Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 1: Chapter 08

Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”

Volume 1: “De La Plata Podrido.”

Chapter 08: “Day of the Dead: Part Four: Party Until The End.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


Lee's home reality, Earth, Mexico, De La Plata Podrido. During November second, the Day of the Dead.

Over the years of time loops, Lee watched a lot of sunrises on the beach, and sunsets over the land. He even painted a few of them, after he learned how to draw.

Lee had learned that sometimes, the small things can make life worth living.

During this time, Lee became a person of many talents. He even learned how to read lips. Though, it was only for reading the lips of those speaking english.

But, that did not mean that Lee didn't have fun, now and again. And harmless fun at that.

One time, Lee piped into the speakers of the Devil's Hotel front lobby, some wonderful music that he was sure no one there, let alone Revy and Rock's crew, had likely ever heard of, nor listen to.

And for that day, the front lobby speakers played some of Lee's favorite musical tracks by the group know as, Two Steps From Hell. And it seems that most of the people that listened to those music pieces, enjoyed them.

In Lee's journey through the near endless loops, Lee strived to become a renaissance man.

Lee found that with his writing skills, he was also a natural poet. And he did write a few short stories, as well. Even though, the time loops erased his works.

Lee even became a skilled painter.

On two separate occasions, Lee had draw picture of groups of nude women. One time was Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru, in the nude, as women. The other time, was Shenhua, Sawyer, and Lotton, in the nude, as women.

Both sets of women were pleased with Lee's work, in both detail and the colors he used on his canvas.

Lee deeply regretted that he could not have save his works art, due to the resets.

And he did not have to pay the women for their time. All he did was in the morning of the time loop in questions, Lee went into the hotel restaurant, at breakfast, with a pencil and paper, on a clipboard.

Then, as the women sat at the table, he drew them. And before they left, he walked over to them, and showed them his skill. They were impressed with his work, and they asked for paintings to be done of them. And Lee was more than happy to oblige them.

Lee also became a skilled cook, and a fairly good caterer. And though he could not stomach mexican food, he did enjoy the taste of it, and a number of other types of food.

So, Lee timed it, where that he would eat mexican food, or other types of food he liked, but his stomach did not, at fifteen minutes before midnight, so that he could enjoy the meal, without having later stomach problems.

Also, Lee learned how to carve wood with a chainsaw, into wonderful sculptures. Lee learned this skill from Sawyer. Whom Lee was not surprised to find that the petite black haired woman was an artist with her chainsaw.

Lee found Sawyer was not only a wonderful singing and dance instructor, but she was a wonderful teacher to learn from in the art of the chainsaw. Though, they only chainsawed wooden objects.

Lee finally did find someone in town to teach him how to speak, read, and write, japanese.

Lee was tempted to con Melvin into teaching him how to speak and read russian, but considering how nice Melvin had been to him, Lee decided not to. And as such, Lee could not find anyone else he knew of that could teach him russian. But, that was minor problem.

Lee read almost every non-fiction book in the local library. And not just the english and spanish books. But, books in there that were of other languages.

Also, the local library had a music room, with a piano, and other instruments, which he knew how to play, allowing for Lee to practice his musical skills in private, when he wished to do so.

Lee even tried his hand at composing music. But, he found he lacked the talent for it. Which was okay with him. He was happy with being able to write and paint.

Lee learned some medical knowledge, from diseases, and basic surgery. His interest was started what he wanted to learn more about his cancer. And he did. And the treatments were not good. Still, from there, he learned some in that field. But, Lee never pretended to be a doctor, nor nurse. Nor, did he do attempt surgery on a living being. He did not want to risk intentionally harming someone.

And through his journey, Lee found a great way to blow off steam, he would take his pink Cadillac, with a full tank, at night, after ten PM, and drive high speed through the streets of town.

Lee was careful only to drive on the deserted streets of the city, at that time of night. And he never hit anyone once during those times.

Though, Lee did get into a few car chases with the police over those high speed burns, but they never caught him before midnight. And Lee found that he had become quite skilled in driving in car chases, at highspeed.

Lee would have taken the time to learn how to fly a helicopter and plane. But, he didn't anyone on the island with access to either a plane, or helicopter. Still, Lee did learn how to drive a motorcycle, and a semi-tractor trailer truck. Along with how to maintain and repair those vehicles.

In addition, Lee brushed up on his skills in general, concerning driving vehicles with manual transmissions.

Lee also learned how to drive, and maintain highspeed boats. He even took trips to Texas, and from there he found out the temporal resets effected the entire planet.

Somehow, finding that out, made Lee feel special. That except for Harvey. He was the only person he knew of on the planet that remember the time loops. But, he was careful to prevent that thought from going to his head.

Still, finding out the entire planet was effected by the time loops also gave Lee the opportunity to call his family and talk to them, without worrying that he would be traced back, nor having the years pass for his family, while Lee was stuck in the time loop.

Knowing that his family was okay, and unchanged due to the time loop put Lee's mind at ease towards his family.

And Lee got to talk to his family, with Lee enjoying hearing from them. Though, it was unfortunate that only he would remember their conversations.

Lee even found that he enjoyed performing in front of people.

For Lee, stage fright and shyness went out them window, when he realized that no one would remember his actions the next day.

When he felt like singing in front of people, Lee went to the hotel restaurant at lunch, and convinced Melvin to let him used the karaoke equipment to sing for everyone at lunch, on the stage in the room.

This was not hard. All Lee did was simply ask Melvin for permission to do so, and Melvin easily gave Lee permission to do so. At which point, Lee realized that asking permission was basically only being a formality to Lee, for performing on the restaurant stage.

Lee sang songs that worked for his masculine voice. He was partial to singing songs by Meatloaf, Elton John, and few songs by Nightwish. Though, he did sing other songs, depending on his mood.

Lee has become such a good singer, that depending on the song, and how well he sang said song, he got clapping from the crowd, to sometimes he even achieved standing ovations from those present in the restaurant.

And these acknowledgments of his skills helped Lee feel better, when he needed to something to boost his self-esteem.

As the years passed, while Lee was able to stave off full blown depression, he did sometimes feel melancholy. But, he found that by focusing on a slight interest, and or creating a humor situation, he was able to beat back his sadness.

It reached a point in the time loops, where during the morning of the time loops, Lee usually dressed in socks, underwear, white t-shirt, blue jeans, tennis shoes, black leather belt, his ring necklace, blue cloth jacket, and blue baseball cap.

The only difference was that he would be wearing his sunglasses, instead of his large glasses.

Then, after breakfast, he would leave the hotel, and head out in his car.

He then went to a couple of stores, where he bought a plain, light brown, sombrero, and a guitar.

Next, Lee went to the festival. He look off his baseball cap and cloth jacket in his car. He then put on the sombrero.

Fortunately, even though it was cool outside, as long as Lee walked around, even with the sea breeze, it was warm enough to walk around without a jacket.

Lee then just walked around the festival a few hours, playing relaxing pieces of music, with his guitar.

The one piece of music, which he found humorous, but was fun to play and made him, along with those around him, feel more comfortable was a piece of music from the Black Lagoon sound track. The piece of music was El Sol se Recuesta. Which translated to, Lay Down in the Sun, and the track was Roberta's Theme, from the Black Lagoon anime.

Lee could play that piece of music, while walking around, without missing a note. Lee also found that, El Sol se Recuesta, was the perfect piece of music to work through one's melancholy.

And not once did anyone call him on playing that tune.

As Lee played the El Sol se Recuesta, he passed by a family of five. A man, a younger woman, and three young children.

The hispanic man looked to be in his forties. He had a well groom black beard, with a full hard of hair, that was trimmed short. He wore sunglasses over his eyes.

The woman looked to be around fifteen years younger than her husband, and she appeared to be in her early thirties. She had fair skin, long blond hair, with brown eyes.

Their the young children looked to be a mix of their parents appearances.

Something in the back of Lee's head told them that they look familiar, but since they paying him no mind, he returned the favor.


After the Pena family passed by man with guitar, wearing a simple, sombrero hat, it took a few seconds for Hernan to recognize the tone the man was playing.

Hernan stopped in his tracks, and a second later, so did his family.

Hernan looked at the man with the guitar, whom has back turned to him. He though, 'Nah. He could not be playing that. Then, again.... With those women here...'

Hernan's wife, Maria noticed that her husband was looking behind them, at the man playing the guitar. She inquired, in spanish, “What is it, honey?”

Hernan heard his wife, as he thought, 'It is best that I leave this be. Nothing good can come of me, nor my family, by getting involved in such madness.' He then looked over, to his wife, as he replied, in spanish, “Nothing dear.”

Maria commented, “Still, that piece of music that man is playing is very relaxing.”

Hernan said, “Yes. It is a very relaxing piece music.” He mentally added, 'That is very paradoxical to whom the piece of music is a theme for. Best to get Maria to drop the subject.' He then suggested, “Though, perhaps it is best we leave that man be.”

Maria responded, “I agree. If we disturb him, he might quit playing such a lovely tone, for everyone to hear.”

Hernan replied, “Of course.”

Maria stated, “Good. Now, let us continue our fun for today.”

Hernan happily said, “I fully agree, my rebel flower. My Maria Flores.”

Maria giggled, as she and her husband, Hernan, directed their three children towards some of the booths of the festival.

The Pena family then went back to having fun at the festival.


A few months later of time loops, it was evening, as Lee finally worked up the nerve to start searching the rooms of Revy and Rock's group.

Currently, Lee was using his lock picking tools, he had bought earlier that day, to get into the suite, next to his. The suite belonging to Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru.

Lee was kneeling down, at the lock, while he work on it.

While Lee picked the lock, he thought, 'When these time loops end, I will have to get a set of these tools for person. And I have to thank Ranma for teaching me how to pick a lock.'

'Also, it is only fitting, that since Ranma taught me this usual skill set, that I break into her suite next. And since I know where everyone is, I do not have to worry about them walking in one me. That and the face that their suite is right next to my. To the right of the door to my suite.'

'So, if some sees me standing in the hallway. As long as I don't have my lock picking tools out, they will think I am just heading to my own suite. And think nothing else on the matter. This made their room the perfect test case for me breaking into the suites of those after me.'

'And after I am done with Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru's suite, I will break into another one of the girl's suites, on the next time loop.'

'On that matter, I think I will break into Revy and Rock's suite, last. I will go through the other suites of their members, first.'

Lee then felt the lock release, and he let go of the backwards tension on the lock, with his tools.

Lee thought, 'There. I am so happy this hotel uses older locks.'

As Lee stood up, he pocketed his tools, and he then opened the door, and walked inside.

Lee turned on the light, as he thought, 'I need to be subtle, but quick, in my search.'

Lee shut the door behind him, as he looked at the state of the room.

He then saw the bedroom was a mess.

As he stepped carefully through the mess, he thought, 'I guess some traits don't improve with a change of gender. But, then again, I know Revy, and a few of the others born as women, are just as messy as these three are. So, having a messy room, is kind of a gender neutral issue. And if this is their bedroom, I am not stepping into their bathroom.'

'Also, while it is tempting to look for their reality device, I know that a reality device is not going to work in this time loop.'

'I already lucked out in finding one in a previous loop. But, when I used it, I just had a reset the time loop, back to me in my bedroom at five AM, this morning.'

'Besides, I know they keep their reality devices on their person. So, searching for one of those devices here, is useless. But, I am sure this room, belonging to those adventurers, has other interesting items to look at, to help me deal with my boredom.'

'Still, when I am done, I will leave this room as I found it. Minus the item, or two, I take back to my own room.'

Lee then searched the room. He found three groups of items of note. The first two were not interesting to Lee.

Those items were Ranma's magical golden bracers, and a few sex toys the trio had.

But, the third item interested Lee greatly It was the book that Lee has wrote about Natsuru writing about. It was Natsuru's book on gender bending. It was titled, “The Gender Bender's Guide to Relationships And Life. By Natsuru Senou.”

Lee immediately picked up the book, and found that it was the english version of the book

Lee paged through it, and found the binder was wore.

Lee though, 'I just as I thought, this book was probably lent to most of their group here. And given most of their group here doesn't know japanese, they would bring the english version of their book. This just means that the book will be more easier for me to read.'

'I don't think they will miss the book for a few hours. And I always wondered what was in it. Now, I am about to find out. Still, I need to cover my tracks, and get out of here. I don't think they show up here for another hour. But, I don't want to take any chances.'

Lee swiftly, for lack of a better term, clean up after himself, and left their suite, for his suite, next door.

Lee turned off the room light, then closed his neighbors' suite door behind him.

Next, he quickly walked over to his door, which was only a few feet away. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door to his suite. He then walked inside, shutting and locking the door behind him.

Lee walked in the dark, to his bed, and turned on the lamp light on the nightstand, by his bed.

Lee then walked over to the table in the room, and sat in one of the chairs at the table.

He sat the book on the table, and opened it to the first page.

While, looking down at the book, Lee thought, 'When I wrote my stories, I created this book, in passing. I only simply mentioned the book was created. I did not give details. But, that was enough to create this book in full. And now I get to read it.'

Lee then started reading the gender bending guide.

It took Lee three hours to completely read the title, 'The Gender Bender's Guide to Relationships And Life. By Natsuru Senou'.

As Lee read the book, he found the guide was a well made book, along with being a fascinating, and fantastic, read, on several levels.

The content itself was very clean, but dealt with almost all the issues of gender bending, one could think of. The guide answered questions from both male, and female, perspectives.

Among other things, the book was filled with information, text, diagrams, pictures, and source references, on the subject of gender bending.

The first part explained the difference between gender benders, intersex people, transgendered, and transsexuals.

The male anatomy and the female anatomy. And what the basic differences are. What hat one person from one gender should expect in the other gender, after they change.

The next section dealt with tips on how to help a person that just gained gender bending abilities can deal with the change.

Such as finding out what type of gender bender the person is. What their triggers are. What they should expect now that they can change. Being forewarned of the hazards in finding a cure to one's condition.

Tips on how to hide one's gender bending abilities from others.

How an inexperienced gender bender should be careful on how much time should be spent in their new gender. And the dangers of their gender bending being made public.

What personality traits will likely change, given person will be able to play both sides of the gender fence.

Tips on how the person can tell friends, family, and perspective partners, that that he or she is a gender bender. And when to tell.

There was even a section on how to handle the situation, if the change happens in the middle of a romantic situation. In such a case, the gender bending change happens out of the blue, with no expectation for it, the person should immediately tell their partner what happened, instead of hide it. Especially, if the change was not by their choice.

There was a section on situations of the gender bending ability being inherited, but dormant in childhood, or dormant for the most part. And how a parent should approach a child on the issue.

There was another section on how to help a child that is born with gender bending abilities.

The book even dealt with a gender bender's biological needs and care.

How to deal if the gender change also effects age, size, or radical differences of appearance between gender forms.

What can be done if the gender change becomes painful. Or, if the change became too pleasurable.

Options for locking one's gender in either gender form.

Sensitive parts of the male anatomy, and sedative parts of the female anatomy.

How to sit as a man, and other tricks to avoid harming male genitalia when moving around.

How to measure one's breasts and chest for a bra in their female form. How to put on, and take off a bra. For both the wearer, and someone helping the wearer.

Basic information on clothing, clothing styles, and clothing terms, for both genders.

How to prevent harming one's female breasts.

Proper hygiene for both genders.

How to pee as a male for the first time. Basic hygiene for men.

How to pee as a female for the first time. Basic hygiene for women.

How breast implants, and other implants, do not disappeared when changing from female to male, and the surgical options, and time for recovery, in getting them removed.

How breast reduction surgery on female breasts do not effect the male chest. Along, with the surgical options, and time for recovery, for such surgeries.

How to prevent, avoid, tell, and if need be, treat infections concerning female genitalia.

That was even a notation on the dangers of male circumcision on the equivalent female genitalia, and in general. And what the surgical options were for repair of the genitalia, in both genders. And how that repair effects the equivalent genitalia in the other gender form.

There was a note that transsexuals, whom had already had sexual reassignment surgery, in either gender, and how they will likely, with a magical gender bending change, have a full set of reproductive organs, and genitalia, of the gender they were trying to become beforehand.

The next part of that section of the book dealt with how to tell if the gender bender has to worry about female monthly menstrual periods.

And if so, what to expect, and how to deal with a monthly period for the first time. Including, diagrams and descriptions of a woman's month hormonal cycle. With what emotional and physical changes to expect during each part of their monthly cycle. And how a gender benders change between female to male, and back to female, can effect the timing of their month cycles.

The same section of the book also gave detail explanations on how to mentally, and physically, handle pregnancy, birth, and motherhood from someone that was originally born male.

There were notes on dealing with a pregnant partner, while being the father.

Also, how to deal with, and what to expect, if both the person and their partner get pregnant at the same time.

The next section of the book dealt with sex.

Masturbation as a female, and masturbation as a male.

What not to do, and what will cause harm, in the person's sexual experimentation in dealing with their body.

How to achieve an orgasm in either gender.

What to expect with sexual intercourse.

What level of pain to expect in having a hymen broken.

The dangers of sexual transmitted diseases, knowledge and use of birth control. Included, was a note that birth control pills do not work for gender benders, and it is unwise to use a diaphragm, and creams inside the vaginal cavity, due to the risk that the diaphragm may became stuck in the body, if there is a sudden change. And the risk of having the chemicals suddenly dump into the bloodstream, due to a sudden change.

The section noted that the safest birth control for a gender bender was a condom. Because if the change was from male to female, the condom would fall off. And the change was from female to male, the condom would be pushed out with the penis.

The section also noted the dangers of sexual intercourse, from both a male, and a female perspective, if the partner change gender during sex.

This including a list of dangers in using bondage equipment for a gender bender.

The next part was the section concerning sex for gender benders, and dealing with sexual positions between partners, whom could change gender.

There were pictures and descriptions of sexual positions for every gender combination. From male and female, female and female, male and male. And even a number pages on gender benders have more than one partner. Suggestions on how roles could be determined. And what positions that all those involved might enjoy trying.

There was section on what intersex people can expect went using these temporary gender bending options. With a note that the best options for the intersexed are the magical products that will either specifically change the person to female, or male.

The last section of the book deal with temporary gender bending options for the gender bender's partner, or partners, and how to help these parnters enjoy their temporary change.

On the final page of the book was a list of aliases by those that helped Natsuru create the book.

While the names were aliases, from the alias names, and his own knowledge of Natsuru's friends, Lee could guess who the aliases were of.

As Lee closed the book, he thought, 'This is a book that I will remember for a very long time. Or, at least as long as I live. And I got to give Natsuru credit for having the courage to put her real name on her book. I did not mention that in my story. And that was her choice. Now, I think I will look into Aeryn and Violin's room tomorrow night.'


During the evening of the next loop, Lee broke into Aeryn and Violin's room. The room was nice and neat.

Of the things Lee found there, was a small version of a pulse rifle in the bottom drawer, of the chest of drawers, in their bedroom. There were also some sex toys. A family photo album, that Lee did not open, out of, paradoxically, his respect for their privacy.

For Lee, searching the room was fine, but he was not going to dig into their personal history. And there was nothing else of note in their room.


The next evening, Lee broke into Shenhua, Sawyer, and Lotton's suite.

Lee was honestly shocked at how mundane the room that Shenhua, Sawyer, and Lotton shared, was. There was no bondage equipment. No sex toys. No weird magazines, nor strange items. And minimum lingerie.

There was nothing of note in their room, that would draw his interest, except for six items. A box of ammo, for what Lee guessed was for Lotton's pistols, Sawyer's chainsaw, a tool kit for what Lee guessed was for Sawyer's chainsaw, a gun cleaning kit for Lotton's pistols, and a knife polishing kit, including a sharpening stone, for Shenhua's knives.

After Lee finished searching their room, Lee wondered if, as paradoxical as it could be, considering what Lee had seen in the Black Lagoon series, and what he wrote, that Shenhua, Sawyer, and Lotton might be the most sane members of Rock and Revy's group.

To that end, Lee wondered if there was a concept of, being in the closet to hide one's sanity.

Before Lee left the suite, Lee quickly cleaned up and put everything back the way it was before he entered the room. He then swiftly made his way out of the suite, while gently shutting the hallway door behind him. Next, he headed fro the elevator bays, so he could go back to his bedroom, to get some sleep.


During the next few time loops, Lee was careful in searching the four rooms the eight teenage girls shared. And it took him four time loops to do so. But, he was not caught, in any of those loops.

The only things of interest that Lee found in the four rooms that the teenagers shared, Lee could not mention in polite company.


Then, came the night of the time loops, when Lee broken into Rock and Revy's room.

After Lee used his lock picking tools to unlock the door. He opened the door, and walked into the bedroom of Rock and Revy's suite. He turned on the light, locked and closed the door behind him.

Lee saw that the room was very clean, and tidy.

Lee thought, “I guess Rock's cleanliness overruled Revy's messiness. Now, to search the room.'

As Lee searched the room, the only things of note in the room he had found, so far, were some sex toys, along with boxes of ammo, and a gun cleaning kit, for Revy's pistols.

Lee looked over at the laptop computer on their table, as he thought, 'It seems that all of the group has are laptop computers. I have seen a few of them in their room. And it makes sense for those that are traveling light. Though, not as light as me.'

Lee then turned to the bottom chest of drawers, which he had not yet opened. He thought, 'Now, what is in this drawer?'

Lee bent down, and pulled it open. What he saw in the drawer made him think, 'Jackpot.'

In the bottom drawer, beside the large box of condoms, were two separate piles of small packets.

One pile had dozens of packets, the other, smaller, pile had only five packets.

Lee immediately recognized them. The packets were from Jusenkyo.

Lee read the chinese on the packets.

The large pile were packets of instant spring of drown man. The small pile of packets were instant spring of drowned girl.

Lee thought, 'Okay. I can understand them have dozens of packets of the spring of drowned man. Revy and Rock have a very active sex life. But, I don't know why they would have a few packets of spring of drowned girl... Unless, Revy is planning to get an early start on her revenge against me. Should they catch me. Honestly, I don't want to know.'

'Still, this is too great an opportunity to pass up. And my curiosity is just killing me on the inside. Though, if I am going to get the most of of these instant girl packets, I need to steal them in the morning. Not at night. Fortunately, I know exactly when they leave for breakfast in the morning. I will just wait until then. And I will take all the instant girl packets, in case I want to change back and forth, between genders.'

Lee then closed the bottom drawer, cleaned up after himself, and left Revy and Rock's room the same way, as before he had entered it. With him closing the door behind him.

During the morning of the next time loop, Lee was in the lobby, until he watched Rock and Revy pass by. He then took the elevator to the floor their room was one, approached the door to their suite.

As Lee stood in front of Revy and Rock's suite, Lee pulled out the lock picking tools he had bought earlier that morning.

Within one minute, Lee had picked the lock, very quickly, opened the door, turned on the light, went to the bottom drawer, got the five packets of instant girl, stuffed the packets into the outside pockets his cloth jacket, closed the drawer, turned off the light, locked the door, and closed the door.

Lee then swiftly made it to the elevator bay, and used an elevator to make it back to the third floor.

A minute later, Lee was inside his own suite.

He switched on the top light of his bedroom, as he shut the door, and locked the deadbolt to the door, behind him.

Lee then walked over to the able, across the room. Next, he pulled out the five packets from the pocket he had them in, and he put them on the table, in his room.

Lee then picked up a single packet from the table, and he looked at it. He thought, 'So close, yet so far. I wrote about gender bending, but to actually experiment with it, in person, is a completely different concept. I need to know something about this. It might be an option, for another problem I have. But, there is one thing I need to do first.'

Lee set the packet down, and walked over to his phone, on his nightstand. He then dialed the check in desk.

After the other end of the line picked up, with the clerk answering, in spanish, “Good morning. This is the front desk. How may we be of help with you?”

Lee stated, in english, “Hello. Good morning. This is J.D. Lee. I will be dining in today with a female friend I plan to have over. So, if you get a call, or have the door answered by a woman, that will just be my friend, ordering for the both of us. Thank you for being so understanding.'

The clerk responded, in english, “We will keep that in mind, Mister Lee.”

Lee replied, “Thank you.” He then hung up the phone.

Lee swiftly stripped down down nothing, allowing his clothing to fall to the floor. When he took off his ring necklace, he set it on his bed.

He picked up one of the packets. And as he walked towards the bathroom, he picked up a coffee cup he had.

As he entered the bathroom, he turned on the light.

He then looked at his nude self in the mirror above the sink.

Next, he set the cup and the packet onto the bathroom sink.

Lee pulled out a towel, unfolded it, and laid it on the floor, in front of the sink.

Lee thought, 'I don't want to slip and fall.'

He then stood in front of the mirror, over the towel. He filled the cup with cold water, and opened the packet of instant spring of drowned girl. He put the powder into the cup of water, and discarded the empty packet in the trash can in the bathroom.

Lee held the cup in his right hand, as he looked at it.

Lee thought, 'Well, here it goes.' Lee then looked at the mirror of himself, as he poured the magical water over his head.

While Lee did not feeling anything, Lee watched an as his body changed from male to female.

As Lee looked at her female form, for several seconds, in silence, she was shocked at many of changed, besides the obvious ones.

First, she looked like her own much younger sister.

Her hair was black, both on the top of her head, and on the patch between her legs. The hair on her head as also a little longer. Also, she had deaged to around eighteen years of age. And most importantly of all, her body seemed much, much more healthier.

Her skin tone was more healthier. She did not look like a skeleton, as she was starting to in her male from. And she felt so much physically better, and more energetic.

Her face was much more feminine. She was also a little shorter in height, then in her male form, and her physical figure was slender. Her breasts were a respectable size, but not too large. Also, her muscle tone was incredible, and her figure was sexy. She had no body hair, the only hair she had was on her head, and on her groin.

As she looked at herself further in the mirror, she used her hands to touch her face first, as her first thoughts as a woman were mixed with bittersweet feelings, 'I am healthy. Really healthy... At least for the moment... Still, I can enjoy the moment...'

'I wonder why my hair is black, and is a little longer. That is probably because magic is involved. And the deaging is simple, this is instant spring of drowned girl. Not, spring of drowned woman. This could be a problem, if the main girl spring is like this, but more potent.'

'Still, once I get out of the time loop, and a reality device, I could use the real spring of drowned girl as an option for a cure to my cancer. Then, I would just have to find a way to lock myself in my female form. Which given there are options in doing so, would not a problem.'

'Now, about a more immediate problem. I still look to much like my male self. Given their experience with gender bending, if I walk of of this room, Revy, Rock, and the others, will know it is me, even with the gender change.'

'And they will ask questions, in very painful ways... And there is nowhere I can really safely change genders and clothing, outside the room, away from the hotel... I think I might look into that problem, later.'

'Though, I can have a lot of fun in this room. Given the time loops, there is no rush. Also, I wonder about something else. Fortunately, I am not that wet on my head, and shoulders, and it won't take me long to dry.'

Lee then grabbed another nearby towel, and dried herself. She then walked out of the bathroom, as she headed over to her bed.

When Lee reached her bed, she held picked up the ring. Next, she swiftly broke the string, and took the string off her small ring.

She then head the ring in her left index and left thumb, by outside itself sides, as she looked the interior of the loop, and the chinese symbols on interior sides of the ring.

Lee thought, 'One of the symbols on the inside of this ring is, lock. I wonder if that means gender lock. If it does, then I might have just solved finding a way to lock this female form.

She then tried to slide the ring on her right fourth finger, but she found that the ring was too small, even for her pinky fingers.

Lee looked at the ring, as she thought, 'I guess this really is a child's ring.' She then set the ring on the table, near the other packets of instant spring of drowned girl.

Next, Lee walked over to her bed, and sat down, as she thought, 'Now, what am I going to do first?'

Her stomach then growled. She mentally reflected, 'Food it is.'

Lee then moved her position on her bed, over to the nightstand, where the phone was.

She picked up the phone, and dialed the front desk.

After the other end of the line picked up, she stated, in her female voice, in english, “This Mister Lee's suite. I would like to order some breakfast for my boyfriend, Lee, and myself.” She then gave her breakfast order, as she happily thought, 'Damn. This form has a nice, smooth, feminine voice. I like it.'

As she hung up the phone, she asked, out loud, in her new female voice, “Now, what to do, while I wait for breakfast?”

She then look down at her nude self.

She used her right hand to cup her left breast, as she used her left hand to reach down, to play with her genitalia between her, and inside her body.

Lee involuntarily giggled from the pleasant sensations she was feeling from her new female form.

Lee thought, with excitement, 'It looks like I am going to make good use of what I learned from Natsuru' book. Now, I just got to figure out how to get myself wet down there, so I can have some fun. I will probably have to break my new hymen to really get going. But, a small amount of pain is worth a whole lot of pleasure.'

Lee then began have some naughty fun.


Thirty minutes later, in the third floor hallway, the young, male bellhop, in his uniform, was pushing his cart up to the door, that belong to Mister Lee. The bellhop had been informed that Mister Lee spoke english, not spanish. And he was entertaining a lady friend. This was not the first time the bellhop had done this, in such situations.

As the bellhop reached the door to Mister Lee's suite, he overheard loud feminine moaning, and then a female scream. But, the bellhop had enough experience to know a scream could mean many things. Some of them being good.

The bellhop patiently waited several seconds, until the sounds quieted down. He then knocked on the door, as he stated, in english, “Room service.”

A few seconds later, a female voice loudly said, from the other side of the door, in english, “One minute, please.”

Half a minute later, the bellhop heard the deadbolt of the door in front of him being unlocked. Then, a young, attractive, black haired, fair skinned woman, answered the door. She wore an oversized shirt and pants, while barefoot. And she smelled of sex.

The bellhop looked down at the woman's chest, as he asked, “Where is Mister Lee?”

Lee notice where the bellhop was looking, as she thought, 'I honestly find it flattering that the first person I just met in this female form, is looking at my breasts, and he finds me attractive. Still, I need to come up with an excuse for my supposed absence. I will just keep it simple.'

She lied, “He went out to get some ice.”

The bellhop replied, “Okay.”

Lee opened the door all the way, and stepped to the side, as the bellhop walked into the room, while wheeling in a cart with a covered platter and a large glass of orange, cloth napkins, and utensils on top of it.

When the bellhop made it completely into the room, he reached over and removed the cover to the platter of breakfasts. He set the cover on a lower tier of the cart.

He asked, “Is this the meal you ordered?”

Lee looked over at the breakfast on the top of the cart.

She thought, 'This is exactly what I ordered.'

On top of the cart were three scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, toast, hash-browns, and a large glass of orange juice.

Lee looked over at the bellhop. She answered, “Yes. It is. And here is something for your trouble.” Lee then pulled out her male wallet, from her pants, and she pulled out a fifty dollar bill.

As she put away the wallet, with her right hand, she handed the fifty dollar bill to the bellhop, as a tip, with her left hand.

The bellhop gripped the fifty dollar bill. As he put it away in his pocket, he smiled. He looked Lee in her face, as he said, “Thank you, ma'ma. And let us know when you are finished, and we will come to pick up the cart and dishes.”

Lee looked the bellhop in his eyes, as she calmly said, “I will. Also, Mister Lee, and I, will be ordering lunch, dinner, and likely snacks, as well. But, we do value our privacy.”

He said, “I understand.” He then turned and walked out of the room, and into the hallway.

Lee then walked over. She then shut, and locked the deadbolt to her door to the hallway.

Next, Lee turned around and looked at the food on top of the cart.

She thought, 'Given my female body is much healthier, I can probably eat mexican food, and other types of spicy food, and not have an upset stomach, as a woman.'

Suddenly, Lee felt pressure coming from her bladder.

She thought, 'I got to take a piss. I guess it is a good time, as any, to find out what it is like to pee as a woman.'

She stripped back down to nothing, and went into the bathroom. A minute, and a half later, she exited the bathroom, just after washing and drying her hands.

She then are her breakfast.

After breakfast, she resumed her sexual experimentation, and other forms of fun, with her new, healthy, younger, female form.

Lee found that she did not tire easily, and that she enjoyed the benefits of having multiple female orgasms. And with the resets, Lee did not have to worry about anyone finding out what she was doing in the privacy of her own hotel suite.


Lee then spent the next solid week of time loops, breaking into Revy and Rock's suite in the morning, after they left for breakfast, and enjoyed the day, have find with her new female form, all the way until midnight, and the reset.

Lee also found out that in her female form, she could eat all the spicy food she liked, without a problem.

But, like all things, Lee eventually had to move on, and go about doing something else, to keep his, or her, interest in life, and in living.


After a few more loops, during a lunch, in the Devil's Hotel restaurant, Lee was on stage, with the karaoke machine, Lee was finishing singing an Elton John song. He did such a fine performance, that when he finished, the lunch crowd gave him a standing ovation.

In response, Lee took a bow, before the crowd.

Lee then put down the microphone, and walked off stage, down the steps on the open side of the stage, to the crowd's left.

When Lee reached the floor, he turned to his left and started walking towards the bar counter. He thought, 'Standing ovations never get old. And I think I could use a beer to celebrate.'

When Lee reached the bar counter, he sat down, and waiting for Melvin to come over, to take his order.

When Melvin stopped in front of him, across the bar counter, Lee casually ordered, “Just please get me a decent, cold bottle of beer to drink.”

After Melvin walk over and pulled a bottle of beer from a nearby cooler under the bar, he walked back over and set the bottle of beer by Lee.

As Lee opened up the beer bottle, and took a drink, Melvin commented, “You know you are pretty good.”

Lee set the bottle of beer on the counter. He smirked, as he said, “I am a man of many talents.”

Melvin inquired, “Where did you learn to sing like that?”

Lee replied, “You wouldn't believe me.”

Melvin responded, “Even so. How would you like to sing for a dance party tonight?”

Lee immediately tensed up, as he took a good hard look at Melvin. As second later, he forced himself to relax, as he thought, 'This is the first time, in any time loop, that Melvin has asked me to sing for the dance party that happens later tonight, in this room.'

'Though, I long since learned that Melvin was the person put in charge of catering the dance party.'

'I even got the chance to go to the party, a few times. By asking out a few single women, in town, whom felt like going. But, just dancing the night away with someone you are not interested in gets old. Though, I seem to have come to enjoy performing, and I have yet to perform during a dance. So...'

Lee stated, “Sure. Why not? So, you are the guy in charge of the party tonight?”

Melvin said, “Yes. The manager put me in charge.”

Lee commented, “Interesting. Still, just to let you know. I am skilled at singing. But, I don't have the strength in my vocal cords to sing all night.” He thought, 'I tried to sing for four hours straight. And after those four hours, I soon lost my voice for the rest of the day of that time loop. Fortunately, like everything else, my voice returned to normal, after the reset.'

Melvin stated, “No problem. After you finish your set, you can join the party.”

Lee thought, 'Now, that is an incentive. I don't have to look for a date, and I can still enjoy the party. But, there is one matter, if I am going to sing for an official event.'

Lee commented, “Thanks. Still, I don't think that a karaoke machine is going to cut it.”

Melvin agreed, “Neither do I. We were just going to play recorded music for the dance. But, with your singing skills, I am rethinking that.”

Lee said, “I appreciate that.”

Melvin asked, “Can you play instruments, as well?”

Lee cracked a grin, as he answered, “Yea. I can play the piano, guitar, saxophone, and a number of other instruments. Not only that, I can play, and sing songs from memory, while not missing a beat.”

Melvin commented, “We have a piano, and other instruments in back. And they are tuned. And I can get some people to move them here, on stage, for us. So, that will be a problem. But, I need to know what songs are you good at playing and singing?”

Lee stated, “I can play and sing a number of musical pieces. But, given my voice, I lean mostly towards Meatloaf and Elton John.” He mentally added, 'Melvin likely does not know who the Nightwish band is. But, I am sure he knows about Meatloaf and Elton John. They are classic rock legends.'

Melvin complimented, “Good taste, Lee.”

Lee thought, 'I wonder. I never did get around to asking this question.' He asked, “Thank you. And Melvin, since you are in charge in this party. What is with that, only couples, rule for the party?”

Melvin inquired, “How did you know about that rule?”

Lee lied, “I have my ear to the ground. And I hear things.” He mentally added, 'It is sad that I have gotten so good at lying, and keeping track of my lies.'

Melvin replied, “Good ear, then. Though, the manager wanted that rule. Not me. And he didn't tell me why.”

Lee thought, 'That answers an old question for me. And I have never been able to find the manager of the this hotel, nor his office, when I looked for him. Also, given all the strangeness in my life, even before the time loop, and the name of this hotel, the Devil's Hotel and Resort, I did not want to push my luck. Still, that is a small matter, for another time.'

'Now, onto the logistics of this performance.'

Lee inquired, “Okay. When do you think you will have the piano set up on stage?”

Melvin answered, “A couple of hours.”

Lee stated, “I will be back, by then. We will check to see if it is tuned. Then, I will play a few songs, and see if you like my performance. If you approve of my skills. We will talk about what songs that I know, that you would like me to play. And in what order.”

Melvin said, “Works for me, Lee.” He then extended his hand.

Lee shook Melvin's hand, as he said, “To a good a good business relationship.”

Melvin responded, “Yes. To a good business relationship.”

They then broke then handshake, with Lee going back to drinking his beer, and Melvin went back to attending to his other customers.

A few hours later, the piano was put on stage, and Lee met with Melvin at the stage.

Lee found that the piano was properly tuned. And Melvin was impressed that Lee knew how to do that.

Lee then started playing some rock songs on the piano, as he sang the songs.

After playing the piano, and singing a few songs, Melvin approved of Lee's skill. They the worked out what songs Lee would sing, and in what order.

That night, Lee performed for the dance party, and he did a great job of it.

And Lee found that enjoyed performing at the dance so well, that he arranged the same situation again, and again, to happen at lunch. He did this for each time loop. All so he could perform for the dance, over and over again.

Though, Lee varied his musical selection. But, the dances and party goers always seemed to enjoy his performances.

And as time passed by for Lee, even in the time loop, Lee found himself taking over the dance party, little, by little. To where he was eventually in control of setting up of the hotel dance party. And Lee enjoying every minute of it.


Several years of time loops later, it was evening as Rock and Revy walked out of the hotel theater.

They were already wearing dresses for the dance, and they decided to watch a movie, first.

The movie that was playing, which Rock suspected no one in the audience had ask for, was the classing time looping comedy, Groundhog's Days.

As Rock and Revy made their to the hotel restaurant entrance, and the dance, Rock thought, 'Somehow, I feel I could sympathize with Phil, in that is seems like this day does not want to end.'

As they approach the door to the hotel restaurant, they noticed the door was open, there was no one beside it, and they could here classic rock music coming from inside.

When they walked inside the room, they came to a stop just inside the entrance. They looked around, and they noticed a room was lit by disco balls hanging from the middle of the ceiling. And nearly everyone inside was dancing to the rock music, while having a good time.

Even Melvin was dancing with a woman, on the dance floor.

Revy whistled in astonishment. She then looked over at her lover, as she commented, “Somebody knows how to throw party.”

Rock continued looking at the party in front of them, as she agreed, “You're right, Revy. I am glad we came.”

Revy looked back at the party, as she replied, “I am to.” She then noticed the back of the room, and the person on stage, playing the piano. She stated, “Whoa. Check out the piano player on stage.”

Rock looked across the room, to see the piano player, whom was sitting at a bench, in front of the piano keys. He was playing the piano, as he was singing into the microphone set onto top of the piano, in front of him. And he was doing both very well.

But, what surprised Rock the most was what the piano player was wearing. The piano player was a man whom was flamboyantly dressed. He wore a pink tuxedo, pink feather boa around his neck, pink sunglasses, a pink top hat on his head, and black dress shoes.

Rock said, “Even as a woman, I would not wear something that flamboyant.”

Revy commented, “And I have better standards.”

Rock looked at her lover. She then just rolled her eyes for a few seconds, at the irony of Revy's statement.

Rock then turned back to look at the crowd.

Rock then spotted someone she wanted to talk too. To their right side, by the entrance wall, Rock saw someone she wanted to talk to. She heard saw the person look at her, as the person said, “Hey guys.”

Rock kept looking at the person, as she requested, “Revy. Please, follow me.”

Revy turned to Rock, as she replied, “Okay.:

Rock then turned to her right, and started walking, with Revy following right behind her.


Among those not dancing, was Akira, whom was wearing a nice, yellow gown that matched her hair, while she leaned her back against the entrance wall, near the right corner of the wall.

Akira was waiting her turn to dance with Natsuru, or Ranma, depending on which one of them of them wanted to sit the next song out. The trio has been trading of with each other, after each song, considering it was difficult to dance closely as a trio. And doing had not been a problem for them, so far.

Akira turned her left and she saw Rock and Revy had just entered the room, as the two women were standing by the entrance.

Akira leaned up from the wall, as she thought, 'So, those to finally showed up. I might as well go over, and talk to them.'

Akira walked over to the two women, as she said, “Hey guys.”

The two women had heard her, as they also walked over to meet her.

As Akira came a stop, six feet from Rock and Revy, all three women looked at each other.

Rock replied, “Hi Akira.”

Revy complimented, “Looking good, Akira.”

Akira said, “Thanks. So, who knew that Lee could play like that?”

Revy pointed at the piano performer on stage, with her right hand, as she asked, “That is Lee?” She then dropped her right hand back to her side.

Akira answered, with excitement in her voice, “Yes. You weren't here earlier. He practically rocked the house. He started on the dance floor, playing a great rendition of, The Devil Came Down To Georgia. His skills with a fiddle, and singing are incredible. Then, he played some rock music with a saxophone, while dancing with a couple of women. Next, he moved to the piano on the stage, and we have since been rocking on.”

Rock inquired, “Where did Lee learn to play, and sing, like that?”

Akira said, “I don't know, but he is great at it. He seems to be instantly great at everything.”

Rock asked, “What do you mean?”

Akira stated, “Well this morning, after breakfast, I watched him have a large log, of a tree truck, brought right outside the hotel parking lot. Then we, Ranma, Natsuru, Shenhua, Lotton, Sawyer, and I, watched as Lee used a chainsaw to sculpt a life sized statue of Sawyer. And the statue was a pretty good imitation of Sawyer. Even Sawyer was impressed.”

“Then, after lunch, Lee somehow convinced Melvin to let him take over the catering for the party, so Melvin could enjoy the party himself.”

“At supper, after you left, Lee spent a few minutes showing his skills with both the flute and trumpet. Then, Ranma, Natsuru, and I got to talking to Lee. And we found out he is the one managing the hotel employees to set up for the party.”

“And the way he managed it was incredible. He clearly knew what he was doing. He was telling people to do, like it was second nature to him. We even listened, as he warned the employees of possible problems, as they set up the food, and other items.”

“Also, Lee told us he changed a few things, from the original plan. He arranged for the wife of Jeff, the bouncer, to come to the dance, and for them to have some fun, as well. Lee told me that he said to Jeff that he would take the heat, if something went wrong. And Lee then got rid the, only couples, rule for the dance.”

“Honestly, it is like Lee knows all the right things to say, all the right things to do, at all the right times, to get what he wants done.”

Akira commented hit Rock mentally like a ton of bricks. Rock thought, 'We are stuck in a time loop, and Lee clearly remembers what is happened from time loop to time loop. He is at the center of the time loop. Like Phil in Groundhog's Day film. I need to talk to him. I need to know how long we have been stuck here. But, before I do so, I need to learn more about the situation. And learning what songs he is singing will offer me insight into what he is thinking.'

'Also, this is why it feels like this day has not ended. And it feels like we are repeating events. That is because we are repeating events.'

'Still, there is no immediate rush. If there is a time loop, Lee will not allow for the time loop to end in the middle of his performance. He put to much work in this party. So, I will just wait for him to finish his set. Then, I will confront him. In the meantime, I will just enjoy the party.'

Rock looked over at Revy, as she invited, “Care to dance?”

Revy looked over her lover, as she said, in a demure tone of voice, “I though you would never ask.”

The two lovers than walked out onto the dance floor, and began to dance together.

As they danced, Rock occasionally took a glance at Lee on stage. And she paid attention to the songs and lyrics that Lee was sing.

Lee had just wrapped up, Elton John's Saturday Night's Alright For Fight, and he moved on to a piano rendition of Meatloaf's The Monster Is Loose. When he finished that song, without missing a beat, Lee starting playing Elton John's All the Girls Love Alice.

While Rock, danced with Revy, she thought, 'I have to admit that Lee has not missed a beat on his piano playing, and he can really sing these songs. And I don't want to know how many times of practice he had to do to get this good at rocking.'

The next song Lee played was Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.

Rock thought, 'If ever there was a song for being trapped in a time loop. That is the one.'

Then, it was the two songs that let Rock put the final pieces together. The first, of the last two songs was David Bowie's Life on Mars, then Lee concluded his set with Elton John's I've Seen That Movie Too.

Both were slow dance songs. And like everyone else on the dance floor Rock, and Revy, slowed down their dancing to the beat of the music.

Rock listened to the lyric of the song Lee was currently singing. Which was Elton John's I've Seen That Movie Too. She realized, as she thought, 'Oh crap. Lee is not only the center of this time loop, he is also the writer. And worst of all, I won't remember this after the reset. Though, even if I don't remember this day, and that Lee is the writer, I still have to try to convince him to stop these time loops.'

'Yet, if I tell Revy, she will go berserk, and ruin the party for everyone. Besides, we are still in the time loop, when things reset, only Lee will remember, and he will be less willing to talk to me, after I had sicced Revy on him.'

'Still, he is clearly finished, I will just approach him, and we will talk. Since I won't remember this, as long as I am nice, he will probably be open to talking to me.

As Lee stopped playing, everyone stopped dancing, and looked up on stage at him.

Everyone was silent, as they saw Lee take off his hat, his feather boa, and finally his sunglasses, all of which he placed on top of the piano.

Next, they watched as Lee took few deep breaths, while pinching the bridge of his nose with his right index finger and thumb, for a few seconds.

Lee then get go of his nose, and he put the pink sunglasses back on. Next, he stood up from the bench. And he turned to face the crowd.

Most of those in the crowd starting clapping, including Revy and Rock.

Lee bowed.

Lee reached over picked up on the microphone on top of the piano. As he looked over the crowd, he waited for the clapping to end.

A few seconds later, as the clapping ended, Lee calmly spoke into microphone, “Thank you everyone for the applause. I am setting the speaker system to play some more music. But, I just don't have any more energy in me to keep doing this tonight. Though, it was fun. Anyway, everyone have a great night.”

The crowd gave Lee another applause, as Lee set down the microphone, back onto the piano.

He then walked over to the karaoke machine, and he set it to start playing some music, he had preset it to, earlier that day.

As soon as the music started, the dancers started dancing to the beat of the music, except for Rock, and Revy.

Revy noticed Rock body language was off, as her lover was looking at Lee. Revy asked, “What is it, Rock?”

Rock continued to watch Lee leave the stage, by walking down the side steps of the stage, and head for back side the bar counter, near the back of the room. Rock turned to Revy, as she stated, “I need to speak to Lee for a few minutes, alone.”

Revy could tell Rock was serious. And she trusted her lover enough to not ask Rock any questions. She replied, “Okay. I will be by the door, when you are finished.”

Rock said, “Thank you.” She then turned and started walking over to Lee, by the bar counter. While, Revy headed to stand by the door, to the hallway entrance to the room.

It took Rock several seconds to walk around the dancing couples, but she finally made it to standing beside where Lee was standing at the bar counter.

As Rock approached Lee, she saw that Lee had noticed her coming towards him. When she reached him, she was standing to Lee's right side, with her back to the crowd.

Rock saw that Lee turn to face her, while he was smiling ear to ear.

Lee literally looked down at Rock, due to their height differences, while he said, in a happy tone of voice, “Hi Rock. I saw you and Revy on the dance floor, a few minutes ago. I hope you enjoyed the performance?”

Lee thought, 'A rare treat, but not unheard of for them to show up at the dance parties, while I am performing.'

Rock honestly replied, “I did. And I need to speak to you about something.”

Lee inquired, “Sure. What can I do for you Rock?”

Rock thought, 'Let's start this with a simple question.' She asked, “What are you planning on do now, Lee?”

Lee glanced as his wrist watch. It was ten fifty-five PM. Lee then looked back at Rock. He then used his right hand to pointed over, behind Rock. He said, “Do you see those two hot women on the other end of the bar?” A few seconds later, he dropped right hand back to his side.

Rock turned around and she saw two young, identical twin women, whom were slender mexicans, with tanned skin and long black hair. They were standing together, on the other end of the bar. They were dressed in matching dresses, and both were looking at Lee with interest in their eyes.

Rock looked back at Lee, to see the man was looking back at her, and not the twins.

Lee stated, “Well, I am going to walk over to those two identical sisters, and within fifteen minutes, or so, we will be back in my hotel suite, where I will be screwing both of them silly, for a fourth night in a row.”

Rock thought, 'I would dare to call Lee a lucky bastard over bedding those twins. But, then when I think about how long it takes to learn all the skills Akira stated he does so well. It probably took him a while to figure out how to convince those women to sleep with him. And he has only been doing it for three nights, so far. So, he has probably only got little on the investment of his time and efforts... Now, to drop the bombshell.'

Rock inquired, 'So, after doing all this, what you plan to do next in this time loop?'

Lee immediately dropped his grin, as he said, in a stern tone of voice, “I guess those twins will have to wait. So Rock, how did you figure it out?”

Lee thought, 'This is not the first time someone figured out the time loops. But, I still need to hear her out, so I know how to avoid this conversation for the next time loop.'

Rock admitted, “Because, even though I don't remember these time loops, on a conscious level, it literally feels like I have repeated this day over and over again. It is like I can sense what events that are going to happen. I do not think the others realize this, but I am sure they will soon...”

Rock thought, 'I wonder.' She inquired, “Lee, is this what it is like to be precognitive?”

Lee answered, “Yes.” He mentally added, 'This is bad, on so many levels. Looks I cannot just let the time loops repeat, and just forget about this meeting.'

Rock responded, “Cool. I can see how this ability can be useful. Still, you have to find a way to stop these time loops. We cannot keep reliving this day over and over again, forever.”

Lee thought, with sadness, 'Looks like the party is over, and I now have to figure out how to stop the time loops, before everyone here starts to remember the times loops at a conscious level.'

Lee responded, “I agree. I will find a way to end these loops, and get the space-time continuum back on track. Damn. I never thought I would ever state that in real life, and mean it.”

Lee mentally reflected, 'I was only letting this loop continue because of my cancer, and I was the only one remembering. But, people starting to remember the time loops changes everything.'

'I guess the music has to stop some time. With you, Rock, starting to remember, at an instinctual level, that means you and others will start to remember more and more. Eventually, I will be found out, unless I end the time loop, after this next reset, or so.'

Rock said, “I know what you mean. So, how long has the loops been going on?”

Lee casually admitted, “Well, there is no way I can mark time in these loops. So, I am not sure myself. I would guess, from the number of skills I have learned, several years. At least a decade, or so.”

Rock thought, in shock, 'Really?!' Rock blurted out, “You're saying that I have be having my period continuously, for over a decade?”

Rock openness caught Lee flatfooted, as she saw his expression change to mild shock.

Though, Lee quickly collected himself, as he responded, “Oh... I honestly did not know that.”

Lee thought, 'Given the closeness Rock has with Revy, it is likely that Revy has been having her period all this time, in the time loops as well. And that would goes a long way towards explaining her attitude. Also, that would explain how they haven't been doing the same exact things in every loop. Their irritability makes them a little more random in their actions, and decisions. As sick as the concept is. I think this is the first time that a person's menstrual cycle has directly bent the laws of reality.'

Rock stated, “I understand. There was no way you could have known. I will admit that Revy can be... a pain. And I am try not to act that way during this time of the month. And you are too polite to ask about it.”

Lee replied, “You are correct on all three points. And if I had known, I would have likely found a way to stop these time loops sooner.”

Rock asked, “I think you would have. So, how do you plan stop the time loop?”

Lee answered, “I honestly don't know how it began in the first place. But, I will start looking into it. If I cannot find at least the cause of the time loop within a month, I will start looking for help. I know Police Chief Del Soto personally. And whenever I talk to him, he soon realizes we are in a time loop. That means I have access to the entire police force of this city, to help search the island for the cause.”

“Also, Violin and Aeryn have experience with time loops, and other temporal effects. If nothing else, those two could work out the math to the situation. With me carrying the information from reset to reset, until we all figure out what is going on.”

Rock complimented, “That is a good start. And good luck. Still, how long until the reset?”

Lee questioned, “That reset is always at twelve, unless I am killed, or someone reality jumps. You got just over an hour. Why do you ask, since you are not going to remember this, after the reset?”

Rock stated, “Because I have likely not made love to Revy in years. And I am going to have sex with my lover, even if we are having our periods. And an hour is plenty of time to have some fun, as long as we do not take things too slowly.”

Lee thought, 'Well, that confirms that issue in dealing with Revy having her period. Still, on that matter, I wonder... This is the perfect opportunity to ask that question.'

Lee requested, “Okay. But, before you leave, could I ask a personal question?”

Rock replied, “Sure.”

Lee inquired, “The fun thing about these temporal loops is since no one remembers after the reset, except me. I can ask some pretty embarrassing questions without worrying. So, I do have one such question for you. I read about sex does help the cramping for that time of the month. Is that true?”

Rock shook her head, as she answered, “Yes. Why do you ask?”

Lee replied, “It is one of those questions a guy cannot ask. But, it is also one of those pieces of information that could come in handy if said guy ever had a girlfriend.”

Rock realized where Lee was coming from, as she happily agreed, “That is very true. I did not even know that was the case until after you turned me into a woman. I wish I did. It would have made my relationship with Revy go a lot more smoothly.”

Lee responded, “Yea. I know... Well, have fun, Rock?”

Rock replied, “Thank you. You too, Lee.”

Lee cracked a grin, as he commented, “Hey. If I am going to be stuck in a time loop, I am going to have the time of my life.”

Rock returned Lee's smile, as she complimented, “That is a good outlook to have.”

Lee replied, “I know.” Suddenly, Lee dropped his smile, as he looked behind Rock, and across the room.

Rock noticed change in Lee demeanor. She dropped her own smile, as she asked, “What is it?”

While still looking across the room, Lee answered, “Someone is looking at us. Someone, I do not recognize. And I have had the chance to learn who everyone in this room is.”

Rock immediately realized that importance of Lee comment, as she looked behind her. She looked at the crowd, and across the room, for someone she didn't recognize, as well.

And Rock eyes veered towards an older man in a business suit.

A man that Rock felt was looking at her, also, as the older man suddenly, wave his right hand, towards Lee and herself.

Rock looked back at Lee, as she inquired, “Who is that?”

Lee turned to Rock, as he answered, “I think that is the manager of this hotel.”

Rock questioned, “How do you know?”

Lee cryptically answered, “As cliche as it sounds. I just know. And I think I need to speak to the man in charge.”

Rock said, “Good luck.”

Lee replied, “Thank you. And I suggest you hurry. I have a feeling that the reset may happen sooner this time.”

Rock replied, “Thanks for the warning, Lee.”

Both adults walked away from the bar counter, heading in two different directions.

Rock soon joined back up with Revy, with both of them soon heading out the door, and to their suite, where they planned to have some intimate fun.

Meanwhile, as Lee passed by many dancers, and other people, towards the older man, he thought, 'I have heard the concept that there are just some things a person automatically knows. I have never believed that concept was real until this moment. That man is the manager of this hotel and resort. I know almost every employee, and resident, in this hotel by first name. That is quiet a feat, considering I am bad with names.'

'Still, after so many time loops, I recognize, and know, every person in this room, except that man. And in all my years of doing time loops, this is the first time I have ever seen that man. And I have never met the manager of this hotel. Nor, do I even know his name.'

'On and off again, during the time loops, I have looked for the manager, and his office, with no success.'

'And right now, my instincts tell me that I probably do not want to know the answers to those questions.'

'I guess, while I never found the manager, it looks like the manager finally found me.'

'And I think it is best, I take off my glasses, when I meet this man.'

Lee then took off his glasses, and put them in one of his coat pockets, as he continued to approach the older man.

When Lee reached the man, he stood five feet from the older man.

At the moment, from the corner of his right eye, Lee saw Rock and Revy leave the room, through the exit, and towards the hallway.

Lee thought, 'I hope those two have some fun before the reset.' He then turned his full attention towards the man whom stood in front of him, as he mentally added, 'Now, to turn my full attention to the matter at hand.'

Both men took a look at the other man, while getting the full measure of the other man.

As their eyes met, the older man kindly said, “Hello Mister Lee. I am the manager of this hotel. I believe we need to talk.”

Lee calmly responded, “I fully agree.”

The manager requested, “If you will come this way, we will talk in my office.”

Lee replied, “I would prefer that, as well.”

Lee then followed the manager of the hotel out of the hotel restaurant, and towards the manager's office.

A few minutes later, they reach a door in one of the hallways of the ground floor, of the Devil's Hotel and Resort.

The manager used a key to unlock the door.

As the manager opened the door, he said, “This is my office. Please, come inside.”

The manager then walked in first, into his office, and straight in front of him was his desk. He then walked around his desk, and he said in the chair behind his desk.

The manager then faced Lee, as the younger man walked inside.

As Lee walked into the office, he saw that the only light in the room was a lamp light on the manager's desk.

The manager said, “Please, shut the door, and have a seat, Mister Lee. I think there is still time for us to have a conversation with each other.”

Lee gently shut the door, and walked to the chair in front of the desk. He then sat down in the chair.

Meanwhile, the manager pulled out a bottle of brandy, and small glass, from a drawer, in the desk, to his right side. He poured himself a drink. Next, he set the open bottle on his desk. And he took a sip of his glass. He then said, “So, what do you think of my office? Please. Be honest.”

Lee looked around, and what he saw on the side walls shocked him to his core.

On the wall to his left was the nude portrait he had done Shenhua, Sawyer, and Lotton.

On the wall to his right was the nude portrait he had done of Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru.

When Lee looked back at the manager, he saw that the manager was mischievously smiling at him.

The manager continued to smile, as he casually said, “Mister Lee, you do not think I was not going to get something out of all this work. I have to say Mister Lee, that you are quite the talented person. And I have saved a number of your works. Such as you poetry and paintings. I even had a copy of that story you wrote, about the Lowe siblings at Lagoon island. It was a short, though entertaining story. And that was a brilliant joke you pulled on Rock.”

Lee thought, 'He is the one behind the time loops.'

The manager calmly stated, “Yes. I am.”

Lee said, “You are reading my mind.”

The manager stated, “Of course. Along with the others. I can even read emotions. And I must say you have brought some of the most interesting people I had ever personally met, to my fine hotel. That is a rare feat indeed. One that should be rewarded.”

Lee did not bother to think, considering he knew his mind was being read. Instead, he played it by ear. He said, “I am glad to have entertained you. I seem to enjoy entertaining people. I take it that you own this hotel?”

The manager coyly answered, “In a manner of speaking.”

Lee inquired, “So, what was the reason for these time loops?”

The manager took a sip of his brandy. He then calmly answered, “Actually, there were two reasons.”

“One reason is that I know you are dying, Mister Lee. I will give you credit that you got some good plans on how to save yourself. Still, given the time limits on your cancer killing you, you would likely not be here for much longer. And it has been so much fun watching you and those women play against each other. So, I made it so that you would, for a while, not have to worry about those time limits.”

“I wanted to see what you could do with a clean canvas, and no consequences. And you did not disappoint me. You even proven that some people. When given the chance for hedonism, or self-improvement. That they would choose self-improvement. And I admire that about you.”

“The second reason is that you have had a really rotten life, and you have been preparing for death with such dignity. Most people in your position would be violent, insane, or both. But, not you. You are willing to face the bullet with more calmness, and reservation, than one in your position should have.”

“Given you have had such a less than pleasant life, you had instead prepared for death. With you seeing death as a beginning, and not an ending. I found that understandable, but unjust. Everyone should have a chance to learn to appreciate life. And so, I cut you a break, so you could learn to enjoy life.”

Lee said, “Well, your plan worked. I no longer want to die. The problem is that the cancer is not going to give me much choice in the matter.”

The manager cryptically responded, “Mister Lee, you need to learn, there are many ways to live. There are even ways to live, in death. It is all a matter of frame of mind, and perspective.”

Lee replied, “I will keep that in mind.”

The manager said, “As you should. Also, I feel that with these time loops, we have both sowed the seeds for much more excitement on this island. And unlike others, I do enjoy competition, in so many ways. I would not be playing this game if I did not. And before you came, this island was starting to get a little boring.”

Lee stated, “Your comment does not bring me much comfort.”

The manager cracked a grin, as he responded, “It should. Mister Lee, you will likely reap many rewards from the events, and actions, you have taken in this repeating day. But, be warned, your life is about to become like a roulette wheel. Do not focus on the numbers. Focus on the colors. Red and black are your colors of interest. But, of interest, at first. Not of trust. But, not the red and black of my hotel, but of outside of my hotel.”

Lee conceded, “Maybe the gambler motif was not the wisest of masks to wear.”

The manager commented, “No. Your mask has served you well. And speaking of masks, besides the ownership question, I am surprised you have not ask me any questions about myself, nor this hotel.”

Lee honestly said, “I respect your privacy. I am sure you have reasons for why this hotel is named the way it is, and why it is run the way it is run.”

The manager complimented, “The is very wise of you. Also, in the future, if you need to speak to someone, I am hear to talk to you.”

Lee replied, “Thank you for the offer. But, if I can, I try to avoid the major players. And you clearly are playing a much larger game than even I.”

The manager responded, “That is the type of wisdom that will keep you alive.”

Lee said, “And I will keep what you have said to me, tonight, a secret.”

The manager took another sip of his drink. He then smiled, as he stated, “I know you will, Mister Lee. You are good at keeping secrets. Though, others around you are as good at keeping secrets, as well. And of your personal secrets, I am likely only one of two people that truly know the real you.”

Lee eyes widened for a few seconds. Lee then forced himself to calm down, as his eyes returned to normal.

The manager commented, “Ah, you have such potential, Mister Lee. And so much of it was willfully denied to you, by others. I am glad you came here, and allowed me to help you bring your potential to bloom.”

Lee said, “I appropriate that. Though, I do have one more question for you. How long has this time loop being going on?”

The manager conceded, “A fair question. This time loop has been going on for just over twenty Earth years.”

Lee responded, “Then, thank you for giving me another twenty years of life.”

The manager replied, “You are welcome.”

Lee said, “Now, to the heart of the discussion. Rock is starting to remember.”

The manager agreed, “Yes. Rock, and number of the others, are starting to sense the repeat. And so, we need to decide how to end this loop. Since, you are the lead in this adventure. How would you like to end this chapter?”

Lee suggested, “Let us keep it simple. One more reset. With tomorrow being the last day of time loop. With the next day after being tomorrow, November third, and not part of the time loop. With time then continuing forward, as it was, before the time loop.”

“I will have a casual day. Still, I will not be able to get a date, so I cannot go to the dance that night. Because, as I am sure you know, even though I got a few women to go with me, on a date to the dance, it was more luck, than anything else. And I had to impress them with my skills, to do so.”

“And the only real way I was able to get in there, was to become the life of the party. And I cannot do that, if people remember my actions, later. If I do so, the women will realize who I am. And they will capture me.”

The manager stated, “That is quite true. Still, your suggestion works on several levels. Also, I think you have earned a genuine date, with a woman. And I know of someone that would be willing to go out on a date with you. There is a woman you know, whom has worked through all these time loops. She could use a day off, and you are the perfect person to take a day off with.”

Lee thought about who the manager was talking about. As he recalled who it would be, he saw the manager's smile widened.

Lee said, “Thank you.”

The manager finished the rest of his drink. He then set the glass down on his desk. He commented, “Now, there is no time like the present to get the ball rolling, for this final reset.”

Lee looked at his wrist watch and saw that it was only eleven twenty-one PM. He then looked back up at the manager, as he said, “But, it is not twelve o'clock, yet.”

The manager joked, “It is. As the old saying goes. If it is always five o'clock somewhere, it is midnight somewhere, as well. Now, see you later, Cinderella.”

The next thing Lee knew, he awoke in his bed, in his hotel suite, in the darkness of the earlier morning.

Lee opened his eyes, and looked over at his clock. He saw that it was five AM sharp, again.

He then leaned back in his bed, as he thought, 'One more time. And this time, there are consequences. So, what I plan for today must be tame. Still, it will be nice to move on with life. And the manager of this place pointed me in the right direction to getting a date, tonight, for the dance. And the way he phrased his comments, made me think, I could turn this into a date for all day. I believe he is right. And I will do that.'

'Also, over the course of the next week, I will discreetly purchase a few tools in town, that I have become good at, which I can keep on my person. Such as some simple lock picking tools. I know where to buy them, without anyone asking any questions. The type of people whom accept cash, and prefer to keep their mouths shut over such matters.'

'Also, I think I will by a few more decks of cards later. I will keep them in the hotel suite. It is known I am a gambler. Have a few decks of cards, will not raise any suspicions, and having them on hand will be useful, after I escape... If I am able to escape. Though, that is looking more possible by the day.'

'I have long since learn the tales, and how to manipulate all the women currently in this town, whom are after me. Now, I just need to wait for the proper opportunity to occur.'

'On another matter, now that I think about it. I vaguely recall meeting with Pedro, everyday. As we discussed, with each other, the days events, including what is going on with the Revy, Rock, and their crew.'

'Though, it has been so many years, for me. That I don't really recall the time and place.'

'Well, that problem is easily solved. Before I leave the hotel this morning. I will call Pedro and ask.'

'Given this is the last day of the time loop, it is better I call him today. If I call tomorrow is might raise suspicions. Now, to get up and face the coming day.'

Lee then got ready to face the day


Around nine thirty AM that morning, after Lee and Sam had breakfast at the hotel buffet. With the two friends then parting ways. Lee headed back up this his suite.

When Lee reached his suite, he went over to the phone and dialed a number.

As Lee held the receiver to his left ear. As he heard the phone ring, he thought, 'I have to keep reminding myself, that I am no longer in the time loop. And while I know spanish, and a lot of other things, I do not want other people to know that I know these things. Because, in doing so, I have a huge advantage, in a number of ways.'

The other end of the line soon picked up. The person on the other end of the line said, in spanish, “Good morning. De La Plata Podrido Police Department. How may we help you?”

Lee stated, in english, “This is Lee. Please, transfer me to Pedro's office.”

The police offer replied, “One moment.”

Lee then heard the click, that signaled the transfer of the communications connection over the phone.

As Lee waiting for Pedro to pick up, he thought, 'Maybe I was starting to call to often, before the time loop. If the officers are this willing to immediately transfer me to Pedro's office. Or, Pedro ordered them to do so. I honestly don't remember.'

'Though either way, if I want to avoid the talk of the police station, which can be a rumor mill itself. With those rumors of me and Pedro knowing each other, reaching Revy and the girls. I probably need to lay off of calling him, unless I need too.'

A second later, the phone rung once, and then Pedro picked it up. Pedro stated, in english, “Good morning, Lee.”

Lee replied, “Good morning, Pedro.”

Pedro inquired, “So, what can I do for you, Lee.”

Lee honestly responded, “It has been long holiday for me. And I was wondering. Are we meeting tomorrow, like usual?”

Pedro answered, “Yes. Tomorrow, we are meeting at the Last Resort Diner, at seven PM, like usual. Though, we are not meeting today. Honestly, I have enough to worry about today, with it being a holiday.”

Lee thought, 'Good. With that simple, subtle question, you told me the time and place of our meeting, without my directing asking you for that information.'

Lee said, “Thank you. And I understand. I was just checking.”

Pedro replied, “No problem.”

Lee stated, “See you there.” He then hung up the phone.

Lee then turned and looking around his room, which had enough light coming from around the curtains to see. As he he did, he thought, 'Okay. One problem down. Now, to wait until I can talk to the woman that the manager told me would go out on a date with me.'

Lee cracked a grin, as he continued his thought, 'And I know the who, the time, and the place, to do it.'


Later that morning, the owner and operate of the Rats Nest, got out of her car, which was part in her bar's parking lot. She then walked to the back entrance of the Rats Nest.

Besides her sock, and undergarments, the woman work a shirt, pants, belt, and comfortable shoes. As she held the key to open the back door of the bar, in her hand, and reached for the lock, she heard a male voice behind her casually say, “Do you know what I admire most about you?”

The Rats Nest bartender look behind her to see Lee, dressed in his usual attire.

Lee continued his compliment, “Your diligence. You are the type of person that would likely weather a hurricane without breaking a sweat.”

The woman turned her fully body to face Lee, as she replied, “Thank you.”

Lee commented, “That being said. I think you deserve a day off. And I can assure you that this is a wonderful day to take off. The weather is perfect. It is a holiday. And there is a festival going on downtown. I have my car parked in the parking lot, across the street. That is why you did not see it. All you have to do is say, yes. And I promise you a wonderful day.”

The bartender complimented, “That is the best pick up line I have heard in months. Are you trying to get into my pants?”

Lee honesty stated, “No. I just want to take you to dance party at the Devil's Hotel, later this evening. And before then, I wish to treat you to a day at the festival. I have been there, yesterday. And I know all the great places to go. Including, the best places for food, and music. I will pay for everything. My treat.”

The woman said, “Tempting. But, neither of us are dressed for a formal dance.”

Lee responded, “Before the dance, we will swing by your place, so you can change into something more formal. While I change, as well.' He mentally added, 'I have my nice gray suit, polish black dress shoes, nice gray hat, black and brown striped tie, and cool shades, neatly placed in the car's trunk.'

Lee requested, “So, would you like to come?”

The bartender said, “If it wasn't for the fact that I know you are such a polite man, I would not believe you were so sincere in your offer. But, you are being sincere. So, yes. I will go with you. And I now realize why Eda slept with you. But, I just have one question. Do you know how to dance?”

Lee replied, “Yes. Now, I have a question for you. Do you know how to tango?”

The woman smirked, as she playfully turned Lee's question on him, “Argentine? Or, ballroom?”

Lee returned the bartender's smile, as he responded, “That is up to you, because by the end of tonight, I want those troublesome girls, back at the Devil's Hotel, to envy you, on the dance floor.”

The women's smile became even wider, as she said, with glee, “Now, that I would like to see. So, what is your plan?”

Lee answered, “We walk in like a storm, and leave them speechless, in style, before they can react.”

The woman commented, “I like it on so many levels, that I am literally wet with anticipation. I will take my car back to my home, you can follow me in your car. Then, you can take me on a date, out on the town.”

Lee replied, “That is fine with me.”


The bartender then closed up her bar, and drove her car back to her home, with Lee following her in his car. When they reached her open, she locked her car, and get into the front passenger seat in Lee's pink Cadillac.

Lee then drove them to the festival in downtown Plata Podrido, where they wonderful time at the festival, both Lee, and the bartender.

After they finished at the festival, they went to the salon Lee used. The bartender got her hair formally washed by a stylist, and then she had her hair lightly trimmed, to remove any split ends. Meanwhile, Lee has the barter give him a professional shave of his face.

When the two were done, they had some supper, paid for by Lee, and then the two of them headed back to the bartender's home, to get rest, before the dance. And to change clothing. The bartender when to her bedroom, to find a dress in her closet, change clothes, and get ready.

Lee took his clothing from the trunk of his car. And he used the bartenders spare bedroom to change his clothing, and get ready. Lee then put the clothing that he took off, in the trunk of his car.

Lee also raised the hood and windows of his car, to offer them both privacy, when he later drove them to the Devil's Hotel.


It was seven thirty PM, at the Devil's Hotel, as Lee and the bartender, walked pass Jeff, the bouncer, and into the hotel restaurant, turned dance room.

The bartender wore a black and white silk, ao dai, dress. With the outer layer of the gown being black, but the interior layer, and the pants underneath, being white. Along with this, she wore white, flat sole slippers.

Lee wore his gray suit, with gray hat, black and brown stripped tie, his cool sunglasses, and his black dress shoes.

As the two adults made their way towards the dance floor, from the looks people were giving them, it was clear that no one recognized.

Lee thought, 'This is good. Now, I just hope Melvin come through on his end.'

Just as the two of them made it to the middle of the dance floor, the rock song ending, and the next musical piece was a tango piece of music. Lee took lead, with the bartender following in lock step.

Lee thought, with amusement, 'I still got it. That is perfect timing. And getting Melvin to play a few tracks of tango music, at the proper time, was not hard. I just called him up, while my date was in the women's restroom, right after I treated her to tasty lunch, at a nice restaurant downtown, while we were at the festival.'

'I politely asked him to do so. I even told him, that I had a date. And given the party was a couples party, he saw not problem in doing what I request, so he could help me with my date...'

'And Melvin is such a good friend. He was even nice enough to set the timing the way I wanted. With him changing the type of tango music, a few minutes after we have arrived at seven thirty. And different tango music piece should keep playing for half an hour, with the last music piece, which I requested, at the end, being a slow dance music that I like.'

'And I am so happy that I found out, in the time loops, that my dress shoes are so comfortable, that they are great for dancing.'

'Now, to show the everyone here how to really dance.'

Without saying a word, Lee and the bartender started to dance the tango.

The crowd of dancers quickly moved out of the way, Lee and the bartender monopolized the dance floor, with their tango.

Though, Lee was careful to keep his hat and glass on, as he dance. But, for a man of his talents, that was not a problem.

Everyone then watched Lee and the bartender showed how expertly both were skilled at the tango. With Lee and the bartender skillfully swapping the tango styles, they danced to, in parallel, every few tango music tracks.


Nearby, among their group, both Revy, and Rock were watching the two adults dance the tango. They had been planed to see a movie soon, and then come back to the party, but this was more interesting to watch.

Rock said, “I did not know the bartender could dance that well?”

Revy replied, “Neither did I. They don't teach people to dance like that anymore.”

Rock agreed, “I know. To see such a performance, in person, is a rare treat.”

Revy inquired, “So, who do you think this mister dance is, with the bartender? Because, I don't recognize him.”

Rock answered, “I don't either. But, they are both are good at doing the tango.”

Revy said, “That's for sure. Want to learn to do the tango some time?”

Rock stated, “I wouldn't mind. But, which one of us would you like to lead?

Revy offered, “We will flip a coin before every tango.”

Rock shrugged, as she replied, “That works for me.”

Revy commented, “It is to bad that Eda and Yolanda are not here. Though, it will be fun telling them about seeing these two dancing.”

Rock said, “I agree. Anyway, they said they had other plans. I am sure they are having plenty of fun elsewhere. And they said that they felt it would be to embarrassing to go to this dance as a couple.”

Revy agreed, “Yea. The jokes just write themselves on that issue. Still, let's see how long these two can last.”

Revy and Rock then turned their attention to the two adults dancing the tango.


For the next half hour, the music tracks switch from one piece of tango music, to another, as the bartender, and Lee, showed no signs of slowing down.

Then, as the music switched to a slow dance song, Lee and the bartender slowed down dancing, until they came to a stop. With the slow dancing allow their bodies to slow down, making it easier for them to do with the exertion of such physical activities, instead of coming to a sudden stop.

As the two adult stopped dancing, they were breathing heavily, while they saw those around them clap in response to the skill they had just demonstrated.

Lee thought, 'Now, to get out of here, before questions are asked.'

Lee and the bartender smiled at the crowd, as they then briskly walked of the room, through the hallway, out of the front lobby, and back to the parking lot.

When the reached Lee's car, they got into vehicle. With Lee in the driver's seat, and the bartender sitting in the right passenger seat. Lee then drove them back to the bartender's home.


Ten minutes later, Lee parked his car on the side of road, by the bartender's home, with the passenger door facing the bartender's home.

Lee set the car to park, as he let the engine idle.

Both adults took at their seat belts, as they turned to look at each other.

The bartender smirked, as she asked, “Did you see the look on their faces? Especially, Revy and Rock's faces?”

Lee returned the bartender's smile, as he answered, “Yes. It seems my plan worked.”

The bartender agreed, “Yes. It did. And that was masterfully done.”

Lee responded, “I could not have done it without you. And I hope you had a good time.”

The bartender said, “I had a great time, today.”

Both adults leaned towards each other, as they kissed each other deeply on the lips, for several seconds.

They eventually broke their passionate kiss, and leaned back up. Then, the bartender stated, “Still, through all this. I have yet to give you my name.”

Lee commented, “You don't have to. Actually, I would prefer if you not tell me your name. I would like you to keep your name a secret. I like a little mystery in my life.”

The woman replied, “And that is why I like you, Lee. Your mix of manners and coyness are truly endearing. And it is clear that the others did not recognize you. So, I won't tell them it was you, just to annoy them.”

Lee smirked, as he replied, “That's my girl.”

The woman laughed for a few seconds.

As the woman calmed down, the woman said, “See you tomorrow, at the bar.”

Lee replied, “I hope so. And sleep well.”

The woman stated, “I will. It is tempting to offer to sleep with you, but I have a feeling that doing so would just complicate things between us.”

Lee said, “I agree. And as I stated this morning. I was not after getting into your pants. I just wanted a date with you. And enjoy your company for today.”

The woman complimented, “You are a man of your word, Lee. That is rare trait. I hope you some day find that special woman in your life.”

Lee sadly said, “I don't think that woman exists in this world.”

The coyly woman replied, “Then, I hope you find her, wherever she is from. Good night.”

The woman got out of the car. She shut the passenger door behind her.

Lee silently watched her, until he saw her unlock her front door, and enter her home.

Lee then looked in front of the car, as put his car in drive, and drove back to the hotel.

When Lee got back to the hotel, he carried his spare clothing, that he had changed out of earlier, with him, as he entered the lobby of the hotel.

Except for the two clerks, at the check in desk, whom paid him no mind, Lee found that everyone was still in the hotel restaurant, at the dance, and they missed him, as Lee quickly made it way to the elevator bay, to the third floor, and finally to his suite.

Lee closed and locked the door of his suite behind him. Then, in the darkness of his bedroom, he slowly let out a breath, that he did not realize he had been hold in.

Lee thought, 'Now, that was a date.' He then yawned, as he continued his thoughts, “It is still over three hours until twelve, and after that fun filled day with the bartender, and that dance, I am to tired to stay up. I will just have to hope the reset does not happen. At least, if it does, I know where to go to speak to the manager of this place. On the matter. So, I still have a plan B, before people do start to remember.'

'But, for one. I am going to hope for the best. And I will not worry about such things, for tonight, as I get ready and go to bed.

Lee then walking in the darkness of his room, to where his lamp was, on the nightstand, by his bed. He turned it on.

He then place his clothing that was in his hands, including his blue cloth jacket, blue baseball cap, and large glasses, on the table, by his bed.

Next, Lee took off his cool shades, and he placed his sunglasses on the table, as well.

After which, became to disrobe, as he got ready for bed.

Ten minutes later, Lee was ready for bed, wearing different sleeping clothing that he did that morning, and the previous twenty years of loops.

Lee laid down in his bed. He then reached over and turned off his lamp light. The room then shrouded itself in darkness, while Lee put his head on his pillow, and he quickly drifted to sleep.


The next morning, Lee woke up.

The first thing was open his eyes, he did was sit up, and look at his clock. What he saw brought a smile to his face.

The clock stated it was seven thirty-three AM. And Lee could see daylight peeking around the curtains of his room.

He then turned on the lamp light, and he looked down at himself, to see that the sleeping clothing he wore was the same he had wore last night, and not the clothing he kept waking up in the time loop.

Lee also turned to the table, and he sat the clothing he left on the table, last night. With the clothing not where it always was, during the time loop.

Lee thought, 'Let's do one more test.'

Lee quickly got out of bed, and he walked to the slide door window that opened up to his balcony. He pulled the curtains open, and he could see that it was somewhere cloudy that morning. Meaning that it is a new day. That is it November third.

As Lee looked outside his window, he thought, 'I have never been so happy to see such a gloomy sky. I am free of that time loop. The world is free of that time loop. Finally. Though, this means I am now back on my march to death. But, it also means that I can continue on with my life. And no one is suck in the time loop anymore.'

'Though, I have to now remember to be careful in my secrets. And my life. No reset button anymore, if I die. But, that will not be too hard. If I want to, I can now pull the strings of the girls. And if things go sideways, I have a whole badass skill set to fall back on, that no one knows about, but I. No even those that taught me.'

'Now, to get ready to face this new day.'

Lee closed the curtains, and he walked towards his suite's bathroom, to get cleaned up, ready, and dressed, in his usual clothing, to face the day,


A few hours later, in the hotel restaurant bar, Revy and Rock's group had gathered at their usual tables for breakfast, and they were all talking about the dance party last night.

Include in their conversation, what they were asking each other who they thought the mysterious mister dance was, whom was with the Rats Nest bartender, last night, at the hotel dance party. And how was able to do the tango so well with the Rats Nest bartender.

Sawyer stated, “Well, whom ever this mister dance is, he is skilled.”

Aeryn spoke up, “And so was the bartender.”

Sawyer agreed, “True.”

Revy inquired, “But, who is he?”

Lotton suggested, “We could just ask the Rats Nest bartender.”

Rock commented, “I doubt that will work. She strikes me as the type of woman who likes to keep her secrets.”

Molly sarcastically replied, “I think the fact that she refuses to tell anyone her real name make that an obvious fact.”

Natsuru said, “Could it be someone we know.”

Yurika looked over at the bar counter, where Lee and Sam were having their breakfast, at their usual places at the bar counter. With Lee sitting to Sam's right side.

Yurika inquired, “Could it be, Lee?”

The group of women suddenly stopped talking between each other, as they all looked over at Lee and Sam, whom both had their backs turned to the women.

A few seconds later, the group of badass women looked back towards each other. They said, in unison, “Nah.”

Revy commented, “Well, it is not Sam either. Because, this guy did not have a beard.”

Violin stated, “This will get us nowhere. Instead, let's focus on finding the writer.”

Kristina agreed, “That is a great idea.”

Rock said, “I agree, as well. Besides, someone that flamboyant will turn up eventually.”


At that moment, across the room, at the bar counter, Lee and Sam were just finishing up their breakfast.

They faced each other, as they talked.

Lee inquired, “So Sam, how was your day with your girlfriend?”

Sam stated, “It went great. It could not have been better. How was your day, yesterday?”

Lee coyly smiled, as he replied, “For me, it was a long day. But, a good day.”

Sam suggested, “So, are you on for our usual game of poker, at the Rats Nest?”

Lee continued smiling, as he honestly replied, “Buddy, I wouldn't miss it for the world.”

The two friends then got up, and headed to the lobby, to play a few hands of cards, until the Rats Nest opened up for the day. Then, Lee would drive them, in his pink Cadillac, to the bar, where they could continue their ongoing game of poker.


To be continued.

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