I prefer to look for solutions, than seek out problems.” He thought, 'And that is the honest truth to my life.'
Zack complimented, “That is a good outlook to have. You say you had you identicard, credit chit, and ticket stolen?”
Lee flatly lied, “Yes.”
Zack inquired, “So, where are you heading?”
Lee answered, “Mars.”
Zack asked, “And what is your job?”
Lee stated, “I am currently in-between jobs. But, my specialty is mid-level management, specializing in grain procurement, processing, and distribution. Basically, I am one of the people who helps turn grain into flour, and then finds sellers for it. My last job was on three different human colonies on the rim. Helping them set up their food grain production, and flour transport contracts.”
Zack commented, “A boring, but necessary job.”
Lee feigned annoyance, as he replied, “Yes.”
Zack noticed Lee change of demeanor, but he did not say anything. Instead, he questioned, “So, where are you from?”
Lee said, “Originally, Earth, North America. But, my job takes me to a number of colonies, that deal with food production. Fortunately, my family left Earth, for the colonies, before the plague hit.” He thought, 'I will not mention the plague by name. Which it is the Drakh shadow plague. Because, I do not know how much information on the plague that hit Earth, was released to the public. And if I say the wrong thing. The jig is up. So, I will keep these lies a vague as possible.'
Zack asked, “That is fortunate. And your business on Mars?”
Lee responded, “I was heard through a third hand source that I might be able to get a better paying job on Mars. And it will be close enough to visit Earth. And with the plague cured. I do look forward to visiting my homeworld once again.'
Zack said, “I can appreciate that. It will take about at least four hours to get a background check on you. But, that would take too much time. And I am guessing you already know that.”
Lee stated, “Like I said. I am looking for solutions. I came to you subordinate for help. If it is too much trouble, I will find my own way off this station.”
Zack requested, “No. It is not to much trouble. May we search your suitcase?”
Lee turned to look over at Lar, as he held his suitcase towards the security officer. Lee said, “Sure. Go ahead.”
The officer took the suitcase, walked to a nearby table, set the suitcase on the table. He then opened it, and began to search it.
Lee stated in place, and he remain silent, while watched as he belongings were searched.
A minute later, officer Lars closed the suitcase, latched it, and handed it back to Lee.
Lee took the suitcase by the handle, with his right hand. He allowed his right arm, along with the suitcase, to hang down, by his waist
Officer Lars turned to Zack, as he stated, “There is nothing in there.”
Zack continued to look at Lars, as he thought, 'This means he is not a smuggler. Scanners at customs did not show anything of interest on his body. And while this job has taught me to expect the unexpected. I really don't have time for this.'
Zack turned to Lee, to see the younger man had turned to face him With Lee remaining silent, as he looked back at him.
Lee offered, “You are more than willing to pat me down, if you want.”
Zack stated, “That will not be necessary, Mister Gray. How do you want us to help you?”
Lee flatly commented, “I will cut to the point. I need a temporary identicard, a ticket to Mars, and a credit chit with a few credits on it. Just enough credit for a couple of meals, and a night's stay at a decent hotel. To give me time to sort out this mess, when I get to Mars.” Lee thought, 'Chances are meals are covered with the ticket. Otherwise, how would they feed the lurkers, as they were moved off the station, to other locations, in the Earth Alliance.'
Zack said, “Well, you are in luck. As part of the plan to evacuate the station, Earth Alliance instituted a plan to give lurkers a ticket to a human world, a temporary identicard, and a few credits in their pocket. We will use that to help you.” He mentally added, 'The program's budget is a use it, or lose it, offer for the station. And we still have plenty of money from the program.'
Lee replied, “Thank you, Chief Allan.”
Zack commented, “Don't worry about it. Still, there are limitations to the identicard we will give you. They will only work in the Earth Alliance, and Mars. Which is fortunate for you. You will need to get your own identicard replaced, as soon as possible.”
Lee responded, “I plan to do just that, right after I get over the jet-lag.”
Zack agreed, “Yes. That can be a pain.”
Zack turned to his subordinate, as he ordered, “Make sure Mister Gray receives the items he needs, and that he leaves the station, on a shuttle, that will get him to a transport leaving for Mars.
The officer said, “Yes sir. I believe one such transport will be leaving the area within the next hour, or so.”
Zack replied, “Good.” He then turned to Lee, as he said, “Have a safe trip, Lee.”
Lee responded, “Thank you again, Chief Allan.”
Officer Lars turned to Lee, as he said, “Right this way, Mister Gray.”
Lee then followed the man out of Zack's office, and down the hallway.
While Lee walked through this hallway, with officer Lars, with Lee walking right behind the security officer.
As they walked, Lars looked ahead of himself, as he stated, “It will take a few minutes to get you the items you need, here. Then, I will escort you back to the shuttle bay we left. Where I will see you off.”
Lee complimented, “That is fine. Also, I have found I am a good judge of character, and I belief your security chief is a fine man.”
Lars smiled, as he agreed, “Yes. And I consider it a privilege to have worked for him.”
Lee replied, “Yes. It is a privilege to have met such a man.”
Lars commented, “True. He is a good man to know.”
Lee stated, “By the way, my last name is spell with an, a, and not an, e.”
Lee said, “Not to worry. We will check the spell before we make the identicard and credit chit.”
Lee commented, “Good. I appreciate that.”
The two men then continued walking down the hallway of the security headquarters, till they reached the identification processing room, to create the identicard, credit chit, and ticket that Lee needed.
Meanwhile, in the security chief's office, Zack continued to sit at his chair, behind his desk, as he watched the man leave, through the door to his office, while being escorted by officer Lars, from one of the monitors on his desk.
Zack then turned his attention to his electronics controls built into his desk. He pulled up a video record of an empty hallway in Blue Sector. It showed Lee suddenly appearing out of nowhere, wearing a gym bag, wearing different clothing, and holding some sort of device in his left hand.
Zack fast forward the video to where Lee pockets the device, and goes into the men's restroom, a few minutes later, he comes out of the restroom dress in his black suit, and suitcase, with him dumping his gym bag and clothing into a garbage.
As Zack stopped the video he thought, 'This Mister Gray clearing has a teleportation device. But, he had no contraband. And passive scans of him, as he came here showed that device was man-made. With standard materials found Earth. That means he is either a time traveler, or a reality traveler. I have personally dealt with both before. And without any immediate contraband, that means he is on the run from someone he cannot escape with a teleportation device.'
'That is a very bad situation for someone to be in. And I do not have time for this mess. My orders, from Earth Force, are to get everyone off the station, as soon as possible. So, we can do the final preparations in blowing this place up. If he is not here, those whom are after him will not come here. And if he wants to go to Mars, that is fine with me.'
'When he gets to Mars, if it he causes problems, I am sure Garibaldi can handle this mess far better than I can.'
'Though, I won't call Garibaldi about Mister Gray. Given Michael's inquisitive nature, if I told him about Mister Gray, he will stick his nose into the matter, and end up in the middle of whatever mess Mister Gray is running from. But, if I don't call Garibaldi, chances are that Mister Gray will just pass through Mars without a problem. And in so doing, saving us all a lot of grieve.'
Suddenly, there was a beat from his desk. He answered the com, by pushing a button on his desk. He said, “Yes.”
The other end answer, from Blue Sector Command and Control, “This is C&C, sir. I thought you might want to know that we have been contacted, personally, by President Sheridan. He will arrive in his personal Bluestar, in six hours. Do you want to use to assign a welcome detail for his arrival?”
Zack thought, 'I loath the fact that I could not come to his last dinner. But, I am happy he is stopping by to see the old station. At least I will get to say goodbye to him.'
Zack answered, “We are not rolling out the red carpet, while we are turning off the lights. We will keep this low-key. I will greet President Sheridan, myself. Just make sure all civilians have left the station by then. Please, inform me when the President's Bluestar has exited hyperspace.”
The communications officer on the other end replied, “Yes, sir.”
The line was then disconnected.
Zack leaned back in his chair, as he happily thought, 'Now, to figure out what I am going to say to John, when he gets here.'
Twenty-five minutes later, Lee found back in the shuttle bay he had just left.
Lee was walking onto the staircase leading into a shuttle, his ticke in his left hand, and his suitcase in his right hand. His new identicard, and credit chit were in his left side pants pocket. And the credit chit did have a little money on it.
Lee turned back to see Lars nearby, whom was looking back at him, from the floor of the shuttle bay.
Lee said, “Thank you for everything, officer Lars”
Lars replied, “No problem. And have a great trip, Ello.”
Lee replied, “You as well, officer Lars.”
Lee then turned back towards the upper part of the staircase, that let into the shuttle itself.
As he made his way to the entrance to the shuttle, the human stewardess was their, checking tickets.
When Lee reached the inside of the shuttle, he handed his ticket to the stewardess.
As the stewardess looked at Lee's ticket, Lee asked, “How long is the trip to Mars from here?”
The stewardess looked up at Lee, as she handed him back his ticket. She answered, “Two days. Thanks to the new hyperspace gate built near Mars. And this is a direct flight there. Now, if you could secure her luggage, find a seat, and strap yourself in, we will be taking off in a few minutes.
Lee took his ticket, with his left hand, as he pocketed it. He said, “Thank you, ma'am.” He then walked past the stewardess, to find a seat.
Lee then walked into the seating area, which was two rows of two seats each. Much like a small airplane cabin.
Also, Lee note that the shuttle was half full.
As soon as he found a seat. He placed his suitcase in the luggage compartment above him. Next, he sat down in the seat, and he strapped himself into the seat with the seatbelts.
Ten minutes later, the door to the shuttle closed, and the ship was lowered into the docking exiting.
A few minutes later, they were in space, and Lee felt weightlessness of zero gravity.
Lee forced himself to remain calm, as he thought, 'If I lose my lunch, I will be in big trouble.'
Fortunately, Lee was able to control himself, and keep himself calm, as he felt the shuttle move forwards.
Lee then watched from his window, as they approached a large, rotating human, passenger transport ship.
About five minutes later, he felt the shuttle dock.
The pilot voice stated, from the cabin speakers, “Folks, we have docked with the passenger liner transport ship, the Trinity Well. If you will please disembark, and have your tickets in hand.”
Lee watched as the others unbuckled themselves, and floated back to the now open door.
Lee then unstrapped himself, grabbed his suitcase from the luggage compartment. He head the handle of his suitcase with his right hand. He kept his suitcase by his him, while he carefully floated along the aisle in the middle of the shuttle, as he followed the other passengers.
Less than a minute later, Lee followed the passengers through a docking tube.
When they reached the other side, there were three stewardesses their to check their tickets.
As Lee floated to the women, he pulled out his ticket, with his left hand, and headed it to the nearest uniformed lady.
While the women looked at Lee's ticket, she said, “You will be in second class. In seat fifty-one, C. That is on the far right of the cabin, in the middle. The chairs are have numbers of the back of the headrests. Just follow the orange signs, to the cabin. You cannot miss it.” She then handed Lee back his ticket.
Lee took his ticket, and pocketed it. He looked at her, as he calmly said, “Thank you, ma'am.” He then floated by the women, as he saw arrows on the hallway walls in front of him. Each arrow was a different color, that lead in a different direction.
Lee followed the orange arrows, along with a few other people that had gotten off the shuttle, as well.
A minute later, he reached one of the entrances to the rotating section of the ship.
The entrance was a wide open space, with emergency sliding doors separating the weightless section to the rotating section.
As Lee stepped onto the moving section of the floor, he quickly felt weight return, to near normal Earth standard. He thought, 'That is a relief.'
He then continued to follow the orange arrows briskly, as he walked the rest of the way to the section he was assign.
When he reached the entrance to passenger section, he saw a large, C. On the wall.
Lee walked into the room. He saw that he was in a passengers cabin, three main rows of seats. The two side rows had two seats each, running up the length of the cabin. The middle rows had four seats each, running up the length of the cabin.
There were baggage compartments above the rows of seats. With the small doors to the compartments facing the two aisles.
It was very much like a like the passenger cabin on a large airplane.
Lee also saw there were were no windows in the cabin, just flat off-white colored walls, and ceilings. With brown commercial, short carpet on the floor.
Also, from the way the seats were faced away from him, he guessed the entrance he walked in from, put him on the back, right side of the cabin.
There were also a number of people in the cabin, seated at their chairs.
While feeling slight amusement, Lee thought, 'Looks like I am flying coach for the next two days. Also, I this place is not that full. I might not have to sit beside someone.'
Lee then calmly walked down the aisle to his right side, and he soon found his chair, by looking at the numbers on the backs of the headrests.
To his relief, it was the inside chair, beside the aisle. And the seats look spaced enough that he could comfortably fit in them, and still have room for his legs.
Lee then opened the top luggage compartment over his chair, put his suitcase into it. Fortunately, his suitcase fit, and he closed the compartment.
Lee then sat down in his seat, as he waited for the ship to start moving.
A few minutes later, Lee then heard the speaker come on, as the captain of the ship, stated, “Everyone, we are about to get underway. Please, remain in your seats, until we jump to hyperspace.”
Lee then felt the ship start to move.
As the shipped moved, Lee looked over to see the inside seat beside him was empty. He mentally realized, 'Well, I guess I won't have to sit beside anyone. That is good. It means more room for me.'
Given Lee's slightly above average height, while sitting, he could see slightly over the chairs, and head rests, to see the backs of the heads of the passengers in front of him. Though, he could still find some comfort with the headrest on his seat, behind his head.
From their hair styles, Lee saw two human women were sitting in the two seat front of him.
The one to his upper right, had short brown hair, and the one directly behind him, had long blond her.
Given the angle between where Lee was sitting at, to where the brown haired woman was seating at, Lee was able to see the left forehead, and upper cheek, of the brown haired woman to his right. She was a young, fair skinned woman.
A minute later, he saw the blond woman turned her head to the right, to look at her friend. And Lee saw that she was a young, fair skinned woman. But, that was not of what caught Lee's attention.
What caught Lee's attention was the right side of the woman's face was covered in a burn scar. And there was only one blond woman, in the multiverse, with a scar on the right sid of her face, that Lee could think of, that would be with a brown haired woman.
Lee immediately forced himself to remained calm, as he put on his poker face. He thought, with concern and worry, 'Oh no. That is Balalaika, and B is with her. But... How?... The girls must have figured out I was heading to Mars. With Revy, Rock, and the others, called for help.'
'That means they knew my plans, and I at this point, I cannot change destinations, and I don't dare try to use my reality device so close to those two. They might have a tracking device. Also, I won't even try to do a reality jump in hyperspace, because I never wrote about that possibility. I might end up in another hyperspace, in other reality, instead of in normal reality. With that hyperspace being more like a demon dimension, instead of just a empty space. To the honest, Babylon Five version of hyperspace is one of the most tame, safest forms of hyperspace in the multiverse.'
'This means I will have to make the most of the situation.'
'And though, I believe that given the number of transports that have left Babyon Five, during this time period. It is possible, they still covered their bases. With some of them going to each transport. And them then meeting up on Mars, if they had not found me, yet.'
'That means that it is likely only Balalaika and B are the only one after me, that are on this passenger liner. And the reason that they are sitting right in front of me, is that existence is fucking with my life, one more time. Which is not a surprise to me.'
'Though, this also means that I have no idea how many more people I am going to have to face, when I get to Mars, whom that one a piece of my ass, in a bad way. But, I was just have to cross those bridges when I face them.'
'Still, I just hope that they did not bring all of Hotel Moscow to this party, or I could be in some real trouble.'
Balalaika then noticed Lee staring at her. She turned her body to the right, towards Lee, as she sat over the seat, between her seat and B's seat, as she looked at him.
Lee continued to remain calm, as he thought, with concern, 'Oh crap, Balalaika saw me. Still, if I play this cool, I will be fine. Though, both these women are sharp, and intelligence, they have never met me before. And given my facial disguise I used in Plata Podrido, they only have a basic description of what I look like. Also, I am not wearing glasses, nor shades right now. So, I could still be okay.'
'Also, I must remember not use the term, Ms., with Balalaika. Rock used the term Ms. Balalaika in the Black Lagoon series, and in book three, I wrote it so, that Balalaika noticed something off on Bob and Ed, besides the obvious, when Bob called Balalaika, Ms. Balalaika.'
B noticed her lover's body language, and she turned around between her seat and Balalaika’s seat, to look at Lee, as well.
Lee saw B looking also looking at him. He maintained his poker face, as he sacstically thought, 'The more the merrier.'
Lee could see that both women were casual clothing. At least at chest level. Though, Lee did his best to look at their faces, and not at their breasts.
Balalaika lips curled into a wicked grin, as she said, in english, with a russian accent, “Well, who do we have here?”
Lee feigned a relaxed body language, as he casually said, “Hello. My name is, Ello Gray. And you are?”
Balalaika flatly answered, “You can call me Balalaika.”
B said, in english, with a russian accent, “I am, B.”
Lee thought, 'The best way to defuse this situation is to be polite, and honest, as much as I possibly can, without blowing my cover.' He calmly responded, “Ladies, it is nice to meet you both. And I apologize, Balalaika, for staring at your scar. It was rude of me. Though, I could not help myself.”
Balalaika shrugged, as she said, in a casual tone of voice, “It happens. And at least you were man enough to apologize. Also, we are going to be traveling together, for a while. Would you like to talk?”
Lee thought, 'If I say no, it will arouse their suspicious about me. So, I have to play their game.' He answered, “Yes.”
B asked, for Balalaika, “So, where are you heading?”
Lee answered, in a direct, even tone of voice, “Mars. This is a direct flight, there, of course.”
B replied, “Of course.”
Balalaika inquired, “So, why are you going to, Mars?”
Lee thought, 'They clearly are testing me, to see if I am the writer. But, I am use to navigating such tests. At the moment, I will just use the same lie I used on Zack Allan. Also, it is best that I not to ask them questions. Russians tend to get upset about people asking for details concerning them. Also, russians find polite, friendly people to be annoying. So, I will have to walk a balancing act here.'
Lee stated, “I am in the grain business. Basically, I am in charge of production of flour, and finding customers. I am between jobs at the moment. And I am heading there for a possible job.”
Balalaika asked, “Can you tell me more about your job.”
Lee maintained his poker face, as he thought, with inward mild annoyance, 'While russians don't like questions ask about them. They can still be hypocritical about asking other people questions about themselves.'
Lee casually lied, “We mostly deal creating flour, from wheat. Given weight and size limitations on ships. We found that it is easier to have the production flour, in faculties on the farming colonies, and then ship flour for transport. That way, all unnecessary weight, and space, is already removed. Such as the chaff.”
B said, “That makes sense.”
Lee went onto say, “Still shipping flour has issues. For example, wheat flour only had an Earth standard four to six month shelve life, and it must not freeze while in transport.” He mentally added, with amusement, 'Always do research, before creating a lie.'
Balalaika inquired, “How much flour does your companies ship, on a regular basis? If you don't mind.”
Lee thought, 'If I use the english system of weights and measurements, I am busted. I have to use metric. Also, I have no idea, but I can fake the figures.'
Lee answered, “Sure. While, the companies I have worked with are small. We usual ship between one to three billion kilograms, annually. Earth standard time.”
B commented, “That is a lot of flour”
Lee replied, “Not really. The bigger companies can ship upwards of a trillion, or two, kilograms of flour, annually.”
Balalaika said, “I guess humanity still needs its stable foods.”
Lee agreed, “Of course. Everyone likes bread, noodles, pies crusts, pizza crusts, and even cookies.”
Balalaika replied, “Very true.”
Lee thought, 'I think they bought my story.' He said, “I take a lot of pride in helping to feed humanity.”
Balalaika stated, “As you should. Does your company also produce various grain alcohol?”
Lee casually lied, “A few of them do. But, that is not my department. Alcohol transport outside of Earth Alliance space can create problems. The sale and transport of alcohol through Minbari space, with out permit, is very illegal. This is because a Minbari consuming alcohol can cause a Minbari to go into a berserk rage. I heard a rumor that vinegar has a LSD effect on Minbari. But, I am not crazy enough to test that theory.”
“Centauri businesses do not like competition. As such, the Centauri government has placed food and drink tariffs coming into Centauri space. Especially, on alcohol. A person can get their ship seized, if they are caught in Centauri space, without having proof they paid the tariffs, and had their import permits on hand.”
“Narns are a bit odd in this situation. While they share the same religion. Though, that religion has a lot of different denominations. If a person is caught selling a Narn, of a specific religious denomination, food or drink, during one of their several religious events, they can be fined. Though, these fines are not that bad, because even the Narns admit it is hard to keep up with all their religious events.”
Both Balalaika and B let out a laugh.
Lee continued with his lie, “The rest of the alien species, are a mixed bag on this issue. Honestly, I think it is just one large headache that is not worth dealing with.”
Balalaika said, “I can see why.”
Lee watched a Balalaika and B looked at each other.
Balalaika said, in russian, “If that is a cover story. It is a good one.”
B replied, in russian, “Yes. It is. Most of what he says is correct, or possibly correct.”
Balalaika commented, “Still, there are other questions we can ask.”
While Lee did not understand russian, he forced himself to remained calm. He thought, 'Now, why I am not going to ask them questions. I can ask them on some obvious points.' He asked, “So, why are you two heading to Mars?”
Both women then turned to look at him.
B answered, in english, “We are looking for a man, there?”
Lee innocently replied, “Must be a lucky man.”
Balalaika could not help but let out a small laugh at the irony of the situation, in making such a paradoxical statement.
Meanwhile, B calmly said, “Not really.”
Suddenly, the ship felt like it hit a bump in the road.
Balalaika asked, in english, “What as that?”
Lee stated, “We just transition into hyperspace.”
Balalaika thought, 'The writer would likely not be able to answer this next question. Unless he is a lot more cagey than I expect him to be. Revy said not to underestimate him.' She inquired, “Is there anything we should be worried about?”
Lee thought, 'I bet Balalaika is thinking I cannot answer this question. She is underestimating my amount of knowledge on such things.' He casually answered, “As long as this ship keeps its lock on the beacon network, we are fine. Though, given the gravitational eddies in hyperspace, it can be a bit of a bumpy ride. From time to time. But, nothing serious.”
Balalaika thought, 'If he is the writer, he just delivered a wonderful answer, that sounds like he knows what he is talking about. But, there are other questions I can use to test him with.'
Balalaika inquired, “That is nice to know. Why are there no windows on this ship? At least for the passengers?”
Lee thought, 'Fortunately, I know the answer to this question. And it is likely such common knowledge, that I can use this information to derail you questioning.' He calmly responded, “Because staring at hyperspace, for prolonged amounts of time, can cause people to become nauseous. Why do you ask?”
Balalaika thought, with amusement, 'Touche. I guess that would be common enough knowledge to not ask about. Now, for my next question.' She questioned, “No reason. So, do you play card games?”
Lee thought, 'It does not surprise me that these two women would hear about my poker skills. But, I have a lie ready for just an occasion.' He calmly said, “Not usually. I prefer backgammon. Though, I did not bring my board with me, this time.”
Balalaika mentally reflected, 'Nice, answer. While giving the excuse that he cannot play. So, we cannot test his skills.' She responded, in an even tone of voice, “Mores the pity. Well it was nice to meeting you, Mister Gray.”
B commented, “Yes. It was a pleasure.”
Lee replied, “Same here.”
Lee then watched as Balalaika and B turn around, and sit back down in their seats.
Lee did not sigh, nor breath heavily, as he thought, 'With there close proximity to me, and their enhanced senses, they may hear me letting out a deep breath. I just need to relax, and lean back.'
And Lee did just that, as he lead back in his cushioned chair, with the back of his head laying on his headrest, his arms on the armrests to his side. He then let himself relax a bit.
In the two seat row in front of Lee, Balalaika and B started talking to each other in russian.
B stated, in russian, “I do not think Mister Gray, is Lee?”
Balalaika commented, in russian, “I still have my suspicions. Though, Lee was intelligent to mask his face so well, while in that city. As he was surrounded by Revy, Rock, and the others.”
B pointed out, “Yes. It shows cunning on his part. Even so. This is neither the time, nor the place, to confront him. We are merely here to find him. And if we do find the writer, we will have him picked up on Mars.”
Balalaika conceded, “True. We do not know if reality travel is safe in hyperspace, and we don't want to stir up trouble, with no way of escape.”
B said, “Exactly. Revy mentioned that Lee has precognitive abilities. So, he will sense dangerous coming towards him. In addition, Revy did say that Lee learned a lot from them, in a time loop. Including, River training him in hand to hand combat. I do not want to have to fight a precognitive, with combat skills, in close quarters.”
Balalaika replied, “I agree. Neither of us can take Annie, in fight. When we sparred with her, on occasion. Still, we are not the only ones after Lee. Even the Lovelace maids are after him.”
B shrugged, as she responded, “Yes. And Roberta was able to take Annie in a sparring contest.”
Balalaika smirked, as she said, “I remember that event. During one of the Lagoon's parties. The look on Annie's face, after she was beaten by Roberta, was priceless.”
B cracked a grin, as she agreed, “That is was. Though, I am still unsure if it was wise, or not, to keep our women in the dark about the writer, and his stories.”
Balalaika admitted, “I can see the benefits and draws back, from both perspectives. Though, it has been a year since their change, they are still getting us to their new... Forms. And it would be unwise to given them any unnecessary, life altering, information, right now.”
Balalaika mentally reflected, 'Besides. A hunt can become boring if there are too many hunters after the fox. And we already have several, as is. Including the rest of Hotel Moscow would only cheapen this hunt even further.'
B said, “I understand your point.”
Balalaika inquired, “Do you think our tickets will hold up?”
B stated, “Yes. Janet said these tickets would hold up. She said that her skills in such areas are as sharp as ever. Including, her eyes for the details. And she better hope so, considering the tickets had made for all the transports heading for Mars, from Babylon Five, within the last week. Though, that is why they are for second class, instead of fire class. First class tickets would cause greater scrutiny.”
B thought, 'And Rock had us all split into pairs, and trios, with each of us teleporting to the women's restroom of one of these transports, with our tickets. And riding those ships to Mars, while we search for the writer. We would all meet up at a specific, very nice, hotel in Mars Dome One, that we were first taken to, a week ago, this reality's time.'
'The plan is that if any of us do find the writer, we are not to confront him, but wait for him to disembark on Mars, and catch him there. Still, the security on this transport is almost non-existent. But, the risks are to great for Balalaika and myself, right now, to risk a fight in such an enclosed, confined space.'
Balalaika said, “Flying second class cannot be helped. What about lack of other identification. Should we be concerned?”
B stated, “No. Their lax security is these reason we do not need identicards to be on this this passenger liner. Just the tickets. They check identification when passengers embark, before they get on the shuttles, disembark at customs. They clearly did not plan for people teleporting onto the ship, from a storage area, with tickets in hand.”
B thought, 'It is interesting how universally it seems that no one puts cameras in their storage closest, because they figure it is too expensive, and unnecessary. Though, even with privacy issues, some security organizations do put cameras in theirs restrooms, in the areas they survey. And besides that reason, the other two reasons we did not teleport to the restrooms is we do not know how small they are. And someone could be inside them. The storage closet was a safer bet.'
Balalaika commented, “A lapse of security on their part, that we will make good use of.”
B stated, “Yes. A serious one. Considering there is teleportation technology in this reality.”
Balalaika asked, “Interesting. So, what is your opinion of the writer's escape plan?”
B answered, “Barring us figuring out where he is heading. His plan is brilliant. This would be the proper time and place to lose someone, in an entire galaxy. Still, now that we know where the writer is heading. We will catch the writer. Also, this is one of the last transports to Mars from Babylon Five. We all took a ship that could lead to Mars. If he is not on this one, he is on another one. And if we do not find him here, we will follow him, and find him on Mars.”
Balalaika agreed, “Yes. We will catch this man. And while it does not surprise me that this man was able to fool Revy and her friends. They were always a little less clever than they believed. Fooling Roberta is another matter, entirely.”
B stated, “Yes. Their arrogance came back to bite them.”
Balalaika asked, “True. Did you have a chance to talk your friends in the Serenity crew, after Revy contacted us?”
B responded, “Yes. I did. I teleported to the casino, and talked with Mal, and Zoe, during the early morning, on the day after Lee left. And I found they were also getting ready to leave no this hunt for the writer. Though, when I finished talking to them, I returned back to you, within five minutes of leaving.”
Balalaika inquired, “Interesting. They could prove useful in this hunt. Did Chang know you visited his new casino?”
B answered, “I do not think Chang was aware that I was even there. Given those two are the ones in charge of security, whom are my friends, I doubt he will be informed.”
Balalaika commented, “It is useful to have such friends. And while Revy did not go into detail, she did say that River was involved. How was that telepath involved in this situation?”
B stated, “From what Mal and Zoe tone of me. River was in on this situation from the very beginning. It seems that River was fooling everyone, by using her male form, to pose as a drifter, and poker player, named Sam. And, as Sam, she befriended Lee. And by all accounts, she actually did become a good friend of his.”
Balalaika thought, 'Sam, and Tam. Even I could have seen that one coming. Though, there were probably other factor in how River presented her fake persona as Sam.' She inquired, “Does Lee know that River and Sam are the same person?”
B said, “Yes. River revealed that she who she really was to Lee. From what I was told, River said that Lee took the news very well. Also, from what Mal and Zoe can guess, River and Lee are still friends. And it is clear that River is completely on Lee's side. And she does not want anything horrible happen to him.”
Balalaika stated, “That is the danger of going undercover. Though, with Chang and the others around, I doubt she will be a factor in this hunt. Chang will not want River to get any further involved, and risk ruining what plans he has for Lee. And given they are a romantic couple, River will respect Chang's wishes. But, others might become involved in this chase. Such as the Lovelace maids have done so. I need to know what happened, when the maid showed up?”
B began, “When they arrived on the island city, it started in a bar...”
Balalaika rolled her eyes for a few seconds, as she spoke up, “Why is it always a bar with those two Venezuelans?” She then looked back at over B.
B stifled a giggle, at her lovers reaction. She calmly said, “I do not know. And yes. They blew up the bar, before they left.”
Balalaika grinned, as she replied, “I admit it. That was going to be my next question. Please, continue.”
B stated, “River and Lee was in the bar at the time. From what I understand, the maids walked into a bar, while Lee, and River, as a man, were playing cards. The maids did not know that it was Lee they were after. Though, Lee immediately recognized them, and he and River gave them the slip.”
Balalaika commented, “That was a wise course of action. Though, with him knowing the maids are after him, it will making him run even faster.”
B said, “I would not want to be captured by the maids.”
Balalaika agreed, “Neither would I. Let us hope we capture him first. And given a choice between surrendering to the maids, and us. He will likely to choose us.”
B inquired, “Perhaps. I wonder. When we have him, what sort of revenge do you have in mind?”
Balalaika coyly answered, “A little of this. A little of that. Though, Revy did mention Chang's offer. And I find it intriguing.”
B replied, “Yes. With the skills Lee has displayed so far, he could be made into a valuable asset.”
Balalaika stated, “Exactly. We will find this Lee. We will put him in his place. And we will then put him to work for us.”
B agreed, “Absolutely. Still, given he is dying of cancer. We do have a time limit of a few months.”
Balalaika said, “You of all people should know what options we have in such cases.”
B responded, “Ah, yes. And it would be fitting for this writer. Still, besides the cancer and the gender change, I did enjoy some of the experiences he wrote about myself.”
Balalaika commented, “Yes. He showed you some of the betters parts of the multiverse.”
B turned to Balalaika, as she said, “I am looking at one of the better parts of the multiverse, right now.”
Balalaika looked over at B, as she smiled. She commented, “We will have to do something, later. And I have to admit that some of the things the writer did, which was towards our benefit. Which is why I am not going to outright break him, and then kill him. Now, onto other matters at hand. It is obvious that you have seen the series that this reality is about?”
B answered, “Yes. Bob and Ed showed it to me years ago. It is actually good. Very political. And most of what Ello said about the other alien species correct.”
Balalaika requested, “Good. So, what can you tell me about the Mars we are heading too?”
B said, “This Mars is in the middle of being terraformed. Presently, a person do not need a pressure suit to go outside. Still, it very cold, so you need plenty of clothing, and you will need an oxygen mask to breath the outside air.”
Balalaika shrugged, as she casually asked, “So, Siberia on a bad day?”
B answered, “Pretty much. To be specific. We are heading towards Mars Dome One. It is a city of two million people. Most of them live in city environment under a very, very large dome, and very large adjacent domes. Mars Dome One is the capital of Mars. Which is currently an independent nation, that separated from the greater Earth Alliance. Very long story on that. The culture is western. And they speak Earth. As long as we avoid entanglements with law enforcement, we should do fine.”
Balalaika commented, “Good. Also, given the situation. We both need to know. Are there any health hazards with traveling in hyperspace?”
B stated, “None that we need to worry about. I checked before we left.”
Balalaika replied, “Thank you. This hunt is starting to concern me. First, Yurick goes AWOL, and now this.”
B said, “We will find our wayward soldier.”
Balalaika commented, “I know. Though, I find it interesting that Yurick's trail lead right to where the writer was hiding.”
B responded, “Maybe it really is the Devil's Hotel.”
Balalaika said, “Let us hope not. Still, I have a feeling this it is more than a consequence.”
B suggested, “Perhaps we should head to that hotel, when we are finished here.”
Balalaika complimented, “That is a wonderful idea. Also, I believe Revy also mentioned that Lee slept with Eda?”
B answered, “Yes. Mal and Zoe both confirmed that Eda did so. But, at the time, she did not know that Lee was the writer. And she was the one to ask him on their date.”
Balalaika questioned, “I wonder what was going through both their minds to end up in such a situation.”
B commented, “For Lee. When a hot blond woman wants to ask a man on a date. Who would say, no? For Eda. From what I understand, Lee is very polite. And for her, it was more a lack of selection. She does not care for hispanics.”
Balalaika asked, “And why is that?”
B answered, “Way back in our time, in Roanapur, I heard a rumor that her lack of attraction towards latin Americans has something to do with a previous assignment, before she even came to Roanapur.”
Balalaika inquired, “Where did you hear that rumor from?”
B answered, “From what I heard, it was a business transactions gone wrong. I get the feeling it was a government job turned sour. Anyway, Eda mentioned this to Revy, on one of the few times she had one to many drinks with Two-Hands. Revy mentioned what Eda said to Dutch. And Dutch mentioned this to me, during a business transaction between him and I. Well, him, at the time.”
Balalaika inquired, “Guy talk?”
B admitted, “Yes.”
Balalaika shrugged, as she replied, “Do not worry about it. It is probably tame compared to some of the stuff that Revy, and her friends, talk about it.”
B hesitantly commented, “While I still sometimes talk to Dutch. I try to avoid getting into such conversations concerning Revy and her friends... Given their personalities, and the rumors of some of their sexual activities... There are somethings a person cannot unlearn.”
Balalaika calmly agreed, “I fully understand. One time, I made the mistake of having girl talk with Revy, over such matters. And I regret that conversation to this very day... There are some things that even I do not have a stomach for, that she does.”
B playfully replied, “You are preaching to the choir.”
Both women light laughed, for a few seconds.
The two lovers then soon calmed down and resumed their conversation.
In the two seat row behind Balalaika and B, Lee had been listing to Balalaika and B speak.
While, Lee did not know russian, he could tell their emotional states, from the tones of their voices.
And from their tones, both women were in a casual, relaxed frame of mind.
As Lee heard the women calm down, from their light laughter, he thought, 'Well, from their relaxed tones of voices. Along with my precognition telling me everything is okay, for the moment. It looks like things are settling down with those two. And all I got to do is keep my cool for the next two days, and I should be fine.'
'Though, Balalaika and B are trained military veterans. Unlike Revy, and most of her group. They are taught to be patient, and reserved. Yet, as long as I do not speak to them, nor do not approach them, and I stay quiet, I should be fine. So...'
Lee leaned further into his chair, while he lead his head on his seat's headrest.
Lee tipped his black for fedora hat, over his face, as he happily thought, 'Someone cue John Williams to start playing some Indiana Jones, traveling music, because I feel a nap coming on.'
Lee then soon fell asleep in his chair.
Fortunately, the next two days were uneventful for Lee. He stayed quiet, and he did nothing to draw attention to himself. The inflight meals and drinks were tasty and not bland. Also, he remembered not to show his decks of cards to anyone.
Though, along with speaking to a few others of the passengers and crew, that he met in the cabin. Lee did talk to Balalaika and B a few times. Though, they were the ones that started the conversation, with Lee being polite. And he did not use the term, Ms., once towards Balalaika, nor B. And he did not pull out his playing cards.
In addition, Lee was able to keep the two women from figuring out who he really ways.
Soon, they reached the hyperspace gate to Mars.
A few minutes after the passenger liner that Lee, B, and Balalaika, had already returned to normal space, in orbit of the planet, Mars, the speaker came on, with the captains voice said, “Passengers. This is your captain speaking. We have reached orbit around Mars. Those of you heading to Mars need to head to the back of the ship, as a shuttle will be by, within five minutes, to pick you up.”
Lee the saw Balalaika and B get up and head towards where the nearby restrooms were.
Lee thought, 'They probably do not have any identification on them. And they are going to the restroom, to use one of their reality devices to just teleport to one of Mars' domes.
'Chances are that it is B that will teleport them, given the possibility that Bob and Ed show her the Babylon Five series. I hope she liked the series. It is a good, epic science fiction story.'
'Also, they are likely heading for Mars Dome One, the same dome I am going to go to, since it is likely near the spaceport. There is not much I can do about that. Still, they clearly do not know who I am. If they did, my precognition would be screaming right now. So, I do not have much to currently worry about, on that matter.'
'The reason I do not just use my reality device to directly teleport to the interior of Mars Dome One, is because they, or Revy's group, my track my reality jump, from here, to the interior of Mars Dome One.'
'And the only reason I am not using my reality device, to jump to another reality, is that I really do want to see Mars, first. And I am not going to let the girls being here spoil my fun.'
As soon as two russian women were out of sight, Lee stood up from his seat.
Lee adjusted his hat. Afterward, he checked to make sure he had his ticket, his temporally identicard, and his credit chit.
Lee then looked up at the hatch to the compartment above his seat. He opened the lid to the compartment, and he pulled out his suitcase with both hands.
As he held his suitcase, with his right hand, by the handle, he let the case drop to the side of the way.
Next, Lee used his left hand to shut the let compartment lid.
Lee turned and entered the aisle. He then started to casually make his way the aisle, towards the back of the room, along with other passengers were walking with him, with their luggage in hand. They were all coming the way they had original entered the passenger cabin, to the back of the room. They would then used the orange arrows, to got them for the docking hatch.
Though, Lee soon found himself in the zero gravity section of the ship. Though, he did not have much trouble, as he made his way to the docking area.
Five minutes later, Lee was on the shuttle that would take him to down to the spaceport, on the surface of Mars. Lee found his ability to handle zero gravity had gotten a little better. He placed his suitcase in the passenger compartment above his seat.
Next, Lee seated himself into a seat, on the right side of the passenger cabin, by a window.
After which, Lee strapped himself in.
Soon after, everyone that was going to Mars, was on the shuttle, and the shuttle hatch and transport hatches close.
A minute later, the pilot came on the speakers of the passenger cabin. The pilot, “This is your pilot. We will be heading for Mars momentarily. Please, strap yourself in, and enjoy the ride.”
Lee felt the momentum of the ships engines starting as they headed to the surface of Mars.
Lee then check his wrist watch, to time how long it would take to reach the surface of Mars.
As they got closer to Mars, Lee could see Mars, from the windows in the cabin.
Lee looked at the Martian surface from space, that was outside his window. He though, 'It truly is a lovely sight. Maybe I will someday see Earth's surface like this.'
The shuttle ride down to Mars Spaceport was uneventful, though a bit bumpy.
After they exited re-entry, Lee saw that it was daytime, as them pass by Martian mountain ranges and valleys, until they approached the large, domed cities that comprised most of the human settlements on Mars.
Lee was amazed what he saw, though the windows around him, especially, the window he was sitting beside, to his right side. And since he did not recognized anyone around him. He allowed himself this brief moment to openly show job and wonder, on his face, that he truly, emotionally felt, at that time, on the inside.
As they landed, Lee check his wrist watch. He found that it was close to an hour after boarding the shuttle, when said shuttle had landed at the spaceport, on Mars.
A minute later, the pressurized spaceport gate attached to the hatch of the shuttle.
The pilot said, “We have now docked with Mars spaceport. We hope you enjoyed your trip, and have a nice day.”
Lee then unstrapped himself, and got up, with the rest of the passengers.
As Lee found his footing, he then opened the compartment hatch above him, and pulled out his suitcase.
A few seconds later, Lee had closed the hatch, as he held his small suitcase, by its handle, with his right hand.
Lee then filed in line, down the aisle, with the rest of the passengers, as they slowly made their way off the shuttle and into the spaceport, where they were immediately be heading for the customs area.
A few minutes later, Lee made it pass the hatch, and long, hundred yard hallway, that attached to the other end of the spaceport gate, as he walked into the main area of the spaceport.
Lee saw that there were a few customs booths. Lee got in line with the booth that his precognition told him with be fine in.
Lee then patiently waited, as he slowly made his way in line to the customs booth.
Though, Lee looked around himself.
While from the windows on the shuttle, and the windows looking outside, in the spaceport, showed daylight, from the Sol, Lee was not sure what time it was, until he saw a digital clock on a nearby wall. The digital clock, with the large red, rectangular, LED readout showed that it was ten five AM in the morning.
Lee looked looked at wrist watch. His watch stated that it eight thirty-seven AM.
Lee calmly thought, 'Well, at least it is morning here. And it looks like jet-lag is not going to be that big of an issue for me. A few hours ago, I woke up, and I slept okay in my chair, for a fourth time in a row. And the breakfast they served on the passenger liner, an hour after I got up, was pretty good. And even the bathrooms were clean and well stock with tiolet paper, liquid soap, and paper towels. So, I am fine for the moment.'
'As such, all I have to worry about is getting passed customs, and I am home free.'
'Still, it is best I set my watch to local time.'
Lee then set his suitcase on the carpeted floor, just long enough to set his digital watch. He then quickly picked up his suitcase, with his right hand, by its handle.
A few minutes later, Lee finally made his way up to the front of the line, of the clear plastic booth with the customs official behind it.
When Lee reached the front, he calmly walked up to the booth with customs officer, the handled the officer his identicard, through the small window and counter, in the middle of the booth.
After the custom's officer used his identicard reader to clear Lee's card. As he handed it back to Lee, he said, “I hope you had a safe trip, Mister Gray.”
As Lee took the identicard, and pocketed it, he replied, “It was pleasant.”
He then asked, “That is good to hear. So, are you here for business, or pleasure.”
Lee answered, “Pleasure.”
The officer inquired, “Do you have nothing to declare, Mister Gray?”
Lee stated, “No sir. Just passing through.”
The officer stated, “Scans shows a device in you coat pocket. Could I see it?”
Lee thought, 'I have a lie ready for just this situation.'
Lee set down his suitcase, on the carpeted floor. He then pulled out his reality device, with his right hand, as he lied, “This is just as old TV remote passed own in my family. A good luck charm. Scan it to your heart's content. It is made from common materials, and is completely man-made.”
As Lee set the device on the small counter, he kept his right hand on the device.
Lee thought, 'Given how close we are to each other, if this officer activities it, I will be pulled along for the ride. So, there is little risk.'
The officer pulled out a small scanning device, and scanned it.
A few seconds later, the officer looked up at Lee, as he said, “Thank you, Mister Gray. It seems you are correct. Our scanners sometimes pick up false positives.”
Lee picked up and pocketed his reality device, back into his interior coat pocket. He said, “No problem. You know how it is. A long way from home. You want to keep a memento of where you are from, so you don't get homesick.”
The officer agreed, “Exactly. You may pass now.”
Lee said, “Thank you.”
Lee picked up his suitcase with his right hand, he then turned and left through the line that let out of the customs, and into the large passenger area of the spaceport.
A minute later, as Lee made it to passengers area. He then found a map on one of the walls of the spaceport.
Lee saw that the was in english.
As Lee read the map, he thought, 'Fortunately, one of Earth Alliances', and by default, Mars' main languages, is english. Which makes things easier for me. Now, where is the tram to Mars Dome One at?... Ah there it is... And here I am... No problem.'
With Lee's suitcase hanging by its handle, with his right hand, Lee then turned and started walking towards the passenger transport tube station.
A few minutes later, Lee reached the section of the spaceport, where the passenger transport tubes, that would take him to Mars Dome One, were located. Lee then had to wait about ten minutes to for the next tram to come. He found that trams between the spaceport and Mars Dome One were free, and part of the spaceport system.
When the chain of shuttles, in the tube, came to a stop in front of Lee, and other people. The doors to the shuttles opened, and those present entered the various shuttles in on the transport tube.
The passenger tube shuttle was like a small subway car, with a few other people inside it.
After Lee sat down in one of cushioned seats, he sit his suitcase on the floor, by him.
Lee also noticed a few other people had entered the shuttle he was on, and they had seated themselves.
Lee noticed that no one was strapping themselves in. So, he did not do so, either.
A few seconds later, the doors to the shuttles closed, and the passenger tube shuttle began moving.
Though, the slow build of speed was not that noticeable, and there were no bumps, as Lee and the other people rode inside the shuttle.
As they exited the spaceport, in the transport tube, the windows allowed for Lee to see the red Martian soil. He just stared at the window, for a few seconds.
Then, someone beside him, to his right side, commented, “First time on Mars?”
Lee looked over to see an older, bearded man, in a suit, beside Lee, with his face turned towards Lee.
Lee said, “Yea. It is my first time here.”
The man asked, “So, what brings you to Mars?”
Lee honestly answered, “Just passing through. Though, I always wanted to come to Mars, since I was a child. And now I have the chance to spend some time here, before I have to leave.”
The man said, “I hope you enjoy your stay.”
Lee replied, “I hope so, too. So, did you live on Mars?”
The man answered, “Yes.”
Lee said, “Well, it is nice to meet you.”
The man replied, “Likewise.”
Lee then turned back to look out the window, to the outside, red plains, and the mountains in the distance.
A few minutes later, the passenger transport tube Lee was on, entered Mars Dome One, with the transport coming to a stop, with the doors to the tram opening.
Lee got up, picked up his suitcase with his right hand, and then walked out of the passenger shuttle.
Lee then calmly made his way out of the transport tube station, and into the greater outside interior of large dome that comprised most of Mars Dome One. The capital of the human nation of the planet Mars, in the Babylon Five reality.
As Lee looked around, outside, on the sidewalk, by a five lane highway, inside the dome, he noticed that the sunlight was bright enough to warrant wearing shades.
While Lee held his suitcase with his right hand, he used his left hand, to reach into the right interior pocket of his coat. He pulled out his sunglasses, and used just his left hand to put the shade on over his eyes. As the sunglasses went over his eyes, the shades shielded his eyes from the daylight.
He then looked up at the interior upper walls of the dome. He saw was a mix of artificial light, from the dome ceiling lights, and real sunlight, coming in through the transparent panels in the dome.
Lee then took notice of his surroundings of the cityscape, including a few cars passing by him. He thought, 'The artificial weather in Mars Dome One is cool, and comfortable for wearing this suit. But, it was not cold.'
'And Mars Dome One looks like a modern city under glass. I think this dome is way bigger than all the domes within Paradigm City, in the Big O anime series, put together.'
'The entire city is literally under a dome. With skyscraper buildings not even approaching half the maximum height of the dome. Also, there are trees, streets, cars, and other vehicles here.'
'In addition, the dome stretches as far as I can see, in almost every direction, except the transport tube station behind me.'
Lee chuckled to himself, as he continued his thoughts, 'It is going to be fun spending time here. I think I will stick to my plan of spending the night here, and then leave tomorrow. Though, I have to keep an eye out for the girls, as I try to hide from them. That should not be too hard. And given the western style culture and people here, whom speak english. I should blend in well, as long as I don't let my southern accent slip.'
'Also, I guess sense this is a western culture, that the cars and other vehicles, drive on the right side of the road, like in the U.S. and Mexico.'
'That being said. I will not allow the girls to ruin my fun, while I am here. The reason I came here was for fun, and to escape the girls. While, the escape plan is in risk, for the moment. I can still have a little fun, before moving on, to another reality, in search of a cure for my cancer, while I continue to lose the girls, and anyone else they have asked for help from. Such as Balalaika, and B.'
Lee then turned to his left, and walked down the sidewalk, away from the transport tube station.
Ten minutes later, Lee had turned to his right, at a crosswalk, with traffic lights, and electronic pedestrian signs. Lee safely passed across the five land highway, to the sidewalk on the other side.
Lee then continued walking up up few blocks, to where he reached another crosswalk. He then turned left, and walked along the sidewalk of a street. Where a two land street was to his left side, as he made his way away from the spaceport.
As Lee walked, he noticed that some cars and other vehicles passed by him on the road.
Lee thought, 'The vehicles here look similar to the cars and trucks of my reality and time. Though, I need to keep in mind their engines do not use gasoline. I am not sure what they use... Maybe some sort of battery gel... Who knows?... It does not matter.'
Lee then faced forwards, as he walked.
A minute later, from the corner of his left eye, across the street, Lee saw Revy and Rock walking along a sidewalk, opposite to his sidewalk.
They were also coming from the direction he was heading. They were dressed in their usual clothing, though River had on a blue denim jacket over her chest and arms, to hide her semi-automatic pistols, which were in their shoulder holsters, under her armpits.
Lee forced himself to continue calmly walking, like everything was normal, as he did not turn his head to face them.
Lee thought, 'They clearly haven't notice me. I just need to keep walking and I will be fine. And given the size of this city, once I lose them, I doubt I will run across any of the girls, again. At least not in this city.'
Half a minute later, Lee was proven correct, as he continued walking, and they did not notice him. He then turned a corner, to his right side, and he was soon gone from their sight.
A few seconds later, after he was sure he was out of their sight, Lee continued walking, as he thought, 'Now, to find a decent hotel. And I need to remember that I am on a budget. At least, from what Officer Lars toll me, I should have enough money on my credit chit for a night at a hotel, and a few meals. And tomorrow, I will head to an isolated spot, on the edge of town, and use my reality device to head for my next planned destination... There is more than one way I can lose the girls. And there are some places that they are not crazy enough to go to, that I am looking forward to going to.'
'Now, back finding a hotel. I am sure if I am polite, the locals will suggest a decently, moderately priced hotel that I can stay at.'
Lee then continued to make his way down the sidewalk, in search of lodgings.
An hour after entering Mars Dome One, Lee was able to find a cheap, decent hotel, to spend the night at. He found this place, by politely asking locals around the shops, in the area.
He was told that the hotel was located on the outer part of town, a mile and a half from the spaceport.
Lee used the directions he was told, to reach the hotel. When Lee reached the entrance of the hotel, he looked up at the five story, hotel building, and sign on the outside of the hotel.
Lee thought, 'Travelers Inn Hotel. That is a fitting name for one in my situation. Still, this place looks like a modern hotel. As long as the price is right, and the suite is clean, I will be happy.'
Lee then walked to the entrance of the building. A few seconds later, he opened one of the double doors with his left hand, as he made his way into the hotel.
As he closed the door behind him, he found himself inside a small lobby. He stood in place, as he looked around. He saw the check in desk only twenty feet from him. He also noticed a few chairs, and couch. Along with a TV by a wall, with IGN news on it.
Also, on the far end of the lobby, were two elevators, side by side.
Lee glanced at the TV. While the TV was muted, he saw that from the pictures of the Babylon Five station on screen, it look like they were doing a story on the planned destruction of Babylon Five.
Lee thought, 'Personally, I thought they should have just sold that space station to someone. But, waste, always does seem to be the motto of any government.'
Lee then turned back to face the check in deck.
As Lee walked up to the check in desk, he saw that a human man was standing behind the desk. He was dress in a hotel uniform. And Lee guessed he was the clerk.
While Lee silently stood in front check in desk, the man looked at Lee, from across the counter. The clerk politely requested, in english, “May I please see your identicard?”
Lee thought, 'It figures that they would ask for is ID. I doubt, given their T&A, along with their gold, that whatever hotel that Rock and Revy picked for the girls, will not only be nice, but they will not ask for identification, and take gold as payment. Still, this is a small matter for myself.'
Lee said, “Sure. Just a moment.”
Lee set down his suitcase, onto the tiled floor, as he pulled out his identicard.
Lee handed it to the man, whom scanned it into his computer, and then returned the card back to Lee.
Lee pocketed his identicard.
Meanwhile, the clerk looked at his computer monitor, that was beside the front desk, on lower, secondary shelf.
The clerk looked up from his computer monitor, and towards Lee. He said, “Greetings, Mister Gray. I am Jim.”
Lee looked into Jim's eyes, as he responded, “Hello Jim.”
Jim inquired, “So, what can I do for you, today?”
Lee answered, “I am looking for a one bedroom suite, for one night. Nothing special. Just a place to sleep, and get cleaned up. How much would that be?”
Jim stated, “That will be fifty credits.”
Lee thought, 'I believe I still have two hundred credits on my credit chit. So, fifty credits as payment should do be fine. But, I probably need to see if I can find a temporary job for the night. To make a few extra credits. And I know just the job that I would like to do, while here.'
Lee said, “That will be fine. I will be checking into hotel, then. By the way, are there any local bars looking a skilled piano player?”
Jim answered, “Now, that you mention it. Yes. I do know of one. But, you are going to have to prove yourself to him.”
Lee responded, “That will not be a problem. So, how do I get there? And who do I speak to, when I get there.”
Jim explained, “Walk outside the front entrance, here. Take a left. Walked three blocks. Then, take a right. You will see a sign that says, The Deco. Don't let the fact the bar is on the edge of the dome fool you. It is a very upscale bar, with classic american blues, and other forms of relaxing styles of music from the era of the early to mid-twentieth century. And while you have the suit for it, I suggest you get a shave before you head over there.”
Lee didn't bother to check the stubble on his face, as he stated, “I agree. I plan to do so, right after I get to my room.” He mentally added, 'Along with a shower.'
Jim responded, “Good. Anyway, while this early in the day, they are not yet open for customers, the front door should be unlocked. So, you can walk inside and talk to the management and staff about a gig. When you walked inside, ask for the owner and manger, Ryan. And tell Ryan, that Jim sent you.”
Lee said, “Thank you, Jim.”
Jim inquired, “No problem. Now, to handle the paperwork and payment in getting you are suite. Is there any particular floor that you would care for?”
Lee answered, “No.”
Jim smiled, as he said, “Good. It makes my job easier. I think I will put you on the second floor.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.”
A few minutes later, Lee used his credit chit to pay for the night, and he did some moderate paperwork. Which he mostly lied about. He received his key card for his hotel suite, as he check in for the night.
Fortunately, with the identicard and credit chit, Lee only needed to sign his signature to a liability contract for his suite, while he was staying in it.
That was fine with Lee.
A couple of minutes later, after taking a modern looking elevator up to the second floor, Lee soon made it to his suite.
After he used the key card in his left hand to open the door, he stepped into the dark room.
After pocketing his key card, he used the light from the hallway, to find the ceiling lights switch on the inside of the door.
A second later, he found the switch, and turned on the ceiling lights.
He walked further into the bedroom of suite, as he gently shut the door behind him. The door automatically locked as it closed.
While Lee looked around, in both the bedroom, and both room areas, he saw that his suite was much like his hotel suite at the Devil's Hotel. Only the TV and furniture style was just a touch more futuristic.
Though, the furniture was reversed. With the bed, and bathroom entrance, to his right side, and the chest of drawers to his left side. And the door swung to the left instead of the right.
Lee then walked over to his bed, and set his suitcase on top of it. Lee then sat beside his suitcase, on his bed.
Lee mentally reflected, 'Well, I made to Mars... Now what?... Besides checking out that job, at the Deco, and avoiding the girls, I have no plans while I am here. Yet, I always wanted to come to Mars.'
'It is like the old Total Recall joke. I came to Mars as myself. And I don't know what to do with myself.'
'I can now go anywhere, and any time, in the multiverse, and I don't have a clue of where I would really like to go, once I get there.'
'Still, if I stay here long enough, I am going to stir up the wrong kind of trouble.'
'Oh well. If I get the job. I will ask my new coworkers where some of decent places to visit are. I will visit them and move on. Now, that is a plan. All I have to do, is get ready and head to Deco bar, to see if I can get a job for a night, or two.'
Lee used his right hand to rubbed the stubble on his face, as he continued his thought, 'Though, Jim is right. I do need a shave. And I also need a shower. Though, except for the t-shirt, underwear, and socks, my black suit is pretty much clean. I make sure not to get food, nor drink on it, while traveling, and I have not sweated much in the last two days. A shower and some deodorant will take care of the rest.'
'I really do not want to pull out my gray suit, because the girls have seen it. They have not seen my black suit. That is probably why Rock and Revy did not recognize me near the spaceport.'
'Now, to get ready. And I need to keep in mind to remember to put back on my ring necklace, and wrist watch, when I get dressed.'
Lee turned to his side, to face the suitcase.
He turned the suitcase around to face him. Next, he opened the case, to get the items he needed. Such as a razor, and a comb. He then closed and latched his suitcase.
He then got up, and took the items he pulled out to the bathroom.
When he reached the bathroom, he turned on the light in it, and set the items on the sink.
He leaned down, untied his black shoes, and pulled his feet out of his shoes.
Next, Lee gently took off his clothing, and other items, one piece at a time.
He then set each piece of clothing, on the bed, so the clothing would not wrinkle.
When he was in his t-shirt, underwear, and socks, headed his bathroom, and shut the door behind himself.
Half an hour later, Lee finished shaving, and showering, among other things.
As he combed his hair, he noticed that his roots were not yet showing. And his hair still looked black from the dye job he had paid for.
After he dried off, he went to his suitcase, and pulled out a fresh white t-shirt, underwear, and socks. After he had the items he needed, he closed and latched the suitcase back up.
He put his dirty clothing in a small pile, a corner of the room, by his bed.
He then put back on his ring necklace, which he had set on the bed, by his suitcase and wrist watch. Next, he dressed himself back in his fresh t-shirt, underwear, and socks. With those items on, he put on his black suit, and red tie. When he finished putting on his suit, he leaned down, put his black dress shoes on, tied them up.
After leaning back up, he put on his digital watch. He then check himself in the bedroom mirror. Once he was finished, and he felt he looked alright. He walked over to one of the cushioned armchairs, by his bed.
He sat in the chair, as he just enjoyed the silence, while he let himself relax a little.
About fifteen minutes later, Lee thought, 'I might as well get this ball rolling.'
Lee got up, and he checked his pockets to make sure none of the items that had been in his suit had fallen out onto the floor.
Lee soon accounted for his reality device, decks of cards, lighter, identifcard, and credit chit. Among other items. He also found his ticket, which he threw away in the trash can in the hotel bedroom.
He then went to his bed and put on his sunglasses and black fedora hat.
As he headed for the hallway door to his suite, he left his suitcase closed, and on top of the bed.
He then turned off the lights to both the bathroom, and the bedroom, as he turned the latch on the door, and opened it.
Finally, he entered the hallway, while shutting the door behind him.
Lee headed to elevator.
Once he made it down to the bottom floor, and the lobby, he soon exit the hotel, and headed for the Deco bar.
About thirty minutes later, Lee made it to the Deco bar.
The sign in front simply said, Deco.
As Lee looked at the outside exterior of the building. The building had a nineteen twenties, art deco motif.
Lee thought, 'Interesting choice of design. I wonder what the place looks like on the inside?'
Lee then walked up to the black glass door, and pulled on it. He found that it was unlocked. He open the door and entered the bar.
As Lee walked into the bar, he gently closed the door behind him.
While he looked around, he found the art deco motif continued inside, along with some blues music and singing, being performed on the stage in back.
The volume of the music on the speakers in the bar was noticeable, but not loud.
The color setting of the room and furniture were black and white. The floor was checker board pattern of large black and white tiles. The walls were white. The high ceiling was black.
There were also black ceiling fans hanging from the ceiling, while still several feet higher than the patrons' heads. The fans had chandelier, blub lights attached to the bottom, below the fans.
The bar room itself was a long rectangular room.
To Lee right side was a long, black bar counter, with black wooden stools placed along the outside side of the counter. There were shelves of alcoholic bottles lining the wall behind the bar counter. The bar counter ran up about six feet from the stage in back. To the left of the front three quarters of the bar counter was tables, of various sizes, in a staggered pattern.
There were chairs set around the tables. The number of chairs around each table, depended on the size of each table.
Behind the tables, was a dance area. Behind the dance area was a black wooden stage, which red curtains currently drawn back to the sides of the stage. The stage floor was a gentle crescent curve shape, with the apex of the curve, coming closest to the audience, was the middle of the stage.
To Lee left side, across from the bar, he saw two doors, with signs that shows that one door lead to the men's restroom, and the other door lead to the women's restroom.
Lee thought, with mild astonishment, 'This is a real stylish place.'
Lee also saw a handful of people in the room. All of them were human.
There was the bartender, behind the bar counter. The bartender was a human man whom appeared to be in his mid-thirties.
And on stage was the band, and singer.
The band were located on side of the stage to Lee's left. They were sitting down, in a group, playing their instruments. The band itself was composed with five men in their twenties. They were sitting with three in one row, and two in front of the three person row.
In the back row, there was a trombone player, saxophone player, and a guitar player. In the front row was a trumpet player, and a clarinet player.
The singer was a woman in her twenties, in the front center of the stage. She had a small ear piece over her right ear, that was likely her microphone. She swayed as she sang the song.
All the band members, and singer were in their casual clothing, of pants and shirts.
Lee thought, 'Their performance was on key and enjoyable to listen to. This is good.'
Lee then noticed, on the right side of the stage, a wooden, black varnished piano and bench, that were facing away from the audience. And there was no one playing at it.
Lee mentally wondered, 'Maybe the last piano player did not like not facing the audience. Well, let's get this over with.'
Lee then walked to the bar counter, where the bartender was standing behind counter.
As Lee approached the bar counter, the bartender noticed him. He said, to Lee, in english, “I am sorry, sir. But, we are close right now.”
Lee came to a stop in front of the counter, across from the bartender. He looked at the man, as he calmly said, “I know. Jim sent me to see Ryan about a possible piano playing job.”
The bartender said, “Really? Well, we do need a piano player, and we have yet to find one that can they style of music that we prefer.”
Lee honestly stated, “I spend years learning to perform music, such as jazz and blues.”
The bartender commented, “Well, the owner does not hire just anyone.”
Lee responded, “All I am asking for is an audition. If you boss don't like my performance, I will just move on, and find another place to perform.”
The bartender inquired, “You sound like you have experience performing for an audience?”
Lee coyly replied, “You could say, that at one point, I was the life of the party, where I came from.”
The bartender shrugged, as he said, “Alright. I will go get the owner. I should only take a minute, or two, to find him, and get him to come out here.”
Lee remained silent, as he watched as the bartender casually walk towards the back of the bar. Lee then noticed the bartender open a white door, beside the stage, at a ninety degree angle from the stage, a few feet from where the bar counter end.
Lee thought, 'That must be the door to the backstage. Now, to just patiently wait for the owner to show up. At least I can enjoy the good music while, I wait.'
A minute later, Lee watched as a human man in his forties exit the backstage door, and walk towards him, with the bartender right behind him.
The bartender turned to walked behind the bar counter, towards Lee, while owner walked along the outside end of the bar counter.
As both men can to a stop near Lee, the bartender stated, “This is the man who said that Jim sent him here.”
The owner looked at Lee, as he casually asked, in english, “What is you name, sir?”
Lee let his southern accent slip through, as he, calmly answered, “Ello Gray, sir.”
The owner stated, “You can call me, Ryan.”
Lee said, “It is nice to meet you, Ryan.”
Ryan asked, “So. Tell me what you can do?”
Lee answered, “I know a number of classic blues and jazz music pieces. And I can read sheet music.”
Ryan inquired, “That is a start. Now, how long do you want to work here?”
Lee said, “A night, or two. That will give both, you time to find a more permanent replacement, and for me to a little traveling money.”
Ryan replied, “I can tell by your accent that you are not from here.”
Lee said, “You are correct. Just passing through. I am from the Deep South. Dixie. The southeastern part of what was once the United States. Though, I would like to keep that on the down low while on Mars. Not many people her like those from Earth, right now.” He mentally reflected, 'Plus, if the girls hear that a piano player from the Deep South, it will pretty blow my cover.'
Ryan thought, 'That is region where blues and jazz was invented.' He said, “That is understandable. Alright. I will give you a shot. Let's see if you can impress me.”
Lee cracked a grin, as he replied, “With pleasure. So, what is the band's name.”
Ryan answered, “The Martian Blues.”
It took much of Lee's control to maintain a straight face, as he stated, “That is a fine name. Though, let's wait for them to finish their rehearses, before you see what I can do.”
Ryan complimented, “I admire a patient man. They started an hour ago. From the song they are playing, I would say they would be about ready to break in about ten minutes.”
Lee said, “Good. That will give me time to get a feel for the band and singer.”
Ryan thought, 'That is the right attitude to have.'
Both men turned towards the stage, as they listened to the music the band was playing.
Meanwhile, the bartender, turned back to doing his work behind the bar counter.
Close to ten minutes later later, the band and singer finished their song, until they would take their break.
As the music concluded, Ryan started walking over to the stage, with Lee right behind him.
When they came to a stop, with Lee standing to Ryan's right side, in front of the stage.
Ryan looked up at the Martian Blue band, as he stated, “The man beside me is here is to audition for role of the pianist.”
Lee looked a the band, and singer, as he said, in a polite tone of voice, “I do not mean to intrude on your performance. And all of you did a good job with your performance.”
Lee could see the all the band members cracking a smile, as the young beautiful human woman, whom was singer, kindly said, in english, “No problem. And thank you. Also, I want to see what you can do.”
Lee turned to Ryan. He saw Ryan looked back at him.
Ryan said, “Go ahead.”
Lee looked around the stage, and he saw no steps. He then looked over at Ryan, as he commented, “I take it the way to get on stage, is from the back?”
Ryan answered, “Yes. To into the side door by the bar, immediately take a left, you will see some step. Right after the steps, to your left is the door to the stage.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.”
Lee then walked over to the door, by the bar counter, he turned the knob. He opened it, and walked through, with him gently closing the door behind him.
A few seconds later, the others then watch as Lee entered the stage, from the door on the right wall, on the back of the stage.
Next, Lee walked around the piano, to the piano bench.
A few seconds later, he sat down on the bench, as he faced the piano keys.
While Lee faced the piano keys, his back was to turned to the room, as he faced the wall on the back of the stage.
Lee turned to his left, to look at Ryan, whom was standing on the floor, in front of the stage. He casually stated, “I know a number of pieces of music. And as I said, I can read sheet music. That being said, let me show you some soul.”
Lee looked over to his left, on the stage, where the band was seated, and the singer was standing. He commented, “If you know the song, please join in. Also, keep in mind, I did not come here to be the singer, but you cannot show some soul without some song.”
Lee then turned back to the piano keys, and he began playing a song from heart, without missing a key.
The band members, knowing their craft, and classic music, immediately recognized the song, as they all joined in, with their instruments, without missing a beat.
After a few more beats, Lee started singing, on key, the first lyrics to the song, 'Rockin Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flu', which best known to be song by Johnny Rivers.
Ryan silently watched the performance. He noted the piano player also sung very well, and on key. He then looked around and saw that both his singer, and the bartender were swaying with the song.
Ryan turned to Lee, as he smiled.
Just over three and a half minutes later, Lee reached the end of the song.
Lee then turned back to face Ryan. Lee cracked a grin, as he inquired, “So?... What do you think?”
Ryan thought, 'The look. The accent. The skill. He is like a classic twentieth century jazz and blues musician, who just time traveled, and walked right into my bar. And his performance with the band shows that he has chemistry with them.'
Ryan stated, “You're hired. I just need to see you identicard.”
Lee said, “That will not be a problem. And thank you.”
Ryan replied, “You are welcome. I will meet you in back. Then, you can follow me to my office.”
Lee then walked to the back stage door, as Ryan entered the backstage, by the door, near the bar counter.
Lee then met Ryan in back, and he followed Ryan to Ryan's office.
After they sorted out their paperwork, which including them agreeing that Lee would be paid between a hundred and fifty credits, to two hundred and fifty credits, per nightly performance. Depending on how well his performance was. Lee agreed to that.
Lee then returned to the stage, to rehearse with the band and singer. So, he could learn their set, and what songs they would play.
Which, Lee found he either knew by heart, or the sheet music they provided was easy enough he could play his part of the songs without a problem.
And so, Lee began to prepare for his job, as a blues and jazz pianist, for the coming evening, in the Deco.
To be continued.
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Well that's a close call.
Good story so far
Taking time to Sing
Timing is everything. Had Lee gotten to Babylon Five earlier, he might have been questioned about just showing up in the hallway and lack of identification, but that is the way he planned it. I'm curious why Lee didn't use the same trick that Bob did when he was being chased around the multiverse, going to Star Trek space station around the Wormhole to mask tracking devices. This chapter was also well done, as all have been so far, but much more interesting. Taking a three-day ride with Balalaika and B was kind of a jolt of adrenalin that he probably could have gone without. But the day on Mars started out well and he got the job singing and playing in the jazz bar. I am interested in finding out what happens next. Thanks again.