Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”
Volume 3: “Dynasty.”
Chapter 01: “Dongmei's Bloom.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru's Reality, over twenty-four years after Lee first came to that reality. Location, somewhere within the Byankala Mountain range, in China. Time, late morning. Place, a small forest.
It was a warm, partly cloudy day, with the sun behind the clouds, as the young woman had been slowing, and silently, stalking her prey through the forest, for nearly two hours.
The woman was a healthy, pretty woman that was physically, eighteen years old. She had fair skin, and long, black hair that was left loose, to drape down her back, and nearly to her waistline. She had a slender, athletic build. And she was slightly above average height for her ethnicity and gender.
She wore a green short sleeved shirt. The woman wore a black sports bra underneath her shirt. Also, her tucked into light purple colored pants, with the pants having a drawstring at the waist. And she wore red leather slippers, which were conformable for her feet, but were made to handle walking on rugged terrain.
She also wore a brown leather bandolier one across her chest. From her left shoulder, to her lower right side. On the front of her bandolier was a small holes, with sheathed throwing knives. On the back of her bandolier was a sheath for her collapsed, retractable staff. Which she could quickly pulled out and extend at a moments notice. With her being trained to use both weapons to their fullest.
She has been using her years of experience and training, in tracking and hunting, to stalk the elk for almost one kilometer.
For the woman this has been a slow, tedious, venture, of her silently and slowly making her way through the forest, closer to the elk, while the elk slowly wondered the forest, as the animal ate berries from nearby bushes.
She was careful to stay downwind of the animal, as she quietly stalked her prey.
And after two mind numbingly slow hours of reaching within throwing knife distance of the elk. Where she used her skills in stealth to crawl, in a crouching position, to hide behind the bushes. While she saw, in a nearby clearing, the elk, whom was twenty feet away.
The elk was facing to his right side, from the woman, as it bent its head downward to calmly eat some berries from a bush in front of it.
She then slowing pull out one of her throwing knives from her bandolier, with her right index and middle fingers. With the hilt of the knife between those two fingers.
Next, the woman took some slow, quiet deep breaths, as she took aim for the Elk's head, right below the elk's right ear.
She thought, 'If I get this shot right, this elk will be dead instantly. If not, it will be dead in under a minute, and I will just track its blood trail to where it dies. Though, I will have to use my staff to check that it is dead. I know a dying animal is very dangerous. And it might try to kill me in its death throws. Now, to feel for the right time.'
She reached back with her right hand. She had the aim, and all she was waiting for her instincts to till her it was the right time to throw her weapons.
As she waited, she thought, 'I am so happy I decided to go hunting today. Doing this takes my mind off of other, more immediate, personal problems.'
Suddenly, from several feet behind her, she heard a loud snap.
She grimly thought, 'No... No... No... No!'
The woman saw the elk immediately turn in her directly. The elk then swiftly looked away from her direction, as the animal immediately bolted away from her, in the opposite direction from where the sound had come from.
The raven haired woman thought with anger, 'Who would dare spoil my hunt? And I was so close, too.'
As the woman held her throwing knife between her fingers, she jumped up and turned around.
The raven haired woman immediately recognized the two women looking back at her, from about twenty feet away from her.
The two women were standing beside each other, near a large tree that shaded them from the daylight, which was defused from the clouds in the sky.
To the raven haired womans right was a chinese redheaded woman, in her late teens. The redhead had her long red hair, that reached her shoulder blades. She has her red hair pulled back in a simple ponytail, with a red ribbon, tied in a bow. She had a moderate-heavy physical build, with her height being a few inches taller than the black haired woman. Though the redhead was still very pretty.
In the redhead's right hand, she held a moderately large chui, a chinese mace. She held the weapon in a casual manner, with the ball of the weapon pointed at an angle, downward, in front of her, in a non-threatening manner.
The redhead wore a dark blue long sleeved shirt. Over the front of her shirt was a red metal breastplate that was fitted to her chest and breasts. The breastplate had blue painted symbol that curled around the breast region of the plate from the outside, in. The blue lines then dipped down to the bottom of the plate, right above the stomach area, where the two blue lines connected. The straps to the breastplate were black, and wrapped around the underside of her chest, and over her shoulder, where the met, and were strapped together.
The breastplate also doubled as a bodice for the redheaded woman.
The woman's shirt was left loose over her red colored pants. Her pants were button up, with a brown leather belt looped around the waistline of her pants.
The redheaded woman also wore brown leather slippers.
The woman to the black haired woman's left was a pink haired chinese woman in her late teens.
The pink haired girl had a slightly lean, petite figure, with long pink hair. Her height was a few inches short than the black haired woman, Given her a willowy physical build, that only added to her beauty.
The woman's hair was made up in two pink odango dumpling shaped hair buns, on the sides of her head. With her long hair out the button of the buns going down her back.
The pink haired woman wore a sleeveless light yellow coat, with black trimming, that went to down midway to her thighs. The coat was completely closed, and held closed at the waist, by dark yellow sash that was tied into a simple knot. Under the coat was a sleeveless white shirt, which did not show under the coat. And under the shirt was a white sports bra.
Her shirt was tucked into her violet colored pants, that had a drawstring on them. With her coat and sash being over her pants. She also wore dark purple leather slippers.
The pink haired woman had a one-handed chinese doa sword, with the sword sheathed inside a scabbard that was vertically strapped across her back, with the hilt of the weapons sticking out behind her left shoulder.
The black haired woman sheathed her knife back into an empty slot, in the front of her bandolier, as she thought, with disappointment, 'It figures that it is these two. And I guess I left my own trail for them to track. That will teach me for not telling them where I am going, before I leave. Still, I wonder which one of the was stupid enough to step on a fallen branch?...'
The raven haired girl then saw a small fallen branch on the ground, under the sole of the right slipper of the pink haired girl.
The black haired girl thought., 'Yep. It has to be her. And she should no better. Considering she is a better hunter than I.'
The black haired woman used her right index finger to point at the pink haired woman's feet. She then dropped her right hand back to the right side of her body.
The pink haired looked down at her feet. She saw that she was at fault, due to her accidentally stepping on a fallen branch, and snapping it.
The picked haired girl then look back up at the black haired woman. She had a sheepish look on her face, as she said, in chinese, “Oops.”
The redhead just rolled her eyes for a few seconds. She then looked over at the black haired good, as she stated, in chinese, “Sorry about that, Dongmei. Violet sometimes needs to be more mindful of her surroundings.”
Dongmei stated, in chinese, “I agree, Rose. And be happy that you both are my friends, or there would be trouble.”
Violet said, in a slightly concerned tone of voice, which sounded kind of cute, coming for her, “We just wanted to check on you. And see where you went. Considering, that this morning, you didn't tell anyone where you were going.”
Dongmei answered, in slightly deflated tone of voice, “I just needed some time alone. To hunt, and take my mind off of things.”
Rose commented, “But, the only time you do that is when... Oh, that is why you are doing this.”
Dongmei shrugged, as she casually replied, “Yea?” She turned to Violet, as she said, “Also Violet, I am surprised you would make such an amateur mistake. You should know better.”
Violet protested, in a slightly childish manner, “I was more concerned about you.”
Dongmei warmly smiled, as she replied, “I appreciate that.”
Rose asked, “Any chance we can still catch that elk?”
Dongmei shook her head a couple of times. She then said, “No. It is long gone.”
Rose inquired, “Oh well. So, is there anyway we can make this up to you? And improve your mood? I realize you spent a lot of time hunting that animal. And we didn't mean ruin your hunt, like that.
Dongmei responded, in a calm tone of voice, “I know you didn't. And to answer your question. Not at the moment. But, the day is young... On second thought, I think there is. Let's head back to the village. By the time we get back, it will be lunch time. And we can drown our sorrows in a good meal, at a local restaurant. That should make me feel better.”
Violet perked up, as she complimented, “Good idea.”
Rose calmly stated, “I could go for some lunch. And the walk to the village will us a few hours. Giving us enough time to work up a good appetite.”
Dongmei commented, “Good. Because, for making me lose that elk, you are both buying my meal.”
Rose said, “Okay.”
Violet replied, “I don't mind.”
Rose commented, “Besides. I am sure the elders will have something else for us to do, when we get back.”
Dongmei said, “Perhaps. Okay then. Let's go home.”
Dongmei then walked up to the two other girls. And then, together, through the forest, the three women heading back to their home village, at a casual pace.
A few hours later, a redheaded japanese women, with her long hair in a ponytail, approached one of the gates that village of the chinese amazons.
At that time of day, the gate was open.
The woman looked to be in her late twenties, and she was in magnificent physical shape.
She wore a red chinese shirt, with a red sports bra underneath. She also wore red pants, black leather slippers, and golden bracers on her forearms.
The woman was Ranma Saotome.
While Ranma walked through the gate, she mentally reflected, 'I never thought I would even enter this place again, in my lifetime. And the last time a came was with Akira and Natsuru. Though, that was a good visit. And Cologne laughed her ass off when she found out I had shacked up with two other gender benders. Both of which had been born men...'
'Though, I have focus on what brought me here. That being that we having finally lost Lee's trail.'
'While, I don't know how long it has been for Lee. For us, it has been around four days since we let the maids continue their journey, here, in my home reality.'
'As planned, I used my reality device to teleport them from Lagoon Island, in the Black Lagoon reality, to just outside Jusenkyo, China, of my home reality, in my past, before I was even curse. And when we got there, from the information on our tracking equipment, we knew we were only a three hours behind them.'
'But, Lee has jumped, with Garibaldi, to the middle of Jusenkyo. And while I was sure they were able to avoid getting cursed. Given they are both savvy and careful enough not to. We still had a problem.'
'To my surprise, it seemed that Fabiola and Roberta had seen and read my series. They knew how dangerous Jusenkyo was, And we all agreed not to head their directly. That is why we went to just outside the area. But, the problem was that Lee and Garibaldi could have walked out of those springs in any direction. And giving the mountainous and forest covered terrain around the cursed springs, tying to find their tracks would be next to impossible.'
'When I realized that. I also realized that while I did not want to risk meeting anyone from my past. And I was planning on immediately leaving. I changed my mind. Because I felt it might be best for me to stick around a while longer. And watch the Lovelace maids. At least, until they had tracked Lee and Garibaldi, as they made their next reality jump.'
'So, we just had to sit down a wait for them to reality jump, again.'
'And soon after we had gotten a signal of Lee reality jumping, with the reality device he stole from Rock.'
'Though, it was away from Jusenkyo. And the maids had not clue where they jumped from. And so, as their guide for here, Fabiola showed me the tracking tablet, so I could see where they reality jumped from.'
'A few minutes later, figured out where Lee, and likely Garibaldi, had jumped from, I realized that Lee was more a lunatic, and genius than I first thought. They had teleport from inside the chinese amazon village that Cologne and Shampoo were from.'
'I knew I could not go with the maids to the village. And while we had a signal. We the closer to the location of the reality jump, the better the lock on the signal was. And when dealing with traveling across the multiverse. One needed to get the best coordinates they could, before following their quarry.'
'Also, I wasn't planning to stay in the past of my home reality. Because I could cause a paradox. And the maids understood this. So, I gave Fabiola and Roberta directions to the amazon village, made sure they had their reality device. Which they did. And I reminded them not to pick a fight with the locals. Which they promised they would not do.'
'And from what they later told us. After they returned to Lagoon Island. I believe they kept their promise.'
'I then use my reality device to return back to Lagoon Island, five minutes later for those on the island. And this was just after we had ate lunch. All of us were there, my family, the Lagoon family, the Knight Sabers, Violin, Aeryn, Shenhua, Sawyer, Lotton, Eda, Balalaika, and B.'
'And so we waited, for the inevitable return of Robert and Fabiola, bring Lee, in tow, so we could bring our revenge on him... Or, should I say, their revenge? I like what Lee did for my family and I. And my family all agreed, that the reason we were helping them find Lee, was to help Lee. That we are only going on this hunt to keep the rest of them from going to far on their revenge on, Lee.'
'And so, we waited, and waited, and waited.'
'Several hours later, near sunset, just after supper, the maids returned. And to our surprise, they returned empty handed.'
'To make matter worse, along with them not returning with Lee. They refused to give us any real details of what happened to them. And what caused them to turn back on their hunt.'
'Though, Fabiola and Roberta did let slip a few things, in what they told us.
'They did say they followed Lee's reality signature to where he made his next jump in the chinese amazon village. They got in touch with, and met with Cologne. And they spoke with Cologne in spanish... And I am not surprised that Cologne knows spanish. That old ghoul just shows one surprise after another... And Cologne stated that Lee and his two friends had left. With them leaving in manner in which they had just disappeared in the blink of an eye. Meaning, they reality traveled.'
'Also, Fabiola and Roberta did mention that Cologne was her usual, polite self. And there were no problems at the amazon village. Which brought the rest of us no end of relief in learning.'
'Though, on a side note, we do not know who the third person was that went with Lee. At this time, we do not think it was important. It could be any number of possibilities. And with not evidence to the identity of the person. Since the maids stated that Cologne did not give them any details on who it could have been. We just placed that little mystery to the side, so we could focus on the more important mystery to solve, which was finding Lee.'
'And so, in the amazon village, the maids used their tracking table to track the reality device that Lee had used to leave my reality. And they soon used their reality device to jumped realities, with them hot on Lee's trial.'
'After that, the maids got real vague. Though, they also stated that they tracked down the trail to the people that had gotten the reality device. But, Lee was no among them.'
'Fortunately, they were not in a bad mood over the situation of losing Lee. We could all tell that something had changed with them, during their hunt. We could tell that much by their demeanor. But, we could not pin down what it was. Except that they were calmer, and slightly... happy...'
'Also, since Fabiola and Roberta were some of the toughest members of our group, none of us pushed the issue.'
'It was then, that Aeryn stated that she would not sit and wait for someone to catch Lee. That she and Violin would not put their lives on hold. And I could not blame them for that. And several others agreed with them.'
'Of course, the Knight Sabers, whom were not really our allies. But, not our enemies, at the moment. Decided to leave, as well.'
'Though, Sylia mentioned that she and Rock had on errand to do together, the next morning, before they would left. Also, Sylia did give us a phone number, with a voice message machine, in Rock's own reality, and present time, for them to be contacted by. When we had finally caught Lee.'
'Most of the others felt the same way. That they wanted to leave, and be contacted when Lee was caught.'
'Though, while the Knight Sabers left Lagoon Island that night. Though, I, and the others, saw Sylia stop by the next morning, in a dress, to meet with Rock. For the two of them to go somewhere else, for a few minutes. With Rock soon returning, on her own.'
'As for the rest of us. We decided to stay at Lagoon Island for a few more days.'
'Though, the main reason we stayed was because, two days after we returned to the island, we decided to throw a babyshower for Balalaika and B. Given they were two and a half months pregnant.'
'And we did invite a number of our friends. But, some of them did not come. Such as Chang, and the male members of Chang's group. Given a babyshower is a very feminine orientated party, this was completely understandable for those with male personalities, to decide to not attend.'
'Along with Spike, Jetta, Faye, and Annie did not coming to the party, either. Though, River, Kaylee, Inara, Zoe, and Arcee did.
'And Eda went and got Yolanda for the party. Also, from what I understand, Yolanda laughed her ass off when she found out those two were pregnant by each other.'
'And even the Lowe family came to the party, as well.'
'Though, Balalaika and B did not invite the rest of Hotel Moscow, because such a party for them, might undermine their authority with their subordinates. Still, it was a wonderful party.'
'In addition, none of us had any problems with those that had supported Lee. Such as River and the Lowe family. We all decided that it was a minor different of opinion. And to table those issues, for later, after the party.'
'And so, the two russians received gifts from those that came to the party and a few that did not. Such as Arcee giving a babyshower gift to the two russians that was from Chang. The gift being a free dinner, and a free night in one of the honeymoon suites at his casino. And Balalaika and B found the gift to be nice. Along with a bunch of other gifts that the two found to be pleasantly happy with.'
'After the party, most of the others left for their homes. Both in that Black Lagoon reality, and other parts of the multiverse.'
'This included Balalaika and B, whom said they had to pay someone a visit... I could guess who. But, I pray I am wrong.'
'Though, either way, only my family, the Lagoon family, and River stayed behind on the tropical island.'
'While River, as Sam, had helped Lee escape, we all realized that allowing River to stay behind might help us find Lee. Because she was one of the few people that knows how Lee's mind works. And while she wants to protect Lee, like my family and I, she did want to be here, just in case Lee was caught. So, she can help mitigate that situation, with her having Lee afterward, alive and in a recoverable stay.'
'And while none of us have said it to her aloud. With her telepath abilities, she knows we realize she has fallen in love with Lee. It doesn't genius to figure that out. Though, that is not to say she stopped loving Chang. If I can love two people at once, why not River.'
'And I was happy to learn that both River and Chang took the news of us losing Lee in stride. They were polite about it. And this was one of the reasons we allowed River to stay on Lagoon Island.'
'And River did state some ideas about where she though Lee might be. After some discussion, we agreed those were some good places to check out. And Revy and myself, followed up on those leads. Unfortunately, the locations did not pan out.'
'So, there we were, four days after losing Lee. No leads on him. Right after lunch. We were having a meeting, in the Lagoon manor gym. Including our kids. With some of us sittings, and others standing. As we were spit balling ideas on how to find Lee.'
'Then, Dutch casually suggested that we hire some expert tracker to find Lee. In response, I mentioned the chinese amazon women were very good trackers. And after a few minutes of discussion, everyone seem to like the idea of me going to get a few chinese amazons to help us.'
'We came all agreed that a marvelous idea, because it would put Lee in a no win situation. I know from personal experience, that once a chinese amazon is on the trail of someone, there is no way to lose them.'
'They are probably one of the few groups that could put Roberta's tracking skills to shame.'
'And we know that once Lee realizes who is after him, he will also be screwed. He won't dare fight them, in fear of accidentally defeating them, and ending up engaged to one or more of them.'
'In addition, even though chinese amazon women are fairly nice to men, that don't annoy them. In some ways, being engaged to a few of them at once might be worse fate than anything we could come up with.'
'Also, Lee would know he cannot lose them.'
And on top of dealing with his cancer that is weakening him. That is, if he has not cured it. Which some of us, including myself, believe to be the case.'
'But, either way, eventually the chinese amazon will find Lee and capture him. With us paying them for their services, at such an amount, they would gladly turn Lee over to us.'
'Though, we would have to provide reality devices to them. But, that would not be a problem, as long as we were careful, and accounted for them, later.'
'Also, even though I one time took Akira and Natsuru to see Cologne, which was a wonderful time for all of us. That to avoid any possible problems. I should go lone to request Cologne to help us.'
'And everyone one of us agreed, it was a good plan, with very few possible flaws to it.'
'Even River signed off on the plan.'
'So, here I am, returning to the chinese amazon village, one more time.'
'On another side note, this is not my present. I did come a few years into the past, because I did not want Cologne to wonder why I have no aged much over the last few decades. That could lead to some interesting questions. And I don't want to have to tell her the truth, about us being works for fiction. I respect her to much to hurt her like that. It might give her a heartattack, by breaking her heart.'
'That all of her three thousand years of chinese amazon history was the fantasy of a woman from Japan.'
'And that would be such a lame way to die, for someone of her skills and life experiences.'
At that moment, Ranma exited the other side of the gate, and into the village. As she looked around, she thought, 'Now, to find someone to help me contact Cologne.'
Ranma continued to look around, and she soon saw someone nearby, to her left. She thought, 'I believe she would help me.'
The woman Ranma saw was a middle-aged chinese amazon woman, whom was in good physical shape. She was wearing casual clothing, for her culture. The woman was about thirty feet from her, to Ranma's left.
Ranma turned to her left, and approached her. As Ranma did so, she thought, 'I am so happy that I took the time to learn chinese before my children were born.'
When Ranma came within twenty feet of the woman, the woman noticed Ranma. She turned to face Ranma.
As Ranma saw the woman looking back at her, she continued walking at a causal pace. She calmly said in chinese, “Excuse me, ma'am. But, could you help me contact a specific person in your village. I have come a long way, and I need to talk to this person.”
Ranma then came to a stop ten feet from the woman. Ranma remained in a relax pose, so as not to give the wrong impression on the woman looking at her.
Ranma then saw how the woman spent the next few seconds sizing her up. The woman then looked back towards Ranma's face, as she calmly said, in chinese, “Who is the person you are looking for?”
Ranma stated, “I am looked for your leader, Cologne. If she is not here, then I would need to speak with Shampoo. I am willing to wait here, or be escort to either of them, at their earliest convenience.” She mentally added, 'I am so happy that Akira and Natsuru helped me with my manners, long before we gave birth to our kids. Such abilities do help in diplomatic situations.'
The woman answered, “Shampoo is on a training trip, with her young daughter...”
Ranma thought, with mild surprised, 'Daughter?!'
The woman continued, “But, I will go inform Elder Cologne. If you could wait right here. Though, might I ask who you are, first?”
Ranma thought, 'It is best I not give my name, considering it is well known that Ranma Saotome was the one who go engaged to Shampoo. Even to the point it was in their local newspaper. Fortunately, I don't have to...'
Ranma cracked a smile, as she requested, “Just inform Cologne that her stubborn redheaded student is hear to see her. She will know who I am.”
The woman said, “I will do so. Please stay here.” She then turned around, and walked, at a brisk pace, further into the amazon village.
As Ranma watched the middle-aged amazon women walk away from her, she mentally reflected, 'I am surprised to hear that Shampoo has a daughter. Given Shampoo never really showed any interest in men, except for myself, when I was guy. Still, I chalk that up to her being in an honor bound situation.'
'Though, I will admit to myself that I can still charm members of either gender, just with her looks and personality. But, given that I now have a family. With two wonderful lovers, that understand me at an emotional level, that few will ever do. I have no interest in romantic relationships, outside of my relationship with Natsuru, and Akira.'
'Still, how could Shampoo have a daughter?... And why does that question trouble me so?...'
'Unless, she did not have a choice. She may have been another victim of Lee and Chang's, like the Knight Sabers, and others... Such as Ryoga, Ryu, and I guess Ken. Where she was kidnapped, given the vat process, including the super-soldier serum, brainwashed, impregnated, and after we defeated Chang, she some how made it back home.'
'Speaking of Ryoga, it was a while after my friends and I had defeated Chang, at his tower, before I saw him... Or, in this case, her. After we defeated Chang, Natsuru, Akira, and I headed for China. Exactly, that was the previous time I visit Cologne. At the time, I did wonder where Shampoo and Mousse was at. But, at the time, I didn't ask, because it might have caused problems for Shampoo especially, to meet my current lovers. And it would have likely spoiled the good mood we were all having...'
'And speaking of Mousse, he could have ended up a victim, as well.'
'I now regret not asking more about Shampoo and Mousse's whereabouts then... But, that is something I will deal with, later.'
'Still, that visit to China was also the time we visited Herb, and her daughter. Among others. Herb found it refreshing to meet a few other people that could change gender. And meeting was good for everyone present.'
'All in all, it was great trip. Sort of like the honeymoon for us, without the wedding.'
'Then, soon came the incident with Bob. It was soon after we returned to Tokyo, from China, that Rico called us, to contact Rock. And Rock them suckered us into ruining a good boy's first date. Given our love-lives, even I will admit that was a bit hypocritical.'
'And after we ended our part of that chase, the fallout opened up a whole new can of worms for us. When we learned that Bob was latent gender bender, and we told Rock we would not continue our chase with Bob'
'Afterward, we did some checking, with Birdy's help. It seems that there are a lot of latent gender benders, like Akira and Bob, on this Earth. And most of them don't know about their latent conditions. And there was no point in informing them, considering it would just cause a whole lot of problems that we didn't want to be a part of.'
''Also, it was during that crazy car chase with Bob, through Tokyo, that Bob and I spotted Ryoga and Ryu, as women. And I promised myself that I would look into it. Which I did. A few days after we told Rock to take a hike, Akira, Natsuru, and I tracked down Ryoga and Ryu. Which was not as hard as I thought it would be. We didn't even need to use one of our reality devices.'
'When we found those two, I confirmed my worst fears.'
'They were women. And pretty women at that.'
'They soon told us that they had been kidnapped, put into vats of goo, changed into women, brainwashed, impregnated. And they had already given birth to this children. Though, the were very vague on how they returned home. And given the situation, we did not ask for details on that issue.'
'Akira then asked where their children were.'
'Ryo stated that their kids were being taken care of by people they trusted, while they were on their training trip. And we knew better than to ask further on the subject.'
'Still, there were a few problems during the meeting.'
'Though, the meeting did start to turn a bet tense, considering I was a girl, with Ryoga referring me as Ranma. While Ryo only knew me as Ranko. And Ryu did not know that Ranma and Ranko were not brother and sister. And instead I was the same person.'
'But, we quickly explained the situation, and my curse to her, and she took the information in stride.'
'In addition, Ryoga stated that she slightly annoyed she was stuck as a girl, while I could still change back and forth.'
'But, I had the perfect way to brighten her mood.'
'First, I told her that instant spring of drown man packets could temporarily turn them back into men.'
'That made both Ryoga and Ryo very happy to hear. And Ryoga stated that she knew how to get some of those packets of magical powder.'
'Then, I introduced my lovers, in more detail. That Akira and Natsuru allowing me to tell Ryoga and Ryu that they were gender benders like me. That they had been born men, and gained the ability to change genders, back and forth, when they were teenagers, as well.'
'Ryoga got a good laugh out of my situation. That given how some many women and men were after me, that I ended up with two gender benders as lovers.'
'Next, I informed them that even though all three of use were born male, and while we could physically change back and further, we had started living as women.'
'But, what clinched the deal with Ryoga being okay with the situation, was when I told her that I still had to deal with monthly periods. Though, mine are less regular. And that I had been dealing with them sense a few months after I was cursed, when I was a teenager.'
'I find it hilarious that Ryoga stated that if she had known that, back then. When we were teenagers. That I had to deal with monthly periods. That she would have called off her vendetta against me, for being cursed to turn into a pig, Which she later cured herself of. Before she was kidnapped by Chang, and turned into a woman. And she would have walked away a very happy teenage boy.'
'Still, that was water under the bridge. And we then talked for a number of hours.'
'After we had finished our conversation, Ryoga and I did some sparring for a little while. And even with the super-soldier serum Ryoga had in her, we were about even. This confirmed that the level we fought at, it came down to pure skill.'
'After we finished, we said our goodbyes, and went our separate ways. And I do keep in contact, every so often, with Ryoga and Ryo. And while they are not lovers. They are good friends. With them doing fine, and their kids doing fine, as well.'
'But, that meeting did have negative impacted me, in other ways.'
'I decided not to contact any of the my other friends, in my past, when I was a teenager. Because, I was afraid they may have been victims as well. At the time, I did not want to know, because in a way, I was partly responsible for what happened to them. Given, I was part of the group that dragged Akira along with us, into space. And we were then all scattered across the multiverse. With it being then, before we are all rescued and returned to our home reality, that Akira told Chang about the multiverse, and Chang's reality being a work of fiction. And that started the whole ball rolling.'
'I just could not face my friends over that matter. Though, I did check to find that my parents, especially my father, and even Soun, were fine. I guess even Chang had standards when it came to his breeding projects.'
'Then, I learned about Lee and his stories.'
'And while I will not admit it to anyone. When I learned that someone else had created this entire situation. Where we were puppets on strings, dancing on someone else's tune, again, after our own series ended, it was like a great emotional weight had been lifted off my chest.'
'I actually broke down and cried, in private, when I came to that revelation.'
'And that best part was that I also realized that with my reality device, I had all the time to make up for my mistake. Because I never got in touch with my friends, I would not risk a paradox going back in time, to visit them. And I could use the time travel aspects of my reality device to go back in time, and visit my friends, around the time we first returned to our home reality, after we defeated Chang and his organization. And with us in China, I would not have to worry about bumping into my past self.'
'And if they had been taken. I could help them through their pregnancies, births, and raising their children. Like we did Natsuru's friends, the Knight Sabers. Plus, with me being a parent, I have some experience on the subjects. And my kids turned out alright.'
'And if nothing has happened to them. I would buy them a beer, and catch up on old times.'
'Either way, they would not know that I was me from the future. And it is a win, win siutation for me. And I may even talk to Natsuru and Akira about this. I am sure they would like to come along with me. I would think that Natsuru and Akira would like to meet. Ukyou and Akane. And I am sure that Ukyou and Akane would get a good kick out of finding out who I ended up with. Though, I am so happy that during our band touring years, that Akane grew out of calling me a pervert for being a gender bender.'
'Though, we could not bring our kids. Because that would raise to many questions. Like how our kids could be almost as old as we were, during that time period. But, I am sure it would still be find for us.'
'And for those that did get kidnapped, they have had the super-soldier serum, so it would soften the blow for them to learn that they will remain young and healthy for several years to come. And for those that don't, we have the rejuvenation therapy that worked so well for Ed and I. So, we will all have several years to come, to catch up on lost time.'
'Along those lines, even though the present here, is a few years in the past for me. If Shampoo and Mousse had been kidnapped, it would be easy to tell. Shampoo would look younger than she should. And Mouse would be a young woman, as well. Instead of a middle-aged man.'
'And if that is the case. Given the longevity that some amazons have. Like the centuries old Cologne. Combined with the super-soldier serum, Shampoo and her child, and any other future children, could outlive all of us.'
'Though, I think it is best I not ask Cologne about Shampoo and Shampoo's daughter. Whom would be Cologne's great-great-granddaughter. Because, it would cause problems for all of us involved.'
'As such, I will check on Shampoo and Mousse, along with all the other old friends, later.'
'But, that is a concern for another day. Now, I need to focus on waiting here, for Cologne to either come to me, or for me to be escorted to her. So, I can ask for her help, in getting a few amazons to aid us in finding Lee.'
'And while it would be tempting to walking into the village to find Cologne. I am not going to take any chances I don't have to. So, I am just going to stand here, and watch for Cologne, or someone else, to come back to me.'
Around ten minutes later, Ranma saw Cologne, alone, in her usual oversized green shirt, using her staff to hopped over to her, by the interior side of the outer wall, where Ranma was standing by.
Ranma thought, 'Good. She is alone. That means we can talk in private.'
When Cologne came within ten feet of Ranma, while continuing to hope on her staff, she said, in japanese, “Ah Ranma. It has been far too long. How are you and those two interesting people whom accompanied you on your last visit here?”
Ranma thought, 'You don't know the half of it. And I am glad that after our last visit, I noticed that you stopped calling me son in law. It is nice that you accepted that Shampoo and I were never getting together... With you being gracious in accepting defeat in that matter.'
'Though, I am sure that Shampoo returning to the village, a rich woman, partly through my own efforts, probably helped smooth things over between us.'
'Still, I will have to check on her, at a later date, to see if she was a victim of Chang and Lee's, or not.'
'For now, I get to give you a pleasant surprise that will help both of us in this conversation.'
Ranma spoke, in fluent chinese. “Yes. It has. And we are all doing fine.”
By the Cologne came to a stop, six feet in front of Ranma. While still balancing on her staff, she smiled. She switched to chinese, as she complimented, “I see that you finally decided to train in more than fighting techniques. That is good.”
Ranma returned Cologne's smile, as she commented, “Yes. Among other things.”
Cologne raised an eyebrow, as she inquired, “Such as motherhood?”
Ranma calmly inquired, “So, you can tell?” She thought, 'My abs are as tight as ever. So, she had to be able to tell in another way.'
Cologne stated, “Of course. It shows in your aura. And it seems that motherhood agrees with you.
Ranma agreed, “Yes. As surprising as it sounds. It does.”
Cologne commented, “Yes. It is a bit surprising. But, as much as you protested about wanting to be all male. Back in Tokyo. You did like to live on both sides of the fence. And living as a woman nearly full time clearly suits you.”
Ranma shrugged, as she asked, “You noticed that, as well?” She thought, 'I wonder what else she can read from my aura?... Likely a lot. I best not directly lie to her. She will likely immediately know. Besides, I respect her to much to lie to her.'
Cologne answered, “Yes. Also, pardon my curiosity. But, given your life. I have to ask. Given that man among men contract situation, that your mother eventually dropped. Does your mother mind that your are now living almost fully as a woman, and your are also now a mother, yourself?”
Ranma's smile got slightly wider, as she stated, “Actually, no worries there. Now, that she has grandchildren to help raise, she is not complaining.”
Cologne asked, “And your father?”
Ranma's smile widened a little further, as she said, “He knows better than to complain. Especially, in front of my mother.”
Cologne giggled a little. She then inquired, “So, which one of those two interesting people, that came with you, is the father?”
Ranma answered, “Natsuru.”
Cologne commented, “I find it intriguing that you would choose to be the mother of the relationship, rather than the father.”
Ranma explained, “Actually, we decided to get pregnant together. All three of us conceived at the same time. We used medical equipment to have each others child. Each of us gave birth to one child. And not to worry. Pregnancy locked all three of us in our female forms for the duration of our pregnancies. Until we gave birth... Actually, for us, the gender lock lasted for about a week after we gave birth to our children...”
“And I must say, we all found our pregnancies to be very enjoyable experiences. And we emotionally bonded even further by going through our pregnancies together.”
Cologne commented, “Yes. That is not unheard of here, as well. And you would be correct that is does create an even more intimate relationship between lovers.”
Ranma casually said, “I know. And we even ended up giving birth at the same time, while all three of us were sharing the same king sized bed.”
Cologne let out a laugh. She then responded, in a slightly curious tone of voice, “All three of you going into labor at once must have been a real surprise.”
Ranma said, “Actually, it was. Even with close due dates, all the medical information we had stated that it would have been very rare to go into labor at the same time. Let alone give birth at the same time. Within the span of less than half an hour. Of course, it could have been a number of things that made us all three of us go into labor at once. A full moon around that time. Pheromones. Something we all ate. The strange luck all three of us have...”
Ranma mentally added, 'Or, Lee... Though, given our luck, it would have probably happened that way, no matter what...'
Ranma verbally continued, “Still, that was nothing compare the poor guy who showed up at the last minute... Or, should I say that last half hour? And he ended up playing midwife to all three of us, at once. Also, to be fair, he is a nice guy. And though the labor and natural deliveries were painful, all three of us tried our best to be polite and nice to him. Because a good person like that did not deserve to be put into a position like that, at the last moment.”
Ranma thought, 'And what happened to Bob afterward. When he went to try to drown his sorrows in a bottle of alcohol, was even worse. Though, I will admit that when I read about what happened in Lee's book three, it was very funny. A planet of sexist aliens, whom gained a variation of my curse, on a world that literally rains water almost all the time.'
Cologne replied, “That was very nice of you, three.”
Ranma stated, “Yes. And he was helpful in several ways for us. Including helping us get, back and forth, from the bed, to the toilet, and back again to our bed.” She thought, 'I am so happy that was a western style toilet. If any of the three of us had squatted, we would have likely popped our kid out, right then and there.'
Cologne said, “You will have to tell me this tale some time.”
Ranma replied, “I likely will. But, that is for another visit.”
Cologne agreed, “Yes. It is. So, are you a father of any of your three children?”
Ranma answered, in a relaxed tone of voice, “No. Natsuru and Akira carried each others child. The reason we did our parentage this way was that we knew ahead of time that Natsuru's abilities can be inherited, and we wanted strong children. She is the mother to one of our children, and the father to our other two children. And our children did inherit variations of her powers.”
Cologne responded, “Interesting... So, what can they do?”
Ranma thought, 'I might as well tell her some of what she is asking.' She answered, “I do not want to get too detailed. But, they inherited Natsuru's physical abilities. Including enhanced strengthen, speed, and reflexes. And my training them only enhanced their potential.”
“Also, like Natsuru, one of our children has fire abilities. Another child has lightning abilities.” Ranma grinned, as she felt a sense of pride for her daughter, Nodoka. She continued, “And mine has control over water, ice, and steam. She can even pull water from the air itself. Which I find ironic.”
Cologne stated, “I do, as well. And I can see how using Natsuru as the parent to all three of your children could work to your children's advantage. I might have done something similar in your place. Though, I never thought you would let yourself be second to anyone?”
Ranma dropped her smile, as she said, in a slightly sad tone of voice, “Well, I will admit, that though we love each other, Akira and Natsuru do have a slightly deeper bond with each other...” Her tone of voice turned a bit more happier, as she continued, but not by much. “And we all get along great. Both inside the bedroom and outside the bedroom.”
Cologne giggled a little. She then admitted, “I must admit that I am slightly envious of your relationship with those two.”
Ranma cracked a smile, as she said, “Yes. It is great. And we have talking about going through pregnancy, together, again. But, that will likely not happen for a while.”
Cologne halfheartedly commented, “I am sure. So, what genders are your children?”
Ranma happily answered, “All girls. And we consider all three of them to equally be all our daughters. And the three of them love each of us, and consider us their parents. And they get along with each other.”
Cologne said, “That is nice. So, no sons?”
For a few seconds, Ranma lightly laughed, as she used her right hand to reach over her head, and she scratched the back of her head. She then dropped her right hand back to her side, as she began. Well...”
Cologne casually asked, “Which one of them changes genders?...” Ranma remain silent for a couple of seconds. Cologne raised an eyebrow, as she inquired, with slight interest in her tone of voice, “Do they all of the change?”
Ranma flatly answered, “Yes. And they can change at will. Well, for the most part. And yes, they are all girls. They were born girls, and pretty much live in their female forms. Most of the time.” She mentally added, 'And unlike Akira and Natsuru, they will not lock in one gender form, or another, when they grow older. Which, given their inherited longevity, is going to be a very, very long time, for them.'
Cologne smirked, as she commented, “Ranma. Your life is an endless wellspring of wealth, interest, intrigue, and entertainment. You make life worth living.”
Ranma let out a laugh. She then returned Cologne's smirk, as she stated, “I know.”
Cologne asked, “So, when did they start change genders?”
Ranma dispassionately said, “They started changing when they were babies?”
Cologne responded, “That much have been an interesting time in your lives?
Ranma shrugged, as she answered, “Yea. Potty training them was a learning experience for everyone involved... Considering that no one wrote books on potty training children that can change gender bending, at will.”
Ranma thought, 'That is one of the reasons that Natsuru wrote a book for those that can change genders at will. Along with that, the three of us realized early on that getting our children to stay in one gender, or the other, for very long, was next to impossible... Still, I am just happy that boys and girls don't really start looking different until they are older. So, we could still go out in public with little worry.'
Ranma verbally continued, “And raising them was an adventure in of itself. But, they grew to be nice adults.”
Cologne inquired, “That is good. So, what brings you here?”
Ranma thought, 'Good old Cologne. She gets all the answers she wants about my personal life. Then, we get down to business. Still, I might as well move on, and deal with the matters at hand.'
Ranma answered, “Well, my friends and I are hunting a guy, who wronged us. And wronged our friend. Though, we cannot find him. So, we finally decided to ask for help. And considering I know first hand that you amazons have amazing tracking skills. You were at the top of our list. And we are also willing to pay well, in gold, for the services of some of you more younger amazons. Those that would welcome some adventure in their lives.”
Cologne warmly chuckled for a few seconds. She then said, in a gentle tone of voice, “Ranma. My dear. When it comes to you. The adventure is payment in of itself.”
Ranma replied, “I am glad you feel that way.” She thought, 'It saves us from paying you. Though, Rock and her family would have paid you the loin's share of what we would have given you.'
Cologne kindly stated, “And I am flattered that you would come to us, first. Also, you have come to the right place. But first, as leader of my village, I have to think of the welfare of my village. So, where are you planning on taking my younger sisters?”
Ranma coyly answered, “We are taking them into the beyond. I am sorry, but I cannot get more detailed than that. But, I promise that I, and my friends, will watch out for them.”
Cologne responded, “No problem. I trust you, Ranma. So, who is this man you are after How dangerous is he? And what does this man look like?”
Ramna stated, “First, we want him back alive, and mostly unharmed.”
Cologne commented, “That will not be a problem. Now, please continued.”
Ranma said, “The man we are after is a very shifty, black haired, caucasian american man, in his mid thirties. He goes by the name, Lee. Though, that is an alias. And he is dying of cancer. But, do not let his illness fool you. He is very dangerously.”
Ranma noticed Cologne raised an eyebrow in interest.
Ranma thought, 'I guess anyone that can get the better of me and my friends would peak her interest. Still, I need to inform her that Lee is not going to be tricked into an engagement with an amazon. Also, I will not mention that Lee passed by here, years ago, for you, on his way through the multiverse, to escape us.'
Ranma commented, “Also, Lee prefers to use guile over combat. And he knows about your amazon kissing rules. He will likely do everything in his power to avoid fighting one of your people. Also, we are pretty sure he would has probably cured his cancer by now. So, the time table in finding him is more than we would otherwise suspect.”
Cologne smirked, “Yes. This sounds like a person that would be a worthy challenge for my younger sisters... As a training exercise.”
Ranma replied, “That will do. And thank you. Any help you can provide will be welcome.”
Cologne said, “I assure you. With the amazons I have in mind. That by the end of this hunt, you will have found this, Lee, and likely captured this person. One way... Or, another. Though, I agree with you. Considering the man has not posed a threat to my village, and he would prefer not to fight my people, I preferred to capture Lee alive.”
Ranma missed the hidden meaning of the end of Cologne's comment, as she said, “I am glad to hear that.”
Ranma then watched Cologne smirk, as she turned her entire body, around her cane, towards the nearby gate.
Ranma turned in that direction, as well. She saw three amazon girls, in their late teens, about fifty feet away from them, walk into the village. The three girls were walking in a perpendicular direction, in relation to Ranma and Cologne, as they casually walked towards the interior of the village.
One of the girls had red hair. Another girl had pink hair. And the third girl had black hair.
The three women were all dressed in casual amazon clothing. The redhead had her long hair in a ponytail. The pink haired girl had her hair an odango style. And the black haired girl just let her long hair loosely fall down her back, with her hair almost reaching her waistline.
The redhead carried a mace in right hand, with it leaned on the front of her right shoulder. The pink haired woman had sword in a scabbard, strapped to her back. And the third had a bandolier across her chest and back. The front of the bandolier had sheathed thrown knives. And the back some weapon that was sheathed, that Ranma could not make out.
Cologne commented, in a pleasantly delightful tone of voice, “It looks like the three sisters I had in mind, just arrived.”
Ranma looked at the three amazons, as she stated, “They don't look like much. But, I trust you. So, I am sure they will do.”
Cologne continued to look at the three younger teenage amazons, as she calmly said, “I am glad they meet with your approval.”
Ranma then noticed something about the black haired woman.
Ranma turned to look at Cologne, as she questioned, “Hey. The black haired girl is a caucasian?”
Cologne continued to look at the three girls, as she responded, “She was adopted into the village, when she was young. And since then, she has been a good member for the village. And I ask that you not to hold my sister's ethnicity against her.”
Ranma turned back to the three women, as she replied, “I won't dream of it.”
Cologne said, “Good. Besides, she is also good with translating. She knows a number of languages. Including, Mandarin, and Cantonese... Though, we had to help refine her skills on those languages. She also knows japanese, english, and spanish. The other two only know mandarin, along with some cantonese, and a little english. So, I am sure you would prefer to have another translator, especially one that I can vouch for. And that the other two trust. Considering they are all friends. To accompany you. Unless you want to chaperon them.”
Ranma thought, 'No thank you.' She agreed, “Another translator would be good.”
Cologne said, “I thought so. Now, let me introduce to them.”
Cologne then casually hopped on her staff towards the three women, as Ranma calmly walked behind her, to Cologne's right side.
As Ranma and Cologne approached the three women, nearby the three women were walking, as they were talking.
While the three women walked further into the village, Violet asked, “So, what are we getting for lunch?”
Dongmei shrugged, as she replied, “The usual place is fine with me.”
Violet halfheartedly said, “I guess so.”
Rose commented, “Honestly, I could eat something different.”
Dongmei grumbled, “Well if you had not disrupted my hunt, we would be having elk for dinner, tonight.”
Rose held the hilt of her chui with her right hand, with the top of the mace set against the ground. She held up her left hand, in a stopping gesture, as she said, “Okay. Okay. We get what we did. We are sorry.” She then dropped her left hand back to her side.
Violet replied, in a slightly sad tone of voice, “Yea. We are sorry.”
Dongmei said, “Good.”
Violet turned her head to her left to see two women approaching. One of whom was their leader, Cologne, and the other was a redheaded woman, in red chinese clothing.
Violet stopped walking, as she said, “Hey, Granny Cologne is walking towards us, with a redheaded outsider.”
The other two stopped in their tracks, as they turned to see the two women approach them.
Rose questioned, in a slightly curious tone of voice, “What is this about?”
Dongmei commented, “I don't know. But, that redhead doesn't look like much.”
Violet wondered out loud, “Could it be the same redhead that beat Shampoo all those years ago, at that tournament.”
The three looked at each other, as they said, in unison, “Nah.”
The three amazon women then looked back to face the two other women, as Cologne and the redhead came to a stopped, around eight feet in front the three amazon women.
The three women nodded their heads slightly, in unison, as respect towards their leader, Cologne. They then looked up at the two women, as Rose stated, “Honored elder, how may we be of service?”
Cologne looked at the three women, as she calmly said, “Children, this woman here is an old friend of mine... Well not that old. She is a former student, whom I taught years ago. And she is likely one of the best martial artists you will ever meet outside the village. Her name is Ranma Saotome.”
Ranma said, “It is a pleasure.” She mentally added, 'I am happy that she did not mention my curse. Nor, my past with Shampoo. Also, with these magic bracers on, I can temporarily lock myself into my female form. So, no accidental spills of hot water will change me into a man, and cause me problems. Along with raising some interesting situations, and problems.'
Cologne turned to Ranma, as she stated, “Ranma, in this village these three are some of the best trackers, hunters, and fighters, of their generation. First is Rose. She is a good fighter. And a decent hunter and tracker.”
Rose silently nodded towards Ranma.
Cologne continued, “Next is Violet. She is good fighter. One of the best in the village. And she is a skilled tracker and hunter.”
Violet nodded towards Ranma, as she said, “It is a pleasure to meet you.”
Ranma casually replied, “Same here.”
Cologne commented, “Violet fighting skills have already reached a point where she can give Shampoo a run for her money. And in a few years, she might be skilled enough for me to take her on as a personal student. That is, if Rose doesn't, beforehand, become skilled enough for me to take her as my student, first.”
Rose and Violet both giggled, for a few seconds.
Ranma said, “I don't see a problem, with you teaching them both, at the same time. You have taken on multiple students before, at the same time.”
Cologne responded, “True. And the last one of this group is Dongmei. She is an expert tracker. One of the best trackers and hunters I know of. Though, her fighting skills need a little work. But, she can hold her own in a fight.”
Dongmei shrugged. She then nodded towards Ranma.
Rose asked, “So, what is this about?”
Cologne turned to the three women, as she answered, “Ranma needs some help, and I was thinking you three would be more than happy to assist her.”
Violet stated, in a delighted tone of voice, “Whatever you want, we will do it, elder.”
Dongmei stated, in a cautious tone of voice, “Hold on. Let's find out what help she needs, before we jump feet first into this situation.”
Rose said, “I am with Dongmei on this one. I want to know the details first, as well.”
Ranma thought, 'At least two of them, including the caucasian one, has some common sense.'
Cologne commented, “Fair enough. Ranma needs some help finding someone that wrong her, and her friends. Though, this is a capture only mission. And the person will not be seriously harmed, nor killed.”
Rose said, “That is doable.”
Violet replied, “I may like to fight. But, harming people outside of sparring, and self-defense, does not sit well with me.”
Dongmei commented, “As long as this person does not threaten our lives, and the person surrenders peacefully, we should not have a problem complying with those orders.”
Ranma noticed Cologne suppressed a chuckle.
Ranma thought, 'What is that about?'
Cologne stated, “Ranma here states the person we are after is a man named, Lee. But, the catch is that Ranma here will have to take you elsewhere to start your hunt.”
Dongmei commented, “I have always wanted to travel.”
Rose shrugged, as she replied, “I got nothing better to do.”
Violet stated, “I might as well go with you two, as well. To keep you out of trouble.”
Dongmei turned to Violet, as she said, “The more the merrier.” She turned to Cologne and Ranma, as she asked, “So, when do we leave? Though, we need a few hours for us to go pack.”
Ranma stated, “No need. We can leave, right now. And we can get you back here, within the hour, at any time you want.”
Rose said, in a confused tone of voice, “I don't understand?”
Ranma also noticed confused looked on Violet and Dongmei's faces, as well.
Ranma stated, “Don't worry. I will explain my travel methods, in a little bit.”
Rose shrugged, as she said, “Okay.”
Ranma turned to Cologne, as she stated, “It was good to see you again, Cologne.”
Cologne looked over at Ranma, as she said, “Yes. It was good to reminisce.” She turned back towards the three girls, as she cautioned, “Now, be careful girls... And remember, that no matter what happens, you are always welcome back here.”
Violet smiled, as she replied for the group, “We will. And thank you.”
Rose inquired, “One thing. We will need to get something to eat in a little while.”
Ranma turned back to the girls, as she stated, “That will not be a problem. Now, this way.”
Ranma then started calming walking towards the gate, to the village, with Rose, Violet, and Dongmei, following right behind her.
While Cologne watched them enter the gate, and leave her sight, she giggled. She then quietly said, 'See you later, Lee...'
As soon as Ranma and the three amazons were out of sight, Cologne turned around on her staff, and hoped back, deeper into the village, to resume her normal duties as leader of the village.
Ranma and the three amazon girls, soon exited the gate, and walked outside the of walls that surrounded the amazon village.
As they continued walking, with the three girls following Ranma from behind, Dongmei asked, “So, where are we heading?”
Ranma did not look behind her, as she answered, “Not to worry. I am just looking for a place with some privacy. Then, we will be heading to our first location. Which is a tropical island.”
Violet commented, “I may not be the most knowledge person here, when it comes to geography, but I do know that the nearest tropical islands are located several hundred kilometers south of us.”
Ranma giggled. She continued to face in front of herself, as she then coyly said, “Don't worry. You will soon understand.”
Ranma then continued walking, with the three amazons silently following.
A few minutes later, Ranma lead the three girls into a narrow gully, created by two large, rocky hills. The gully was about six feet wide, twenty feet long, ten feet high, with the walls of the gully going nearly straight up.
When Ranma reached the middle of the gully, she came to a stop.
The girls then stopped a few feet from behind Ranma
Ranma turned around to looked at the girls, as she calmly said, “This should do. It offers plenty of privacy... I just don't want others to see us.” She then pulled out her reality device, from her right side pants pocket, with her right hand. She held the device in her right hand, by her waist, as she continued, “Now, girls I need you to stand close to me. But first I have a question. Have any of you heard of the magical Nanban mirror?”
Ranma thought, 'I glad that before Cologne finally left Tokyo, as a parting gift, I rounded up all the magical items that Happosai had in his room, and gave them, in a small bag, to Cologne. Including the pieces of the Nanban mirrior. While I believe Cologne mentioned she could fix the mirror.'
'Boy was the lech pissed when he found out. But, it was worth it.'
'And while I am not so worried about Cologne and some amazons finding out about multiverse travel. I still shutter at the thought of Happosai ever getting his hands on one of these devices. Though, I haven't heard from him in years.'
'Still, Chang would not be insane enough to restore Happosai's youth. No one would want to take a dip into that gene pool.'
Rose answered, “Yes. It is rumored to be one of the lost treasures of our tribe. There is a local folktale about mirror, that the magic of the Nanban mirror lets the holder go anywhere, or any time, just by shedding a tear onto the mirror.”
Ranma countered, “Oh, that magical mirror is very real. Or, was. You would have to ask Cologne if she ever had it repaired.”
Violet asked, “Why would we have to ask the elder about that item?”
Ranma answered, “Because it was her mirror. It was stolen from her, centuries ago.”
Dongmei casually asked, “And how would you know?”
Ranma stated, “Because Cologne, myself, and a few others got mixed up with that mirror once. And we ended up going back in time to when Cologne was a young woman. Though, we all returned home with no serious problems.”
Dongmei commented, “That is interesting to find out.”
Ranma said, “Yes. It was.” She thought, 'And that was my first brush with traveling outside of my own time and space. I wonder if that it one of the reasons Lee involved me in his stories about the multiverse?'
Violet quietly asked, as she looked away from Ranma, “I have a question. But, I am not sure if I should ask it.”
Ranma casually responded, “Go ahead.”
Violet look back at Ranma's face, as she inquired, “Was the Elder always that short?”
Ranma smiled warming, as she answered, “No. In her youth, Cologne was normal height. She had a slender physical build. And she was very beautiful. Her hair was just as long as it is now, though it was a lovely shade of blue. When it came to beauty. I would say, in her youth, Cologne was on par her great-granddaughter, Shampoo.”
Dongmei asked, in a suspicious tone of voice, “You know Shampoo, as well?”
Ranma slyly replied, “We have a past.” She mentally added, 'Now, that is an understatement.'
Rose inquired, “You wouldn't happened to have been the redheaded outsider that defeated her, and she gave the kiss of death to?”
Ranma thought, 'I might as well admit to it. With my luck, the truth would likely come out at the wrong time, anyway.'
Ranma shrugged, as she casually said, “Yes. But, before you decide to do something stupid, I remind you that it was Cologne that trusted me with your well being. So, you can guess that matter has long since been revolved.”
Rose stated, “If the elder is happy with the situation, so are we.”
Ranma saw Dongmei and Violet both nod in agreement.
Ranma thought, 'I am glad that these three are more level headed than Shampoo. Or, we would have had problems.' She responded, “Good. Actually, the last time I saw Shampoo, we are on good terms. I was even one of the people responsible for making her so wealthy.”
Dongmei stated, “That is nice. I do remember when Shampoo returned to the village, she had the village updated in a number of ways. She brought a lot of wealth to the village.”
Ranma thought, 'Nabiki was right. Money can solve a lot of problems.' She said, “That is good to hear.”
With her right hand, Ranma then held up her TV remote sized reality device, as she continued, “Now, I know this is a stretch. But, where we are going is not actually of this reality. Actually, we are about to travel through the multiverse. This device will take us to our destination, in an instant. You will not feel a thing. One second we are here, the next, we are in another time, place, and reality.”
“All you have to do to use this device, is think of a time, place, and reality, hold that thought, and press the red button on the device, and you are there in an instant. You can even think of a person, and other points of reference, and use the device to go there.”
“I know that is kind of sci-fiy for you, considering you probably don't know much about science fiction.”
Rose calmly spoke up, “We have seen the Star Wars movies. And we do get satellite TV out here. Along with internet for our computers. We know what the concept of the multiverse is.”
Violet said, “Such movies are the reason we are good friends with Dongmei. She can translate the dialogue for us, when the subtitles don't make sense.”
Ranma saw Dongmei shrug towards her, in response to her friends comments.
Ranma though, 'I guess civilization marches forward, in all corners of the world.'
Ranma said, “Okay... That will make things easier for all of us. But please. When we travel through the multiverse. No Star Wars jokes. We have heard them all.”
Ranma mentally added, 'And told most of them, as well. Any Star Wars jokes that Akira and Natsuru missed, Violin and Bob likely told. I am sometimes surprised, at some points, that Annie didn't force choke them all.'
Rose responded, “No problem. Still, if that device will take you to the person you want to go, why do you need us?”
Ranma thought, 'I hate to admit it, but that is a good question.' She commented, “Because it is not foolproof. Also, the landing destination is not always exact. We can miss the person by a few hours, and a few kilometers way. Though, we also arrive at the proper reality. But, we always land close to the target, and in a safe location. Within reason. And the person we are after is very, very savvy, and cunning.”
Rose said, “Well, we do enjoy a challenge. And this might win us some some attention from our elders.”
Ranma saw that Violet and Dongmei smile in agreement.
Ranma complimented, “Now, gather around girls, and let's get going.”
The three teenage amazon women walked closer to Ranma. When the three girls came to a stop, two feet from Rama, Ranma thought of the field in Lagoon Island, of the Black Lagoon reality, five minutes after she left. She then held that thought, as she pushed the red button on her reality device, and in an instant, all four women disappear.
The next thing they knew, they were standing in a grassy field, on a warm, partly cloudy day.
The light breeze carried sea water in the air.
From the height of the sun, they could tell that it was the middle of the day.
The three amazons looked around to see they were in the middle of a field that was bordered on two opposing sides, with brush and trees.
In front of them was small watery bay, with a pier, that had a metal boat dock to it. From the lack of rust, the women could tell that the boat was well cared for.
The girls also saw that the beach of the island they were suddenly on, Also, at the shore of the bay, all from the bay, to where the island directly met the sea. With the water of the sea stretching, in that direction, as far as they could see.
They then looked behind themselves, to see a mansion, nearby.
Dongmei stated, “Okay. This is cool.”
Ranma stated, “Welcome to Lagoon Island. The mansion is our destinations. And try to be polite. We are meeting with some of Lee's other victims. And some of them can be real jerks.
The three girls turned to Ranma, as Rose said, “Do not worry. We will be polite. As long as they don't attack us.”
Ranma replied, “Good. Also, we speak english here. I understand that might be a problem.”
Dongmei stated, “Don't worry. I can translate.”
Ranma replied, “Okay. Now, follow me.”
Ranma then started walking towards the front doors to Lagoon mansion, with the three chinese amazon teenage girls following right behind her. All four women walked at a relaxed pace.
A couple of minutes later, Ranma reached the front double doors of the mansion. Ranma stopped, with the three amazons stopping right behind her.
Ranma then reached over, and found the doors were unlocked. As she expected them to be. Next, she pushed open the right front door, as she walked passed the door, and into the entryway.
The three girls followed her into the entryway.
Dongmei was the last to walk through the door, and she gently closed the door behind her.
Ranma then turned to her right, and into a room, right by the entryway.
The girls followed behind. After the entering the room, the stopped at the entrance. The three of them standing side by side, facing the interior of the room, with Dongmei standing between Rose and Violet.
Rose was to Dongmei's left, and Violet was to Dongmei's right.
They then silently looked around. And to their left, they saw some wide of electronic, theater set up, with a turned off, large widescreen TV mounted to the wall on that side of the room.
To their right, set against the interior side, of outside wall, to their right, were windows with light weight curtains, to allow sunlight through, while maintaining privacy within the room, from the outside.
Below the windows, were a few couches lining the walls. The couches sat side by side, with each other. And the only light coming from the room, were from the windows. But, the sunlight from outside provided plenty of illumination for everyone.
Also, to their right, they saw several young women. Whose ages ranged from late teens to mid-twenties. All of whom were looking at them.
And the amazons noticed that none of the women had weapons on their persons.
Along with this, the older women, and some of the younger women, sat in the couches. While the other younger women casually sat on the floor. With all of them facing the amazons.
Meanwhile, Ranma continued walking, until she was standing beside two women sitting, on a couch, on the far side of the room. One of the women had blue hair that went to her neckline. The other woman had long blond hair, that was loose, and went below her shoulder blades.
Ranma turned toward her english speaking friends.
Though, as Ranma was about to speak, Revy deadpanned, in english, “Well, you certainly took your sweet time, Ramna.”
Meanwhile, Dongmei began quietly translating for Rose and Violet, what was being said in english, into chinese.
Janet spoke up, “Don't worry. You have only been gone for around five minutes.”
Ranma replied, in english, “That's good.” She dispassionately thought, 'Leave it to Revy to ruin the mood.'
Akira asked, “Any problems?”
Ranma shrugged, as she casually answered in english, “Surprisingly. Everything went fine.”
Akira replied, “That is good.”
Natsuru inquired, “So, given I see three young women with you. I take it your mission was successful?
Ranma turned towards the three amazons, as she stated, in a happy tone of voice, “Yes. And let me introduce everyone to everyone. Though first, the red and pink haired women do not know much english. But, black haired woman with them will translated them.”
Dongmei then quietly whispered to Rose and Violet, in chinese, what Ranma was stating.
Ranma continued “These are the chinese amazons that Cologne said would be best suited for the job of finding Lee. The redhead is named Rose. But, don't let the red hair fool you. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders.”
River, Rebecca, and Yukio just giggled at Ranma's joke, while Revy just rolled her eyes for a few seconds, before Ranma turned back to look at Ranma.
A second later, after Dongmei finished translated for her friend, Rose smiled at the compliment.
From the corner of her right eye, Ranma noticed this, as she went onto say, “The pink haired woman is Violet. And the black haired woman is Dongmei. I am told she can speak chinese, english, japanese, and even spanish.”
After Dongmei finished translating, she and Violet slightly nodded their head towards the others.
Ranma said, “Now, onto my family. The blue haired woman beside me is Natsuru. The blond woman beside her is Akira.”
Akira and Natsuru just smiled towards the three amazons.
Ranma continued, “On the floor beside them, with the purple hair, is my daughter, Nodoka. Beside her, with the blue hair and black highlights, is Mikoto, Natsuru's daughter.”
Nodoka and Mikoto smiled at the three amazons.
Dongmei continued translating, as she, Rose, and Violet, smiled back.
Ranma went on to say, “And the green haired woman on the couch, beside Akira, opposite to Natsuru, is Akira's daughter, Yurika.”
Yurika said, in english, “Nice to meet you.”
Dongmei translated, and the three amazons nodded towards her.
Ranma stated, “Now, onto the Lagoon family. On couch that is beside my family, the black haired woman is Rock. Beside her, the redhead with the ponytail is Revy. And the brown haired woman with the dreadlocks is Dutch.”
Revy snorted, with Rock and Dutch looking between them, at her. Dutch just slightly shook her head. Then, all three turned towards the amazons, as Rock said, in english, “It is a pleasure to meet you.”
Dongmei replied, in english, “Same here.” She then translated for her two friends.
Ranma said, “The two blonds on the next couch over, are Benny and Janet. On the other side of Janet, with the brown hair is, Kristina.”
All three women just lightly waved at the three amazons, with their right hands. Before dropping their hands back to their sides.
Ranma thought, 'I think I will keep the parentage question out. And not mention who is the mother to which daughter. Nor, who is the father. Because that could raise some interesting questions that I am sure that Rock and the others would like to keep quiet about.'
Ranma continued, “The two redheads sitting on the floor, in front of Benny and Janet, are Rebecca and Yukio.”
The two redheads just smiled, towards the amazons.
Ranma when on to say, “On the far couch, near you three, the two blonds are Sarah, and Molly. The redhead is River, a friend of our families.”
As Sarah and Molly sat beside River, with River nearest to the amazons, while Sarah was furthest, and Molly sat between them, the two blond women nodded towards the amazons. on the fair end of the couch
Meanwhile, River said, in chinese, “It is a pleasure to meet you.”
Dongmei happily replied, in chinese, “Likewise.”
River then the outside sunlight hit against Dongmei's right hand, which was to Dongmei's side. River noticed that Dongmei was wearing a golden ring, with embedded jewel, on her right forth finger.
River thought, 'Where have I seen that ring before?... And there is something vaguely familiar about Dongmei?... But, I cannot place her face, nor that ring on her finger... Though, that is a mystery for another time.'
There was silent for a few seconds, until Violet asked, in chinese “I see the family resemblance to some of the children. But, where are the fathers at? And if a few of you are parents, to some of the younger women here, why do you look so young?”
Ranma, Dutch, and River started giggling, as Dongmei translated Violet's question in english.
Then suddenly, everyone, except the amazons, suddenly burst out laughing for several seconds. As they found humor in their private joke.
Rose deadpanned, in chinese, “I got a feeling we don't want to know.”
Violet and Dongmei nodded on agreement.
As the others calmed down, Rock stated, in english, “Don't worry. Everything, and everyone is fine. But, that is a conversation for another time.”
Dongmei translated for Violet.
Violet replied, in simple english, “Okay.”
Revy asked, “So, how good at hunting and tracking are you three?”
Dongmei translated what Revy said.
Rose cracked a grin, as she said, in chinese, “The earth speaks to us.” She thought, 'Paraphrasing Lord Bowler. I found that old american western series, Brisco County Junior, to be very funny and very good. And the subtitled version made sense. For the most part. But, that was likely due to the series making sense, only for the most part. Still, a good series.'
Dongmei translated for Rose, so Revy understood what Rose said.
Revy snorted, as she stated, “I'd actually like to see that. Still, it figures, even if these three are good trackers, except for the black haired one, we don't speak the same language.”
River turned towards Revy, as she questioned, in english, “You are half chinese, and you don't know your native language?”
Revy looked over at River, as she smirked. She commented, “I am originally a New York City girl.”
River thought, with sarcasm, 'And you show your upbringing, or lack there of, every day. And I am tempted to tell that to you face, but I don't want to ruin the mood. Nor, start a fight in your home.'
Dongmei looked over at Revy, as she calmly replied, in english, “We will manage.” She thought, 'We have only been here a few minutes, and I already don't like this, Revy. Just something rubs me the wrong way about this woman.'
Revy and River then turned back towards the amazons.
River stated, “One of us needs to go them. And I am the best choice. I know chinese. I can make sure they stay out of trouble. Also, I know how Lee's mind works.”
Janet pointed out, “But, can we trust you to bring Lee back?”
River turned to Janet, as she said, “Should I disappear, it would be obvious I found Lee. But, I won't do so. Because, I am sure you would find us. Plus, it would hurt my relationship with my friends and family. And strain the situation between you, and those at the casino. Especially, Chang.” She thought, 'Whom I do love.'
River continued, “I don't want put them in a bind, on my account.” She mentally added, 'I have already done enough of that.'
River commented, “If I find Lee, I will bring him here. And we will decide his punishment, together.”
Janet replied, “Fair enough.”
Benny commented, “Still, your leads didn't pan out.”
River said, “I suggested those places I thought Lee was at. Not every place. Since only Ranma and Revy followed up on those leads, I did not mention all the places, because Ranma is a trouble magnet.” She turned to Ranma, as she continued, “No, offense intended, Ranma.”
Ranma looked over at River. She warmly smiled, as she replied, “None taken.”
River returned Ranma's warm smile, as she said, “Thank you.” She dropped her smile, as she turned to Revy, as she went onto say, “And I did not want to Revy to tear up half the multiverse looking for Lee.”
River noticed Revy frown towards her. Though, Revy did not verbally response to River.
Rock looked over at River, as she stated, “I agree. River should go. She is the best person for the job. And after everything that has happened, she won't cross us. She is too intelligent to do so.”
River turned to Rock, as she replied, “Thank you.”
Rock flatly said, “Just bring Lee back in one piece. So, we can have our revenge on him.”
River replied, “I will will do so.” She turned to Ranma, as she asked, “Is that okay with you?”
Ranma was still looking over at River, stated, in chinese, “Hey. If you want to spend of quality time with these girls. Go ahead. I have found that when chinese amazons are not trying to kill, or marry, someone, they tend to be pretty good company. And it lets me stay with my family.”
The three amazons smiled towards Ranma, for her compliment.
Also, River smiled towards Ranma, as she said, in chinese, “That is good to hear.”
Revy then noticed something about the three amazons. She stood up, from her place on the couch she was sitting at, between Rock and Dutch. She then walked over to stand six feet in front of the three new teenage girls.
Everyone turned towards Revy, as Revy look more closely at the amazons, up and down, with a critical eye for detail.
Next, Revy said, in an insulting tone of voice, “Honestly... I don't know if sending some backwoods, chinese hicks after Lee, is such a wise idea.”
While Dongmei has been trying to be polite to their hosts, she had been having a rotten day, that had left her very edgy, with her nerves exposed. She was annoyed that she had lost her prey, earlier that day. And she was not feeling very well, physically, due to her having her monthly period.
And Revy has just stepped on her last nerve, by insult her friends, and herself.
Dongmei thought, 'Oh, that tears it! No one insults us and gets away from it! Still, I cannot use my staff, nor knives, because I might hit one of the others. Still, it will be fun just beating her down with me fists.'
Dongmei then charge at Revy, as she threw with her right fist. Her punch hit Revy squarely on Revy's left cheek.
What happened next took Dongmei by surprise.
Revy head did not move an inch, as Revy just looked at back at her, while Dongmei had her right fist still planted in Revy's left cheek.
Dongmei thought, with worry, 'I don't believe that just happen. She should at least have been knocked back a couple of feet.'
Dongmei then watched, as Revy swiftly used her left hand to grip Dongmie's right wrist. Revy pulled Dongmei's right fist away from her face, as Revy's yellow eyes ignited with fury.
Revy lips curled into a slasher smile, as she stated, in sadistic glee, in english, “Your ass is MINE!”
Revy then let go of Dongmei's right hand, as Revy used her own right fist to swiftly punch Dongmei's own left cheek. The force of Revy's blow forced Dongmei to step back a few feet.
Revy then took a few steps closer to Dongmei, as she followed up her attack with several punches to Dongmei's stomach, and breasts. Along, with a few punches to her face, and one to swift right kick to her groin.
Nearby, River saw that Rose and Violet were about to step in to help their friend.
River thought, 'They will only make this bad situation, worse.' She stated, in chinese, “Violet, Rose, don't try to help your friend. Revy won't kill, nor cripple any of you, as long as you don't interfere. She is just burning off some of her anger, due to Dongmei's punch. I promise you that Dongmei will probably be fine. Though, she will be a little sore afterward.”
Rose and Violet looked over at River, as Rose flatly said, in chinese, “I will hold you to your word.”
River nodded once, as she replied, “I understand.”
Then, River, Rose, and Violet turn back to look at the one sided fight.
A few yards, on a couch, Dutch commented, “It has been a long time since someone was stupid enough to pick a fight with Revy.”
Beside Dutch, Rock said, “I hope Revy doesn't kill her.”
Benny commented, “Revy won't. She hates Lee too much to cripple, nor seriously injure, one of the trackers brought here to help find that bastard.”
Janet said, “Yea. Dongmei is just going to get her ass kicked.”
By then, Dongmei had been beaten to the point she was laying on the carpeted floor, in front of Revy, Revy continued to kick Dongmei in her stomach, and chest.
While still sitting on a couch, Rock stated, in a strong tone of voice, “That is enough Revy. You have made your point.”
Suddenly, Revy stopped kicking Dongmei in her stomach. Though, Revy continued to look down at Dongmei's prone form, as she stated, in a low growl, “Be happy I need you alive, and in one piece, to find Lee. Or, you would be dead right now, for your stupidity.” She turn to towards the other two amazons, as she stated, “And if any of you three try this again, I will kill all three of you.”
River quickly translated for Revy.
A second later, Rose flatly stated, in english, “Understood.”
Revy smirked, as she replied, “Good.” She thought, 'So, they do know a little english.'
Revy then took a few steps back away from Dongmei, and towards her family, as
Dongmei laid on the floor for a few seconds.
Dongmei then stood up, and look over at Revy.
Revy turned back to look at Dongmei. She noticed that Dongmei had an unreadable expression on her face.
Dongmei then calmly walked over towards Revy.
Revy inquired, in an arrogant tone of voice, “Still, not enough for you.”
Dongmei then stopped with less than two feet between Revy, and herself. She then used both her hands to slowing move up to Revy's face, and cup both sides of her cheeks.
Dongmei then started to lean her face towards Revy's face.
Revy cracked a lecherous grin, as she said, “Kinky. I like it.”
Ranma immediately saw what Dongmei was about to do. She instantly rush over to the two standing women.
Ranma quickly pulled Dongmei away from Revy, by the back of Dongmei's shirt, as she thought, 'Oh no! This is not happening!'
Ranma then let go of Dongmei's shirt, as she saw Dongmei turn to look at her, with a scowl on the black haired girl's face.
Ranma returned the scowl, as she strongly stated, in chinese, in an even tone of voice, “You are not giving Revy the kiss of death.” She mentally added, 'As much as she likely deserves it.' She continued, out loud, “Doing so will only get you killed. And likely your friends, with you.”
Dongmei looked at Ranma, as she loudly responded, in chinese, “She insulted us!”
Ranma flatly requested, “And I am asking you to be the better person. I know first hand that such kisses only cause problems for everyone involved. I am trying to keep you out of trouble. For your sake. Not hers.”
Revy spoke up, in english, “I don't know what you two are saying. But, she needed to be put in her place.”
Ranma turned to Revy, as she snapped, in english, “Shut up, Revy! I am trying to keep someone from being killed here!”
Revy instinctively took a step back, due to the fact that Ranma rarely ever showed anger towards someone. And given how dangerous Ranma could be, Revy decided that staying quiet would be far better for her own continued health, and wellbeing.
Everyone else, just stayed quiet, as they realized that Ranma was in no mood for snickering.
Ranma turned back to Dongmei, as she said, in chinese, “See what I mean? That woman was never taught manners. In spite of that, once you get to know her, she is not that bad of a person. She is a killer. Yes. But, I know for a fact there is a human being under her bitchy personality. You just have to dig to find it.”
Dongmei visibly relaxed, as she stated, in chinese, “Fine. I will stand down.”
Ranma forced herself to calm down, as she replied, “Good.”
Rose asked, in chinese, “Are you going to be okay, Dongmei?”
Dongmei looked over at her two friends, as she answered, in chinese, “Yea. I have been worse after some of the more vigorous sparring sessions I have had with you two. Though, I am going to be sore for a little while. But, I can walk it off. Also, how do I look?”
Violet stated, in chinese, “You are going to have a few bruises on you face that should go away by the end of the week. Other than that, I don't see any serious damage.”
Dongmei replied, “Good. I don't feet any serious damage to my stomach, groin, nor chest areas.” She thought, 'Thankfully, she miss hitting my genitalia, with her foot. And she instead hit the left side of my inner thigh instead. I will be sore. But, at least I can walk.'
Rose said, “That is reassuring. So, are you going to just accept you defeat, and move on?”
Dongmei answered, “Yea. Elder Cologne gave us a job. That job take precedence over minor defeats.”
Rose complimented, “That is a good way to think about it. I approve.”
Violet agreed, “Yes. I do, as well. Even we can tell that bitch is an immature woman-child. She is not worth killing.”
Dongmei smiled, as she replied, “I am glad you both agree with me.”
Ranma overheard the amazons. She happily thought, 'I am really starting to like these three women. Even after being insulted, they understand when it is wise to stand down.'
Revy then took a closer look at Dongmei's face, and skin tone, as she realized something. She stated, with slight annoyance, “Hey. What a minute. You're not chinese?”
Dongmei turned to Revy, as she flatly responded, in english, “I never claimed to be. I was adopted, into the village, when I was very young.” She then cracked a grin, as she continued, “Though, it did nothing to stop the boys from asking me out on dates. And even a few of the girls.”
A few of the people there giggled at Dongmei's comment.
River turned to the amazons, as she translated for Rose and Violet. A second later, Rose and Violet giggled a little at their friend's comment, as well.
Meanwhile, Revy rolled her eyes for a few seconds. She then looked back at Dongmei, as she replied, “Of course.” She thought, 'I admit. She does have the figure for being asked from both sides of the fence.'
Nearby, River walk looked at the three amazons, as she overheard Revy's thoughts. She mentally reflected, 'I don't want to know what Revy meant by her thoughts.' She looked at the amazons more closely, as she continued her thoughts, 'Though, I think I will keep a closer eye on these three women.'
Rock stated, “It doesn't matter, as long as they can find, Lee.”
Dongmei translated what was said, for Rose and Violet.
Rose stated, in chinese, “And we will.”
Though, before Dongmei could speak, to nearly everyone's surprised, Dutch spoke up, as she translated, in english, “She stated, that they will do so.”
Dongmei turned to Dutch, as she said, “Thank you.” She thought, 'If this woman wants to translate. And she does a good job. I don't mind if she continues to do so.'
Dutch looked over at Dongmei, as she replied, “No problem.”
Benny turned to Dutch, as she thought, 'I always wondered why Dutch learned chinese? And when she learned? But, I respect her privacy. Plus, she likely learned the language after we moved to the island. Being rich and bored can lead to a lot of interesting... And odd hobbies, to pass the time.' She then look back at the amazons.
Dongmei looked over at their hosts, as she asked, in english, “So, who is the man you are after? And what can you tell us about him, that will speed up our hunt in finding, and capturing him?”
There was silence for a few seconds, and Revy took the opportunity to walk over and sat back down between Rock and Dutch.
As soon as she got conformable, she turned back to look at the amazons. Revy then deadpanned, “Where to start? Where to start?”
Dongmei didn't both to translate Revy's comment.
Rock then leaned over, and whisper into Revy's right ear, “Remember, what we agreed on not telling them.'
Revy softly replied back, in an annoyed tone of voice, “Don't worry. I remember.”
Across the room, Dongmei read their lips, as she thought, 'Okay. I can understand them wanting to keep secrets. And it is possible this Lee caused them all types of embarrassments. Still, I hope the give us enough information to find him. If not. And we fail to find Lee, without a reasonable amount of time. We can always use the excuse they didn't tell use everything we needed, in order to find him... Beside, I don't want them to know that I can read lips.'
Nearby, River read Dongmei's mind, as she thought, with mild astonishment, 'So, Dongmei can read lips, and she is intelligent enough not to reveal that to the others. Not bad.'
Rock turned to the amazons, as she stated, “The man's name is, Lee. He is a caucasian, with short black hair. Though, we have it on good authority that is not his natural hair color.” She looked over at River, for a second. She then turned back to look at the amazons, as she continued, “Also, he is in his mid-thirties. He is dying of cancer, but I have a feeling he already took care of that. And he likely found a cure for his illness. Though, his illness has left him with a lean physical build. The main two traits about Lee is that is he very devious and very manipulative. But, at the same time, he is polite. And that he prefers to avoid violence.”
Rock thought, 'Unfortunately, we cannot say much about Lee's other odd skills, such as his precognition. Nor, can we state his much of origins, without us tipped our hand on his stories.'
Dutch translated in chinese for Rock, so Rose and Violet could understand.
Rose commented, in chinese, “It sounds like when we find him. He won't put up much of a fight.”
Dongmei translated Rose's comments to english.
Dutch countered, in chinese, “Don't be so sure. Lee is a master escape artist. And he likes to think several steps ahead of everyone else. And he is good at planning. He doesn't have one escape plan for any given situation. He has several plans that can be set in motion at once, without anyone else realizing it. Also, he is very good at creating distractions. Also, he will bolt the second you take your eyes off of him.”
Dongmei commented, in chinese, “Sounds like a worthy challenge.”
Dutch translated in english, Dongmei's words, for her family and friends.
River stated, in chinese, “Yes. Lee is a worthy challenge. But, he will not be easy to capture.”
Rose stated, in chinese, “That is why we need more details on Lee. Such as where you first saw him? And where you lost him?”
Dongmei translated for River and Rose.
Rock answered, in english, “We first met Lee on an island, on the northeast coast of Mexico, in North America. The city island is named, De La Plata Podrido. We lost lead in another reality, on a domed colony on Mars.” She mentally added, 'That is still vague enough not to worry.'
Dongmei translated for Rose and Violet.
Rose stated, “That is a good start.”
Violet asked, “How is Lee able to reality travel? And could he do so, before you met him?”
Dongmei translated Violet's question to english.
Rock calmly responded, “Lee could not reality travel before we met him. And the way he can reality travel is by using a reality device he stole from me. The device is the same updated model as the one Ranma used to bring you here.” Rock thought, 'I am glad I was able that Chang gave me a few of his spare reality devices, with tracking abilities, free of charge. And this will allow my friends and I have the best such devices available.'
Dongmei translated Rock's answered.
Rose commented, in chinese, “So, that is why you call him devious, and manipulative?”
Dongmei translated for Rose.
Rock nodded in response to Rose's question, as she replied, “Yes.” Both Rose and Violet understood her.
Rose stated, “That is understandable. So, what are Lee's like and dislikes?”
Dongmei translated what Rose said.
Rock answered, “Along with playing with people lives, like they are puppets on his strings. Lee loves card games. And he is a big fantasy and science fiction fan.” Rock thought, 'That is as far as details are going to go. Any more and I risk giving us all away. So, I hope they don't ask any more detailed questions.'
Meanwhile, Dongmei translate for Rock.
River overheard Rock's thoughts, as she mentally reflected, 'Don't worry, Rock. I will pick up the slack from here.'
River looked at the three standing amazons. She stated, in chinese, “And, as Rock pointed out, Lee prefers not to be violent. He does not like to get into fights. And he prefers not to be around fighters and marital artists. But, he does know how to defend himself.”
Rock thought, 'Leave to River to come to the rescue. I wonder if she is reading my thought.' Rock then noticed River cracked a smile. Rock continued her thoughts, 'Yep. She is reading my mind. And don't worry, River. We have no plans to let them know that you are a telepath. That is your secret to keep, or tell others.'
'And River. Since you are being nice. If you want to help, River. Go ahead.'
River looked over at Rock, and she smiled, at Rock's thoughts. She then turned back to look at the amazons.
Rose inquired, in chinese, “So, we will not be going to any realities that specialize in martial arts?”
River said, in chinese, “Likely not. But, that does not mean the places we will go will not be dangerous.”
Rose turned to River, as she commented, in chinese, “Well, either way. Do not worry. We prefer to err on the side of caution.”
River responded, in chinese, “That is good to hear. So few warriors do so at your age.”
Rose replied, in chinese, “We had very good teachers.”
River said, in chinese, “That I have no doubt of.”
Dutch translated Rose and River's statements into english.
Rose stated, in chinese, “Given you are coming with us, River. We will trust your judgment. You will take us to the places you think Lee might be. And we will take it from there.”
River replied, in chinese, “That will work.”
Dutch translated what Rose and River had said to english.
Benny asked, “So, when will you be leaving on your hunt for Lee?”
Dutch translated Benny's question into chinese.
Rose answered, in chinese, “As soon as we have some lunch.” She then looked over at River, as she inquired, “If that is okay with you?”
River said, in chinese, “That will be fine.”
Both Rose and River turned back to look at the rest of the group around them.
Dongmei translated for both Rose and River.
Dutch stated, in english, “I will take them to the kitchen. And get them something to eat.” She thought, 'It is best to get them away from Revy, before we have another incident. Dutch then got up from her seat on left side of the couch, by Revy, across from Rock, on the same couch.
Dongmei translated Dutch's comment, and Rose and Violet smiled in response.
River stated, in chinese, “I will go with you. Also, we will give you a spare reality device, over your own. Just in case there is trouble with mine.” She then got up from the couch she was sharing with Molly and Sarah. She walked over to the amazons, and stood beside the three teenage women.
Dutch then walked over to the amazon. She continued walking passed them, as she said, in chinese, “This way to the kitchen.”
Rose, Violet, Dongmei follow behind Dutch, with River bringing up the rear.
Just after the five women left the room, those still in the entertainment room, looked around, towards each other.
Janet commented, “That went better than I expected.”
Ranma agreed, in english, “True.” She turned to Revy, as she continued, in a stern tone of voice, “But Revy, you really need to get control over your mouth.”
Revy looked over at Ranma, as she casually responded, “I will think about it.”
Ranma thought, 'There is no point in arguing with Revy on her mouth. Still, the fact she acknowledged my statement, without insulting me is a good sign that she is improving on her people skills.'
Yurika turned to Ranma, as she inquired, “So, Dongmei was trying to give Revy the kiss of death?”
Ranma looked over at Yurika, as she answered, “Yes.”
Mikoto stated, “How back would that had been if Dongmei would have done so?”
Ranma said, “Very bad. Chinese amazons really don't like losing. Fortunately, it seems that these three at least have some common sense. And I was able to talk Dongmei out issuing that vendetta.”
Yukio looked over at Ranma, as she questioned, “So, the other two agreed with not going through with that kiss?”
Ranma turned to Yukio, as she answered, “Yes. While I am not completely sure about Violet. I think Rose has all the makings of a natural leader.”
Rock turned to Ranma, as she stated, “I agree. I could tell this Rose was calm, and logical through the conversation.”
Ranma looked over at Rock, as she commented, “From the moment we met, I got that impression from Rose, as well.”
Benny deadpanned, “Still. Either way. I am honestly surprised that is the first time someone openly tried to declared a vendetta against Revy, that did not involve money, nor our old jobs.”
Revy leaned over, towards Benny, as her used left hand to lightly backhand the front of Benny's right shoulder.
While the tap did not harm Benny, she looked over at Revy, as she said, “Point taken.”
Revy leaned back up in her seat, as she casually replied, “Good.”
Rebecca turned to Revy, as she asked, “Mom, would you have killed someone over that?”
Revy looked at her daughter. She cracked a smile, as she answered, “Let's just be happy that we don't have to find out.”
Benny decided to change the subject, as she commented, “So, who wants to take bets on if those three capture Lee?”
Rock stated, “With River helping, I would state, two to one against them. Lee is still very crafty. And he clearly does not want to be found.”
Akira offered, “I will get a note pad, and we will draw up the bets.”
Natsuru turned towards Akira, as she said, “I well help.”
Revy stated, “I am not covering bets, like last time.”
Janet said, “Don't worry. I am good with figures. And I will help cover this bet.”
Benny offered, “So will I.”
Revy turned to Benny and Janet, as she smiled towards them. She said, “Thanks, guys.”
Nodoka inquired, “Still, I honestly do wonder if those three can catch Lee?”
Molly said, “I get the feeling, with those three here, we will have a better chance of finding Lee, than before.”
Sarah agreed, “So do I.” She mentally added, with concern, 'And why does that trouble me?...'
An hour later, after the three amazons ate, they began their adventure through the multiverse, with River accompanying them.
After lunch, Dutch had given Rose a spare reality device, which was clipped to the left side of redheaded woman's brown leather belt.
River then lead Rose, Violet, and Dongmei, outside, to back of the mansion.
The four women stood close together. And while River was unarmed, she held her reality device in her right hand.
Meanwhile, Rose was holding her chui both both her hands.
Violet had her dao sword unsheathed, as she held her weapon both her hands.
Dongmei had pulled out her collapsible staff, and extended it to its full length. She held her staff with both hands.
With all three women holding their weapons away from the others in their group.
River looked at the three younger girls, as she thought, 'While I can sense they are relaxed, they are clearly preparing for the worst. That is a commendable trait. Now, to see if they are ready to start this journey?' She asked, in chinese, “Everyone ready?”
The three amazons looked back at River, as they replied, in unison, in chinese, “Yes.”
River smiled, as she stated, “Then, let us go find Lee.”
River thought, 'Lee, we are coming for you. And once I find you, I can help you get out of this mess.'
River then though of the first time, place, and reality, that she had not informed
Ranma and Revy about. As she held that thought, pushed the red button on her reality device, and all four women instantly disappeared, as they jumped to another reality in the multiverse, in pursuit of a target, whom was closer than any of them realized.
To be continued.
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Can you spell Irony?
22 years for Dongmei/Lee, roughly age 17. One of the best apparently of the amazon girls, just not the best fighter, although when Cologne was introducing the girls she talked about how Violet and Rose were good fighters when she introduced Dongmei, she was a expert tracker. Something to be said about that. Revy is as arrogant and violent as always. River was looking at the girls and thinking that Dongmei reminded her of someone, there will probably be more to that later. I like the freedom now associated with Dongmei. The three girls make a good team of friends, something that was not available to Lee before. This looks like it will be even better than the other 2 volumes. Thank you.
Evil in its purest incarnation
I know that most of you all don't think so, but the lagoon crew and their children are evil in every sense of the word. And I do mean all of them. First off this whole revenge concept is just plain childish. If I took revenge on all those that have wronged me I would have nuked half the US. Instead I chalked it up to human nature and let it go. Second, I can't think of anything the lagoon crew has done right; even the way Rock handled Chang was purely arrogance disguised as a rescue. and no one in these stories is more arrogant than Rock, although Revy is a very close second. Lee as the writer, well lets just say he is in a class by himself when it comes to being a bad guy. You say manners count, well no one has better manners than Satan himself.