Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”
Volume 1: “De La Plata Podrido.”
Chapter 02: “Getting to Know Your Matchsticks.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
It was a dark, cloudy, Autumn day, outside the front doors to the Devil's Hotel, as the group of women had made it to the front doors of the building.
Less than an hour ago, the badass group of women had teleported to a deserted part of the island they were on, in their four vehicles, loaded with people, and luggage. They had just made it to the hotel parking, with their luggage pulled out, and stacked behind them
They were happy they made it, before it had started to rain.
Before they went inside the Devil's Hotel, they stood together, right outside the front doors, with all of them complete under the awning.
They had set their luggage behind them, by the curb.
Their two leaders, Rock, and Revy, talked to them.
Rock and Revy stood, facing the rest of their group, with their backs right next to the front door. The rest of the group were looking at Rock and Revy.
Revy stated, in english, “Okay. We traced the fucker here. Let's find him, capture him, head home, and start taking our vengeance out on him. Though, Rock here has something to say first, before we go in.”
Rock commented, in english, “Before we go in there, I am setting some ground rules for us. I admit, as tempting as it is. If we go in their guns blazing, we are either going to scare the writer into running, before we can find him. Or worse, accidently kill the writer. So, we have to approach this in a more subtle manner.”
Molly asked, in english, “So, how do we approach this?”
Revy smirked, as she commented, “Simple. Our looks, and charms”
Shenhua teased, in english, “Revy, you are one to talk?”
While Revy frowned, the rest of the group laughed, for a few seconds.
As the group calmed down, Violin spoke up, in english, “Revy, you got the looks. But, you lack the personality and grace for charming someone.”
Revy dropped her frown, as she replied, “Okay. You have a point there.”
Akira pointed out, in english, “Guys. I do see a problem with our plan. The writer will recognize us on sight. We should have sent two or three people in disguise. Our daughters for example. We just have them dye their hair, and send them in with aliases. The writer won't recognize them, because he wrote them, not drew them.”
Yurika said, “We would have been open to doing that.”
Revy commented, “Nice idea. But, we are already here. And we are not leaving without him.”
Rock said, “Besides, the writer would likely recognized, at least, some us, even with such disguises. Even your daughters. And it would only make things confusing for us, in remembering everyone's aliases.”
Akira replied, “Okay.”
Natsuru mentioned, in english, “Speak of which. I checked. This place has all of our series, on various formats, and the writer's stories are online for anyone to read. It is possible that we might run across some people that recognize us. But, that does not mean they are the writer. So, if you are recognized, it would be best to play dumb, and talk to the rest of us, before doing anything about that person.”
Sawyer stated, in english, “Good point. If we get the wrong person, it will raise questions. And it will likely cause the right person to run.”
Aeryn said, in english, “Also, such actions could attract the authorities of this world. We need to avoid that at all cost, for various reasons. They could kill us, or at the very least, find the writer first.”
Kristina agreed, in english, “Yes. And I think that video by Scorpius likely already set everyone on edge.”
Rebecca stated, in english, “I still don't understand why Scorpius doesn't just send her secret agents in. They could probably find the writer in a day.”
Rock explained, “The same reason we don't bring in Hotel Moscow, nor the maids. We don't to start world war three. Besides, Scorpy refuses to help us with our search. I think she likes what the writer did for her. And she only did that broadcast as a favor to Violin.”
Nodoka looked at Violin, as she teased, in english, “Are you out of the dog house, yet?”
Violin looked at Aeryn, whom frowned. Violin answered, “Not yet. But, I'm getting there.”
Mikoto stated, in english, “I can understand not telling the maids. Roberta would tear this city apart looking for the writer. And Fabiola and Garcia are too close to Roberta. They would spill the beans to her. But, why are Balalaika and B not here? They are both sharp, and very skilled, in so many ways. We could use their skills here.”
Rock answered, “While Revy told both Balalaika and B. And I later talked to them about it. Both of those women understand the subtle nature of the situation. They say if the guy gets away, to contact them, and the two of them will personally help us hunt the writer down.”
“And for your next question. They told Revy and I, that they don't plan to involved the rest of the members of Hotel Moscow, because they didn't fully inform them of the situation. And they don't want to waste time just looking. They do have an organization to run for the writer. When he might not still even be here.”
“We have the time to look. And even with reality traveling technology, they don't.”
Mikoto inquired, “Good point. By the way, why doesn't Annie want to come? I know for a fact that our parents invited her.”
Akira answered, “Annie admitted that she did want to see the writer harmed. She refused to help us.”
Violin commented, “Given what the writer did for her, I can understand.”
Sawyer suggested, “What about Arcee?”
Revy pointed out, “She is too close to Chang. They are still good friends. And we don't even want to risk Megatron learning of the stories. Even that thought scares me. Considering what the writer almost did to him. He would literally tear apart this section of the multiverse looking for the writer.”
Rock agreed, “Yes. And that is why we have not mentioned the stories, to other victims of the second book. Some of them might not care how many civilians they have to kill to find the writer.”
Violin mentioned, “When you think about it, this writer literally pissed off all the wrong people in the multiverse. From a third person point of view. And literary standpoint. I can understand the sheer insanity he was going for. But, he went way too far. Especially in that second book. He likely wronged, and pissed off, almost every major human badass imaginable. I think, deadman walking, would fit his situation well.”
Rock stated, “That would be the understatement of the century.”
Molly asked, in english, “Speaking of Chang. What about the others? Chang? The Serenity Crew? The Lowe family? And where are they right now?”
Revy answered, “We don't know. We are fairly sure they are all in the Cowboy Bebop reality. But, we are not completely sure. If we just pop up and say hi, questions will be asked. We don't think they know what is going on. But, if River reads our minds, then, they will come running.”
Rock said, “Revy makes a good point there. Likely, Mal, and Spike, would have both their sets of friends here, hunting down the writer. The maids would tear this city apart to find the writer. And the others, I am not so sure. I know most of the women in their group are not upset with the writer, for various reasons. And I don't want to any fight them, if they were the first to catch the writer.”
Molly agreed, “That would cause problems.”
Ranma spoke up, in english, “By the way, why are Benny, Janet, and Dutch, not here?”
Revy answered, “Actually, they are in this reality. They are in the British Bahamas.”
Lotton sarcastically remarked, in english, “Lucky them.”
Natsuru inquired, “What are they doing there?”
Revy sarcastically answered, “Besides enjoying their time on the beach, they are studying the stories, and doing web searches. They are trying to build a profile on the writer. Rock and I figured those three were the best to do the job.”
Natsuru replied, “I agree.”
Sarah questioned, in english, “So, has mom, dad, and aunt Dutch, had any luck on a profile of the writer?”
Revy replied, “No. Not so far. But, we have the phone number to their room. And they plan to come over in a month, or so, if we have not had any luck in catching the writer, by then.”
Aeryn asked, “Is there anyone else here, that we know of, in this city?”
Rock smiled, as she answered, “Yes. Eda and Yolanda are here. They are working a different angle. We will tell you, later.”
Aeryn replied, “Interesting.”
Shenhua asked, “Are there any clues as to what the writer looks like?”
Revy said, in a disappointed tone of voice, “Nope. We don't know what the writer's looks like, nor even the writer's gender. Though, we are guessing the writer is male.”
Sarah inquired, “So, how do we search for the writer?”
Yukio suggested, in english, “Why don't we just go into the future and find out who the writer is, from our future selves?”
Molly stated, “Because we do not want to risk creating a paradox.”
Rebecca conceded, “Good point.”
Rock stated, “I think Revy has the right idea. We use our charms. We ask around. And we subtly test people. With luck, the writer will eventually give himself away. Or, we will at least start to build a list of those we think are the writer, whom we will check on later, with more thorough background checks.”
Lotton commented, “That is a nice idea. Also, the writer might be staying on the ground floor. If he need to got out of the hotel quickly, will allow him to escape more easily.”
Rock said, “That is an excellent point. We need to find out who is staying on the ground floor. That might narrow down our list of suspects.”
Natsuru stated, “I doubt that someone will try to escape by a second story balcony, or higher. That is a quick way for a normal person to break a leg. And rope, or rope ladder would be to hard to hide, if we started secretly searching rooms.”
Rock commented, “Those are also good points. But, we won't start searching rooms, until we have exhausted our other avenues of finding the writer. If we are caught in someone else's hotel suite, we could get thrown out of the hotel. Or, the local police might get in involved.”
Natsuru said, “I agree. Those are good point.”
Violin looked at the Lagoon daughters for a few seconds. She then turned to Rock, as she asked, “On another matter. What happens if we have any problems between each other?”
Rock firmly stated, “All internal disputes will be handled between Revy and I. We are in charge. If you mess up, and harm the wrong person, you go home. Understood?”
Except for Rock and Revy, some of the women said, “Yes.” Or, “Yea.” The other women nodded, or shrugged, in agreement.
Rock said, “Also, when you do think you have a lead, let Revy and I know. We will inform the others, and decide what to do. Now teenagers, handle the luggage. Be careful. Our weapons are in some of the suitcases. And it should be noted. We do not know the cops here. And Mexico has strict gun control and immigration laws. But from what I understand, this town is very lax on such matters. So, just don't cause too many problems.”
Ranma suggested, “And it would not be wise to come into this hotel like an armed military.”
Rock agreed, “Exactly. That is why I made sure no one was armed right now, as we walked inside the hotel. If we were, the hotel staff might turn us away.”
Rock then continued, in a serious tone of voice, “Also, don't lose your reality devices. We do not want them falling into the wrong hands. Especially, the writer's hands. He clearly knows enough about reality travel, that if he gets his hands on one of our reality devices, and we might never get this close to finding him, again.”
Revy stated, “Yes. We have to be careful about that. Okay girls. Let's go in there, and find this fucker. With luck, he will give himself away within the first ten minutes.”
As the teenagers picked up the luggage for everyone, Rebecca asked, “How will we know it is him, mom?”
Revy smile wickedly, as she said, “Because, my daughter, he will be pissing his pants, in fear, at the mere sight of us.”
The other laughed at Revy's joke, for a few seconds
As they calmed down, Yukio requested, “Is it okay if us teenagers, get rooms near each other, but away from the rest of you?”
Rock, Revy, Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru looked at each other. They all nodded. Rock then turned to Yukio, as she answered, “I don't see why not, daughter.”
Yukio replied, “Thanks, mom.”
Rock and Revy then turned around, and took the lead, as they entered the entryway, and then into the hotel lobby.
Shenhua, Sawyer, and Lotton were right behind them. Then Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru. Violin and Aeryn follow them. With the teenage daughters following behind them.
Rock noted that the music in the lobby suddenly changed to Ballroom Blitz, by The Sweet. She thought, 'I wonder why the music changed. And why it is that song, of all the songs, is the one playing. Still, it fits the mood.'
Rock saw people from all groups of life in the lobby. And almost all of the people there, turned and looked a the newcomers for a few seconds, before going back to the business.
Among the groups of people, there were a couple of families, with their children. Sports players. Some men in businesses suits. And two men, to Rock's right side, whom were sitting chairs, across from each other, at a small table, as they played poker for money.
Rock thought, with amusement, 'Some things never change, no matter where I go. The location can change, but there are almost always some pair of men, that are just, those two guys, doing their own thing.'
The black haired man with the blue baseball cap, large glasses, and blue cloth jacket, noticed them, as they walked to the check in desk, across the room.
The black haired tapped his friend, a man with a full beard and ponytail, on the right foot, with his own foot to get his attention. He titled his head towards Rock's group. Both of them looked at the woman for a few seconds.
Rock even locked eyes with the black haired man, for a few seconds, before Rock saw that both men had turned their heads towards each other. And they went back to their poker game.
The women soon made it to the check in desk. As the two clerks at the desk looked at the sixteen women, without even blinking in surprise, Rock stated, “We would like to rent some rooms here.”
The two clerks looked at each other. They then turned back to face Rock, and the other women, as one of the clerks asked, in english, “Short? Or, long term?”
Rock answered, “Likely long term?”
The clerks smile, as the same clerk that spoke to Rock, inquired, “How will you be paying?”
Rock asked, “Do you accept gold as payment?”
The smile from clerk whom spoke to Rock widened even further, as she replied, “By the troy ounce. And we even offer to buy gold at ten percent less than the current market rate, in either U.S. cash, or Mexican pesos. At long as the gold is pure.”
Rock pulled out a small bar of gold from her pocket, and set it on the top of the check in desk. She smirked, as she stated, “Test it all you want. You will find our gold is pure enough for you. And I will like to have some pesos and dollars out of the change.”
The clerk, whom Rock was talking to, pulled out a small instrument, and set it on the long end of the gold bar. She said, “Ma'am. This will only take a few seconds.”
A few seconds later, the woman looked at the results, as she continued smiling. She in the instrument behind the desk. She then pulled out a small set of electronic weight scales. She set the bar on the scales, as she stated, “Your bar is almost pure gold. We will accept this as payment.” She then pulled out a small calculator.
Rock replied, “Good. Now, I maybe right, but I am not foolish. I want some decent hotel rooms, that are fairly inexpensive.”
The clerk responded, “You will find we appreciate frugal customers. Because they are usually returning customers.”
Rock thought, 'Now, that is a change, from the usual people I use to deal with. And a good change at that.' She her smirk turned into a warmer smile, as she stated, “Then, I think we will have a wonderful business relationship.”
The clerk returned Rock's smile, as she said, “I agree. Also, some of us would prefer one bedroom suites, but with large bed.”
The clerk stated, “That will not be a problem.”
Rock replied, “Good.”
The clerk inquired, “Now, who will I make the bills for these rooms out too? And who will be staying in this room?”
Rock answered, “You can start with my room. Which will be a single bed suite, with a large bed. I am Rock. And the person will me, is Revy. We will be covering the bills for our entire group. And we will get to everyone, in a few minutes. Also, some of us would like rooms away from the rest of our group.”
The clerk replied, “That will be fine.”
Rock and the clerk then went about checking her family, her friends, and herself, into the Devil's Hotel.
Nearby, in his chair, Lee looked at his cards, as he used the corner of his eye to watch the women walk to the check desk.
Lee remained calm on the outside, as he mentally lamented, 'I cannot believe I just looked Rock in her eyes. That is amazing.'
'And now that I think about it. Because they have their weapons in their luggage, instead of on their person, as they check in, means they are not looking for an immediate fight.'
'Also, I don't see any telepaths, nor empaths, that I recognize. I am thankful for such small mercies. If a psychic was here right now, they would likely find me on the spot, and it would be all over for myself. I still have a chance now. Though, a small one.'
'I am also thankful not see the Lovelace maids, with them.'
'But, this is still not good. There are too many of them here for my plan to work. And it was such a simple plan.'
Just then, the bottom fell out of the storm, and outside, the rain began pour.
Lee mentally continued, 'Now, the timing of this rain is poetic. Still, my plan just blew up in my face. I thought this bait would attract a couple of fish, not a pod of killer whales. I dare not try to drug any of them now. They are going to be watching each other too closely. Plus, two of them are aliens, some of them have super-soldier abilities, and the others likely have fast metabolisms. I don't think knockout drugs would really work on any of them.'
'Though, my plan is salvageable. The more marks here, means more reality devices floating around. I just have to approach this from a different angle. Though, I know it is going to be hard as hell to get one of those devices, from the start. More of them, just increases the danger. Also, I have to figure out how to approach them. Also, I have to figure out when to approach them.'
'From a neutral, third party point of view, I am literally a middle-aged man, trying to approach a group of younger, pretty women. That looks wrong, no matter how I try to do it. So, I have to have a damn good reason just to approach them. Let alone speak to them. And if I do this wrong, or too early, I tip my hand that I am the writer, and it will be all over.'
'Yet. They don't know I am the writer. And there is no rush. It is best to wait a couple of days. If I wait long enough, since they are looking for the writer, they might eventually approach Sam and I. As they are looking for me. When that happens, all I got to do is play my cards right. So, for right now, as I think about this problem, I should just relax, and play poker with Sam.'
Lee then went back to focusing on playing his poker game with Sam, as the badass group of women, nearby, checked into the hotel. After they were checked in, and each group had been given their keys, they turned to their right, and walked towards the elevator bay, by the lobby, with their luggage, as they headed towards their suites.
Later that evening, as it continued to rain, thunder, and lightning, outside, Sam and Lee were eating at a table, in the hotel restaurant and bar. They were sitting in the corner table, to the right of the entrance to the restaurant. Both of them were sitting beside each other, with their backs to the corner, as they ate and talked to each other. With Lee sitting to Sam's right side.
Given the rain had disrupted the plans of most of the guests of the hotel, the hotel restaurant was nearly full.
Sam and Lee were almost finished with their dinners, as they saw the badass group of women walk into the restaurant. And this time, some of them appeared armed.
Revy and Molly had their semi-automatic pistols holsters in their shoulder holsters. Lee could tell that Shenhua had her knives hidden in her clothing. Rebecca had her long knives sheathed in their scabbards on her back. Kristina has her two gantlets hooked together, on the right side of her belt. Sarah had her katana sheathed in its scabbard, which was hooked to the left side of her belt.
Yukio did not have her machine gun, and Sawyer did not have her chainsaw.
Ranma had on her golden wrist braces, which stick out from under her long sleeved blouse.
Akira had her long knives sheathed on her back, and revolvers holstered on her hips, over her causal clothing.
Natsuru, Nodoka, Mikoto, Yurika, Aeryn, Violin, and Lotton appeared to be unarmed.
Lee thought, 'I guess they when up to their room, unpacked and put on their weapons.' Lee mentally lamented, as he continued his thoughts, 'And this was turning into such a pleasant evening. I wonder how Melvin is doing?' Lee then looked Melvin, whom was standing behind the bar counter.
Lee saw Melvin looked up at the women, and from the look in Melvin's eyes, Lee guessed that he recognized a few of them.
But, Melvin was able to keep his composure, and he only showed fear in his eyes, and only for a split second.
Lee thought, with admiration, 'Good job, Melvin. I doubt any of them noticed your reaction. If you just remain calm, you should get out of this alive, and in one piece.'
Lee then looked back at the group of women, he noticed Revy pulled out a cigarette and a lighter.
Lee thought, 'So, Revy went back to smoking. Why am I not surprised? I just hope that Melvin has enough sense to not tell her not to smoke. I don't want him to die, even if he was once a member of Hotel Moscow. He seems like such a nice guy.'
Lee then saw that Revy's lighter wouldn't work
Revy asked, in a loud tone of voice, “Does anyone have a light?”
Lee saw Mikoto take a step towards Revy, before she suddenly stop.
Lee thought, 'Intelligent move, not showing your fire abilities in front of witnesses. Also, since she is asking strangers for a lite, that means that none of the rest of the group smokes, or they quit smoking, depending on the person. And given she has her weapons with her, I don't think anyone is in a rush to give her a light. But, if none one does, that is going to put her in a bad mood. Which, no who knows her, wants to happen. So, I have no choice.'
'Besides, this is my chance to at least get a close look at Revy, without anyone else being the wiser.'
Lee quickly used his right hand to reach into his right, side pants pockets, and he pulled out his disposable lighter.
Lee held up his lighter and lit it.
Revy noticed Lee and his lighter. She turned and walked over to him.
Lee extinguished his lighter.
A few seconds later, when Revy reached Lee, he handed her his lighter, by the bottom, cool end.
As Revy used the lighters to light her cigarette, Lee got a chance to get a close look at her.
Lee thought, 'To the untrained eye, this much smaller, slender women would appear helpless. I know better. And I have no intentions of getting on her bad side, or the bad sides of her friends. Even though they are all out for my blood.'
While Revy took a poof of smoke from her cigarette, with her right hand, as she handed Lee back his lighter, with her left hand.
Lee took the lighter, and put it his pants pocket.
Revy casually said, “Thanks.” She then used her left hand to pulled out her open pack of cigarettes, as she offered, “Want one?”
Lee thought, with amusement, 'Why not?'
Lee replied, “Sure.” Lee took one of the cigarette. He put the cigarette into the inside pocket of his blue cloth jacket, as he thought, 'I think I will keep this one for a special occasion. And I will be careful not to wash it with my clothing.'
Revy then turned around, and walked over to rejoin her group.
Sam looked at Lee, as he asked, “What was that about?”
Lee continued looking at the women, as he answered, “When an armed woman wants a light for her cigarette, you make sure she gets the light.”
Sam agreed, “Wise words. And they seem like a rough crowd.”
Lee continued looking in front of them, as he said, “That is kind of obvious. I think we might want to walk out of here, in a minute. After we finish our meals. How about we continue our game of poker in the lobby?”
Sam replied, “Sounds great.”
Lee offered, “And when we finish, you can head on out, while I pay for both our meals.”
Sam said, in an appreciative and happy tone of voice, “Thanks.”
Lee replied, “You're welcome.” He thought, 'Sam, you don't have a clue who those women are. And until I have a chance to tell you, in private, without spilling the beans to you. I need to keep you as far away from these women, as possible.'
As the two men finished eating, Lee kept an eye on the group of women. He saw that they seat themselves at some tables, near the stage, in the back of the room. Lee finally stopped looking at them, when a waitress came over to them, to take their orders.
Lee thought, 'That waitress is braver than most people. But then, I have found that people find bravery and courage, when they need it.'
Lee also noticed that other customers were getting up, paying for their meals, and leaving the room, with Melvin manning the cash register.
Lee thought, 'It is nice that a number of people here are intelligent enough to see trouble coming a mile away. And it is unfortunate that the employees still have to play nice, and be careful. But, that goes with the dangers of their jobs. Still, I wish them the best.'
Lee had the last bite of his meal, and drank the last bit of his beer. He looked over and saw that Sam was finished with his meal, as well.
Lee turned to Sam, as he inquired, “Are you ready to go?”
Sam looked over at Lee, as answered, “Yes. I will see you in the lobby.”
Lee replied, “Okay.”
Both men then got up. Lee left a fair tip on the table, as Sam headed for the exit to the restaurant. Lee then headed to the cash register, on the bar counter, near the front of the room.
Lee saw there was Melvin as still being hand the cash register, as he was taking care of the last person waiting to pay their bill and left.
Lee then saw Melvin get the customer his change, and a receipt. As the customer turned and left the room, for the hotel hallway, Lee saw noticed him.
Lee thought, 'It would be nice to talk to him about this. But, it is too risky, in so many ways. First, I cannot outright tell Melvin what I know of these women, because he will ask how I know it. That would expose each of our secrets to the other. Also, some of the women have super-hearing, from the super-soldier serum they were exposed to. But, given the distance from the cash register and the tables by the stage, along with the background noise, from the talking, as long as we whisper, we should be okay.'
When Lee reached the cash register, the two men looked at each other, from across the cash register on the end of the bar counter. Melvin then quietly said, “How are you doing, Lee?”
Lee thought, 'Good. He knows about the super-hearing, as well. Probably Balalaika mentioned her abilities to her men, at some point.' Lee softly answered, “Fine. And Melvin, from the way you were looking at those women, I can tell you know them.”
Melvin quietly warned, “I know some of them. And they are all crazy dangerous. Don't mess with them. And don't give one of them a light, again.”
Lee whispered, “Don't worry, I won't. I just wanted to prevent a situation.”
Melvin softly replied, “Okay. That was a good call. Just don't do it, again.”
Lee quietly complimented, “Of course. And you clearly are intelligent enough not to stop them from smoking.”
Melvin softly mentioned, “Hey. I want to continue living. And them smoking is the least of my worries about them. Still, my situation reminds me of a quote from the Godfather movies.”
Lee quietly said, “Let me guess. When I thought I was out, they pull me back in.”
Melvin whispered, “That's the one.”
Lee softly responded, “Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. And good luck.”
Melvin quietly replied, “Thank you.”
Lee then stated, in a normal tone of voice, “By the way, I am paying for Sam's meal, as well.”
Melvin complimented, “That is nice of you.”
Melvin then rang Lee up for both his meal and drink, and Sam's meal and drink.
Lee paid the bill with his cash money. He then got his change and receipt. After which, he left the restaurant, for the hotel lobby, to meet up with Sam, to continue their ongoing poker game.
Hours later, inside the Devil's Hotel restaurant and bar, the only ones let in the room, were Melvin, and the group of badass women, whom some were starting to get drunk.
Even the waitresses, and kitchen staff had decided to clean up, and call it an early night. And Melvin didn't blame them for doing so. And he even gave them permission to leave for the night, when they had requested to leave the madness currently happening in the restaurant.
Still, someone had to stay behind to manage the chaos, and as the bartender for the restaurant, that person was, Melvin.
Also, the group of women had migrated from the tables near the stage, to closer to the bar counter. With some of the women now sitting in stools, at the bar counter.
And the women had starting taking turns, using the karaoke machine, to sing some songs for each other.
As Melvin served the women at the bar counter, some refills on their mixed drinks, he thought, 'I don't know which is the more wilder storm. The one that is slacking off outside, or the one here, inside... Likely the one right here, in front of me... Still, at least this isn't all bad. They clearly don't remember me. Boy am I happy about that. And some of them can even carry a tune.'
From Melvin's left to right, Rock, Revy, Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru were sitting on the stools, along the long end of the bar counter, with Natsuru being the closest woman to the cash register by the front end of the bar counter.
Just then, Rebecca walked up to the bar counter. Melvin saw here, as she looked at him. She requested, “Hey barterer. I need another bottle of beer.”
Melvin reached under the counter, pulled out a cold bottle of beer from the fridge, and handed it to Rebecca.
Rebecca took the bottle of beer, and walked way.
Melvin thought, 'Well, with the legal drinking age in Mexico being eighteen, there is not much I can do about these teenagers drinking. But, at least with them here, I can cut them off, before they get to drunk, and things get out of hand.
Melvin then glanced at Revy, and he noted that she was starting to look a little tipsy. He mentally added, 'While some of the people here are already at their limit. The question is how to cut them off without starting a gunfight?'
Ranma asked, “So, bartender. What is your name?”
Melvin looked over at the redhead, as he thought, 'I have seen her before. But, I just cannot place her.' He answered, “My name is Melvin. What is yours?”
Ranma answered, “Ranma.”
Melvin suddenly remember, as he mentally reflected, 'Ranma?.... She has to be. The martial artists that changes genders based off of water temperatures. I remember seeing the Ranma Half series, that Pedro showed me from his anime collection. That reminds me. Should, I call Pedro, and let him know what is going on here, at the hotel, with these women?... Best not too. He would likely not believe me. And he will learn about it, soon enough, on his own.'
'Still, I think it best I avoid hot water near Ranma. Or, I will end up in hot water, if she changes into a he, in front of me. But, what is Ranma doing here with Akira, Revy, and Rock. Also, she appears to be older, in her late twenties. And who is the blue haired woman, and the others here that I don't recognize?'
'It might be best to just try to ask. At least that way, if I slip up and say one of their names, in front of them, I have an excuse of them introducing themselves to me.'
Melvin looked over at the other women at the bar counter, as he asked, “And who are rest of you?”
Akira answered, “I am Akira.”
Melvin thought, 'Yea. Akira. I remember you from Roanapur. If I remember, you change gender with a sneeze. Best to keep the pepper away from you.'
Akira went onto say, “The blue haired woman by me is, Natsuru.”
Melvin mentally realized, “Natsuru from the Kampfer anime series. Another gender bender. Also, she looks as old as Akira does, and not the teenager that she, or rather, he was in that series.'
'Though, I do recognize Rock as woman. I long since heard about the Lagoon members gender bending.... And then there are my former comrades... I don't like the pattern I am seeing here...'
'That being said, I wonder why they are here? They are clearly not after me. If someone was here, after me, it would be the members of Hotel Moscow. Not them. Unfortunately, I cannot just ask them out right, without revealing who I am. So, I will just have to play along.'
Natsuru said, “Nice to meet you.”
Melvin replied, “Nice to meet all three of you.”
Akira stated, “The other redhead and the black haired women by us, at the bar, are Revy and Rock. Revy is the redhead. Rock is the black hair woman. Rock is fine. But, it might be best to leave Revy alone.”
Revy just laughed at Akira's comment.
Melvin mentally agreed, 'Very wise words.' He calmly replied, “I will keep that in mind. By the way, your group is driving away my best customers. And best tippers. Even my staff called it an early night, because of your group.”
Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru, looked around, and behind them, at how rowdy their friends, and daughters, were being.
They then looked back at Melvin. Akira sadly said, “Sorry about that. We will try to reign in the others. So, this won't happen again.”
Melvin thought, as he inwardly laughed, that did not show only the outside, 'Good luck with that. I remember hearing what Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer did to you, that night at Rowan's Jackpot.'
'Still, I might as well be positive about it. Akira, you do have back up this time. Ranma and Natsuru might actually be more dangerous than Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer. It is just that these two are more polite.'
Melvin sarcastically remarked, “I can clearly see that you are going to have your work cut out for you. Still, good luck in reigning in you your friends' wildness.”
Revy overheard Melvin comments. She stood up from her stool, as she loudly stated, “Wildness! You want wildness! I will give you wildness!” She then pulled out her pistols from her shoulder holsters.
Rock, Akira, Ranma, Natsuru, and Melvin all saw what she was going to do, as she pulled back the slides to her pistols, inserting rounds into her weapons' chambers, from the weapons' ammo clips.
Ranma stated, “Oh hell!”
Akira yelled, “Everyone! Duck and cover!”
Meanwhile, Melvin just ducked under the bar counter.
The rest of those in the room looked over at Akira, they then saw Revy just as she started to shoot up the empty bottle shelves, on the wall, behind the bar counter, in front of her.
Everyone else dropped down. In some cases, some of them even got under their tables.
Revy then began shooting up the restaurant and bar, with recklessness, though she did not aim at anyone. She was just going for the walls and furniture.
While Rock bent down, she thought, 'Damn it! It has been years since Revy has pulled this stunt. I am going to have to talk to her about this later. She is set a bad example as one of the leaders, in this mission, especially in front of our children.'
As Melvin ducked under this bar counter, he looked at his post-nineteen forty-seven TT thirty-three Tokarev semi-automatic pistol, which was hostler under right under the bar. The pistol used seven point sixty-two by twenty millimeter bullets. The magazine of Melvin's pistol held the maximum it could, which was eight rounds. And there was one round in the chamber of the pistol.
The only safety feature on the pistol was the hammer could be set to half cock, with the pistol not firing unless it was fully cocked back. This was dangerous, but Melvin was an expert with his pistol, and he knew he might someday need to use his pistol quickly, without much time to react.
Melvin also felt the sheath of his combat knife, against his lower back, where he hid his knife under this clothes.
Melvin thought, 'I wonder how many times Bao had to handle this? Still, how do I handle this? If I pulled my knife, or pistol, she will either kill me, or the others will. Still, I am backed into a corner. I hope she calms down. I really don't want to get into a fight with her... Still, this is Revy. The likely reason she is nicknamed, Revy, is that after she has revved up, she only rarely ever backs down.'
After Revy finished shooting, everyone got up from where they were hiding, and stood up.
Rock looked over at her friends and family, as she yelled, “Anyone hurt?”
Everyone shook their heads. And Rock accounted from everyone.
As Melvin stood up from the bar counter, he noticed that Revy was pointed her pistols at him. And given the slides were not locked in the pulled back positions, they were still loaded.
Revy demanded, in a slurred tone of voice, “Bartender, how about some more rum?”
Melvin scowled. But, he then noticed that Revy had here index fingers were resting against trigger guard, and not the triggers.
Melvin thought, 'I got one shot at this. And if I do this right. None of them will pull this stunt ever again one me.'
Melvin quickly used both handed to grab Revy's cutlasses, by the barrels, and from Revy's hands, without the weapons going off.
Everyone was shocked that someone had actually been able to do that.
Revy demanded, “Give me back my cutlasses!”
Melvin put the weapons under his bar counter. He then turned to Revy, as he flatly stated, with anger in his tone of voice, “No. You can have them back, in the morning. When you are sober. And after you pay for damages. You are lucky the walls, ceiling, and the bar counter, of this restaurant here, have an inch of steel under their covering. But even so, I know the police chief of this town, personally. A stray bullet hitting someone would land you in jail, or worse. And finally, it goes without saying, you are cut off for tonight.”
Revy sneered, “If you are not going to give me back my cutlasses, I am going to have to hurt you with my fists.” She then jumped over the counter. Her back was to the short end of the bar counter, with Melvin facing her front side.
Just as her feet hit the floor, she threw a punch at Melvin, with her right fist.
Melvin's reflexes kicked in.
Melvin sidestepped the blow, putting his front side to Revy's left side.
He then swung his right foot at an inward angle, against the back of Revy's lower legs.
While he was sure Revy's was off balance, he move his right foot back in an a right, outward, angle, until he planted it firmly on the floor. At the same time, he used his left hand to grab Revy by the front of her throat.
While, he used his right hand, to pulled out his combat knife, hiding in the back of his clothing.
As he used his left hand to haul Revy up, and towards other part of the counter, everyone one saw as he spun his combat knife in his right hand, until it stopped spinning, and he held it in downward angle.
As Revy upper back and head hit the top of the bar counter, with Melvin's left hand firmly hold her down by her throat, he brought down his knife until the tip was less than a centimeter above her left iris.
Revy immediately stopped struggling, as she realized how close to death she was.
While Revy was staring at the knife set right above her left eye, everyone else noticed that Melvin's eyes had lost all warmth in them, as he expression turned completely neutral.
Everyone in the bar went dead silent, as they saw some nobody literally holding Revy's life in his hands.
As Melvin looked down at Revy's face, he coldly said, “Listen carefully, little girl. No one shoots up my bar, and threatens the lives of my customers. No one. And if do this again, I will kill you.”
Revy smirked, as she stated, “You have no idea the trouble you are getting into. Now, let me go!”
Melvin flatly responded, with force in his tone of voice, “You are in no position to negotiate!... You think you are a real badass! How many people have you killed?!”
Revy continued smiling, as she answered, “Several.”
Melvin coldly inquired, “And how many children have you killed?”
Revy dropped her smirk, as she went quiet.
Melvin calmly, yet coldly stated, “Little girl, I have been in war. In order to survive, I have both seen and done a lot of horrible things, that you probably couldn't imagine. I have killed children without a second thought. Children, whom I knew beforehand, were kidnapped from their home, doped up, tied to bomb vests, and were sent out against us. And I still killed them without hesitation. All the while, I knew that they were in no way at fault for being in their situation. That they were already dead. And if I did not kill them, they would take me with them. Now, you can either die, or walk away. Which will it be?”
Revy thought, 'Shit! This guy is for real. And I thought there were no badasses in this world that could put me into this position.' She answered, “I will walk away.”
Melvin removed his knife from Revy's face, as he left go of the redhead's throat. He then took several steps be away from Revy.
Everyone saw the warmth return to Melvin's eyes. Though, he kept his neutral facial expression, as he said, “Good. As I said before. You will get your pistols, in the morning. After you sober up.”
Revy leaned up, and jumped over the bar. As she turned back to face Melvin, she warned him, “My cutlasses better be okay when I get them back tomorrow.”
While Melvin sheathed his knives behind his back, he smirked towards Revy. He stated, “Little girl. Given the way you act, I am surprised either of them are in one piece.”
Melvin's commented caused everyone else to laugh, but Revy, and Melvin himself.
A few seconds later, as the crowd calmed down, and started to relax, Ranma turned to Melvin, as she asked, “Where did you learn to fight like that?”
Though, on the outside, Melvin remained calm, as he turned to face the women looking at him. Inwardly, he mentally screamed, 'Oh hell! I tipped my hand a bit too much. I have to make this sound just right, or I just gave myself away to them. They will contact Balalaika, and it will be over for me... Still, this should shut them up. As they say, the most believable lie, is a lie hidden in a truth.'
Melvin flatly answered, “Afghanistan.”
The women gave him blank looks.
Melvin explained, as he planted the lie in the truth, “In late two thousand one, the U.S. invaded Afghanistan. And the got ugly, over there, after that. And I was on of the fools that did a tour in Afghanistan.”
The women looked at each other, and Rock said, “He is right. I checked it out. It is very ugly story involving a lot of death. Going from the east coast of the U.S., to the middle east.”
Melvin thought, 'I better change the subject, now.' Melvin stated, with a tone of authority, “Now, ladies. I am going to say this just once. If any of you try what you friend just did, I will have you all thrown out of this hotel. Do you all understand?”
The women just nodded, in response.
Melvin said, “Good. Now, this bar is officially closed for tonight. I will settle up your tabs tomorrow. I will be here at around ten thirty in the morning. Now, please leave.”
As Melvin watched all the women file out of his bar, he thought, 'No wonder Bao got so stressed out with this crowd. How the hell did he handle this almost every night? They are all insane!' He then looked at the mess left by Revy, as he mentally added, 'And messy!'
Melvin then went to get a broom, and dustpan, to start to clean up Revy's destruction. It took him and hour to clean up the bar. He then started to close up for the evening.
Soon after he finished closing up the bar, he unloaded Revy's pistols. Put them the ammo in one back, and the pistols, with the magazines in them, in another bag. Next, he collected his Tokarev pistol and headed for the hallway door. After he left the room, he locked the hallway doors to the hotel restaurant and bar behind him, as he headed to his hotel suite, to get some sleep for the night.
An hour later, after Melvin closed up the hotel bar, on the third floor of the Devil's Hotel, inside Lee's hotel suite, Lee was in bed, trying to get some sleep, when he heard a woman scream.
His eyes immediately snapped open, in the darkness of his room, as here heard sounds coming from the wall across the room, from his bed. The wall that the TV in the room was mounted to, and the chest of drawers were set against.
Lee sat up, as he tried to figure out what is going.
Lee thought, “If someone is being harmed next door, I am going to have to call the front desk to handle this. Because a domestic disturbance is less likely to have the police question me, as the neighbor, and a witness. Than, later questioning of someone possibly being hospitalized, or killed, if I do not act.'
He looked at the LED digital clock on the nightstand, by his bed. He saw that it was ten forty-five PM.
It was then, from the other side of the wall, from the TV and chest of drawers in Lee's suite, that Lee heard a female voice clearly scream,, “Ranma!”
He then started hearing other female voices, whom were moaning.
Lee swiftly put the pieces together, as he thought, 'Oh no. Please don't tell me I am sharing a wall with Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru. When I wrote them to be intimate lovers with each other, I did not think that one day I would be the poor fool on the other side of the wall, whom had to hear their sounds of ecstasy. And there is nothing I can do about it, right now.'
'It is not like I can just knock on their door, and ask them to be quiet. That would make for a horrible first impression. And I don't dare try to change to another room. With my luck, they will stick me by one of the other members of the crew. At least with these three, they value the lives of others, and they don't like to kill. The same cannot be said for most of the others in their group, except their daughters, and Violin. So, I will just have to live with this situation, for now. And at least there bed, or beds, are clearly not set against my wall, or I would also hear knocking as well.'
Lee then laid back down in his bed, and he tried to get to sleep.
But, the three neighbors were too loud. And thirty minutes later, he noted that he starting hearing male voices, mixed in with the female voices.
Lee thought, 'I guess they are swapping genders as they make love. It is unfortunate that I cannot understand what they are saying. Because, when they talk to each other, they are doing so in japanese. Oh well. At least I know that no one on the other side of the wall is getting hurt. It is just that they are not very private about their love.'
Fortunately, according to Lee's hotel clock, Lee noticed that they three others, on the other side of the wall went silent around midnight.
Lee was then able to get back to sleep, a few minutes later.
During next morning, it was nine thirty AM in the morning before Revy was able to even crawl out of bed.
During the previous night, after all the women left the hotel bar, Revy and Rock made it back to the suite they shared, Rock had read Revy the riot act. About how stupid her actions had been. That such a stunt could have caused the writer to run. That they got lucky that only Melvin was the witness, and that he was likely not to say a thing about it. Because doing so would be bad for his business.
Revy had to admit that her lover was right.
The two of them then went to sleep in the large bed they shared in their suite.
After Revy woke up, she notice that Rock was already gone.
Revy thought, 'Rock has always been a much more early riser than me. I will meet up with her, later. Right now, I have other things I need to do.'
She then went to exercise with a gym bar she had set up in the room the previous night. While she had the super-soldier serum, she liked to try to push her physical shape a little bit.
Though, Rock from Revy exercising to be humorous, considering she went back to smoking. Revy reminder her that she doesn't smoke that often now. Maybe a cigarette, every few days, to a week. With the super-soldier serum keeping her from being to addicted to her smoke, drinking, or drug habits, like all of those that had been exposed to the super-soldier serum.
When she finished her excising, she took a shower, dried off her hair, and body. She then got dressed.
By then, according to the hotel clock in her nightstand, by her bed, it was ten thirty AM.
She then looked over at her empty shoulder hostlers, that were on top of her chest of drawers.
She thought, 'Shit. From what the bartender told me, I guess it is time go down there, and get my cutlasses back. And I will have to pay for repairs. I got to admit, that... Melvin. I think that is his name. Has balls to take my cutlasses from me. He showed me that he might be able to take me in a fight. And he is even able to make me pay for damages, by holding my cutlasses hostage.'
'This Melvin is a lot more gutsy than Bao ever was. Case in point, Melvin is making me pay for my damages. Something Bao could never directly able to get me to do. Fortunately, I can pay for the damages. And I guess it is time to face the music.'
Revy then put on the empty shoulder holsters. After which, she left her hotel room, as she headed for the nearby elevator bay, to get to the ground floor of the hotel.
A few minutes later, Revy walk through the lobby. As she did so, she noticed the guy in the baseball cap, that gave her a light last night for her cigarette, and his bearded, ponytail friend walk out of lobby front doors. They were obviously heading for somewhere else.
Though, Revy paid them no mind, as she turned her had back towards her front, as she made her way to the hotel restaurant and bar.
A minute later, Revy walked to the entrance of the hotel restaurant. She saw the door to the paned double-doors were open. In addition, she saw that the doors were undamaged.
There was also a standalone sign by the left side of the door, that stated spanish, and below the spanish, in english, “Closed until 4:30 PM Today. For repairs.”
Revy walked passed the sign, as she entered the restaurant.
She looked around and saw her handiwork with more sober eyes.
While there were some bullet holes in the walls. Most of the damage was some shelves behind the bar counter, and some of the furniture on the far end of the bar, which was away from everyone else the previous night.
Revy then noticed by the bar counter, Melvin standing in the middle of the room, as he talked to a few men, in what sounds like spanish, which Revy did not know. The men had carpenters tools with them. She guess they were repair men.
A minute later, Revy watched the men walk away from Melvin. She thought, 'I might as well get this over with.'
Revy walked up to Melvin.
Melvin turned, and saw her coming.
As Revy came to a stop a few feet in front of him, she said, “I am hear to pay for repairs, and to pay for everyone's tab for last night.”
Melvin looked at Revy, as he thought, 'Well, from her demeanor, I would guess that she remembers last night's event. I best just not push the issue. I need to get this done, and out of the way.' He said, in english, “Good. How would you be paying?”
Revy reached into one of her shorts pockets, and she pulled out four small gold bars, as she answered, “I believe this gold will pay for everything.” She then handed the four bars to Melvin.
As Melvin looked at the gold bars in his right hand, he requested, “Come over to the counter, and let me test and weigh these bars first.” He turned and walled over to the bar counter.
Revy then followed Melvin.
Melvin walked behind the bar counter, by the cash register, while Revy walked in front of the bar counter. Where both of them were standing across from each other.
Revy watched as Melvin pulled out a small instrument with two wires, a calculator, and a small set of electronic weight scales.
Revy inquired, “Do all the hotel staff have this equipment?”
While Melvin tested the gold bars for their purity, he found all four of them to be pure. He answered, “No. Only the check in staff, and this restaurant. Though, in my time here, I have found that it pays to be prepared in this town.”
Revy asked, “How long has that been?”
Melvin then used the scales to weight each gold bar. He coyly answered, “A while.” He then finished doing some calculations with his calculator, on the weight to the current market value of the gold, which he checked a few days ago.
Melvin picked up one of the gold bar. He looked over at Revy, as he handed the gold bar back to her. He stated, “Three bars will be enough to pay for the bill and damages.”
Revy took the gold bar, pocketed the gold bar, as she thought, 'So, he is not going to cheat me. That is nice. Now, to get my cutlasses back.' She requested, “Thank you. Now, can I have my cutlasses back?”
Melvin said, “Yes.” He then pulled out both semi-automatic pistols, and a small plastic bag. He set all three items gently onto the bar counter, between them.
Melvin then stated, “The bag has your ammo in it. The clips are in the pistol. I must say, those are to very nice pistols. Are they modified nine millimeter Berettas?”
Melvin mentally added, 'It was interesting to have a good close look at Revy's weapons last night. It made what happen beforehand, almost worth it. Almost.'
Revy checked both pistols, to see they were empty. She then holstered both her weapons. As she picked up the bag of ammo, she thought, 'It would be rude, even for me, to try to load my weapons, right now. I will head back to my room, and check my pistols out before I load them. Though, I doubt he did anything to them, except disarm them. And given my actions last night, in his position, I would not hand myself a loaded weapon. Also, he probably knows about weapons from his time in the military.'
'Yet. I doubt he is the writer. He is too old. Clearly to badass. And the writer would know enough about us to never try that stunt on me. The only men that I can think of, that know us, whom would be crazy enough to try that with me, would be members of Hotel Moscow. He certainly could not be one of them. That is to crazy, even for me. What would a member of Hotel Moscow be doing here, as a bartender?'
'Still, I might as well be nice. He did compliment my weapons.”
Revy answered, “Yes. You have a nice eye for details.”
Melvin complimented, “And you have nice taste in weaponry.”
Revy replied, “Thank you. And you definitely laid down the law last night.”
Melvin thought, 'Now, I need to explain the situation her.' He calmly stated, “Revy, I don't lay down the law. I just don't take shit in my bar.”
Revy commented, “That's obvious. Also, how did you know my name, Melvin?”
Melvin though, 'Oh hell. I slipped up again. Wait a minute. I remember now. I have a perfect excuse. Though, it will not work for the rest of those from Roanapur.' He stated, “Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru introduced themselves to me. And the told me your name, and the woman you were with. I think her name was Rock.”
Revy replied, “That is correct.”
Melvin thought, 'I need an excuse to know the names of the others.' He said, “Though, I don't know the others with you.”
Revy shrugged, as she replied, “Don't worry. I will have my crew introduce themselves to you, later. Considering last night, and the fact we will likely be staying here for a while, it is the least we can do.”
Melvin went onto say, “Thank you. I looked forward to it. I prefer to know my customers names. Still... Listen Revy, I don't mind your friends, and yourself, being in my bar. But, you have to behave yourselves. I don't care what you do outside of this hotel. Though, even before you shot up the place, you drove away my customers and staff. I cannot allow that to continue. It is bad for business.”
Revy conceded, “Okay. Okay. I admit it. You have a point there. It is my fault for mistaking this city, for another city I know.”
Melvin thought, 'That would be a major mistake. This town is a lot more peaceful, and nicer than Roanapur. And this city can also be a lot more vicious, than Roanapur, when provoked.'
'For example, I know an auto mechanic, that lives in this city, whom could give the Bloodhound a run for her money. And I don't want to see you, or the others, killed, Revy. And not just because your death would likely send Hotel Moscow here, in force, to this town.'
'Though, I wonder if you have the guts to say the name of the city, Roanapur to me.' He inquired, “And where city would that be?”
Revy slyly answered, “Just a place in Thailand.”
Melvin thought, 'So, Rock has you women being secretive. That is understandable. And it is clear that Rock is the leader of your group. Considering, you would only do what Rock or Dutch would tell you. And I don't see Dutch here, in either gender. Still, it is best just be straight forward with you on how to act in this city.' He said, “Revy, if you and the others just behave, you will likely be fine in this city.”
Revy responded, “We will behave. Still, is there some place in this city that a person can cut loose at without worrying?”
Melvin flatly requested, “Define, cut loose?”
Revy casually stated, “Get drunk and wild.”
Melvin thought, 'It is tempting to tell Revy about the Rats Nest. But, I like the hot female bartender there too much to do that to her.'
Melvin said, “There are a number of other bars around here. Some very wild and dangerous. I am sure you will find one that you will like. Just keep in mind that I have found the police here are not the cliché corrupt cops. They are more lazy, than corrupt. And the police chief absolutely loathes bribery.”
Revy inquired, “Interesting. So, how does one keep off of this police chief's shit list?”
Melvin answered, “Don't make a mess in public. Don't kill people, unless they start the trouble first. Self-defense is fine. Do not harass the tourists. The police chief here has to do a balancing act. The two major incomes for this city are drug smuggling, and tourism. The drug smugglers understand that along as they don't start a war, and leave the locals and tourists alone, everything is fine. And the locals make sure to inform the tourists, to leave the drug smugglers along.”
“It has all work out so far, over the years, with only a few problems, now and then.”
“Still, in many cases, the police chief lets the locals have weapons. Such, as for their businesses. Because he knows that if the locals businesses are armed, there is less likely a chance for trouble. Or, if there is trouble, the business owners and employees can take care of the problem. With the local police getting rid of the bodies, and not worrying about the paperwork.”
Revy smiled, as she said, “I think I could get to like this town.”
Melvin mentally lamented, 'Oh brother. Revy thinking about moving here. That is a scary thought. Though...' He commented, “As I said. As long as you behave, you should be fine. But, if you are looking for trouble here, I can assure you this place can be dangerous.”
Revy said, “I will keep that in mind. And just to check, since you know the local police chief, are there going to be problems with me carrying my cutlasses in board daylight?”
Melvin cautioned, “Just don't flaunt your weapons, and walk with them on, everywhere, in public.”
Revy stated, “I have car, to take me where I want to go.”
Melvin thought, 'That is not surprising.' He said, “Then, there should not be a problem. Though, if there is a problem, and not violence involved. The police will likely give you a warning, they will let you keep your weapons.”
Revy responded, “That is great to hear. Thanks.”
Melvin replied, “You're welcome.”
Revy said, “See you, later.”
Revy then turned around, and briskly walked out of the restaurant, with her bag of a bullets in her right hand, as she headed for her hotel suite.
Meanwhile, Melvin watched Revy leave. As soon as Revy exited the room, turned the to her right, down the hallway, and out of sight, Melvin turned his attention to the items on the bar counter, in front of him. He placed the gold bars under the counter, to take to the hotel safe, in a few minutes.
After Melvin put up his instruments, he thought, 'It is nice to make a good, meaningful impression. Especially, with Revy. I don't think I have to worry about Revy, nor her crew, acting out of line here, again, anytime soon.'
For the rest of the day, Melvin noticed that none of the other badass women showed up in his restaurant, until closing that night, at midnight.
At midnight, that night, while Melvin closed his bar, he smiled, as he mentally realized, 'I am so happy that I was able to have a peaceful day, while having some of the most wild women in the multiverse staying in the hotel I work, and lived in... Well, stranger things have happened. It is too bad that there is no way I can think of to figure out why they are here. But, at least they not are here for me.'
Melvin then soon closed up the restaurant completely, he collected his Tokarev from its holster under the bar counter, and he headed to his hotel suite, to get some sleep.
The next few days went by peacefully, for the most part, for Lee. Lee noted that the women were approaching people, and talking to them. Lee guessed that they were using more subtle means to look for the writer.
Meanwhile, Lee just kept his distance, as he continued to try to figure a way to approach them. As none of them had approached him.
Lee mostly avoiding the hotel restaurant and bar, for his own safety. He just got breakfast, lunch, and dinner, elsewhere. Such as the Last Resort Diner, and the burger food truck.
In the meantime, he continued with business as usual. Which, for the most part, was him playing poker with Sam, or with Sam and others, at the Rats Nest. And he tended to win more money than he lost.
The only problem Lee had was at night. Every single night. From ten thirty PM, to midnight, Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru, would loudly make love to each other.
Their passionate actions prevented Lee from getting to sleep early.
But, there was nothing he could do about them, for the moment. Though, waiting to go to sleep until midnight was not that bad.
Though, Lee wished he knew what the three lovers were saying, in japanese, as they made love with each other. But, Lee realized that real life did not come with subtitles.
On the third night after the badass women had come to town, it was just after dark, as Sam and Lee decided to stay a little later at the Rats Nest. It was not the first time they had done so. And they found that as long as they were together, they did not have to worry about being attacked while they walk back to the hotel, at night.
Sam and Lee were playing poker in their usual corner table. Sam had his back to the corner, with Lee back to the right wall of the bar. This allowed Lee to see the front of the bar from the corner of his left eye.
The last time Lee looked towards the front of the room, there was about twenty men, and no women, except the bartender.
Lee turned his attention back to the poker game he was having with Sam, as he thought, 'It is not odd to have an off night, with no women customers. And I have seen the bartender be able to take care of herself. I have watched her outfight two men twice her size, with her bare hands. Also, she keeps a semi-automatic pistol under her bar counter, for emergencies.'
'All those that come to the Rats Nest, knows two things about the bartender. One, don't piss off the bartender. And two, if you are nice to her, she may take you home with her, for a night of pleasure.'
'That has not happened to myself. But, I have watched her take a few men home with her. And a couple of women, as well. She does seem to swing both was. That being said, she is clearly a badass, and she not to be messed with.'
'I am happy that she likes me, due to my manners, always paying my bills, and good tipping.'
'Yet. As I play poker, with Sam, here. I cannot seem to figure out why I am presently sensing of danger around me. Having developed my precognitive abilities has been interesting. And I can sense danger. But, it has to be direct. And it is not foolproof. I did not sense Rock, Revy, and their crew come into the hotel. The likely reason was that I was not in any immediate danger.'
'Though, I am sure if I keep an ear out, as I play, I should be okay.'
Lee then turned his attention back to the playing cards in his hand.
Less than a minute later, as Lee kept an ear towards the door. He overheard a man said, in english, with a heavy mexican accent, “Hey babes. Want to have some fun?”
Another man said, in english, also in a heavy mexican accent, “Come on. You know you all want to.”
Lee then heard a gunshot being fired.
Lee used the corner of his left eye to look at the front entrance, what he saw shocked him, but did not really surprise him.
There was a body of a man, laying one back, around his friends.
In front of the men, by the door, Lee saw that Revy and the Lagoon sisters. He did not see any of the other women. And the five sisters had their weapons in their hands.
Oddly enough, Revy just stood back, near the entrance, with her arms crossed, and weapons holstered.
Meanwhile, Molly had out her semi-automatic pistols, Sarah unsheathed her katana, Yukio held her machine gun up with both her hands, Rebecca had her long knives unsheathed, and Kristina had on her gantlets, as the men attacked the teenage girls for killing their friend.
It was not even a contest, as the girls, in their late teens, tore into the men.
Lee also noticed that the bartender could not be seen, meaning she was likely ducking under the bar counter.
Molly and Yukio used their weapons to quickly kill any of the men that pulled out weapons, or tried to escape out the back.
Though a couple of shots were fired by the men, but Lee could see from the corner of his eye that Sarah cut through the bullets, before they hit any of her family, or herself.
At the same time Sarah and Rebecca swiftly killing any men that approach the girls.
Kristina stood back, beside Molly and Yukio. Her flamethrowers were to dangerous in the enclosed space, so she was offering hand to hand protection for Molly and Yukio.
Lee felt more concern for his safety, than fear, as he thought, 'I would guess one of the men tried to get to close to them. And he got killed. Molly probably took the first shot. And they are really killing off the men in the front of the bar.'
'I don't know where the bartender is. I cannot see under the bar counter from this angle. But, I would guess the bartender is under her bar. That is a wise move on her part.'
'Yet. I wonder how Sam and I are going to handle this situation. We have no means of escape. We get up, we become targets. If we even look in their direction, we become targets. We crawl under our table, once they are finished killing these fools, they will come of and steal everything we have. Because they will see us as weak. Right now they likely don't know what to make of us. With them waiting until they finish with the others, to come and deal with us.'
'And even if we stay were we are, they still might kill us. Also, the bartender cannot help us in this situation. And I don't blame her for not getting involved.'
'The only chance we have is to do the most insane thing one can do in the middle of a gunfire fight. Ignore the gunfight. If they girls take notice, they will also wonder if we are insane. Which means, since we are not presenting a threat to them, they might leave us alone. And also they will not walk all over us. Still, I am just going to have to play this by ear, and hope Sam has enough sense to play along.'
'And all the while, we will have to hope not stray bullets hit us.'
Lee then intentionally ignored the gunfight, as he looked at his playing cards.
Sam looked at the playing cards in his right hand, as he calmly asked, “Think we should leave?”
Lee answered, “No. If we get up, we die. Let's just continue playing.”
Sam said, “That works for me.”
They continued this poker game, with Sam winning the hand.
Half a minute later, the sounds of violence stopped.
As they were in the middle of another hand of cards, Lee heard several sets of footsteps coming toward Sam and himself.
A few seconds later, Lee saw a feminine, tanned skinned right hand reach for their pot of money on the middle of the table.
Without looking up at them, Lee gently held his cards in his right hand, as he used his left hand grabbed the feminine right wrist. He firmly stated, “You are welcome to join us for a few hands of cards. But, you are not allowed to just take the pot, and leave.”
Lee let go of the right hand, as he turned to his left, to face the teenage girls.
To Lee's credit, he maintained his poker face, as he did not show any outward emotion at what he just saw right in front of him.
Less than six feet in front of him, were all five of the teenager Lagoon daughters.
From Lee's left to right, were Molly, Sarah, Kristina, Rebecca, and Yukio.
All of them were pointed their weapons at him, some only inches from his face. And none of them looked happy.
Yukio was pointed her automatic Browning M1918A2 machine gun at him. The browning automatic rifle had a modified 1918A3 SLR stock, and used a modified hundred round, double drum, Beta C-mag magazine. Also, Yukio did not have the shoulder stack on her body. She was holding the weapon steady, solely with her hands, while not showing any signs of trouble in doing so.
Rebecca was pointing the tips of her two Russian model eighteen twenty-seven pioneer long knives at him.
Kristina was pointed her flame throwing gauntlets at him.
Sarah was pointed the edge of her katana at him.
And Molly was pointing her two semi-automatic, stainless steel, M Nine Beretta pistols at him.
From behind them, Lee saw Revy at the bar, drinking a glass of what he guess was rum, which had just been served by the bartender, whom had already gotten up from behind the bar counter.
By the look on the face of the bartender, Lee could tell that she was not happy with the situation, they were all in.
Meanwhile, from the corner of Lee's right eye, he saw Sam was chuckling at his situation.
Kristina looked at the two men, as she inquired, “Do you think either of these two men could be the person we are looking for?”
Lee continued to maintain his poker face, as he mentally berated himself, 'This is like that Black Lagoon art picture, with Balalaika, Eda, Revy, Shenhua, and Roberta, holding their weapons, and pointing them towards the viewer. Only, in this situation, I am the intended target.'
'And what the hell is Sam laughing about. Maybe I misjudged him. Or, maybe he would just prefer laugh, than cry. I can under either possibility. Still, it does not matter. He is my own real friend here. I do not need to make an issue of his chuckling.'
Lee turned his attention back to the Lagoon five Lagoon daughter, whom were pointing their weapons, mere feet from him.
Lee remained calmed on the outside, as he mentally lamented, 'Besides, I would verbally curse in several languages, including a few fictional ones, but it would likely tip them off as to who I am...'
'Why did I have to play around with reincarnation? Why did I bring the badasses that died in the Black Lagoon series back to being among the living? Why did I make them a badass crew that were born and raised by badasses? Because I am an idiot. That is why!'
'I have to play this just right, or I am dead. Or worse... My best chance is to deflect, and humor them.'
Lee smiled at the women, as he said, “Hello ladies. This gentleman with me is Sam.” He mentally added, 'And there is the deflection.'
By then, Sam had stopped chuckling. He turned turned the five teenage women, as he calmly said, “Nice to meet you, ladies. We don't have any interest in the recent actions of have taken place here. Quite the contrary. Me and my friend here have been playing cards at this bar, for the last several months. So, we can all just walk away.”
The teenage women looked at each other for a moment.
They turned back to Lee and Sam, as Molly said, “If that is the case, then neither of these is the one we are looking for.”
Kristina stated, “I will let the others know.”
Lee thought, 'I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. But, thanks to Sam, for the alibi, I now get to implement my plan fully into action.'
From the corner of Lee's right eye, Lee saw Sam turned to look at him, as he asked, “Need any help with them?”
Lee did not take his eyes off the women, he then toss his cards over to Sam, as he answered, “I think I got this. Just keep dealing the deck. We will just use the current pot for the next hand.”
Sam replied, “Okay.” He then collected the cards. After which, he quickly shuffled and dealt five card to Lee, and five cards to himself. With the cards facing down.
Sam picked up his cards, and he looked at them.
Without looking at the cards, which were laying face down on the table, nor the pot, Lee played his bet, while he the push out two cards from his hand, and Sam replaced the cards.
Kristina then realized something about what Lee had said. She pointed out, “Okay. You introduced you friend, but not yourself.”
Lee continued to look at the five armed teenage women in front of him, as he introduced himself, in a casual tone of voice, “Well, I am J. D. Lee. The gambling man.” He thought, 'And here comes the build up for the humor.'
Lee then three three cards towards Sam.
Sam exchanged three cards for Lee, and to for himself.
The five older teenage girls and Revy started to laugh, as they lowered their weapons.
While the six women laughed, Lee did not look at his cards, as he and Sam placed their bets.
As the six women calmed down, without looking at his cards, Lee said, to Sam, “Call.”
Lee turned over his cards onto the table, without looking, as Sam looked at the cards and he realized he had lost.
Sam pushed the pot to Lee, as he collected the cards. He then started shuffling the cards again.
Meanwhile, the five sisters continued to focus on Lee, as Kristina commented, “Lee is a asian name. You are a white man.”
Lee looked at the five sisters, he calmly countered, “I will have you know that Lee is a southern name.”
By then, Lee had replaced his cards again, and placed his bets, all without looking. Lee said, “Fold.”
Sam collected his pot and redid the cards.
Both Revy and Molly noticed what was happening at the poker game, in front of them, with interest.
Kristina said, “As a black woman, I find such a name for you to be offensive.”
Lee continued to not look at the table, as he placed his bets and pulled out three cards for Sam to replace.
Lee thought, 'That is kind of hypocritical Kristina, considering you were a white man in your previous life. That you still remembers. Still, I am not going to dare risk saying a word about that. Now. Let us take this up a notch.'
Lee responded, while letting his southeastern U.S. accent become a bit heavier, “And as a southern gentleman, I find your ignorance and lack of tact to be annoying.”
This caused the four of the five sisters to roar with laughter. And thought Kristina did not laugh, she did maintain her compose.
Lee maintained his poker face, as he thought, 'Good. Kristina is not going to harm me for that veiled insult. And the comment made the others laugh. Just as I had hoped would happen.'
Lee did not look at the table, as he said to Sam, “Call.” Lee turned over his cards without looking and Sam realized he lost again.
Sam pushed the pot to Lee. He then collected the cards, and reshuffled the deck.
As four of the sisters calmed down, Yukio smirked, as she stated, “You are no gentlemen. A gentlemen does not in the clothes that you are wearing.”
Lee thought, 'Now, for the delivery.'
Lee casually joked, “Only fool would wear a suit and tie in a town like this. Doing so would just be asking for trouble.”
It took a second for the joke to register, with all teenage five of the girls, and Revy, started laugh at Lee's joke.
Lee thought, 'And that is the humor.'
Rebecca turned to Revy, as she stated, “Mom, is that why... err, Rokuro use to get into so much trouble?”
Revy's laughter soon turned to giggles, as she replied, “Very likely.”
Rebecca turned to her attention back towards Lee.
It was then that Molly decided to change the subject. She pointedly asked Lee, “How are you doing that?”
Lee thought, 'No point in trying to hide what she is talking about.'
Lee answered, “The card trick? It is pure instinct. I have been practicing it for a while, with Sam's help.”
Sam continued to looked at his cards, as he commented, in a relaxed tone of voice, “It is fun playing with a someone that can beat you without looking at the cards, or even the table.”
Molly inquired, “But, how exactly are doing you do that?”
Revy answered, “He's a pre-cog. He can sense the future.”
Lee looked over at Revy, as he smiled. He replied, “You got it in one, Miss Red. And thanks for the cigarette, a few nights ago.”
Revy replied, “You're welcome. And the name is, Revy. I have a friend that can do something similar.”
Lee remained calm out the outside, as he thought, with relief, 'Yea, Annie. AKA gender bent Darth Vader. Thank god, she is not here in town, or at the very least not in the hotel. Or, this would hunt would have ended very quickly, with me being caught.'
Lee said, to Revy, while pulling back on his southern accent, along with not showing a hint of sarcasm in his tone of voice, “Nice to meet you, Revy. And who are these fine ladies with you?”
Revy grinned, as she answered, “Well, the redhead with the machine gun is Yukio. The redhead with the blades is Rebecca. They are both mine. The girl with the brown dreadlocks is Kristina. The blond with the guns is Molly. And the blond with the sword is Sarah.”
Lee politely responded, “Nice to meet you, all.”
Sarah stated, “It is nice to meet you.” She then turned to the girls, as she pulled out a rage.
Sarah began cleaning off her katana with a rag she pulled from one of her pockets. A few seconds later, she sheathed her weapon into the scabbard attached to the left side of her belt. As she did so, she said, “It might be best if we let them be. It is not right to destroy those with gifts, and those that are willing to protect their own.”
Kristina replied, “I agree.”
Lee thought, 'It is good that I remember that in the reincarnation situation, I dropped their negative personality traits, while maintaining their positive personality traits. Sarah's sense of honor and valuing of skill is playing for me, and Sam.'
Lee said, “I think it is time for Sam and I to leave. Good night, ladies.”
Sam nodded once, in agreement.
Lee turned towards the table, as he and Sam quickly collected their money. Sam also collected his cards.
They didn't even count their money. They got up from their chairs, and stuffed the cash into their pants pockets.
They then calmed walked passed the teenage women.
The five teenage sisters turned to continue to look at them, as the two men walked away.
Sam and Lee then walked by the bar counter. They both stopped about five feet from where the bartender and Revy were.
Lee pulled out out some money. Counter it, to where it should cover Sam and his bar tab for that night, plus a little more for the bartender.
Lee set the money on the counter, as he stated, “This should cover our tab. And keep the change.”
The bartender collect the money, as she said, “Thanks.”
Lee asked, “Are you going to be open tomorrow. I kind of like this place.”
The female bartender turned to Lee, as she replied, “Come back late tomorrow afternoon.”
Lee nodded, as he said, “Okay. And have a pleasant night.” He then turned to Revy, while he nodded, as he stated, “And good night to you as well, Revy.”
Revy just smiled towards Lee.
Lee and Sam then walked passed Revy, and they soon exited the Rats Nest bar.
Right after they exited the bar, Lee saw two glints of metal shining on the sidewalk.
Lee bent down and saw that it was a bullet that had been split in half, in mid-flight.
Lee pocket the items, as he silently realized thought, 'This is likely Sarah's handiwork. Now, to get back to the hotel.'
Lee stood back up straight. Sam and him then turned and walking towards the Devil's Hotel.
While the two men walked side by side, with Sam being to Lee's right side, Lee turned to Sam, as he asked, “So, are the police going to look into the mess those girls just made?”
Sam looked over at Lee, as he answered, “I doubt it. The police here are not very corrupt, but at the same time, they have long since wrote off the Rats Nest as a place where bad people are going to die. As far as they are concerned, it saves them on paperwork and headaches.”
Lee said, in a slightly annoyed tone of voice, “That is nice of you to tell me after the fact.”
Sam countered, “At least we don't have to clean up the bodies. Though, it must be rough for a bartender to have to deal with that on a regular basis.”
Lee agreed, “You got that right. There is only one bartender I know of, than the woman in there, that had worse luck at their job.” Lee thought, 'Bao.' Lee then warned, “And keep in mind that the older redhead in there. Ah, Revy. Was the main headache for that guy. So, it is only going to get worse for that female bartender in there.”
Sam inquired, “So, you know her?”
Lee thought, 'Oh hell. I just backed myself into a corner without realizing it. Such a mistake could get me caught. Fortunately, it is just Sam who is with me. Still, I might as well be honest. While being vague, as I tried to salvage the situation.'
'Lee honestly answered, in a serious tone of voice, “I only know of her and her friends, through third party sources. And I don't want Revy and her friends to know that I know of them, nor where they are from.”
Sam stated, “My lips are sealed.”
Lee replied, “Thanks.”
Lee thought, with relief, 'Okay. One crisis averted. Now, to help keep my friend here, from accidentally getting himself killed.'
Lee said, in a sober tone of voice, “Still Sam, I know you like to take risks. I have seen you hit on girls who were standing right beside their boyfriends. But, I need you to listen to me. Words fail to describe how dangerous Revy and her friends are. If you value your life. If you wish to continue breathing. Then, leave those women alone. Do not hit on them.”
Sam replied, “I will keep that in mind.”
Lee asked, “Good. So, what are you planning to do for tonight?”
Sam stated, “I plan to go back to my hotel room, reflect on the fact we didn't get killed, and then get some sleep.”
Lee complimented, “Sounds like a good plan.”
Lee mentally reflected, 'Too bad I am going to have to wait a few hours to get some sleep, with the lovebirds in the room beside me. At least I can get buy a few beers from Melvin, and go into the hotel lobby to relax, and look at my prizes.'
'I have found that the hotel lobby music, during the night, is usually playing soft, relaxing music, unless someone walks in for the first time, and the speakers start playing that person's theme song. And that has happened a few times. Though, it is a rare occurrence at this time of night.'
The two men then continued walking towards the Devils' Hotel.
Two hours later, back at the hotel, Lee sat in a cushioned armchair, alone in the hotel lobby. The chair was on the right side of the lobby, near the elevators, and the chair itself face the lobby's front doors.
Sam had already head for his suite, to get some sleep.
Meanwhile, Lee went to the hotel restaurant, bought a few bottles of beer, and took them to the front lobby, to slowly drink them.
Presently, Lee was having a nice buzz from the alcohol he drank. But, he was nowhere near completely drunk. And he still his sense of self-control.
As Lee was enjoying his alcohol buzz, he was pondering his current situation.
In his right hand were the two evenly split bullet fragments.
Lee looked down at the impossibility rolling around in his very fingers.
Doing so seemed to make the entire situation that his life had become seem more real to him.
He began to lightly tossing the pieces a few inches into the air, with the bullets landing back into the palm of his right hand.
Lee then heard some people to his side enter from the lobby entrance. He ignored them.
A few seconds later, he heard masculine voice, beside him, ask, “Where did you get those bullet pieces from?”
Lee stopped tossing the bullet pieces, letting them land in his right hand, as he turned his head to see four men he immediately recognized.
The four men were dressed in masculine clothing. It was Rock, Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru, as men. Lee also noted that Rock had his black long hair in ponytail.
Even buzzed, Lee did not allow any outward emotional expression to his situation.
Lee thought, 'If I am slow to react, I will appear to be more drunk than I am. Now, to figure out this situation in front of me.'
'First question. How are they male? Three have the simple answer of them being able to control what genders they want to be. For Rock, I am guessing he used a packet of instant spring of drowned man. Still, the change left Rock with long hair in both forms. Unless she cuts it, then she had short hair in both gender forms.'
'This also means, at the very least, Rock and Revy have packets of that in their hotel suite. And likely others in their group do, as well. And I really, really don't want to know the details how they use those said packets. Though, I fear my imagination already filled in most of those gaps in, a while ago.'
'Second question. Why are they guys? I am guessing they are coming back from literally having a guys night out. This makes sense. They are all good friends, and the three lovers probably invited Rock with them on their guys night out. That is why Revy was by herself, as she chaperoned her five teenagers children. And I don't have a clue where the trio sisters, and the others are. Though, none of them are likely getting into anywhere the trouble that the Lagoon sisters did at the Rats Nest.'
'Third question. Why are they talking to me? They saw the bullet fragments, and Rock recognized the type of cut that was required to do it. Considering he helped raise Sarah, that is not surprising.'
'Fourth question. Who is who? Three of the four of them have black hair. And all four of them are japanese.'
This is not hard to guess. Rock looks similar in both gender forms. As either a guy, or girl. And Rock is the same mid-twenties age in both his gender forms.'
'Natsuru's blue hair is a dead give away. And boy, is he ripped with nice abs.'
'Ranma also did have a unique taste in clothing. He always wear red.'
'So, the black haired japanese man, with the short hair cut, I guess is Akira. I have to factor in his age difference between now, and the manga. Along with manga pictures being somewhat different that what real life looks like.'
'Ranma still looks to be in his twenties from the youth restoration. And Rock's age mirrors the same youthful age as his female form, due to the super-soldier serum. But, Akira and Natsuru, as men, look to be in their forties. But, they still look great.'
'Under different circumstances, as in my hide not being on the line, I would love for the opportunity to just sit down and chat with these four people, for hours on end. Still, all four of these people are very sharp. I better watch what I say...Wait a minute, what time is it?'
Lee quickly glanced at his wrist watch, and saw he what time it was, as he continued he thought, ' Oh yea. I could make this work for me, in several ways.'
Lee then turned his attention back to the four standing men, whom were looking at him, from ten feet away.
Lee intentionally, though slightly, slurred his speech, as he inquired, “Elsewhere... Would you like to look at them?”
Rock replied, “Sure.” He then walked over to Lee.
Rock came around to a stop, beside Lee, to Lee's front right side.
Lee then stayed in his seat, as he held up the bullet pieces towards Rock.
Lee said, “Here... Have a look for yourself.”
Lee then handed the bullet fragments to Rock, as Rock took them in his left hand.
As Rock looked at the bullet pieces, Lee stated, “A couple of hours ago, a friend and I were at the Rats Nest. A local bar. A group of five teenage girls and a woman a few years older than them, came into the bar and decide to clean house, by killing a number of men there. The only ones left alive were me, my friend, and the bartender.”
By then, the four standing men had walked around to face Lee.
Rock gulped. He asked, “Could you please describe these women?”
Lee answered, “Sure. There were three redheads. Two blonds. And one with brown dreadlocks.”
Rock muttered under his breath, “I am going to have a long talk with Revy, and the girls. And after that stunt she pulled at the hotel bar.”
Lee thought, 'So, that is why the bar was closed for the morning after they got here. Revy likely got drunk and shot it up. I hope that does not happen again.'
Suddenly, the digital watch started beeping. Lee quickly stopped the beeping.
Akira asked, “Why is your watch beeping?”
Lee inwardly smiled, as he thought, 'I am so going to love this.'
Lee answered, “Because it is twelve o'clock midnight, and this is when the trio of lovebirds, that have a room by mine, finally start wrapping up on their nightly lovemaking sessions. And they are loud. When they are making love, they are usually speaking, or should I say, passionately screaming in a foreign language. I would almost kill for a good night's sleep, before midnight.”
Akira asked, with discomfort evident in his tone of voice, “What do these people look like?”
Lee continued to inwardly smile, as he could tell that Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru already knew the answer, considering they were blushing.
Lee stated, “Three women. Clearly lesbians. I am not judging. I am just stating a fact. There was a blond. A redhead. And a girl that dyes her hair blue.” Lee looked over, as Natsuru, as he continued, “Actually, her hair is the same shade of blue as yours.”
The four men suddenly because visibly unconformable,
Natsuru quickly responded, by lying, “She is my sister.”
Lee honestly replied, “I can see the family resemblance.”
Ranma asked, “So, why didn't you ask them to keep it down?”
Lee answered, “Because, I don't even know their names. And it would have been rude to knock on their door. Speaking of which, I don't even know your names.”
Rock spoke up, “My name is Rokuro Okajima.”
Lee did not show it on the outside, but he was mildly impressed, as he thought, 'Good move. This allows you to still use you name as, Rock, when you are female. And Rokuro as male. Like Ranma use to do with the Ranko angle.'
Lee stood up, and turned to face Rock. He extended his right hand, as he said, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mister Okajima.”
Rock shook Lee's hand. Both men could tell that the other had a firm, but not tight handshake.
Lee thought, 'The firmness of his grip means he is taking the situation seriously. Which is good. And the firmness of my grip shows him that I am serious. Because, it is always customary for to opponents to handshake, before the battle. It is just that Rock and the others here don't realize I am the one they are after, in this insane cat and mouse game. Now, to introduce myself to them.'
The two men left go. Lee then introduced himself, “I am J. D. Lee. And yes, Lee is a caucasian family name where I come from.”
Akira asked, “And where is that?”
Lee turned to Akira, as he answered, “The southeast U.S.”
Akira wondered, as he inquired, “Like Robert E. Lee?”
Lee thought, 'It figures Akira would make the connection. Given his time in college, in Atlanta, Georgia. Still, no harm, no foul.'
Lee responded, with a slightly forced slurred tone of voice, “Yes.” He then looked around the group, as he continued, in a slightly slurred speed tone, “Now gentlemen. If you don't mind. I intended to get some sleep. Have a pleasant night, yourselves.”
Lee the turned around, and walked for the elevators. So, he could get to his room and go to sleep. Though, as Lee made his way to the elevator bar, he made himself stagger a little bit, to maintain the illusion that he was drunk.
Fortunately, the other four men believed Lee's act, and Lee made it to the elevator bay. He soon made his way up to the third floor, and to his hotel suite, where he could get ready for bed, and get some much needed sleep.
That night, as Lee slept, he had strange dreams.
Lee was standing outside, during the day. Lee stood in the sunlight, as he looked in front of him, at a large, tall multistory building.
In front of the building was a redheaded woman, and a black haired man, with light skin complexions.
Lee then turned to his right and saw a white haired man, with a full, long, groomed beard, in a purple robe, holding a staff.
The white haired man struck the bottom of his staff onto the ground.
Suddenly, the shadow of the building in front of him cast over Lee.
Lee fell through the dark tunnel for several seconds, until he saw a light at the end.
When he broke through the end of the tunnel, he found himself in a huge, domed city, that was dimming list, like it was as dusk. He look up to see the he exited a dark interior side of the dome itself.
Instead of the feeling of falling, it felt like he was flying, only Lee has no control over it.
He fell down until he was flying above a six lane road, with a median and divider between the middle of the road.
He could see vehicles going one direction on half the road, the other direction on the other half of the road.
He continued flying at high speed, at he watched himself approach a large fortress, with a concrete fence, with pillars, and a gate that was opening in front of him.
As he got closer to the gate, he noticed the two outer lanes on each side of the road split and veered around the fortress, as the two middle lanes merged into one two lane road.
It was then that Lee noticed that there was a bright light on the other side of the gate entrance.
As he got closed to the gate, the light became blinding.
A second after he past thought the gate, and the light, he found the light was gone, and he was flying over a mountain range, during the day, in the early morning.
He was high enough that he was by the clouds.
He then looked down at a valley before him, which was covered in mist.
Suddenly, he trajectory changed, and started going straight down in the valley.
He passed though the mists, and felt himself hitting water.
He kept going deeper, until he emerge from the surface of the water on the other side.
As he began getting height, he found that he was not water, and that he was coming out of a lake, in a less mountainous, more hilly terrain.
It was the middle the day.
Lee then noticed that he had flight path in the sky had curved, with him heading to what look like a asian style, stone built, feudal palace.
As he got closer, he could see that the palace was populated. With the clothing of the men and women there, dating back to the feudal period in Asia.
While Lee passed over the front gates, he noticed that the guards standing there did not noticed him. Nor, did anyone else, as he flew above them.
The flight path changed again, as he slowed down, while change direction, to specific part of the palace.
A few seconds later, Lee found himself landing on his feet in a small, outdoor garden.
Lee looked around, and a few people walking about, but they ignored, as they continued about their business.
Lee thought, 'I am like a ghost to them. Which makes sense, in this insanity. And I feel draw towards someone, or something, inside the building in front of me. I have come this far. I might as well see who, or what it is.'
Lee noticed the doors to the building, in the direction he was draw to, were open.
Lee walked inside.
He was careful no to run enough anyone, as he continued walking. This whatever pull had on him, directed him through the hallways, until he saw a sliding door in the hallway, that opened to a room.
Lee felt he needed to walk inside.
After Lee walked in, he could see the room was someone personal bedchambers, but the room was far more modern than must of the palace.
There were electric, modern furniture, bedding, drawers, and even a coffee maker, with accessories, on a table across the room.
He then heard a feminine voice, from the other side of the room, calmly greet him, “Hello Lee.”
Lee turned to see a woman, with her back turned to him.
Even with her back turned to him, Lee could see that the woman was slender in build, had long black hair, and fair skin. She was also wearing a very fine silk robe.
She had a mirror in one hand, and brush in her other hand, as she combed her hair.
With her back turned to Lee, the woman casually said, “Lee? Do you not have people to meet? Somewhere to be?”
Before Lee could response, he eyes snapped open, and he realized he was laying on his pillow, in his bed, on his stomach, in his hotel suite, in the Devil's Hotel.
Lee rolled over, onto his back, and leaned up.
Lee looked around, and he could see from the illuminated outline of the heavy curtains, in front of the sliding glass door, that it was morning.
As he turned on the lamp beside his bed, he look at the digital clock by the lamp.
The clock read in red LED letters, seven thirty-five AM.
Lee rubbed his face, as he thought, with annoyance, 'I hate visions. I loath visions. They never make sense until the start to happen. And I tend to forget most of the details before they start to happen. Unfortunately, they are part of the package in being a pre-cog.'
'Thought, visions are completely unlike straight precognition, when I literally experience a part of my future life experiences. In those cases, there is usually a stretch of memory of a few seconds, to a few minutes, where I literally know what is going to happen for that short time frame, when it begins to happen. This is because I first live it in my sleep. Though, I don't fully recall it when I wake up. It does stay with me, and I usually have total recall of the events, beginning to end, once they start to happen.'
'And I like when my precognition does that. But, still I cannot make head or tails of the visions I sometimes have. They are like glimpses of several time periods. Like flipping through the pages of a book, without really looking at any page in particular... Well, I might as well get up and face the day.'
Lee then woke himself up, completely. He got up from his bed, shaved, cleaned up, showered, dried, and dressed for the day.
Roughly half an hour after he finished getting dress, around eight thirty AM, Lee was sitting on his bed watching an english channel on TV, while trying to decide what he wanted to do for breakfast.
Lee suddenly heard a knock on his door. Use then TV remote to turn off the TV. And he tossed the remote on top of his bed, to his right side.
Next, Lee got up, and he slowly when to the door. When he reached the door, look into the peephole.
Lee did a double-take.
Outside his door were Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru, all women at the time. And they were dressed in nice women's clothing. And they were clearly ready to face the day, as well.
Lee thought, 'I better say hi. After last night, they probably want to apologize to me. And this is a perfect opportunity for an official first impression with them.'
Lee quickly walked over to his chest of drawers, where he retrieved, and put on his blue baseball cap, large glasses, and blue cloth jacket. He then softly rushed back over to the door.
Lee opened the door. He then kindly greeted them, “Good morning, ladies. What can I do for you?”
Natsuru was the one to speak, as she greeted Lee, “Good morning. My brother informed me, a few minutes ago, that our nightly activities were disturbing you. We apologize for your discomfort.”
Akira continued for her blue haired lover, “We were not aware we were being so loud.”
Ranma finished for her two lovers, “Sorry about that. We will try to be more quieter in the future.”
Lee smiled, as he responded, “Thank you. And I hope you have a nice day.”
Just as Lee was about to close the door, Akira held it open with her right shoe in the doorway.
Lee let go of the door, with him letting the door stay open.
Akira, stated, “It has also come to our attention that we have been poor neighbors. So, we plan to take the time to introduce ourselves to everyone in the hotel, starting with you. My name is Akira. The blue haired girl is Natsuru. And the redhead here is Ranma.”
Lee replied, “Nice to meet all of you. I am J.D. Lee.”
Natsuru explained, “Still, when we said all of us. It did not just mean the three of us.”
Lee maintained an outward calmness, as he thought, 'Oh crap. They are not going too...'
Ranma said, in a manner that lead to no room for discussion, “We all are going down to the restaurant, so you can meet our friends.”
Akira then turned, and headed down the hallway, towards the elevator bay.
Ranma continued, “Akira is going ahead, to organization the introductions.”
Lee thought, 'There is no point in arguing with them. They are stronger, and better, than me, in every category. At least I have my wallet and keys already in my pants pocket. And my shoes are on.'
Lee replied, “Okay.”
Lee walked out of the door to his hotel suite, locking and shutting the door behind him.
Lee then walked beside Ranma and Natsuru, down the hallway, towards the elevators.
A few minutes later, Ranma, Natsuru, and Lee entered the hotel restaurant, Lee followed Ranma, with Natsuru behind him.
Lee saw that the badass crew were sitting in chairs, at set of tables, near the stage, in the back of the room.
Though, they were not the only customers in the room. But, the other customers were sitting away form the badass crew, in either in chairs, at tables near the entrance to the restaurant, or by the bar counter, in stool.
Lee did his best to remain calm, and composed, with his poker face on, as he thought, 'I miss not coming here for breakfast, but now I avoid it like the plague, because this is where these badasses come, first thing in the morning, for breakfast. And it is very unwise to deal with trained killers, when they are not fully awake, and hungry for food and drink.'
As they continued walking towards the badass crew, Lee saw that Akira was giving a speech to her friends. She was standing in the middle of the tables, where her friends were sitting, and eating their breakfast.
Lee overheard Akira say, in english, “Now, we have been here for a few days, and we have been very reclusive to the rest of the staff and guests of this hotel. And while we have talked to a few of them. To be honest, some of them are likely getting suspicious of us. So, Ranma, Natsuru, and I decided we would introduce all of us to each person in the hotel, starting with this fellow right here.”
Akira then gestured towards Lee.
The dark haired woman, that looked like Birdy Cephon, whom sat across from Aeryn at a table, said, in a sympathetic tone of voice, “That poor guy.”
Lee thought, 'And that would be, Violin.'
As soon as Ranma, Natsuru, and Lee approached the tables, Akira saw them, as she stated, “Let us get started. This is J. D. Lee. Now, before you ask, as someone with experience with both Chinese and American cultures, Lee, is a name used by both asians, and some caucasian Americans. Though, the name between the two peoples have completely different roots. Now, let us start our introductions.”
When they reached the center of the tables the groups were at, Lee stopped walking, while Ranma and Natsuru walked up to stand beside Akira, while facing Lee.
Lee made sure he appeared to be paying attention to every word that Akira spoke.
Akira pointed at a table where Shenhua and Sawyer, drinking cups of coffee. The coffee was being poured by Lotton.
Akira stated, “The chinese woman is Shenhua. The smaller woman is Sawyer. The woman pouring the coffee is Lotton.”
While doing his best to maintain his poker face, Lee was starting showing some nervousness on the outside. Though, Lee also felt some mild amusement, as he though, 'I find it interesting that Lotton is as hot as the rest of these women.'
Akira then pointed to Aeryn and Violin, as she stated, “This is Aeryn, and her spouse, Violin.”
Violin just lightly waved at Lee.
Akira then pointed at a table, where her, Ranma, and Natsuru's daughters were sitting at.
Akira pointed at the green haired girl first, “The green haired one is mine. Her name is Yurika. The blue haired girl with black highlights is Natsuru's child. She is named Mikoto. The purple haired girl is Ranma's daughter, and her named Nodoka.”
Akira then pointed at a table belonging to the five lagoon daughters.
Lee interrupted, “I have already met these five ladies.”
Akira started, “Oh, so these are the girls you... grunt.”
Lee noticed that Ranma gently elbows Akira in her ribs.
Lee thought, 'It makes sense that Ranma elbowed her lover, to keep her from revealing their true nature to me, because they would have to explain how they knew what happened last night. Still, I am nervous, and I cannot help it.'
Akira said, “Moving on, we now introduce you to our two leaders, Revy and Rock. The redhead is Revy. And the raven haired woman is Rock.”
Akira pointed at the table in front of him, in which Revy, and Rock, whom was now back to being a girl, were sitting at.
Lee mentally noted, 'Rock is back to being girl. No surprise there.'
Lee also noticed that Revy was smirking at him.
Lee thought, 'Revy is likely planning to tell them I am a pre-cog. Nothing I can do about that. Still, I better be polite.' Lee looked around at the group, as he said, “It is nice to meet you all.”
Meanwhile, Ranma, Akira, Natsuru went to join their daughters at the table they were sitting at.
This left Lee alone, in the center of the tables where the women were sitting at.
Lee thought, 'This is like being surround by pride of lions. Hungry lions at that. And I getting more nervous by the second.'
For all his poker skills, he could not hide the fact that he was startled by being surrounded by these badass women. All of whom wanted a piece of his hide, they just didn't know it was him they were looking for.
Lee silently realized in thought, 'I got to say something quick, or they are going start asking me questions. And I know what to do, to get out of this situation.'
Lee quickly said, “I freely admit, I am intimidated by being surrounded by so many beautiful women.”
The women around him laughed at his comment.
Lee thought, 'I will take the laughs over the pain, any day of the week.'
Aeryn commented, “You are an intelligent man.”
Lee turned to Aeryn, as he said, “Thank you.” He then looked around the group, as he continued, “Anyway, as I said before, it is nice meeting you. But, I have an errands to run. So, have a great morning.”
Lee then turned towards the front of the room, and walked away from their tables, towards the exit to the hallway. But, Lee did so at a calm, causal pace.
And by taking his time, this allowed him to overhear some of their conversations.
Lee thought, 'If I run, doing so will arouse their suspicions about me. And if I overhear something important from them, I cannot stop, nor change pace without alerting them. I must maintain this pace all the way to the outside of the restaurant.'
Nearby, Nodoka leaned towards the table with the lagoon daughters, as she asked, “Is that the gambler from last night? Whom you told us about?”
Molly turned to Nodoka, as she answered, “Yes”
Nodoka stated, “He doesn't look like much.”
Yukio snorted, “That guy was able to keep it together while we had our weapons draw on him, mere feet away from his body. And he was still able to play hands of poker with his friend at the same time, and win a few of those hands. Without looking at the cards. Don't underestimate him.”
While the conversation with the teenage girls went on, Rock overheard their conversation. She turned to Revy, as she asked, “So, you met him last night?”
Revy turned to Rock, as she stated, “Yep. He is a latent pre-cog. What he does at playing poker is amazing. Not as amazing as you, honey. But then, who is?”
Rock smiled at her lover's compliment, as she said, “Well, I met him last night, as well. And he had enough sense to pick up two pieces of a bullet that Sarah has sliced in half. Is he the one we're after?”
Revy answered, “Nah. The bearded guy with him said he has been here for several months. This doesn't fit the time frame, as we know of it.” Revy then spoke a little loud, towards her groups, as she inquired, “So, what is going on with our betting pool, on whom is most likely to catch this writer?”
Akira answered, “As usual, Rock is in first place. Given she is the most clever of all of us.”
Violin coughed.
Akira conceded, “Okay, she is second most clever of all of us.”
Revy admitted, “We'll give you that one, Violin. So, I guess I am third.”
Akira stated, “No. Natsuru is.”
Revy whined, “Why her?”
Akira answered, “Natsuru was trained, and worked, as a cop, for around two years.”
Revy asked, “By the way, what is up with that?”
Natsuru answered, “I needed a job at the time.”
Revy replied, “Fine. So, who is fourth?”
Akira said, “Aeryn.”
Aeryn pointed out, “I was trained in capture and retrieval.”
Revy inquired, “Dare I ask who is the fifth person?”
Akira replied, “Eda.”
Revy said, “Okay. I guess she can count in this betting pool. And she does have the skills to find the writer. Still, we haven't even spoken to her, since we came to this town. Though, we probably need do so.”
Sawyer stated, with her own repaired voice, which was lovely to hear, “Yes. We need to call her. I am sure Rock has her phone number.”
Rock commented, “I do. Actually, I did I talked with her, by phone, this morning, before Revy woke up. She and Yolanda are trying a different tactic to catch this person. They are trying to find him through his stomach.”
Ranma complimented, “Smart move.”
Revy asked, “So, who is number six?”
Akira stated, “You.”
Revy exclaimed, “Finally!”
Lee heard all this. A second later, he finally exited the bar, through the hallway entrance.
Half an hour later, after a brisk walk to the Last Resort Diner, Lee sat in a back corner of the restaurant, in a cushioned booth, with his back to back wall, of the far right corner of the room, allowing him to see the windows and front door, in the front side of the diner.
Lee's nerves has been frayed over the course of the last twenty hours, and after the events of the morning, what has happened finally mentally hit him. And all Lee was presently trying to do was to mentally collect himself, so he could continue on with the day, and his plans.
The black haired, fair skinned waitress, Lori, walked over to Lee's booth, and served him a cup of coffee.
Lee looked up at the woman, as he said, “Thanks, Lori.”
The woman just smiled, and went back to check on the other customers in the diner.
Given his frayed nerves, Lee could not help having his right hand shake, as he held the coffee cup by the handle, while he took a sip of moderately hot liquid.
After the small swallow of coffee, Lee thought, 'Three major close calls within twelve hours. On the bright side, now I officially know their names. So, there will be no questions on the matter, if I accidentally use their names. Except for Eda and Yolanda. But, I will get to them, later.'
'Also, I now know the hiding in plain sight routine works. And that they are concerned on keeping their secrets. I can use all this to my advantage. It means they will not do anything to flamboyant in public. Though, some of them just don't care. Like I saw last night, at the Rats Nest.'
'Still, I have to be careful to not reveal any personal information about myself, nor them. If they ask, I have to say I only like action movies. I have never heard of anime. And I don't care about using computers. And I don't dare tell any injokes. That will give me away immediately, given how genre savvy I made all of these women.'
'Speaking of which. Why the hell did I have to give them access to Tvtropes website? And make them so dangerously genre savvy? Because, I am an idiot. That is why!'
'And damn. I miss my collections of music, to anime, to movies, to TV shows. I miss having access to the internet.'
'Still, back to the matters at hand. I may have to come up with a cover story. Hiding out due to tax problems is likely the most believable cover story I can come up with, that has the least complications. It is such a boring crime, those not involved don't ask too many questions. And it is so common that it is hard to backtrack.'
'So, where will I say I am from? How about Nashville, Tennessee? I have been there a few times in my life? And I know enough about the place to convince someone that I have lived there, unless they have lived there, themselves. Which is not the case for these women.'
'All in all, I am still on the same plan as before. I just have to slightly modify my plan. That plan being to steal one of their reality devices, escape, and get cured of my cancer, along with other things. The introduction today was just one step towards to that goal. But, I have a bad feeling they will guard those devices as closely as they do their own virtue. For lack of a better term.'
'Also, they mentioned Eda and Yolanda are in town, and those two are trying to rope me through use of food. Now, the question is how?... Of course, they are the blonds from the burger van. Eda is the cashier, and Yolanda is the cook.'
'I forgot, that in the Black Lagoon omakes, how hot Yolanda looked as a young woman. And I did have her deaged and I had her lost right eye restored with a cybernetic eye that is just as good as her left eye. And with the artificial eye matching her right eye.'
'Honestly. Taking into account what I gave her. I don't think I have to much to worry about Yolanda. She will not stop the others from harming me. But, she will likely not take part in what they do to me. If they catch me.'
'Also, Eda honestly threw me because she was not wearing her shades, and she was not wearing a nuns outfit, nor trampy clothing. I did not do much to Eda. So, I am not sure how much she wants to capture me.'
'The two of them could be just in it for the challenge. Also, I cannot just stop eating there, without arousing their suspicions.'
'But, they cook good food, at a good price. Plus, I am now one of their regular customers. And I am always polite to them, compliment their cooking, and service, along with leaving nice tips. Doing all this can only help me in my situation. Still, I just have to be more careful, now that I know there are more of them here and after me, than just in Revy's group.'
Lee then noticed Lori walking by him, as he mentally added, 'Now, let's get some breakfast. And I will meet with Sam in the hotel lobby in an hour or so, to pick up on our continuous poker game. And I seem to be making good money at it.'
Lee turned to look up at Lori, as he stated, “Lori, I am ready to order.”
Lori turned her head towards him. She then walked over to him, as she asked, “What can I get for you, Lee?”
Lee then gave her, his order.
Ten minutes later, his breakfast was ready. He the ate his meal. When he finished, he got up from the booth he was sitting him, he paid for his meal, he thanked George for his good cooking, he tipped Lori some money. He then left to head back to the hotel, to meet with Sam.
The next few days were uneventful for anyone at the hotel. And Lee found that Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru were more quiet with their loving making, allowing Lee to get to sleep earlier.
Lee was grateful for this, and he turned off the alarm to his wrist watch.
Also, the afternoon, after the Rats Nest massacre, Lee and Sam found that the bartender had her bar already completely cleaned up, repaired, and she back in business, in record time.
When Sam and Lee asked about how she was able to do all this so quickly, she coyly stated was that she had a lot of experience in doing so.
Lee and Sam knew better than to ask her for the details.
Then, one night, over a week and a half after Rock, Revy, and their crew, had come to De La Plata Podrido. A few days after Lee was formally introduced to the badass women. On highways of the island, there was car chase between a red 1965 Pontiac GTO, and two much newer cars.
At the wheel of the GTO was Lee, whom was wondering, at the moment, whom posed the most danger to him right now. His passengers, or those chasing them.
Lee though for the sixth time that night, 'How do I get myself into these situations? Oh, that is right. Because, I am an idiot. That is why!'
Around six hours, and ten minutes earlier, it was late afternoon. In the lobby of the Devil's Hotel, Lee and Sam were playing cards at their usual table.
It had rained earlier that morning, and the two friends decided to stay at the hotel, for the day. Instead of heading for the Rats Nest, and risk getting rained on. Though, by the late afternoon, the sky had completely clear.
Lee and Sam were presently enjoying the soft rock music playing in the front lobby speaker, as they played cards, when Revy and Rock walked up to them.
Revy asked, “Hi guys. I have a question.”
Lee and Sam set down their cards, face down, as they looked up at the two women.
Sam offered, “Go ahead.”
Revy stated, “We are looking for a designated driver for tonight.”
Sam replied, “Well, I don't know how to drive a car. But, Lee does.”
Lee just glared at Sam. He then turned to Revy as he inquired, “Why don't you ask one of your other friends to take you?”
Revy answered, “Two reasons. One, they know better. Two, we want to go the Rats Nest. It is the only decent dive we could find in town. And they don't feel like coming with us.”
Lee said, “I am surprised the bartender let you back in there, after that night you had with those teenage girls.”
Revy smirked, as she stated, “Well, I have found gold has a way of making people very forgiving.”
Lee commented, “That must have been a lot of gold you paid that woman.”
Revy said, “It was. And we still have to pay for drinks. As you can guess, she is still a bit upset about that incident. But, I don't mind. The Rats Nest kinda reminds me of the Yellowflag.”
Lee played dumb, as he asked, “The what?”
Revy replied, “Never mind about that. Anyway, from asking around, we learned that you two are regulars at that place. And the bartender there likes you two. So, we figured the bartender will be a little nicer to us if one of you is there with us. So, are you going to take us?”
Rock said, in a comforting tone, “Don't worry, we are not that bad when we are drunk.”
Lee thought, 'If I turn them down, it will only end in pain for me. And whomever else they rope into going in my place.' Lee stated, “One condition. None of you take any weapons. I do not want a repeat of that night.”
Revy commented, “Works for me. Meet us out front in half an hour.”
As Revy and Rock walked away, Lee turned to Sam, as he casually inquired, “Do you want to come with me, and chaperone a bunch of violently psychotic women, whom are intent on getting drunk?”
Sam turned to Lee, and he just glared at Lee for a few seconds. He then began laughing very hard for several seconds. As he slowly stopped laughing, he answered, “Hell no. I have enough problems with such matters in my day.”
Lee said, “I don't want to know.”
Sam was still chuckling, as he complimented, “Good answer.”
Lee offered, “Still, would you like to get something to eat, right now, at the hotel restaurant? I got a feeling I am not going to be able to eat much to tonight.”
Sam said, “Sure. With those women tagging along, you will be to busy watching your back. I will even pay for it. Considering, I got you into this mess.”
Lee sarcastically replied, “Gee, thanks.” He continued, in a more normal tone of voice, “Still, we can probably get Melvin to do a rush order on orders, because I am in a hurry.” He mentally added, 'And Melvin knows how unwise it is to keep those women waiting.'
Both men then got up, and headed for the hotel restaurant.
Half an hour later, it was close to sunset, as Lee walked outside the front entrance of the hotel lobby, and onto the sidewalk, under the awning.
Melvin had fortunately been able to do a rush order on Lee's meal, and Lee finished his dinner with just enough time to stop by the men's restroom in the front lobby, before he headed outside.
Five minutes later, he was met by four women. Revy, Shenhua, Sawyer, and Lotton, whom had just walked outside, to join him.
Lee noted that having a close look at Lotton and Sawyer, standing next to each other, that Lotton was almost a short and petite as Sawyer.
Lee thought, 'What is Lotton doing here? I thought she didn't drink... Oh, that is right, I fixed it so she could drink alcohol with a problem in book three. And she did enjoy the occasional drink, then.'
Lotton was in a similar outfit that she wore as a man. Which was, among other things, a black long coat, shirt, and pants. Only, her clothing was cut much smaller to fit her smaller physical frame.
The other three women wore their usual clothing.
The women then looked over at Lee.
Lee noticed this, as he thought, 'I might as well say something polite.' He greeted them, “Hello ladies. I will be designated driver for the evening.”
The girls just looked at him with wicked grins on their lips.
Lee silently realized, as he inwardly groaned, in thought, 'This is going to be a long night.'
Just then, Rock pulled up, on the parking lot, along side the sidewalk, by Lee and the women, in a red, two door, 1965 Pontiac GTO, with the right passenger side facing them.
Lee thought, 'From the color, this might be the same car as from the series. And the one I slightly damaged in book three. Though, I left it those damages were repaired. And they were repaired, because later, they used it an early part of book two to escape Chang's forces, to the Lagoon PT boat, during that typhoon.'
Lee walked over to the passenger seat door, and opened it. He the reached in and used the latch by the front passenger seat, to lower front seat forward, so the others could enter the backseat. He then stood back up, stepped out of the way, while he used his left hand to motion to the women to get in.
After the four women squeezed into the back seat, with looked difficulty, Lee go raised the passenger seat, and got in the front. He then buckled up.
Lee stayed quiet, as Rock set the car into gear, and drove towards the closest exit, from the parking, to the road.
Lee looked over at the manual shift, as he thought, 'Great. They didn't tell me the car I would be driving is a manual shift, with a foot clutch. I know how to drive a manual, but I am just not that great at it. Still, I is best to stay quiet. I might hear something important said by the girls.'
Lee found that he was correct. The quiet did afford him the opportunity to listen to the girls in the backseat.
Lee overheard Lotton say, “It is nice that I no longer have problems drinking alcohol.”
Lee thought, 'That just confirms what I already knew.'
As Rock kept her eyes in front of her, on the road, she noticed that Lee was quiet. She commented, “You seem awfully quiet.”
Lee plainly stated, “After that night at the Rats Nest, I know better than to ask you to stay out of trouble. So, I am just going to stay quiet.”
Lee's comment got a few chuckles from the backseat.
Rock responded, “Fair enough.” She then continued driving them to the Rats Nest.
Five minutes later, they reached the Rats Nest, and parked on the side parking lot, to the left of the building.
Rock and Lee both helped those in the backseat get out, from both doors.
After locking and closing the car doors, Lee then walked over to the door to the Rats Nest entrance, and held it for the women.
Revy, Sawyer, Shenhua, and Lotton walked into the bar, without paying Lee any mind.
Though, when Rock passed by Lee, she handed him the keys to the car, as she said, “Thank you.”
Lee took the keys, on the keyring, and he put them into a pants pocket, as he replied, “You're welcome.”
Lee then walked into the bar, closing the door behind him.
As Lee walked inside, he noticed that the late crowd had yet to show up.
The only ones there, besides Lee, and the five women, were the bartender, and a few others.
The bartender looked up, from behind the bar counter. She frowned at what she saw, as she stated, “I am surprised to see you again, Revy.”
Revy smirked, “What can I say? This place reminds me of home.”
The bartender joked, “Where is that? Hell?”
Revy and the women by her, just laughed. While, Lee remained quiet.
As soon as they stopped laughing, Lee leaned towards Rock, as he said, “Rock, I will be by the bar counter.”
Rock turned to Lee, as she replied, “Okay.”
Lee then walked to the bar counter. As he did so, he noticed Rock, Revy, Sawyer, Shenhua, and Lotton walking to the left, back corner table that Sam and him usually used.
Lee then sat on a stool, on the long end of the bar counter, with his back to the windows on the left side of the bar.
The bartender walked up from behind the bar counter, to where she was facing Lee.
Lee turned towards the bartender, to look at her face.
The bartender inquired, “So, how were you roped into this madness?”
Lee looked up at her, as he answered, “At the Devil's Hotel, while Sam and I were sitting in the lobby, Sam mentioned I could drive a car. Though, I don't remember telling him. Still, I owe him, so I am let the matter slide.”
“Anyway, the girls noticed that Sam and I come here a lot. And that you appreciate our business. They thought if one of us was here with them it would earn brownie points with you. And so, they asked me... For lack of a better term. To be their designated driver.”
“And Sam showed some sanity, and he refused to join me in this disaster waiting to happen.'
The bartender gave Lee a sympathetic looked, as she stated, “Well, you have my sympathies. I respect you. You and Sam are polite. You always pay your bills. And you tip well. If things go down, I will try to help you get out of this mess alive.”
Lee smiled, as he said, “I appreciate that.”
The bartender commented, “And you are not the first man I have seen roped in by crazy women, against his will. I have seen a few. But, I think you are clearly the most savvy of them.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.”
The bartender asked, “So, what do you want?”
Lee requested, “A cold bottle of cola. And please keep a separate tab between me and them. I don't want to owe them anything. I will pay for my drinks. They can pay for theirs.”
The bartender complimented, “A wise idea.”
Lee said, “And if things go down. I will settled up with you tomorrow.”
The bartender replied, “That will be fine.” She then pulled out a set a cold bottle of cola on the top of the counter, as she said, “And this one is on the house, over the hell we both know you have just been forced into.”
Lee grinned again, towards the bartender, as he replied, “Thanks.”
The bartender returned Lee's smile, as she stated, “You're welcome.” She then went over to Rock, and the other women at the left, back corner table, to get their drink orders.
Around five and a half hours later, Lee sat at his stool, at the bar counter, sipping at his current, cold bottle of cola, as he kept an eye on the girls at the left, back corner table, where he and Sam usually sat at.
Lee thought, 'From the way those five girls look. I would say they are clearly drunk. And it took a lot of hard alcohol to get them at way. That is likely due to the super-soldier serum. Still, Rock looks only slightly drunk, while the other four are just about wasted.'
'But, they are not leaving, until they want to. Even the bartender knows better than to cut them off. At worst, we will carry them out to the car, when they pass out. And I will get their friends, back at the hotel, to get them out of the car, and take care of them.'
Lee then looked around him, to see that within the time they had been there, the bar had been packed with people. The room was practically standing room only.
Lee thought, 'Though, to make matters worse, the bar is packed with other men and women. Many of them look fairly rough. I have to stay on my toes. This could go very bad, very quickly. I just hope that even drunk, Rock and Lotton can keep the other three from starting a fight.'
Meanwhile, the beautiful bartender woman of the Rats Nest walked up to Lee, from behind the bar counter, as she inquired, “How are you holding up, Lee?”
Lee looked over at bartender, as he replied, “Good. How about you?”
The bartender answered, “Fine. As long as those five don't start a fight.”
Lee agreed, “My thoughts, exactly.”
Suddenly, a mexican man, whom Lee could smell alcohol his breath from the distance he was already out, approached Lee.
Lee looked over at the man, coming towards them.
Lee thought, 'This guy screams trouble.'
Lee stood up from his stool, as he turned to face the man, just as the man stopped about four feet from him. With both of them standing less than a foot from the bar counter. With the counter to Lee's left side, and the counter to the mexican man's right side.
The man asked, in english, “Do you know those hot women?” He then pointed at the girls, with his right hand.
Lee thought, 'Oh hell no! I can see this coming a mile away. And it will end in a bloodbath. Likely my blood. I have to play along in the hopes of saving everyone from their stupidity and horniness.'
Lee answered, by embellishing the truth a bit, “Yes. And sir. I completely agree with you. Those five are all smoking hot women. But, I do know enough about them to say that you want nothing to do with them. They are lesbians. Crazy. And drunk. But, if we are lucky, we might soon see them start to make out.”
Across the bar counter from Lee, the bartender had been paying attention to Lee's conversation. She giggled at Lee's comment.
The drunk man replied, “All women are crazy. Drunk just makes them easier to get to bed. And being lesbians means they haven't met a real man, yet.”
Lee mentally screamed, 'You have got to be kidding me! Who is he? The wittiest drunk in the west? I am going to have to play along.'
Lee looked over at the bartender, and she gave him a sympathetic look.
Lee looked back over at the man as he stated, “You are probably right. But, these are also very violent women. And between you and me, I find the redhead to be more masculine, in personality, than I could ever hope to be.”
The bartender snorted, while holding back her laughter.
The man suggested, “Then, how about I show them how much I am a man, by using your hide?”
He then used his right hand to pull out a small revolver from his a back pants pocket, and started to point it at Lee.
Lee didn't even blink and eye, as he quickly used his right foot to kick the man in the balls, forcing him to drop his gun. A second later, after both of Lee foot was back on the floor, next to his left foot, Lee followed up the kick, by used his right hand to swiftly grip the left side of the man's head, and slam it onto the top of the bar counter. Lee then held the man's head on the counter.
The bartender's jaw dropped at seeing this.
And a few others around Lee also noticed what had just happened.
From across the room, Lotton was the only one of the five women paying attention to what Lee had just done.
Watching Lee take down that guy reminded her of another event she said, first hand, several years ago. But, she was too drunk to remember, nor even care, what the event was.
As Lee held the man down, with his right hand, he looked at the man's head. He calmly stated, “I know you are angry with me, right now. And you have every right to be. But, you need to understand, that by doing this, I am saving your life.”
The bartender agreed, “He is right. He just saved your life. Those women are dangerous. You do not want to mess with them.”
Lee said, “Like the nice lady behind the counter is saying. If you knew all the facts of the situation, you would be thanking me, right now. Unfortunately, there are too many people around for me to tell you.”
Lee then used his left hand to pull out a fifty dollar bill from one of his pockets. He set the fifty dollar bill in front of the man, as he continued, “So, please treat yourself, and your friends, to some drinks on me. And I hope there are no hard feelings.”
Lee then let go of the man's head.
Suddenly, from the corner of his right eye, Lee could see a number of men, and a few women get up from their seats. They started walking towards him.
Lee mentally grumbled, 'It was worth a try.'
Then, from beside him, to his left, Lee saw the bartender swiftly pulled a semi-automatic pistol from under the bar counter. She quickly pulled back the slide, loading a round in the chamber, and cocking the hammer, as she pointed her weapon over the mexican man, whose head was on the table, and over towards the approaching adults.
The bartender firmly stated, “Hold it right there.” She then said to Lee, “I know you tried to avoid this. Get the girls out of here. Both you, and them, can settle your tabs later.”
Lee looked over at the bartender, he replied, “Thanks.” He then towards the left, back corner table, as yelled towards Revy, and the other women at the corner table, “Girls, time to leave!”
The women heard him. They took a look around, and realized what was going on. They got up from their seats, and headed for the front door.
As Lee watched them reached the front door, he swiftly took off for the front door, as well.
After Lee exit the bar, he met up with the girls, as he stated, in a commanding tone of voice, “Everyone, please get in the car.”
Rock was sober enough to ask, “What happened?”
Lee swiftly answered, “Too many drinks, too many guns, and too little common sense.”
Rock replied, “Ah. Been there. Done that.”
Lee responded, “Rock, that bartender is not going to be able to hold that crowd back for long. Help me get your friends to the car now. So, we can get out of here.”
Rock said, “Gotcha.”
Lee and Rock spent the next several awkward seconds herding four other much more drunk women into the car.
Sense Rock was not as drunk as the others, Lee had her sit in the front passenger seat, while the other women were in the backseat. Lee was in the driver's seat, as he started the car, turned on the front headlights, and he quickly got them onto the road.
As Lee saw that the fuel tank was nearly full, he thought, 'I am so happy that Rock knows to be prepare, beforehand, for unforeseen situations like this.'
A minute later, as they drove down a four lane highway, on the island, Rock noticed they were not heading in the direction of the hotel. She asked, “Why aren't we going to the hotel?”
Lee answered, “I got a bad feeling that I just pissed off the wrong people.” He mentally added, 'For a second time in my life. And my precognition is warning me of danger.' He continued, “And I don't want to lead them to our home, just yet.”
Suddenly, while driving on a four lane highway, divided by a low lying dirt median, with planted palm trees, Lee saw in the car's rear-view mirrors two modern cars gaining on them, at high speed.
Lee said, “I hate being right... Hold on girls. This is going to get rough.”
Sawyer quipped, “We like it rough.” The other girls in back just giggled.
Lee then pressed down on the accelerator of the car with his right foot. As he did so, he used his left hand on the steering wheel, his right hand to work the gear stick, and his left foot to work the clutch, as he shifted gears, while speaking up.
Right after Lee shifted gears, without a problem, he used his right hand to turn on the radio, on the center panel of the dashboard. He then fiddled with the frequency dial.
Rock commented, “We don't have time for music.”
Lee quipped, “There is always time for music. And it helps me relax.” He mentally added, 'And I have never been in a high speed chase before. I just read about them, saw videos of them, wrote about a few of them. And I could use something help me focus on the matter at hand.'
Suddenly, he hit on a song perfect for the occasional, as he heard the first cords to the english song, Radar Love, by Golden Earring.
Lee said, “Now, that is some chase music.”
Lotton commented, “I got to admit, he has taste. Now, that is good chase music.”
The other girls in back laughed.
Lee saw they were heading for the sea, with the road soon diverging splitting in a, T, shape, to both the left and the right.
He manually rolled down his window.
Lee stated, “You know, the one thing I love about these old style cars is, that you cannot do this with a newer model car.”
Suddenly, when the street diverged, used both his feet to full engaged the clutch pedal, while pressing partly on the brakes, and maintaining gas on the pedal. All the while he shifted through several gears, as he did a high speed whip-it u-turn back down the opposing lanes of the highway, passing by the two cars chasing them. And he then shifted back up the gears, while careful with the clutch, so the car would not stall.
After getting the car straighten out down the road, Lee pulled out his left arm out, while extending his middle finger to the people in the other two cars.
Revy blurted out, “Did he just give them the bird?”
Shenhua chirped, “He sure did.”
The girls in back laughed again.
The other cars had to slow down to do a u-turn, due to their anti-lock breaks preventing them from doing a whip-it, as well. Thus giving Lee and the girls more distance between them.
Lee pulled his arm back into the car, and rolled up his window, he also turned down on a two lane road.
As Lee did so, Revy asked, “So Lee, are you a Steve McQueen fan?”
Lee kept his eyes on the road, as he answered, “Nope. I am more of a Burt Reynolds fan. Smokey and the Bandit. That sort of thing. Though, I find the film Hooper to be highly underrated.” He mentally, 'And the Cannonball films, which I mentioned in book three of my stories. But, what I can I say, I am a fan, as the Archer series put it, of the man from Jupiter, Florida.'
Meanwhile, Rock could not believe what she saw. She turned to Lee, as she asked him, in a serious tone of voice, “Are you crazy? I know crazy. I love crazy. I am crazy. But, I did not think you were crazy.”
Lee soberly stated, “Nope. Not crazy. Just desperate. We are unarmed. You are all are drunk. I am not a fighter. If those guys catch us, if we are lucky, they will kill me, rape you girls, and then kill you. That is if we are lucky. We have to make them realize that we are too crazy to mess with.”
Rock conceded, “Good point. Just one problem. I have been down this street a few times. We are going to run out of road real soon.”
Lee stated, “Given what I have in mind, that will be fine. Still, the one thing I like about this city. The bartender at the Rats Nest told me that at night the cops don't give a damn about car chases, as long as there is no gunplay, nor people being run over.”
Rock agreed, “That's nice.”
A minute later, they reached the end of a deserted road, which was without street lights for the last mile they drove through. Lee down shifted, as he turned the car around, and came to a stop, while facing the car in the direction they came from.
They all saw the headlights of the two cars coming towards them, in the distance, by at least two miles away from them.
Lee began peeling out the back tires of the car. Smoke from the back tires and breaks could be seen from the back taillights of the vehicle.
Rock immediately realized what Lee had planned, as she thought, 'He is going to play chicken with them!'
Rock pleaded, “Lee, please don't do this. We can find another way.”
Lee looked over at Rock, as he raised an eyebrow. He countered, “Rock, I am in a car full of five hot women. If I wimped out now, I would have to turn in my man card.” He then turned back to face the front of the road.
Revy stated, “He's got you there, Rock!” She and the other three in back started laughing again.
Rock then noticed a dangerous smile start to curl on Lee's lips.
Lee smirked, as he asked, “Anyway, Rock. Do you know what the three scariest words you can hear from a redneck, whom is right beside you?”
Rock replied, “No.”
Rock saw Lee's smile turn feral, as he casually answered, “Hey. Watch this.”
Lee suddenly let go of the brake with his left foot, as the car accelerated forwards.
Lee then engaged the clutch with his left foot, while keeping his left foot on the accelerator, as he started shifting gears, launching the car forward, towards the two incoming cars.
The people in the other two cars coming towards them, saw this and accelerated their speed towards the Pontiac GTO, due to the GTO's front headlights.
Meanwhile, the women in back heard Lee and Rock's conversation, and they were all now laughing like hyenas.
Lee drove down the middle of the two lane road at high speed, as he stated, “I was taught not to be a road-hog, but I believe this in this case, I should make an exception to that rule.”
Lee thought, 'Given I am dying of cancer, dying in a crash like would be awesome, and great way to go. And the super-soldier serum the girls have in them should allow them to survive, and fully recover from any wreck like this. Meanwhile, the others in those cars are screwed.'
As they got closed two other cars, with a mile not between the two groups, Rock inquired, “You really think this will work?”
Lee admitted, “You're right. I am going to have to make this interesting.”
Lee then turned off the front headlights, and shift gears, while he floored the gas pedal.
Lee grinned wildly, as he said, “Now, it is interesting.”
Rock was starting to get scared, while the drunken girls in the backseat were just laughing even harder at what was unfolding around them.
When they were less than five hundred feet from the other two cars, Lee turned on the inside ceiling light of the car, so the drivers in the other two cars could see how crazy Lee and the women were in their car.
The drivers in the other two cars saw a man with a wicked grin on his face, a dark haired girl in the front passenger seat whom was slightly scared, and four women in back laughing their asses off.
Right before the three vehicles were about to hit, the two other cars veered off the road, allowing Lee and the girls to make a high speed escape.
Lee immediately turned on the front headlights, while turning off the car's ceiling light.
Without turned his eyes away from the road, he said, “And that is how you play the game of chicken.”
By then, the girls in back had calmed down enough to speak. Revy stated, “I give you an eight, Lee. Not bad for an amateur.”
Sawyer stated, in her beautiful tone of voice, “I would give him a six. His acceleration, and steering, needs a little work.”
Shenhua said, “I agree.”
Lotton stated, “If he was fully aware of all the facts of this situation, I would give him a ten for remaining so cool under pressure. But, as it stands, I give him a seven.”
Lee inwardly smiled at Lotton's compliment.
Lee asked, “And you, Rock?”
Rock had calm down, as she requested, in a tired tone of voice, “Just take us back to the hotel.”
Lee stated, “You got it.”
As Lee returned back into the city, he returned the car back to a sane speed, while he drove down the roads, towards the Devil's Hotel.
Fifteen minutes later, Lee had parked the car at the Devil's Hotel parking lot, and all of them out of the vehicle, with them standing behind the car, in a parking lane.
The five women were facing Lee.
Lee then handed Rock the keys to the car, as he said to them, “I hope I wasn't too bad of a driver tonight.”
Revy stated, “You were fine. Maybe we will do this again sometime.”
Rock groaned, “Let's hope not.”
Lee responded, “Well, have a good night, ladies. I am gone to the hotel bar, to get a drink. I could use one after a night like this.”
Lee then turned, and walked away from them. He headed toward the hotel lobby entrance, to get a drink from Melvin, at the hotel restaurant and bar.
Hold Them.
To be continued.
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A Most Exciting Chapter
Out of all 5 books I have read to date, this is by far the most exciting one. All of the story has been written with innovation, imagination, and are very interesting. This one is different, there are no chases through the worlds of the multiverse, it all happens here. The motivations of the actors are explained in a very interesting way and the character interaction is great. Yes there are verb tense issues, some spelling and such, but that does not detract from one of the most original long serials I have ever read, and certainly on this site.
Do yourself a favor and read the story.
I thank you Paul for what you have done, and hope for more.