Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 1: Chapter 07

Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”

Volume 1: “De La Plata Podrido.”

Chapter 07: “Day of the Dead: Part Three: Learning The Ropes.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


At the Devil's Hotel, November second, the Day of the Dead, during the next morning of the time loop, after Lee's failed attempt to change his home reality by writing about his home reality, inside Lee's suite, Lee woke up at five AM, and his first thought were. 'Now, onto my lessons.'

Lee then got up, and got dressed to face the day.

Around nine AM, Lee finished his breakfast at the Devil's Hotel restaurant, and Sam had left to be with his girlfriend.

As Lee sat at his usual place at the bar counter of the Devil's Hotel restaurant, he occasionally looked over his right shoulder to see Revy, Rock, and their group, sitting in their usual places in the back of the room.

When Lee saw all of them sitting down, he waited a few minutes.

Lee then got up, and he calmly walked over to the group of twenty-one women.

The women were having their breakfast and talking to each other. Though, some of them had already come in earlier and eaten, with those women just staying to talk to their friends and family.

As Lee approached the group of badass women, he thought, 'I just have to remember that they don't recall a thing from these loops. So, for them, this would be the first time I approach them. And I can pull a variation of that trick I did with Rock, on most of them, that I did to Rock two loops ago. Though, I am sure one or two of them could wise up to where I am doing during a single loop. So, I will still have to be careful.'

'Also, I have to remain calm to sell this trick.'

When Lee reached the tables that the women were sitting at, he came to a stop, a few feet from the tables.

In response, the women looked up at him.

Ranma was the first to speak to Lee, “Morning Lee. What can we do for you?”

Lee was careful not to look at Shenhua, as he calmly requested, “I saw something on TV list night, that I want to approach you ladies about. This person on TV was throwing knives. And I was wondering... Given your group's... Diverse range of skills, if there are any knife throwers in your group… And I am willing to pay for a two hour lesson today.”

Shenhua asked, “I am skilled with knives. How much money are we talking about?”

Lee pulled out a roll of hundred dollar bills in his right hand, from his front left pants pocket. He offered, “Shenhua, I will pay you two grand for two hours of your life. With you teaching me the basics of knife throwing. Half now. Have at the completion of your lessons.”

Shenhua stated, “You have a deal, Lee.”

Lee inquired, “Now, when, and where do you want to meet?”

Shenhua turned to Akira, as she asked, “Is there a dart board in the game room?”

Akira turned to Shenhua, as she answered, “Yes.”

Shenhua turn to Lee, as she said, “Meet me in the game room in one hour.”

Lee looked at his wrist watch, to check the time. It was nine five AM.

Lee turned to look at Shenhua, as he said, “I will see you in the game room at ten o'clock.”

Shenhua replied, “That will be fine.”

Lee said, “And here is the first thousand.” He thought, 'While the the game room will likely be empty then. If someone is there. I will just slip them a fifty dollar bill to leave. That will not cause any problems.'

Lee walked over to the table Shenhua was at. He set the rolled of hundred dollar bills in front of Shenhua. Lee then took a few steps back, as he continued to look at Shenhua.

Shenhua picked up the roll of money, and opened it. She quickly counter ten hundred dollar bills. As she pocketed the money, she looked up at Lee, and gave him a sweet, innocent smile. She said, “Pleasure doing business with you, Lee.”

Lee simply nodded, turned around, and began to walking towards the exit to the hotel restaurant.

With his back turned to the women, Lee thought, with mild amusement, 'That was too easy. Just rinse, and repeat. And I can do this for as long as the time loops continue. I got plenty of money to do a few lessons each day with the girls. But, I am going to start with one lesson a day, and see how that goes.'

Meanwhile, at the tables in the back of the restaurant, where the women were sitting, Sawyer asked, “Are you really going to teach him, Shenhua?”

Shenhua shrugged, “Sure. He is polite, and he is willing to pay good money for a lesson. I will just let him practice with my kunai on the dart board in the game room. I am not exerting myself, and I get to show off my own skills to someone else that shows interest in them. It is a win, win for me.”

Sawyer agreed, “I can see point on that.”

The women then went back to having their breakfast, and talking to each other.


An hour later, Lee was in the hotel game room in the back left side of the hotel building, as Shenhua walked inside the room.

Lee heard her foot steps, and he turned to face her. Lee thought, 'There were two people in the room, when I got here a few minutes ago. And I had to slip them each fifty dollars each. Both fortunately, both were more than happy to leave, after I paid them the money to do so.'

Meanwhile, Shenhua saw that Lee was the only other person in the room.

As Shenhua approached Lee, she complimented, “I do admire punctuality.”

Lee replied, “Thank you, Shenhua.”

When Shenhua can to a stop in front of Lee, and a few feet away from him, she looked over to her left side, and she saw they were roughly thirty feet from the dart board by the nearby wall. With nothing between her and the dart board.

Lee noticed this, as he commented, “Is thirty feet fine? Or, do you want to be further away? Or, closer?”

Shenhua thought, 'He is thinking ahead. Nice.' She continued to look at the dart board, with her also being able to see Lee, in the right side of her peripheral vision, as she said, “This will be fine.”

Shenhua then used her right hand, as she reached down to his right upper thigh, to pulled out one of her small kunai throwing knives from her right garter belt. Shenhua skillful used her right index finger and middle finger to pulled out the knife, without harming herself.

Lee wisely kept his eyes above Shenhua's neckline. This did not go unnoticed by Shenhua, as she cracked a grin.

Shenhua then held up her right hand, as she held her small throwing knife between her right index and middle fingers, with the blade pointing outward from her hand, for Lee to see, in front of him.

Shenhua continued to look at the dart board, as she held the throwing knife in place. stated, “This is a kunai. A japanese throwing knife. Note how I am holding it.”

Shenhua noticed the Lee was looked very intensely at her right hand, as he studied the position and angle at in how she was holding her knife.

Shenhua added, “Now, watch as I throw this.”

Lee then watched as Shenhua threw her knife at the dart board.

The tip of the blade hit the dead center of the dart board, in the bull's eye.

Shenhua then pulled out another throwing knife, between her fingers.

Though, this time, Lee noted that the angle of how she held the kunai was opposite to how it was before. With her holding the pointed end, with the end of the hilt facing him.

Shenhua turned around to face Lee, as she held the knife blade between her fingers. She said, “Here. You try.”

Lee thought, 'If I accidentally cut her, she will probably kill me. Though, she using proper knife safety. If one hands someone a open bladed knife, they are to have the bottom of the hilt pointed towards the person that he or she is giving the knife to.'

Lee gently gripped small hilt of the blade between his right index and thumb. He did not pulled on the throwing knife. Instead, he waited for Shenhua to let go of the knife.

As Shenhua let go of the knife, she thought, 'Good. As I hoped. Lee knows basic knife safety. That saves me from explaining that to him. And hurting him, if he accidentally cut me.'

Lee carefully used both of his hands to positioned the blade between his right index and middle fingers on the small hilt, using the same the angle the blade, as when the previous knife was in Shenhua's right hand.

Lee then attempted to imitate Shenhua's throw, and he hit the outer edge of the dart board, but the knife bounced off, and landed on the floor.

Shenhua complimented, “Not bad for the first time. Though, I noticed that you were holding the knife at a slightly wrong angle, you let go a bit to soon, and you did not apply enough force.”

She then pulled out another knife, and handed it to him.

Lee was just as careful with retrieving the second knife he was given, as he did with the first knife he had been given.

After Lee positioned the knife between his right fingers, he held his right hand help to Shenhua, as he asked, “Is this the proper position, and angle?

Shenhua looked at Lee's hand, she answered, “Push the blade slightly further away from you.”

Lee used his left fingers to do as he was instructed, in changing the angle of the blade between his right fingers.

Shenhua looked at his hand again, as she said, “That is fine. Now, remember what I said. Let go a split second longer than last time, and use a little more force in your thrown. But not too much force.”

Lee looked over at the dart board, and he did at Shenhua told him to, as took aim, and he threw the throwing knife.

This time, the blade of the knife embedded itself in the wall, right beside the left part of the dart board.

Shenhua stated, “Well, that is an improvement. Now, we just have to work on your aim.”

Shenhua then spent the next two hours introducing Lee on how to throw knives. With Lee carefully collecting the blades, now and then.

Shenhua found Lee to be a good student, whom was polite, and open to what she had to tell him.

And at the end of the first lesson, both of them had told the other that they had a good time with the lessons. Lee then paid Shenhua the other thousand dollars, in ten hundred dollars bills, and the two adults then peacefully parted ways for the rest of the day.

On the next day of the time loop, Lee repeated what he did the first day, with getting Shenhua to teach him how to throw knives.

And Lee continued to do this, day after day.

As Lee improved in his skill, his changed his excuse to that he use to knife thrower when he was younger, and he would like to have someone help him brush up on his skills.


Three months of time loops later, it was the middle of the afternoon, in the hotel lobby, as Lee has set up two dart boards on the left, lower wall of the lobby, near the windows.

Lee stood thirty feet away from the dart boards, which was about halfway between the entryway side windows, and the wall with the dart boards.

Lee has two small pedestal tables to both his sides, at waist level. He has a stack of a hundred and eight playing cards on each pedestal table.

And Lee was literally using each of his hands to swipe a card from the top of each deck on the two pedestal tables, with out disturbing the cards below the top cards he pulled from the decks.

He then had a card in the index and middle fingers of both his hands, as he throw a card at each of the dart boards, at the same time.

Both cards embedded themselves in the bull of each dart board.

A second later, Lee repeated the process, with the two new cards into the bulls of the board, slicing throw the two cards that had previously been there.

Lee then did it again, over and over, as he was dual wielding his playing cards, by throwing them at the same time.

Lee showed flawless skill in his throwing, as almost all the cards hit the bulls of the board, and either cut into the previous cards, or bounced off, onto the floor.

Though, Lee was also using his precognition to help make sure the cards hit their targets.

Due to all this, Lee was able to mix it to where he could swap out his targets, so instead of throwing the cards in his left hand at the left board, and the cards in his right hand, at the right board, he switched. And Lee started throwing the right cards at the left dart board, and the left cards at the right dart board.

As Lee did this, Lee was still able to constantly hit both bulls at once, with the cards either slicing through the previous cards, and embedding into the dart boards, or bouncing off.

Lee could also throw cards while moving around, with him being able to hit moving targets, as he moved around.

Though, the card throwing form that Lee found was easiest for him, was for him to use his left hand hold the deck of cards, with his left thumb on top sliding the top card, to be pulled next, while throwing one card at a time, with his right index, and middle fingers.

Most of the people in the front lobby silently watched as Lee did this. The other people in the lobby briskly left to get their friends, and bring them back to the front lobby to see the spectacle that Lee was put on.

By the time Lee finished, he looked to his right, to see the room was crowded. With almost all the crowd looking at him, with happy expressions on their faces.

As the people realized that Lee had run out of cards, and was finished with his trick, they all started clapping in applause for the skills Lee had just demonstrated.

While Lee looked around, he thought, with amazement, 'Wow. I can really put on a show. And I do enjoy the applause.'

'Also, a card thrower is sometimes call a death dealer. Pun intended. I have literally become a dual wielding death dealer. Cool. The only down side to throwing with playing cards is that I can only throw one card at a time, per hand. This is because the angle has to be perfect with the throw, or the card will go sideways and fall harmlessly onto the ground, or it would just bounce off what it hit.'

'Though, Shenhua did teach me how to properly throw multiple knives at one, in one hand. And I can do it with both hands at the same time.'

'Still, a deck of cards will make a nice, hidden weapon to have. And it will not run afoul of this nations anti-weapons laws.'

Lee then noticed Revy, Rock, Shenhua, and their group, including the teenagers, standing together, as they watching.

From the looks on their faces, and from the other faces, he saw they were all truly impressed with his skills.

Shenhua asked, “Who taught you how to throw cards like that?”

Lee did not show any outward emotion, as he laughed on the inside. Lee casually stated, “Just an asian lady I know.”

Shenhua replied, “Okay.”

Ranma complimented, “Nice circus trick.”

Lee said, “Thank you.”

Revy smirked, as she stated, “Not bad.”

Lee replied, “Thank you for the compliment.” Lee thought, 'Given her attitude, that is probably the best I am going to get out of her. But, it is clear everyone else is impressed. Now, I wonder how easily it will be to get Shenhua to teach me to fight with long knives.'


A few time loops later, it was morning, as Lee was having breakfast with Sam, at the bar counter, in the hotel restaurant. In their usual seats, side by side, with Lee to Sam's right side.

As Lee ate his meal, he was thinking about his current problems. Lee thought, 'Since I have having such a wonderful time learning Shenhua, on how to throw knives, I did not realize I would have problems learning from her, on how to fight with long knives.'

'Unfortunately, every time I convinced her to teach me, she became suspicious. So, learning from her, on that, is out. Still, I feel I will still be able to likely convince her to teach me how to read, writer, and speak, chinese, at some point in these time loops.'

'Still, I need to find someone to teach me at least the basics in how to fight.'

Lee then looked over, to his left side, at Sam, as he continued his thoughts, 'I have seen Sam in a few fights with drunks at the Rats Nests. He can hold his own in a fight. And I can at least learn the basics from him. Now, if I could just convince him to help me.'

Lee said, “Sam?”

Sam looked over at Lee.

Lee calmly said, “Sam, I know you are busy with your girlfriend, today. But, I have a favor to ask of you.”

Sam inquired, “What is it, Lee?”

Lee let out a breath. He then requested, in a polite tone of voice, “I know you know how to fight. I was wondering if you could give me a few lessons, before you join with your girlfriend, today.”

Sam asked, “How much you willing to pay?”

Lee wondered, 'How did he know I was going to offer money for these lessons?... Wait a minute. He might be guessing, or joking. Either way, he is clearly interested.'

Lee answered, “Two grand, U.S. cash.”

Sam took a very hard look into Lee's eyes for a few seconds. Sam then relaxed his expression, as he kindly offered, “I will do it for free.”

Lee happily replied, “Thank you, Sam.”

Sam stated, “Still, I got to call my girlfriend about not meeting her. But, I think she will understand my reasons.”

Lee inquired, “Okay. So, when, and where, do you want to do this?”

Sam calmly answered, “There are some mats in the hotel gym. We will do start about thirty minutes after breakfast. I have found it is best to let one's food settle, before sparing. And what you have on will be fine to be trained in. Though, I suggest losing the hat, glasses, and jacket.”

Lee thought, 'Sam, you are not going to remember this after the reset, so this will not be a problem.' He said, “That is fine with me.”

Sam replied, “Good.”

The two men then went back to eating their breakfast.


An hour later, in the hotel gym, there were only a few people in he gym at the time.

On the matted floor, Lee found himself thrown on his back, by Sam, for a third time.

Sam looked down at Lee, as he offered Lee a hand up, with his right hand, for a third time.

Lee took Sam's right hand, for a third time, as he said, “Thanks.”

While Lee stood up, Sam stated, “I take it no one ever taught you how to defend yourself.”

As Lee found his footing, he let go of Sam's right hand. He admitted, “No one has ever trusted me enough to do so.”

Sam had a sorrowful look in his eyes, as he stated, in a sad tone of voice, “That is unfortunate. But, if you are willing to learn, I will teach you. No matter how long it takes.”

Lee replied, “I am willing to learn.”

Sam stated, “Good. But, I am going to need commitment from you.”

Lee promised, “You will have it.”

Sam commented, “Also, given you are not in great shape, you will have to overcome that limitation.”

Lee responded, “I seem to thrive on adversity.”

Sam smiled, as he said, “Good. Very good. Now, let me show you how to properly throw a punch.”


Two months of time loops later, in the hotel gym, for the first time in his life, Lee had learned enough, that he was able to thrown Sam onto his back. Lee didn't even use his precognitive abilities. It was purely because he had become so skilled, that he was able to do that move against Sam.

Lee offer Sam a hand up, with his right hand, as he gave Sam a warm smile.

Lee thought, 'Now, this is a nice turned around, to the usual time of Sam offering me a hand up.'

Sam returned Lee's warm smile, as he took Lee's right hand.

As Sam stood up, he stated, “Well, after this first sparing match, I can say that you clearly have some skill. But, I think I can teach you to improve on what you know.” Sam then found his footing, and he let go of Lee's right hand.

Lee grinned, as he replied, “That is why I am learning from you.”


Months of loops later, Lee was able to fight Sam to a standstill.

And after a few hours of sparing, two men quit their sparring session for the day.

Lee and Sam stood on the mats, as looked at each other, while they let their bodies calm down from the physical exertion they just put on their bodies.

Sam commented, “I honestly don't think there is anything I can teach you, that you don't already know.”

Lee smiled, as he responded, “Good. That just means this match was a good way to gauge my abilities. Now, how about I also treat you to lunch in a little while.”

Sam returned Lee's smile, as he replied, “Sounds great.”

As both men walked out of the gym, Lee asked, “Sam. Do you know spanish, as well?”

Sam answered, “Yes. I can speak, read, and write, it.”

Lee politely requested, “Could you please teach me some spanish?”

Sam stated, “Sure. We will start this afternoon, after lunch. I will call my girlfriend, to let her know I got held up. We will just have to settle for supper, and an evening together, for today.”

Lee replied, “Thank you, Sam.” He mentally added, 'Okay. I am good with one lesson. Let's see if I can do more than one lesson, during each reset. And if I budget my time, and money, wisely, I can afford a few lessons at the same time, every day. This will cut down the time I will need to learn everything I am interested in learning.'

Lee then had a pleasant lunch with Sam, and an enjoy introductory lesson from Sam, on learning the spanish language.


A few years of time loops later, it was eleven fifty-three PM, in the Devil's Hotel. Violin and Aeryn decided to leave the dance party and head for their rooms.

As they walked through the front lobby, Violin noticed someone doing something she thought was off.

Violin turned to her spouse, as she said, “I will join you up in the suite in a minute.”

Aeryn replied, “Okay.” Aeryn turned and walked to the elevators.

Meanwhile, Violin walked over to who she saw.

Violin soon came to a stop in front of the person she watched to confront.

Violin stood in front of Lee, as she looked down at what Lee was doing. She saw that Lee was sitting down a lobby chair, in front of a table. On the table, he had a laptop computer he was looking at, while he used earphones to listen to what was on the computer.

Violin saw that Lee was watching a live action TV show.

Lee noticed Violin standing over him. He took off the earphones, as he looked up at her.

Violin inquired, “I thought you didn't like computers?”

Lee smirked, as he casually admitted, “I lied.”

Violin inquired, “What are you watching?”

Lee answered, “Well for today, I decided to take a day off. I have been downloading, and watching the Babylon 5 series, from the beginnings, with the pilot episode. I am over half way through season one. You are the first person to call me on this lie I made.”

“It is not surprising, given everyone is busy today with their own fun, they would not noticed me doing a few things off.'

'Though, given my situation, I do find it ironic that I am currently watching the episode, Babylon Squared. Not one of my favorite episodes. But, it has a nice tie in with the entire series, two seasons later, with the two part episode, War Without End.”

Violin though, 'This episodes dealt with time travel. I don't like where the conversation is going. I need to find out more.' She asked, “What situation?”

Lee casual said, “This time loop situation.”

Violin asked, “You are in a time loop?”

Lee corrected, “No. We are in a time loop. For your next question, as far as I can guess it is a real time loop, and reset. Not alternate reality traveling, with everyone else branching out along the multiverse.”

Violin thought, 'Oh hell. He is talking very casually about the multiverse. Like he has been at this for a while.”

Violin questioned, “How long has we been stuck in the time loop?”

Lee answered, “I lost track of time a while back. Given there is no way to for me to mark time in this temporal loop, I would guess a number of years.”

Violin inquired, “How does this time loop work? What are the rules?”

Lee stated, “When it comes to rules. The best I can figure, the rules of this time loops are a cross between Groundhog's Day rules, and Stargate SG1 Window of Opportunity rules. If nothing happens, everything resets at twelve midnight. Which is...”

Lee checked his wrist watch. He looked back up at Violin, as he continued, “Five and a half minutes, with change. If I die, or someone leaves this reality, it resets. And when it resets, I wake up, unharmed, and well rested, before dawn. And everything, and everyone, is back they way they were this morning. With no memory of the previous events.”

Violin responded, “We have less than six minutes before the time loop resets?... Wait a minute, you know about reality travel?”

Lee smirked, “That's right, Johnny-girl. At least this time loop is a lot better than when you got stuck in that crappy temporal loop, over that singularity on Moya. Before the rest of the crew were your friends.”

Violin asked, with worry in her tone of voice, “How do you know who I really am?... You're the writer?”

Lee continued smiling, as he said, “Yep. It is so refreshing to not have to hide, or lie, at the moment. I loath doing, either. And there no point in you hurting me. I am answering all your questions. And you are not going to recall this in less than five and a half minutes. Along with everyone else, but me. Though, I think somewhere, deep down in yourself, you will remember these answers. So, let's keep this civil.”

Violin inquired, “Okay. Let's get the rest of the important questions out of the way. Did you cause this time loop?”

Lee answered, “No. Also, do not I know how it started. Nor, do I know who, or what started it.”

Violin questioned, “Are you planning to stop it?”

Lee replied, “Sorry, Violin. But no. I have no plans to stop the time loops for many reasons. One of the main reason is that I am dying of cancer. This is probably my last chance to live a little, before I finally die. One way, or another.”

“And look at the situation I am in. We are in a city of adventure. Living in a hotel resort, by the beach. Okay, it is too cold to go swimming. But, everything else is cool about this place, and situation. I am surround by badass babes. This loop is happening during a day when the entire city is throwing a festival. And there are no consequences for my actions.”

Violin blurted out, “Good lord. This must be like heaven for you.”

Lee shrugged, as he replied, “I figure this is about as close as I am every going to get to heaven.” He then smirked, happily commented, “My own personal Valhalla.”

Violin realized, as she responded, “Hold on. No consequences? What have you already done to us?”

Lee answered, “Nothing to bad. I pulled a couple of wicked pranks with you and your friends, for getting me stoned. But, for the most part, all I have done is steal a few kisses from you women. And I don't plan on doing anything horrible. If you noticed, I never went that route with my writings.”

Violin let out a sigh of relief. She agreed, “No. You didn't.”

Lee commented, “Besides. You shouldn't be complaining. From what I understand, during the time loop, every day you are having four hours of good loving with your wife.”

Violin conceded, “That is true. So, what are you currently up to in these loops?”

Lee stated, “Well, except for the occasional off day, like today, I keep myself pretty busy. If I am going to be stuck in a time loop, I am going to learn some things. And my current schedule is this. In late the morning, I spend two hours learning how to formally dance, from Sawyer.”

Violin commented, “Yea. She is a pretty good dancer.”

Lee agreed, “Yes. I overheard that in one of these loops, from Lotton talking to Ranma, that Sawyer is not only now a skilled singer, but she is an excellent formal dancer. And she is. I am glad Sawyer is learning, and improving herself, beyond violent means.”

Violin agreed, “So, am I. It shows there is an actual human being under that chainsaw wielding maniac.”

Lee commented, “I already know that, from her interactions with Lotton and Shenhua. And when I am finished learning dancing from her, I plan for her to teach me how to sing.”

Violin inquired, “So, are you going to learn singing from Sawyer? Or Ranma? Or both?”

Lee complimented, “You are a sharp as ever. I am going from Sawyer. From the karaoke nights, I have heard both of them singing plenty of times. And I feel that Sawyer has a firmer grasp of the mechanics and fluidity of singing, than Ranma.”

“Ranma is more of the hard rocking singer, while Sawyer has slightly better understanding of pitch control. And that is why I choose Sawyer, over Ranma, on the issue of singing, as my teacher.”

“Though, Ranma has some real skills at singing, as well. So, after I finish learning to sing from Sawyer, I may take a few rock and roll singing lessons from Ranma.”

Violin inquired, “Okay. That is the morning. What about the afternoon?”

Lee answered, “Well, after lunch, I spent two hours learning how to speak, read, and write chinese, from Shenhua. I figure if I am going to learn a language, I should learn it from someone whose native in that language, from one who knows my native language.”

Violin said, “I am surprised you did not learn about knives from her.”

Lee stated, “Actually, I did. I learned how to throw knives from her. And I am so good, I am not only deathly with throwing knives, but playing cards, as well. But, she kept becoming to suspicious of me when I tried to learn how to fight with long knives. So, I dropped that line of approach.”

Violin asked, “That is understandable. So, where do you go next, during your schedule?”

Lee responded, “I spend an hour learning to play the piano, from a skilled piano teacher I found in town. Then, I have the rest of the day and night free. I am doing well with all three of these lessons. And when I am finished learning the piano, I plan to move to learn the saxophone, and a few other instruments. Though, I am not sure what I am going to get you girls to teach me next.”

Violin said, “It sounds like you are getting the college experience.”

Lee said, “I really wouldn't know. I didn't really go to college. But, I guess this could be viewed as the case. And at least I don't have homework, nor tests to do.”

Violin let out a smile giggle. She then inquired, “True. Well, as John, I did go to college. And it sounds like that is the case. So, how much are you paying for these lessons? I know the girls don't work on the cheap.”

Lee stated, “You are right about that. The standard rate for any of your girls is two thousand, U.S. for two hours of your time. Half before the lesson begins and half after the lesson is concluded.”

Violin asked, “How much do you have on hand?”

Lee answered, “Before the time loop started, I had amassed just over seven grand. Which I have on hand. I have become very good at the poker. My poker face, and skills at reading people's faces have become incredible, even before the time loop start.”

“I don't even need my precognitive abilities to clean someone out. Though, such abilities can help in doing so.”

“I spent two for a lesson with Sawyer, two for a lesson with Shenhua. I spent on grand for the piano lessons. And I spent five hundred for the laptop and equipment. Also, I hold back fifteen hundred, in case the loop stops. That way I will still be okay, money wise.”

Violin responded, “That is a wise precaution.”

Lee replied, “I know. And thank you.”

Violin replied, “You're welcome.” She then realized something, as she stated, “Hold up. With the time loop, the money goes back into your pocket, and they never actually get paid. Like Phil in Groundhogs Day.”

Lee's smiled, as he responded, “Exactly. It is the perfect con. I appeal to your greed, and none of you realized, until now, that you never actually get paid. Though, I would like your opinion, on that matter.”

“Which do you think would hurt the women more, in their pride, more? Realizing that I, the person they hunted, cheated them out of their money? Or, realizing that I tricked them into teaching me how to do a number of things? Including, them helping me take a few levels in badass. Though, only a few, not a lot.”

Violin pointed out, “Hard call. But, I can tell you this. While I am not that upset, if the others learn how you have been conning them, they are literally going to tear you apart, limb from limb.”

Lee continued to smile, as he casually said, “Oh. I know. Though, I doubt you are going to mention this to them, even if you remember it, because you are such a nice person.”

Violin conceded, “True. I don't think you deserve that type of fate.”

Lee said, “I am glad you feel that way. Still, I do have back up plans if the reset does not happen, and unexpectedly stops. I will still have enough money to live on for the foreseeable future, and any lessons I was taught, for the previous day, could be excused for just a personal, one time interest, in brushing up my skills. With me being coy about my abilities, out of pretending to be humble.”

Violin admitted, “That is smooth. I am surprised that you never conned me into teaching you physics.”

Lee shamelessly replied, “I did con you. You taught me for six months, from basic algebra and physics, and you taught me another six month, up to advanced astrophysics. I know know the basics to understanding wormholes, and reality travel formulas.”

“Also, during that time, I learned to play the guitar and read sheet music. And Sam taught me how to speak, read, and write spanish. I am now fluent in that language. Earlier than that, Sam also taught how to fight. I could now probably fight Akira to a standstill, in a hand to hand fight. Though, I could not hold a candle to you, Revy, Aeryn, Shenhua, Natsuru, and Ranma.”

Violin commented, “I am glad you realize that.”

Lee stated, “Of course. Speaking of which, I eventually plan to start convincing Akira and Natsuru to teach me how improve my firearm skills. Revy is just too much of a handful to approach, when is comes to loaded weapons.”

Violin shook her head for a couple of seconds, as she commented, “You got that right. And I shouldn't be surprised that you conned me, or Aeryn, as well. Though, I am surprised that you didn't trick me into teaching you engineering.”

Lee shrugged, “I discounted Aeryn because she is not familiar with Earth weaponry. And when it comes to you. Well, I would have had you teach me engineering, but I never could figure out how to get the equipment for it here, on short notice. Still, I did also spent another month of you teaching me how to take care, take apart, and properly put back together, my pink Cadillac.”

Violin cracked a smile, as she said, “Let me guess, I showed off my super-strength by picking up the engine block?”

Lee let out a laugh. He commented, “Yes. And you even picked up the car a few times. I have found that you really like to show off when you want too, and when you can get away with it.”

Violin replied, “Yep”

Lee commented, “I am probably one of the few people whom realize how powerful you truly are. If you were properly trained, and kept the fighting on the ground, you could probably take down Ironman, and hold your own against Thor.”

Violin smiled, as she teased, “And I am such a nice girl, too.”

Lee said, “Yes. You are. I made sure of that. Including giving you a good second childhood. But, I really didn't change your personality too much. I just kept the same basic personality you had as John, only as a girl.”

Violin conceded, “I will give you that one. But, what is with the fangirl mode? I admit it is fun to experience. But, it is also embarrassing.”

Lee pointed out, “Let's be honest, Violin. When you were John, you were a diehard fanboy. The only reason you survived in the Uncharted Territories for those first few months was due to your genre savviness from being a fanboy.”

Violin admitted, “You got me there. But, you still turned me into my own biggest fan. Do you have any idea of the type of sexual fantasies I had as Violin, about my time at John, before I remembered I was John?”

Lee surmised, “I would guess, several. That is why I even wrote the personality merger in a sexual way. And given the twisted nature of the Farscape series itself, I could not think of a more twisted, yet unique way, to bring you back from the dead. You have already come back in almost all the other ways there are.”

Violin responded, “You are right about that.”

Lee said, “Any other way would have left the read rolling their eyes in such cliches. And I loath cliches.”

Violin stated, “So, do I. And honestly, that death you gave me what not the worst. And you did give me a good second childhood.”

Lee said, “I know. And I always respected you, Violin.”

Violin replied, “Thank you, Lee.”

Lee commented, “You're welcome. You know, Violin. You are also probably the multiverse's first redneck, alien asian.”

Violin let out a laugh. She then stated, “You know what? I probably am. I seem to be a first for a number of things.”

Lee inquired, “True. By the way, how are Dargo, Chiana, Little D, Pilot, and Moya?”

Violin answered, “All are fine. With Dargo and Chiana enjoying their marriage.”

Lee replied, “Good. Also, about that joke I left open with you, and their wedding. Were you the best man? Or, the bridesmaid?”

Violin smiled, as she stated, “I used a reality device to be both. First, I wore a tux that fit my new form, and I was Dargo's bestman. After the wedding itself, I went back in time, and wore a gown, to be a bridesmaid for Chiana, with my wife. Then, Aeryn and I danced in our gowns at the after party.”

Lee responded, “Nice. With the imagination and inventiveness I would expect from you.”

Violin continued to smile, as she happily replied, “Thanks.”

Lee inquired, “Though, now that I think about it. I wonder, does Harvey remember the time loops? When I brought him back, I gave him a pretty strong memory.”

Inside Violin's mind, Harvey mentally said, 'I remember.'

Violin realized the implications of Harvey keeping this secret from her, as she growled, more towards Harvey, than Lee, “He does.”

Lee cursed, “Damn. That could cause problem... Wait. Harvey, I will make a deal with you. You have obviously been quiet about these time loops, so far. And since we are both in really good situations that we both like, I will be nice to Violin and Aeryn, in exchange for your continued silence.”

Harvey mentally responded, 'Deal.'

Violin frowned.

Lee commented, “From your face expression, Violin, I am going to take it that Harvey said, yes.”

Lee thought, with relief, 'That is another bullet I dodged. Also, with a second person remembering the time loops, this proves this is a temporal reset, instead of me creating an alternate reality every time there is a reset.'

Meanwhile, inside Violin's mind, Violin mentally yelled, 'Harvey?! Why didn't you tell me?!'

Harvey mentally explained, in a calm manner, 'Because the sex during with Aeryn, during these time loops, have been awesome. Hell, the entire day has been awesome. Having a wonderful day on the town. Come home, have four hours of great sex. Then, cap off the evening with dancing, and partying.'

Harvey then continued, with a sense of wildness in his tone of voice, 'I say, let the good times roll!'

Violin realized, in thought, 'That is why you have been suggesting a few things during the day, and while we were in bed?'

Harvey mentally replied, 'Yes. That is why I did so. I did want to keep things from being boring. By the way, you might one to ask him how long we have left until the reset.'

Violin asked, “How long do we have?”

Lee looked at his watched, as stated, “Less than ten seconds. 7... 6... 5... 4...” He looked up at Violin, as he added, in a happy tone of voice, “By the way, have a great time, Harvey.”

While Lee could not hear Harvey's response.

Inside Violin's mind, Harvey smiled, as he mentally said, 'Thank you.'

The next thing Lee knew, he was back in his bed, in the darkness of the early morning.

Lee smiled, as he thought, 'That was an interesting time loop. I need to remember that Harvey remembers, as well. Still, as long as he is happy with Violin's situation, and by extension, Aeryn's situation, I have nothing to worry about from Harvey, Violin, nor Aeryn.'

'And as long as I leave Violin and Aeryn alone, for the most part. I might even want to talk to Harvey, through Violin, if I one day get desperate enough to talk to someone that remembers. Though, I doubt that will happen. I have always been a bit of a loner. Yet, most times, it was not by choice.'

Lee the got up to face the same day, that offered him different challenges, that he chose.


A year of time loops later, Lee got around to learning more about using, and firing, firearms.

When it came to firearm experts, among Revy and Rock's group, there were four women present that were masters in such crafts. They were, Aeryn, Revy, Akira, and Natsuru.

While it was tempting to have Aeryn teach him, Lee knew beforehand that the alien woman was way to strict a teacher. And as Lee had once told Violin, Aeryn was not familiar with Earth base weaponry. Which was the only type of weaponry that Lee had access too.

And while Revy was a firearms expert, Lee discounted Revy due to her constant bad mood.

So, that left Akira, and Natsuru. Lee paid both of them a thousand a piece for their time. And they were more than happy to teach Lee, together, to use firearms.

They even let Lee practice with their own weapons and ammo. Which consisted mostly of Akira's pistols and ammo.

Along with this, there were a number of times, in which Lee was able to talk Pedro into loaning him a few rifles, semi-automatic pistols, sub-machine guns, machine guns and the ammo for those weapons.

It was not hard to convince Pedro to loan Lee said equipment, once Pedro swiftly realized that they are in a time loop, and Pedro would get these items back in the next reset.

Pedro even told Lee, that Pedro justified giving Lee access to these weapons, because if Lee became a badass, himself, it would increase Lee's chances of stealing one of the reality devices that belonged to Rock and Revy's group. With Lee then escaping into the multiverse, and those badass women following Lee, and leaving Plata Podrido for good.

After Lee had the weapons and ammo packed in the trunk of his car, he then went back to the Devil's hotel to pick Akira and Natsuru up, and to head off to where they would teach Lee to use firearms.

The place they went to a secluded part of the island, by the beach, where Lee practiced in front of the sand berms in that location, while using soap boxes to set cans, tree limbs, and other items, to shoot at from a distance.

Akira focused on teaching Lee how to use pistols. And Natsuru taught Lee how to use rifles, sub-machine guns, and machine guns.

Also, the two women were nice enough to teach Lee gun safety, how to take proper care, and how to clean firearms. They also taught him how take apart and put back together the firearms they taught him to use.

They even taught Lee how to safely spin pistols around in his fingers, by the pistol guards, without shooting himself. Though, Lee had yet to shot himself in a time loop. And he had not intention of finding out what that felt like.

While Lee never got the hang of dual wielding pistols, he was now dangerous with a single pistol in his right hand. And he was a fair shot with his left hand. He was just not that good, when he had to divide his attention between to weapon. Except when he used his precognitive. But, he considered using his precognitive abilities to be unreliable in combat situations, unless it was an absolute emergency.

Lee even found Akira and Natsuru to be as nice as he expected them to be. And he did enjoy their company, as they taught him. Along with Ranma coming along, to keep her two lovers company, on the few times Lee asked that their lover, Ranma could come with them. And during those times, Akira and Ranma even gave Lee some basic lessons on how to fight with long knives, and how to fight, in hand to hand combat, against someone with long knife, other melee weapons, or when the opponent was using two melee weapons at once.

Lee even paid Ranma for a few of these lessons.

Also, Lee was also polite. And at the end of each lesson, as he paid them, he thanked Akira, Natsuru, and Ranma, for the lessons they gave him.

Eventually, there reached a point that Akira and Natsuru told Lee that there was nothing left they could teach him. And soon after, Lee felt he was skilled enough to try to make a bet with Revy, that he had wanted to do for years, while in the time loop.


A few time loops later, after Akira and Natsuru concluded their lessons with Lee, it was morning, as Lee approached Revy and Rock's group, again, in the hotel restaurant, at the tables, by the stage, where the group of women were having their breakfast.

As Lee approached the women's tables, he thought, 'This is the third time I have tried this. Even with my precognition, it is difficult to do this. But, I really want to know that answer to that question. And given Revy's mood, this is the only way I can get a straight answer from her, without getting hurt.'

When Lee came to a stop, in front of their tables, the women turned to look at Lee.

Lee said, “Good morning, ladies. Revy, I was wondering, when you are finished with breakfast, if you would be willing to wager a little, harmless bet?”

And for the third time, Revy said the same exact sentence, “Depends on what it is.”

Lee pulled out the cash, as he said, “The bet is five hundred american dollars that I can use one of your pistols to shoot a can three times, in the air, before it hits the ground. If I lose, you get the money. If I win, you answer a question for me. And it is not an embarrassing question. You game?”

Revy smirked, as she stated, “Sure. I have never seen you shoot a gun while here. This will be the quickest five hundred I have made in a while.”

Lee said, “I will see you in an hour, in the lobby.”

Revy replied, “Fine with me.”

Lee then turned, and walked away from the group of women.


An hour later, Lee met with Revy in the hotel lobby.

Both adults then exited the building for the parking lot.

So, Lee was driving Revy down the road, in his pink Cadillac, with the top and windows of the car being down.

A few minutes later, Lee drove them to a deserted part of the beach. The same part of the beach that Akira and Natsuru had train Lee in the use of firearms.

They got out, and Lee pulled out a can of cola that he had previously finished, and he had put in the care, earlier that day.

As Revy got out of the car, Lee walked over to a nearby rock, and placed the can on top of the rock.

The rock was about twenty feet from the car.

Lee then walked back to the car, and towards Revy.

When Lee reached Revy, the redheaded woman pulled out one of her semi-automatic pistols, and handed it to Lee.

Revy then stood back, and quietly watched.

Lee checked to make sure the safety to the gun was turned off. He then pulled back the slide, to seat the first bullet in the chamber. Because he knew, as a rule, from watching the Black Lagoon anime, as a precaution, Revy preferred to keep the chambers of her pistols empty, when she was not using her weapons.

Next, Lee turned towards the empty can. He pointed the gun at the can, he took aim, and he fired at an angle that sent the can spinning upward. He then shot it again, keeping it in the air, and going up.

The next shot started to send the can going away from them, but Lee quickly, shot and hit the can, one last time, before it hit the ground.

Lee thought, 'That last shot just kept giving me trouble.'

Lee put the safety back on the pistol, as he turned around. He checked the grip he had on the pistol. After which, he handed pistol back to Revy, by the barrel, so she could grab the grip.

Revy took the pistol, and holstered it. She said, “Not bad. So, what is your question?”

Lee asked, “Is that red hair your natural hair color?”

Revy cracked a grin, as she answered, “Sure is.”

Lee responded, “Thank you. So, is there anywhere I can drop you off? Or, do you want to go back to the hotel?”

Revy continued to smile, as she responded, “Back to the hotel is fine.”

Both of them got back into the car, with Lee in the driver's seat, and Revy in the front passenger’s seat.

As Lee started the car, he mentally reflected, 'Just as I thought. Even with a bad mood. Winning money, or seeing something that interests her, will put Revy in a good mood for a while. Now, with the firearms taken care of, I want to see if I can learn japanese.'

'I found spanish and chinese were not that hard to learn. So, I doubt japanese will be that difficult for me. The only question is if I can fool my teachers, long enough to learn it.'

'Even towards the end, with both Sam, on learning spanish, and Shenhua, on learning chinese, they were getting suspicious on my language skills. But, I am now fluent in those languages, and that it what matters.'

'Still, I need to work on a plan to deal with these language issues, if it suddenly becomes a problem, should these time loops end.'

Lee then drove Revy back to the hotel.


During the next few months of time loops, Lee found it difficult to learn japanese. But, not due to the language itself, but from those that could teach him it.

Being practical, Lee first approach Rock on learning japanese. Lee figures, since Rock at one point worked as a translator, between japanese and english speakers, that she would be the best choice to learn to speak, read, and write, japanese from.

Lee made the same basic money offer and basic pitch line, to Rock, that he had used countless times before on the members of her various group.

And the money offer and the line worked. Unfortunately, after a month, Rock became suspicious of Lee sudden development in learning japanese.

Due to this, Lee went with plan, B, on the issue. And he was able to convince, Akira, Natsuru, and Ranma, to teach him japanese, for a fee.

Unfortunately, they soon became suspicious as well, of Lee knowledge of the japanese language.

So, since Lee didn't know anyone else on the island, that knew japanese, Lee had to table learning japanese for the moment.

Though, Lee did promise himself, that he would find someone on the island, to learn japanese from, sometime during these time loops.

Still, at the same time, Lee was learning other skills, as well.

One such skill came from Melvin.

It was no secret that Melvin had military experience, and Lee used that general knowledge, to his advantage.

After finding someone in the island with the equipment Lee was looking for, Lee met with Melvin one afternoon.

Lee made the same deal with Melvin, in cash, as he did the women. And it worked.

And so, that afternoon, Melvin taught Lee how to rappel down down a building. In this case, the thirty story Devil's Hotel building, with the rappelling gear Lee bought. With Lee and Melvin having a great time doing so.

And over the course of the loops, through the years, Lee learned many more things, from many people.

To be continued.

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