Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 3: Chapter 03

Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”

Volume 3: “Dynasty.”

Chapter 03: “A Measure of Revenge.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


Reality, Black Lagoon Reality. Location, Lagoon Island. Date, the evening that Lee was capture, just after dark. Place, the kitchen, on the first floor, in the back of the Lagoon mansion.

It had been a few minutes since Ranma and River had escorted Lee into the kitchen of the Lagoon mansion.

Lee wrists were still tied behind her back, with rope.

During this time, River had pulled out a stool, from under a counter, at the island in the middle of the food preparation area of the kitchen, across the room from the kitchen table. She had requested that Lee sit down in. Which Lee did as she was instructed to do.

Over the course of those few minutes, the rest of the Lagoon family, barring Benny, had come into the kitchen. With Benny be the one assigned to make sure all the guests that needed to leave, had left.

Those inside the room, included, Dutch, Janet, Revy, Rock, Molly, Sarah, Kristina, Yukio, and Rebecca.

Also, Ranma, Akira, Natsuru, Yurika, Nodoka, and Mikoto were there as well.

Fortunately, the kitchen was a large room, and big enough to accommodate everyone.

With the group standing between the island by the food preparation area of the kitchen, and the informal dining area of the kitchen. And Lee sat on the stool, with her back facing a foot from the counter part of the island, while she faced the informal dining area.

All of these adults stood facing Lee, with the lone exception was River, whom stood beside Lee, to Lee's right side, as both she and Lee faced the others.

Everyone got comfortable, with a few of the adults moving to the kitchen table to sat down in some chairs, as they looked across the room towards Lee.

Just then, those present saw Benny walked into the room, from the double doors to the outside, with her closing the door behind her. The short, blond haired woman then turned around and walked to the group. As she came to a stop, she looked around the group, as she said, “That is the last one of them. They have all left.”

Revy had placed her microphone on a kitchen table beside her, while she stood up. She turned to face Benny, as she stated, “Good. Now, we can get down to business.” She then look at Lee, as her lips curled into a feral grin.

Rock turned to Revy, as she stated, “Hold it Revy. First, I don't want the kids to be a part of this conversation.”

All eight teenager adults present turned to Rock, as Molly demanded, “Why not?”

Rock turned to Molly, as she explained, “First, because we know you are siding with Lee.”

Some of the teenagers tensed up, at being caught.

Revy noticed this, as she spoke up, in a casual tone of voice, “It was kind of obvious. But, relax girls, we discussed it earlier, and we are okay with it. We realize that Lee did a lot of good for you.”

Everyone noticed that the teenagers present began to relax.

Lee quietly said, “You're welcome.”

Revy turned to Lee, as she responded, “Oh, this won't cut you any slack, from us, Lee. But, we will acknowledge it.”

Rock stated, “Second, we are going to be talking about details on revenge that a parent should not have to say in front of their children.”

Yukio questioned, “If we said we were big girls now, would that make a difference?”

Dutch turned to Yukio, as she flatly said, “No.”

Rebecca complained, “That is not fair”

Yurika stated, “I agree.”

Sarah calmly said, “Someone should speak for Lee.”

Ranma commented, “Girls. It's okay. Lee has more advocates for her, than just River. Such, as myself.”

Revy turned to Ranma, as she questioned, “Really? After everything she did to you, Akira, and Natsuru?”

Ranma commented, “Yes. Let us look at what Lee did for me. From dealing with both a very crazy family, and very possessive women. I became rich and famous, in a number of avenues. I have good, loyal, trusting friends. I gain two great lovers. And three caring, well adjusted children. And some wonderful adventures.”

Natsuru and Akira giggled Ranma's comment. Meanwhile Nodoka, Yurika, and Mikoto warmly smiled at Ranma.

Revy rolled her eyes for a few seconds, before looking back at Ranma, and then to Lee.

Ranma continued, “Personally, I would prefer that Lee be let go. But, since that is not going to happen, we will just negotiate on her behalf.”

Nodoka turned to Ranma, as she said, “Okay. We will leave you to this, mom.”

Sarah commented, “I am fine, as long as there is more than one person present to speak for Lee.”

Kristina said, “I agree. This is for the best.”

Benny looked around, at the teenage women, as she stated, “Don't worry. We will let you know what is going on, after we finish our conversation.”

Molly said, “Okay.” She turned to her sisters, and her friends, as she stated, “Girls. Let's go watch a movie.”

Mikoto said, “I am in the mood for a comedy.”

Sarah stated, “So am I.”

Molly said, “Works for me.”

The eight teenage girls then filed out of the kitchen, and towards the electronics entertainment room, on the first floor, near the front of the mansion, to the right of the front doors.

After the teenagers left, Janet stretched her arms, as she said, “For what we are about to talk about, it is much better to have them gone.” She then dropped her arms back to her sides.

Benny agreed, “You are right about that, honey.”

Revy looked over at Lee, as she stated, “Now, to deal with the matter at hand.”

Everyone turned their attention to Lee.

As Lee look at the group in front of her, she sheepishly said, “If I stated that ending up an amazon woman was part of my plan of escape, would you believe me?”

Rock stated, “No.”

Dutch commented, “Not likely.”

Benny said, “That is doubtful, to say the least.”

Lee looked up at River, as she asked, “River?”

River looked at Lee, as she stated, “Sorry, Lee. That is one bluff to far.”

Lee replied, in a deflated tone of voice, “Okay.”

Lee and River then turned back to the rest of the group in front of them.

Janet asked, “So Lee, how did you end up a female chinese amazon?”

Lee thought, 'I might as well tell them most of what happened.' She answered, “I got cursed, to cure my cancer. I locked myself in this form. Garibaldi and I went to the amazons village, where Garibaldi betrayed me. I admit, the main flaw of my plan was that the girl curse. I had a theory on that, and it was confirmed. That for older adults, makes the victims turn into a six year old girls. Though, given it was being a little girl, or the cancer killing me, I just choose to be a child, again.”

Revy joked, “And I bet you were cute as a button.”

Lee looked over at Revy, as she casually responded, “Actually, yes. I was.”

Revy laughed for a few seconds, at Lee's response.

Benny stated, “Given the time frame between your arrival, and when Ranma came looking for help, in China. That explains why you are not older... At least for the most part... You seem to still be a few years younger than you should be.”

Lee looked over at Benny. She sidestepped Benny's question, as she replied, “Thank you.” She thought, 'And that ring had seem to have given me longevity, as well. Not that I am going to mention my ring, or my longevity. I am not going to risk you trying to remove my ring, as a form of revenge.'

River placed her left hand on Lee right shoulder.

This caused Lee to look at River.

River look at Lee, as she kept her left hand on Lee's right shoulder. River firmly said, “I won't let that happened.”

Lee smiled, as she thought, 'Thank you, River.'

River responded, by returning Lee's smile.

Though, their actions and River's verbal comments did not go unnoticed by the group in front of them.

Rock asked, “What is not going to happen, River?”

Lee and River dropped their smiles, as they turned to Rock, while River also removed her left hand off of Lee

River stated, “Lee is concerned that part of your revenge against her, might be trying to remove the curse, and kill her by having her cancer do her in.”

Rock firmly stated, “I have no plans to do so.”

Dutch commented, “None of us do.”

Benny commented, “I won't wish that death on my worst enemy. Which you currently are, Lee.”

Janet said, “Neither would I.”

Akira firm stated, “We would have words if someone did that to one of our friends, Lee. Including, you.”

Natsuru commented, “And it would not be pleasant for them.”

Ranma used her left hand to cup her right fist, across her chest, as she looked at Lee. She stated, “And they would regret their action. Painfully.”

Lee looked over at Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru, as she replied, “Thanks, guys.”

Akira replied, “You're welcome.”

Natsuru said, “No problem.”

Ranma commented, “More than happy to.”

Though, everyone realized that Revy had not replied to River's comment.

As they turned to look at Revy, Revy noticed this attention. She looked around then group, then at Lee. She stated, “If I kill you, Lee. You are going to see if coming, and it will be with one of my cutlasses.”

Lee continued to look at Revy, as she replied, “Okay.”

Natsuru inquired, “So, Garibaldi betrayed you?”

Lee turned to Natsuru, as she answered, “Yes. Garibaldi is not as heroic as you would guess. And I was already a little girl, when I got captured, Cologne used that magic shampoo on me, to seal my memories. Then, I became a little girl with no memory of her past, whom had silky smooth hair.”

Lee thought, 'I will leave out that Garibaldi got cursed to turn into a little girl. With hot water reversing it for Garibaldi. And who was with us.'

River held back a giggle, as she thought of one of the most powerful men in the Babylon Five reality, becoming a little girl, with cold water.

Janet said, “Given what you did to us. That sounds like poetic justice.”

Lee looked over at Janet, as she replied, “I agree.”

Janet found that she felt indifferent about Lee agreeing that Lee deserved what happened to her.

Dutch questioned, “We heard there was another person involved, besides Garibaldi? Care to tell us who that was?”

Lee was silent for a few seconds. She then stated, “Sorry girls. But, there are some people that I am more afraid of than you.”

Rock thought, 'The only people that Lee is more of afraid of them us, are the maids... But, why won't Lee answer our question?... Who else could have been there that neither the maids, nor Lee, will talk about. Someone that was at the chinese amazons village, or Jusenkyo?... Oh... It was Garcia... Garcia that was the third person. Garcia from years ago. When he fell directly into the spring of drown girl.'

'I can see how the entire situation unfolded. Chances are that Garibaldi, being the hero, dived into the spring of drowned girl, and Lee drove right after him, to help Garibaldi save Garcia. Either to help get the maids off of his back. Or, Lee was just being a nice guy... Err girl. Or, maybe both.'

'That means Garibaldi is also cursed to turn into a little girl, with cold water. And past Garcia is with her. And maids from our time caught up with Garcia and Garibaldi...'

'No wonder none of them wanted to talk about what happened.... This has, paradox, written all over it.'

'Also, this means that Garcia knew about Lee the entire time. Over the years. And he did not say anything, to anyone. Not even to the maids. He kept what he knew a secret for all these years... It is possible that Garcia was the first of us to learn about Lee and her stories, only he could not say a word about it, because he would risk wrecking reality itself if he did so.'

'This also explains why Garica avoided River and Annie... When he learned who they were... Especially, during our bikini parties... And I think it is best that I do not mention my theory, to anyone. For right now...'

Rock stated, “The third person theory is not important. Either way, we will likely find out, later.”

Revy looked at Rock, as she smirked, as she said, “You're right. What is important is we finally have Lee where we want her.” She turned to Lee, as she continued smirking. She stated, “And she is all ours.”

Nearby, River suppressed a giggle, as she thought, 'Rock, you are so brilliant. From what little I read from Lee, as she had answered you all. You are very close to the truth. Not that I am going to say a word about it, and risk getting Lee into further trouble. Though, I am glad that you are not going to say anything, either. Because, in the long run, that will help both of us, and Lee.'

Benny turned to Lee, as she said, “Since I learned you were now a girl, Lee. I was wondering, are you all woman now?”

Lee looked over at Benny, as she sarcastically remarked, “I was until you made me remember my life as Lee.”

In response, Benny chuckled a little.

Janet asked, “Do you have a split personality now, Lee?”

Lee turned to Janet, as she flatly stated, “No. Not as far as I can tell. There is only one voice in my head. And if I did have a split personality, I would let the Dongmei personality be in control. I liked being her. I never liked being me, the Lee personality.”

Revy smirked, as she said, with a bit of amusement in her tone of voice, “Then, it is fitting that you are stuck with the Lee personality.”

River turned to Revy, then to Lee, as she stated, “It is more like two personae overlapped, and merged together.”

River looked over at Revy, as she thought, 'Unlike you, Revy. And your Jack persona. Your two personae did not merge. While Lee's did.' She turned to look at Lee, as she continued her thoughts, with a bit of sadness, 'And I do feel for you, Lee. I liked the Dongmei personality, as well. But, I love your Lee personality more.'

'And I believe the Dongmei personality is still in there, as part of you, Lee. You just not aware of those changes. And given how bright and cheerful Dongmei was. Any such changes will be for the better in your outlook on life, how you relate to people, and your social skills.'

Ranma mentioned, “There should be no split personalities created by the smoke from my lamp. I made sure that would not happen, when using it, when I talked to the seller of it.”

Lee turned to Ranma, as she said, “Good. That is one less problem to deal with.”

River thought, 'You are right about that, Lee.'

Lee then shifted in her seat, as the ropes were chaffing her wrists. She thought, 'I really don't see the need for these ropes. I am not getting out of here. And we all know that.'

River overheard Lee's thoughts. She watched what Lee was doing. She thought, 'Lee's right. There is no point to having her tied up, now. Someone needs to do something about this. And I guess I am the girl to do it.' She leaned over, and behind Lee, as she pulled out a knife from one of her pockets. She then unfolded the knife, and she quickly cut the rope that was binding Lee's arms.

Janet asked, in an annoyed tone of voice, “What are you doing?”

With the rope pieces on the floor, Lee brought her hands around to her lap, as she rubbed her wrists. She said, “Thank you.”

River walked back to Lee's right side, as she folded her knife and pocketed it. She turned to Lee, with Lee looked at her. She replied, “You're welcome, Lee.” She looked over at Janet. She stated, “Lee is not going to escape us. And we all know it.”

Rock stated, “River is right.”

Lee admitted, “Yes. I have no way to escape off this island.”

Dutch looked at Lee, as she casually asked, “You are right about that, Lee... So, what are we going to do with you, now? I mean, we want revenge. But, barring turning you into a woman. I didn't really think about exactly what type of revenge we were going to do to you. And with you now already being a woman, that does discount that part of our vengeance.”

Revy stated, “I have some ideas. But, they are not meant for polite company.”

Benny, Janet, and Dutch chuckled at Revy comment, for a few seconds. While everyone else remained silent.

Ranma stated, “Whatever your revenge is, I suggest you have it be kept tame. And uniform. In that all of you do the same revenge to Lee. That way Lee will survive it. And all of you will have revenge, while no one will be able to complain that someone else had more revenge than them.”

Ranma turned to Rock, as she reminded, “That is what you promised those outside, just now.”

Rock turned to Ranma, as she agreed, “I realize that Ranma. And I intend to keep my word.”

Lee looked over at Ranma, as she politely said, “Thank you, Ranma.”

Ranma turned to Lee. She snorted, as she responded, “Don't thank me just yet, Lee. I may be an advocate for you. To a degree. But, I do want to make sure that, given what you have done, that everyone gets a chance at you. Because there should be some measure of revenge for you actions.” Her voice took a kinder tone, as she continued, “But, I am not planning to have revenge on you, myself.”

Natsuru said, “Nor I.”

Akira commented, “Me neither.”

Lee thought, 'That is three less to worry about, from those three. And I can understand the tightrope these three, and River are walking.' She replied, “I understand.”

Ranma said, “Good.”

Revy sarcastically remarked, “Oh, what a heart to heart. It is so sickeningly sweet that it makes me want to puke.”

Rock commented, “That being said. Ranma does have a point. We cannot do anything that will deprive the others of their revenge. Remember, we promised the Knight Sabers we will let them have their revenge. Along with others outside, a few minutes ago, as well.”

Benny pointed out, “You promised the Knight Sabers, and those outside. Not us.” Then, from the corner of her eye, she saw Janet frowning at her. She continued, “Though, I see your point. And our friends deserve some revenge, as well.”

Rock noticed the sudden change of heart, as she stated, in a dry tone of voice, “I am glad you have come around, Benny.”

Janet said, “So, the question is. What type of revenge allows for repeat business?”

There was silence for a few seconds, until Revy started laughing.

Everyone turned to look at Revy.

Rock asked, “What is it, Revy?”

As Revy calmed down, she turned to Rock. She said, “I have the solution. It is so simple. Sex.” She looked over at Lee, as she stated, “Lee, we just make you the bitch of the island.”

Lee remained calm, displaying her well known poker face.

River glanced over at Lee, before she turned back to look at Revy. She thought, 'Looks like the old Lee is back. She knows she cannot reply without causing trouble. But, at the same time, she is not going to give Revy the benefit of seeing her scared. So, I will help her out, as best as I can.'

River strongly stated, in an even tone of voice, “Hey now. Considering your past, you know how traumatic being raped is.”

Revy scoffed, “Like Lee here is not responsible for worse? On a far grander scale.”

River commented, “She just wrote it. She was not personally there.”

Revy stated, “That makes it even worse.”

River defended, “At the time she didn't even know she was hurting real people. Being gang raped is uncalled for.”

Lee quietly said, “I will do it.”

Everyone heard Lee.

River turned to Lee, as she flatly questioned, “What?!”

Lee turned to River, as she calmly said, “I said I will do it.” She turned back to Revy, as she continued, “Within reason. This is the best deal I am going to get. And if I don't resist, which I won't, it will not be rape.”

River thought, 'As much as I hate to admit it. Lee is probably right. And while being made to have sex can be traumatic, it could be far worse. And as long as I am here, I can keep it from being to bad. And it looks like I am going to have to move up my timetable for plan B.'

Janet stated, “Then, it is settled. Sex is how will be our revenge. And we can do it in our S&M dungeon.”

Everyone present, except for River, Akira, Ranma, Natsuru, and Lee, started laughing, as Lee's eyes lit up, at she began to realize what she had just agreed to.

Akira looked at Lee, with pity in her eyes. Akira thought, 'Oh, poor, poor Lee. She didn't know what she is was getting into.'

Lee look around the room, as she quickly stated, “S&M dungeon?! You have an S&M dungeon?! I never wrote about you all having an S&M dungeon!”

As the other women began to calm down, everyone turned to look at Lee.

Janet smirked, as she said, “Interesting. And yes. We do have one. It is right under this building. In the basement, by our vault, with we keep our armory inside of.”

Lee questioned, in a slightly whiny tone of voice, “But, how can you have an S&M dungeon?”

Janet continued smirking, as she stated, “Well, you put it best in your stories. We are X rated characters, in a PG-13 series.”

The Lagoon parents all then laughed even harder, for a few seconds.

As they calmed down, Benny shared her wife's smirk, as she said, “And that Lee, is an understatement.”

Revy gave Lee a slasher smile, as she stated, in a sadistic tone of voice, “Yes. As Janet pointed out. We have an S&M dungeon. I believe that everyone should have access to an S&D dungeon. It is a great stress reliever. Surprisingly, I find my time there to be more relaxing them shooting people. And ours comes with whips. And chains. And leather. And everything else.”

River placed her left hand, gently onto Lee's right shoulder.

Lee looked up at River, with pleading eyes.

River looked down at Lee, with a comforting expression on her face. She said, in a pleasant tone of voice, “Don't worry, Lee. I have personally dabbled in the pain-pleasure games. They are not that bad. And we both know you have some latent sadomasochistic tendencies. You will do fine... You might even enjoy it. And either way, I will be there with you.”

Lee gave River a weak smile, and River returned Lee's smile.

River and Lee looked over at the group, as River continued, “As I said. I will be present, as you do this. To prevent things from getting out of hand.”

Rock looked at River and Lee, as she stated, “Fair enough.” She thought, 'River, I agree with you, that you need to be there. Lee will suffer, but not suffer too much.'

River looked Rock in her eyes, with Rock looking back, as River just slightly nodded her head, in acknowledgment of hearing Rock's thoughts.

River then thought, 'I am glad you agree with me, Rock. And I can make this work for plan B.' She stated, “And you will all have to be female, as you do this. And you will not try to turn Lee, male.”

Dutch said, “I can live with that.”

Revy commented, “It just means we get to enjoy more climaxes. And with dildos, it is not much different for the receiver.”

River thought, with concern, 'Revy is way too much into this. Not that there is much I can do on that front. Still, there are other ways to mitigate this situation.'

River stated, “Also, since I will be present for all this. I will stop any action that goes too far. Though, you can continued with something else for that night's session.”

Revy coldly requested, “Define too far?”

River answered, in a matter of fact tone of voice, “You avoid the face and head. You can use whips, but not to the point of causing bleeding. Only bruising. But, no damage to the bones, nor organs. You can penetrate, but not to the point there is tearing. And no choking, puncturing, piercing, nor blood letting, at all.”

Revy raised an eyebrow, as she commented, “You have done this before.”

River admitted, “Yes. I will be Lee's trust person. And we will use safe word rules.”

Rock said, “I can see where you are coming from.”

River commented, “This will be one session per night. And it will be done in groups. With one group per night. And each group will only one shot at Lee. No repeat nights. And no single, individual sessions. We will not spread this out any more than we have too.”

Dutch said, “Okay. That will prevent people from claiming they got more revenge on Lee, than the others.”

River responded, “Exactly. And each nightly session is two hours long, at most.”

Dutch stated, “Three hours. And not a second less.”

River flatly replied, “Fine. But, with ten minute breaks, every hour. And the ten minutes count as part of the session.”

Dutch commented, “Okay. But, there is a bathroom in the dungeon. Lee can use that.”

Lee said, “I can live with that.”

Dutch replied, “Good.”

Janet complimented, “That is not a bad set of rules, that you are coming up with, River.”

River turned to Janet, as she replied, “Thank you, Janet.”

Janet's voice then dripped sarcasm, as she said, “Though, there is no point in doing marathon sessions. Back to back. With Lee here is too tired to enjoy it.”

River bitterly thought, 'I guess I spoke to soon.'

Revy nodded a couple of times, as she stated, “I agree. I can see this working.”

Rock agreed, “So can I.”

Benny commented, “I believe everyone will go for it.”

Dutch said, “And it looks like Lee might survive this, after all.”

River slightly tightened her grip on Lee's left shoulder, as she acknowledge, “That is the idea.”

Benny asked, “So, when do we start?”

Revy suggested, “Ten PM tomorrow, sounds good. I want to be properly rested and in the right frame of mind. And that way, after it is over, we will be ready to get some sleep.”

Rock said, “I agree. We all need rest, after the day we have had. And this is type of action that should be taken in the evening. And not during the day.”

Lee could see the other Lagoon parents smiling in agreement. While, Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru just shrugged their shoulders, in response.

Revy noticed all this. She then turned back to Lee, as she stated, “Then, it is settled. Tomorrow, at ten PM, your ass is literally ours. And I have just the right outfits for the occasion.”

Janet asked, “Our costumes from our last Halloween party?”

Revy turned to Janet, as she happily responded, “Yep. And I'm getting wet just thinking about it.”

Benny smirked, as she said, “Oh girls, this is going to be so much fun.”

Meanwhile, Dutch and Rock just lightly laughed at Revy's suggestion.

River thought, 'Oh no. They are going to wear those things. This is not good. But, it is too late for any of us to back out, now. Still, I need to get Lee and myself out of here.'

River requested, “I think it might be best if Lee and I retire to our bedroom for the night.”

Revy teased, “So, you want a piece of her ass, first?”

River stated, in an even tone of voice, “No. I just want to get her our of here, before you work yourself up into doing something, right now.”

Lee shrugged, as she said, “Besides, I am not in the mood.”

Lee comment caused everyone, save for River, and herself, to giggle a little, for a few seconds.

As the women calmed down, Rock stated, “Fine. You can take Lee to get some sleep. But, give us your reality device, first. We don't want you tempted to leave us. And Janet will escort you to your bedroom.”

River said, “Okay.” She let go of Lee, as she then pulled out her reality device, and handed it to Rock.

As Rock took the device, she said, “Thank you. You will get this back when you are ready to leave the island.” She then pocket the device, in her left front pants pocket, opposite to the reality device in her right front pants pocket.

Rock turned to Lee, as she stated, “And we also removed your weapons from your guestroom.”

Lee looked over at Rock, as she said, “As long as I get them back, when this is over. I am okay with that.”

Rock commented, “You behave, and you will.”

Lee replied, “Okay. I will try too.”

Revy inquired, “So Lee, do you have anything else to say, about this?”

Lee turned to Revy, as she calmly said, “Tomorrow, you will have my ass. But, for tonight, I will have my rest.”

In response, Revy laughed for several seconds, as Dutch commented, “A writer to the last.”

Janet turned to Lee as she asked, “Do you remember that way to your room?”

Lee said, “I remember everything, now.” She thought, 'The smoke from Ranma's lamp seemed to have jogged my memory. Even my old memories. Though, I only want you, River, to know that. But, River, you have a point. You and I best best get out of here, while we can.' She then slowly stood up from her stool.

Janet replied, “Okay. Follow me.”

Janet then walked of the kitchen, with Lee and River following behind her.

As soon as the three women were out of sight, the other women in the room looked at each other.

Dutch stated, “Well, I plan on heading to bed. But first, who wants to take care of the kids. And explain things to them? And who wants to contact those that just left, that we now have a plan?”

Rock pointed out, “Also, we will need to work out the scheduling.”

Benny said, “That shouldn't be a problem. By my math, we should wrap this up in two to three weeks. Maybe a month, as most. Depending on how large each of the groups are? And if some of them mind doing it, when Lee is having her period.”

Revy stated, “That is another point we will ask Lee about. When exactly is her cycle.”

Rock commented, “I spoke to River, about that, this morning. Don't ask how it came up in our conversation. Anyway, that matter should not be an issue for another few weeks.”

Revy said, “Okay. At least, we won't have to worry about her using that as an excuse to get out of this, for a few weeks. If ever. Lee always struck me as someone that just wanted to get his, well not her, problems over with. And for her to move on with her life. Given that approach, she will probably do it, even it if is that time of the month for her.”

Rock agreed, “True.”

Dutch commented, “Well, we will get the details, from Lee, later. Doing so now, would ruin the mood. And speaking of group. Are all five of us going to do the first session, together, tomorrow night?”

Revy stated, “We should. We always worked better as a team. Plus, Lee screwed us, together, we should screw her, together”

There was a few snickers from Revy's comment.

Dutch said, “I can go along with that.”

Benny replied, “Same here. I'm with you.”

Rock said, “I don't mind.”

Benny asked, “Though, the question become. Who goes first?”

Rock said, “We will figure that tomorrow.”

Dutch replied, “Okay. So, who is going to contact the others on our plan?”

Revy answered, “I will. I got a kick out of telling them we found Lee, the first time. I will even help set up the schedule.”

Benny turned to Revy, as she replied, “Thanks.”

Ranma said, “I will go see the kids. And tell them what is going.”

Natsuru stated, “Akira and I will go with you?”

Akira said, “Yes. It needs to be a team effort in explaining things to them.”

Benny commented, “So, will I. And I doubt they will want to take part in this revenge.”

Akira said, “I agree. They won't.”

Rock commented, “I think I will get a shower.”

Dutch thought, 'I guess I will get to immediately go to sleep, anyway.' She said, “Well, since you all are going to take care of everything, I will see you guys in the morning.”

The adults broke up, and left the room, as they headed for where they stated they would be going next.


A few minutes later, in one of the western hallways, on the first floor of the building, Janet, River, and Lee finally came to the door that lead to the guest bedroom that Lee and River shared.

As they came to a stop, by the closed door to River and Lee's bedroom, Janet turned around to face River and Lee, as she stated, “I wanted to ask, Lee. Now, that you have lived as a girl. Complete with the problems that come with it. Has it change your opinion of what you did to us.”

Lee answered, “Not really. Except for dealing with sensitive breasts, monthly periods, and peeing sitting down. Day to day. I don't see much difference between being a woman, or a man.” Lee thought, 'Besides feeling calmer, and not having to deal with morning hard-ons. But, I am not going to say that out loud, River. Considering I know you are reading my thoughts.'

River suppressed a giggle, as she thought, 'At least Lee has her sense of humor. If it is still slightly twisted.'

Janet conceded, “You have a point there.”

Lee inquired, “Now, do you remember our conversation at the factory, on Mars?”

Janet looked over at River, and back to Lee.

Lee realized what was going on, as she casually scoffed, “Don't worry, Janet. I keep no secrets from, River. And we both know that River here can keep a secret.” She thought, 'Which is an understatement.'

River thought, 'You are right about that, Lee.' She said, “Lee is correct. She keeps no secrets from me. And I keep her secrets. So, I will keep any secrets you have, in dealing with her.”

Janet said, “That is nice. And yes. I do remember our conversation. I looked up that series, in your reality. You are right. I am naturally a nympho. And Rock and Revy can be real idiots.”

River deadpanned, “No kidding.” She thought, 'I looked up that storyline, as well. Way back when I first learned about it, from reading Lee's mind. While I was still pretending to be, Sam, in Plata Podrido.'

Lee said, “I am glad you realize the truth, Janet.”

Janet commented, “Well, tomorrow you are going to find out how much of a nympho I can be. And I will do my best for you to enjoy what I do to you. You will experience pain. But, you will also experience pleasure.”

Lee calmly responded, “I find that comforting to know.”

Janet said, “Well, good night River, and Lee. You are both going to need your rest, for tomorrow nights' activities.”

Lee replied, “I hope you sleep well tonight, Janet.”

River said, “See you in the morning, Janet.”

Janet smiled at the two other women. She then walked around them, to her right, as she made her way down the hallway, away from them.

River then walked over to the door to their bedroom, and she opened it. As she passed through the doorway, and into the room, she turned on the ceiling light, from the wall switch by the door, on the interior side of the wall

Lee walked in the room, behind River, with Lee gently shutting the door behind her. Lee then stopped a few feet inside the guest bedroom.

As River continued walking into their bedroom, with her back turned to Lee, she casually offered, “Are you hungry? I know you missed supper. And in a little while, I could sneak a snack out for you, from the kitchen?”

River then turned around, and what she saw caused her heart sink a bit.

River saw that Lee was looking down at her feet, as she said, in a defeated tone of voice, “No River. I am not hungry... I just have a lot on my mind, and I am not sure where to start.”

River thought, 'I have to cheer her up. And this might do it...' She mentioned, “By the way, Rose and Violet stated that they still consider you their friend. Their sister. No matter what. And after this is over, you are welcome to return to them, and their village.”

Lee did not face River, as she calmly replied, in an emotionally tired tone of voice, “That is good. They have always been good friends to me. Cologne said something similar, right before we left the village... I guess their village...” She quietly said, “I guess, not my village... Not anymore...” She continued, in a normal tone of voice, “So, at least I have options... After I get through this mess.”

River thought, ' To look at her like this is breaking my heart. I have to do something.' She asked, “Would you like a hug?”

Lee looked back up at River, as she said, “Sure. I could use a hug.”

River calmly walked over to Lee, as she hugged gently the black haired woman.

Lee did not return the hug, as she just leaned her head on River's right shoulder.

They silently stayed that way for several minutes, until changed their clothes, and they went to their own separate beds, to get some sleep.

They did not even bother to brush their teeth. They just turned out the lights, laid in their beds, and soon fell asleep.


The next morning, Lee was comfortably sleeping in her bed, on her back. She only had on her white panties, and a t-shirt.

In Lee's sleep, she had kicked the covers of her bed to her feet.

As Lee woke up, in the darkness of her room, she recalled both her sets of memories. And in her half-awake state, she could not tell what was real, and what was a dream.

She immediately used her hands to check her body. She felt her breasts, under her shirt, and her slit under her panties.

Lee relaxed, as she thought, 'I am a girl. A woman.' She then started to giggle a little, as she continued her thoughts, 'I am now a girl for good.'

Then, as she became more awake, she recalled the events of last night, as she mentally reflected, 'Well, I am fucked... Or, more aptly, I am going to be fucked tonight, at ten PM. For three hours. Then, the next foreseeable nights, in the future. Though, I do wonder what time it is, and if River is still asleep.

Given there was no window in the room, to the outside, which Lee liked, she had to lean up, and turned on the lamp light, between her bed and River's bed.

After she did so, she saw that River was gone, and that her bed was made up. She then saw that the digital clock on the nightstand by the lamp, between their beds, stated it was ten forty AM.

Lee then turned the lamp light back off. And she then fell back onto her bed, with her head hitting her pillow, as she enjoyed the darkness surrounding her.

Lee thought, with mild amusement, and happiness, “I haven't slept late like this in a long time. Even as Dongmei. But, it sure is nice to do this every once in a while. Also, River can sure be quite when she wants to be. And it was thoughtful of her not to wake me up... Okay. I have over eleven hours before Revy, and her gang, are going to literally fuck me... Well, it could be worse... And speaking of being fucked... Why not?...'

Lee then used her left hand to reach under her shirt, and start to slowly massage her right breast, as she used her right hand to reach under panties, as she gently rubbed her genitalia.

As Lee enjoyed the pleasure she was making herself feel, she delightfully thought, 'It really is nice being a girl, in a healthy, young body… Oh yea... Real nice, indeed... Still, I think I will shave down there, for tonight... But, at least I can have some fun, right now...'


At the moment, right outside the bedroom, in the hallway, River was walking down the hallway, towards the bedroom she shared with Lee.

As River did so, she thought, 'That breakfast we had was good. But, it is getting kind of late, and I need to check on Lee. To see if she is still asleep.'

When River reached the door to their bedroom, she immediately stopped in her tracks, as she sensed what Lee was doing on the other side of the door.

River began to quietly giggle, as she thought, 'Okay. She's up. And from what I sense from her, she about to be in the clouds, for a few minutes... I will let her have her fun, right now. She deserves this. And I will talk to her, later.'

River turned around, and softly walked away from the door to Lee and hers bedroom, as she went to do something else to kill time in the moment.


Half an hour later, when Lee was finished, she got out of her bed, and made her bed.

Next, she got cleaned up, dressed, and ready to face the day. She brushed her teeth, and used the western style toilet. While in the shower, she used a razor to carefully shave the hair off her crotch, and genitalia. As Dongmei, this was not the first time she had done this. And Lee still retained the memories and skills she had as Dongmei, so she had no problems in doing so.

After Lee cleaned and dried herself off, she got dressed in clothing the Lagoon family had provided her. Along, with wearing her red slippers, without socks. But, when she returned to her bedroom, she found her weapons missing.

Then, Lee remember that Rock mentioned they took her weapons from her room. But, they would later be returned to her. So, Lee did not worry about her weapons.

Next, she used her amazon training to good use, by sneaking into the kitchen, to raid the fridge, without getting caught.

Lee then got something to eat and drink. Though, just as she put her glass and plate in the sink, she found she had to use the restroom, again. And she used the restroom in a hallway, near the kitchen.

A few minutes later, after Lee peed, she dried herself, pulled up her panties and pants, washed her hands, and drying her hands on a hand towel by the sink. Though, when she exited the restroom, she found herself standing face to face with the dark blue haired woman, whom she recognized.

It was Violin, and she had a warm smile on her face.

Violin took a few steps back from Lee, in the hallway. She then came to a stop, as she said, in a relaxed tone of voice, “Hi yea Lee. You look good as a girl.”

Lee thought, 'Violin. I guess she and Aeryn are here for their revenge. I should be surprised. And well, at least Violin is being polite. I wonder what she wants to talk to me about?'

Lee responded, “Hey Violin. And thanks. You look good, yourself.”

Violin happily replied, “Thank you.”

Lee thought, 'Now, to confirm my worries.' She inquired, “So, what are you doing here?”

Violin answered, “Aeryn and I came here last night to see you. You must have missed us in the crowd.”

Lee admitted, “I did. I had other things on my mind.” She thought, 'Like remember decades worth of memories, and being presents like a piece of meat for my victims.'

Violin cracked a grin, as she stated, “I bet. Though, when it was time to leave. Instead of going directly back home, last night, we just teleported to this morning. When we got here, the girls told us what was going on.”

Lee thought, 'Not bad. And that is exactly what I would expect from you and Aeryn.'

Violin then mentioned, “And we are in line for our night with you.”

Lee responded, “I understand. So, where is Aeryn?”

Violin stated, “Aeryn is with Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru. But, I figured I might want to chat with you, in private.”

Lee said, “I hope you are not upset with me being the writer.”

Violin replied, “Nah. Aeryn is still pissed, but not me.”

Lee commented, “That is good to hear.”

Violin complimented, “And that hologram trick, back in that factory was pretty good.”

Lee joked, “Yea. You both walked into that one.”

Violin laughed for a few seconds. She then smiled, as she stated, “Yes. We did. I am glad you have your sense of humor back.”

Lee replied, “I never lost it.”

Violin said, “That is comforting to know.”

Lee then looked down at Violin. And Lee saw that the other woman was wearing a loose, untucked t-shirt, over a bra. Below that was pants, with a belt outline showing on the sides of her waistline, and then her shoes.

But, what caught Lee's eyes was the slight bulge on the front of Violin's otherwise flat stomach.

Lee looked back up at Violin's face, as she stated, “You're pregnant?”

Violin grin grew a bit, as she casually said, “Yea. Aeryn and I discussed it. And we decided we wanted another child. But, Aeryn didn't care to go through with the pregnancy, and birth, a second time around. So, I volunteered to give it a go. Aeryn used some of that magic man powder to knocked me up... And she is a hot as a man, as she is a woman.”

Lee mildly giggled at the thought of Aeryn temporarily turning herself into a man.

Violin then placed her right hand gently on her stomach, as she continued, “And it has been fun, so far. By the way, my mom and dad, well, Violin’s mom and dad, are thrilled they are going to be grandparents. And my son, brother, and friends, are too.”

As Lee returned Violin's grin, she stated, in a happy tone of voice, “Well, congratulations. And it is nice that everyone is happy.”

Violin calmly replied, “Thank you. That is part of what I want to talk to you about.”

As thought then occurred to Lee, as she inquired, “Well, before we get into that. I was wondering. Given how fast Sebacean pregnancies can be. Is this a fast pregnancy? Or, a this a slow pregnancy?

Violin answered, “Given various factors and reasons. In dealing with the health of my baby. I am taking medication to have a slow pregnancy. Down to nine months. To make sure if there are any complications, that they can be corrected in time. My womb, and my unborn child inside it, is literally scanned every week. So, we can stay on top of this. Also, I am going on two and a half months, right now. By the way, this child is a girl.”

Lee thought, 'Given that you, Violin, are half human, half Ixioran Altairian hybrid, and Aeryn is a Sebacean peacekeeper, it is a very wise idea to slow down the pregnancy of your baby daughter. To make sure any problems, that can arise, are dealt with before it is too late to fix them.'

Lee responded, “Okay. That is nice. Now, you stated you are in line for what is going to happen to me. And, as you said, Aeryn is still upset with me. So, are you here for revenge, along with Aeryn?”

Violin stated, “The answer is. Yes. We are both here for revenge against you. And that is quite the revenge they came up for you. I have been in similar situations.”

Lee commented, “Yes. I know. At least I got a choice. Unlike you.”

Violin responded, “True. But, concerning us. This is more or less, for Aeryn.”

Lee questioned, “She is still pissed I wrote that scene with you to sleeping with Scorpius?

Violin answered, “Yea. Still, I had fun during that incident?”

Lee replied, “I bet. And you're welcome.”

Violin let out a laugh. She then said, “Also, one other will be joining us, along with River. Though, not to worry. It won't be that bad.”

Lee stated, “You, I am not so worried about. Man, or woman. You have very simple wants in bed. It is Aeryn that scares me.”

Violin admitted, “Yea. She is a real tiger in bed.”

Lee asked, “I don't doubt that. So, how is Harvey?”

Inside Violin's head, Harvey thought, 'I glad Lee remembers me. And I must say she is quite cute, as a woman.'

Violin mentally replied, 'No arguments there.'

Violin verbally answered, “Fine. And he likes you the way you are now.”

Lee commented, “I am not surprised. Harvey always had good tastes.”

Inside Violin's head, Harvey smiled at Lee's compliment.

Lee went onto say, “And Harvey. I know you are seeing and hearing this. So, thank you.”

Harvey mentally said, “Please, tell Lee, you're welcome, from me.”

Violin stated, “Harvey says, you're welcome. By the way, I learned about that deal you cut with Harvey, during the time loop. I must say. That is something else.”

Lee said, “It was the only option I had at the time.”

Violin replied, “I know.”

Lee teased, “So, how is Harvey handling the pregnancy.”

Violin answered, “He supported our decision. And he is fine with it... And yes, Harvey still considers himself to be a, he.”

Harvey thought, 'You are correct about all of that, Violin. It is your body. And this experience might help your relationship with Aeryn.'

Violin mentally conceded, 'That might be a possible added benefit to the situation.'

Lee thought, 'When is comes to gender and personality. I have no right to judge... Besides, there are other matters to attend too.' She asked, “Now, what do you want to talk about with me, Violin?”

Violin calmly said, “I have a few things I need to talk to you about. But, I guess the first thing we need to discuss, concerns book four of your stories.”

Lee guessed, “Is this about me reincarnating you as your biggest female fan? Or, your one night stand with Scorpius? Which you admit was fun.”

Violin giggled a little. She then said, “Neither. This is about my child.”

Lee quickly realized with child Violin was talking about. She stated, “Of the three... That I know of... Not counting the one currently growing in your stomach. I am guessing you are talking about Grayza's daughter?”

Lee mentally reflected, 'The other two are Aeryn's son, Little D. And Katralla's daughter. Violin, as John, is likely the only human man in the multiverse that can claim to have three different children, from three different alien women, while technically responsible for conceiving one of them, the old fashioned way. Aeryn became pregnant from John's clone. Grayza raped him. And Katralla was impregnated by a DNA sample from John.'

'Now, that I think about it, Violin's past relationship problems rank up there with Ranma's past experiences... And the way my life is looking, my relationship problems are not that far behind those two...'

Violin said, “Yes. That is why I want to talk to you about this in private. Mentioning this in front of Aeryn would risk reopening a lot of old wounds for the both of us. The type of wounds that should stay in the past.”

Lee thought, 'Yea. And ironically, Grayza's pregnancy was due to the actress that played her was pregnant at the time of the shooting of the Peacekeeper miniseries. Which I am sure, during your childhood as Violin. And how big a Farscape fan you are as Violin. That you already know.'

Lee calmly stated, “That is completely understandable.”

Violin responded, “I am glad you agree. It is nice that the years have not dulled your sharp mind.”

Lee thought, 'Clearly, she realizes I am still as cunning as ever. Not that it matters at the moment...” She questioned, “No. The years have not... So, you were saying?”

Violin commented, “Well, about my daughter with Grayza. I would like to thank you in how you handled that situation. Even though you killed Grayza, you arranged for our daughter to have a good life, with a good family. And you kept it vague. Not even giving her name. That even those that read your stories could not find her. With the only person who knows where she is is Scorpius, whom has a vested interested in making sure that she has a good life.”

Lee stated, “I enjoyed writing broad strokes in that scene. And I made it hard for her to be found. Are you planning to track her down?”

Violin sadly answered, “No. I am sure that Scorpius made sure she has had a good life. And even if I was still, John. I would not visit her, for fear of causing her trouble.”

Lee thought, 'As tragic as it is. You have a point, Violin. Not that I am going to tell you so. Because it would make you feel worse.' She said, “Yes. It is a bittersweet situation.”

Violin agreed, “Exactly. I also know from the Farscape comics I read, during my second childhood, as Violin, that Grayza, in the comic timeline, would have eventually been deposed, anyway. Only, in that timeline, our daughter was exiled with her. And my counterpart allowed it. That upset me. Not that I am going to visit that parallel reality. Doing so would cause too many problems for everyone involved. But, it does annoy me.”

“Still, in the timeline that you created, our daughter was not dragged down by her mother, and she has a good life. And for that, I thank you.”

Lee thought, 'Now, that is touching. I think that is the sweetest thank you I have ever received from any of the people I wrote about... Ever...” Lee sincerely replied, in a supportive tone of voice, “Well, you're welcome, Violin.”

Violin gave Lee a warm smile, as she responded, “Good. By the way, since you still have your wits about you. After you got your memory back. Why haven't you tried to escape?”

Lee looked away from Violin's face a few seconds, as she thought, 'I might as well be honest with her about this.'

Lee turned back to looked into Violin's eyes, as she calmly answered, “At this time, I don't see how I could. And I realize that there is no point in doing so. Since I am not dead, nor being tortured to death, right now. I consider this situation to be a plus. And I should survive what they do have planned. So, I am not going to risk screwing up my situation even worse. No pun intended.”

Violin nodded once, as she stated, “Well, I can see your point on this. Also... And if this gets out, I will never admit to the others that I said this... But, in book four, you and Scorpius made a good point on my mortality, as John. I would not outlive them. And I did check. Unlike the magazine timeline. Translator microbes of my home reality, as John, do not extend the lifespan of people.”

“You both were right. My family and friends would have outlived me by centuries. That would have been cruel to everyone involved. And since I have cheated death before, what you both arranged, though out there, even for my life, before that, was not that horrible a fate. And what you both did solved a lot of my problems...”

“I mean, besides giving me that monthly problem...” She cracked a grin, as she added, “That you now share.”

Lee deadpanned, “Yea.”

Violin giggled for a few seconds. She then went onto say, “I have no real complaints with my new body, and my life. Which you allowed me to returned to, without missing a beat.”

Lee commented, “I hope, the gender change, and slight personality changes. did not cause to any serious problems with your family and friends.”

Violin shrugged, as she commented, “I will admit that there was a short adjustment period. But, soon after, things worked out for the better. Even my son accepted me as his father, with only minor difficulties. And that is why, when it is Aeryn's turned to have revenge on you, I will be there to help steer things towards more... Pleasant activities.”

Lee smiled, as she replied, “I appreciate that, Violin.”

Violin inquired, “Anyway, I do have another question. While I understand where my mother... Birdy, gave me my current name... Violin. What I don't understand, is why did you have me reincarnated as Birdy's daughter in the first place? Where you on drugs?”

Lee said, in a plain, matter of fact, tone of voice, “No. I was not on drugs. And what scares me is that I honestly don't know why I had you reincarnated as Birdy's daughter, Violin, in the first place. I was just writing book one, and towards the end of book one, that idea just popped in my head... Around the same time as the beginning plotlines for books two, three, and four.”

Violin said, “Well, you are not alone, concerning that matter. Your answer scares me, as well... Also, I better go meet Aeryn, before she gets worried about me. My pregnancy has only made her more concerned for my welfare.”

Lee said, “I fully understand.”

Lee thought, 'Though, if Aeryn thought about it, she should not be so worried about Violin. Trying to fight Violin would be like trying to fight Thor, without his hammer... Which would be a very difficult fight for even the best fighters of those people she knows. Such as Annie, Arcee, Roberta, River...'

'Speaking of which? I am so happy I wrote Violin so that she is still nice, and she prefers to use her head, instead of her fists, when confronting a problem. Or, I would have had real problems with her... Still, I better reply to her.'

Lee said, “And good luck with the pregnancy and birth.”

Violin smiled, as she replied, “Thanks. And see you later.” Violin then turned, and walked passed Lee, and as she headed for another part of the mansion.

Meanwhile, Lee also turned in a direction, towards the gym, in search of River.


A few minutes later, as Lee made her way to the gym, she walked through the door, and into the equipment part of the gym. As Lee did so, she almost ran into Sarah and Molly, whom were about to exit the room.

Fortunately, all three women stopped in time, to prevent hitting each other.

Lee looked at the two blond sisters, and she saw that each of them were wearing a t-shirt, over a sports bra, gym shorts, and slippers.

Lee also noticed, in thought, 'I don't see any sweat on their clothing, nor brow. But, given they inherited some of their parents super-soldier serum abilities. Including it taking a lot of effort to work up a sweat. So, they could have been working out for an hour, and still smell like a rose... I am sure they appreciate that part of that I gave them.'

Molly was the first to break the silence, as she greeted Lee, “Hi Lee.”

Sarah calmly said, “Hello Lee.”

Lee replied, “Hi girls. So, what have you two been up to?”

Molly coyly said, “Some light morning sparring.”

A thought occurred to Lee, as she inquired, “By the way. Sarah, are you okay after you were electrocuted by Yurika at the factory roof.”

Sarah commented, “Oh, I am fine. I have had worse during our sparring matches.”

Lee thought, 'I will ask Yurika later after her kidneys. Now, to find River.' She asked, “Good. You wouldn't happen to know where River is?”

Sarah answered, “No. But, we were just talking about you.”

Lee replied, “Yea. I know I am the talk of the island.”

Molly stated, “Not just about that... Listen, we would prefer to talk about this, somewhere private. This is not the type of conversation for someone to overhear.”

Lee thought, 'Considering what I did to these two, I can guess what this about.' Lee requested, “Okay. Where do you want to talk about this?”

Molly answered, “My bedroom... Besides, Sarah and I need to get dressed.
And Sarah can pick up some of her clothing, in her bedroom, and she can change, when we get to my bedroom.”

Lee back out of the gym doorway, and into the hallway, as she responded, “Just lead the way.”

Molly and Sarah then walked into the hallway, and towards the front staircases, as Lee followed right behind them.


A few minutes later, they made it to Molly's bedroom. After a minor detour to Sarah's bedroom, for her to get some fresh clothing.

Molly opened the door to her bedroom, and held it open for the other two women with her.

Sarah walked in, first. Then, Lee. And Molly gently closed the door behind her.

Lee heard Molly lock the knob of the door with her hands.

As Lee and Sarah turned around to face Molly, Lee thought, 'I guess these two are serious about their privacy. Not that I blame them.'

As Molly let go of the knob, she turned around and looked over at the other two women. She said, “Lee, go sit on my bed, as we get changed.”

Lee turned around to see Molly's bed in front of her. It was a nice bed, with the sheets already made.

Lee calmly walked over to the bed, and she gently sat on the end of Molly's bed.

Lee then watched as both blond sisters walks over to Molly's dresser, with Sarah setting her fresh set of clothing on top of the dresser.

Sarah looked over at Lee, then to Molly. She asked, “Are you sure it is okay for her to be here, as we change clothing?”

Lee stated, “I have been a girl for a long time. I have all the same parts, and problems that come from said parts, that you do.”

As Molly pulled out a few set of clothes for herself, from the shelves of her dresser, she let a laugh out. She then turned to her sister, as she commented, “She has a point.”

Sarah conceded, “You are right.”

As Sarah and Molly got change into some of their more casual, day to day, clothing, Lee looked around Molly bedroom.

Lee thought, 'Molly's bedroom is much more mature that before. What I wrote in my stories, concerning this room, was about a school girl bedroom. This is an adult woman's bedroom, converted from a school girl's bedroom... Though, I think it is best I just stay quiet about this. And that I not look at these two women, as they get dress... Though, I am a girl now, myself, it is still rude to stare.'

A couple of minutes later, both blond sisters were dressed in ordinary white bras, under their t-shirts. They wore panties, under pants, and slippers on their feet.

Both sisters then discarded their workout clothing in a hamper, by the closet in the room.

When they were finished getting dress, both women walked up to Lee, and sat down to her sides, on the end of Molly's bed. Molly was to Lee's right, and Sarah was to Lee's left.

Lee thought, 'They clearly planned this. And even though I am no longer helpless, by any means. Given what these two are capable. And what I have done to them. I do not want to cause them any more trouble.”

Lee stared in front of her, as she calmly inquired, “So, what do you want talk to me about?”

Molly said, “You see Lee. The problem is, we don't just love each other. We are still in love with each other. And it is your fault.”

Sarah stated, “Given we are now sisters, we know it is wrong, but we cannot help it. Fortunately, we have an understanding with each the rest of our family. But, why did you do it?”

Lee quietly said, “I don't how to say this without sounding cold and unfeeling.”

Molly requested, “Say it anyway.”

Lee was quiet for a few seconds at she turned to look Molly in her face, then Sarah in her face, and finally she looked in front of her, as she stated, “When I first saw the Black Lagoon anime, I was touched by your sad story. Along those lines, I think the anime did a better job with you, than the manga.”

Sarah spoke up, “We agree. Please continue.”

Lee responded, “Yea. The anime seemed to show that you had not given up the fight. Where your manga counterparts seemed to have resigned themselves to their fates. And they had dressed for their own funerals... And I know that it is a real mind screw to see your own life and death... I probably should not have had you all see that, at the end of book three.”

Molly calmly commented, “What is done, is done. And knowing that we are together in this life helped us get over what happened, and what we saw happen.”

Sarah said, “Yes. We are much better, now.”

Lee stated, in a sad tone of voice, “But, the dynamic relationship between you two, when you are Yukio and Ginji. It was a classic tragic love story. At the time, Molly, as Yukio you were too young, and Sarah, as Ginji, your were too old. And you both clearly knew it, and you respected the boundaries you faced.”

Molly inquired, with sadness in her tone of voice, “Then, since you knew we were in love. And you wanted us to continuing being in love with each other, why did you create these boundaries we now face? Why did you make us sisters?”

Lee answered, with emotion guilt in her tone of voice, “Because I am a sucker for tragic stories. Not just love stories. And your story had so much potential to be taken further, through reincarnation.”

Sarah questioned, “Then, why didn't you have us reborn in different families?”

Lee responded, “Partly because I did research on the subject of reincarnation. There are cases of good friends in one life being born as siblings. Even as different genders than they were in their previous life. Such as a case of good friends that were pirate men, whom hanged, and ended up sisters in their next life.”

“And if you were born in different families, you would have likely never been reunited. And the other part was that I have found that life is never perfect... Life is always flawed... Usually very flawed... So, I combined the two concepts of reincarnation and tragic love. And in doing so, I changed the tragedy from a case of age, to blood relation...”

Molly and Sarah noticed Lee's voice trembled a little, as she continued, “And I am so sorry for the pain I have caused you. If I had known this was all real, in another part of the multiverse, I would have done things differently... So, very differently...”

Molly use her left hand to reach around to hug Lee's left shoulder, as she leaned her head against Lee's right shoulder. Sarah then used her right hand to reach around to hug Lee's right shoulder, as she leaned on Lee's left shoulder.

Molly quietly said, “We realize this.”

Sarah calmly replied, “Yes. We do.”

Lee did not return the hugs, in fear of spoiling the mood. Though, she thought, with bittersweet emotion, 'This is another thing I like being a girl. People show me affection, instead of only seeing me as a threat...'

They silently stated like that for several seconds, until, within seconds of each other, Molly and Sarah both leaned up, and let go Lee.

Lee looked over at Sarah, then Molly, and then back to her front. She quietly said, in a sober tone of voice, “Thank you, for being understanding.”

Molly replied, in a sober tone of voice, “Okay. We just wanted to understand, why. Now, we do.”

Sarah quietly said, with just enough force to be heard by the other two women, “Yes. So few do understand such matters in this day an age. But, you do. And we do.”

Molly inquired, with a bit of curiosity in her tone of voice, “So, do you remember the conversation we had on the radio, at that factory on Mars?”

Lee answered, “Vaguely... How long ago was it for you?” She thought, 'I may remember events and people. But, I not remember things, word for word. I do not have a photographic memory. And I am thankful for that.'

Molly stated, “A few weeks.”

Lee said, “Well, for me it was decades ago.”

Sarah playfully commented, “Ouch... You have a good memory, under the circumstances.”

Lee replied, “Thank you.”

Molly said, “Well, I was thinking about what you said during that conversation. And not what you said just to me. But, what you said to all of us. And you made some very good points. You did do a lot of good for all of us. And most of us refuse to acknowledge that.”

Lee calmly admitted, “Thank you, again. For realizing the good I have done. And the bad is pretty much due to me dealing with my personal demons.”

Sarah softly commented, “I would not want to meet such demons.”

Lee quietly said, “Yea... They are not pleasant. Even to this day. I am just glad I had enough sense not to complain to your parents about reintroducing me to my demons.”

Molly agreed, “Yes. That is a bit of a rotten deal for you. Making you remember like that.”

Lee said, “Yes. It is... Well, if there is nothing else you want to talk to me about, I will be going.”

Sarah answered, “I have nothing else to really talk to you about.”

Molly replied, “I'm good.”

Sarah stated, “We just really needed to sort that out with you.”

Lee said, “If it is any conciliation. You both are alive, healthy, and sane. So, I am sure you to will figure out how to work through this problem.”

Molly agreed, “I think we will.”

Sarah commented, “Yes. We have nothing better to do.”

Lee said, “Then, I look forward to talking with you both, later.”

Sarah replied, “So do we.”

Molly offered, “Yes. If you need to get something off you chest, to just us know. We are will to listen.”

Lee said, “Thanks, girls. I will keep that in mind.”

Lee then got up from Molly's bed. She walked to the door, unlocked the knob, turned the knob, and opened the door.

Next, Lee turned around to see Molly and Sarah looking back at her.

Lee gave them a smile, before she turned back around, and exited the room, into the hallway, with her gently closing the door to Molly's bedroom, behind her.

As the two blond sisters turned back to look at each other, Sarah calmly asked, “Molly, why could I not get angry at Lee?”

Molly moved over on the end of her bed, to where she was sitting beside Sarah, to Sarah's right side. She looked at her sister, as she answered, “Because, she is as screwed up as we are. And all three of us are mature enough to handle our problems as adults.”

Sarah agreed, “Yes. We are.”

Molly inquired, “So, what do you want to do for the rest of the morning?”

Sarah stated, “I was thinking we could swim in the pool, until lunch.”

Molly said, “Good idea. We will get our swimsuits and head out there.”

Sarah commented, “Yes. It will be fun.”

The two sisters then went to retrieve their swimsuit, put them on, and head to their sea water pool, in the backyard of the mansion.


Meanwhile, Lee had just left Molly's bedroom. As Lee walked down the hallway, from Molly's bedroom, towards the staircases, in the front of the mansion, she came soon within ten feet of the entryway stair case, on that side of the second story hallway she was walking down, when she saw Kristina turn from the stairs, and towards her.

Kristina then made her way down hallway towards Lee.

Lee stopped walking, as Kristina casually approached her.

Both women continued to look at each other, as Kristina soon came to a stop a few feet in front of Lee.

As both women continued to look at each other, Kristina said, in a kind tone of voice, “Hello Lee. You are just the woman I wanted to see.”

Lee thought, 'Let's see what she wants?' She warmly requested, “Hello Kristina. What do you need?”

Kristina calmly asked, “I have a question for you. An important one to me. And I figure you might be the only one that can answer my question. Also, it is personal, so I wanted to ask you, alone. That question being. Who is my father? My mother sadly claims that she does not remember. And I believe her.”

Lee thought, 'Kristina was never one to beat around the bush.' She said, in a calm, though sad tone of voice, “I am sorry, Kristina. But, I have done you a great disservice. I don't know who your father is. I only wrote Dutch having sex to get pregnant, in a third person comment. I did not give any real details on the matter.”

Kristina responded, in a disappointed tone of voice, “That is what I thought.”

Lee spoke up, in a slightly more positive tone of voice, “But hey. I gave you five loving parents. So, you were not wanting for caring parents.”

Kristina begrudgingly agreed, “True.”

Lee mentioned, “Also, you can use a reality device to find out who your father is. Just make sure to be careful not to change the past, and you don't end up becoming you own father.”

Kristina reacted, in slight disgust, as she responded, “First... Ewww... Second, I am a girl now. At least for the rest of this life.”

Lee pointed out, “That didn't stop Revy, nor Janet, from being fathers to Yukio, and Sarah.”

Kristina conceded, “Okay. You have a point there. I will take what you said under advisement.”

Lee kindly replied, “Good.”

Kristina questioned, “By the way. Expect for Yukio and Rebecca. Both of which are obvious. Where did you come up with our current names from?”

Lee honestly answered, “If I knew why I named you, Kristina, along with giving Sarah and Molly their names, I would tell you. But, it is kind of a mystery to myself.”

Kristina mildly giggled. She then replied, “That figures.”

Lee said, “I know. Also, if you see River, tell her I am looking for her.”

Kristina responded, “She is downstairs, in the entertainment room, by the front door, with Nodoka, Mikoto, and Yurika.”

Lee smiled, as she replied, “Thanks, Kristina.”

Kristina returned Lee smile, as she said, “No problem. And have a good day. Also, good luck tonight. You are going to need it.”

Lee thought, 'It is no surprise that the others told their children what is going on. They are all adults, after all. But, I am not going to make an issue out of it, for Kristina, nor any of the younger members of this household.' She replied, “I know. And thanks, again.”

The two women then walked passed each other, as they continued on their way.


A minute and a half later, Lee had descended the staircase, closet to her, and she made her way down to the first floor. She then took a left into the entertainment room.

When Lee made it to the open doorway to the room, she came to a stop, as she looked into the room. She saw that River was watching a movie with Yurika, Mikoto, and Nodoka. The four women were sitting in the couches, on the far wall, to Lee's right, as Lee saw an action movie was playing on the large, wall mounted, widescreen TV to her left.

Lee turned to look at River. As she focused her attention on River, as she thought, 'There she is. Like Kristina said.'

River was the first to notice Lee. She turned Lee, while she calmly stated, in a happy tone of voice, “Lee... It is good to see you up.”

The three sisters then looked up at Lee, as Nodoka used the remote she had to mute the sound from the TV.

Nodoka said, “Good to see you, Lee.”

Yurika commented, “Nice that you are here with us, Lee”

Mikoto said, “It is good to see you up and about, Lee.”

Lee said, “Good morning to you too, girls.”

Lee mentally wondered, 'Since I have met with most the other kids this morning, I might as well see if these three want to talk about anything.'

Lee noticed River cracking a grin. Lee causally continued her thoughts, 'Yes River. It has been an interesting morning.'

River teased, “It got interesting even before you got out of bed.”

Lee immediately realized what River meant, as her face blushed in embarrassment.

In response, River giggle, as seeing her good friend blush from obvious embarrassment.

Mikoto look at Lee, then River, and back to Lee. She deadpanned, “Do we really want to know what you two are hinting at?”

Lee and River said, in unison, “No.”

Lee thought, 'Now, to ask Yurika.” She turned her attention three sisters, as she inquired, “Yurika. I was wondering. I hope that kidney strike didn't do any serious damage to your body.”

Yurika stated, “I am okay. And thank you for asking. I shouldn't have thrown that lightning at you. That was like firing a gun at you. And you were trying to be as none violent as possible.”

Lee conceded, “Yea. It was an intensely stress experience for me. And you forced my hand. No pun intended. By the way, I already spot to Sarah about that incident. She is okay, as well.”

Yurika replied, “I already know. But, that is nice for you to ask her about that.”

Lee inquired, “So, how long did it take you to recover.”

Yurika answered, “I was sore for a few days. But, I recovered. And Simon, I mean Doctor Tam, checked me out. And I am okay.”

Lee replied, “Good.”

Nodoka mentioned, “By the way. If you are wondering. About that little freezing trick...”

Lee guessed, “And you were faking being stuck, to allow me to escape?”

Nodoka replied, “Exactly.”

Lee commented, “Thank you. Because I had no way to counter your abilities.”

Nodoka responded, “I know. And it is no problem.”

Lee said, “And Mikoto, I hope your were alright after I pushed you into Kristina.”

Mikoto inquired, “We were both fine. Though, how did you guess what attack I was going to use on you? and from which side?”

Lee answered, “None of you wanted to seriously hurt me. And with your fire abilities out. And the fact I was much bigger than use than you then. You would got with a kick that would taking me out quickly, but not harm me. A kick the jaw would do the job with minimum risk to both of us. At worst, I would have a broken jaw.”

“And all fighting instructors almost universally to attack and defend with the right side first.”

Mikoto complimented, “That is some good detective work.”

Lee replied, “Thank you.”

Mikoto turned to River, as she commented, “I see why you like him.”

Nodoka turned to River, as she said, “So do I.”

Yurika turned to River, as she commented, “Me too.”

River turned to the three sisters, with a smile on her lips. She giggled at their responses. River then playfully teased, “I saw her first, girls.”

All the four women on the couch giggle a little at River's playful comment.”

As they calmed down, Lee thought, 'Now, to check if they want to ask any other questions.'

Lee said, “So girls, is there anything that you want to talk to me about? Seriously. Any questions on what a I wrote? And why wrote it that way?”

The four women on the couches turned to look at Lee.

Mikoto answered, in a relaxed tone of voice, “Not really. We understand why you named us, what you named us. Why you had us be related the way we are. Our hair colors. And why each of us has elemental abilities. And why we have that specific elemental ability.”

Lee responded, “Good. I am glad you understand. And unlike some people. Even though I gave you fire abilities Mikoto, I also gave you a strong sense of personal responsibility with them.”

Mikoto replied, “Yes. I am happy you did not make me into a pyromaniac.”

Lee stated, “I know. But, I admit I had some fun with you not using your powers, when the reader would expect you to do so.”

Mikoto said, “I know. We read your stories.”

Nodoka commented, “Unlike my sister, I do have a question. My one question is how are you holding up? Our parents explained what was going on, and how you will be punish. And we think it kind of sucks.”

Lee could see all three sisters nodding in agreement. She replied, “I know. But, it could be worse. Far, far worse.”

Nodoka bitterly agreed, “True.”

Yurika kindly said, “By the way, thanks for having us be loving sisters. Instead of making up all rivals to each other.”

Lee replied, “No problem. I see no point sibling rivalry.”

In response, the three sisters warmly smiled towards Lee.

Lee thought, 'Now, to get down to business.' She said, “Girls... Not to be rude. I know you are watching a movie with River. But, I need to talk to River in private. If it is okay with both you three, and River, if River were to leave me?

Nodoka said, “It is okay with us.”

Lee saw Yurika shrug, while Mikoto nodded once in agreement.

River happily commented, “I love to talk to you, Lee.” She mentally added, 'And do other things to you, as well.'

Lee requested, “Thanks, girls... Okay, River. I would like to talk to you outside?”

River responded, “That would be great... I happen to like the fresh air here.”

Lee agreed, “Yes. It is refreshing.”

River turned to the sisters, as she said, “It was fun girls. We will have to do this again, sometime.”

Nodoka said, “Bye, River.”

Yurika said, “Talk to you, later.”

Mikoto said, “Yea. It is fun spending time with you.”

In response, River just smiled at them. She then turned back to Lee, as she stood up from the couch she was sitting in. As second after she was on her feet, she casually walked over to Lee.

When River reached Lee, both woman then turned, and exited the room, towards the front doors, in the entryway.

Meanwhile, as the sisters turned their attention back to the TV, Nodoka used her remote to turn back on the volume, as they continued watching the action movie they had on the TV.


A few seconds later, as River and Lee were about to reach the front doors to the mansion, they saw someone open the left door of the entrance.

The two women stopped, as they watched Yukio and Rebecca walking inside. With Rebecca closing the door behind her. The redheaded sisters were wearing a white t-shirts, white short skirts, white socks, and white tennis shoes. And each of the sisters was carrying a tennis racket in their hands.

It did not take a genius to figure out what the two sisters had been previously doing.

Lee thought, 'Where is the tennis court at?'

River verbally answered, “The tennis court is in the back of the mansion. On east end of the island. On the opposite side of the island to the shooting range. It is behind some brush, but there is a path leading to it. They probably just walked around front, so they could avoid the others, as they head to upstairs to get clean, and change their clothes.

Lee thought, 'Okay. Thanks for the answer, River. And they also likely walked around to the front to get some extra exercise.'

River replied, out loud, “Those are my thoughts, as well.”

River's comments caught the attention of Yukio and Rebecca. The two sisters stopped walking, as they turned their attention towards River and Lee.

Yukio said, “Good morning, girls.”

Rebecca commented, “Yea. We hope you both slept well.”

River said, “We did.”

Lee stated, “Yes. We did. And good morning to you two, as well.”

Yukio said, “We heard what happened last night. And we don't like what our parents are planning for you... Not that we can stop it from happening.”

Rebecca commented, “Yea. We both think is sucks.”

Lee responded, “Well, you are not the only ones that think that way. But, it could be worse.”

Yukio replied, “True.”

Rebecca quietly said, “Yea. It could be far, far worse.”

River thought, 'Those two would know. But, I better keep this conversation moving in the right direction.' River stated, “Either way, we do appreciate your concerns.”

Rebecca said, “Thank you, River. Also Lee, we haven't had the chance to yet. And we both wanted to thank you for the wonderful lives you have created for us.”

Yukio happily commented, “Yes. The years have been good to us, here on the island.”

Lee smiled towards the two redheaded sisters, as she happily said, “I am glad that some good has come from my actions.”

Rebecca commented, “More like a lot of good.”

Yukio stated, “Also, we want you to know that all of us. My sisters, and Akira's entire family, are on your side. It is just that our hands are figuratively tired on the matter. We cannot stop them. But, we are still here for you.”

Lee said, “I understand.”

Rebecca inquired, “Anyway, we have a question for you... Even with our weapons, and our memories... Which we try not to remember... Don't worry. We are okay... We could never figure out, in our previous lives, which one of us was Hansel, and who was Gretel.”

Yukio said, “We honestly don't know.”

Lee answered, “Considering in your previous lives that you two swap your identities, between each other, like clothing, I don't think any of us are going to figure out the answer to that question. Let's just be happy that part of your existence is over.”

Rebecca said, “Fair enough. I can go along with that.”

Yukio replied, “I agree.”

Lee commented, “Speaking of which... I do have a personal question for both of you.”

Yukio said, “Go ahead.”

Rebecca questioned, “Sure. What would you like to say?”

Lee asked, “Given your previous lives, is your personal romantic relationships, in your current lives, okay?”

Both sisters turned to each other, as they giggled.

Lee thought, with concern, 'That is not a good sign.'

River let out a laugh at Lee's thought.

Yukio and Rebecca then turned back to look at River, and Lee. Yukio answered, “Yes. We are fine in that department.”

Lee sighed in relief.

Rebecca said, “And the two of us are not into each other, in this life...” Her voice became more playful, as she joked, “Sarah and Molly are the only ones that do that, on this island.”

No one laughed at Rebecca's joke.

Rebecca thought, 'Tough crowd.'

River deadpanned, “Apparently.”

Rebecca went onto say, “Though, we don't have sex with our sisters. The five of us have had sex before. And we use condoms. Though, what we do is pretty tame, when compared to other people we know. It is nothing anything to kinky. And it is nothing compared to what you are about to go through tonight.”

Lee stated, “It is good that you used protection. And I hope you are able to stay friends with those you slept with.”

Rebecca said, “Of course.”

Yukio asked, in a girlish tone of voice, “Can you keep a secret?”

River replied, “Sure.”

Lee said, “Absolutely.”

Yukio stated, “Well, pretty much my sisters and I have individually slept with Yukio, Mikoto, and Nodoka, over the course of the last few years. And that sleeping with a gender bender is fun.”

River commented, “That is an understatement. But, it is more fun to be the gender bender in that situation.”

Lee remained silent, as Rebecca and Yukio looked at each other, while they giggled. They then turned back to River and Lee. Rebecca admitted, “Well, to be honest, we have all use the magical man packets on occasion. And as we said. We used condoms.”

River said, “As long as you are careful in bed, I don't see a problem.”

Yukio and Rebecca smiled at River, as Rebecca replied, “Thank you.”

Lee rhetorically thought, 'Why does none of this surprise me?'

River said, “Because you know them too well.”

Lee casually commented, “And you say you don't do anything too kinky.”

Rebecca playfully retorted, “I guess, kinky, is a subjective word.”

Everyone giggled a little at Rebecca's comment.

As they all calmed down, Rebecca happily thought, 'That is was a good comeback.'

River agreed, “Yes. It was.”

Yukio asked, “Lee. Since it is just us girls. I wonder. Do you have monthly periods, like us?”

Lee raised an eyebrow, as she calmly answered, “Yes. For several years, now. And it is likely one of the reasons your parents, and their friends are not just going to torture me all day and night, until finally killing me.”

Yukio cautiously replied, “Good point.”

Lee mentioned, “But, I still don't find that dealing with such problems is a valid excuse to being a bitch.”

Yukio said, “I agree.”

Rebecca commented, “I am with you on this.”

River stated, “So am I.”

Rebecca commented, “You know. When this is all over. I hope we have a chance to sleep with you, Lee.”

Yukio agreed, “Yes. We would like to do that with you. And we promise. Nothing painful.”

Lee thought, 'They are adults. They are clearly more mature than most of their parents. So, I will think about it.'

River had to hold back a giggle, at Lee's thought. She mentally reflected, 'I have to agree that these two are very mature adults. And Lee, you did a good job of bringing them back and giving them much better lives than they had in their previous lives.'

Lee smiled, as she politely offered, “Ladies. You both have been so kind, that I probably wouldn't mind spreading my legs for either of you, anytime. But, we will have to see how the coming days play out.”

Yukio and Rebecca smiled, as Yukio said, “Thanks.”

Rebecca said, “We look forward to it.”

River just let out a laugh. She then turned to Lee, as she said, “I won't mind if you did do that.”

Lee turned to River, as she said, “Thanks.”

Lee and River then turned back to look at Yukio and Rebecca. Lee said, “Now girls, if you don't mind. I have some personal matters to talk with River, in private.”

Yukio said, “No problem.”

Rebecca replied, “Have a nice day.”

Rebecca and Yukio then walked away from them, and further into their home, towards the left staircase, to head up stairs, to their bedrooms, and bathrooms, to get some showers, and some fresh clothing on.

Meanwhile, both River and Lee turned towards the doors to the outside. River was first to reach the threshold, and she opened the left door for Lee.

As Lee approached the door, she thought, 'It isn't customary for the man... Or, I guess someone who was once a man, to hold the door for the lady.'

River stated, “Actually. We are both women at the moment. And you have been so kind, that I will be the man in this situation.”

Lee stopped beside River. She turned to River, as she complimented, “Yes. And you make one hell of a man. And not just your male form. But, also the way you acted as your alias, Sam.”

River turned to Lee, as she smiled. She said, “Thank you, Lee. That is the most mannish compliment I have ever received.” She mentally added, 'And to think. She has no clue how big I am, do there, when I am a man.'

Lee returned River's smile, as she replied, “You're welcome.” She then walked passed River.

When Lee reached the outside, she stopped, so she would wait for River to catch up up with her.

While waiting for River, Lee saw that is was another sunny, warm day on the tropical island they were on, located among the archipelago between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.

Lee thought, 'Another perfect day in paradise.'

River followed behind Lee, with her gently closing the door behind her.

When River reached Lee, she was to Lee's left side. River turned to Lee, as she said, “Too true. Now, let's take a walk.”

Lee turned to River, as she playfully replied, “I thought you would never ask.”

River giggled a little, while they looked in front of themselves, and they began walking again.

As they continued walking, the two women occasionally looked at each other.

Lee commented, “Given their past lives, I am happy to see that Rebecca and Yukio are so well mannered, and mature.”

River said, “What can I say? You are very good at what you do.”

Lee mentioned, “Thank you. And they clearly got their manners from Rock”

River responded, “I agree. Though, keep in mind that Dutch, Janet, and Benny, are also well manner people.”

Lee agreed, “That is true.”

River used her left hand to point in a direction to their left, towards the treeline. She commented, “Now, come with me, this way. I know a private part of the beach that no one rarely goes to, that is very nice to visit. The quickest way to get there is a path, through the treeline.” She then dropped her left hand back down to her side.

While they faced the Lagoon bay, River then took a left, towards the treeline.

Lee replied, “Okay.” She then turned with River.

Lee walked beside River, as they continued at a casual pace. And Lee paid attention to where River was going, as they made their way towards a path, near the treeline of the grassy field they were walking on.


Ten minutes later, they reached a secluded part of the beach of the island.

As they walked down the beach, River was to Lee's left side, with the water to Lee's right side, several feet away from them.

Lee found the scenery around them to very picturesque. With yellow sand, on the beach. And palm trees giving them ample shade from the sun in the sky. While the waves did not come up to where the shadows of the trees cast upon the sand, on the part the shore they were on. Allowing for the sand to be drier, and not cling to their shoes.

The two women continued to look around them, as they made their was, casually down the shore, while they talked, in english.

River calmly commented, “I found at times like this. When it is low tide, it is quite beautiful here. Very peaceful.”

Lee replied, “I agree. It is very lovely... A perfect place, setting, and mood, to talk about things, in private.”

River agreed, “Quite true...”

Lee quietly said, “You know it is not that bad?”

River asked, “What is not that bad?... You mind is wondering all of the place. I am not sure what you are referring to.”

Lee giggled. She then said, “Fair enough. I was commenting on the fact that the punishment they decided for me is not really that bad. It is not really rape. Because I am going to go along with it...”

“It is just going to be really rough sex... I was honestly expecting it to be a lot worse. I expect, that if I was caught, that right now, I would be experiencing levels of pain and torture that I thought was not possible... Instead, I going to become the island bicycle.”

River bitter thought, 'Yea. Almost everyone will have a ride on you...' She then said, “Well, they consider that you are now you a girl. With all the problems accompanying being female. That being a girl is part of your punishment. Sort of like in your stories, when they found out that Chang was female.”

Lee shrugged, as she replied, “That is what I figured, as well.” She thought, 'And thanks for not telling them the truth on how I love being female. Even with the associated problems.'

River said, “Yes.” She mentally reflected, 'Nice hidden meaning, Lee. By thinking that after saying what you did. If someone was listening in. They would think I was commenting on what you just said. Instead of what you just thought...'

'It looks, more and more, like your scheming mind is back. And that is one of the best parts of you, that I find attractive about you, Lee. Speaking of which, I am going to have to talk to you about our talk we that had at the campfire, several nights ago.'

But, before River could inquire about that night, Lee stated, “And you know what. Even though they are annoying, unconformable, and messy. After years of going through with them every month. I found periods to not be that bad. They can make me edgy, slightly moody, and cause me some pain, in the form of cramps. But, they don't make me a bitch.”

River thought, 'It might be best to deal with the subject at hand, first.' She commented, “Sometimes, that is all it takes to make some women into bitches... For a time.”

Lee shrugged, as she said, “I guess so.”

River complimented, “It just means you have better self control than some women.”

Lee stated, “I believe in trying not be mean on account of my personal problems.”

River kindly commented, “Yes. And that positive trait shows.”

Lee said, “Thank you.”

River responded, “You're welcome. And, by the way, thanks for making it so I don't have to go through having periods anymore.”

Lee cracked a grin, as she replied, “You're welcome, as well. And at least, for myself, the tradeoff is no more facial hair, which I don't have to shave off, daily. And given the way I wrote the rules of gender bending, I don't even have to worry about body hair, on my female form, except for the hair on my head, and the hair on my crotch and my genitalia. No shaving legs, and armpits. Girl, did that make my female friends at the village, jealous.”

River giggled, for a few seconds. She then said, “I bet. And I can see the tradeoffs, considering I wore that fake beard for a while. And it got itchy sometimes.”

Lee commented, “I will tell you a little secret. If a man stops shaving. After three or four days, the hairs on their face get so long, they start to turn inward, and their entire face becomes very itchy.”

River replied, “I don't doubt that.”

Lee said, “Though, after a few weeks, the hair becomes long enough that the hair stops turning inward, and you got a mustache, sideburns, goatee, or just a full beard. That is why you don't see any men with facial hair between a five o'clock shadow, and styled facial hair.”

River commented, “Yes. That makes sense.” She thought, 'I might as well ask you one of the big questions. Then, I will get to the that night.' She asked, “So, how did you end up cursed?”

Lee answered, “It is a long story. And a funny one at that.”

River said, “I bet. It seems it is always a long story with you. Both figuratively and literally.”

Lee replied, “Yes. That seems to be the case with me.” She thought, 'Well, long story short. I don't really want to get into it. But, Garibaldi and I had to dive into the spring and drowned girl to save Garcia Lovelace. Yea. We landed in Jusenkyo a little while before Garcia. And we just exited the springs, when we heard him, or now her, fall in. And float with her stomach down.'

'I realized it was Garcia. But, I could not stop Garibaldi from jumping in. And we both took the plunge save Garcia. And I warned Garibaldi about the springs, beforehand. He even knew about the Ranma Half series. Still, Garibaldi went in anyway.'

'And we were about to rescue Garcia. And she is fine. Still, I could have come up with a plan in time, to save Garcia, that would not have gotten us cursed... Well, Garibaldi won't have been cursed. I first wanted to talk to the guide, before I took the plunge.'

'But, because Garibaldi jumped in, I had to, as well. Because I figured what was going to happen, happened. And a person in a six year old body would need help pool out someone twice their size, in time to save that person. And I was right. Also, in helping to save Garcia, I might have helped my issues with the Lovelace maids after my blood, over this whole matter.'

'That being said. Well, thought. While Garcia was a cursed to turn into a teenage girl, that looks like her sister, at her natural age. Both Garibaldi and I ended up in the being cursed with the bodies of six your old girls.'

River has to suppress a giggle, at the mental images she was getting, from both Lee's memories, and her own imagination.

Lee went onto think, 'I then used the magic ring I had, which fit my smaller finger, to lock myself in my current form. Later on, we went to the amazon village. Then, those two betrayed me, and had me capture by the amazons. With them taking the reality device that I had stolen from Rock. Though, I am not sore with them about that. For reasons I will inform you about, in a minute.'

'Anyway, a little while later, I talked to Cologne in private. And she informed me what being locked in a six year old girl would mean for me, long term. I after that, I agreed with her, that she was good reasons for brainwashing me. Then, with my permission, she used some magical shampoo to seal my memories... That is until Ranma unlocked them. And I am okay with what happened. It was a good second childhood. And I am better person for the experience.'

'Also, one point of good news is with the magic ring on my finger, I am now locked as a girl, and I am cured of my cancer. And even with the monthly periods, I have never felt better in my life.'

'And another example of good news is by saving Garcia, whom has clearly kept our meeting a secret from the maids. When Roberta and Fabiola learn the truth about my help in saving Garcia, I should be fine with them.'

River cracked a grin, as she commented, “Of course...” She thought, 'Hidden meaning again, Lee... Nice... Still, I think it is time to ask Lee the big question on my mind...'

River stated, “There is something I need to talk to you about, Lee...”

Lee calmly said, “Yes... At this point. There is no reason for us to keep secrets. We know each other too well.”

River calmly agreed, “Yes. We do. It was about our talk during that night, by the campfire...”

Lee stopped walking, as she turned her body towards River. She calmly questioned, “When you said that you loved me?”

River stopped walking, with her turning her body towards Lee, as well. They were only a few feet from each other.

There was silence between the two for a few seconds. River then replied, “Yes.”

Lee questioned, in a confused tone of voice, “Did you mean what you said?... I mean how, did that happen?...”

River look Lee in the black haired woman's eyes, as she gave Lee a warm smile. She casually answered, in a relaxed tone of voice, “Lee, I got to know you, silly... I got to know you. Both in your mind, and your actions. And I liked what I saw.”

River then took a few steps closer, until their two noses were less than an inch apart, with Lee only being a few inches higher than River. River calmly inquired, “The question is, do you love me?”

Lee returned River's warm smile, as she teased, “All you have to do is read my mind.”

River did. And her own smile widened, as she hugged Lee around her shoulders, while she deeply kissed Lee on the black haired woman's lips.

In response, Lee hugged River, as well. And she returned River's affections, in their kissing.

They remained like this for several seconds, as they stood on in sand of the beach, with the wind lightly wetting them with saltwater, from the nearby sea.

Everything was fine, until Lee realized something important. She quickly broke their kiss. But, they stayed embraced, in each others arms,

Lee said, in a worried tone of voice, “Oh no... I really am going to sleep with you... The casino owner's girlfriend... Chang's girlfriend... What about Chang?”

River responded, in a soothing tone of voice, “Chang and I have an understanding.” She smiled, as she continued, “We will just share you. Besides. As you said. This is not the first time you have known someone to share. So, relax. Because this is going to be fun for both of us.”

Lee replied, in a relaxed tone of voice, “Okay.”

They kiss again for several seconds.

Then, a thought occurred to River. As the broke their kiss, while they continued to embrace.

River asked, “So, before we start. I have to ask. Are you a virgin?”

Lee coyly answered, “It depends on how you look at it. But, to answer your question, my hymen is still intact.”

River's smiled, as she said, “So, I get to pop your cherry?”

Lee returned River's smile, as she respond, “Yes. And I have complete trust that you will be gentle.”

River replied, “Don't worry. I will. And I consider it an honor to take your virginity.” She then leaned back down, and slightly tighten their embrace, as River rested her head on Lee's right shoulder.

River's face was facing Lee's neck. And River sniffed Lee. She then thought, 'She is ready.' River then leaded back up, as she relax her embrace, with Lee following her lead.

River look Lee in her face. She smirked, as she said, “But, let's have some fun first.”

Lee inquired, “What combination are you thinking of?”

River answered, with a bit of excitement in her voice, “Girl on girl. Boy on girl. And finally girl on girl. again.”

Lee face took a lecherous expression, as she responded, with a bit of excitement in her tone of voice, “That works for me.”

The two women began to disrobe, and they put their clothing into a single pile, by the bushes.

They then laid down beside each other, on the sand that was shaded by the trees. Allowing then to enjoy the sea breeze on their naked skin, without the sand being too hot for them enjoy what they were doing.

On the sand, the two women laid parallel with the tree line. With Lee to River's right. And the tree line was to Lee's right side.

River gently placed her right hand on top of Lee's crotch. She immediately noticed something. She giggled, as she said, “I see you shaved.” She mentally added, 'Because, I know you are not crazy enough to give yourself a waxing there.'

Lee joked, “Yea. The bush look was just not doing anything for me. And I see you are kind of smooth down there.”

River let out a laugh. She said, “Yea. I know the feeling. You cannot have bush in a bikini.”

Lee agreed, “True. During one of our bathhouse cleanings, on that hunt for myself, I saw that you shave down there, as well.”

River stated, “I just don't believe in putting anything hot on such sensitive areas.”

Lee responded, in a supportive and comforting tone of voice, “I fully agree. And not to sound insulting. But, you have more experience at doing this. So, I will leave you to get things started.”

River continued to keep her right hand resting on top of Lee's crotch, with Lee not moving at all. She replied, “It is okay. Here is what I thought we might do. I am not planning on putting anything into you just yet. But, it is best we pop your cherry, and get that out of the way, because doing so stings, you will be sore down there for a little while. Also, there will be a little blood.”

Lee said, “Like you, I am not stranger to blood down there. And I see what you are getting at. You don't want problems to arise, later.”

River stated, “Exactly, So, when I get to the point where I will be putting something... Big... Into you. You will no longer be sore. And you will be ready.”

Lee playfully questioned, “Does your genius know no bounds?”

River giggled. She the answered, “Apparently not... Now, when you say you are ready, I am going to stick a finger in, and pulled again the hymen, tearing it. I will make it quick as possible. I want you to say you are ready, instead of just think it.”

Lee replied, “Fair enough.”

River said, “Afterward, we will wait a minute, and then we still start having some fun. And when I change, you will already wet and ready for me. Now, let me know when you are ready...”

Lee was silent for several seconds. She then said, “I am ready.”

River moved her right hand slightly down on Lee's closed crotch. Lee slightly opened her legs, to give River more room, as River slowly, and gently stuck her middle finger into Lee. River then jerked upwards with her finger.

Lee immediately felt the sting, as she quietly said, “Ouch.”

As River slid her middle finger out of Lee, she stated, in a comforting manner, “Don't worry. The pain is minor, and the soreness and blood will be gone in a little while.”

Lee instinctively used laid both her hands on top of her crotch, and over River's right hand.

In response, River just smiled.

While still feeling the sting sensation slowing decrease, Lee replied, “No problem. I have had worse. And so have you. Just give me a minute.”

River said, “No problem.”

Lee commented, “You know, when I wrote that scene between Rock and River, in book two of my stories, I didn't realize it would sting this much. But truly, I have had worse insect bites from yellow flies and horse flies, than what I just felt.”

River calmly replied, “I know. Still, take the time you need.”

Lee softly said, “Thanks.”

About a minute later, Lee felt the pain mostly subside, with the sore still lingering, though, at such a minimum level, that she could ignore it.

Lee did not care to check to see if the bleeding had stopped, because she knew that friction of activities they had planned would likely reopen the tear a few times.

Lee removed her hands from her crotch, and River's right hand, as she said, “I am ready for us to continue.”

River purred, “Good.” River then used her right hand to gently massage the outer genitalia of Lee's crotch.

A several seconds of doing so, Lee moaned, “You missed your calling as a masseuse.”

River said, “Thank Inara. She is the master that this. I am just the student.”

Lee giggled, as she moaned a little more. Between giggles, Lee asked, “Did you ask for pointers? Or, did you just read her mind?”

River replied, “Both.”

River could sense Lee was ready for the next step.

River requested, “Spread you legs slightly.”

Lee quietly moaned, as she did so.

River then sat up, and she moved up, to where she was sitting on her knees, on the sand, while facing Lee.

With her right knee a few inched from Lee's crotch, between Lee's legs, and her left knee on the other side of Lee's right.

River also leaned over Lee's chest.

River changed her right hand's position, to where her palm was facing up, as she used her right fingers to continue to rub around Lee's slit, and clitoris.

Meanwhile, she used her left hand to help balance herself, against Lee's breasts.

She alternated in gently massaging each of Lee's breasts.

These additional pleasurable sensations made Lee moan even slightly louder.

Lee had her eyes closed, as she enjoyed the sensations being done to her, while the sea breeze blew onto both women.

Lee smiled, as she teased, “I thought you did plan on sticking anything in me... Just yet.”

River smiled, as she said, “This is not entering you. Just rubbing around the entrance, while teasing you to let me inside.”

Lee complimented, “You are good at this foreplay stuff.”

River said, “Well, foreplay is a big thing for women.”

Lee moaned, as she pointed out, “I can see why... And done right, foreplay can be fun for everyone involved”

River agreed, “Very true.” She mentally added, 'Now, for some fun for both of us.'

River then leaned down on to of Lee. As their chests hugged each other, River hugged Lee.

Lee knew what to do next, as she returned the hug, while their legs intertwined.

The two women then began to roll in the sand, while using each other's upper legs to rub into the other's crotch, in gentle rhythmic motions.

After a few minutes of this, the two women stopped kissing, as they began to slowly moan, louder and louder. The moans soon turned into screams of ecstasy, as they
both climaxed within a minute of each other.

As they came to their senses, River found that she was laying on top of Lee.

And as the excitement of the moment faded, Lee commented, “Something just occurred to me. We are getting sand up in the most interesting of places.”

River said, “Not to worry. A hand held shower nozzle will wash it all out. Like the one in our shower, near our bedroom.”

Lee smiled, as she teased, “You already played with that? Didn't you?”

River grinned, as she playfully replied, “Maybe.”

Lee commented, “Still, that is good to know.”

River said, “Yes. Now, for the next part... Untangle you legs, and spread them.

Lee responsible, “Okay.”

A few second later, they had untangled their legs, with Lee on her back, with her legs spread.

Between Lee's legs was River, sitting on her knees.

Lee leaned up to look at River, as River looked back at her.

River smiled, as she said, “Lee, I am about to prove Revy wrong on something.”

Lee questioned, “That being?”

River answered, “That the missionary position can be pleasurable for the woman. And you are about to find out how much fun that it can be for the woman.”

Lee playfully teased, “I look forward to finding out.”

Lee watched as River sneeze, and instantly changed into a nude man.

Lee complimented, “Damn. You are ripped as a man.”

River said, in his masculine voice, “Thank you... Now, are you ready for me to enter you. Because, I am ready to go.”

Lee leaned up a little further to see that River was right.

Lee leaned back down a little, but not to the sane, as she said, “I am more than ready... Come on in.”

River leaned over Lee, as he entered her love canal.

As this happened, Lee exhaled, and enjoyed the new sensation.

While this happen, River place both his hand, in the sand, to the sides of Lee's shoulders.

River did not move, as he allowed Lee to get use to the feeling of someone inside her.

Lee slowly said, in a soft tone of voice, “This is a... new experience for me.”

River inquired, “I thought you may have done something like this during the time loop, when you used those girl packets that Revy and Rock had?... Oh, that is right... You only had your hands.”

Lee sheepishly said, “Yes. But, that is the past...” She voice turned more seductive, as she continued, “And I am so enjoying the present.”

River agreed, “Same here.”

Lee leaned back. As her head hit the sand, Lee then brought her legs up and wrapped them around River's back. Though, Lee was careful not to bring River down on top of her.

River then began to slowly move in an out of her.

As this went on, Lee casually asked, “I was wonderingly. I know it is tiring to climax as a guy. So, will this cause you problems, for your third act?”

River didn't stop, as he answered, “No. It is not so much tiring, as the equipment doesn't want to work afterward, unlike female parts. But, I found that even after doing it immediately as a guy, when I change into a woman, I am instantly ready to go back at it as a woman. And by the time I am finished as a woman, when I change to a man, my male parts are reading to go.”

Lee said, “That is nice.”

River cracked a grin, as he said, “I know... Now, just relax and go with the pace I am setting. We both know the gender form I have, at the moment, wants to speed up. But, this is about your enjoyment, more than it is mine.”

Lee began to relax, as she said, “I disagree. You should be having as much fun as me. And you are doing fine.”

River thought, 'Oh Lee... You are so considerate of others... Manipulative... Yes... But, still genuinely concerned for others... That is why I fell in love with you...”

These two remained silent for the next few minutes, as Lee enjoyed the new experiences she was feeling.

Soon, Lee climaxed, with River forcing himself not to climax, until Lee did so first. And when Lee did climax, River does so also, while inside Lee.

As this happened, River lowered himself onto Lee.

Lee smiled, as she hugged River with her arms, while keeping her legs around River's lower back.

This went on for a minute, while Lee continued to feel River inside her, as she thought, 'A woman could get use to this.'

While resting his head against Lee's, River said, “I know.”

Lee thought, 'We will have to do this more often.'

River said, “Any time you want. Now, please let me go. So, I get up. And we can continue this.”

Lee poured into River's right ear, “Sure...”

Lee then let go up River with both her arms and legs.

River leaned up, onto his knees, between Lee's legs, and by doing so, he exited out of Lee. River then sneezed, and changed back into a woman.

Lee was still mildly delirious, as she said, “You were right. The missionary position can be fun for a woman.”

River agreed, in her feminine voice, “Yes. And let's go back to the way we were doing it, as two woman.

Lee replied, in a very relaxed tone of voice, “Sure. It would be a good way to taper off this wonderful mood.”

River responded, “I know. And then we will use the saltwater to clean ourselves. Afterward, we will watch some movies with the Nodoka, Yurika, and Mikoto. Then, we will have some lunch, by me sneaking in and getting something for the both of us. We will eat in our bedroom.”

Lee said, “That sounds like a good plan. But, what about the others' enhanced sense of smell. It is not going to take a genius to figure out who I was with. And I get the feeling that Revy is not in the mood to have sloppy seconds.”

River giggled. She then answered, “Not to worry. The saltwater will get most of the smell off of us. And the rest is not worth being troubled about.”

Lee replied, “Okay.”

River leaned down, and the two women took their time, as they made love once again.

Over the next twenty-two minutes, they were intertwined with each other, as they brought the each other to climax, a few times.

When they were through, they stood up, and took a few steps into the water.

They walked into the water, until they were about a foot deep in the water. Both of them then used the saltwater to splash between their legs and inner thighs, to clean themselves off.

A minute later, they were finished, and they walked back into the shade, near where they had made love, where left their clothes in a single pile, by some bushes.

Next, they spent a few minutes standing in the sand, as they allowed the breeze to air dry their private parts.

When they were dry, they put back on their clothing, and casually headed back to the mansion, while each of them was gently holding the other woman's hand. With both of them enjoying the afterglow of what they had just experienced together.


After Lee and River returned to the mansion, they spent the rest of the morning watching movies in the entertainment room, with Nodoka, Mikoto, and Yurika.

Not wanting to cause any possible problems, at lunch time, Lee headed for the guest bedroom that she and River shared, together.

Meanwhile, River when to the kitchen, and she brought food and drinks, for Lee and herself, to the guest bedroom they shared.

After lunch, River and Lee spent most of the afternoon playing five card poker, like they use too. With them using some playing cards and some poker chips, which were kindly provided by the Lagoon sisters, when River discreetly asked for those items.

As the two women played poker, they found that in playing card, they found their situation eerily reminiscent, of when Lee was playing cards, with River, at the Rats Nest and Devil's Hotel, while River was, at the time, pretending to be Sam.

Also, they watched some TV, from the island's satellite system, on their bedroom TV.

Later that evening, around eight PM, during sunset, River went for a walk, alone, to clear her head. So, she could be more watchful at ten PM, when Lee's first punishment would happen.

Though, River did inform Lee of this beforehand. And Lee supported River in doing so. And River said that she would meet Lee back at their bedroom, within an hour.

While River had already ate supper, Lee had waiting until eight, for the kitchen to clear, so she could get something to eat, as well.

The night light in the kitchen was one, near the refrigerator, and that was plenty of light for Lee to see with. To get what she wanted from the frige.

Given that River already secretly provided Lee with lunch. Lee did not want to impose on River's good grace. And River found Lee intentions to be cute, for her to be so considerate of River's feelings.

As Lee walked up to the kitchen refrigerator, she heard a female voice, behind her, say, “I suggest you eat something light. Eating heavy foods, a few hours before sex can cause problems.”

Lee turned around to see Akira standing six feet front of her.

Lee said, “Hello Akira.”

Akira casually walked up to Lee, as she said, “Hello Lee. Except for spending time with my daughters, and River, I noticed you pretty much avoided most of us today.” She then came to a stop two feet from Lee

Lee admitted, “Yes. I did.”

Akira responded, “That is understandable... Revy was starting to wonder if you were going to ditch your punishment. Not that I would not hold it against you. Still, if River had not come to supper, with her telling us that you were in your bedroom, we might have gone looking for you. If that had happened, it would have been far worse for you.”

Lee said, “I can see what you are saying. I would like to thank you for not wanting to be a part of that punishment.

Akira stated, “I consider such actions beneath me... Though...”

Without warning, with even Lee's precognition not alerting her in time, Akira swiftly used her right fist to punch Lee squarely in the left side of Lee's jaw.

Akira's blow knocked Lee against the front of the refrigerator, with Lee then slowing down the floor. Though, the punch did not knock Lee out.

As Lee sat on the floor, and rubbing her jaw, Akira looked own at her. As Lee looked up at Akira's face.

Akira flatly said, in cold tone of voice, “Let us be honest. You deserved that, as payback from me, for what you did to me, and whom you made me kill, back in Roanapur. By making me kill that mentally challenged man, Johnny, and then driving me temporarily insane.”

Lee stopped rubbing her jaw. She got up, as she thought, 'Well, there goes my appetite. Though, I think I will be fine. My jaw is not broken, and it will likely just be mildly bruised for a few days. Also, I can understand why you did that, Akira. And given your reasons for hitting me in the first place, I cannot really justify hitting you back.'

Lee stood up straight, as she looked Akira in her eyes. She said, in a sincere tone of voice, “I deserve worse for what I did to you and that man. And the others.”

Akira stated, in a firm tone of voice, “Yes You're right. You do. But, I realize that many people here deserve horrible things to happen to them, for what they did. But, nothing has happened to them. And truth be told, except for that, you gave me a great life, so I wish you luck.”

Lee said, “Thank you. And you are not upset about that night I wrote where Revy, Sawyer, and Shenhua took your virginities, as both a man and a woman?”

Akira replied, in a more relaxed tone of voice, “No. I learned a lot that night. Lessons that you are likely to learn in the coming nights. So, I am not that upset with you on that. And you're welcome.”

Lee inquired, “I have a question for you, Natsuru, and Ranma?”

Akira shrugged, “Sure. What is it?”

Lee said, “Over the years... Both during the time loop, and when I was Dongmei. I have occasionally had a dream where I am with you three, and I have a psychotic break, where I cut myself, and almost attack you, personally, Akira. I would not have asked, but I vaguely remember having shallow cuts on my arm while I was in hiding. A little while before the time loop. With those cuts being fully healed before the time loop happened to us.”

“But I don't remember much about the experience. Nor, how I got those cuts. Though, given the cuts healed, without scaring, I did not pay much attention to the mystery...”

“Especially, since I had other, more important things on my mind.”

“Still, do you have any answers to this mystery of mine?”

Akira grimly thought, 'I have to tell her...'

Akira said, in a sad tone of voice, “That is because it was not a dream. The three of us drugged you. And we learned how messed up you were. You did have a psychotic break. You did cut your own arm. And you did threaten me. But, the three of us, Ranma, Natsuru, and myself, we were able to talk you down. And you left for your room to sleep off the drug.” She thought, 'I will leave out that Melvin was there. Because he nothing to do with this. And he is in no way responsible for what happened.'

Lee shrugged, as she replied, in a casual tone of voice, “Well, that figures.”

Akira inquired, in a confused tone of voice, “You're not angry?”

Lee answered, in an emotionally tired tone of voice, “No... I am not... I am just to emotionally burnt out right now to muster the anger... Besides, as everyone pointed out... I have done worse.”

Akira responded, “Yes. You have... By the way, we did check out that series, Breaking Bad. It is a good series... Tragic, but good.”

Lee took a few steps closer to Akira. As Lee came to a stop, she leaned her face closer to Akira's face, to where there were on a few inches between the two women's nose.

Though, Akira was still far enough away, to see Lee smile a slasher smile, with a crazed look developing her eyes.

Lee held her crazed expression, as she stated, in a sadistically sweet tone of voice, “And to think... Somewhere in the multiverse, that actually happened. I hope, at some level, you realize that are you just as bad as me for enjoying someone else's misfortune.”

Lee and Akira remained silent for a few seconds, as Lee saw confusion in Akira's eyes.

Lee maintained her crazy look, as she continued, with her voice becoming more broken with each passing word, “So you, of all people have not yet figured it out... Everybody is a nature sadist... We just want to see people hurt, and bring pain to them. Take for example of what is about to happen to me. You think this is about justice. This is about pleasure, and revenge, at my expense... Plain and simple... Story of my entire life... Bwahahahahaha!”

Akira's eyes widened as she looked at the maniacally laughing Lee. She thought, 'Lee has a point there, but his... No, her sanity is starting to break. I experience this first hand, and there is only one way to stop her from going over the edge.

Akira took a stop closer to Lee, and she hugged the maniacally laughing Lee.

Lee slowly stopped laughing, as she began sobbing.

Akira let Lee lean on her head, on Akira's right shoulder, for the next minute, while they stood in silence.

As Lee collected herself, she lean leaned back up, from Akira, with Akira letting go of the black haired woman.

The two women looked at each other.

Akira asked, “Feeling better?”

Lee quietly said, “Yea.”

Akira commented, “Don't worry. We have all been there.”

Lee replied, “Thanks.”

Akira commented, “By the way, we also watched copy of the very long Live Action Black Lagoon series you tricked us into buying.”

Lee asked, “How was it?”

Akira calmly replied, “Very good.” She thought, 'I guess we are all sadists. Because, I did enjoy that series, as well. But, if we admitted this to ourselves, we would all likely got insane, like Lee almost just did.'

Lee commented, “I will have to watch it sometime.”

Akira stated, “Well, River told us. The next time we met, after returning from Mars Dome One. That she and Chang has a copy of their own. I guess Mal and the other told them about that series. And Chang just had to have a copy. Not that I blame him. Actually, I respect him for that. Though, if you don't have time on the island for it, you can watch their copies.”

Lee said, “Either way, I look forward series.”

Akira politely offered, “So, would you like me to help you fix some supper?”

Lee replied, “Sure.”

Akira said, “Okay. Also, as I suggested. Given what you are doing in a few hours. You need to eat light. I think a salad would best. With some lemonade.”

Lee said, “That sounds good.”

Akira commented, “Also, along with not eating heavy foods. You don't want eat spicy food, nor consume carbonated drinks, before sex.”

Lee deadpanned, “Dare I ask why?”

Akira explained, “Because, as a woman, when you have something thrust into you, back and forth. Even if it is in your vagina. Doing so applies pressure to the rest of your abdomen. And if you have a digestive system filled with gas, while having sex, you are going to belch and fart like no tomorrow.”

In response to Akira's comments, Lee could not help but giggle a little, for a few seconds.

Akira thought, 'Good. She is in a better mood. Now, to help fix her something to eat.'

As Lee calmed down, she said, “Let me guess. You learned this from experience?”

Akira responded, “Yea. It involved a mexican buffet bar, and some beer, when we were first got together. And then we attempted to have a pleasurable night at a hotel... The attempt and aftermath was not pretty.”

Lee cracked a grin, as she said, “I bet.”

Akira offered, “Now, let me help you get some supper.”

Lee replied, “Thanks.”

Akira then helped Lee fix a salad and some lemonade for supper. And the two of them talked for the next half hour, as Lee ate her meal. When Lee finished her dinner, she cleaned up after herself, and the two of them left for different parts of the mansion.

With Akira heading to see her family, and friends, while Lee headed towards the bedroom she shared with River.


Around an hour and a half later, it was five minutes before ten PM, and time for Lee's first session, for her punishment.

River had finished leading Lee downstairs into the basement of the mansion. River was wearing the same clothing she had on earlier that day.

On the other hand, Lee just wore slippers and a bathrobe.

When they reached the floor of the basement, River said, “This way.”

River then turned, and started walking, with Lee walking behind her.

Fortunately, there was plenty of lighting to see with, as they made their way down into, and through the basement of the Lagoon mansion.

As they walked, River stated, “Do not show fear. It will only make them more hungry for you. And a few bites are better than a frenzy.”

Lee thought, 'I understand.'

River replied, “Good.”

Lee thought, 'This place is pretty deep into the ground. Though, I never did write exactly how deep the basement was to this mansion.'

River said, “I know. It is interesting. But, we will have to discuss that, later.”

Lee thought, 'I look forward to it.'

They soon approached a large wooden cellar door, with a crescent top, that lead into the Lagoon S&M dungeon.

The door was open, towards the inside, to their left, and the two women walked into the room.

Once they cleared the door, into the other room, the two women came to a stop, as they stood side by side. With River to Lee's left side.

Lee looked around, and she saw that the walls were of gray colored stone. The room itself was circular, with diameter of six feet. The ceiling was a brown wooden and domed shape, with the very top of the ceiling behind twenty-five feet high.

The room was lit by yellow light bulbs, set around the room, every six feet, where the stone met wooden ceiling. And the light sockets were made to look like wall mounted gas lamps.

There were electrical wall sockets around the room, as well.

Lee then noticed that there were pairs of chains dangling from the ceiling, after various pointed in the room.

Lee also saw a few cushions benches around the room, and even a queen sized bed in the back of the room. Above the bed was an analog clock face mounted on the wall, that was a foot in diameter, with the time showing that it was nine fifty-six on the dot.

There was a small stereo system, on the nightstand, by the bed, on the bed's right side.

On the left side of the bed, there was a bathroom sink with hot and cold running water. There was a slowed cabinet under the sink. To the right of the sink, mounted to the wall, was a small towel rack, with a hand towel draped on it. And there western style toilet to the left of the sink, with a toilet paper dispenser mounted to the wall, between the toilet and sink, with a full roll of toilet paper on dispenser.

To the left of the small rack with the hand towel, was a small shower stall, that was three feet in diameter, which was open. The stall was enclosed by a plastic curtain that went around on a brass ring, mounted to the wall. With faucet mounted to the wall, when to a hand held shower sprayer that was hooked on the wall of the shower. And there was a drain below the shower, with a raised lip around the shower, to keep the water from spreading out of the shower.

On the right side of the shower were a three horizontal large towel racks, with another three large towel racked below, with large towels hanging off all six racks.

Lee guessed that toiletries were inside the small cabinet below the sink.

And there was a grated drain in the middle of the floor. When Lee saw the floor, she noted that the floor sloped down to the center of the room, where the drain was.

To the wall to Lee's right was lined shelves and hooks that were filled with S&M and sex toys. From whips, to chains, to bondage straps, to chains, to dildos, to vibrators, to various other accessories.

There were even a box of condoms, packets of magical instant man powder, and towels of various sizes, on a couple of the shelves.

Then, Lee saw that the five Lagoon parents were already there. And they had noticed River and Lee walked into the room, as well.

Dutch jokingly said, “Ah, the lady of the hour has finally arrive... And from the clock on the wall. Not a minute too soon.”

The other Lagoon parents just laughed in response response to Dutch's comment, for a few seconds.

Meanwhile, what caught Lee's eyes was what the five other women, besides River and herself, were wearing.

The five Lagoon parents were all wearing dominatrix outfits. The chest and stomach parts of their outfits was a black leather Gothic style over-bust corset, with red trimmings, fish netting around the breasts. With the laces of the corset running down the front, center of their chests. They wore black leather g-string lingerie panties, with loops on the sides, attaching the top of the crotch piece to the straps on the sides of the panties. With the panties going under the lower parts of the corset. A black leather choker around their necks. Black and red leather evening gloves, with laced running up the gloves. And black and leather thigh-high boots, with high-heels, and laces running up the boots. And there were shirt stays straps attached from the bottom of the corset, to the top of the thigh-high boots.

Lee thought, with concern, 'What they are all wearing what looks like dominatrix outfits from the Queen Revy picture shown in the Black Lagoon R magazine. And the fact all five of them are wearing that exact outfit is enough to drive someone insane... Good thing everyone already considers me crazy... Or, I would have to go crazy... At least they are all women, right now, with those outfits doing their figures justice. I don't think I could handle seeing a man wearing that, right now.'

River giggled a little at Lee's thoughts.

Lee noticed River's giggle, but she did not turn to look at River. Instead, she continued her thoughts, 'Laugh it up River. We need all the laughs we can get.. And you might find it interesting that I do vaguely recall Bao mentioning that this Revy did have a period where she was into S&M. So, it is not that surprising that, after becoming rich, she would go back to some of those kinks, and bring her friends into that world with her.'

'And while I do recall writing a little about S&M angle in my stories. Now, that I think about it, I am not very surprised that the Lagoon family has this S&M dungeon. S&M exists in a number of series I wrote about. Not just Black Lagoon. But, Kampfer for example. And some people consider the Farscape series to be one American's decent into the Australian S&M scene.'

'I should have seen this coming, but I just honestly did not expect to be on the receiving in of this...'

River giggled a little more, before she made herself go quiet.

Janet noticed Lee was staring at her, and her friends. She teased, “Like our outfits?”

Lee looked over at Janet, as she tactfully said, “They are very appropriate for the situation.”

The Lagoon parents then laughed again for a few seconds.

Rock politely requested, “River. Please, be a dear, and shut the door.”

River walked behind Lee, and gently shut the door. She then walked back to stand beside Lee, to Lee's left side.

Something occurred to Lee, as she thought, 'I might as well ask this, while I have the chance to do so.'

Lee asked, “So, before you start screwing me, I have to know. What did you do to Pedro? I vaguely recall we talked about him, at the factory. But, I believe you did not get very detailed about his fate, at the time.”

Revy let out a laugh. She then stated, “I guess I am not the only one who memory is not so sharp, sometimes. Well, we found him. He fully cooperated with us. So, we did not harm him, and we let him go. He is likely back at his old job in Plata Podrido.”

Lee replied, “Good.” She mentally added, 'At least I do not have to worry about Pedro... I wonder about Melvin as well, but I don't dare mention him, and tip my hand that he is a former member of Hotel Moscow.'

Janet inquired, “Speaking of which. Did you know that the Rats Nest bartender was Bao?”

Lee admitted, “It has been a while since it learned that. But, Bao told me the truth, the day the maids showed up. She told me in the morning. The maids shows up in the afternoon.”

Rock asked, “So, she figured out something was up with you?”

Lee admitted, “Yes. And I admitted that I was the writer. And I explained what was going on. She took well.” She thought, “And Bao said I am still welcome at her bar. Though, she will likely get a good chuckle at seeing me like this.”

River softly agreed, “That is very likely.”

Rock said, “Well, that is good.”

Dutch agreed, “That is good.”

Lee inquired, “So, how did you all figure out Bao's identity? You have to admit that Bao was very careful about not revealing who she is.”

Benny stated, “True. Rock put the clues together, and told us in private. We got a good laugh out of it, when Rock told us that the Rats Nest bartender was Bao.”

Revy stated, “And because she is Bao, it makes sense that we liked the Rats Nest so much. And why the place reminds us of the Yellowflag. We will have to frequent that place more often.”

River mentioned, “As someone who likes drinking there, I don't think Bao could afford you as a regular customers, again.”

Revy looked over at River, as she said, “I am sure we will come to an arrangement.” She then turned back to Lee, as she said, “But first, we can have some fun with you.”

Lee inquired, “So, how did you decide who goes first?”

Benny answered, “Simple. We drew lots. I go first. Then, Revy, Dutch, Janet, and finally Rock. And we rotate from there. That is also how we made the schedule those groups you are going to meet over the course of the next many nights. Except for us. We get first dips on you, because we are organizing, and hosting, these events.”

Lee sarcastically thought, 'Just great... Though, at least Revy isn't first... But, her being second is still kind of scary...'

Rock joked, “I don't mind being last. That just means you will be loosened up, beforehand.”

Lee deadpanned, “You mean that literally? Don't you?”

Rock smirked, as she admitted, “Yes.”

The Lagoon adults laughed. From the corner of her left eye, Lee could see that River was trying to stifle a laugh, and doing a good job of it.

Lee thought, 'Thank you, River. For being considerate of my feelings.'

River just looked at Lee, as she smiled. She said, “Don't worry. You will get through this.”

Janet smirked, “Of course she will. The others want a piece of her ass, when we are done with her.”

Lee questioned, “Speaking of which, who should I expect to be coming to these sessions? I know that Akira and her family are not coming. But, what about your other friends?”

Revy answered, “You are correct about Akira and her family. Which even I can understand. And well, there is us. B and sis. The Lovelace family. Shenhua, Sawyer, and Lotton. Violin, and Aeryn.... Among others... Such as the Knight Sabers...”

Lee admitted, “That is all perfectly understandable... But, while I am sure that Chang is not going to get involved, what about his crew?”

Revy answered, “I believe that Mal and Spike one a piece of you. But, I am not sure they are going to come.”

Lee asked, “What about Eda and Yolanda?”

Revy shrugged, “Well, that is a fair question. Since you did fuck Eda under false pretenses. And Yolanda is our friend. But, the answer is no. Both of them like their new lives, and they declined my invitation to come have a piece of your ass.”

Lee replied, “That is good.” She mentally reflected, 'And if they want a piece of my ass, I am more than happy to give it to them. They have both been nice to me, so I don't mind.'

Lee then overheard River giggled, for a few seconds.

Lee happily thought, 'I am glad my opinion on the matter meets with your approval.'

River softly said, “It's fine. I am not a hypocrite on such matters.'

Lee thought, “That is good to know.”

River soft replied, “Yes. It is.”

River thought, 'This might be a good time to start tying some loose ends, and head off future problems.'

River suggested, “On that matter, given you don't know where Lee has been. And Lee doesn't know where you have been. How about you all refrain sticking into Lee, anything that you stuck into yourselves, first. Or, plan to stick into yourself, or each other.”

Revy agreed, “That is a fair enough request.”

Benny agreed, “Good idea. That is a good hygiene practice.”

Dutch agreed, “Yes. It is.”

Rock said, “We are always careful.”

Janet commented, “Though, I won't worry too much. We are all healthy. And we clean our toys in here, with bleach and water. Nothing is alive on our toys and other... Items. But, we will put condoms on our toys, before we used them. To be on the safe side. It would not be the first time we have done so.”

River thought, 'Good. This problems are taken care of.'

Lee said, “That is comforting.”

Revy casually replied, “Yes. It is.” She asked, in a stern tone of voice, “Now, are you ready to pay for all that you have done?”

Lee pointed out, “Come on, Revy, I did do some good things for you.”

Revy stated, “Lee, name one good thing you have done for me personally, besides the kids, the serum, and the wealth?”

Lee shrugged, “I got you to finally start wearing a bra, and tying your shoes.”

The other just started giggling, as Janet commented, “She's got you there, Revy.”

Revy concede, “I will give you that one.”

Lee looked around, as she asked, “By the way, how did you react to Revy starting to wear a bra, and tying her shoes.”

Benny answered, “We reacted casually. We didn't make an issue of it.”

Lee admitted, “That makes sense.”

Rock requested, “Now Lee, disrobe. I am sure you have nothing under that robe.”

Lee complimented, “You know me so well, Rock.”

Rock warmly smiled towards Lee.

Lee then took off her robe and slippers. She kicked the slippers to a nearby wall. Next, she handed her robe to River.

River took the robe, and she walked to a nearby wall. She set the robe down by her feet. She then stood straight, move to her left of the robe on the floor. Next, she turned around and leaned her back against the wall, while looking at Lee, and the Lagoon members.

All the while, River was mindful of what was happening, so she could protect Lee from the others going to far.

As the five other women got a good look at Lee's nude, female body, Revy joked, “Well, I am glad you shaved for the occasions.”

Lee retorted, “At least you cannot hold me by my short hairs.”

Revy flatly said, “Ha. Ha.”

Benny looked Lee up and down, as she complimented, “Damn, Lee. You have a pretty good body.”

Lee flatly stated, “Living in a village of amazons, allowed me to exercise a lot.”

The other six women present, including River, giggled a little bit, at Lee's comment.

As the other women calmed down, Lee asked, “So, how is this going to work. I know Benny is first. But, we are we going to do first this... Like I said, I will do this willing. But, this is all new to me, so I need to know what you want me to do.”

Dutch honestly admitted, “I am not sure myself.” She then turned to look at the clock, and then back at Lee, as she continued, “But, seeing as how it is right after Ten, we need to do something.”

Revy suggested, “We can always start rough and dry?”

River reminded Revy, “No tearing.”

Revy growled, “Fine.”

Janet turned to River, as she stated, “River is right. We should start are gentle and work up to the rough stuff.” She then turned to Lee with a feral smile, as she continued, “And by the time we get to the really rough stuff, you will be begging for more.”

Dutch commented, “Sounds like a wonderful plan.”

Lee turned to Benny, as she said, “I see why you dated her.”

Benny responded, “Yea. She can be real fun. And I didn't mind marrying her. By the way, thanks for that.”

Lee replied, “You're welcome.”

Benny stated, “She has always been creative. But, when you gave us access to those magic packets... Which we won't be using tonight... She stepped up her game... If the sexual olympics existed, she would get gold metals for what we do every few nights... And the things we done would make ancient roman emperors envious.”

Lee responded, “I don't doubt that. So, what do you want me to do?

Benny pointed on the bench to her left, as she said, “I want you to go sit on that bench. Janet is right. We will start simple and work our way up to the more advanced stated.”

Lee did as instructed, with the five Lagoon members following behind her

After Lee sat down, with her feet on the ground, she face the five Lagoon members, whom were standing around, in front of her.

Revy asked, “So, the big question I have left is... Are you still a virgin?

Lee looked at Revy. She smirked, as she stated, “Not anymore.”

Revy leaned over and sniffed Lee for a few seconds. Her eyes widened slightly, as she looked over at River. She flatly stated, “River?”

River looked at Revy. She made a leering smile, as she commented, “Let us just say that her bloom was too tempting to pass up. And I enjoyed deflowering her. But, don't worry. I left you plenty, for you to corrupt.”

Lee forced herself not to giggle at River's comment. But, she could not help, but blush a little, as River's openness, about their shared sex life.

The Lagoon women then turned back to Lee.

Benny said, “What is done, is done. That just means we won't have to worry about causing problems with popping her cherry.”

Dutch said, “Benny's right. This just makes things easier for us.”

Revy begrudgingly agreed, “Damn it. You're both right.” She turned to Lee, as she said, “And I can still have you ass.”

Lee looked at Revy, as she cracked a grin. She retorted, “Only after Benny.”

Benny said, “Well, let's get this started, then.”

Benny walked behind Lee, as Lee sat on the bench, with both her feet on the floor.

The other four Lagoon members just stayed in front of Lee, as they watched.

Benny then began to rub Lee's shoulders.

Of the course of several seconds, Lee got into the massage. She complimented, “You really know how to do a good shoulder rub.”

Benny warmly replied, “I know.”

Janet commented, “Yea. She really give some good shoulder and back rubs. On the nights we do not feel like fooling around. I usually have her give me a good, thorough back and shoulder rub. And in return. Right after she is finished. I do something she likes, with my tongue, between the front of her legs.”

Everyone giggled at Janet's comment, even Lee, for a few seconds.

As everyone calmed own, Lee teased, “Are you planning to do that to me.”

Janet playfully replied, “Maybe. I am thinking about it.”

Then, Benny slowly moved her hands further down Lee's front, and she cupped, while they began to softly rub Lee's breasts.

Lee could not help, as a slight moan of pleasure escaped her lips.

Everyone else was silent, so as to not ruin the mood that Benny was creating.

As Benny continued to gently massage Lee's breasts, while she said, “For right now, Lee I just want you to start to relax. The other stuff will come later.”

Lee said, in a slight moan, “Continue to do this, and I will soon be nothing but putty in your hands.”

Benny leaned down by Lee's right ear, as she seductively said, “I know. That is why I am doing this first. Now, let the artist do her work.”

Lee could only help but moan, as she did as instructed, and she began to relax, as she felt the tension release from her body.

Soon after, the Lagoon members began their game to introduce Lee to lessons of the world of S&M.

This went on for the three hour allotted time, that was agreed upon for the nightly session. With ten minute breaks, every hour. That counted for the time of the entire session.

Over the course of the last two and a half hours of the session, Lee learned that the Lagoon members liked things rough and kinky. But, Lee did not resist. Now, did she scream much. Except in pleasure.

And there were only a few problems. With River only having to stop Revy a few times, to keep the Revy from going too far. On the other hand, the other four women tried their best to walk the line on what they were doing, and River respected them for that.

Ironically, as River called the night, at exactly one AM, Revy realized that the Lagoon members spent so much time with on Lee's chest, back, buttocks, and love canal, that Revy did not get a change to enter Lee's from back end, before time was up.

And Revy did commented about that.

Though, no one, not even River replied to Revy's comment. And by then, Lee was to tired to care, nor reply.

But, while that annoyed Revy, she and the other women felt they had gotten their revenge on Lee.

After they were through, the Lagoon members cleaned up after themselves, while River helped Lee into her robe, and slippers. River then opened the door to the S&M dungeon, and aided Lee, as she walked the black, longer haired woman out of the basement, up the stairs, and to their bedroom.

Given the slow pace they went at, it took them around five minutes to reach their guest bedroom.

Though, neither woman said much on their way to their bedroom. And no one bothered them, as they made their way to their guestroom.

When they reached their bedroom, River opened the door, turned on the ceiling light, and walked Lee to her bed.

When Lee reached her bed, Lee just fell down, on her stomach, on top of the covers of her bed, with her head hitting her pillow.

As River took off Lee's red slippers, she asked, “How are you doing, Lee?”

With her face planted in her pillow, Lee groaned, “Sore, and embarrassed.”

River finished with Lee's slippers, setting the slippers in front of the foot of Lee's bed.

River then walked over to the left side of Lee's bed, and she gently sat down, near the middle, left edge of the bed, with her feet on the floor.

River inquired, “I can under the soreness. But, why are you embarrassed?”

Lee continued to be face down in her pillow, as she answered, “Because I liked it. I refuse to admit it to them. But, I liked what they did to me, tonight. And that worries me.”

River said, in a kind, comforting tone of voice, “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I have come to realize that life is about learning new experiences. About ourselves, and others. And you just learned that there is a side of you that you did not know about... That is not a bad thing... It just means that there are facets of your personality that you did not realize where present... As time goes on, you may to turn learn and enjoy those parts of your personality...”

“And look on the bright side. Since you enjoyed it, you are going to get through this revenge without any serious problems...”

River's voice turned more playful, as she continued, “And I will keep this a secret from the others, if you do...”

Lee was silent for a few seconds.

River then turned to look at the back of Lee's head. And through her telepathy, she sensed that Lee had fallen asleep.

River quietly said, in a joyous tone of voice, “Sleep well, Lee. You earned your rest.”

River stood up from Lee's bed. She then walked away from Lee, so she could get ready to go to bed, herself.

River turned off the ceiling light, as she left the room, for the nearby bathroom. She could brush her teeth, among other things.

Five minutes later, River re-entered the her bedroom. The only light in the room was from the hallway lights. Which were set to dim at that time of night.

River then shut the door, leaving her in total darkness. Though, she knew her way to her bed. She soon reached her bed with not problems. After which, she got into her own bed, and soon went to sleep, herself.


The next day, Lee woke up a little after nine AM. The day was uneventful for Lee. Mostly because, except for using the bathroom, for various reasons, she remained in the guest bedroom, with River.

Though, at the proper times, River did retrieve and bring both herself and Lee, their breakfast, lunch, and dinner, along with a few snacks, in between meals.

That morning, when River came back to the bedroom, to bring Lee some breakfast, River told Lee that she overheard Revy talking about last night with her friends. Though, River mentioned that the other Lagoon parents had the decency not to talk about the events in front of their guests. And none of the parents, not even Revy, talked about the events in front of their children.

During that day, Lee was to tired and sore to want to do anything physical with River, which River understood.

And while River was present for the previous night's activities, she was polite enough to not talk to Lee about what happened. Except for comfort Lee, and tell her that she would be okay.

So, Lee spent the day just resting, watching TV, and playing a few until it was close to ten PM, that night, when they headed back to the basement dungeon. With Lee only wearing a bathrobe and slippers, while River was in wearing some her casual clothing, that she brought with herself, to the island. Before she had gone the hunt with the three amazon women.


As River and Lee reached the door to the S&M dungeon, they found the door was open.

When they walked inside, River closed the door behind them.

River and Lee stood side by side, with River to Lee's right side, as they were both shocked and pleasantly surprised, at whom they saw.

Standing across the room were Aeryn, Violin, and, to their surprise, Scorpius, all three of the women, across from River and Lee, were nude. With Lee seeing their clothing nearly folded on the floor, by the bed in the back of the room.

Lee noticed the three women were looking at River and herself.

Lee though, with mild happiness, 'Okay. This might not be so bad. Violin and I have an understanding. Scorpius likes me. And Aeryn is the only one I had to worry about. And Violin will reign her in. If River cannot...'

River snorted at Lee's thoughts.

Lee continued her thoughts, 'Don't take that personally, River. It is just that Aeryn is one of the few people that could take you in a fight... But, there is one important matter I obviously need to speak with Scorpius about. And let me handle with. Though, first we have to have introductions.'

Lee casually said, “Hi guys.”

Violin playfully retorted, “Hi girls.”

Scorpius calmly said, “It is good to see you again, Lee. You are looking well.”

Lee replied, “Thank you, Scorpius.”

Aeryn looked at Lee, as she licked her lips. She then said, “Oh this is going to be so much fun.

River warned, “Watched it, Aeryn. I will not let this go too far.”

Aeryn turned to River, as she flatly stated, “All I need is three hours we gave us.”

Lee looked at Aeryn, as she responded, “And you shall have your three hours... Baring the ten minute breaks, every hour...” She turned to Scorpius, as she inquired, curious tone of voice, “I can understand why Aeryn and Violin are here, but what are you doing here Scorpius?”

Scorpius turned towards Lee, as she casual said, “When I heard you were now a woman, Lee. I had to see this change for myself”

Lee had a sneaking suspicion, as she asked, “How many people know I am now a woman?”

Aeryn answered, “Pretty much everyone that knows about you and your stories, and are friends with the Lagoon family.”

Lee thought, 'That is a lot of people... But, there is not much I can do about it.'

River softly complimented, “That is a good point of view to take.”

Lee then took note of the subject that took River and Lee by surprise, when they walked into the room.

For, not only was Violin pregnant, with her stomach barely showing her two and half month pregnancies. But, Scorpius, as a beautiful, young woman, was clearly pregnant as well. The white haired, pale skinned woman, had a clearly round shaped protruding belly.

Lee thought, “Scorpius looks to be around six months pregnant. But, given how fast Sebacean pregnancies can be. How long she has been pregnant is anyone's guess. But, I have to ask for details, from a very important... And very personal reasons...'

Lee said, “Violin, I already learned you were pregnant. And congratulations to both you, and Aeryn here.”

Violin placed her right hand gently on her stomach, as she and Aeryn said, in unison, “Thank you.”

Lee turned to Scorpius, as she went onto say, “But, I didn't know you were pregnant, Scorpius?”

Scorpius responded, in a matter of fact tone of voice, “Yes, I am. And it has been a very pleasant and interesting experience.”

Lee thought, 'That is good. Though, I am still very concerned as to why you are pregnant?'

Lee inquired, “Scorpius, who is the father?”

Scorpius replied, “Do not worry, Lee. You are not the father.”

Aeryn and Violin looked at each other, with confused expressions on their faces. They then turned to Lee, as they asked, in unison, “When?”

River mildly chuckled, for a few seconds, as she she thought, 'I already knew this. But, the look on Aeryn and Violin's face, at this moment, is priceless.'

Lee answered, “After that poker game at the Rats Nest, where Violin, Rock, Scorpius, Molly, Chang, River, and myself, were present. After the game was over, and you all left, Scorpius, here, ambushed me in the men's restroom. It was very cliché. But, I did have the sense to use a condom at that time...”

Something occurred to Lee, but she could not quite grasp her thought, as she mentally reflected, 'I am forgetting something, in dealing with a condom. But, what?... I will figure it out, later...'

Lee verbally continued, “And though it was quick, it was fun.”

Scorpius responded, “It was fun for both of us. And thank you. But, you may ask your next logical question.”

Lee asked, “I know know why Violin is still pregnant. Sebacean pregnancies can be very quick. So, why are you still pregnant, Scorpius?”

Violin commented, “Where do you think I got the medication to slow down my pregnancy from?”

Lee replied, “Oh...” She thought, 'I should have known.'

River giggled a little, at Lee's thoughts.

Scorpius turned to Violin, as she said, “Thank you, Violin.” She looked back over at Lee, as she explained, “Given the child within me is a clone of my current pure Sebacean genetic structure. I also take the same medicine that I provided for Violin, for the same reasons. Fortunately, those those involved, there has been no side effects from the medication, as the medication slows the gestation rate for both of us.”

“This is so we can check for, and prevent any complications that may arise. And if you are wondering, due to this being a clone, I am having a daughter. And with this precaution, my daughter should be born healthy, in around to three Earth months.”

Lee commented, “Glad to hear it. And congratulations.”

Scorpius replied, in a slightly joyous tone of voice, “Thank you.”

River spoke up, as she inquired, “So, what is this medication? And how do it work?” She mentally wondered, 'I wondered about that, after I read about that medication, from Violin's mind. But, I don't dare read Scorpius' mind. So, I will just directly ask her... And given how Scorpius has become a much calmer person, I think she will make a good mother.'

Scorpius turned to River, as she calmly said, “Good questions, River. Sebaceans were originally human. And the medication activates the throw back parts of the Sebacean DNA that are human, but dormant. The medicine is very specific, and it only deals with the DNA chains that govern the rate of growth for our children within us. And it sets the growth rate to the standard human gestation rate of around nine Earth months.”

River thought, 'That makes sense.'

Scorpius continued, “To that end, it was John, or should I say Violin, that came to me, before she became pregnant. And I provided the medication for her. Along with other medical checkups and services. By doing so, this also allows me to make amends for previous mistakes I have made with the crew of Moya.”

Aeryn turned to Scorpius, as she conceded, in a slightly accepting tone of voice, “It is a start.” She turned to her spouse, as she continued, “Though, I don't see how you can stand being pregnant for so long.”

Violin turned to her wife, as she stated, “To each their own... I don't mind a slow pregnancy, and the feeling a new life growing with me...” She cracked a grin, as she continued, “And it gives my mother and our friends time to throw a few babyshowers.”

Aeryn commented, “True. I wonder if it will be as good as Balalaika and B's babyshower?”

Violin giggled, while Scorpius, River, and Lee remained silent.

Lee thought, 'At least I know who got invited to that. And who didn't... Wait a minute... B and Balalaika?' She asked, “Those two are pregnant?”

Violin stopped giggling, as she, Aeryn, and Scorpius, turned towards Lee.

Violin shrugged, as she casually said, “Given, they have been wearing baggy clothing. I guess you wouldn't have noticed. And yes. They got each other pregnant.”

Lees slowly replied, “Okay...” She then thought, 'I guess after several decades of life, even those to would finally decide to have some kids... And I know better than to ask about the babyshower these women likely threw for them...'

River quietly complimented, “Good observations.”

Violin commented, “I am surprised that River did not tell you about those two, and the babyshower we all went to.”

Lee looked over at River, with River looking back at her.

River saw an unspoken question. River answered, “You had more than enough on your mind, than having to worry what is happening to other people.”

Lee shrugged, as she replied, “Fair enough.”

River and Lee then turned back to look at the three other women in the room.

Aeryn commented, “Well, speaking of pregnancies. And those whom chose to get pregnant.” She looked over at Scorpius, then back to River and Lee, as she continued, “I am surprised that Scorpius did not have a surrogate for her child?”

Scorpius looked over at Aeryn. She then turned to Lee, as she inquired, “I would like to see if you can answer that question.”

Lee looked over at Scorpius, as she said, “I think I can handle it.” She turned to Aeryn, as she answered, “If you think about it. This makes sense. Scorpius has always had a take charge, do it yourself, personality. And she would not risk someone else screwing up the pregnancy of her own child. Since she is now a woman, it would be in character for her to do this. She is no stranger to pain. It is actually possible that the labor and childbirth might be less painful than some of the experiences she has had to endure in her life.”

Scorpius turned to Aeryn. She smiled, as she calmly confirmed, “Lee is correct.”

Aeryn conceded, “I guess that makes sense.”

Scorpius turned to Lee, as she complimented, “Good job, Lee. Now, let us show you what true pleasure can be like.”

Aeryn turned to Lee, as she stated, “Lotton told me how much of a badass you think I am. I appreciate that. So when I learned from Violin, that Scorpius wanted to join... And I don't have a clue how she found out...

Scorpius spoke up, “I have my ways.”

Aeryn did not respond to Scorpius' comment, as she went onto say, “So, I posed a challenged for her, Violin, and myself. I want her to make you scream so much in pleasure and pain tonight, that your voice will be hoarse by tomorrow morning.”

Scorpius smirked toward Lee, as she casually said, “I consider it a worthy challenge.”

Violin just laughed at Aeryn and Scorpius' comments, while River and Lee remained silent.

Scorpius joked, “And besides... We have such delights to show you, Lee.”

Lee immediately recognize what quote Scorpius was paraphrasing, as she practically jump closer River. Lee shrieked, “When the hell did you see the Hellraiser movies?!”

Scorpius calmly answered, “Quite a while ago. Thanks to your writings. I found those movies to be amateurish. Entertaining. But, amateurish... Though, not to worry, Lee. I promise you will enjoy everything I do to you tonight.”

“When it comes males, or females. As a male, or a female. No lover has ever complained about my skills with him, or her, in bed.”

Violin agreed, “She's right.”

Lee noticed Aeryn frown for a second. But, a second later, she relaxed her expression.

Lee thought, 'I need to deflect attention from my actions, before Aeryn jumps the gun.'

Lee then overheard River quietly say, “Good idea.”

Lee looked at Aeryn, as she calmly inquired, “By the way, Aeryn. I was wondering. After you found out that Chiana took John's virginity, what did you do to her?”

Aeryn cracked an evil grin, as she answered, “First, I have to thank you for informing us about that. Even Violin here did not know about that event, until her made her remember it. This is one of the few reasons we are playing this ridiculous game... But, to answer your question.”

Aeryn then turned, and walked over to the right side of the room, where the sex toys, and other items, were either stacked on shelves, or hooked on a wall.

Lee did not reply, in fear of spoiling the mood.

Aeryn picked up a black leather cat o' nine tails whip. She held the weapon, with her right hand, by its handle.

Aeryn looked back over at Lee, as she continued, in a slightly more sadist tone of voice, “Well... Let's just say you are not the first person whose ass I had to whip back into shape.”

Aeryn then cracked her whip away from everyone.

Everyone present noticed Lee visibly flinch, as the whip was cracked.

Violin spoke up, as she said, “And while my wife was handling Chiana, I was sampling Dargo's tongue, at the same time...” She turned to Aeryn, with Aeryn looking back at her spouse.

They shared a smile, as Violin continued, “With Aeryn's permission... After she was finished with him. And this was before we helped them get married. So, everyone involved turned out fine. I am much say that what Dargo can do with his tongue is truly interesting and pleasurable... Though, Pip was sore for a few days after Aeryn was done.”

Lee thought, while mild surprise, 'You just don't know some people.'

River softly replied, in a rhetorical manner, 'Isn't that the truth?”

While retaining their smiles, the married couple then looked back at Lee.

Lee then began to think about what those two might have in mine for her. And she started to show a little more fear on her face, as she thought, 'I have severely underestimate the perversions of those characters I wrote about.'

River could not help but break out laughing, at Lee's thoughts, for a few seconds.

Lee thought. 'Laugh it up River. Now, I got to see if I can savage the situation.'

Lee requested, “Aeryn... We have three hours together. Let us talk about this?”

Aeryn questioned, in a cold tone of voice, “You say. Let us talk about this?... I came here to take action!”

Lee responded, in a weak tone of voice, “Surely, we can discuss this first, Aeryn?”

Aeryn demanded, in an even tone of voice, “Do not call me Aeryn, tonight. Call me, Queen Sun!”

Aeryn cracked her whip, again.

Lee visibly paled, as she said, “Yes, Queen Sun!”

Violin, Scorpius, and River, could not help but laugh for several seconds, at Lee reaction to Aeryn's order.

As everyone calmed down, Aeryn smirked, “Good. Now, the fun begins.”

Over the course of the next three hours, Aeryn, Violin and Scorpius showed Lee new heights of both pleasure and pain, on what being a woman could bring.

And what Lee and River found most surprising was that Aeryn was more creative in the situation than even Violin and Scorpius.

Even River and Lee had to admit that both Scorpius and Aeryn were sexual artists at what they were doing, with Violin assisting, as Lee enjoyed the fun from everyone. And River only had to stop Aeryn once, for the entire three hour session.

Also, Scorpius' advanced stage of pregnancy did not slow her down in the least.

Afterward, everyone got dressed, cleaned up, and River helped Lee back to bed. With Lee being so tired, she fell asleep seconds after her head hit her pillow.

The next morning, Lee was again sore, along with the fact she could barely speak, and it took much of the day for her voice to return. Though, River was happy to see that Lee was able to smile from the experience she had the previous night.


On the third night of Lee's punishment sessions, around ten PM, Lee's voice had long since returned, hours beforehand, as she and River returned for a third night in the S&M dungeon.

This time, they were met by Balalaika and B.

As they walked into the room, with the door already open, Lee was the one to shut the door, and then walk beside River. To River's right side.

Lee had on her bathrobe and slippers, while River was wearing her usual attire.

They saw that Balalaika and B had already undressed, and nude, exposing the two russians' slightly rounded stomachs.

Lee also saw that Balalaika held the ends of a riding crop firmly in her hands.

Lee thought, with worry 'I can just imagine what she has in mind for me.'

River choose to remain silent.

As the two russians looked back at Lee and River, Balalaika greeted them, in a
calm, though dangerous tone of voice, “Ah... Hello, Lee... River... It is so nice to see you both again”

B calmly said, “Hello Lee.”

Lee responded, “Hello, and congratulations. I heard on the grapevine that both you were pregnant. And I see the rumors were correct.” She mentally added, 'Also, I heard about the babyshower, but I know better than to mention it in front of you two.'

B and Balalaika responded, in unison, “Thank you.”

River casually said, “Hi guys.” She thought. 'Lee needs some help to keep things on track. And I know how to help.'

River calmly inquired, “How far along are you?”

B answered, “Three months, for both of us.”

River asked, in an honestly curious tone of voice, “How is it?... What is it like?”

B shrugged, as she stated, “It could be better. It could be worse. But, I figure if Bob and Ed could handle it, so could we...” She raised an eyebrow, as she continued, “Speaking of which, the Lowe family admitted to us that they aided you, Lee, in your chase on Mars.”

Lee calmly confessed, “Yes. They did. I hope that did not cause problems with you friendship of you.”

B said, in a relaxed tone of voice, “No. It has not. Also, Bob, Ed, Stan, and Lewis, requested of me, to inform you, that they hope you make it through this in one piece.”

Lee requested, “I appreciate that. From both them. And you taking the time to deliver their message. Thank you. And the next time you see them, tell them I said, thank you.”

B replied, “I will. And you're welcome.”

Balalaika casually said, “Yes... B is correct. The Lowe family have been very kind to us. And a minor difference of opinion will not change that. Also, we took into account that they only gave you non-violent tools, to help you delay us, and avoid being caught. They did not give you weapons. So, I see no problems with their actions.”

Lee stated, “I am glad to hear that. And I hope you are no to sore about what I said to you, Balalaika, during discussion at the factory?”

Balalaika gave Lee a look in her eyes that promised much pain for Lee, very soon, as she continued to say, in a calm tone of voice, “Not at all. One can gain much when someone points out their flaws... Though, very soon you will find out how imaginative I am.”

Lee gulped.

B giggled a little at Lee's response to Balalaika’s comment, as River remained silent.

Balalaika thought, 'This is the response I expect from Lee. And I know you are reading my thoughts River...'

Balalaika noticed River giving her stoic facial expression.

Balalaika continued her thoughts, 'Nice try. But, I have seen better attempts at not responding. And I plan to have some fun, before we decide to play with Lee.'

Balalaika inquired, in curious and seductive tone of voice, “Well Lee, if you heard about our pregnancies, from those hosting this wonderful evening, surely you heard about the babyshower our friends here threw for us?… Yet, I wonder why you did not mention that. Why is that?”

River thought, 'I am not going to let you bait Lee, Balalaika. And you know better to try anything with me.' She spoke up, as she commented, “Because, Lee knows better than to step on land mines.”

Lee forced herself not to show any response to River's comment. Though, she thought, 'Thanks, River.'

Balalaika chuckled in a slightly evil manner, for a few seconds, as she thought, 'Well, done River. And who says I was just baiting Lee.”

River's body straightened up a bit, as she realized that Balalaika was also bait her.

Balalaika said, “I can go along with that.”

River forced herself to relax, as she thought, 'I have to remember that Balalaika is an extremely sharp woman. She came play at our level, without a problem.'

B said, “Yes. We can see how mentioning such an event could lead to an unpredictable response from us. Though, not to worry. We are okay with what happened. And Lee, you missed a surprisingly wonderful babyshower.”

River commented, “Yes. It was pretty good.”

Balalaika commented, “And very funny.”

Lee stated, “I believe all three of you. But, I don't want to know the details. I fear at this point, if I learned what happened at that party, I might lose would little shreds of of my sanity that I have left.”

The three other women giggled a little at Lee's response.

As they calmed down, B responded, “I can appreciate that.”

Lee inquired, “So, do the women of Hotel Moscow know about the special occasions for you two.”

B stated, “Yes. And I see you learned about their gender bending, as well.”

Balalaika casually said, in an underlying tone of voice that was anything but casual, “Yes. We had a long discussion with the bartender of the Devil's Hotel.” She mentally added, 'I wonder why someone would name there hotel that?... I have a feeling I do not want to know.”

Lee thought, 'Damn it. They found Melvin. And there is nothing I can do about it right now.”

Lee said, “Please, do not hold that information against, Melvin. He is a friend of mine. And he only hinted at it. And I put the pieces together from there.”

B commented, “We have already settled our differences with private Yurick. Or, in this case, Melvin. And Melvin is still alive, and in good health.”

Lee slowly replied, “Okay.” Lee thought, 'That is good... But worrisome... Still, I will find out the details, later.'

B responded, “Also, I want you to know, that if our subordinates learn about your stories. I will make sure they realize that their gender change was not your fault.”

Lee said, “Thank you.” She thought, 'So, their rank and file don't know about my stories. Nor, likely myself. Not, that I am going to ask these two about it. Though, that does explain a few things about the three russian woman that visited the Devil's Hotel, looking for Melvin. But, either way, that is a major load off my mind.'

From the corner of her left eye, Lee saw River crack a grin, while River nodded a few times in agreement.

B stated, “No problem. And I have a question for you. Besides Fox Xanatos, where do you think the inspiration for Balalaika came from?”

As Balalaika looked at Lee, she let a laugh. She then requested, “I would like to know that myself. And I would guess you are the person to ask.”

Lee calmly answered, “Don't take this the wrong way. But Balalaika, I always thought of you as basically a much meaner version Susan Ivonava from Babylon Five.” She grimly thought, 'And given Ivonava was also kidnapped by Chang, I might see her someday as well. Though, I doubt she knows about me and the stories. Given that, while on this island, no one has mentioned her to me. And she is the type of person people talk about... Still, I have more immediate worries to be concerned about.'

B replied, “I can see that.”

Balalaika calmly said, “I will take that as a compliment.”

River remained silent.

Lee asked, “Given you visited the B Five reality, in your chase after myself, I am not surprised the you have seen the Babylon Five series. Though, when did you see it?”

B pointed out, “Remember, I have been good friends with Ed and Bob for several decades. I saw the series, from the copies they have. And it is a good series. Also, Bob loaned to me her copies of that series. And I showed Balalaika the pilot, the series, and the movies, after we lost you.”

Balalaika commented, “I must say that is it a very interesting series to watch. The line that no one is who he or she appears to be, is very true in that series, and in life in general.”

Lee complimented, “Quoting G'kar. Nice choice.”

Balalaika kindly responded, “Thank you. I found the interplay and development of the relationship of G'kar and Londo, through the series, to be fascinating.”

Lee commented, “Yes. That is an understatement. There is still debate, to this day, on which of those two characters was the villain, and which one was the hero. Rumor has it that the actors who played those two characters flipped a coin on the matter. Though, they never told anyone else the results of the coin toss.”

Balalaika belly laughed, for a few seconds. She then rhetorically stated, “Why am I not surprised?”

B commented, “By the way, Lee, thank you for my friendships with the Lowe family. They have been great friends.”

Lee softly replied, “That is nice. And you are welcome. Still, Susan is now probably after my ass, as well. Considering she was captured by the Hell Sabers. And she likely has a kid now, along with Marcus and Zack.”

B kindly offered, “I will look into finding her, and the other two, later. She and Balalaika might have a few things in common. And the other two might enjoy a beer with me.”

Lee replied, “Thank you.”

B went onto say, “Also, it would be nice for Balalaika to know someone she can relate to. And maybe even schedule a play date with our future kids.”

Lee thought, 'I am not touching that comment with a ten foot pole.'

River giggled a little at Lee's thoughts.

Balalaika adjusted her hold on her riding crop, as she stated, “Now ladies, if you are finished. I wish to show Lee how imaginative I can be.”

B and Lee went quiet, as River lightly giggled a little.

Balalaika commented, in a straightforward mannered, “I was including you, as well, River.”

River swiftly went silent.

Balalaika happily thought, 'I still got it. And I know you are still reading my mind, River.'

River did not replied, as she thought, 'I think it is best that I don't take Balalaika's mental bait.'

Lee thought, 'Balalaika and B are about to start their games with me. And given their personalities, I think I might want to lay all my cards out, beforehand.'

Lee said, “Before we start. I want you to know, Balalaika, that I have only had the up most respect for you. Even when I thought you were just a fiction character. That is why I only had Chang make you loyal, with his brainwashing, and nothing else. And you did get your youth restored out of the deal. Also, when book two ended, you were back in control of Hotel Moscow. And I only said that you lacked of imagination because I was caught up in the heat of the moment.”

Balalaika looked at Lee, while he lips curled into a feral grin, as she gained a dangerous look to her eyes. She bent the horsewhip slightly, as she casually said, “Oh. I know that Lee. And I am not angry with what you did to me. Nor, what you said to me. That is why I am not going to permanently harm you tonight. But, you are still clearly lacking one important thing, which I guess I need to teach you.”

Lee winced, as she guessed, “Disciple?”

Balalaika let her horsewhip snap back straight. She smirked, while she stated, with a voice like steel, “Exactly... Now, let us begin...”

That night, Lee learned many lessons. One important lesson being that pregnant badasses are the most dangerous and meanest badasses to exist in the multiverse.

Along with that, River had to stop Balalaika from going too far, several times that night. While B mainly assisted Balalaika. Though, she did do a few interesting things to Lee, as well.

Though, over the course of the following three hours, River also learned of some interesting sexual ideas, by scanning the two Russians' minds, along with watching what they did to Lee. And she took mental notes of what she learned.

When River called the session for the night, she had to all but carry Lee back to their bedroom, and dump her on her bed.

With Lee to sore to move much, nor immediately fall asleep. But, River was there to comfort her.

And when Lee finally when to sleep, River soon when to bed, as well. To get some sleep, herself.

Lee did not get out of her bed, until noon the next day. And she was still sore from the previous night's events.


Fortunately, by ten PM the following night, Lee was recovered enough, that she could handle other session in the Lagoon sadomasochistic dungeon.

This time, they found that they would be spending time with Sawyer, Shenhua and Lotton.

All three women were undressed, while Lee and River were still clothed

After River closed the door to the dungeon, behind them, the two women stood side by side to each other.

River and Lee stood beside each other, as they looked at the three other nude women.

Lee mentally admitted, 'River. I honesty don't mean to make you jealous. But, I find those three to be sexy. And not just because of their bodies. I mean Sawyer and Lotton are on the small side, but they have been nice to me. And Shenhua has a hot body, though her personality can be less than pleasant... So, I hope you don't mind me looking at them in that way...'

River softly teased, “You are not the only one doing that.”

Lee giggled, for a few seconds.

The three women looked over at them, as Lotton said, “Hi girls.”

Sawyer happily said, “Hello Lee and River.”

Shenhua just rolled her eyes for a few seconds, before looking back at the two newcomers.

River chirped, “Hi ya.”

Lee thought, 'You have been with me way too long.'

It was River's turn to giggle, for a few seconds.

Lee calmly said, “Hi guys.

Sawyer commented, “It is so nice to see you both in good health.”

Lee said, “Same here.”

River replied, “Likewise.”

Lee stated, “Interesting meeting you here. And please don't take this the wrong way. But, while I was told you would be joining us for one of these nights. I am honestly surprised that you three want you revenge on me. I thought the four of us were squared away on the vengeance angle against me.”

Sawyer responded, in a happy tone of voice, “Actually, this is more of just an excuse to sleep with you. And have some fun.”

Shenhua begrudgingly agreed, “Yes. We already settled our matters between each other.”

Lotton stated, “And I have no problems with you, Lee.”

Lee gave them a warm smile, as she said, “Then, I think I will enjoy tonight.' She mentally added, 'For a change.'

Sawyer commented, “We hope so. Besides, given Shenhua and my reputations, we don't usually get to share a bed with others that know who we are. And Lotton is polite enough to ask others, without our permission.”

Lotton cracked a grin, as she responded, “Yes. And our arrangement works out well for all of us.”

Shenhua complained, in a slightly whiny tone of voice, “I find it annoying that Annie. Of all people. Have more people, who know who she is, openly to sleep with her, than those that know about us. Concerning that matter, I sometimes think she uses her jedi mind tricks.”

River casually stated, “Nah. She won't do that. She has too much self-respect. It is just that she is as hot as us, and straightforward about her intentions. Her approach is more like. I am here. I am interested. Let's do it. And I promise you that you'll enjoy it.”

The other four women could not help but giggle at River's comment.

As the women calmed down, Lotton casually said, “Besides. we have other things to think about.”

Lee then noticed that Lotton had instinctively placed her right hand against her flat stomach.

Lee asked, with concern in her tone of voice, “What is it, Lotton?”

Lotton realized what she was doing, as she dropped her right hand back to her side. She looked over at Lee, as she stated, “Well, given you will figure it out soon enough. This morning, we found out that all three of us are pregnant.”

Lee and River happily said, in unison, “Congratulations.”

The three lovers replied, in unison, “Thank you.”

Lee asked, “Who are the fathers?”

The three woman giggled for a few seconds. Lotton then said, “Each other. By using those instant man packets, and some medical tools.”

Lee plainly replied, “Okay.” She thought, 'I guess they went through with it, after all. As I vaguely recall Lotton saying they were talking about doing.”

Nearby, River mildly giggled, for a few seconds. She then stated, “I hope things work out for you three. Motherhood is a big role.”

Sawyer looked over at River, as she said, “If Revy can handle it, so can we.”

River agreed, “Good point.”

Lotton asked, “Now, before we do this. I need to know. How are you holding up Lee?”

Lee answered, “Except for the seeing the adult members of the Lagoon family in dominatrix outfits the first night. And the russian last night. It hasn't been that bad. But, never ever get on Balalaika’s bad side. I was wrong. She is quite imaginative.”

The other four women giggled, for a few seconds.

Lee inquired, “So, what is with this baby fever? Violin and Scorpius are pregnant. Balalaika and B are pregnant. You three are pregnant.”

As Lotton, Sawyer, and Shenhua calmed down, River softly giggled, some more, for a few seconds, at Lee comment.

Lotton stated, “While I mentioned we were talking about getting pregnant, when I capture you at the factory. I guess is really started while Roberta was chasing you on the highway. At the time, we were inside a bar talking.”

“The we being, Shenhua, Sawyer, myself, Dutch, Benny, Rock, Janet, Revy, Akira, Natsuru, Ranma, Aeryn, Violin, B, Balalaika, and Eda.”

“That was when Balalaika and B announced they were pregnant. And I guess that it was the right push to get us three to have some kids, along with Aeryn and Violin having another kid. By the way, Eda and I won money on a bet, due to you escaping Roberta. We watched that chase on TV, and that awesome car chase.”

Lee smirked, as she questioned, “Interesting. So, did you finally tell them about your brainwashing programming has fully broken down?”

Sawyer spoke up, as she said, “Yes. She told us. And we are okay with it.”

Shenhua commented, “It is nice to know that she now continues to stay with us of her own volition.”

Lotton responded, “As you can see, they took the news well. These two said they had realized it for years, but they like having me around, as I like being around them. I guess that is as close to love as people like us will ever get.”

Lee commented, “I think you three have better hearts than you give yourselves credit for.”

Lotton said, “Thank you.”

Sawyer commented, “I appreciate your opinion.”

Shenhua said, “I will agree with sentiment.”

Lee inquired, “So, what can I expect tonight?”

Lotton responded, “It will not be painful. Just embarrassing.”

Lee replied, “Let me guess. Waterworks, and dominance positions?”

Sawyer complimented, “She's good.”

Shenhua agreed, “Yes. She is.”

Lotton said, “Yes. And be happy I talked them out of doing anything else. By the way, how did you know?”

Lee said, “You three may not realize this, but in my reality, the Black Lagoon manga continued after the Blood Trail arc. The title of the storyline is called the Wired Red Wild Card.”

Shenhua raised an eyebrow, as she replied, “Really?”

Sawyer said, “Interesting. We will have to check manga that out sometime.”

Lotton commented, “I looked forward to doing so. I wonder if we are in that storyline?”

Lee said, “Maybe. Maybe not. Though, that is where it is stated that Janet is a nymphomaniac.”

The other four women giggled, for a few seconds.

As the other four women calmed down, Lee continued, “Anyway, it is not hard to figured out that Sawyer here, is into waterworks and worse. Given Sawyer's manga counterpart's bed and butter joke in the Wired Red Wild Card. And trust me Lotton, you do not want to know the details behind that joke. Also, given Shenhua jokes about how men know much about stabbing, but very little about being stabbed, she is all about dominance.”

Shenhua and Sawyer overheard what Lee said, as they looked at each other.

Sawyer then said, loud enough for Lotton and Lee to hear, “Lee knows us too well, Shenhua.”

Shenhua agreed, “Very true. Now, let us teach Lee what we know in detail.”

Both women laughed, as they then, turned their attention back at Lee and River.

Lotton and Lee looked over at the two women for a moment, then back at each other.

Sawyer said, “Don't worry, Lee. At worst, tonight, you are going to get a little wet, in more ways than one.”

Lee slowly replied, “Okay...” She looked over at Lotton, as she admitted, “Though Lotton, I still haven't fully figured you out.”

Lotton smirked, as she joke, “I am here to make sure it is pleasurable for everyone.”

Lee giggled a little. She then playfully commented, “Shenhua was right. You would make a good host for a bordello.”

Lee's comment made all the adults in the room start to giggle.

As everyone calmed down, Sawyer turned to River, as she offered, “River, we would like to have you join us...”

Sawyer, Shenhua, and Lotton then smiled toward River, as Sawyer continued, “As we said. And from reading our minds. You know we are not planning do anything painful towards Lee. We just want to introduce her to new and interesting experiences that one's body can create.”

Lee looked over at River, as she said, “I don't mind.” She mentally added, 'And I honestly think this is an olive branch towards us. And we should take it.'

River remained silent for a few seconds. She then thought, 'You are likely right, Lee...'

River shrugged towards Sawyer, as she casually said, in a relaxed tone of voice, “Oh... What the hell. Why not?... I'll join in.”

Lee, Lotton and Sawyer smiled towards River, as Sawyer stated, “Good.”

Lee said, “Thank you, River. I think we will enjoy this, together.”

Lotton happily commented, “The more, the merrier.”

Shenhua cracked a grin, as she agreed, “Yes. More fun for all of us.”

River then calmly started to take her clothing off, in front of the other women.

Lee also took off her robe and slippers.

When River and Lee had finished getting undressed, they put their clothing in a neat pile by the wall, on the right side of the room, near the entrance.

And though that night was strange, it was enjoyable for all parties involved.

The group soon lost track of time, from the fun they were having. And instead of River calling it at one AM, she called it at one thirty AM, because she had not looked at the clock on the wall of the room, since they had started.

Soon after, River and Lee made collected this clothing, without putting their clothing on, as they opened the dungeon door, and walked together, back up the stairs, to the bathroom, near bedroom.

At that point, the two were in such a good mood, that they did not care if someone saw them nude. Though, fortunately, everyone else, but those that had been in the S&M dungeon, had gone to bed.

When they reached their bathroom, they shared a shower together. As they did their best to help the other get completely cleaned off with soap and water.

They then dried off, got ready for bed, and went to sleep. But, this time, they shared the same bed. Fortunately, they were small enough to do so, on one of the twin sized beds in their room, without a problem.

And even though they had a good time that night, when they woke up the following morning, they felt physically dirty.

But, they were both feeling better by the next evening, around ten PM, when they met a group that set both Lee and River on edge.

As River closed the door to the dungeon behind them, Lee and River saw Roberta, Fabiola, and an adult, female Garcia Lovelace.

River and Lee were standing next to each other, as they saw the three other women were nude. And all three of the women were very young, sexy, and beautiful. For Roberta, it was due to the super-soldier serum she was exposed to. For Fabiola and Garcia, it was due to the rejuvenation therapy they had undergone.

And River and Lee noticed that the three women were turned towards each other, as they were quietly talking in spanish.

As Lee looked at the three women across the room in front of her, and River, she grimly thought, 'Revy mentioned they would show up eventually. At least River is here to keep them from going to far.'

And then Lee noticed a few minor scars on Roberta, such slash marks on Roberta left side. Three on the underside of the left part of her chest, right behind and below her left breast, and two slash marks on the outside, lower part, of her left upper arm. Also, near the shoulder, there was a larger scar over the two slash marks on her left upper arm.

Lee continued thoughts, 'She may have gotten more human looking cybernetic parts, but she likely left some of her older scars alone... Maybe as reminders of her past. Though, I am not sure she keeps those scars as a good reminder? Or, a bad reminder?...'

Beside her, River quietly said, “Either way is likely. And I am not really sure myself.” She mentally added, 'Though, I am not going to ask her. And neither are you. Because, we are not that crazy, as to risk annoying any of them. Considering what they might have planned for you, Lee.'

Lee thought, 'Thank you, River. And what are they talking about? I cannot hear them from here.'

River softly replied, “Believe it, or not. They are talking about what groceries they are going to purchase, tomorrow. When they get back home.”

Lee let out a quiet laugh.

It was the that three other women turned toward Lee and River. And there was an unease silence between the two groups of women.

River thought, 'Someone needs to get this ball rolling. And I think I will ask in english. I don't want remind them, that Lee and I know spanish. In case they try time to plan something, while thinking and speaking in spanish.'

'I regret not bringing a gun with me, tonight, when we met these three women. I am not sure I can take Roberta in a fight. And I don't want to find out.'

'But, the others were very cagey, in their thoughts, on what the schedule for these visiting groups were. So, I am not sure until we get to the dungeon, each night. And I don't dare bring a gun to all these visits, and risk being thrown off the island, with Lee trapped her. So, I will just have to make the best of the situation, and I will try to keep things peaceful.'

River asked, in english, “So, hi. How have things been with you?”

Fabiola said, in english, “Better than expected?”

Garcia shrugged, as she calmly said, in english, “Okay. I guess.”

Roberta cracked a grin, as she stated, in english, “Pretty good. And only looking better, considering what we are going to do.”

Lee responded, in english, “I hope you are not planning anything to wild?”

Roberta raised an eyebrow, as she casually commented, “It depends on what you define as wild.”

Fabiola and Garcia giggled at Roberta's comment, for a few seconds. River did not.

Roberta cryptically commented, “Either way, I am also glad you kept your promise.”

Lee inquired, “What promise?”

Roberta smile mischievously, as she coyly said, “You will find out, someday.”

Lee thought, 'I think it is best that I don't inquire further. Because, I am in a deep enough hole, as is, wit them.'

Nearby, River overheard them. She thought, 'I would be tempted to read Roberta's mind. But, I know better. And I have a feeling I will find out that answer, to that question, someday, myself.'

Then, a thought occurred to Lee, that made her worry, as the mentally reflected, 'Even with River here, I think I am in a very bad situation, because Roberta's definition of, wild, might be far broader than mine. And given my imagination, and my recently learning of my apparent latent sexual tastes. That is saying something.'

'I vaguely recall that the english translation of Black Lagoon swimsuit magazine, has Tex-Mex state with the picture of Roberta in that leopard skin bikini, he stated that Roberta gives the impression that she is an immoral woman. And she looks like the kind of person who can be unimaginably scary in sex.'

'Given the situation I am in, at the moment. Such word of god comments are absolutely terrifying to me.'

'And I am sure, that taking into account, Garcia and Fabiola have been with Roberta for at least a decade. They are probably not that far behind her, when it comes to sex... I mean, when I think about it, a couple of pages before that Black Lagoon swimsuit magazine talked about Roberta, it mentioned that Garcia was definitely a masochist.'

'And given the hell Garcia went through to save Roberta... That wouldn't be to far from the truth.'

River said, “Lee, don't worry. I won't let them go too far.”

Lovelace women overheard River, and started laughing.

Robert responded, in a sarcastic manner, “Just be happy we are not including you in this evening activities, my redheaded collaborator.”

River scowled, as she growled at Roberta.

This did little to make the three women, in front of her and Lee, back down.

Fabiola joked, “So, the kitty has claws.”

The three members of the Lovelace home laughed, for a few seconds, again.

As the three women calmed down, Roberta looked at River, as she warned, in a chilly tone of voice, “Don't forget, so do we.”

River forced herself to drop her scowl, and calm down, as she thought, 'I will not let them sucker me into a fight.'

Garcia was first to notice River's calmer demeanor, as she happily said, “It is good that you see reason in this situation.”

From the corner of her eye, Lee had watched as River scowled, and she heard her growl. She then noticed River force herself to calm down.

Lee complimented in thought, 'It is good that you calm down River. I have never personally seen you like that before.'

'And I realize I need to move the situation forward before something bad happens to the both of us. Roberta and Fabiola probably have the abilities to beat up both of us, strip us, bend us over, and have their way with us, in manners far worse than what they already have planned...'

'Do you understand, River?'

River quietly said, “Yes.” She thought, 'It is good that we are watching out for each other. And we are both are trying to keep this other from getting into trouble.'

Lee thought, 'Good. Now, let's see if I can change the subject away from this madness...'

Lee looked over at Garcia, as she asked, “So Garcia. Did you tell them what happened, at Jusenkyo?”

Garcia cracked a grin, as she answered, “Yes. And it appears that much has happened, for all of us, since then.”

Fabiola giggled a little. She then commented, “I found it absolutely hilarious that after evading all of us, it was Garcia here, who took you down.”

Roberta stated, “Yes. It seems the young master here did not need us to take revenge for him... Her. And she was able to handle her own vengence, on her own.” She turned to Garcia, as she smiled, while she went onto said, “I am quite proud of her.”

Garcia looked over at Roberta and returned Roberta's smile.

Garcia and Roberta then turned back to look at River and Lee.

Roberta lips curled into an evil grin. Her voice became as cold as ice, as she continued
“And given you now suffer the same monthly indignities as the rest of us. Along, with saving the master's life. We are not going to torture you to death.”

Fabiola smirked, as she said, “And instead, we are going to have our fun with you tonight, and leave our revenge against you at that.”

In response, Garcia smile, towards Lee and River, turned into a grin that was like the cat that ate the carney.

River thought, 'The scary thing is from what I am reading of Garcia's mind. She is as twisted as the other two. She likely would approve of just about anything Roberta and Fabiola would like to do to Lee. And I am guessing that is a lot. I will have to be mindful of the situation, tonight.'

Lee thought, 'Okay. The good news is that if I can survive the night with them, I will be fine, when it comes to them. That is very good indeed. And I think I will survive this.'

'Still, I guess I better explain myself, on the matter at hand.'

Lee stated, “I honestly didn't expect you, and Garibaldi, to try something, so soon. Speaking of Garibaldi, what happened to him?”

Garcia answered, “Oh, he is back home. Safe and sound.”

Lee deadpanned, “So, what are you no telling me?”

Garcia smirked, “A lot. But, to be fair. Since, you got all of us into this mess, I will tell you some of what happened. First, Garibaldi is not angry with you about being cursed, because he found a great way to use his curse. Besides the obvious. And though we did invite him. He politely declined to take part in this revenge.”

Lee thought, 'So, Garibaldi knows I was captured, by Garcia and her friends. That figures.'

Garcia continued, “That being, that someone gave Garibaldi a great idea, that instead of trying to find a cure for his curse, he should find a way for him to use that curse to give him more life. And he did just that.”

“I was there with him, and we found a magical user that could cast spells that would balance out the ages of his two forms.”

“This work by making his older male form younger, while aging her younger female form.”

“I was present when the spell was preformed. And it took about a day to accomplish. Though, it was not painful for Garibaldi. He slept through most of spell. When the spell finished its course, his male form was around thirty-five years old. And her female form is around twenty years old.”

“And as either a he, or she, Garibaldi can now have fun in both forms.”

"Also, due to this, he will not have more time to spend with his family. His wife loves that Garibaldi will not be around with her for many years to come. And he will likely live to be a great-granddaughter. Along with this, from what I understand, his family is okay with his curse. Though, his curse is being kept quiet from those outside his family."

"And Garibaldi is even letting his friend, Doctor Stephen Franklin study our curse. From what Garibaldi told me, during my last visit to Mars Dome One, Stephen has never been happier about studying a mysterious medical condition.”

Lee commented, “Given Doctor Franklin's medical background, and experience, he might actually figure out how Jusenkyo curses work.”

Garcia said, “I agree.”

Lee thought, 'Though, I do wonder.' Lee asked, “Did the gender change also cure Garibaldi's baldness as a man?”

Garcia stated, “Actually, yes. He is very happy about that. He said, it almost made the gender change worth it. And it seems that his hair is the same length in both gender forms. Though, with his female form smaller than his male form. His hair goes down his neck a few inches more in his female form, than his male form. And Garibaldi’s hair stays the same shade of brown in both forms. So, he does thank you for that.”

Lee stated, “Good. Well at least, there is that. Anyway, I am glad to hear that things worked out for Garibaldi. And if the opportunity presents itself, I will try to make it up to Garibaldi.”

Garcia coyly replied, “Don't worry. You will.”

Lee thought, 'I have a feeling that I don't want to know what Garcia meant by her comment.'

River thought, 'I agree. I have a feeling that I don't want to know either. Because, it might distract me from the matters at hand.'

Lee inquired, “So, are you still living as a guy? Or, do you live as a girl? Personally, I found it more fun to life as a girl.” She joked, “I found it is true. That girls really do just want to have fun.”

River giggled as Lee's comment, for a few seconds. While the three other women remained silent.

Lee thought, 'Tough crowd.'

Garcia tactfully responded, “I guess that is a matter of opinion. But, to answer your question. For various reasons, including the fact I prefer to be a man. And I will have you know. I am as handsome as a man, as I am beautiful as a woman.”

Lee stated, “I fully believe you. Your father was a handsome man. And I am sure your male form is handsome, as well.”

Garcia replied, “Thank you.” She thought, 'I can see why our friends consider Lee to be polite. The problem is that she is also a manipulative bitch. Which means she will get no slack from us, tonight.'

Lee requested, “Please continued.”

Garcia said, “In the nation we live in, the culture is still very male orientated. Also, I am too well known as the patriarch of the Thirteenth family, for me to live as a woman.” She then gave Lee a lecherous smirked, as she continued, “Though, I have enjoyed the perks that my female form brings.”

Garcia then frowned, as she went onto say, “While also suffering the hardships of being a woman.” She then dropped her frown, to have a neutral expression on her face.

Lee pointed out, in a calm tone of voice, “Hey. I deal with those problems, as well, now.”

Garcia flatly replied, “I realize that.”

Lee asked, “So, did you create a paper trial for your female form? Such as, have you be your own sister?”

Garcia answered, “As I stated, I am too well known. And so were my parents. So, instead, I took a page from Ranma, and I create an identity were my female side is my cousin. And should I one day have to fake my death as a man, my will states that everything goes to my cousin, which is myself, as a woman.”

Lee complimented, “Nice idea. So, what name did you use as the alias for your girl form?”

Garcia said, “Maria Flores.”

Lee cracked a smile, as she responded, “In spanish, that name could mean, rebel flower. Not bad.”

Garcia returned Lee's smile, as she said, “I know.”

River mental reflected, 'Where have I heard the name, Maria Flores, from?... I know I have heard it in passing. Either spoken. Or, in thought. But, I cannot recall from where, right now. And the only, Maria, I can think of, at the moment, in connection to all this, is the Maria Zeleska. The cargo ship that Hotel Moscow uses as a base of operations. First as a secondary base, until Roanapur was destroyed. Now, they use the cargo ship as their main base of operations.'

'Though, I have a feeling that cargo ship has nothing to do with this question... And I do not have time to wonder about that question, right now... I believe I will think about this, later.'

Lee calmly inquired, “Well, that last thing I have to ask you three. Before we get started. Is like I asked the Lagoon members. How are we going to do this? Knowing you three, it could be anything.'

River thought, 'I admire that you are finally biting the bullet on this, Lee. And I hope for the best, that tonight works out for the both of us.'

Garcia answered, “Well, we debated whether we wanted to do everything in alphabetical, numerical, or chronological order. But, given we are under a three hour time limit, we decided to do only the highlights.”

Roberta stated, “We figured, if we did things none stop, we could cover the highlights in allotted three hour timespan. Even with the ten minute breaks. Which you will need.”

Garcia said, “And believe me, she can do it too. She is a real tiger in bed. And we are no pussies, either.”

Fabiola looked over at Garcia, as she politely said, “Language, please, Garcia. It is not fitting for a person of your station to speak in such a manner.” She then turned towards Lee. She grinned evilly, as she commented, “Instead, it is our place to state how we will put this cunt in her place.”

Lee thought, 'I never thought I would see the day when Fabiola would use such language. She must still really hate me, for what I did to Garcia. Not that I blame her for her hatred.'

River quietly replied, “Me neither.” She mentally added, 'And I think language is the least of our worries tonight.'

And River was proven correct, in her assessment of the situation.

While during the previous nights Lee learned more about sex than most people would know in a lifetime. The night she spent with the Lovelace women could be summed up in one word. Endurance.

None of the three women let up on Lee, for the solid three hours. As each of them took turned, taking lead, but the other two, at the time, assisted the one that was doing the activities on Lee. With Lee needing those ten minute breaks, every hour, to catch her breath.

And Roberta, Fabiola, and Garcia, lived up to the observations that Lee had of them.

Calling Roberta, unimaginably scary in sex, was an understatement. With Fabiola and Garcia not that far behind Roberta, in that department.

The time Lee spent with them was mostly painful for her, while pleasurable towards each other.

River had to stop all three of them, at various times, to prevent them from going to far. But, River was able too.

At the end of the three hour session, when River called session for the night, the three Lovelace women stated they that they were still not tired, and that they would be continuing having sex in the room, with each other, for a while longer.

River did not reply, for concern they might involuntarily volunteer her and Lee into their activities.

Instead, due to Lee being so tired, and exhausted, from their activities, River had to help Lee back to their bedroom, and to Lee's bed, where she soon fell fast asleep, from exhaustion.

Lee did not get out of her bed, until one PM the next afternoon.


This nightly revenge, on Lee, continued for around the next three weeks. With a different group of women every night.

And while some of Lee's victims, that were invite, decline the offer for revenge.

Some that considered going, decided not to. Such as Mal and Spike. Both of whom finally decided not to go, with each them stating, to the effect, that they were better people, than those that would take such actions towards another human being. Even one that so richly deserved it, such as Lee.

The Lagoon family, and their friends, that heard about Mal and Spike's comments on the matter, did not take their comments at insult. And they respected Mal and Spike's opinions on the matter.

Others choose to to take the Lagoon family up on their offer.

Though, not all the sessions were about the victims gaining satisfaction over Lee. Some where just about the victims having Lee understand what she had done.

Such people had their way with Lee then, afterward, broke down crying next to Lee. With Lee and River consoling them, after everything they had done that night.

Such as Leon, whom Lee held as they both cried, while Leon asked how Lee could do this to all of them. Lee did her best to apologize, while comforting her, as she cried with Leon. With River and the other Knight Saber present, quietly watching on.

Also, concerning the Knight Sabers. They did their sessions in pairs of two. For four consecutive nights.

And for some reason River could not figure out, she could not read their thought. But, because most of them were playing nice with Lee, she did not say anything about the matter.

And over the course of the few weeks, during the day, Lee started coming to the meals the Lagoon family hosted, with River by her side. And those present did not give Lee much trouble.

Unfortunately, Lee troubles were growing, in more ways than one. Ways in which even Lee, herself, was not yet aware of.

To be continued.

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