Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”
Volume 1: “De La Plata Podrido.”
Chapter 13: “Patrol Of The Grove.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
On the island city of, De La Plata Podrido, Mexico. A few days after Daiyu Palace Casino's grand opening. It was an early morning, right before sunrise. Though, from the twilight of the sun already peeking out, from the eastern horizon, and from the lack of cloud cover, the day was looking to be very sunny.
In the home of Police Chief Pedro Del Soto, in Pedro's bedroom, the first thing he became aware of, as he woke up in his bed, in his moderately sized, and very nice home, was the sound of music playing, at a conformable volume, from the jazz radio station that he set his alarm clock to.
While laying on his back, Pedro leaned up from his bed, as he turned to the nightstand, to his right side, where his clock and lamp were located. He turned on the lamp light on the nightstand, by his bed, as he looked at his alarm clock.
His alarm clock stated it was six thirty AM.
Pedro turned turned off his alarm clock, as he thought, 'At least I did not sleep late... Now, to face the insanity that has become my life. Always work of a hero. This city is not going to save itself. And it is work on a daily basis.'
Pedro then got out of bed, to get ready for the day. With him him quickly making, his bed, before head headed to his nearby bathroom.
Pedro was wearing only a t-shirt and a pair of boxer shorts. And though he was in his forties, he was still in great physical shape.
After a quick trip to his bathroom, for a piss, he walked into his kitchen.
He pulled out a cup, and a jar of instant coffee mix. He used the cup of water to fell the coffeemaker. He then scooped some instant coffee grounds, from a jar he opened, into the coffeemaker, over the filter. After he closed the jar with the coffee grounds, set his cup under the coffeemaker, for some coffee.
A few minutes later, he saw at his kitchen table, as he sipped his coffee, and ate some non-sugary cereal, with milk.
When he was finished, he used the faucet in the kitchen sink, to rinse off his cup bowl, and spoon. He set the dishes into the sink, for him to later put in his dishwasher.
Next, he headed for his bathroom, again.
Once in the bathroom, he shaved his face, and took a shower, among other things.
When he was through with his shower, he dried off with a towel, and he combed his short black hair. He then reentered his bedroom.
After he entered his bedroom, he retrieved the items he needed to put on. He laid the items on top of his bed.
Next, he replaced his boxer shorts and white t-shirt, he put on his socks. He then put on his brown pants, and leather belt.
Among other things, Pedro's pants already had his wallet, police ID, and badge in the side pockets his pants.
He put on his black boots. Next, he laced and tired his boot laces.
After that, Pedro put on his bulletproof vest, which made him look like he was thirty pounds heavier. He then put on his white, long sleeve, button up shirt.
He grabbed the tie he is selected to wear that day. The tie was dark blue. And he walked to the wall mirror in his bedroom. Which was right above his chest of drawers.
After he finished tying his tie, and putting it under the folded turtle neck of his shirt, he walked back over to his bed.
He then put on his shoulder holster. His semi-automatic pistol was already in its holster. With the weapon load, and ready to be used. His semi-automatic pistol was located under his left armpit, there were two full ammo clips, in pooches, in the shoulder holster, under his right arm pit.
He then grabbed his ankle holster, with his loaded, five shot, snub-nosed revolver holstered in it.
Next, Pedro leaned down.
After which, Pedro used his free hand to pulled up the right legging of his pants. He strapped on the ankle holster, around his right boot, with the holster on the outer side of the boot. He then lowered his pants legging.
The pistol the ankle holster held within it was a loaded Smith & Wesson Model thirty-six Chief's Special revolver. The revolver held five, thirty-eight special caliber rounds.
Pedro also already had a knife, a few speedloaders for his chief's special, his wallet, and a few other items in his side pants pockets.
After he leaned back up, he reached for his brown long coat. After that was one. He put on his horn rimmed sunglasses, and finally his dark brown, cowboy hat.
Pedro turned to the mirror to looked at himself. He said, out loud, “Looking good.”
He then turned off the lamp light in his bedroom. Next, he he turned out all the lights that were still on in his home, then he head for his car.
To exit his home, Pedro passed through his living room, which he had his entertainment systems, including both a blu-ray player, computer tower, with internet connection, hooked up to the thin, large, widescreen TV, mounted to the wall on a pivoting arm, across from his coach. With a coffee table between his coach an TV.
There were a few cushioned arm chairs surrounding the couch, in a semi-circle, facing the TV. On the table, there were remotes, wireless keyboard and mouse for his computer.
Instead of going through the front door, he turned and went into the laundry room. From there, he walked into his closed garage, where he had his car parked.
Pedro them walked to the garage door, and unlocked the deadbolt lock he installed on the inside of the garage.
He then walked over and got into this car.
Though, his car was clean on the inside and out, the black four door sedan that had seen better days.
He used the remote in his car to open his garage door. He then started his car as the garage door rolled up.
When he was clear, he back his car out into his driveway. After his car was completely outside, he used the remote to shut his garage back closed.
Pedro then check both ways of the to lane street he was on, then back up into the street.
He then drove forward, to the police station.
Around ten minutes later, it was seven forty-five AM, as Pedro walked into the Police Station, through the front entrance. A few seconds later, he clocked in, his time card.
After which, Pedro immediately retrieved the folder with reports from last night's events, which was left in the drop box, on the outside wall, to the right of his office door.
Pedro saw that fortunately, the folder was very thin, with likely only a few reports in it.
Pedro then headed for the meeting room of the station, for their daily meeting in the morning, at eight AM, with those officers coming on duty, for their shift. So, everyone was on the same page as to what their job would be for that day.
When Pedro reached the meeting room, he turned on the light. The room had a long rectangular table, with chairs. He sat down at the head of the table, and began looking at the reports, while he waiting for his officers to arrive.
By eight AM sharp, all of Pedro officers, for the day shift, had arrived. Along with a few officers about to get off their shift, but whom wanted to personally report their findings, and actions, before they left to get some sleep in their homes. The officers either sat down at the table, with Pedro, or stood by the back wall, as they faced Pedro.
The officers were mostly men, with a few women. All of whom, Pedro had hand picked for their job. A job Pedro knew they could handle well, and they did, without becoming corrupted by their job. Which none of them did.
Pedro stated, in spanish, “Good morning ladies, and gentlemen. Let us begin.”
Pedro began paging through the folder, looking at the reports inside it. He came to a stop, at one of the pages, as he asked, “It says here that we found a few floaters later night, in the marsh?”
The investigating officer, whom was sitting at the table, answered, in spanish, “Yes. Two bodies. Both male. In their twenties. Both known scumbags. We have suspects. What do you want done with them? Do we bring them in, or make them disappear?”
Pedro looked up from the folder, towards the office, as he asked, “Did the corpses show any signs of torture?”
The officer replied, “No.”
Pedro ordered, “Then, bring them in. If they cannot clean up after themselves, we don't need them here.”
Pedro thought, 'I am very happy that the only person I know of in the city that could do a thorough job of corpse disposal is Sawyer, the former cleaner of Roanapur. And she hated her job, and she likely has no plans to take back up her former profession. It is not the corruption that I worry most about in destroying this city. It is the foolish corruption. I cannot allow killer fools in this town. The military will step in if things here get to out of hand.'
Pedro then looked back into the folder in his hand, as he paged through, and found another report that interested him. He looked up at his officers, as he inquired, “Also, there are reports of a new gang moving into the city, from the mainland?”
Another officer answered, inquired, in spanish, “Yes. And this gang is already trying to extortion the local shops in the east district. We think it is a new group. Maybe twenty members, at most. We have a few leads, but nothing concrete on who they are, and where they are at based at.”
Pedro thought, with disgust, 'I hate extortionists. They are nothing but parasites. They use bullying tactics to take hard earned money from local businesses. At least the drugs dealers and whores bring money into this city.'
Pedro continued to look at his officers, as he ordered, “I want the usual crew to be ready to bust some heads by ten this morning. I am going to take care of this, personally.”
Pedro saw his police officers smile, in response to his comment.
Pedro looked back at his folder. He then found another report that he wished to learn more about. He continued to read the report, as he questioned, “I also see a notation some chinese individuals selling drugs in the open? But, the types of drugs are not list?” He mentally added, 'Please, don't be who I think it is.'
A third police officer, one of the women in the group, said, in spanish, “Yes. Young chinese women, yes women, in black suits were spotted drug dealing to the local pushers on the west area. The reason this has caught our eye was they were doing this pretty much out in the open. No subtlety, whatsoever. And the reason we did not list the drugs names because we wanted to not have an office report on them, until we were sure it should be a matter of record. Some of the drugs have some strange names on their packaging, like dust and spice.”
Pedro looked up at his officers. He did not show it outwardly, but he inwardly cursed, 'Damn! Chang is starting to make his move. And he is adding fictional drugs to the mix, in this city. If the rest of the world gets wind of this stuff, it will cause the army to invade my town, to figure out what is going on.'
'I wish my brother was still in charge of the local cartel. He kept things calm and smooth. But, he got smart, ran, and joined the priesthood. On the other hand, I got handed the crap he left behind as his organization folded up and every god damn crooked fool in a hundred kilometers thinks they can come in a replace him. With Chang being the most dangerous. And I am going to have to eventually confront that super-human, gender bending, dimensional, badass warlord sometime... I just don't want too.'
'He could take on my entire police force by himself and win. I know that. And I do not have any real options to stop him. The only advantage is he does not know I am on to him. At the same time, I have to avoid River, or that telepath will blow everything out of the water for Melvin, Lee, and myself.'
'My only lucky break has been the politics up north has made the land border so open that most smugglers prefer to go over land, instead of sea. This is kept the major players on the mainland from taking a serious interest here.'
Pedro complimented, “Wise thinking our your part. Do not list the names of the drugs on the records. Also, pick those sellers up. But, do so politely. Anyone this brazen, and wearing such fine suits, is either crazy, or well connected. We need to find out which. And keep the drugs for future research, and matching purposed So, we have a sample of them to compare later, if they crop up again, and they hit our streets again.”
“And no sampling. These drugs are new. We do not know how dangerous they are, or the effects they have on people. If any of you do so, I will have your ass, and likely your job. These could be extremely addictive, on part heroin, or worse. Where it is not easy to kick. And with such a limited subjecting yourself to hell, when you are forced to endure withdraw, from their being no more of those drugs.”
“Also, since these drugs are new, we need to keep this quiet, for several reasons. Along with not listing them in the official records. Do not talk about them outside of the station. Because, no matter how you look at it. These drugs are trouble. And we do not need trouble.”
Pedro thought, 'Especially since we have our hands full. And these new drugs showing up, is bad news for everyone. Chang just does not realize that yet. But, if I do this right, I will be able to inform him later today.'
Pedro looked back down at the open folder. The officers stated quiet, as he finished paging through folder, half a minute later. He did not see anything else that caught his interest.
Pedro closed the folder and held it in his right hand. He looked up at his officers, as he asked, “So, is there anything not in this report?”
A fourth officer spoke up, in spanish, “Yes. This morning, my partner and I found out, from our sources, that someone is trying to set up a new whorehouse.”
Pedro turned to the officer that spoke up. He commented, “Unless it is part of the slave trade, I do not see the problem with that.”
The fourth officer stated, “No slaves involved. As far as we know. But, they are selling kiddie porn, and snuff films.”
In response, Pedro grimaced, as he inquired, “That is a problem. Who is this fool with a death wish?”
The officer stated, “The person goes by the name, Rowan Pigeon. I guess that person has a sense of humor, and an anime fan.”
Pedro thought, 'Yes. I showed a number of your, the Black Lagoon anime, which is one of the reasons I am ordering you to stay away from the Devil's Hotel, and this new Daiyu Palace Casino. I do so, for you continued protection.'
'But, there is another possibility. The person really is Rowan Pigeon, owner of the Jackpot, in Roanapur. Likely the scummiest person to come from Roanapur. I thought Lee would have killed him off. But, the writer just refuses to kill the characters he plays with.'
'Lee even brings some of them back from the dead, through reincarnation. Just another mess caused by Lee that I have to clean up, without alerting Revy's group, nor Chang's groups.'
'Some days I am tempted to throw Lee to those wolves, whom are after him. But then, I would have no one to act as a buffer between me and the insanity he brought my city.'
Pedro ordered, “Go pick him up. I will deal with him this the afternoon.”
The fourth officer corrected Pedro, as he said, “Her, sir. Not a him. The suspect is a woman.”
Pedro grimly thought, 'That likely Rowan has undergone the vat process as well. And she is likely a super-human, as well. I am going to have to call, Lee. Again. I do not like calling that man for advice. But, his advice is almost always solid. And this cannot wait for our meeting, tonight.'
'Still, back to the matter at hand. Fighter, or no fighter, I have to have my officers use kid gloves on those that have super-human abilities. Or, my officers might be seriously injured, or killed.'
'What was that term that Superman used in Justice League Unlimited finale? Ah yes, the world of cardboard speech. To that end, inexperienced super-humans may no know their own strength. And if they panic, they might kill someone, before they realize it.'
Pedro ordered, “Pick her up, and bring her here. But, treat her gently.'
The fourth officer nodded once, as he replied, “Yes, sir.”
Pedro state, “Okay. I believe we have covered everything. Anything else, anyone want to say?”
Pedro waited for a few seconds. But, no one replied.
Pedro then said, “Okay. This meeting is over. If you need anything, I will be in my office.”
Those officers, including Pedro, that were sitting, got up from their chairs, and all the officers left the meeting room.
Pedro was the last one out. He turned out the lights, and shut the door to the room, behind himself.
An hour later, Pedro was sitting behind his desk, in his office. He had already booted up his computer, and logged on top his account.
He had spent the last hour reading online forums, and news websites. This including checking on the local news in his home nation, Mexico.
Fortunately, the reality traveling madness that had come to De La Plata Podrido, had yet to be picked up by anyone. No even the conspiracy websites.
But, Pedro knew that it was likely only a matter of time. And then the real insanity would begin.
He also checked his e-mail on daily police reports, sent to him from the mainland, on gang reports and movements.
Pedro looked over at the clock on the computer monitor.
He thought, 'Nine ten AM. Lee should be having breakfast, right now.'
Pedro picked up his wireless phone, from its base, on his desk. He dialed the phone number for the Devil's Hotel Restaurant, and Bar.
When the phone was answered, Pedro heard a woman say, on the other end of the line, in spanish, “Devil's Hotel. What can we do for you?”
Pedro instantly recognized the voice has he requested, in spanish, “Hello Emily. I thought you, and your family, would be shark fishing by now?”
Emily stated, “Hi Pedro. And no. Not yet. We are going on vacation, next week. But, thanks for asking.”
Pedro thought, 'It is nice that the management for Emily and Grace are flexible on given them time off. Though, it is without pay. But, if they, Sans, or Isandro, have any problems. They can call me, and I will help fix those problems.'
Pedro commented, “Be careful, and I hope you have fun. Now, can you please get Lee, for me? I need to speak to him.”
Emily said, “No problem. I see him nearby, with his friend.”
Pedro thought, 'Yes. Sam. Those two are clearly good friends.' He replied, “No problems.”
A few seconds later, over the phone, Pedro heard Lee voice say, in english, “Hello.”
Pedro inquired, in english, “Hey Lee. It is Pedro. I have an important question for you. Did you give Rowan the vat process?”
Pedro thought, 'I am sure that Lee will recognize my voice. And we have to be careful, in case the phone lines are tap. Though, given I had to get Emily, to bring the phone to Lee. With Emily mentioning my name. There is nothing we can do about it, with the call. We will just have to be more careful, when we contact each other.'
At that moment, in the Devil's Hotel restaurant, at the bar counter, Lee had stopped eating his breakfast, to answer the wireless phone in his right hand. Sam was to his left, beside him at the counter, eating his own breakfast. And Emily stood across from him, behind the bar, with a patient look on her face.
The problem was that Sawyer, Lotton, and Shenhua, wanted to do something different that day. Instead of eating with their friends, at the tables, near the stage, they decided to eat at the bar, by Sam and Lee.
To Lee's right, in the stool next to his, as Sawyer. On Sawyer's right, sat Lotton. And to Lotton's right was Shenhua. All three women were having their breakfasts.
And taking into account the close proximity to three people after him, and with their enhanced hearing, When Lee received the phone, he had pressed the earpiece of the phone against his right ear, so the women did not over hear what the person on the other end was saying.
Also, he had seen from the corner of his right eye, that the women by him had not paid much attention to Lee conversation. Though, he did not turn his head in the women's direction, for concern of catching their attention.
Lee looked ahead of him, at the shelves on the wall, across from the bar counter, as he maintained his poker mask. He thought, 'I am glad I took the precaution of pressing the phone to my ear, or Pedro my have accidentally blown my cover. And, from the corner of my right eye, they do not seem interested in my conversation. So, I caught a lucky break here. Though, I do not dare look at them, for they might then start paying attention to my phone call.'
'Also, I am glad Emily did not mention who it was in front of the girl. I do not think they noticed when Emily picked up the phone. And she was speaking in spanish. But, I noticed. And from their conversation, I can tell that Pedro is good friends with Emily. Though, that is a matter for another time.'
'Now, given how close the girls are, I am going to have to reply, to Pedro, in code. Though, this is not the first time I had to do so. And Pedro is quick enough on the uptake, to understand, and keep up with me.'
Lee continued to look in front of him, as he cryptically said, “Man, it is to early for jokes And you know I cannot say that in polite company. But, in all honestly, I found ignoring a problem is sometimes best recourse.” Lee then hung up the phone, and handed it back to Emily.
As Emily took the phone, she asked, “What was that about?”
Lee replied, with his face in his hands, “You don't want to know, Emily. Just someone with poor taste. And poor timing.” He thought, 'Which is mostly true. Those Pedro is polite to me, most of the time.'
Emily merely shrugged her right shoulder, in response to Lee's comment. She then turned and walked over to place the phone back one its base, before heading back to the cash register, at the end of the bar counter, near the entrance to the restaurant.
Meanwhile, Sam turned to Lee, as he said, “By the way, I am going to be busy today. So, you will be on your own.”
Lee turned to Sam, as he stated, “That is okay. I have other things I can do. Though, thank you for letting me know in advance.”
Sam replied, “No problem.”
Meanwhile, Sawyer, Lotton, and Shenhua did not pay attention towards Sam and Lee, as they continued eating their meal.
With, Sam and Lee also going back to finishing their breakfast, as well.
At that moment, in the Plata Podrido Police Station, inside Pedro's office, across town, the line went dead.
Pedro calmly placed the phone back on its base.
Pedro was not angry with Lee suddenly hanging up the phone on his end. Because, Pedro understood what Lee was trying to cryptically tell him.
Pedro calmly thought, “We played this game before. What he said, between the lines, was that the girls were nearby, and that he ignored Rowan in his writes. Which, from what I remember reading of his stories, is correct... And now that I think about it. I continue to feel like we are in a really intense spy thriller. Still, I will find out this afternoon. Right now, I have to prepare to kick ass, and take names, at ten, this morning.'
Pedro then when back to checking the internet, for any useful information, as hew patiently waited until it was time for him to leave, in the morning.
Forty-five minutes later, it was nine fifty-eight, Pedro set his computer to a password protected screensaver. He then got ready to head out.
Soon after, Pedro walked out his office, with his coat, hat, and sunglasses on. Also, his police radio clipped to the left side of his belt.
He sat that his personal crew of five plain clothes officers were ready.
Pedro smiled, as he said, in spanish, “Let me get mister justice, and I will be ready to go.”
Pedro walked back into his office, turn to his left, and retrieved his wooden baseball bat from the corner.
As he walked back out of his office, he shut the door behind him. He looked at his men, as he stated, “Alright boys. I am ready to go.”
One of the officers asked, “Where are we going?”
Pedro answered, “Delgado's.”
He then starting walking towards the back exit of the police station, and to the parking lot. With his five men behind him.
Ten minutes later, three, four door, black sedan cars parked in front of Delgado's. A local pool hall.
As Pedro got out of his car, with one of his officers, Pedro noticed that it has becoming a beautiful, cool, sunny morning, with a light sea breeze.
Meanwhile two officers got out of each of the other two cars.
Pedro had his bat in his right, hand as he ordered, “Gentlemen, follow me.”
Pedro walked into the pool hall first, with his five men right behind him.
Pedro looked around to see about eight men there, but not the man he wanted to see.
Most of the men were playing pool at some of the table, as they held their cue sticks.
Still, all eyes turned to look at Pedro and the newcomers.
Pedro held his bat behind his neck, with both his hands, as he loudly warned, in spanish, “Listen up boys. Behave, and things will not get ugly.”
Pedro then dropped his bat to his side, as he thought, he thought, 'Well, since I have no real leads, I will go to the one person still in town that could give me answers. The one guy in my brother's group that did not immediately run. A local bookie, money launder, and owner of this pool hall, whom knows his time here is limited.'
Pedro looked around the room, as removed his bat from his neck, as he held it downward, to his right side, by the handle, with his right hand. He firmly stated, “Novio Delgado. I know you are here. So, come on out. I am not here to arrest you.”
A few seconds later, a skinny, gray haired, hispanic man, whom looked like he was in his early fifties, stood up from his hiding place, behind one of the pool table, in the back of the room. The man's gray hair was short, and he wore a brown leisure suit, with a light brown tie, and black dress shoes.
As Pedro calmly walked over to the skinny man, he thought, 'Ah, Novio Delgago. A mobster of a previous age. And age that understood discretion was the better part of valor. That a mafia organization did not have to have a small army to function, and make a profit. Paciano was smart to hire him, years ago, after most of his previous group got busted, except for him, and a few others.'
'Also, I know for a fact that my brother showed him that Black Lagoon series. So, Novio at least has a clue about what is going on right now. And he knows better than to outright state who has come to town.'
When Pedro reached Novio, both men looked at each other.
Novio said, in spanish, “Hi Pedro.”
Pedro responded, “Hi Novio. Look... We both know who has come to town. With them setting up shop here. And we both know that you are desperate to raise enough money, to leave the city permanently, before they get around to coming after you.”
Novio stated, “That is an understatement. I will be honest, I really didn't believe your brother, that night our group left town. That is why I stayed in town. Then, I did some digging. And Mister Del Soto. And more are coming here. They even opened up that casino. He opened up that casino. We both know that behind that smile of his, he is a ruthless as they come.”
Pedro said, “I know.” He thought, 'Oh boy, do I know.'
Novio commented, “It is like the gates of hell just opened. And I just want get out of here. But, I am a man of specialize skills, and I don't know anyone outside of this city that would hire me. And I don't have enough money yet to leave town for good. To make matters worse, everyone in this business, that has a brain, is also jumping ship. Business has been on the decline.”
Pedro offered, “I know how you feel. You know I can help you get out of here. You help me. I help you. I am looking for some fools from the mainland that are trying to extort people here.”
Pedro saw Novio's eyes look into his, then shift to Novio's right side, near some thugs, playing pool, at the nearby tables. And finally, Novio's eyes shifted back at Pedro's own eyes. Novio stated, “Pedro. You know I cannot say anything to you.”
Pedro thought, 'Ah. But, you already did.'
Though, just as Pedro was about to turn to confront the men nearby, from the corner of his left eye, he saw one of the men rush at him, using a cue stick as a club against him.
Pedro immediately brought up his wooden bat, and he swung it at the cue stick.
The cue stick shattered the moment it made contact.
With Pedro's next swing, he knock the thug down onto a pool table.
Pedro lips curled into a feral, toothy grin, with a wild expression on his face, for only a second, as he used his wooden baseball bat to brain the man to death, against the pool table. Pedro's then caught himself, as he forced himself back to having a calm expression on his face.
At the same time, the other seven thugs charged at the Pedro's men. His men quickly pulled out their pistols and killed them where the stood. Though, his men angle their shots away from Pedro and Novio.
As the situation calmed down, Pedro turned to Novio, as he said, “Sorry for the mess.”
Novio stated, “No problem. Before you came in, those fools just kept bragging about how big and bad they were. And how they were going to clean out this town. All the while, they threatened me. If I did not help them, they would kill me. Fools. All of them. They just did not want to take the time to learn how crime was conducted in this town. Because of all that, I was planning to call you about them, later today.”
Pedro thought, 'Yes. Real posers.' He said, “I appreciate that. I will have some people come by later to take care of the bodies.”
Novio responded, “Thank you. And I do have the information you may want. I know where they are based all. I shit you not. They are hiding in the large abandoned warehouse, by the marsh side, north of the bridge to the mainland.”
Pedro thought, 'Interesting.' He asked, “I know which building you are talking about. How many are there?”
Novio answered, “Eight more. I think.”
Pedro stated, “Thank you. I will not forget your help, Novio.” He then turned to his men, as he said, “Come on boys. Let's go kick some ass.”
Pedro held his baseball bat, towards the ground, with his right hand, as he, and his men walked out of the pool hall, and to their cars.
Twenty minutes later, Pedro, and his men, parked their cars behind building, near the warehouse, where they were told the gang was in.
The six men stood beside their cars. All the men all had bulletproof vests on.
Pedro and his men had their weapons in hand. His men each had automatic rifle. Pedro held his his semi-automatic pistol in his right hand, with him already loading a round in the chamber. So, the weapon was ready to fire.
Pedro thought, 'My men are trained and experienced in this form of combat. If we rush them, and we are careful, we will be fine. Still, why did this gang use a warehouse as a base of operations. It is so cliche.
'Though, these fools using this warehouse, as a hideout, does make it easy for me, and my boys. I know this warehouse. There are three exits. Also, there are no windows. This is going to be a turkey shoot.'
'Also, since I have been to this warehouse a few time. And I know the owners. I believe they broke into this one. I will have one of my boys check with the owners this warehouse, later today. To make sure they are okay.'
'Though, since the owners just store stuff here, for long term storage. I am sure they are fine. And they are just not aware of the break in.'
Pedro walked over to the side of the building, to get a clear look at the warehouse entrance, no more than fifty feet from him. He saw the front entrance was cracked open, and there were no guards around.
Pedro thought, 'These idiots do not even know to lock the door, and guard the place. They are posers. And they are about to be dead posers.'
Pedro turned his men, as he used his empty left hand to point at three of his men, He quietly ordered, in spanish, “You three are team one. You will stay here, and go in the front.”
Pedro then used his left hand to point at two of his other men, as he quietly stated, “You two are team two. Circle around this building, and you will find there is side entrance nearby. I want you to go in there. Also, before you break in the door, first check the door to see if it is unlocked. These fools left the front door open. Also, I will win around to the back entrance and handle the stragglers.”
“Keep your radios handy, I will give the signal to break in. Also, keep in mind that Novio said there was around eight people in there. Not, exactly eight people. So, be ready, in case there are more people.”
“Also, while we are not taking prisoners, among the gang. Though, if you find any children in there, don't kill them, unless you have to. Also, they may have hostages. Given we are dealing with violent idiots, you never tell. So, don't shoot everyone you see, until you are sure they are a gang member.”
“Also, stay quite. Surprise is our best weapon here. Next to guns.”
“Am I clear?”
His men softly answered, in unison, in spanish, “Yes, Chief.”
Pedro quietly said, “Good. Let's go.”
Pedro and the two men he had assigned to break in from the side door, began walking briskly around the back of the building they were behind, so as to avoid any risk of anyone in the warehouse, walking outside, and seeing them.
A few minutes later, Pedro hand right hand gripped the semi-automatic pistol, as he stood beside the back door of the warehouse.
With his left hand, he tested the door knob, and he found that it was indeed, unlocked.
As he then used his left hand to reach for his radio, he thought, 'What idiots.'
Pedro set the radio volume to low. Pedro then quietly stated into his radio, “This is the Chief. I just checked the back door, it is unlocked. Are you all ready to go.”
Over the radio, one group said, “Team one, ready.”
The other group said, through the radio, “Team two, ready.”
Pedro stated, “Go.” He then clipped his radio back onto the left side of his belt.
After which, Pedro used his left hand to reach for the knob. He slowly turned the knob, and opened the door.
As Pedro walked inside, he gently closed the door behind him, so as to not alert the gang members.
Fortunately, Pedro found that the skylight windows provided plenty of illumination into the warehouse, to see with.
As Pedro looked around, he saw there were crates and junk around the warehouse.
Pedro thought, 'Not my first time doing this. But, all this stuff blocking my view is going to make this a bit dangerous for me and my boys.'
Pedro then slowly made his way to the far corner of the warehouse, opposite to the side and front entrances. He then slowly made his way further into the warehouse, as he checked row after row of crates.
After Pedro cleared the first two back rows of crates, he started hearing gunshots coming for the front half of the warehouse.
Suddenly, as just as he was able to check the next to row, two gang members ran around the corner, and ambushed him at point blank range.
Pedro had time to get off one shot, a head shot to one of the members, killing him instantly.
But, the other man, got a solid punch to Pedro's stomach, knocking him back to the ground, with him dropping his pistol, away from his hands.
As Pedro looked up at the gang member, he saw that the gang member had pulled out a metal rod, from a nearby pile of junk, which he planned to use as a club.
While the gang member approached Pedro, the police chief did even flinch, as he quickly pulled up his right pants legging. He then swiftly used his right hand to draw his revolver from his ankle holster, on the outside of his right leg. After which, Pedro took quick aim, and he fired one shot between the gang member's eyes.
The gang member dropped his metal rod, and collapsed, with him dead before he even hit the ground.
Next, Pedro holstered his revolver, and lowered his right pants legging. After which, Pedro stood up, and walked over to retrieve his semi-automatic pistol. As he did so, Pedro noticed that the gunfire stopped.
After he had his main weapon in his right hand, he leaned back up, while use his right thumb to turn on the hammer safety of the pistol.
Pedro then used his left hand to unclasp radio from his belt.
Pedro asked, into his radio, “Is everything clear on your ends? Any injures our our side?”
There was a reply through the radio, “Team one clear. No injuries for us.”
A couple of seconds later, there was another reply through the radio, “Team two clear. No injuries for us.”
Pedro stated, “I took care of two of them. How was it on your end?”
There was an answered, “Team Two. We took care of three.”
A second later, another reply stated, “Team One. We also dealt with three.”
Pedro thought, 'That makes eight of them, in all.' He inquired, “Anyone else here?”
There was a reply, “Team one. We found no one else.”
A second later, there was another reply, “Yes. We found three hostages. Warehouse worker. Other than being tied up. They appear fine. It seems that they came in this morning to work, and they were captured. From what they are saying, the gang was planning on ransoming them. We have already untied them.”
Pedro complimented, “Good work, team two. I want you two to make sure the hostages are fine, have transportation home, and they are told to keep their months shut about this. Team one, I will meet up at the front entrance. And as we move around. Be careful not to shot each other, and me.”
Pedro then put away his radio, and he started careful making his way to the front entrance.
A few minutes later, Pedro noticed there were no more gunshots, since he radioed his men.
By then, he met with team one at the front of the warehouse. After Pedro saw his men, had check the safety of his gun, to make sure it was one. He then holstered his semi-automatic pistol back into his shoulder holster.
When Pedro reached his men, he came to a stop, as he stood ten feet in front of them, Pedro asked, “Anything else to report?”
One of the officer stated, in spanish, “No sir.”
Pedro stated, “Good. Have a clean up crew come deal with the bodies. Check to make sure the property owners are fine, and let them know about the break in. Also, tell them to let us know if there are any damage claims that need to be attended to. I want a full report on my desk by five o'clock.”
The officer whom replied before, said, “Yes sir.”
Pedro replied, “Good. I leave this to you. See you back at the station, in an hour, or so.”
Pedro then walked passed his men, and out the front door.
As he headed for his car, he thought, 'Even though it is still early. I could use some lunch. And I am in the mood for cuban. And I think I will take my time in doing so. As I am not really looking forward to those I am going to have to meet this afternoon.'
Pedro was soon got into his car, and drove to a good cuban restaurant that he occasionally like to go to. So, he could have an early lunch.
Around an hour later, at the Devil's hotel theater room, with Sam busy that day, Lee had just finished an early lunch, by himself, at the hotel restaurant.
Lee had bribed the projectionist, with a hundred dollar bill, to show a Robert Downey Junior movie marathon of, Tropic Thunder, Sherlock Holmes two thousand nine movie, and Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadows.
Lee was sitting in the four row, to the left, on the seat nearest to the middle walking lane.
Lee was the only person in the theater.
Just as Lee was settling into his seat, in the theater, with lights dimming, meaning there was less than a minute before the first movie started, Lee heard the door open, from behind him.
Lee turned around in his seat, to his right, to see Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru walk in. The three women were wearing their casual clothing.
Lee thought, 'I might as well find out why they are here.' He asked, “Hello ladies. What are you doing here?”
The three women came to a stop, as they looked at Lee.
Akira answered, “We saw you head the theater, and we were wondering what you are going to watch?” She thought, 'And our children are with the Lagoon sisters. So, we have nothing better to do.'
Lee maintain a mask of calmness, as he thought, 'This should not be a problem. These three are the nicest of Revy's group. And except for them wanting my hide for being the writer, these three are nice to be around. So, as long as they don't know I am the writer, I should be fine. And these three movies will not tip them off. They are just good movies. So, I might as well answer them.'
Lee answered, “I am about to watch a movie Robert Downey Junior movie marathon. A comedy and two mysteries. Some of Mister Downey's most recent works. And they are good movies. And I never got a chance to see them on the big screen. So, I am going to take the opportunity now.”
Lee thought, 'Though, that is not completely true. I did watch them, and a number of movies, in their theater, during the time loops. But, if I mentioned that. You might ask around, and with no one remembering that. It would raise questions against me.
Natsuru inquired, “Which movies?”
Lee stated, “The first one is a comedy titled, Tropic Thunder. The second two movies a remake of Sherlock Holmes, and the sequel to that movie, which was release in two thousand eleven.”
Ranma asked, “Sounds interesting. While we have an idea about Sherlock Holmes is about. What is Tropic Thunder about?”
Lee thought, with amusement, 'This is going to be fun.' He stared, “As crazy as it sounds, it is about a bunch of actors filming a Vietnam war movie, starting in Vietnam. Without them realizing they made their way into the Gold Triangle of IndoChina, where they have run in with drug lords. With Mister Downey playing while in a black-face. And in characters. Extremely in character.”
Akira deadpanned, “You're kidding?”
Lee replied, “Nope. And he got an oscar nomination for his performance in this film.”
Ranma stated, “Okay. You got our interest.”
Akira said, “Mine too.”
Natsuru commented, “Same here.”
Lee offered, “You can sit by me if you want. I enjoyed our time watching that Tron movie.” He thought, 'Which is true. Though, it was a strange, and somewhat stress experience for me.'
Natsuru said, “Yes. That was fun.”
Akira replied, “That was a good movie.”
Ranma shrugged, as she commented, “It was okay.”
A few seconds later, all three women sat beside Lee, on the forth row. With Lee turned back around in his seat, to sit comfortably facing the screen.
Akira was to Lee's left. To Akira's left was Natsuru. And to Natsuru's left sat Ranma.
The movie then began playing.
At the beginning of the movie, the film showed the fake previews of fake movies, which confused the three women.
Ranma asked, “What movies are these previews of? This theater does not play previews.”
Lee answered, “You're right, Ranma. The previews are part of the joke of the movie. The movie is about actors making a movie. And this is a sample of some of the works those character actors did, in the setting of this movie.”
Lee mentally reflected, 'Though, given world as myth theory is real, I am watching a movie with three fictional characters, from three different series, from the same reality. Which is a different reality than this one. It is safe to say that a Tropic Thunder reality exists. That means the movies for these previews exist, in that reality. Along with the those movies existing, as real, in other realities.'
'Talk about a mind screw.'
'Still, if I get one of their reality devices, I might go to a reality where these previews exist in movie formats. And if I get the chance, I believe I will check out the Scorcher movies, the Satan's Alley movie, and the Tropic Blunder movie, within this movie.'
'It would be insane, if I ever had the chance to rebuild my video collect, and I placed a copy of Tropic Thunder, with the movies that were shown in the Tropic Thunder movie, that I had to go to two separate realities to get. One for the Tropic Thunder movie, the other reality, within the Tropic Thunder movie, for those movies.'
'Though, now that I think about. I better stop thinking about things from this point of view. This is starting to turn into a mind screw orgy.'
Meanwhile, as all four adults in the room, continued to watch the previews, the three women had heard Lee's comments.
Akira continued to watch the movie, as she stated, “That is so twisted, that makes sense.” She thought, 'Especially given our lives.'
They continued watching, to when the film reached the movie itself, with a the catchy theme song, Ball of Confusion.
A few minutes later, as the jungle was accidentally exploded, without the cameras, in the movie rolling, all four of them laughed at the comedic scene.
As they all calmed down, Natsuru stated, “Blowing up a jungle without getting it on tape. Now, that is an epic fail.”
They continued watching the film, as they got a few more chuckles.
Then, it reached the scene where the director is blow up by a land mine.
And the resulting situation, of the Speedman character playing with the directors head, while at the same time, the drug lord's patrol, hiding in the bushes, which Speedman's insanity unfold.
All four adult were laughing at the twist scene before them.
Between laughs, Akira stated, “That is the most sicked thing I have ever scene in a movie. And it so damn funny.”
Natsuru was chuckling, as she commented, “Thought, I find it interesting that the local drug cartel member think the actors are legit soldiers.”
Ranma was giggling, as she questioned, “How would they know any different?”
By then, they had all calmed down, as Lee stated, “That is true. And they are actors. They are very good at their craft.”
All four of them then when back to laughing even harder.
Eventually, the movie reached the point of the Speedman character meeting the local drug lord.
Ranma flatly inquired, “So, the local drug lord is a boy?”
Akira shrugged, as replied “We have seen far stranger.”
Natsuru commented, “There is some true to that.”
Lee was paying attention to their comments, as he thought, 'And I have heard of stranger things, than in this movie, in real life. And I am not talking about you three, and your family and friends.'
Then, came the Jeff's detox scene, of being tied to a tree, at night. With his comment on giving someone a blow job to get free of his bindings.
Everyone laughed at the joke.
Lee thought to himself, at watching the blow job proposition, 'Jack Black really delivers that line. This scene is the only time I have been tantalized by a statement of one man offering to do a blow job for another man.”
Soon after came the Lazarus character's awesome scene, of him saying, “Here's my motherfucking farm.” With Lazarus them firing his two rifles at the enemies, even though the weapons were armed with blanks. Then, when he finished firing his rifles, with his friends, and forcing the enemies to the ground. Lazarus knelt down, and pulled is rifles sideways, in a crisscross patter across his chest, as he stated, “I'm a lead farmer, motherfucker.”
Natsuru said, “Guys. We are going to have to tell the others about this film. It is great.”
Akira agreed, “You got that right.”
Ranma stated, “Yes. It is very funny. The characters in this characters in this movie are really shaping up to be awesome.”
Lee thought, 'You probably don't realize by how much. The hero characters in this movie are also probably as insane and badass you are women are. Because, their weapons were using blanks, and they were playing a magnificent bluff on a small army. And their plan worked.'
The movie soon showed the Four Leaf character using the flamethrower. The scene caused everyone in audience to lightly laugh.
Then, came the Lazarus character's famous statement, “I'm the dude, playing the dude. disguised as another dude.”
From the corner of his left eye, Lee saw the trio started to laugh very hard.
As they calmed down, Ranma said, “I have been there.”
Natsuru, stated, “We have all be there.”
Akira agreed, “You are right about that.”
A couple of minutes later, the movie showed the scene of the drug lord boy coming out of the fiery building, unharmed, while carrying shoulder mounted rocket launcher, as long as he is tall, and fired is at the truck the heroes are escaping in. Hitting the truck.
Ranma stated, “Okay. That is badass.”
Then, the Cody character made his statement, “Oh my god. I am moving to catering, after this.”
Ranma flatly commented, “He clearly does not know the dangers of catering.”
All four adults laughed, for a few seconds.
Lee thought, 'You would know, Ranma. You would know. Considering your series pioneered martial arts and crafts. With you being at the forefront of that insanity.'
Soon, the movie ended, and went to credits.
The three women turned to Lee.
Akira stated, “That was a great movie, Lee. It was true comedic gold. Thanks for convincing us to watch it with you.”
Ranma stated, “Yea. That movie had some good surprises in it. A real gem. I can see how Mister Downey got his oscar nomination from his role in that movie.”
Natsuru said, “It was fun to watch.”
Lee turned to the three women, as he politely commented, “You're welcome. And yea. That is a good movie. I even found it to be funnier the second I watched it.”
The three women giggled, in response to Lee's comment.
As the three women calmed down, Natsuru inquired, “So, how good are these Sherlock Holmes movies, that you have scheduled to show next?”
Lee answered, “Both movies have analytical ass kicking mixed with some great acting, good directing, wonderful plots, and good mysteries.
Natsuru grinned, as she said, “I think we will stay and watch.”
Ranma said, “I am up for a few more movies.”
Akira stated, in a happy, eager tone of voice, “Yes. We will most certainly have to watch those movies.”
Lee replied, “Good. Because, I believe you will enjoy them, immensely.”
And so, except for a few breaks, the four adults enjoyed the afternoon watching movies together, in the hotel theater. And Lee was proven right. As the three gender bender loves, did enjoy Lee's movie selection. And after the movies were finished, they thanks Lee for the opportunity to experience such entertainment.
Around the time the Tropic Thunder film ended for Lee, Ranma, Natsuru, and Akira, in the Devil's Hotel theater, Pedro returned to the police station, after he took his time in having a good lunch, from a nearby cuban restaurant.
It was around one thirty PM, as Pedro walked through the station, and towards his office.
As Pedro made his way down the hallways, and section off aisles of the building, to his office, he thought, 'Now, that was a good lunch. That cuban place really does have good cooking talent. Still, I stayed a little too long there. But, some things cannot be helped.' And I did need a chance to collect my thoughts, before my meetings this afternoon.'
'I wonder if Lee occasionally has problems like this? Where he has to collect his thoughts, in dealing with his problems... That is likely the case.'
While Pedro continued walking down the aisle, beside the rows of desks, to Pedro's right side, one of the officers stopped in front of him.
Pedro came to a stop, as he turned to look at the office. He calmly inquired, in spanish, “What is it?”
The officer answered, in spanish, “We checked on the owners of that warehouse, they doing fine. And we have informed them of the break in.”
Pedro thought, 'Good. That is a relief.' responded, “Good. Anything else?”
The officer mentioned, “Yes, We also have both that Rowan woman and those three chinese women in lockup. What do you want done with them?”
Pedro asked, “Are they together?”
The officer replied, “Yes. You did not say not to keep them separated.”
Pedro thought, with anger towards himself, 'Damn!... Well, the situation cannot be helped, now. Chang will eventually learn that Rowan is here, in town. Still, I have to gamble at how good of a badass cop I can be. Besides, I think it is time to flush Chang out. And bring him out of that fortress, which he calls a casino.'
Pedro forced himself to calm down. He then said, “You are right. My mistake. Still, bring Ms Pigeon to my office, in five minutes. And let the chinese women use the phone.”
The officer responded, “Yes sir.” He turned, and went to do as he was instructed.
Pedro then continued towards his office.
When he reached his office, he left the door open. As he walked into the room, he flipped on the ceiling lights of the room, from a light switch, on the interior side of the room, on the wall, between the windows, and right side of the door, when facing the inside of the room.
Though, when the blinds were open, Pedro could set at his desk, and look into the main room of the police station, and to the far right wall of the main room.
In his office, Pedro came to a stop, as the coat rack, on the interior side of the door. He took off his sunglasses, and put them in a coat pocket. He then put away his hat and coat, onto the coat rack, in his office. Finally, he sat down on his nice, comfortable, cushion chair behind his desk.
Pedro quickly logged back into this computer, from the password protect screensaver, he set the computer to, before he left to deal with the new gang members at Delgado's.
Next, Pedro propped his legs onto the left side of his desk, opposite side from where is phone and computer were. Pedro turned to his left, as he saw what was on the shelves of that side of the room.
Pedro thought, 'This is going to be so much fun.'
Pedro then turned back to look at the open door to his office, as he patiently waited for Rowan to be escorted into his office.
A few minutes later, Pedro watched, with an amused look on his face, as he saw one of his female officers escort a dark skinned woman with a black a afro walked in. The woman's body was slender, and she was young.
Pedro thought, I had to even think it. But, in the right clothing, or lack there of, she is admittedly attractive.'
Pedro took a closer look at the woman. He saw that the woman had a slender body, and was in her mid-twenties. She wore yellow leisure suit, with run sunglasses over her eyes. While the style of clothing looked like it was made for a pimp, but was fitted for her female physical frame.
Pedro thought, 'I am surprised to see that she had her sunglasses on. Then again, I did tell my boys to treat her gently. So, they likely let her keep her shades. Still, she is a walking oxymoron. Still, Lee does good work. Even when he does not even realize it.'
Pedro looked at the officer, as he stated, in spanish, “Shut the door behind you.”
The officer gently shut the door behind her, as she left the office.
Pedro turned to look at the dark skinned woman. He calmly said, in english, “Please. Sit down.”
Pedro watched as she sat down in the chair to his right, in front of his desk.
After Rowan was seated, she looked at him, in his face. With Pedro look back at her face.
Pedro flatly stated, with a bit of sarcasm in his tone of voice, “I am Police Chief Pedro Del Soto of De La Plata Podrido. You must be Rowan Pigeon. I hope you are enjoying your stay in my city.”
Rowan replied, in a casual tone of voice, in english, “Yea. It isn't a bad place. But, I would like to know why you had me picked up?”
Pedro answered, in a tone of voice that was dry as a desert, “We feel that you are attracting the wrong clientele to this city.”
Rowan smirked, as she said, “We both know how this is going to play out. You are the corrupt police chief, in a sewer of a town.”
Pedro dropped his feet back to the floor, behind his desk, as he sternly stated, “I will have you know that in the last ten years, since becoming police chief, I have cleaned up this town.”
“In this city, there are no more daily drive by shootings. No extortionists. No sex slavery. No more turf wars. I taught through hard knocks, sometimes very hard knocks, the criminal element of this town, that discretion and subtlety are the better parts of valor. I even cleaned out the station personnel that could not get with the program.”
“That program being keeping this city together, in one piece, from a very horrible world that wants to tear it apart, was our main priority. And as long as you do not pissed off the wrong person in this city, this town is now a very nice, pleasant place to live.”
Rowan quipped, “Yea right. Here is your bribe. And I will be going.” She then pulled out something from a coat pocket, and threw it onto the desk.
Pedro saw that it was a roll of U.S hundred dollar bills.
Rowan then began to get up, when Pedro sternly ordered, “Sit back down!”
Rowan did so, as she turned to look at him.
Pedro demanded, “Who do you think you are?”
Rowan's lips curled into a very wicked grin, as she said, “A women with powerful friends.”
Pedro called her bluff, as he inquired, “Really? Like who?”
Rowan looked around the room, as she tried to think up a passable lie.
It was then that she spotted on the shelf, in the corner of the room, to her right, the Black Lagoon blu-ray anime boxes, and collection of manga volumes.
When she looked back at Pedro, she saw him smiling a mischievous grin towards her.
Pedro stated, “You could also say I have strange taste in online fiction.”
Rowan accused, “You know who I am. You're the writer of those stories. I must say, you made my life more interesting.”
Pedro casually countered, “No. I am not the writer of those stories. I am just good that at my job. I put two and two together. And I know that among those from the city you came from, pretty much no one really liked you.”
Pedro used his right hand to picked up the roll of hundreds dollar bills. He then tossed the roll of money back into Rowan's lap
Rowan quickly picked up the cash, from her lap, and pocketed it. She then looked back up at Pedro's face, and from the serious expression on the Police Chief's face, she could tell that he meant business.
Pedro coldly stated, “I am not Watsup. I do not play golf. And I hate bribes. I am a wicked man in a crooked town. And you do not know who my friends are. So listen here, you sick excuse of a pimp. It is not the drugs and the whoring that bothers me. It is profiting off the suffering. And I hate that! Especially, when the content deals with CHILDREN!”
“I know your type. You do not start the fire, but you profit from adding fuel to that fire. You stir the pot, and attract the worst sort of people, making things worse for everyone involved. You bring out the worst in everyone. I was born here. I have lived here all my life. I will not let you turn my home town into ANOTHER ROANAPUR!”
“We already know about the kiddie porn and the snuff films you are selling here, in MY CITY! It stops now. I would think after the fiasco with the vampire twins, you would know better than to deal in that shit. But, I guess that is not the case. So, I am going to warn you right now to keep your filth out of my town.”
“And if you continue to try to attract the worst sort of people to this town, I will use my connections in the cartels, and you will personally find out what is it like to be in sex trade from the other side.”
Pedro then punctuated every syllable, as he continued, “Do. I. Make. My. Self. Clear?”
Rowan gulped. She then replied, in a weak, fearful tone of voice, that Pedro could barely hear, “Yes.”
Pedro smiled wickedly, as he said, “Good. Now, you can enjoy the city all you like. There is much this town has to offer. But, you will not set up shop here.”
Rowan pointed out, “I have noticed you have not done anything about Chang's operation, nor Revy's group.”
Pedro stated, “Actually, I am starting to focus on Chang. Still, Chang has style. Also, I admit that I find his female side hot. And I had an up close, and personal look of that body, when I was a judge at a recent talent contest, at the hotel Revy, and her group are staying at.”
Pedro saw Rowan's eyes widen, from his comment.
Pedro thought, with amusement, 'So, you did not know about that event. Good.'
Pedro went onto say, “On the other hand, I realize that Revy and her group, are like a hurricane. They are clearly not planning to plant roots here. So, I just have to do my best to help my city weather them, like a powerful storm, until they leave. Then, we will rebuild, and become stronger for the experience.”
“Now, that we have that clear, I ask you to keep what was I said here to yourself.”
Rowan swiftly replied, in a no nonsense tone of voice, “No problem.”
Pedro stated, “Good.”
Pedro then picked up his phone, and dial an extension within his police station. He said into the phone, in spanish, “Please, send an officer in here.” He then hung up his phone.
A minute later, and officer reached his door, knocked on the door. Rowan turned in her seat, to look at the door.
From inside the office, at his desk, Pedro stated, in spanish, “Come in.”
The officer opened the door, and walked into Pedro's office.
The female police officer then came to a stop, behind Rowan, while she faced Pedro.
Pedro looked at the officer, as he calmly instructed, in english, for Rowan's benefit, “Please escort Ms Pigeon out of the building.”
The officer nodded once, as she replied, “Yes, sir.”
Rowan silently got up. With the female officer escorting Rowan out of Pedro's office.
Rowan was soon lead out of the front doors of the building, where she was let go, to go about her day.
A few seconds after Rowan was out of sight, Pedro breathed a sigh of relief. He thought, 'I lucked out. She clearly does not have a clue of what she is capable of. Now, to do paperwork, as I wait for the other inevitable hammer to fall in front of me, this afternoon.'
Pedro them opened a drawer in his desk, and he pulled out some reports he had to do, along with a pen.
Pedro then spend the next hour doing paper work.
After he finished, Pedro surfed the internet on his computer until he got a phone call.
Pedro answered the phone, and he immediately recognized the voice on the other end.
Pedro thought, with annoyance, 'Ah. The daily bitchfest, from my mainland superiors. The only reason they don't fire me is they cannot find anyone else who cares enough, or stupid enough, to willingly replace me as police chief of this garbage heap.'
'Still, I have to downplay what I tell him.
Pedro responded to the other end of the phone, with a mix of downplaying and lies.
Pedro said, in spanish, “Yea, it's me... I don't think you would believe me if I told you... No. I have not seen that man since the talent contest... I don't care if D.C. is interested in him, I have my hands full, as is... You come down here if you want. I warn you though, you will not like what you find here... I am not joking... Go ahead. Send the army in. You will likely lose.”
The other end hung up.
Pedro hung up the phone, and he just sat there for a few minutes in silence, while he contemplated his life, and how he ended up where he was, in his life.
A few minutes later, Pedro pulled out his semi-automatic pistol, from his shoulder holster. He ejected the clip, and unloaded it.
He set it on his desk.
He then pulled out his revolver, from his ankle holster, on the outside side of his right leg. He leaned up, and unloaded the weapon on his desk. After which, he set the firearm on his desk, next to his semi-automatic weapon.
With his weapons unloaded, Pedro pulled out his gun cleaning kit from a desk drawer. He then closed the drawer, and opened the cleaning kit.
Pedro took his time, as he took apart both his guns.
Pedro then slowly cleaned the parts of his guns one at a time.
Pedro cleaned his revolver first, due to the revolver having fewer parts, and being easier to clean. And within a few minutes, he was finished with it. He loaded his revolver, and stuck it back into his ankle holster.
Fifteen minutes later, as he was finished putting back together his semi-automatic pistol, with the loaded, polished magazine for the weapon, set beside it.
Pedro has already put his cleaning kit up. And he was about to load his weapon with his magazine, and holster his weapon, when his phone rang.
Pedro answered into it, in spanish, “What is it?”
The police officer on the other end stated, in spanish, “Sir, there is a Mister Chang here, who wants to speak with you.”
Pedro said, “Do not search him. And send him into my office in one minute.” He then hung up the phone. He thought, 'I guess his women called him. And he finally got around to coming here. If I had him frisked, it would leave a bad first impression with him, on his first time to my police station.'
'Though, he is likely armed. He is not going to do something foolish in my station, unless I give him an excuse to do so. And I have intention of giving him an excuse to do so. Though, I won't let him walk all over me, nor my boys, either.'
Pedro then looked up at the Black Lagoon collection on his shelve, as he mentally added, 'I better do something about those.'
Pedro opened one of his large desk drawers. He then got up and dumped his Black Lagoon anime and manga into the drawer.
He quickly sat down, as he closed the drawer.
While Pedro got comfortable, he noticed he left his gun on the desk, unloaded, with the slide closed, and its loaded magazine beside it, just as the door to his office was opened.
Pedro looked up from his desk, and he saw that Chang was the one to open it. With one of Pedro's police officers right behind him.
Pedro thought, 'Damn. Chang really does want to see me. I cannot do anything about my gun right now.' He then looked up at Chang.'
Pedro looked over at the officer behind him, as he stated, in english, for Chang's benefit, “Officer. You can leave now. I will handle this.” He turned to Chang, as he requested, “And you. Please shut the door. And come over here.”
Chang did not verbally respond, as he looked at Pedro. Instead, Chang walked further inside the room, with him gently shutting the door behind him.
Chang walked further into Pedro's office, Pedro saw that Chang was dress exactly like he did in the Black Lagoon anime. Complete with black long coat and cool shades over his eyes.
Pedro thought, 'Chang looks pretty much the same way as when I met him at my brother's beach house... Well, his beach how now. And I did get quite a bit of money from that sale. With most of it being in a few safe places. And none of them being banks... Now, let us see how good I can play this situation. If Lee can do this, so can I.'
As Chang came to a stop, in front of Pedro's desk, between the two guest chair, Pedro stood up and offer his right hand out to Chang, as he said, in english, “Hello Mister Chang. It is not everyday someone as wealthy as you comes to visit my poor little police station. It is nice to meet you, again.”
Chang used his right hand to shake Pedro's right hand. Both men noticed the other man had a firm, but not tight grip to their handshake.
A few seconds later, they broke their handshake.
Chang said, in english “It is nice to see you, again, as well, Chief Del Soto.”
Pedro offered, while feigning sincerity in his tone of voice, “Please, sit down. And tell me what I can do for you.”
Chang sat down in the chair to Pedro's right side.
As soon as Chang sat down in the chair to Pedro's right, Pedro sat down in his chair, behind his desk.
Chang calmly said, “Chief Del Soto. I believe that you have mistakenly arrested a few of my employees.”
Pedro calmly stated, “Your employees are suspected of drug dealing, which I admit, that in this town it is not uncommon. But, it is the brazenness of how they did so, with them being out in the open that caught our eye.”
Chang thought, 'I loath it when I have to break in a corrupt cop. Though, from what I know of this man, he may present an entertaining challenge, from that front.'
Chang flatly asked, “How much?”
Pedro thought, 'Now, to see if I can deliver this punch line.'
Pedro casually explained, “It is not a matter of how much. It is a matter of attention. On top of the brazenness, your people are also selling drugs with names I have never heard of before. I cannot tolerate new drugs being allow into this city.”
“This city is a smuggling hub between latin and south america, and the U.S. and Canada. Any drugs here will filter outwards. New drugs always attract the wrong kind of attention, from both governments, and the suppliers of older drugs. They do not like it when their markets are tampered with.”
“But, you have brought a lot of business to the community. And while you are not hiring locally, your employees are spending locally. And spending a lot with the local businesses and services here. So, I am feeling generous, and I will let your employees go, if we have an understanding concerning this matter.”
Chang thought, 'So, he isn't so much corrupt. Or, at least intelligent enough not to be greedy about this. As he is concerned with attracting attention from more powerful players outside this island. I can understand his point of view.'
Chang replied, “I believe we understand each other.”
While not showing it outwardly, inwardly, Pedro mentally cheered, 'Yes!'
Pedro grinned, as he picked up his phone, and he dial the extension to another part of the building. He then ordered, in english, for Chang's benefit, “This is the Chief. Cut the chinese women loose.”
Pedro them hung up his phone, and put down the phone back on its base.
Meanwhile, Chang has watched this. He thought, 'This man is clearly not what I suspected I would find, in a position such as his. I need to know more about him. And the quickest way to do that, is to find out his personal tastes.'
Chang complimented, “Thank you. You are clearly not a by the book cop. I was wondering, what is you favorite fictional character?”
Pedro smirked, as he answered, “Gene Hunt. Police Chief of Purgatory.”
Chang agreed, “That is a good one... Well, I believe I am finished here. It was nice meeting you, Chief Del Soto.”
Pedro requested, “One moment, Mister Chang. I have a minor bit of information for you.”
Chang grinned, as he thought, 'I always welcome free information.' He replied, “Yes.”
Pedro stated, “We both know that you are setting up your organization, here in town. And in such situations, finding contacts and getting the logistics up and running can be difficult. There is a pool hall in town, called Delgado's. The owner is named, Novio. A man in his fifties. On top of being the owner of that pool hall, he is both a local bookie and money launderer. That being said, he is also on the level.”
“Novio is looking to retire. But, he does not have the money yet to do so. I am sure that if you make him a fair offer for his pool hall, along with his contacts, both on the island, and on the mainland. He would take it. And you would never see him again. Though, if I find his body floating in the marsh, or I cannot contact him, I will be upset with you.”
“Also, if you try to extort the people here. There will be war. Do you understand?”
Pedro thought, 'I hate doing this. Because I am helping Chang. But, I promised to help Novio. I made a promise. And I keep my word. I honor my bargains. With this being the best idea I can come up with.'
Chang thought, 'Interesting, Chief Del Soto is telling me that a member of the local competition wants out of the game. And the man in question would likely be willing to sell the information he has, so the he can retire, and I will have a contact list to help me set up my operations here.'
'If this, Novio, wants to retire, I will give him enough money to retire like a king. That way I can use him for a reference, should his contacts ask for Novio to vouch for me.'
'Also, the Police Chief is warning me not to extort the people here. Fine. There are a dozen ways I can make a fortune. Besides, I am already rich and near immortal. Besides, I am doing this more as a hobby, because I am bored. I will leave the local people, and businesses, alone.'
'Still, the fact that the Police Chief is so against extortion opens an insight into Chief Del Soto's mind. And from that, and the contact offer, I think I am starting to understand how he thinks.'
Chang replied, “I understand.”
Pedro said, “Good.”
Chang stood up from the chair he had been sitting in.
Pedro stated, “It was nice meeting you. Have a nice day.”
Right before Chang turned to leave, his eye caught the black colored, semi-automatic pistol on top of Pedro's desk.
Chang asked, “If you don't mind, what model pistol is that?”
Pedro looked down at his semi-automatic pistol. He looked up at Chang, as he thought, 'I might as well answer him. If I do not, it could cause problems for both of us, stiming from a simple misunderstanding.'
Pedro answered, “It is a slightly modified Argentinian model nineteen twenty-seven Sistema Colt. It fires forty-five ACP rounds. The pistol parts have been blued to where they are black, to prevent rust, and damage.”
“My pistol has custom front and back sights. With the back sights being adjustable. Also, there is a guide rod installed in the spring system. Along, with a custom trigger that goes a little further out than the original nineteen eleven trigger. There is a metal beaver tail added above the back grip safety, to prevent the pistol from biting into the webbing of the user's hand, when firing.”
“And I like this pistol because, not only does it have stopping power, but like most pistol models based off of the Colt nineteen eleven, it has both a grip safety system, and a slide safety, for when the hammer is cocked back.”
“Also, I find the model's slide safety lever on this type of model easier to adjust with my right thumb, than the safety level on the Beretta F series pistols. So, when I have a bullet in the chamber, I can just turned off the safety at a moment's notice, with ease, and be ready to fire my gun. Though, unlike the safety on this weapon, the Beretta F series safety lever also doubles as a decocking lever. But, that is a small price to pay for ease of use.”
Chang looked at the pistol, then back to Pedro. He inquired, “Yes. That is a nice gun. And those are good safety measures. So, where did you get your pistol from?”
Pedro thought, 'I might as well tell him this, as well.' He said, “I was a gift from my brother. Though, I had it customized by a gunsmith I know.' He mentally added, 'Burt. But, I don't want you to know that he is in town, as well. At least not until I have spoken to him, on the matter.'
Chang smiled slightly, as he commented, “Interesting. Well, I will be seeing you around Chief Del Soto. And thank you for be so understanding. That is so rare trait these days.”
Pedro responded, “Yes, it is. And as long as there is no trouble, I do not see any problems between us.”
Chang smile widened ever so slight, as he said, “Then, I believe things will continue to be fine between us.”
Chang turned, and walked to the door to the office. He opened the door, and left the door open, as he turned to his right, and headed for the front doors to the police station.
After Chang left the office, and his sight, Pedro thought, 'Chang was way too interested in my pistol. I only answered his questions because I could not figure out a decent excuse not to answer them. But, let us find out why he is so interested in my pistol.'
Pedro did a quick web search cross-referencing the pistol model of his semi-automatic pistol, the Black Lagoon series.
Pedro soon found that Roberta, the Bloodhound, also used the same model semi-automatic pistol in the Black Lagoon series.
Pedro inwardly cursed, in thought, 'Damn you, bro!' He forced himself to calm down, as he thought, 'Though, there is nothing I can do about this, now.'
Pedro picked up the pistol in his right hand, and the loaded magazine in his left hand. He then inserted the magazine into the bottle of pistol grip. Finally, he put his pistol into his shoulder holster, under his left armpit.
Just then, there was a knock at his open door.
Pedro looked up, and saw he that it was one of his officers.
Pedro asked, in a kind tone of voice, in spanish, “What is it?”
The officer inquired, in delicate tone of voice, in spanish, “Well sir. I am not sure how to put this. I did not want to say anything while he was here. But, Mister Chang... The way he looked... The way he dressed... And his name... Do not get me wrong, we love our weekly movie nights at your home. Even when you pull out your anime collection, and it is in english.”
Pedro thought, 'He is being careful with his words. And given the situation. I do not blame him for doing so.'
The officer continued, “And though, we are not sure where you find some of your stuff, like that series where the teenage boy turned into a girl with cold water. What you show up is mostly funny. But, sometimes strange. Or, intense.”
“Though, I was partial to the series set in the future with the purple haired cybernetic babe working as an intelligence cop with her team. But, still Chang looked so much like Chang from the Black Lagoon series to warrant the question being asked about him. It is just it would be impossible. And we are all scared of the answer.”
Pedro flatly answered, “He is him.”
The officer slowly pointed out, “Okay... Though, as I said, it is impossible.”
Pedro inquired, “Were you one of those that helped clean up that mess at the Devil's Hotel, around two weeks ago?”
The officer answered, “Yes.”
Pedro raised an eyebrow, as he casually questioned, “Did the girls from the hotel look familiar to you?”
The officer admitted, “Yes... Oh lord. What have we gotten ourselves into?”
Pedro stated, “Just keep this to yourself. I am already working towards a solution.”
The officer muttered, “I think we might, I repeat might, be able to take one of them down, but the rest would kick our asses.”
Pedro warned, “More so than you realize.”
The officer asked, “What do you mean?”
Pedro said, “Come here.”
The officer then walked up to stand in front of Pedro's desk, between the two guest chairs.
Pedro pulled out, from the middle draw of his desk, a piece of paper, and a pen. He closed the drawer. And he wrote down a weblink to Lee's stories, that he had memorized.
Pedro set down the pent, as he looked up at the office. He stated, “They have had... Enchantments since the series ended. Here, go online, and read this story. Because we are living its sequel.”
Pedro sudden realized, in thought, with worry, 'Oh lord. We probably really are... Though, it might be best not to say this to anyone else. Especially, Lee, Revy, Chang, nor the others. And I hope River does not read my mind about this. Still, there is nothing I can do but ride the situation like a wave, and hope the undertow of the wave does not drown me, nor those of my island.'
Pedro held up the piece of paper to the officer.
The officer gently took the piece of paper and look at it. He then folded it, and put it into his pocket.
The officer then looked at Pedro. He saw from the expression on Pedro's face, that the Police Chief was deadly serious, as Pedro stated, in a sober tone of voice, “Do not lose that piece of paper. And do not let that piece of paper leave your sight. If the wrong type of people find that, it is all over for us.”
“You need to understand that the only real ammunition we have against them is they do not know that we know about them. Inform those in the know to stay quiet about this. And share that weblink with them. I want you all to know what is on it, by the end of next week. It is a long read. It going to take you a while to go over the material. Read it from the beginnings. And do not skim these stories. Also, do websearchs, for stuff you don't understand.”
“We will have to let rest of those in the station, whom do not know what is going on, remain ignorant, for the time being. Still, the most important thing is that we cannot allow them to know that we know about them.”
The officer replied, “Yes sir. I will quietly inform the others. And share this weblink with them.” He though, 'I am glad I know english. And most of my fellow officers do, as well.'
Pedro said, “You are dismissed.”
The officer then turned and walked out of the office, to resume his assigned duties, until he had a chance to share the information he had received from Pedro, with the others, in more private, and quieter, surroundings.
Pedro leaned back in his chair, as he thought, 'If my boys have figured out what is going on. Then, it is likely obvious to anyone that is intelligent, on what his happening around them, on this island. This mess just keeps getting bigger and bigger. And I honestly have no idea how I am going to stop this mess from from spreading. Let alone, reverse this mess.'
Outside the front of the police station, Chang walked up to his limo, that was waiting for him, beside the curb, with the right passenger side of the vehicle facing him.
When those in the vehicle saw Chang, one of his chinese women, in a black suit, got out of the car, from the front passenger seat. She then opened the door to the back of the limo, for Chang.
After Chang entered the limo, the woman shut the door behind him. She then walked to the front passenger door to get in, so the driver could head back to Daiyu Palace Casino.
As the back passenger door closed behind Chang, the chinese man seated himself, in the seat facing the front of the limo.
Chang then pulled out where he had kept his to semi-automatic pistols, from a hidden compartment, by him, to his left side, in his limo. He then holstered the weapons in the dual holsters, on the back of his belt.
By then, Chang felt the limo had started moving, with the vehicle taking him back to his casino.
While Chang leaned back in his cushioned seat, he thought, 'Even though they did not pat me down, it would have been rude to walk in armed into a police station, without a damn good reason for doing so... Now, to deal with the matter at hand.'
Chang towards the front of the vehicle, and to Rowan, whom was sitting in the cushioned across from him. With Rowan having her back to the closed window, that connected the back passenger section, to the driver section of the vehicle.
Chang continued to look at Rowan, as Rowan silently look at him. He said to her, in english, “Rowan. I am glad you were willing to have this meeting on such short notice. I was not aware you were in the city, until my subordinates informed me just now. That is why I arranged us to have this little meeting.”
Rowan smiled, as she commented, “It is a pleasure, as always, to talk to you, Chang.”
Chang returned Rowan's smile, as he inquired, “Good. Now, do you know of anyone else that is here?”
Rowan answered, “Except for your group, and Revy's group, I heard a rumor that one of Hotel Moscow's members went awol, and ended up here. That is why I came to check out this place. But, I have no clue who he is, and where he is.”
Rowan thought, 'I don't think I will also mention that I know about the stories. And that I have read them. I trust my source too much, to risk being forced to divulged the identity of that person. Besides, that person only told me after a few drinks, and some fun. And it is so rare to meet a person that can keep up with me, in such matters.'
Chang stated, “It does not matter.” He mentally reflected, 'Let Balalaika deal with her own personnel matter. Besides, Melvin too much of a character, to just tell Balalaika whom he is. I want to see how that plays out on its own. Along if Revy, Rock, and their group, actually do find the writer. Both will be mildly entertaining, as I got my organization up and running here. With the casino being the first part, of my front operations here.'
Rowan asked, “So, what are we going to do about this police chief? He wouldn't take a bribe.”
Chang responded, “I learned that, as well. Still, we will do nothing about him. The more I think about it, the more I actually agree with him, on what he told me. I should not have introduced drugs from the multiverse here. It would attract the wrong kind of attention towards us. And from what you tell me, all he wants you to do is not sell kiddie porn and snuff films. Both of which, I find detestable, anyway. So, you will not do that.”
Rowan replied, “Yes sir.” She thought, 'I may not like it. But, if I do as requested, I will have less trouble to deal with.'
Chang stated, “Good. Also, I have been looking into that man's past. If what I have learned is true. He has been the only thing keeping this city, together, in one piece, for the last decade. His skills in combat, and leadership, are impressive. I honestly think, if we had met him in Roanapur, before the projects I started, he could have held his own against any one of us. He would have been on par with the badasses there, at the time. Even me, at that time.”
Rowan remarked, “That is a high opinion to have of someone, Chang.”
Chang grinned, as he responded, “I know. Yet, he clearly knows he cannot do that now. Also, I find his tastes in fiction interesting. But, best of all. He thinks I am not onto him. That gives me an even greater advantage.”
Rowan pointed out, “He knows you can change into a girl. He even said he found your female form to be hot.”
Chang lips curled into a smirk, as he thought, 'That just won him points with me.'
Chang stated, “It just shows he has good taste. After all, he is basically a Mexican Gene Hunt, with the pop culture and genre savviness of Michael Garibaldi. Which is kind of a cool combination. I am going to have so much fun figuring out how to fit him into my plans.”
Rowan commented, “Still, I do not understand his madness. From what I learned of him. Before, he had me arrested. He does not like bribes, sex slavery, nor extortion. But, he loves the drug trade and prostitution, being in his town.”
Chang said, “That is simple. He supports anything that could bring money into his community, unless it causes too much trouble. Or, the profession, or product, is against his moral code. While, at the same time, he is against crimes that take money out of his community. It is simple logic. And it works so well. I kind of admire him for that. If I was in his position, I might have set down the same ground rules.”
Rowan requested, “Even so. What about my business? Tail pays well, but even I need something to sell on the off seasons, to make ends meet.”
Chang inquired, “Well, we will just have to be more subtle. I have some ideas about the new S&M brothel you are working on. You might find it interesting that I have finally achieved getting a steady supply of two interesting packets of magic power. Do you know of the series, Ranma Half?”
Rowan answered, “Of course. I sold you a copy of that series back in Roanapur.”
Chang smiled, as he inquired, “Then, you know what the instant packets of spring of drowned man and spring of drowned girl are?”
Rowan responded, with a bit of eagerness in her voice, “Yes. And I think I know where you are going with this.” She thought, 'If this is what I think it is. This type of operation could both set me for life, while provide me with plenty of entertainment.'
Chang thought, 'I don't doubt that. Or, I would have not come to you, with this offer.'
Chang stated, “I can provide you enough for both personal use, for free. I am sure you would like to have some fun as a guy, again. But, I will also sell you the packets for you to use in your business.”
“Now, imagine the type of S&M brothel you could have when the client can choose what gender they are, as they take part in your business' services. And think of the possibilities of role playing when your employees will be able to swap genders throughout their sessions with your clients.”
“Imagine how much money people would pay for that kind of service. And all I ask is for a thirty percent cut off the top of the gross. With monthly payments. I will provide the supply. You will provide the services. You will be wealthy, and I will be even richer.”
Rowan smirked, as she thought, 'It is just as I thought. And if this works out, I will consider turning me into a woman to be water under the bridge.' She happily complimented, “You know what Chang? I love the way your mind works.”
Chang returned Rowan's smile, as he said, “We will work out the details in a few minutes. Once we get back to my office, at my new casino. But, I think we can do business.”
Rowan replied, “I fully agree.”
Chang's limo then continued driving them back to Daiyu Palace Casino. And towards a bright, more profitable future, for both adults, in the back of the limo.
Around six PM, Pedro just finished backing up his computer files, which he kept a backup on a USB memory stick he had on his key ring. He pocketed the key ring in his pants. And he then turned off his computer, his computer monitor, and his computer speakers.
Just as Pedro was about to get up from his desk, to punch out his time card for the day, and leave, the phone on his desk began to ring.
Pedro picked up his phone, as he said, in spanish, “Hello.”
Pedro heard Novio voice on the other end say, in spanish, in an obviously happy tone of voice, “Hello Pedro. I take back everything I ever said about you know who. He offered me a great deal for everything I had, and I took the deal. And I am gone. But, I am sure you were involved in someway, so I am just calling to say, thank you.”
Pedro cracked a grin, as he thought, 'I guess Chang kept his word. That is good.'
Pedro said, “Glad to hear it. And I hope you have great life.”
Novio said, “You to, Pedro.” Novio then hung up his phone.
After Pedro put his phone back on its mount, he stood up from his office chair.
He walked over the coat rack, and he put on his long coat, and hat. He then turned off the lights to his office, from a wall switch. Next, he locked and shut the door to his office behind him. He then headed to punch out his time card, head to his car, and get something to eat, before he met with Lee, at the Last Resort Diner, at seven PM.
Though, Pedro did not want to go to the Last Resort Diner first, because he did not feel like eating U.S. style food that night.
Around seven PM, after Pedro lost his daily tail, he met with Lee at the Last Resort Diner, to get the daily report on any trouble from Revy's group. With Lee sitting in their booth, with his back to the back wall.
Pedro sat down at the table, across from Lee. Lori soon took their drink orders. Several seconds later, she pour them both cups of coffee, and brought coffee mugs for both men.
After Lori walked away from the two men, Lee and Pedro look at each other.
Lee commented, in english, “I lost another tail, coming here, this evening.”
Pedro said, in english, “Same here.”
Lee stated, “Well, it cannot be helped.”
Pedro replied, “I agree.”
Lee asked, “So, how was your day?”
Pedro smiled, as he casually answered, “Same old. Same old. Just another day at the office. Now, how was your day?”
Lee said, “I spent the day watching a few movies with Akira, Natsuru, and Ranma. None that would tip them off as to whom I am. But, it was fun for all those involved.”
Pedro inquired, “That's nice. So, which movies did you watch?”
Lee answered, “Tropic Thunder. And both Robert Downey Junior Sherlock Holmes movies.”
Pedro grinned, as he complimented, “Nice selection.”
Lee agreed, “Thank you.”
Pedro grin got slightly wider, as he requested, “So please. Tell me what their reactions were to seeing those movies?”
Lee returned Pedro's grin, as he replied, “With pleasure.”
As Pedro listened to Lee's story, he picked up his cup, and sip his coffee, while he began to relax for the evening.
Eventually, the two men called their meeting over for the night. The paid for their bills, and left their tips.
They then exited the diner, and headed for their cars, in parking lot of the diner.
After they got into their vehicles, and started the ignitions to their cars, Lee headed to the Devil's Hotel, to watch a little karaoke in the Devil's Hotel restaurant, and then Lee planed to go to his suite, to get some sleep, in his bed.
Meanwhile Pedro headed back home, to get some much deserved sleep, for the night. Until Pedro would have to wake up, the next morning, and protect his city, from the same threatening insanity, one more time. As any hero should do, and would do.
To be continued.
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A different viewpoint
Wow! Pedro's viewpoint is somewhat different than Lee's. Pedro shows that he is a big-time badass in dealing with the extortionists and then interacting with Chang. It took some guts to talk to Chang the way he did. It shows that Pedro is a major factor in this story, with a desire to keep his city as violence free as he can, also to limit those things he finds repulsive, child porn and snuff films. Can't wait until we find out the hidden escapades of Sam. Thanks for even more great story.