Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”
Volume 2: “Total Badass.”
Chapter 06: “The Tower: Part Two: The Descent.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
Babylon Five Reality. Date, January Twenty-Eighth, Twenty-Two Eighty-One. Location, planet Mars. City, Mars Dome One, capital of Mars. A factory complex on the north part of the interior city of dome that surrounds Mars Dome One from the outside atmosphere of Mars. Inside a building, on twenty-second floor, in a hallway. Time, night time, around a couple of hours before midnight.
Lee still had on his black suit, red tie, black dress shoes, and sunglasses. Including his equipment, and weapons. Though, Lee lost his black fedora hat, when Shenhua destroyed Lee's hat, with a swipe from one of her long knives, during their confrontation, earlier that evening.
Lee has just finished his radio conversation with those hunting him. Which him abruptly cutting off the conversation, and turning off the radio, when he someone down the hallway from him. In the direction he needed to go, if he wanted to continued with his plans. But, he could not see anyone down the hallway.
Given time was starting to become a factor for Lee, he felt that a direct confrontation was the best approach to the situation.
As Lee slowly walked down the hallway, he held Vera, Jayne's sci-fi large bore rifle, in both hands, with the butt of the rifle pressed against the front of his right shoulder. His right hand was on the grip and his left hand was on the fore-end.
After over half a minute of slowly walking, when Lee slowly passed by a door to his left, and the wall to his right, said door was swiftly pulled open, and away from him, in a clockwise arc into the room.
As Lee turned, and saw this, he thought, 'Shit! My precognition did not warn me. I missed see the door being slightly open, due to the door hinges facing me, with the cracked door being hidden by the door frame on my side. With the lot on the door staying green, even if opened.”
Before Lee could reaction, he saw come out of the room, right in front of him, a large, one sided, battleaxe swing, and cut Vera cleanly in two, at the end of the barrel, before the blade of the axe embedded itself into the wall to Lee's right, a split second later.
Fortunately, Lee still had his hand son his weapon. Though, it was damaged, and as such, he was not about to use it, until checking it. Still, Lee considered the most important priority being to find out who attacked him with a battleaxe.
Lee turn to his see the person was Janet, in casual clothing. Whom still had her hands on the bottle of the handle of the battleaxe.
Though, Lee also noticed that Janet's attention was on her weapon, and not him.
Lee thought, 'This would be funny, it the situation was not so serious. Still, I need to see if my weapon is okay. If so. I use my rifle to force her back into that room, and lock her end.'
Lee held up Vera, and he looked at the weapon, as he grimly thought, 'Jayne is not going to be happy about this. The barrel is pinched. Meaning if I try to use it, it will misfire. It is useless to me now. It is even too light to use as decent club. I guess my precognition did not want me because Janet was going to miss me. But unfortunately, not my rifle. And it is best to unload this weapons, and toss it, since it is now dead weight.'
Lee unloaded Vera. Including the magazine, then the chamber. He left the spare around in the stock. As he did so, he tossed the ammo rounds, then weapon to the ground, by the piece of the barrel that Janet had severed.
After the cartridges, and rifle were on the ground, Lee then turned his attention to Janet. Whom was only a few feet from him. He saw that Janet trying still to pulled her battleaxe out of the wall.
Lee still found it slightly humorous that Janet's sole attention being on the axe, and not Lee, whom was less than four feet from her.
Lee thought, 'Well, I see that Janet is still clearly an amateur at this. The first rule is not to take one's eyes off the enemy, unless the situation requires it. And to always, at least be aware of the enemy, or enemies around, oneself. And I guess Janet literally does not know her own strength. Best not to remind her that she has super-strength from the super-soldier serum. She might just decide to punch me senseless.'
'Now, to convince her to stop acting like this. And instead for her to act like the same woman that I have come to know.'
Lee calmly pleaded, “Just stop it, Janet. This is not like you. Let's talk. I always considered you one of the saner Lagoon women. So, I beg you, please, act like it.”
Janet stopped trying to get her axe out of the wall. She let go of the handle of the axe, as she turned to him. She whined, “But, I want my revenge on you.”
Lee replied, in a confused tone of voice, “Why? I gave you everything you could possibly want. I gave you a near eternally youthful and healthy bodies for you and your loved ones. A loving spouse, and from what I understand, a nice girlfriend on the side. Wealth, and a mansion on a tropical island. Great kids. And a sex life that possibly some deities would envy.”
Janet answered, “You turned Benny into a woman, and you made me a bi-sexual nymphomaniac.”
Lee corrected, “Well, with the instant man packets, Benny is only a woman part of the time. And I did not make you a bi-sexual nymphomaniac. You already were that way, before I wrote about you.”
Janet snapped, as she blushed, “No. I was not.”
Lee thought, with amusement, 'Her words say, no. But, her blush says, yes.'
Lee explained, in a calm, even tone of voice, “Janet, since I don't want to die from a misunderstanding, I am going to explain a few things that you are likely not aware of.”
“Now, while you know that you are from the Black Lagoon anime timeline. What you do not likely realize, is that even thought you saw the Black Lagoon anime and read the manga volumes, there was another official Black Lagoon manga storyline that I didn't use. Because that storyline is incomplete. This storyline featured your counterpart, and it took place after the Blood Trail arc.”
“The reasons I did not use use that story arc in my stories is because it was part of the manga timeline, it has a critical flaw in the plot, and I do not like using incomplete storylines. They have a habit of coming back to bite those that use them.”
“Though, when you get the chance, go on the internet in my reality, look up the title, Wired Red Wild Card. That is the next Black Lagoon story after the Roberta's Blood Trail arc. You might find it surprising, that it is about your counterparts return to Roanapur.”
“That is why I had no problems bringing you back to Roanapur, in my stories, with you being with the Lagoon crew. One of your counterparts already returned to Roanapur on her own, to be with the Benny of that reality.”
“And you might be happy to know that your counterpart pulls off one hell of a gambit on a chinese spy. And having the spy's chinese superiors go after her, instead you, and your counterpart's hacker group.”
“Anyway, the beginning of that storyline reveals some interesting things about both Revy and yourself. By the way, when Revy was in prison, she was the man in her lesbian relationships there. And you... Well you already were that twisted. Though, not in a bad way. You just have some interesting sexual kinks.”
“Still, anyone that openly fantasizes about being gang raped has issues that need to be worked out.”
Janet deflated, as she admitted, “Oh my. I was already that twisted. I thought you caused that.”
Lee said, in a comforting tone of voice, “No. I did not. If you are wondering. After I learned all that. I still consider you sane. Every one has their little sexual fantasies. Look at me. I am not want one to judge. But, outside the bedroom, you act as a polite, civilized woman. I respect you for that.”
Janet responded, “Thank you... Damn it. How can I capture you, now that you have been so helpful? I mean, my sexual kinks was really the main reason I was after you. Since you didn't cause them, I have no hatred for you. Though, Benny can have her revenge on you, for what you did to her. Still, you are right, you gave me everything I ever wanted. I mean...”
Lee spoke up, “It's okay. Just because I am a bad guy, don't mean I have to be a bad, guy. I do believe that manners and civility count.”
Janet said, “Yes. You already pointed that with Kristina. And I agree with you. By the way, Kristina is one of our most well behave and nicest children.”
Lee commented, “I am not surprised about that.”
Janet inquired, “Of course. Though, are you quoting a line from somewhere? Besides which, you are not a bad guy, because you are too polite to be one.”
Lee answered, “The quote is from the animated movie, Wreck It Ralph. I am a fan of Jack McBrayer's works. And yes, I am a bad guy. I am a liar, a cheat, and a thief. And those are my good qualities. I played you and your friends like you were puppets on my strings. Both in the my stories, and at the Devil's Hotel. The former, because I didn't realize what I was doing at the time. And the latter, because I am trying to save my own ass.”
Janet conceded, “You do have a point there. But, that is nothing compared to some of the things my friends have done. And I will have to check out that movie.”
Lee replied, “You will likely enjoy the film. Anyway, I will keep this between us. I don't want to wreck your relationship with the others.”
Janet said. “Good. I do have a few questions though, before you run.”
Lee replied, “Okay. What are they?”
Janet said, “What did you mean by critical flaw in the plot, to Wired Red Wild Card?”
Lee stated, “As a writer, I pride myself on making plot and characterization work within a story. But, that the Wired Red Wild Card storyline has a flaw. That flaw being that the manga counterparts of Rock and Revy, in the story, decided to help the spy, after your counterpart screwed her over. A spy that was originally sent to find out about your counterpart, and your hacker friends around the web.”
Janet inquired, “Don't they realize what would have happened if my counterpart had not turned the tables on the spy?”
Lee said, “I don't think so. Which for Revy, would be okay. But, Rock is suppose to know better. That being, if the spy got she personal information she wanted, her chinese superiors would have hire hit squads against your counterpart, and your hackers friends. And with your counterpart being the girlfriend for Benny, the entire Lagoon company would have been dragged in. With Dutch, Revy, and Rock being unhappy about the situation that Benny would have forced them into.”
Janet commented, “Yea. It would had been bad. But, I got the feeling it gets worse.”
Lee stated, “It does. Rock and Revy's counterparts also neglected to inform the Benny counterpart, and the Dutch counterpart, that they are helping the spy in question. Which, given the way Black Lagoon plots usual end, means that the storyline will end in some combination of you, Benny, and the spy, either being alive or dead. Likely, you and the spy being dead. With the spy killing you, with the unexpected twisted of Benny killing the spy in revenge.”
Janet replied, “I believe that Benny would avenge me. And I would find it touching.”
Lee agreed, “So, would I. Still, I think this storyline is much like the Nazi storyline. Where the Nazi storyline was an excuse to show how much of a cold blooded killer Revy, can be, this Wild Card storyline is intent on showing how stupid Rock can be with his charitable nature.”
Janet said, in a disappointed tone of voice, “The sad part is that I can see that. And I would guess the story would end in tears.”
Lee admitted, “Very likely. And the worst part about this, is that I am not sure myself. This story is being constantly delay. With one delay being three years long. I am not sure if Tex-Mex even knows how he is planning to end this storyline.”
“Also, taking into account that neither Chang's Triad, nor, Hotel Moscow are in this story arc. Along with, given the level of humor, and the fact that Revy's counterpart had a whole chapter with the spy, as Revy got drunk, while was talking to the spy, whom was sober.”
“I mean, when Revy got real drunk, she did not become violent, but instead poured her heart out to the spy. And in fairness, the spy did take Revy back to the apartment, and she got Rock to help her bring Revy inside. Still, the next chapter was about Rock talking on personal matters with the spy.”
Janet commented, “Whoa. That is out of character for both Rock and Revy. Both of them are very private people. It is just that Rock is polite about being private.”
Lee responded, “Yes. I know. And I get the feeling this storyline is suppose to be a breather episode coming off of the manga version of the Blood Trail arc.
Janet agreed, “Yea. That arc really needed a breather episode. But, that Wild Card arc sounds like it is reaching a bit.”
Lee stated, “You are preaching to the choir. And it feels like the Wild Card story arc is in a tug of war between a serious type, downer episode, and a humorous type, breather episode. And unlike the previous storylines, the plot is not falling into place, because Rock and Revy have not realized what would have happened to them, and their friends, if things had worked out differently. That spy is practically a scorpion, and they don't even realize it.”
Janet questioned, “As in the tale of the scorpion and the turtle?”
Lee answered, “Exactly. And in the end, the scorpion stings because it is its nature. And the woman they are helping, will likely betray them, because that is the nature of being a spy. Which is lies, deceit, and betrayal. And in doing so, the spy will likely get herself killed, and she will likely take some of the Lagoon members, and your counterpart, with her.”
Janet said, “Well, I will hope for the best, for my counterpart, and her friends. That is all I can do, considering we have all agreed not to travel to that reality.”
Lee stated, “Interesting. Though, not surprising. That being said, I know that Tex-Mex can do good breather episodes. Calm Down Two Men is a breath episode in Black Lagoon, and it is one of my favorite anime episodes, and manga chapters. It was a comfortable tour of Roanapur, with some humorous scenes. Along with a good character development ending, for both Rock and Revy, that was done well. And no one during that episode was seriously harmed, nor killed.”
Janet commented, “Yea. It was good. Both Rock and Revy commented that was one of their better days together in Roanapur. And I want you to know, that given what you did in Plata Podrido, along with pointing all this out, you have just proven to be more devious that Rock, while still being a nice guy.”
Lee responded, “Thank you. The problem with Rock's blind spot is Rock thinks that whomever, he, or she, meets will be a generally nice person, deep down, because Rock is a nice person. While, though I think people are born good, that does not mean I think that people I meet in person are still good. I am just polite because it is less likely to get me harmed, or killed. And more likely to get me what I want.”
Janet complimented, “That is intelligent thinking.”
Lee said, “Thank you.”
Janet inquired, “Now, one last question. What is the relationship between Revy's counterpart, and my counterpart at the moment, in that storyline?”
Lee stated, “Rocky. No pun intended. Revy is clearly a possessive and jealous person. And you were getting a bit more attention than her from the Lagoon company members. Especially, Benny. For obvious reasons. And Revy was jealous.”
Janet giggled.
Lee went onto say, “Though, that Revy hasn't harmed your counterpart, yet. Your counterpart did make a pass at Rock, while in Revy's presence.”
Janet winced, as she asked, “I am almost afraid to ask. What was that Revy's reaction to doing that?”
Lee answered, in a calm, serious tone of voice, “In front of the Lagoon company members, that Revy threatened to rape your counterpart. Your counterpart wisely decided to back off. Also, Revy's counterpart had started referring to your counterpart, towards other people, as a cow.”
Janet pointed out, “Actually, that is a good sign. Revy... Any Revy, only gives nicknames to those she at least holds some value, or measure of respect, to, in some way. And that would not be the most insulting nickname she has given someone.”
Lee agreed, “True, on both points. Concerning your place of origin, I doubt that Revy would understand the double meaning of nicknaming your counterpart a cow.”
Janet cracked a grin, as she said, “Yea. I don't think Revy realizes that cows are considered sacred animals in India.”
Lee agreed, “Exactly.” He turned to look at the axe embedded into the wall. He then looked back over at Janet, as he complimented, “Also, that axe really suits you.”
Janet replied, “Thanks.”
Lee commented, “Now, I better get going.”
Janet said, “Good luck.”
In response, Lee just smiled at Janet.
Lee walked passed Janet, as he briskly made his way down the hallway, in the opposite direction from the stairwell, and towards his intended destination.
Janet watched Lee soon turn a corner, and disappear. She calmly thought, 'If what Lee is saying is true. Which is likely. Than all he did for me was help me. And I owe him that. Talk about a screwed up situation, in so many ways. And Lee reminded me that it could be far, far worse for myself, my family, and my friends.'
Janet then turned back to her axe and the firearm pieces on the ground.
Janet thought, 'I will left the firearm and ammo here. But, I need to get the axe and start heading for the ground floor. Considering it is Revy's axe, I cannot leave it behind.'
Janet then went back to freeing the axe from the wall. A few seconds later, she first loosened it, and she finally freed. She then turned and headed for the elevators, as she left Vera and Vera's ammo, behind.
Five minutes later, Lee had briskly walked down a hallway, as he worked out the map in his head, of the huge building he was in. He had turned a couple of corners, down the hallways he was in, as he made his way to his intended distraction.
When he turned the corner, into another hallway junction, he confront by Eda.
Lee immediately stopped within less than five feet from Eda.
Lee simply thought, 'Crap.”
As Lee looked at Eda, he saw that she was holding her second generation Glock seventeen L at him, with her right hand. With the barrel pointed at him.
The Glock had a safety action trigger mechanism. The safety action trigger system consisted of the pistol trigger, and a spring loaded lever set in a hollowed out groove, in the middle of trigger. Both the trigger and the lever had to be pulled together for the Glock to fire.
Lee saw that Eda was wearing blue tennis shoes, blue jeans, brown leather belt, a white blouse, and black leather jacket. And she had let her long blond hair hang loose, as it ran down her back.
Lee then noticed that Eda's right index finger rested against the trigger guard.
While Lee showed not emotion on the outside. He inwardly felt relief, as he thought, 'Good. Her finger off the trigger, that means she is not immediately planning to kill me. And my precognition is not screaming at me. So, she is not planning to turn me in just yet. So, I will also let her speak first, as a way to be polite. And I will work from there.'
Eda greeted, in a calm tone of voice, “Hello Lee.” She thought, 'Finally, we will get to have a conversation I have been meaning to speak to you about.'
Lee smiled, as he said, “Hello Eda.”
Eda thought, 'He seems a bit happy to see me. Not that I am complaining.' She inquired, “And why are you so chipper to see me?”
Lee answered, “Because my precognition would be screaming at me if you were intent on shooing me. And your finger is resting against the trigger guard.”
Eda thought, 'He has me there.' She shrugged with her left shoulder, as she replied, “You got me there.” She then holstered her pistol in a shoulder holster hidden under her jacket, on the left side of her chest.
As soon as Eda was finished putting away her gun, she looked at Lee. She commented, “I heard your conversation on the radio. You got issues.”
Lee replied, “Don't we all.”
Eda agreed, “True.”
Lee asked, “So, how did you find me?”
Eda stated, “This was the building I decided to search first. I checked the layout of each of the room, from the far end of the stairwell, you are heading for, to reach the roof. When I heard on the radio, that you had cross the bridge to get to this building, from another building, I knew you were heading this way. And you would likely climb the staircase a few floors.”
“Then, I reviewed in my head which floor you would likely choose? If you knew where you were heading. Which you clearly do. And this floor. The twenty-second floor. Had a large storage area, by other stairwell I came onto the floor, from.”
“Unlike the other floors, I checked, which have hallways. This floor has the large storage area. It would be to your advantage to take this floor. Given if there is trouble, you might be able to lose people in that storage area, and then flee to the roof, at the stairwell there.”
“After that, while everyone talked, I searched the hallways, to figure out the best route between the stairwell, and the storage area. Which is here. And I just waited here for you, while using my enhanced hearing to listen out for you.”
Lee complimented, “That is very perceptive of you.”
Eda said, “Thank you. I must say. Looking back on on all of it. After everything that happened in Plata Podrido, it is not surprising that you turned out to be the writer.”
Lee responded, “Yea. Towards the end, it would have been obvious to a third party. By looking at what was going on, from an outside point of view. And even though we slept with each other under false pretenses. I hope you are not upset about that.”
Eda responded, “Not really. You treated me nicely, and you do your best to give me a wonderful date, and you let me take lead, later that night. So, I am willing to let that be water under the bridge.”
Lee complimented, “That is what I like about you, Eda. You know when to be a professional.”
Eda smiled, as she said, “Thank you.” She dropped her smile, as she continued, “Though, what was this about the immature profile that River told us about?”
Lee shifted his body in an uncomfortable manner, as he inquired, “She told you about that?”
Eda deadpanned, “Yes. And I want an explanation.”
Lee calmly stated, “Okay. I will just outright state the truth. Eda, you sometimes act in an immature manner. Nowhere near as much as bad as Revy. But, you do have your moments. Especially, when you let your greed get the better of you, and when a plan does not go your way.”
Eda conceded, “Okay. I will give you that. Also, why didn't you included me in your stories more?”
Lee stated, “For two reasons. First, I wrote those stories before I got to know you as a person. Second, I had no way to really fit you into my plotline. By the end of book two of my stories, everybody knows you worked as spy, you were the drug dealing behind the back of the families, and they also knew about the shit you pulled at the end of the Blood Trail arc. With Yolanda helping you every step of the way.”
“Given that, none of the characters I was working with were really going to trust you. At least, for a while.”
“I had to work out a fitting punishment for you and Yolanda, that would not seriously harm either you. Because, let's be honest. After Chang and Balalaika learned about the shit you pulled, they were just as likely to kill you both.”
It was Eda's turn to shift her body uncomfortably, as she commented, “You're right about that. It took a while for me to get back to where the others would trust me enough to even talk to me. And Yolanda had the same problem.”
Lee inquired, “I thought as much. Since I didn't write those events. I would like to know. What happened to you and Yolanda, after Chang's Tower fell, at the end book two?”
Eda let out a deep breath. She then answered, “A lot. After the others found us, and deprogrammed Yolanda, and I, we found ourselves in a tight situation. By then, the others were more than happy to show us the Black Lagoon series. And they got a good laugh at seeing our reactions to learning they know what we did, and that our lives were works of fiction.”
“It was not a pleasant experience for myself. On the other hand, Yolanda laughed her ass off. Later, in private, given her youth was restored, and her lost eye replaced, she told me she believed we were in another person's story. She was the first person I know to guess that.”
Lee responded, “I have long since realized that Yolanda is very sharp. And that she has a lifetime of experience in the spy game.”
Eda agreed, “Exactly. But, we decided to keep that secret to ourselves, for our own reasons. One being that we had no proof. During that week, before we all bugged out, and called in the military to the tower, the two of us realized that our covers were blown. And if our respective governments got a hold of us, we would never again see the light of day.”
“So, we used our skills and connections, to just disappear for a while. At that time, the only person I trusted was Yolanda, and vise versa for her. Because we both realized we are in the same boat.”
Lee said, “I hope the others let you have a few things from the tower.”
Eda shrugged, as she responded, “We all looted that place of quite a few things. Though, the others did not let Yolanda and I have a reality device. But, we did get to keep some gold and other treasures we took. With our enhanced strength and endurance, that made for a fair amount of wealth. Along with some select bottles of alcohol. I got to say. That Romulan ale is pretty good.”
Lee commented, “Well, I found Ardbeg Providence to petty good, as well. If I make it out of this mess alive. I may have to try some Romulan ale, myself.”
Eda inquired, “I am sure you will make it out of here alive. So, I heard that it was River that gave you a bottle of Ardbeg Providence?”
Lee shrugged, as he replied, “Yes. I won a million dollars for Revy and I didn't see a dime of those winnings. So, River gave me a bottle, as a gift.”
Eda commented, “That was nice of her.”
Lee commented, “I agree. And it gets better. At the time, I didn't know Sam and River were the same person. So, I ended up using the bottle as a toast for River, with River, the Rats Nest bartender, and Pedro. And all of us liked the stuff.”
Eda giggled. She then questioned, “Well, it is it good stuff. So, you won't happen to know who the Rats Nest bartender is?”
Lee answered, “Yes. But, it is not my secret to give.”
Eda asked, “Do I know this woman?”
Lee said, “Yes.”
Eda commented, “Funny. I don't remember meeting a woman bartender like that before.”
Lee grinned, as he hinted, “I never said that you knew her as a woman.”
It took a few seconds for Eda to realize what Lee was hinting at. She then burst out laughing, for several seconds.
As Eda calmed down, she stated, “Bao? The female bartender is, Bao?”
Lee answered, “Yes. And as fun as it is to know, please keep that to yourself.”
Eda replied, “No problem. You know I am good at keeping secrets.”
Lee responded, “I know. And thank you. Now, back to the story on what you did after the fall of Chang's Tower.”
Eda stated, “Yes. Now, during that week, while the crew took care of getting everyone involved in the siege squared away. And while Lagoon family planned on leaving on the Lagoon PT boat, I found out that Roberta and Fabiola had gotten a hold of some reality devices. And they were planning to take as much as they could, in gold, jewels, and other valuables, from Chang's Tower. With them teleporting back and forth to their home in Caracas, to enrich their family fortunes.”
“Given Yolanda and I had only a few options at that time, we offered to do some heavy lifting for the maids, in change for a few concessions.”
Lee questioned, “So, what was your fee?”
Eda answered, “Five percent, for each of us, for whatever we helped them collect, teleported back to Lovelace manor in Caracas, and haul the items to some hiding places on their master's estate. And they would let us hide on the Lovelace estate for a while, as we both sorted out what to do next.”
“Let's just say that secretly, the Lovelace household are now one of the richest families in South America. And Fabiola's own family is well taken care of. With Yolanda and I do fine.”
Lee said, in a happy tone of voice, “That is good to hear. So, what else happened?”
Eda stated, “Well, while we were there, we were put to work as maids...”
Eda noticed that Lee was snickering. Eda said, in annoyed tone of voice, “Hey. It is not funny.”
Lee was trying his best not to laugh, as he agreed, “I know... And a maid uniform is a step up from nun habit.”
Eda started, “True...” Then, she started snickering as she as she thought about Lee's comment.
Eda snickering was the finally straw, as Lee burst out laughing, with Eda soon joining him in laughter.
A few seconds later, as they calmed down, Eda continued her story, “Anyway. With Yolanda and I there, that made for seven maids in the manor, Roberta, Fabiola, and the other three maids there. And besides Garcia, the only other person there was Lazlo, Garcia's dog. An ankle biter... Well, not really. The dog was nice to us.”
“Anyway, as soon as we finished with the Tower, Garcia returned from his adventure. Though, he did not talk much about it. I must say that Garcia makes a cute girl, in her cursed for. Well, woman now. Still, she is cute, and sexy.”
Eda smirked, as she did a pose for Lee. She stated, “Still, Garcia's female form doesn't hold a candle to my figure.”
Lee commented, in a polite tone of voice, “Few do.” He continued, in a more serious tone of voice, “Still Roberta and Fabiola are probably planning to castrate me over doing that to their master.”
Eda said, “Very likely. By the way, thanks for the youth restoration, and longevity.”
Lee inquired, “You're welcome. So, what happen next?”
Eda commented, “Anyway, we stayed at the Lovelace manor for a little while, until we set up new lives. Along with needed paperwork and falsified records. On our Earth. We went our separate ways from the Lovelace manor. And after the work we put in there, all five of us. Yolanda, Roberta, Garcia, Fabiola, and I. Agreed that our debts were settled with the Lovelace household, over past actions.”
“Yolanda and I said our goodbyes to them and the others at the plantation, and we left together.”
“Though, our friendship has been platonic for the most part, we ended living together for the years. Still, we had great times together. At one point, given our wealth, we ran the global party circuit for a while. But, we were careful not to get pregnant, nor get an STD.”
“Though, the only problem with the two of us continuing to be together, is that with Yolanda back to be young, and sexy. Is that we are now two sexy blond women, living together.”
Lee casually replied, “Oh, the blond jokes must get tiring.”
Eda stated, “Yes. And when the Lagoon family started having those bikini parties at their island. By the way, they are very fun. Revy and Roberta tracked us down, and invited Yolanda and I. I would like to thank you for that. Those are good parties. In the end, when the others learned about the stories, they came to Yolanda and I, to help them find you. We had to go a few months into your past, with the that burger truck. And you know the rest of how you and I ended up here.”
Lee said, “I am glad things worked out for you.”
Eda calmly stated, “Thank you. Now, let us deal with the matter at hand. I have to give you credit, Lee. Not many people would intentionally pissed both Revy, and Balalaika. The only other two people that have intentionally pissed off both of them, and lived, are Chang, and myself.”
Lee commented, “That doesn't surprising me.”
Eda stated, “But, you are first to do it at the same time.”
Lee shrugged, “It is a gift. And if they are pissed, it may throw off their aim.”
Eda agreed, “True. That is what I figured you were doing.”
Lee pointed, “And I did not do it in their presence.”
Eda stated, “Which is why you still have my respect. Still, before either you escape, or they catch you, there are a couple of more points of interest that I want you to answer, about your stories.”
Lee offered, “I am more than happy to answer your questions.”
Eda responded, “Good. Let us start with that bikini contest, years ago in Roanapur. You made me come in dead last. That was embarrassing.”
Lee stated, “Would you like me to list in how many ways you have put in danger, screwed over, pissed off, or flat out wronged the other residents of Roanapur. That was a nice way of payback that did not involved violence, nor any type of harm towards you. Except for your ego. Besides, I made it up to you by helping you win that talent contest.”
Eda conceded, “True on all counts. Though, you did give me a nine.”
Lee pointed out, “Pedro and Sam... I mean River, both gave you each a ten. And I did not want that cast of violent lunatics, also in the room, to accuse me of cheating, due to us previously sleeping together.”
Eda responded, “I can appreciate that. Also, I can be a bitch. And you did make it up to me.”
Lee said, “I am glad we are square on that. And I apologize about the janitorial work.”
Eda shrugged, as she said, “Don't worry about it. I have had worse. You likely don't know this, but when my superiors assigned me to go undercover as a nun, they ordered me to be celibate during that time. For years on end. Even though I disobeyed those orders, it did prevent me from have an open relationship with someone. That did drive me bit nuts. At least as a janitor, when I got off of work, I could have some fun out in the open.”
Lee responded, “That explains the clothing on your time off, during your work at the Ripoff Church.”
Eda replied, “Somewhat.”
Lee inquired, “By the way, is Yolanda with this crew?”
Eda replied, “Nope. You gave her back her right eye, her youth, gifted her with extreme longevity, and she is in perfect health. That woman would likely sleep with you if you nicely asked her.”
Lee grinned, as he said, “You, her, and me. Given my health at the moment, I likely would not survive the experience. But, I would die happy.”
Eda giggled a little. She then said, “Well, you did make us bi-sexual. Though, I still lean towards liking men more. But, from an informed standpoint, Yolanda is great in bed. It is just that we don't... Click in that way.”
Lee chuckled a little. He then inquired, “By the way, something you may get a good laugh out of? Did Revy and Rock mention the Tex-Mex incident?”
Eda stated, “I heard River mention the name in passing when we talked to her, right after your escape. But, I did not get any details. Besides that type of food. Who? Or what is, Tex-Mex?”
Lee answered, “Tex-Mex is the alias for the man that created the Black Lagoon series. He also drew some porn on the side, including some interesting stuff with you girls.”
Eda cautioned, “And why shouldn't I shoot you for mentioning that to me?”
Lee smirked, as he stated, “Because he made a list on the back of the Black Lagoon Swimsuit Models magazine he made. A list of breast sizes of you girls. For your information, Janet came out on top of that list. You are in the middle. But, here is the kicker. You, Eda, are two cup sizes larger than Revy is.”
Eda's eyes narrowed, as her lips formed a wicked grin. She inquired,“Really?”
Lee nodded once, as he replied, “Yes.”
Eda started laughing, for a few seconds.
As Eda calmed down, she said, “I am going to have so much fun with that information. That is what I like about you, Lee. You know how to both, give and take. River was right, you are a sadomasochist. Oh, if I had only known at the time, when we slept together. The real fun we could have had that night.”
Lee thought, 'That is what River thinks of me? What a minute, how much did River tell them about me? This could be very bad for myself.' He asked, “How much did River tell you about me?”
Eda answered, “She said quite a bit. Both about you, and about me. Including some information on my past, from the my cheerleader uniform. And other stuff we talked about earlier. Though, I have the feeling that River held back some stuff.”
Lee responded, “Oh. I am sure River did hold back on some stuff.”
Eda inquired, “How do you know?”
Lee stated, “Because some of the information she held back is so juicy that Revy would have used it in our conversation.”
Eda questioned, “Do I want to know?”
Lee replied, “No. You don't. Though, how much did I get right on that about your past?”
Eda deadpanned, “A lot. Besides the immaturity, I cannot believe you thought I was so shallow.”
Lee swiftly stated, “As I said before. In my defense, I didn't personally know you at the time. And my opinion of you has changed quite a bit, since then.”
Eda concede, “At least you are being honest. And, I would like some information, from that clever brain of yours.”
Lee shrugged, as he replied, “Sure. What do you want to know?”
Eda answered, “I have a few questions about three people. First, River told me what you found about my past. And it was pretty accurate. So, how did you find out that much about me?”
Lee answered, “Mostly, from the internet. But, I do have access to some books on firearms. I always believed that if I was going to write a story, I had to do my homework, first.”
Eda complimented, “Well, it shows. Also, be honest. Do you consider me to be crazy?”
Lee stated, “You are dangerous, though sane. Still, I think your people, in the midwest, are about as crazy as us, southerners.”
Eda asked, “Why is that?”
Lee answered, “Noodling for catfish. Besides the southeastern U.S., the U.S. midwest is the only other place on earth, where people are crazy enough to go fishing, underwater, without scuba gear, and use themselves as live bait.”
Eda laughed, for a few seconds. After she calmed down, she looked at Lee, with a smile on her lips. She agreed, “You got that right. Our people, and culture, really are crazy.”
Lee replied, “I know.”
Eda commented, “No wonder we get along so well with Revy and the others. We are use to dealing with armed, crazy people. We grew up around such people.”
Lee smile, as he said, “Honey, you are preaching to the choir.”
Both of the chuckled for few seconds.
As the calmed down, Eda inquired, “Speaking of Revy, my second question is about her. What is with her hair color? I never got why she had that shade of red.”
Lee said, “It is a really easy question to answer, once you realize that name of the shade of red Revy's hair is. It is a injoke. That shade of red called, burgundy. As in Burgundy wine. To help show that Revy is the hard drinker of the Lagoon group.”
Eda let out a laugh. She then stated, “That makes so much sense.”
Lee offered, “I could go further. If you want?”
Eda smirked, as she replied, “Sure.”
Lee stated, “Considering Revy's red hair, and the fact she is from New York City. Along with us seeing that her father was chinese... Or, at the very least, oriental... I would guess Revy's mother was not only a caucasian, but an Irish redhead. Giving the Irish have a large population in New York City, and there are a lot of redheaded Irish people there.”
Eda scoffed, “Don't tell me that Revy is part Irish Catholic?”
Lee countered, “Well, Revy does have the self-righteous indignation that most Catholics naturally have.”
Eda conceded, “She does.”
Lee mentioned, “And given, you were pretending to be a nun, and she is part Catholic, there is joke somewhere in your relationship.”
Eda inquired, “I will give you that one. Do think I could play that black irish joke with her?”
Lee stated, “Not if you want to continued breathing.”
Eda replied, “Good point.”
Lee said, “Still, I will say her Irish side is not the reason for her lack of manners, and her alcoholism. That is explained by how her father raised her, or lack there of.”
Eda agreed, “True.”
Lee commented, “But, the Irish do have a temper. Though, Irish tend not to get angry, unless seriously wronged. In which case, they stay angry for quite a while.”
Eda responded, “Yea. You are right about that. And let us not tell Revy about this.”
Lee stated, “I agree. If Revy found out, given she likely has no clue about her family history, besides the obvious, she might go to Ireland, in her home reality, to try to get in touch with her Irish heritage. And we are not talking about remake of, The Quiet Man, film. Which I must say is a true unrated romantic comedy by John Wayne. That man was a skilled actor.”
Eda agreed, “You are right about that.”
Lee commented, “Anyway, given the Irish like to drink, and Revy becomes violent when drunk. And she prefers to be armed, most of the time. That would be like setting fire to a fireworks factory.”
Eda giggled. She then said, “You are right about that. Onto my next question. I would like to know more about Yolanda's past. She has hid a lot about her past, from everyone. Even myself. And I think you have figured out some clues about her past.”
Lee commented, “I think I may have uncovered a few things from her past. From her age, and two clues. One clue is from that Viva Youth omake, and another from a statement she made in the series.”
Eda requested, “Then, please tell me what you found out.”
Lee stated, “First, in the manga Viva Youth omake listed the youthful Yolanda to be twenty-nine. That was helpful in a number of ways. Given her attitude in the youth omake, and her dress, I am willing to bet that in Yolanda's youth, she was a Mata Hari type spy. Only Yolanda spied for allied intelligence, in World War II, against the Germans. But, unlike Mata Hari, Yolanda was not caught, and executed. And given the timeline, I would guess that Yolanda was likely in her mid-eighties during the mid nineteen nineties.”
“Also, from the other clue, combined with the personality she has now. Along with her blond hair and blue eyes. I would guess she was an Austrian jew.”
“Tex-Mex seems to have a preference for hot blond and blue eyed people. And not just women. But, men as well. Such as Benny... Originally. Still, it is a trait that you share with Balalaika, and Yolanda.”
Eda spoke up, “I am aware of that. Though, I am not jewish. And I am fairly sure that Balalaika is not, either. But, I am not crazy enough to ask her.”
Lee agreed, “It is wise not to do so.”
Eda requested, “Yes. Now, please continue.”
Lee stated, “Gladly. The reason I think she Austrian, instead of Hungarian, is because she never showed any serious anti-Communist leanings in her actions, nor statements. She was always cool and casual with those around her. Even Balalaika, and Hotel Moscow. If she was from, Hungary, she would likely hate the Soviets for what they did to the nation of Hungary. On the other hand, Austria weathered the cold war far better.”
“Also, she does not have the arrogance of the Germans, nor the snobbishness of the French. She is too damn relaxed to be a British. She lacks the tanned skin one sees in most Spanish, Portuguese, Italians, and Greeks.”
“Given the events of her lifespan, her personality would likely be far more bitter if she was from the Serbian area. And if she was from Switzerland, Norway, Finland, or Sweden, she would likely not have been a spy in the first place. For various reasons.”
Eda giggled. She then complimented, “You definitely have a talent for this.”
Lee responded, “Thank you. Now, the other clue to her past makes me think that after War World II ended, Yolanda joined with Israel intelligence, and she probably had a hand in the founding of modern day Israel. At least in your home reality.”
Eda said, “I knew that Yolanda was either with, or previously with Israeli intelligence, when we were at the Ripoff Church. Her gold plated desert eagle, and the fact she always sided with Israel, when we discussed middle eastern politics, was proof enough of that. But, what is this clue you are talking about?”
Lee lips curled into a wicked grin, as he stated, “That is the brilliant part. Everyone else missed it. I would have missed her comment too. If I didn't become so good at seeing the obvious, while most others will miss the point entirely. And here is the clue. Do you remember, when you first met Janet, during the gunfight, when Yolanda mentioned the town of Beit Shemesh?”
Eda inquired, “Yes. What of it?”
Lee explained, “That not a biblical reference. It was likely a reference to her personal past. During October twenty-ninth, and thirtieth, in nineteen forty-eight. Or, whatever date it happened in your reality. Yolanda was either a part of, or aided, the Harel Brigade, in the taking of Beit Shemesh. That might have also been, when and where, she lost her original right eye.”
Lee stayed quiet for the next few seconds, as he let his explanation sink in for Eda.
A few seconds later, Eda said, “That makes a lot of sense. River is right. You are a genius.”
Lee happily thought, 'I love being reminded that River thinks I am a genius...' He then realized what that fully meant, as he continued his thoughts, in a more sober manner, 'I am a sadomasochistic genius sociopath. That is not a good combination. Still...'
Lee replied, “Thank you. By the way, though, you said you stayed away from your governments, after the fall of the Tower. Are either of you two still with your intelligence organizations, in anyway, shape, or form? I kind of left that open.”
Eda flatly stated, “Hell no. Like I said, Yolanda and I broke our ties with them after we found out the full truth of that world as myth situation, and multiversal travel. I may love my county, but even I do not trust my government enough to allow them to know, let alone have reality traveling technology... Of course, we left all the gear and records at the Tower... Your stories... Gomez.”
Lee groaned, as he responded, “Yes. Another massive oversight on my part. The only good news is Gomez is pragmatic enough to leave you, and your friends, alone. And he probably does not have a clue about me, nor my stories.”
Eda calmly replied, “Let us hope so.”
Lee requested, “Yes... And could you keep that to yourself. There is no reason to give your friends more reasons to want to hurt me.”
Eda shrugged, “Yea. You're right. That got plenty of reasons, as is.”
Lee complimented, “Thank you. Anyway, that was a wise decision on both your parts to cut your ties. You need to understand. The U.S. may be top dog in your reality, but they are small fish in the sea of the multiverse. And if they attempted gunboat diplomacy with others in the multiverse, it would have started a multiversal war that would have likely had your planet destroyed.”
Eda agreed, “I realized that, all the way back then. That is why I broke my ties with them.”
Lee said, “Good. That is nice to hear. And that is why I don't think we have much to worry about from Gomez, and his operation. He knows better than to stir up trouble.”
Eda stated, “Well, as I think about it. I believe that you are right. Now, onto my next question. A day after Chang opened his casino, Revy confronted me at the food truck, on a gambling matter. Did you have anything to do about the fact she called me out on all the money I won from her, when we played cards, at the Ripoff Church, with her drinking heavily, while I secretly drank apple juice in my whiskey and rum bottles?”
Lee questioned, in slight disbelief, “You actually did that?”
Eda answered, “Yep. And I take that as a, yes.”
Lee admitted, “Yes. I did. Revy was talking about gambling. And I just didn't want to deal with her. And that thought just popped into my head, and I used that comment to get her to leave me be for a day. I am surprised you pulled that off.”
Eda said, “Do you realize how much money I had to pay back Revy? With interest?”
Lee stated, “I imagine, quite a bit. But, as you said, you now have plenty of gold, and other valuables, that you stole from Chang at the Tower.”
Eda conceded, “True. Still. I found that to be annoying.”
Lee responded, “Don't feel bad. That is nothing compared to the money that I owe the girls.”
Eda inquired, “From the lessons you learned from them in the time loops?”
Lee raised an eyebrow, as he thought, 'I don't want the Lowe family to get in trouble. So, I have to continue to play dumb on knowing that I know that they know about the time loop.' He inquired, “You know about that?”
Eda stated, “Oh yea. We all heard about it. And while they were pissed at you before. You just had to turn their anger to full broil. Didn't you? Though, me... Not so much.”
Lee thought, 'While, I know better than to ask Sawyer, and Jayne about the other's reactions to what I did in the time loop. Eda just confirmed my worries, that what the Lowe family said was true. And I thought I was trouble before. Though, Ed did say their reactions were mixed. So, there is hope for me. Yet, it is likely most of Revy's group didn't tell me, because they knew it would cause me to run even harder... They were probably going to spring this on me, after I was captured me. Still, Eda is one of the few people that I can talk to about this, without her seriously hurting me.'
Lee whined, “How was I suppose to know any of you would remember? The whole time loop genre states that only the person, or people, caught in the middle, that remember, to begin with, are the only ones that remember the time loop happening, after the time loop ends.”
Eda pointed out, “We don't exactly follow the rules, on anything.”
Lee conceded, “No. You don't.”
Eda commented, “And that is partly your fault. Due to what you wrote.”
Lee admitted, “Yes. You're right. And I had a hand in that, in the way I wrote all of you. So, I have only myself to blame.”
Eda said, “Perhaps not as much as you believe. Still, since I am not that upset with you. When I recognized you at the Deco, I didn't tell anyone. And fortunately, I was the only one that recognized you, while you were on stage.”
Lee commented, “Thank you for not telling them I was there.”
Eda responded, “No problem. And your performance, on stage, with the piano was very good.”
Lee commented, “Yes. I appreciate your compliment. It took a lot a practice in the time loop to get that good.”
Eda cracked a grin, as she replied, “I bet.”
Lee inquired, “Also, are all of them pissed off about how I conned them in the time loops?”
Eda casually answered, “Not really.”
Lee visibly relaxed his body a little, as he said, “That is a relief. Also, I hope you had a good time during the loops.”
Eda commented, “Yolanda and I did. So, no worries there. It was an interesting experience.”
Lee thought, 'I agree. Now, to get some more details on what River told them about the time loop.'
Lee asked, “That is very true. By the way, how exactly did you all find out about the time loop?”
Eda said, “River told us.”
Lee inquired, with surprise in his voice, “She did. Why inform you of the time loop?”
Eda commented, “I think she was trying to point out how dangerous you were. I guess that backfired on the both of you.”
Lee questioned, “I guess so. Also, how did they, and you, remember?”
Eda said, “Ranma used magic smoke, from a magic lamp she has. That is how we can all remember those events.”
Lee commented, “That figures.” He mentally added, 'And that confirms more of what the Lowe family told me. About how they remember, due the smoke produced by Ranma's magic lamp.'
Eda asked, “So, how much do you owe Revy and the girls?”
Lee answered, “Depending on how you look at it. Around five to seven million U.S. dollars. Not including interest.”
Eda raised her right eyebrow, as she stated, “The very fact you actually ran those figures, says something about your character. I am just not sure if that is a good thing, or a bad thing.”
Lee admitted, “I am not sure myself.”
Eda said, “Well, I am not going to make you pay me back, because I know your ass is not worth that much.”
Lee commented, “I am glad you realize that. I wish the others realized that.”
Eda stated, “Actually, I think most of them do.”
Lee replied, “That is nice.”
Eda commented, “Yes. And through all this. I must say, you really do have a very interesting eye for detail.”
Lee offered, “Thank you. Would you like to have another example?”
Eda cracked a grin, as she inquired, “Sure. I have seen my series. I have notice that dates are not mentioned most of the time. So, let us play game. What date do you think Rock was originally kidnapped by Revy? What date do you think that Revy, Dutch, and Benny first come to Roanapur? And when did Revy and Rock start doing it? And please explain your reasoning for you answers.”
Lee answered, “Those three are easy questions. And for the first question. I just backtracked using the clues the Black Lagoon series provided. The were two dates mentioned in the Black Lagoon anime. The first date was in the return to Tokyo arc, where it was mentioned by Rock that it was close to New Years. The second question ties in with the first one. The third question is easy, but also shows that the anime creators made a dating mistake.”
“They dated the Blood Trail beginning in October, Nineteen Ninety-Five, when Diego Lovelace was murdered in that bombing during the political really. The reason I mention that it was a mistake was that the manga mentions the rally in more detail.”
“The details being that the rally was a found celebration for MVR. A communist party. But, in my reality, MVR was founding in July, Nineteen Ninety-Seven, not October, Ninety-Five. The animators mixed up the dates, due to the a similar abbreviation of the MVR, with the organization the MVR branched from, the MBR Two Hundred. Whom made political gains in the governorship election of the Zulia state of Venezuela, in December, nineteen ninety-five.”
“And the reason I am using October as the month is because that was the date that was mentioned a few times in the anime. Episode twenty-five, in a conversation between Benny and Dutch, Benny mentioned that the bombing happened in October. Though, in the manga, it was stated the bombing happened a month before the conversation in which Benny and Dutch were having at the time. So, that could mean that Roberta and Garcia returned to Roanapur in November.”
Eda commented, “That is correct. And the second example?”
Lee stated, “In episode twenty-eight Garcia mentioned the October date for the bombing to Caxton and the Gray Foxes.”
Lee thought, 'There are some minor, but interesting translation differences between the english version of the manga and the english dub of the manga. Which were done by the same company. And there were a few translation mistakes in both versions. Such as, in episode eighteen, the english dub translation team mistaking Shenhua for being an atheist. Instead, I know for a fact that Shenhua is a Taoist.'
'Also, given all your voices are different, from the english and japanese casts, I am sure that the dialogue in your home reality did not go word by word. Point by point. As what was stated in the Black lagoon anime. Though, I am sure the statements and events did take the same general course.'
Eda replied, “That is interesting.”
Lee said, “Thank you. Anyway, it gets more interesting. There was a scene between Balalaika's and Chang, in the manga, during the Blood Trail arc, where the two were by the pier, concerning years ago, when they fought, with Balalaika ending up in the bay, where the Lagoon were just coming into town, saw her, and rescued her. With the two of them having a discussion on their past, and how they ending their first battle, in a draw.”
Eda commented, “I know about that incident. From a number of accounts.”
Lee responded, “I am sure. But, Chang in the manga stated the date of the fight. The date being November ninety-three. While in the anime, the scene was only briefly shown as a flashback. And Chang did not state any dates in that scene, because there was no dialogue, except for Rock, whom said that Chang got the drop on Balalaika.”
Lee words then became more meticulous, as he continued, “But, we have to remember that Rock got the account, of what happened, from Dutch. And Dutch did not see the fight, first hand. I have a feeling that the fight was much like in the manga. With Chang not ambushing Balalaika. With their fight ending in a draw.”
“This is backed up by the fact that Balalaika, in that manga scene, mentioned she was shot with three twenty-two caliber long rifle rounds. And in the anime, when facing Hansel and Gretel in the series, Chang was shown using a pair of Barrett seventy-six semi-automatic pistols, which use twenty-two caliber long rifle rounds.”
“So, the same fight happened on a different date. Probably, November nineteen ninety-one. Which was when the Lagoon crew came to Roanapur.”
Lee mentally added, 'And Chang pointed one of those pistols in my face once. And I recognized it as the same model. Though, not the same pistol. Considering Chang lost those pistols in book two of my stories, with Fabiola taking those two pistols as her trophies. Not that I am going to mention any of that out loud.'
Eda said, with slight amusement, “I believe you are correct on all points. And you are right on the month and year the Lagoon crew came to town. And do I vaguely remember reading the manga, and noting the date of that event was different. But, at the time, I did not pay it any mind.”
Lee shrugged, as he stated, “The dates of events between manga and anime, of the same series, have been notorious for being different, among various franchise. It is no surprise that is the case for the Black Lagoon franchise.”
“Also, given in the first episode of the anime, and at the beginning of the first volume of the manga, Benny told Rock, in the Yellowflag, that Dutch, Revy, and Benny himself, came to Roanapur two years before they picked up Rock. So, two years, or a little more, after they brought Rock to Roanapur, would put them in late nineteen ninety-three to early ninety-four.”
“The nineteen ninety-five date is given in the anime. At the beginning of episode twenty-five, Collateral Massacre, the first date give was in nineteen sixty-nine. Then, the episode stated that the date of the bombing that murder Diego, was twenty-six years later. That would make the date nineteen ninety-five.”
“Though, given the timeline of the seasons shown in the anime, there is no way the November ninety-three date is valid in the anime timeline. The math just does not work.”
Eda commented, with mild concerned, “You have thought on this for a while? Haven't you?” She thought, 'I would call his level of knowledge on such things, bordering on the fanatical, if not for the fact, the application of that knowledge is allowing him to remain breathing.'
Lee casually admitted, “Of course. It comes with doing research. You of all people should appreciate that.”
Eda responded, “Of course. Though, I always wondered why Chang used such a weak pistol.”
Lee stated, “I don't have a clue. He has show he is a master at dual wielding with other types of pistols. When fighting those terrorists, in episode eleven, in the anime, he showed he had master dual wielding two AMT Hardballer Longslide pistols at once. And they are based on the model nineteen eleven Colt semi-automatic pistol, which uses forty-five ACP rounds.”
“But, I have to admit, even for twenty-two caliber pistols, Chang's guns are still very cool. I love those dragon style pistol grips.”
Eda cracked a grin, as she agreed. “So do I.”
Lee stated, “I guess those Beretta seventy-twos are just his weapons of personal preference. He found those pistols fit him. And when a pistol fits you, you use that weapon. That does not mean you only use that weapon. A person can master other weapons. But, that is the weapon, or weapons, a person comes back too.”
Lee's tone of voice then turned slightly more serious, as he continued, “Also, keep in mind that Chang is tough as the rest of you. In that fight I was talking about. While Balalaika took three twenty-two caliber bullets in that fight. Chang took four nine millimeter rounds, from Balalaika pistol, in that fight. And he not only lived, but fully recovered from his wound. So, he can take as much as he can dish out. He just prefers not to get mixed up on a fight, if he can avoid it. So, don't make fun of his pistols.”
Eda thought, 'That is a good point.' She said, “Though, I already know that. Thanks for the reminder.”
Lee replied, “You're welcome.”
Eda mentioned, “Also, if you were wondering. Chang and Balalaika were both laid up for around month afterward, recovering from their wounds from that fight.”
Lee commented, “I am not surprised. Getting shot hurts. So do ricochets. As I learned the hard way, during the time loops. And I believe that the only reasons Chang and Balalaika did not kill each other in that fight, is probably because they were both going for body shots, using lower caliber weapons, and not using more destructive types of ammunition, like hollow-points. I have seen first hand how destructive a hollow-point round is on human flesh. Though, my friend did make a full recovery from that accident.”
Eda thought, 'Lee has clearly seen more than he lets on. Hollow-point wounds are not a pretty sight. Hollow-point bullets can rip out chunks of flesh out of a human body. Or, even a grazing shot with a hollow-points can cleave flesh off like a butcher's knife. And that is usually the ammo that Revy, and a few others here, that are after Lee, use.'
'Though, I know for a fact that no one here is using hollow-points, and other such ammo, right now. Because we... Well, they want capture Lee, here, alive and mostly unharmed. So, they came harm him. Which I am against, but there is not much I can do. But, let him continue on his way.'
Eda agreed, “That is my assessment, as well.”
Lee casually inquired, “Speaking of which. Are you ever going to trade in that government issued Glock, and start using a weapon with some class?”
Eda inquired, in a slightly whiny tone of voice, “What is wrong with my Glock?”
Lee flatly stated, “Like a lot of people, I don't like the safety action trigger system Glocks use. I feel that a trigger should be a single piece of metal, with the finger resting on it, ready to use. A Glock uses a lever in front of the trigger, that the finger rests on, with the level pulling into the trigger itself, before the pistol fires. And the lever is very narrow. As such, it can prevent the trigger finger from getting a proper grip, and alinement with the trigger, and thus effecting the accuracy in one's aim, in shooting.”
Eda shrugged, as she conceded, “Well, you may have a point there. But, I have gotten use to shooting with this weapon, and I prefer to use it.”
Lee complimented, “And your skills do show that, in your area of expertise.”
Eda replied, “Thank you. And by the way, what firearm do you prefer to use?”
Lee coyly said, “I have a few favorites. But, at the moment, that is not important. Still, back to the date differences.”
Eda thought, 'You don't want to let on which firearms you like. So, you change the subject. That is understandable.'
Lee continued, “Those date differences further prove that technology, fiction, and events developed, and happen, sooner in your reality, than mine, and I the Black Lagoon manga.”
“Though, if that is the case, then I guess the Soviet Union would have to have fallen earlier in your reality, than in my reality, or the Black Lagoon manga reality. Because, that is the only explanation for Balalaika, and Hotel Moscow, showing up, in Roanapur, so early.”
Eda stated, “The Soviet Union fell on December Twenty-Sixth, Nineteen Ninety.”
Lee responded, “In my reality, and I guess the Black Lagoon manga reality, the Soviet Union fell on December Twenty-Sixth, Nineteen Ninety-One. So, your reality is at least a year ahead of my reality, in that respect. And this just further backs up my point about your reality being ahead of other realities, that run parallel to your home reality. Including, the Black Lagoon manga timeline. Because if the bombing in Caracas, in the manga, happened in October nineteen ninety-seven. With the maid returning the following month in November, then all the dates would line up for the Lagoon crew coming to Roanapur, in November ninety-three.”
“Also, this means both Lagoon companies has been in Roanapur for around four years, in their respective timelines.”
Eda responded, “Interesting.” She thought, 'That is not bad figuring. And the four year figure was correct.' She requested, “Please, continue.”
Lee stated, “Anyway, given that it is likely that the Blood Trail arc happened within the following year of the Tokyo Arc.”
“And the Blood Trail arc happened in nineteen ninety-five.”
“So, the Tokyo arc happened in late December nineteen ninety-four. Now, it is safe to guess all those adventures you all had, from Rock's kidnapping, to his returning to Tokyo, and then coming back to Roanapur, happened over the course of nearly a single year. Probably, slightly less than that.”
“I hope you don't mind me quoting you, for this next part.”
Eda gave her permission, “Go ahead.” She thought, 'Beside, you're on a roll.'
Lee pointed out, “Thank you. At the beginning of Greenback Jane arc, in the anime, you stated that Rock had been with Lagoon Company for almost a year. Not a year. Not over a year. But, almost a year. Almost can be a little flexible. It such a comment, almost can be as short as three quarters of a year. So, given the Tokyo arc happened around New Years. Which in the anime timeline, at least. In the manga timeline, the Greenback Jane arc was third to last, before the Blood Trail arc. With the Tokyo arc being the second to last.”
“And given the weather in Roanapur, Thailand, was shown to be warm and tropical, all year around. One cannot go by the weather of Roanapur for what the actual seasons around most of the world are.”
“And, for that matter, Caracas, Venezuela is the same way. It is call the city of the eternal spring.”
“So, I would guess that the Greenback Jane, from your anime timeline, happen in late November, early December?”
Eda commented, “Yes. That little scheme of mine happened around that time. And even though there were a few hiccups during that time, the payout at the end, was worth it.”
Lee raised an eyebrow, was he said, “A few hiccups?... I am surprised that right after that gunfight, in the Lagoon, that Dutch didn't try to keelhaul you, for your part in the destruction of Lagoon Company's private dock.”
Eda causally replied, “From the payout, we paid for the repairs to the dock and the building. And we still had a nice profit left over. So, that eased Dutch's sense of loss. Now, please continue.”
Lee said, “No problem. And this means that Rock was kidnapped around January to March. To nail this date down further, I would say that Rock's kidnapping happened in late February. I say this because the first episode showed that it was still snowing in Tokyo. So, it was likely not in March. And most corporate fiscal quarterly reports, during that time, happen in March.”
“Asahi Industries was likely selling nuclear secrets in February, to get some quick cash to help gin up their quarterly earning report.”
Eda complimented, with admiration in her tone of voice, “Very good. And very accurate. With solid logic backing up almost all points. Now, the second question.”
Lee stated, “The second question is simple. Using the information I used to answer first question. In the first episode of Black Lagoon, when they are at the Yellowflag bar, Benny mentioned he had been with Dutch and Revy for two years. They saved Benny in Florida. So, they had yet to come to Roanapur. Revy was probably on the run. Though, I am not sure how Dutch and the Lagoon PT boat ties into the beginning of the situation. But, I would bet that Revy met Dutch, between New York City, where Revy is from, and Florida, where Benny was from, before Dutch and Revy both met Benny.”
“Anyway, since it was early ninety-four when Benny made the two years comment, and you confirmation of the dates. It is a good guess that Benny was rescued around late September, to early October, nineteen ninety-one, with them showing up Roanapur a month, or so, later. After Benny joined them. They were probably fleeing from the U.S. law enforcement, and Thailand would be almost as far as one can go, by sea, to run from the U.S.”
Eda stated, “I'm impressed.”
Lee admitted, “Thank you. Though, I have no idea why they picked Roanapur. Nor, how they even heard about the city.”
Eda commented, “From what Revy told me, it is a long story. And it involves a mexican and a lawyer.”
Lee guessed, “And gunfight in a bar?”
Eda reacted with a bit of surprise, as she inquired, “How did you know?”
Lee shrugged, as he replied, in a casual tone of voice, “With Revy, there is always a gunfight in a bar, or an establishment with alcohol, in some way.”
Eda laughed for a few seconds. She then smiled, as she said, “That is true. I may tell you that story someday. If you survive.”
Lee stated, “I will consider it an incentive to continue living. And I look forward to you telling me that tale, someday. Now, onto the third question. If those two were not doing it in the tail of the Tokyo arc, like you guessed. They started doing it soon after. In the eleven months between the Tokyo arc and the Blood Trail arc. And the reason I think this is that Revy is a very, very private person. And by the Blood Trail arc, the only person she let get really, really close to her, is Rock.”
“Also, Rock has his own hang ups, as well.”
“You see this in the second episode of the Blood Trail arc, when Rock was in Revy's bedroom, with Revy. The scene starts with them talking, with Rock sitting on the bed, fully dress, and Revy wearing only white t-shirt and pink sweat pants. She is doing upside down abdominal crunches, while hanging from the back of her knee, on a metal bar.”
“When Revy gets finished with the exercises, she heads to take a shower in her personal bathroom. Now, if you listen closely, you hear her open the door, but you do not hear her close the door, because she does not close it. Instead, she turns on the shower, and the two of them continue talking. And the next scene shows Revy, naked in the shower.”
Eda smirked, as she interrupted, “I bet you got a hard-on from that scene.”
Lee honestly answered, “Nope. Nor, did I get aroused by the shower scene with Roberta.”
Eda asked, “Why not? Even I admit they have hot bodies.”
Lee pointed out, “Yes. They have hot bodies, but they are also crazy chicks. While I have never dated any. I have known crazy chicks in my personal life, long before I had even heard of the Black Lagoon series. And I have seen them emotionally burn some of my friends and family.”
Eda thought, 'So, River was correct. And I believe you mentioned that in your big conversation a little while ago. But, let's confirm that in person.'
Eda inquired, “So, knowing crazy chicks in real life let you move beyond their hotness, and allowed you to write, using their personalities?”
Lee replied, “Yes.”
Eda thought, 'That makes sense. And that explains why there are only a few sex scenes in your stories. And the only direct sex scenes in your stories which were required for the plot. Though...' She questioned, “What about me?”
Lee answered, “Eda, you are sane. And I find sanity very attractive in women. It is high on my list of wants when I meet a woman.”
Eda questioned, “So, that is why you did not mind going on a date, and sleeping with me?”
Lee brazenly admitted, “Of course. You are intelligent. You are nice. You are sexy. And you are sane. Don't get me wrong. You are as dangerous as your friends. But, you are sane.”
Eda replied, “Thank you.”
Lee stated, “You are welcome.”
Eda commented, “Still, I am sure that is a disappointment for River.”
Lee cracked a grin, as he pointed out, “Actually, after spending time with River, as both Sam, and herself, I think River has gone back to being sane. Or, so close to being sane that it does not matter for me.”
Eda began, “You mean you...” She immediately stopped herself from saying anything more.
Lee asked, with concern in his tone of voice, “What?”
Instead of answering Lee, Eda started laughing, as she thought, 'It is so obvious to everyone else. But, the two of them don't realize it. Those two do have some blind spots of their own.'
As Eda slowly stopped laughing, Lee continued, “Anyway, as Rock and Revy continued their conversation, Rock brings up a conversation they had in Tokyo, about how Revy consider herself a gun. Rock points out that then he would be the bullet to her gun.”
“Then, Revy came out of the shower, and walked back into her bedroom, in front of Rock, while wearing only black, bikini panties, and a white towel over her shoulder, which was draped down, around her neck, and cover her chest, to cover her breasts.”
“Now, this is the meat of the reason I think they already did it. And they had done it for some time. It was the ease at which they expressed in their body languages that says it all.”
“Revy, for all her privacy issues, was completely comfortable in having Rock possibly seeing her naked.”
“And Rock... Well, in episode seven, Calm Down Two Men. The episode that introduced you and Yolanda, when Rock was clearly flustered when they went to Rowan's Jackpot, and Rock had to be in the presence of half naked women. Yet, in the shower scene with Revy, he is completely fine, and relaxed, at looking Revy, whom is half naked.”
“Keep in mind, from Rock's point of view, Revy is a woman that has shot at him, with killing intent, more than once, when they first met. This is not a woman one would want to knowingly pissed off. Which makes my situation even worse.”
Eda giggled, as she agreed, “No arguments there.”
Lee said, “Anyway, I digress. Hell, in that scene, Rock even sneaks a look at Revy's ass, as she bent over, to get a bottle of water out of her fridge.”
Eda commented, in a mischievous tone of voice, “That little perv.”
Lee cracked a grin, as he went on to say, “I know. You all thought that Rock was this up tight, straight arrow. He wasn't. And she still isn't. Rock just needed someone lead him down the garden path. To tempted him to taste the forbidden fruit. And Revy was the perfect Eve to do it.”
Eda could not helpd but smile, as she playfully replied, “You are honestly scaring me with logic.”
Lee realized the tone of Eda's voice was playful. He casually said, in a halfhearted tone of voice, “I sometimes scare myself.” He continued, in a slightly more serious tone of voice, “And it gets better. That scene has several layers. And not just in their body language. As they continue their conversation, back in her bedroom, Revy started to ask what type of bullet Rock would be. A full metal jacket? A hollow point? A safety slug? Revy settles with Rock being some type of silver bullet. An expensive type of bullet, that no one knows how it is going to be use. Then, after she finishes her jug of water, she states they are out of water. And she asked him to go get some more downstairs, at a vending machine.”
“In the next scene, Rock is show getting some water for Revy. Showing that he does care for her. Revy walks up, and gives Rock one of her hollow point bullets. And they then leave the building.”
“Now, given Revy's privacy issues, she is not the type that openly show affection. So, that is why they keep their relationship a secret. But, their relationship had obviously been going on a while, because it seems that everyone they know has figured out what they are doing in private. Even in the Blood Trail arc, the morning after Fabiola wrecked the Yellowflag bar, when Rock talked to Bao, without Revy being present. Bao asked Rock why Revy was not with him. And Bao called Rock out on his relationship with Revy. With Rock playing dumb to Bao's comments.”
“Also, there was some sexual undertones during their conversation in Revy's bedroom.”
Eda asked, “What sexual undertones? I can see the undertones of their body language, but not in their conversation.”
Lee grinned mischievously, as he stated, “Think about about they said in their conversation. Revy considers herself the gun, and by giving Rock that bullet, she agreed with Rock that she thinks of him as a bullet. And what do you do with a bullet. You put a bullet into a gun. She was saying she wanted the most expensive bullet put inside her. And she thought that Rock was that bullet. In other words, Revy's form of foreplay is talking about guns and ammo.”
While Eda realized what Lee was saying, she started laughing, for several seconds. Meanwhile, Lee remained silent.
As Eda calmed down, she said, “That makes so much sense.”
Lee said, “And it was foreplay both ways. In the middle of that the gun and bullet conversation, Rock was talking needing a gun to ignite gunpowder, meaning igniting him. And in response, Revy saying, quietly, to herself. Come on babe. Light my fire. When Rock asked what she was saying. She stated she was just quoting a line from a song by, The Doors. Which is likely where she got the line from. But, she clearly was thinking of Rock lighting her own inner fire.”
Eda laughed some more.
As Eda calmed down, again, Lee went onto say, “So, they both reached a point where they know how to do foreplay with each other, without others realizing it. Also, on a side note, the scene right after the shower, where Revy is walking to the refrigerator, to get a bottle of water, her white towel, which is drape over her breast, comes slightly off, showing the inner half of her left nipple being shown on screen. She has dark areolae and nipples.”
Eda laughed some more. As she calmed down for a third time in a row, she commented, in a relaxed tone of voice, “I knew that. I have seen her nude before. A few times. But, I didn't realize the audience knew that, as well.”
Lee continued smiling mischievously, as he stated, “As you said. I have an eye for detail.”
Eda complimented, “That you do. You are practically like Sherlock Holmes. Or, James Moriarty.”
Lee commented, “I am more like Holmes, than Moriarty. Because Moriarty was a more naturally charming person. While, Holmes was socially awkward, like I was. I had to develop my charm from hard work and experience. And I better be like them, considering I spent over two decades in that time loop, learning to read people. To get to know how to make them react the way I want them to react.”
“I learned a lot, then. And not just skills from the girls, and other people. But, also from books in Plata Podrido's library. Which was well stocked with information. And I had access to the internet. Anyway, I try to model some of myself, after the Robert Downey Junior version of Sherlock Holmes, in the movies he made about that character.”
Eda asked, “Are those the Sherlock Holmes movies that Akira talked about you, her, Natsuru, and Ranma watched?”
Lee replied, “Yes. And I think you would enjoy watching them.”
Eda agreed, “I think I would to. And I will have to watch them sometime.”
Lee requested, “If I survive all this, please let me know how you liked them.”
Eda replied, “I will.”
Lee commented, “Anyway, it seems that a lot happened in the gaps in the original series, and even in the stories I wrote.”
Eda casually stated, “Oh. A lot did happen. In both cases.”
Lee inquired, “Such as the time, before Rock came onto the scene. When Chin tricked Lagoon company into delivering, as Dutch put it, junk, to the New People's Army, the armed wing of the communist party of the Philippines? Then, there is that throw away line by Revy, at the end of episode twelve. Where she said her contacts in the chopper were late, again. Meaning that adventure was not the first time Lagoon Company did a job for Uncle Sam.”
Eda cracked a grin, as she stated, “Oh. Those are just the tip of the iceberg. And from what Revy told me, that junk sale was quite and adventure for the Lagoon crew. Though, I would prefer not to talk about the second example you pointed out.”
Lee returned Eda's smile, as he replied, “I bet that junk sale was. And I understand why you do not want to discuss the other incident. But, I would not be surprised if you were involved in that adventure, as well.”
Eda offered, in a casual tone of voice, “Perhaps you are right. And I may well tell you about all that incidents, and adventures, sometime.”
Lee thought, 'The incident she does not want to talk about is not important.' He responded, “I look forward to it. That gives me more reasons to want to survive this incident... Well, I better get going.”
Eda stated, “Good luck.”
Lee replied, “Thanks.”
Lee then ran passed Eda, and down the hallway.
As Eda watch Lee disappear around the corner. She warmly smiled, as she thought, 'That man is likely one of the most craziest people in the multiverse. And nicest... And I slept with with him... That is something to gloat about... And I think I won't tell the others about my little meeting with him, just now.'
A few minutes later, Lee found himself in another series of storage rooms, one after another, with freight boxes stacked on top of each other, with tables and chairs, in various positions, and locations, in the various rooms.
As Lee made his way through the room, he thought, with concern, 'I wasted to much time talking to Janet. And then Eda. That is probably going cost me. Though, there is nothing I can do about it. Now, onto the matter at hand. This was listed as a hallway. I see that is not the case. Not that I complaining. It just means that someone got lazy when they drew the schematics for the computer program.'
'The program was likely made after the fact, and used an old set of blueprints. Still, if the rest of the plans are correct, when I reach the hallway, I will go to my right. Then, the hallway dead-ends into a large indoor warehouse room. After that, head through that large room, to the stairwell on the other side, and then to the roof.'
As Lee made it to the last room, before reaching the hallway he was heading for, he suddenly heard footsteps from the hallway in front of him.
Lee immediately spin around, to his left, and put his back around the wall, beside the door. As he quietly stood there, and listened, as he mentally wondered, 'Now, who is here?'
Lee then heard the voices coming closer. He soon recognized the voices as Aeryn and Violin.
In the adjoining hallway, coming from the left side of the hallway, from the way Lee was planning on going, Violin and Aeryn where walking together, with Violin to Aeryn's left side. Both Violin and Aeryn has their pulse pistols holstered, on their gunsbelts.
As the two spouses walked together, Violin said, “I am just saying. Let's not be to hasty on this. Sure, we can kick Lee's ass for a little while. But, I don't want us to be to bloodthirsty on this, like the Lagoon family.”
Aeryn conceded, “I can see your point. I can agree that it depends on how Lee is captured. That we could show leniency if Lee was willing to turn himself in.”
On the other side of the room, the couple were approaching, Lee thought, 'Fat chance that is happening.'
Violin replied, “I can go along with that. The problem is the others will not be so kind.”
Lee thought, 'And that is the problem.'
Aeryn said, “Unfortunately, that is true.”
By then, the two spouses were right on the other side of the entrance to the room Lee was in. Lee than five feet from Lee. With only the wall between them.
Lee thought, 'Now, how am I going to deal with this... I cannot just let them continue walking. They are walking in the direction I need to go. Either down the hallway, or into the room, where I am at. And that there is nothing on the ceiling to grip, to try that ninja ceiling trick, like I did on Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru.... Damn, I am still surprised that I was able to pull that trick on those three, or all people... So, I need to get them to do something else, without getting caught...'
Lee's lips curled into a wicked grin, as he had an idea. He continued thoughts, 'That might work. And I am close enough, that my voice should carry, as if nothing was wrong. And Violin would get the joke... And likely Aeryn, as well.
Lee then rolled up his the sleeve he had his digital wrist watch was on.
On the other side of the wall, in the hallway, Aeryn and Violin came came to a stop, in front of the open door to the storage room Lee was inside of.
Both woman turned to face the entrance, as Violin inquired, “So, which way should we go. Continue down the hallway? Or, go into these adjoining storage rooms?”
Aeryn commented, “Which ever way we go, we are not splitting up.”
Violin replied, “Agreed.”
Aeryn said, “Well, from the way Lee has been heading, I would guess he is coming from the adjoining storage rooms.”
Just then, Lee turned to face them, with him being five feet from the entrance to the hallway, and ten feet from the two women.
Lee smiled, as he complimented, “And you would be correct, Aeryn.”
As both women saw Lee, across the doorway into another room, they cracked a grin. Violin commented, “Well, speak of the devil.”
Lee lips curled into a smirk, as he inquired, “Truly. So girls. The question is. Do you really think this is the real me?”
Violin responded, “Of course.”
Both women then rushed at Lee, passed the door way. But, when they both reached Lee, they tried to grab him only find they were no touching anything, as they passed through the hologram, and fell to the floor, due to them overcompensating forward, on their balance, in their haste to capture Lee.
While hiding against the wall, to the couple's right side, Lee swiftly move to his left and back into the hallway, without him taking his eyes off the couple.
He stood made a few feet into the hallway the two women had previously come into the room front.
Lee quickly turned off the hologram. He continued smirking, as he looked a the two women on the floor. He said, “It isn't.”
While laying on the floor, Aeryn and Violin turned over, onto their backs, just in time to see Lee pull out his key card. He then swiped all the panel, on the hallway side of the door.
The two women quickly jumped up, and rush for the closing steel door, but the door completely closed before they reached it.
Lee pocketed his key card, as he began to walk away from the door, and towards his next destination. He thought, 'That was too easy.'
Suddenly, Lee heard a clank. He immediately stopped in his tracks, as he turned around and he saw that the thick steel door had a nice bulge in it, into the room, at chest level, facing him. The bulge looked like fist, using super-strength, had literally punched the door from the room, on the other side of the door. Which was exactly what had happened.
As second later, he heard a punch against the thick, steal door, as he saw an outward dent in the door.
Lee thought, 'Yep. Almost forgot. Violin has super-strength. Though, that door won't hold for long. I wrote in book four that Violin was strong enough to rip doors like this, out of the wall. It is best I get out of here before they get through. But, by leaving the other door to the room, open, there is a good chance they will try to double back to here, instead of trying to tear the door apart to get to me. Either way, will take them a few minutes, at most. So, I better get moving.'
Lee then turned, as he ran down the hallway, away from the married couple that was after him, and towards his intended destination.
On the other side of the door, in the storage room, Violin used her left hand to rub her right fist, after she made the second dent in the door. While her hand was sore, it was not seriously injured.
Violin muttered, “I forgot how hard steel can be And I cannot believe Lee fooled me like that.”
Aeryn looked over at Violin, as she commented, “Don't be hard yourself because you are upset.”
Violin turned to Aeryn, as she stated, “You are right, honey. I just cannot believe Lee used my genre savviness against me.”
Aeryn replied, “Violin, it was bound to happen eventually.” With her right hand, she motioned towards the open door, behind them. She then turned back to Violin, as she commented, “Besides, Lee left the other door open.”
Violin looked over at the open doorway, as she responded, “Yes. He likely did that so, we would try to go around, and waste time. Still, it is better than risking harm to my fingers in opening this closed door.”
Aeryn said, “I agree. And as I was going to say, before Lee interrupted us. I don't care if we personally capture, Lee. As long as we get our measure of revenge, in the end. Besides. Why dirty our hands, when the others will do it for us?”
Violin looked over at her wife. She grinned, as she complimented, “Now, that is the intelligent woman I married.”
Aeryn gave Violin a warm smile, as the two women then walked out the open door, that Lee left for them.
A few minutes later, as Lee expected, Lee briskly made his way through through the hallway, to where the hallway opened up into a very large warehouse.
As Lee walked into warehouse of the building, he stopped to look at the large, vast room in front of him.
There was plenty of canned ceiling lights, from the top of the room, to see with. And while there were several areas of stacked crates, given the light was shining down from several directions, there were very few darkened areas in the room.
Lee saw that the huge warehouse complex was at least a three hundred yards long, from the wall Lee stood by, to the other end of the room. And the room was around a three hundred yards wide.
There were several types of square crates, in various sizes, were stacked together, in tight rows, going both ways, with gaps of around three or four feet, every twenty feet, or so.
The crates were stacked mostly in eight feet high rows.
Lee thought, 'I wonder how they get this out of here?'
Lee looked up, at the very high ceiling, which was around forty feet high. He saw that the ceiling was a large, metal doors, the left up, opening the room to the open sky. There were even loading chains hanging from the ceiling and a steel catwalk running around the room, at about thirty feet off the ground.
Lee thought, “So, they transport this cargo from the roof. That figures.'
Lee then looked back in front of him, as he cautiously thought, 'Now, if I remember the floor plans right, and if Eda is right, the doors to the stairwell I am looking for are on the other sides of the room...” He then continued his thoughts, with some concern, 'And this is a lot of room to cover out in the open. I might as well pull out a deck of cards.'
Lee pulled out a deck of playing cards.
As he slid the cards out of its cardboard box with his right hand, he put the empty card back into the pocket he had it in, with his left hand.
Lee thought, 'It is best I not discard anything, as a way to avoid leaving a trail for the other to follow.'
Lee then swapped hands, to where the deck was in his left palm. He then pulled the top card between the right index and middle fingers.
As Lee continued to walk towards the creates, he mentally reflected, 'Also, as tempting as it is to try to just go on top of the creates and just on top. But, then I would be completely exposed, and a sitting duck... No. It is better if I just try my hand at making my way through the maze. And if need be. If I hit a dead end, I can quickly go on top, cross the dead end, and duck back into the maze.'
Next, Lee slowly made his way through the labyrinth of crates, which were stacked next to each other, to be able eight feet high, across the area, for the most part. With gaps in a grid pattern, both ways. Though, some of the gaps were to narrow to walk through, creating a maze for Lee to walk through.
A few minutes later, the path he was on, dead ended to where he had to turn to his left.
As he cautiously walked, he soon found himself in a small, open space, that was forty feet, by forty-feet. With the crate walls being eight feet high, in all direction.
As Lee looked to his right, he saw one of the last people in existence, he wanted to meet at the moment.
Forty feet away, coming from a pathway that was parallel with him, was Revy, whom was walking in the same directly as him.
And Lee also saw that Revy was holding her pistols, and she was looking back at him.
Revy yelled, with fury in her tone of voice, “Lee!” She the brought her weapons to bare, at Lee, as she started firing her cutlasses at him.
At the same time, Lee quickly threw card after card at her.
All the while, both of them were running parallel with each other, as they soon found cover behind the crates.
Neither of them had hit the other.
From behind her cover, which was a three feet narrow gap, Revy screamed, “You know, Lee! As tempting as it is to give you!... As you put it!... Lead fever! I am not going to kill you! First, I am going to torture you. Then, I am going to kill you!”
As Lee found himself behind his own cover, which was a five feet wide gap, he thought, with worry, 'I think I pissed her off, too much. If that is even possible.' He yelled back, “I freely admit, propositioning you like that was a big mistake!”
Revy verbally shot back, “You are not helping yourself!”
Lee looked around, and in front of him, saw some crates leading up to the top of the larger crates, going towards where Revy was.
Lee thought, 'Considering the standard magazine for a semi-automatic Beretta nine-two FS pistol is fifteen rounds. Not factoring in one round in the chamber. Though, outside of combat, Revy prefers to keep her pistol chambers empty. And she has two such pistols in her hand. That means she has thirty rounds between both pistols. That is not counting any spare loaded magazines she has on her person. This means, from the few rounds she shot at me, she is still nowhere near out of ammo, let alone does she need reload her weapons with fresh magazines.'
'As such, my only chance is to get her to monolog. While I pulled a fast on her.'
Lee lips curled into a wicked grin, as he continued his thoughts, 'And she won't even see it coming.'
Lee requested, in a loud, strong tone of voice, “Well Revy, how about you give me a preview of what you have in mind for me!”
Nearby, behind the crates Revy was taking cover from, the redhead screamed, in rage, “With pleasure! First, I am going to shoot you! Don't worry! It wouldn't kill you! It will just hurt a lot! After you recover, what comes next will be even worse!”
“How did that Pinhead quote go?! Ah yes! We have such delights to show you, Lee! Such as, we will pull out some packets of instant spring of girl, and you are going to find out how much I like to plow someone's ass, first hand! Then, we will do the front! Then, the back again! You will even find out how painful it is to be plowed from the front while dry! What do you say about that, Lee?!... Lee?!”
Revy then heard foot steps coming near her, from above, in the direction Lee was in.
A second later, she looked up just in time to see Lee jumping over her, from crate stack to crate stack, while he looked down at her.
As Lee passed over her, he threw three playing cards in quick succession, towards her.
Revy realized she did not have time to point her weapons as Lee, let along fire.
Instead, Revy was forced to dive for cover, as she yelled, “Damn it!”
On top of the create, while heading away from Revy, Lee continued running, and jumping, along the flat crates piles, as he thought, 'That bought me exactly ten seconds. It will take Revy the first two seconds to lean up. The next two seconds to check herself, to find she is okay, with her quickly realizing I threw those cards wide. The next two to stand up. The two after that to figure out the best way to quickly get on top of the crates. And the last two for her to use her enhanced strength to jump the eight feet it takes, in one leap, and land on her feet on top. But, by the sixth second, I will have harmlessly dropped back down into the labyrinth of crates, and be nowhere to be seen, by the time she is on top of the crates.'
As Lee ducked near a pile small of crates, with a small cubby hole, in a four foot gap between the large crate. Lee hide in the cubby hole from Revy, as he heard Revy yell, “Lee! Where are you?!”
Lee thought, 'It is so tempting to crack a scooby joke right now.'
Lee then heard Revy running, and jumping, from crate pile to crate pile. She quickly passed over him, without her even noticing him. From the sounds of her footsteps, Lee could tell that she was heading to the left side of the room.
Half a minute later, Lee's precognition told him it was safe to move. He stood back up, and he started between one of the rows the crate piles crated, as he headed in the right side of the room, in the opposite direction to the direction that Revy ran in.
As Lee slowly walked, with his cards in his hand, and at the ready, he thought, with mild relief, 'Fortunately, Revy is heading for the far left side of the warehouse. I will head for the right side, while staying between the crates. And I will just go around her.'
Lee then slowly made his way to the right side of the room.
A few minutes later, Lee had been walking between the crates, from row to row, going at a diagonal direction to the wall he was needed to get too.
Suddenly, his precognition screamed for him to duck.
Lee did so, just in time to avoid a swing from behind.
Lee leaned up, and turned around. He saw Rock holding a baseball bat with both her hand, a few feet away from him.
Lee quickly backed up from Rock, he complimented, “A baseball bat. Easy to use. And piratical. Good choice, Rock.”
Rock flatly replied, “Thank you.”
Lee then held up the playing card between the fingers of his right hand, as he pointed out, “But, I still got range on you.”
Rock let go of her baseball bat, from her right hand, allowing her left hand to hold it. She then held out her right forearm towards Lee, as her sonic shotgun slipped out of its housing, in gambler's jig, under her sleeve and into her right hand. She smirked, as she rhetorically stated, “Are you so sure?”
Lee conceded, “Point taken. But, if you fire that thing at me, at this range. You are going to be cleaning me up from the walls with a sponge. And besides, bloodstains are very hard to get out of clothing.”
Rock frowned, as she deadpanned, “Yea. I am reminded of that fact, a few days, every month.”
Rock's comment caught Lee off guard. Lee replied, in a sheepish tone of voice, “Ahhh... I don't think a simple apology is going to work here?”
Rock flatly stated, “No.”
Rock dropped her baseball bat, as she used her left hand to grab her radio, from her belt. She held the radio up to her mouth. She then said into it, “Revy, are you there?”
On the other end of the radio, Revy replied, “Yea, Rock. What is it?”
Rock answered, “I have Lee. We are on the east side of the warehouse, near the middle of the room.”
Over the radio, Revy cursed, “Damn! I am on the west side of the warehouse. It is going to take me a few minutes to get to you.”
Lee realized he had no time to plan in detail, as he was carefully watched Rock's eyes.
When Lee saw Rock's eyes look away and too the radio, Lee quickly drop all but one of the cards in his left hand. With the last card between his left index and middle fingers, like the card in the fingers of his right hand.
Lee then swiftly threw both cards at Rock's hands.
They brushed against the outside of her hands, the sting of the cuts caused Rock to drop both her sonic shotgun, and her radio. The sonic shotgun did not misfire as it hit the floor.
Lee quickly turned, and ran up, a pile of crates to the top the crate stacks, towards the stairwell he was heading for, in the north section of the warehouse.
As Lee ran as fast as he couple, he jumped over the gaps in the crate stacks, while he thought, 'I hate platforming. And I got twelve seconds until Rock will starting running after me. She will catch me in no time, unless I run full out.'
'The first two seconds she deals with the stings on her hands. The next two seconds she realizes they are just paper cuts. The next four seconds she quickly collects her sonic shotgun and radio. Unlike Revy, Rock is too cautious to just jump onto the crates, even though she can. Instead, she will follow me up the pile, that will eat another four seconds.'
'She is too smart for me to try to pull the hiding between the crates trick on her. And she will be calling for help with the radio in her left hand, while taking aim with her sonic shotgun in her right hand. With her trying to find something in my path to shoot at, that will slow me down, but not seriously harm me. And because of all this, I need to hear what she is saying on the radio.'
As Lee ran, he used his left hand to turned on his radio, that was clipped the left side of his belt.
Lee also turned up the volume, so he could comfortably hear the radio.
Lee heard Rock say, through the radio, “I am chasing, Lee. We are in the twenty-second floor of the building we lost him in. We are in a large warehouse room, heading toward the center stairwell, of the building, inside a very large warehouse.”
Lee thought, 'Well, that confirms she is not right behind me. If I look behind myself, doing so will cause me to slow down. And I need to go as fast as possibility. Unfortunately, I can only do this for another two minutes, before I completely give out. But, I think that is enough time to get to the stairwell, lock the doors behind me, and escape to the roof.'
As Lee ran, he saw that there were various piles of crates he was passing by. And in the corner of his left eye, he saw Revy in the distance, running to him, while firing her pistols at him.
But, Lee was moving to fast, jumping to randomly, and the shots were far to hit him.
Lee sarcastically thought, 'This is just getting better and better.'
Lee then heard Akira say, over the radio, “We are all converging on your location. Natsuru, Ranma, and I are coming up that stairwell. We will be on the north end of the room, waiting for him, in less than a minute.”
Rock replied, “Good. I will flush him to you.”
Lee continued to run, while he thought, with worry, 'Crap! That was my only escape plan.” He then saw another, nearby door on the north wall part of the catwalk, in front of him. He also saw some crated and hung chains in his path. He mentally realized, 'That door likely also leads directly to the stairwell. So, it will have to do. And I think I have a path to get to it.'
Lee did not need to look behind him to realize that Rock was slowly gaining on him.
Just as Lee passed by a pile of crates to his left side, his precognition screamed for him to dodge away from the pile.
He did so, and he jumped to his right side, just in time to avoid the crates, as Rock shot her sonic shotgun at the crates, to indirectly hit him, without killing him.
Fortunately, Lee was able to continue running, without slowing down. As he ran, in front of him, to right side, he saw a large sit smaller crated leading up eighteen feet more in height from the crates he was one. With the steps of the crates facing him.
Lee grimly thought, 'Here is my path. And I hate heights.'
Lee then quickly began stepping up the small crates, to the top, which was a row of crates about fifty feet in length, four feet in width, and about twenty feet from the below row of crate, and about twenty-eight feet from the floor.
Beside him, Lee saw a chain, with a large metal hook on bottom end, and on the top end it was attached to a wheeled track on the ceiling that went all the way to the north end of the wall.
Lee quickly stopped, so he could swiftly test the chain. He quickly realized that it was free floating along the track.
Lee then looked in the distance. About twenty feet from where the crates stopped was the steel catwalk above the floor, and an open door to the stairwell was right in front of him, on the other side of the steel catwalk railing.
Lee quickly gripped the chain firmly with both hands, as he starting running.
As he ran, he was building up inertia with the chain on the track.
Nearby, several yards behind him, on the bottom level of crates, Rock saw what Lee was doing. She fired at the supporting crates beneath Lee.
On top of the high stack of crates, Lee continued running towards the catwalk, as the crates started to give way from underneath him. At the last second, Lee pushed off the last crate in the row. The crates below him gave way, while he gripped the chain with both hands, for his dear life, as the inertia he had built up caused the wheels on the track of the chain to continue rolling.
As Lee passed over the floor far below, he saw Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru standing there, looking up at him. While they, and Rock, were standing far enough way from the collapsing crates, not to be harmed by them.
As Lee neared the railing bars to the catwalk, he thought, 'I am only going to have seconds to do this.'
When he hit the railing bars of the steel catwalk, he quickly planted his feet on the bottom bars, to support himself, while he swiftly moved his left hand, from the chain, to the top bar. Then his right hand to the top bar, with him swiftly pulled himself fulling to the steel bars, and away from the dangling chain.
Lee then used his left foot to step on the middle bar, as he swung his right leg and foot over and onto the floor of the catwalk. The motion carried his left leg over the railing as well.
The moment his feet both hit the floor of the catwalk, he immediately did a running crawl for the stairwell door, as he pulled out his key card.
Just as he made it into the stairwell, he turned around. He saw that both Ranma and Natsuru has used their superhuman strength to jump up to where the bottom of their feet were over the top railing over the catwalk.
They were still in mid jump, as Lee swiftly reached up and swiped the electronic lock on the panel, on the stairwell side of the door. The steel door quickly started to slide closed.
The door closed complete, just when Ranma and Natsuru landed onto the catwalk floor, and they rushed for the door.
Lee didn't dare sigh in relief. He kept the key card in his left hand, as he swiftly stood up, and started running up the staircase, which wound up in a clockwise motion, with the outside of the steps being to his right. While he ran up the staircase, he used right hand to grip the outer railing to his right side, to haul himself faster up the steps.
Lee looked up, and he saw that he was only a few flights to the top of the building.
Lee thought, 'Almost there. I am so thankful that I never had Ranma learn the breaking point technique, or that door would not slow her down. Unlike the hallway I locked them in before. There is enough room on the other side of this door, for the others to get out of the blast range of the breaking point.'
'Though, it is only a matter of several seconds before the two of them pool their abilities to get through the door. But, those are the precious seconds that I need. Still, Akira is probably now in the stairwell chasing after me, a few flights below me. I cannot stop now and rest. Not when I am almost to the top.'
In stairwell, two levels beneath him, Lee heard Akira yell, “Surrender, Lee! You cannot escape!”
Lee continued forward, as he turned his had to his left, down the empty space in the center of the stairwell. He shouted back, with passion in his voice, “I can try!” He then turned back to look in front of himself, as he made his way up the staircase.
Lee could hear Akira gaining on him. But, he finally made it to the roof door.
Fortunately, it was shut, and the red light on the panel showed the door was locked.
Lee thought, 'Good. If the door is locked, that means it is less likely anyone up on this roof. But, now, I just need to put that door between me and Akira.'
Lee quickly used the key card in his right hand to open the electronic lock.
The door slid up.
Lee then quickly made his way out, onto the roof, as he turned around, and slid his key card the electronic lock panel, on the outside of the door.
Lee saw Akira make her up the last flight of stairs, as the door slid closed, and locked itself, behind him.
Lee could hear Akira banging against the other side of the door in frustration.
Lee pocketed the key card, as he took a moment to get a handle of his surrounds, while taking a few much needed breaths of air.
Fortunately, like the other roofs of the factory complex, there were several flood lights, directed at several angles on the roof, that provided plenty of light to see.
Lee looked around, as he thought, 'If I remember the roof design correctly, I just need to go to the southeast side of the roof to escape.'
Lee quickly got his bearings, as turned in a specific direction. He mentally reflected, 'Which should be this way. Also, the way I am going is away from ceiling doors to the warehouse I just escaped from. Finally, I need to be mindful of Balalaika and B. Both of them might see me and shoot me with their sniper rifles. But, from the look of things, I have plenty of cover, to protect me from their sights.'
By then, Lee has gotten his second wind, as he started to briskly walk towards the nearest cover he saw, in the direction he was heading. Most of the cover was ventilation equipment, water systems equipment, and piping for the ventilation and water systems.
Lee was careful to duck against the large air conditioning tubes, ventilation ducks, and a few huge water tanks that littered the roof, while making his way across the roof, as quickly, and quietly, as possible.
But, as Lee did this, a horrible thought occurred to him, 'This is a perfect place for an ambush. Best get out another deck of cards.'
Lee pulled out another deck of cards, taking the cards out of the box, pocketing the empty box, and finally placing the loose cards into his left hand.
Lee then continued to carefully, though quickly, make his way through the area, at a brisk, walking pace.
At that second, on the other side of the door, at the stop of the stairwell, Akira looked down the flights of stairs, to see that Ranma, Natsuru, Rock, and Revy, were heading up the stairwell, to her.
Akira thought, 'Ranma and Natsuru must of jumped back down to the floor, and taken that entrance into the stairwell, that I used. With Rock and Revy. Now, while I don't want to see Lee harmed. He is making it very difficult not to harm him, as we try to catch him.'
'And I need to see if I can get someone stop, Lee, before he makes it to where ever he is going, on the roof. And I know just the two women to ask.'
Akira pulled out her radio. She said into the radio, “Balalaika. B. Lee is on the roof of the building we tracked him to. Do either of you see him?”
On her perch, midway up on a communications tower, Balalaika held her radio with her left hand, as she used her right hand to hold the rifle, while keeping Lee in her sights. Balalaika calmly answered, into her radio, in english, “Affirmative.”
Balalaika thought, 'It does not matter if Lee is listening, or not. We have him. Him just listening to us, will heighten the chance of his surrender.'
Over the radio, B said, in english, “I have him in my sights. But, he is ducking in and out of cover too often, for me to get a clean shot.”
Balalaika thought, 'I see that B has the same thoughts as I do.' She stated, “Same here. Though, we want him alive.”
B suggested, “We could try to pin him down. But, with his precognition, and the cover, we could lose track of him on the roof.”
Balalaika conceded, “You may have a point.” She then saw something in her sights, in the distance from Lee. She smirked, as she continued, “And I do not think we will have to. B, do you see what I see?
B answered, “Yes. Let us just watch the fun unfold.”
Over the radio, Akira asked, “What fun?”
Balalaika inquired, with a bit of excitement in her voice, “You'll see, as soon as Natsuru gets that door to the roof open. Speaking of which, how long will it take her get that door open?”
On the radio, Akira answered, “It is solid steel door. I would say a few minutes. Like that last steel door she had to open by force. Natsuru is to not strong enough to just ripped open the door. Instead, she uses her fire abilities to warm the metal, by placing her hands on the metal. That way, she does not risk burning us. When the metal gets pliable, she just uses her super-strength to push the door out of the way.”
Balalaika complimented, “That is wise use of ones abilities. I will see you in a few minutes.”
On the radio, Akira said, “I look forward to it.”
Balalaika, then put away her radio, with her left hand. She then placed her left hand on the fore-end of her Dragunov sniper rifle, to steady it. While she looked through her PSO-1 scope, at the fun that was about to happen to Lee.
At the moment, inside the building to the northwest of the building where Lee was on the roof of, inside the security room of the main center of the factory complex, Benny was sitting in a chair, at the desk in the room, as she just finished fixing and putting the computer mouse back together.
Dutch was standing near Benny. Dutch noticed this, as she asked, “Got it?”
Benny began using the mouse, and she found it was back in working order. She then not looked up at Dutch, as she smirked. She said, in an excited tone of voice, “Yes. Now, let's find the fucker.”
Dutch agreed, “And we already know where to start. The roof on the building southeast of here.”
Benny replied, “Exactly.”
Benny used the computer mouse to click two icons on the computer screen. The first was the program for the a schematics map, to find the exact name building Lee was on.
The second icon she clicked was for the camera security system. After, Benny had the name for the building, it was a matter of a few seconds, before Benny pulled up a nearby camera, that showed where Lee was at.
Benny flatly stated, “Found him.”
Dutch looked over at the computer monitor, as she said, “Yep. That's him. Good job.”
Benny continued looking at the monitor as well, as she replied, “Thank you.”
Dutch commented, “To bad that we already all know where he is.”
Benny quickly put away her tools, back in their case. She looked up at Dutch, as her smirk turned into a wicked grinned. She responded, “We can still screw with his head.”
Dutch returned Benny's smile, with a smirk of her own, as she replied, “Good idea.”
Benny turned back to the computer monitor, as she picked up her radio, and punched the talk button.
On the rooftop, of the building southeast from where Benny was inside of, Lee continued making his way through the air conditioning tubes, ventilation ducks, and a few huge water tanks that littered the roof. With him using the items as cover.
As Lee did so, he found the flood lights provided plenty of light to see with.
While Lee did so, he had heard what Balalaika, B, and Akira, had said.
Lee thought, 'Okay. Balalaika and B cannot yet get a clear shot of me. As long as I duck in and out of cover. Also, Akira, and the others will not be on the roof for another few minutes. Meaning I do have a little time. Though, I wonder what Balalaika meant, by a surprised?'
'My precognition is not screaming. So, it cannot be to bad. But, it is possible I was wrong and someone came up to this roof, from another stairwell. There is not much I can do about that not. But, to continue moving forward.'
Just then, over the radio, Lee suddenly heard Benny voice say, in a childish tone of voice, “Lee, I see you.”
Lee continued walking, and staying behind cover, kept her radio clipped to the left side of her belt.
Lee thought, with amusement, 'I guess Benny finally got the computer working. I might as well congratulate her. Given the volume setting, I currently have on it. I will have no problems, leaving the radio on my waist. And I am sure the microphone will still clearly pick up my voice. So, still frees up my hands, to use my cards, at a moment's notice.'
Lee held his deck of cards in his left hand, as he used his left thumb to press the talk button the radio.
Lee lips curled into a mischievous smile, as he said, over his radio,”Congratulations Benny, on getting the security camera system working, this late in the game. But, you still cannot reach me. And it is going to take a minute, or so, for the others to bust through that roof door.”
Over the radio, Benny conceded, with a hint of excitement in her voice, “You're right. I cannot reach you.”
As Lee passed by the huge water tanks on the roof, he heard a familiar voice say, “Hi ya, Lee. I am surprised you made it this far.”
Lee heard Benny state, over the radio, in an evil tone of voice, “My kids, on the other hand, are a completely different matter.”
Suddenly, Lee looked up and saw that it was Molly, with her semi-automatic pistols in hand, with Sarah by her side, with her katana at the ready.
The two armed, blond sisters were less than thirty feet in front of him, on the roof floor.
Lee quickly put himself in as cold and emotionless state as possible, while he swiftly thought, 'Like Holmes, I mustn't let this register on an emotional level. This is the exact type of situation that the Bene Gesserit meant when they warned, fear is the mind killer. My enemies are healthier, stronger, better trained. And more experienced at this, than I am. Here, there will be no room for error. My calculations, precognition, and instincts must have precision of being within less than the exactness of an inch. Or else, I am dead. Or, worse.'
'Now, for my first, and most obvious move, in this shifting game of shadows.'
Lee did not bother to wait for introductions. Nor, to see if any of the other teenager girls would appear behind the two blond teenage women. As he swiftly turned around, and starting running away from them, down another corridor of tanks and ventilation boxes, that would take him to his next destination.
Sarah, Molly, quickly gave chase.
Over the radio, Lee heard Benny state, with wicked glee, “Go get him, girls.” Benny then started laughing manically, though her radio, for several seconds.
As Lee ran, he quickly thought, 'I didn't know Benny could laugh like that. And if those two are here, that means Kristina, Rebecca, Yukio, Mikoto, Nodoka, and Yurika, are nearby, as well. And what do I have to use against them?... Fifty-four playing cards. Fifty-two playing cards and two wild cards.'
'I will likely have to use all of them, if I want to live. And I need to make them last. I don't have time to pull out another deck. This will be a shuffle run in every sense of the term.'
'I will duck around, and flee, towards me goal. And in doing so, I will force the teenage women into a running battle. Also, I must be mindful of my cover, or Balalaika, and B will snipe me. From all the radio chatter, by them, I already know I am ducking in and out of their sights. But, given then like to be amused, they are probably going to let the kids have their fun with me, first.'
'And I must also pay attention to the piping around me. It offer me options. First, I must slow down the two most deadly at range. Molly, with her pistols, and Yukio with her machine gun. Given weight issues, Yukio will be the last, and worst one to face.'
'Now, if I am lucky, they will not all face me at once. That will increase the odds more in my favor. But, not by much. Though first, I need to remind these two, that I am not completely harmless. Six cards should do that.'
Lee continued running, as he turn around just quickly enough to throw six cards within three seconds. Three each towards Yukio and Molly, forcing the teenage adult women to back off. He then turned back to face his front, as he ran between the tanks and ventilation ducks of the roof, with him turning the various corners, while keeping track of the directions he was going.
While Lee did so, over the radio, Lee overheard Molly ordered, “Split up, and circle around him.”
Lee happily thought, 'Good. That is what I expected them to do. My plan is going better than I thought. Molly comment means they are likely all behind me. With them planning to show up behind her and Sarah, form the shows. Me turning around and running, screwed up their plans. And they should have known better. Not that I am complaining. Still they are going to out run me, and come at me, at different locations and times. Still, it will not be all at once.'
As Lee ducked around a tank, and he has just enough time, to see Mikoto was the first to jump in his way.
At the same time, Lee heard a clicking noises behind him, meaning that there was someone else behind Lee. And Lee realized who was, without looking behind himself.
While Lee continued moving towards Mikoto, he thought, 'They are likely using the high ground, to keep me from seeing them. That is why I did not see the others. They were above me. Intelligent. But, I can compensate for that, and other factors.'
'Such as, I know that Mikoto is a fire user, and an expert hand to hand specialist. She wants me an alive, and mostly unharmed. Meaning she will not use her fire. But, given she is smaller than me, she will attempt the quickest, and easiest attack to take me down, that offers the longest reach for her. That being a swift upper kick to my lower, front jaw. If done right, it would knock me down, and the worst case scenario for me would likely be a broken jaw, and a concussion to the back of my skull.'
'Given the way combat training is universally done in almost everything, she will use her right foot to attack me with. Because teachers almost always teach their students to act with their right side first, due to most people being right side dominate.'
'At the same time, the clicking noises mean that Kristina is right behind me, with the clicking being her turning on her flame throwing and freezing gauntlets. She would be more than happy to both toast me, and then she will swiftly freeze me. Leaving me with some first and second degree flash burns. While I would not have anything immediately deadly to me. The burn wounds will just hurt me to the point I will not longer be able to run.'
'But, Kristina will not knowingly harm Mikoto. If I time this right. It will be a case of two birds with one stone.'
Lee ran towards Mikoto, when he reached her, Mikoto did an upper kick with her right foot.
At the last second, Lee ducked to Mikoto's right side, causing her to miss Lee completely. But, Mikoto kick was so swift that she could not stop herself from reaching the apex of her kick over her head. This created balance issues four a second, preventing her from react to Lee, but beside her. And as Lee duck to her side, she saw Kristina in front of her.
Kristina also saw that Mikoto was literally five feet from behind Lee, as she stopped herself from using her gauntlets to fire her flames at Lee, from behind him.
As Mikoto still had one foot point upward in the air, Lee quickly his way around to the back of Mikoto, and he pushed her hard into Kristina.
Mikoto tumbled toward Kristina, falling on the brown hair girl, as both collapses to the floor, into a tangle heap.
Meanwhile, Lee turned back around, continued running away from the two teenage women. He soon turned the corner. As he did so, he thought, 'Given the time it will take for the two of them to apologize to each other, check each other for injuries, and get up, they are out of the game for at least twenty seconds. That is plenty of time for me to get away from them.'
Less than a minute later, while Lee was circling around some pipping connected to the tanks and ventilation, Nodoka had jumped down from a ventilation duck, to stand between Lee and his escape route.
As Lee quickly stopped, he looked at Nodoka and the pipes that ran along the ventilation ducks beside her.
Lee swiftly thought, 'Along with being a martial artist, Nodoka is an ice and water user. She will use her powers against me.' Lee quickly looked around, he then saw what he needed, as he continued his train of thought, ' Though, to get by her, I have to time this just right.'
Just as icy water globes formed around Nodoka's hands, and turned to ice, Lee threw eight cards at the water pipes beside her, to Lee's right side, and Nodoka's left side.
Some of them bounced off the pipes, but two cards hit, each on a different pipe, as water sprayed right in front of Nodoka.
When the unexpected water hit Nodoka's and combined with her ice powers, water suddenly turned to ice, as it hit her hands. With the water pouring more and more onto her, causing the ice to build up, and spread to her arms.
Nodoka was able to stop her ice powers from causing the water to encase her in ice. But, a good portion of her body was already weight her down. Except for her head, lower legs and feet, And she was using the rest of her concentration to keep the water pipes from spraying any more water onto her.
As Lee saw this all happen, he thought, 'I guess this level of concentration prevents her from using her abilities to turn the ice that encase most of her body into water. Still, it is best to be polite. So, as not to give her some so-called heroic resolve to bust through the ice, and capture.'
'Besides, I really want to know if she is okay. I just might have to end up surrendering, to save her life. That would suck for me. But, having her suffer would weight conscience, if I did nothing to help her.'
While Lee walked passed her, to her right side, opposite to the direction the water from the pipes sprayed on her. As he moved by her, he turned to her, as he asked, with concern in his tone of voice, “Are you going to okay?”
Nodoka looked at Lee, as she answered, “Yea. I will be fine. I will get myself out in a minute. Though, I no longer feel like capturing you. But, thanks for asking.”
Lee replied, “You're welcome.”
Nodoka commented, “By the way, we are not really that crazy about catching you, Lee. You helped create my sisters, and I. We think of you as an uncle. And you gave the Lagoon sisters a second shot at life. And a good life at that. We are just trying to please our parents.”
Lee calmly responded, “I understand. I am just trying to keep you off me, so I can escape. I will try not to permanently harm you.”
Nodoka replied, “Thanks. We are trying to do the same, in capturing. And good luck.”
Lee said, “You're welcome.”
Lee then turned, as he continued running turned towards his planned escape route.
Ten seconds later, as soon as Lee turned a corner, and was out of sight, Nodoka recognized Mikoto's voice, as she asked, “Need a hand?”
Nodoka turned her head in the direction of her sister's voice. She saw Mikoto and Kristina standing near her, from the direction that Lee had come from, and the opposite direction from which Lee had left her.
Suddenly, the water forming from the pipes that Lee has ruptured sealed themselves with ice. At the same time, the ice that encased her immediately turned to water, as it splashed to the roof floor, leaving Nodoka, and her clothing completely dry.
Kristina guessed, “You didn't want to catch him? Did you?
Nodoka smiled mischievously, as she answered, in a sweet, innocent tone of voice, “No. I didn't. But, like any good girl. I like to have a man work for what he wants to get from me.”
The three teenage girls giggled, for a few seconds, at Nodoka's joke.
Twenty seconds later, Lee came to the end of the pipes, along with the various gas tanks and water tanks.
Though, there were about a dozen rows of ventilation ducks between the open space between him and his escape.
The perpendicular to Lee's escape, so he would have to climb over each one of them. And the space between each ventilation duck was around six to eight feet wide.
As Lee made his way over the three feet high, cylindrical ventilation ducts, that run along the roof, and that were covered in steel sheathes, he thought, with concern, 'I better hope that Balalaika and B prefer to watch, or I am screwed.'
Just then, as he feet came down to the floor of the roof, he he saw Yurika coming towards him, from his right side, while from the corner of he eye, he saw Sarah, with her katana drawn, coming at him from angle, from his left side.
Lee thought, 'Timing is the key here.'
Lee quickly slipped over another line of ventilation, to angle himself to where he was between Sarah and Yurika, with him facing Yurika.
While his feet hit the ground, again, Lee guessed, from the corner of his eyes, 'Sarah is twenty feet away, behind me, to my left. And Yurika is within fifteen feet in front of me, to my right. Now, I have to do this, just right.'
By then, both women standing along the same row as he was.
Lee precognition warned him of the proper time to dodge Yurika's lightning bolt, by sidestepping to his right.
Sarah's katana acted as a lightning rod, as the lightning knocked her down, on her back, with her sword falling from her hands, and harmlessly away from her.
Yurika realized was she had done. She was completely distracted, as she yelled, “Sarah?!Are you okay?!”
While still on her back, Sarah replied, “Ouch.”
Lee used this distraction to rush at Yurika's left side. When he was at the proper angle to green haired teenage woman's body, he used his right fist to do a swift kidney jab to the left side of her abdomen with his right fist.
Yurika yelped, as she crumbled to the ground in pain.
Lee quickly said, “Sorry about that. I hope you don't piss blood because of that.”
Yurika groaned, “I've had worse.” She thought, 'I really shouldn't have use lightning against you. That is like firing a gun. Of course, you would immediately take me out in a more painful manner than most of those you have dealt with. As such, I will let this blow slide.'
Lee heard Yurika's comment, as he thought, 'Good. That takes these two out of the fight, for about a minute.'
Lee then turned around ran, but as he was about to cross over another row of ventilation ducks, he was stopped by bullet shot in front of him.
Lee quickly determined the angle and type of weapons used, as he swiftly turned around and threw eight cards at the top of water tank closest to him.
The cards forced Molly, with her semi-automatic pistols, to fall back further on top of the water tank, and away from Lee.
Lee then continued running and jumping over the vents, until Rebecca, with her long knives drawn, popped up near him. She was one row over from him, and about twenty-five feet from him, to his right. She jumped onto the gap between ventilation ducks, that Lee was standing in the middle of. And she was grinning wickedly at him.
Lee quickly started throwing cards at Rebecca, as he walked backwards towards the a large, metal, ventilation duck that ran across that section of the roof, and was cylinder in shape, with a diameter of three feet.
Meanwhile, Rebecca slowly advanced on Lee, as she used her knives to slice through all the cards thrown at her.
As Lee threw his cards, one after another, he continued walking backwards, at an angle close to the ventilation duck that was in the direction of where he wanted to go. All the while, he thought, 'Five feet to vent. Card thirty-seven. Card thirty-eight. Four feet to vent. Card thirty-nine. Card forty. Three feet to vent...”
Then, Lee saw Yukio popped up from beside her sister, from the row he had just come from, by about fifty feet further up from him and Rebecca. She had her large machine gun, with its hundred round beta-c mag ammo dual-ammo drums attached to it.
Lee quickly rolled over the ventilation duck to his left. He was under the cover, just Yukio fired over his head, with the machine gun set to full auto, as the bullet were shoot in a horizontal strafing pattern.
Meanwhile, Rebecca was not worried about her sister hitting her. But, to make things easier. She rolled over the large ventilation duct to her right side, to allow Yukio a better field of fire.
Just as the two redheaded sisters had planned it.
Lee waited not time, as he ducked behind the ventilation duck, and ran along it, in a crouching position, at an angle that would run closer to the two redheads, without them realizing it.
As he ran, he thought, 'These two plan this trap to ambush me. Yukio must have hid, and crawled to the position, while I made my way over through that gap. Then, Rebecca pops up nearby, to distract me, while Yukio makes her way to the two of us. Not a bad plan. And Nodoka is right. They want to pen me down, and not kill me. Or, Yukio would have shot through the ventilation duck I am hiding behind. That would be like shooting through tissue paper. And all three of use know that.'
'Fortunately, there are only two more ventilation ducks between me and straight open space. With the way she is shooting, that weapon will run out of ammo in a few seconds. I will make my move then. After that, it is a matter of how fast, and agile I can be, while using my precognition, as I am running.'
A few seconds later, Lee noticed the gun fire had stopped. And then, came the sound of Yukio's empty beta-c mag ammo drums hitting the floor of the roof.
While his precognition alerted him to act, Lee thought, 'Now is my only chance.'
A second later, Lee popped up from beside the ventilation duck, he saw that Rebecca had made his way up to her sister. With her standing near Yukio, as Yukio was pulling out another dual-ammo drum, from a large pouch, attached to a black ammo belt, on the left side of her skirt.
Lee also noticed that he was less than twenty feet from them. Given Yukio had adanced on him, during her cover-fire against him.
The two sisters saw Lee just in time to see him swiftly throw the last twelve playing cards at them.
This forced the sisters to duck for cover.
Lee then quickly turned, and ran, as he jumped over the last two ventilation ducks.
After which, Lee started making his way across open space, as swiftly as his feet could carry him.
Lee saw that his escape route was less than fifty feet away, on the southeast corner of the building. On the outer the east wall.
From the corner of his eye, to his left, he saw Revy, Rock, Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru across the roof, running towards him.
Though, Revy was the only one firing her weapons at him. And he also noticed that Rock was talking into her radio. But, given how focused Lee was on not being shot, and running, he completely ignored what was being said over the radio, strapped to the left side of his belt.
While Lee ran, he used his precognition to allow him to move while running, to dodge Revy's bullets.
Then, Lee noticed Rock say, over the radio, “Balalaika, B, do you have him?”
A second later, Lee's precognition warned him to move to avoid a couple of shots from three other directions, just as he overheard Balalaika answer, over the radio, “Yes. Have a tourniquet ready, because we are going for his legs.”
On the radio, Molly stated, “I will help. And I think I can see where he is going. He is heading for a garbage chute.”
Lee saw that he was approaching the garbage chute, as he thought, 'Looks like I will be dodging Revy, Molly, B, and Balalaika's sights. Only thirty feet to go. And while they know where I am heading, that will not stop me from getting there. This is one dance of death, I am walking away from in one, living piece.'
The women on the roof that the all watched as Lee started to use his precognition to move around, ducking, and sidestepping, while still going in the same direction, as he was careful not to step wrong, and sprain one of his ankles.
Lee heard on the radio, Rock say, “I am sure you are listening to this, Lee. So, I will say, nice moves. You really do know how to dance.”
While Lee continued to weave around the bullet trajectories, as his precognition warned him of the bullets, he thought, 'And you are trying distract me, Rock. And it is not going to work. Also, I am only ten feet away from the garbage chute. Time to pull out my fireworks.'
Lee pulled out two of the Firefly sci-fi style grenades from his pocket. One in each hand.
Lee thought, 'I am using two of them. In case one of them is a dud. And I am so happy that I paid attention to that scene in the Serenity movie, when Mal and Jayne. Also, given that are such a sci-fi design, I doubt the local security scanners will pick them up... If I get that far. And Jayne said these things are on eight second fuses. And all I have to do is twist the knobs at the top to prime them. Now, to test these theories.'
Just as Lee reached the three feet wide, circular entrance to the garbage chute, that went all the way down to the ground, he was able to prime them by rotating the tops of the grenades with his thumbs. He heard the click from both grenades, that signaled they are now primed to detonate.
Lee immediately dropped the grenades right in front of the entrance to the chute.
Lee then continued his momentum, as he ducked inside the chute. Just then, from behind him, Lee heard several of the women yell, “Grenades!”
The women on the roof, were still far away from Lee, as they all dove for cover.
Meanwhile, as Lee slid down the garbage chute, which he found just fit him, Lee used the soles of his shoes, along with his covered knees and cover elbows, to slow his decent down the chute.
As Lee made his controlled decent down the chute, he thought, 'I am glad those things were easier to twist than it looked like on the Serenity movie. But, then again, they are military weapons. They would be designed to be twisted by the thumbs, to allow someone's thumb to prime then, so their other hand can be be utilized for other things, like firing a weapon at the enemy... Still, those grenades are going to go off any second. I just hope I am not knocked by the explosions, to where I go into free fall.'
Eight seconds after priming the grenades, three seconds after Lee concluded his present thoughts, Lee was a quarter of the way down the chute, when he felt the dual explosions go off at the same time.
The explosions all but destroyed the top of the garbage chute.
Inside the chute, Lee found that he was able to continue to slide down, at a safe speed, as he thought, 'Good. It only rocked the chute slightest at this point, and I should be down at the bottom in a few seconds.
Less than a minute later, Lee made it safely to the bottom of the chute, dropping onto the ground, with him landing on his feet. He found that his landing did not harm his feet, nor knees.
Lee did not waste time looking up, instead he ducked against the walls of the building he had just escape from, to avoid gunfire from the women at the top of the roof, along with Balalaika and B.
Lee stayed against the wall of the building he had just escape from the roof of.
Lee quickly got his bearings, as he thought, 'Now, if I remember correctly, I just need to go east of here. I want avoid the main center building of the factory complex. I will take the road directly in front of me, to my left. That will keep a building between me and the main center, where I am sure someone of those after me are. When I reach the other side of that building, I run along, I will turn left, down another road. With the alleyway where my car is, being the next road down, to my right side.'
'And with most of the fools trapped on the roof. Or, several stories up. Or, deep inside one of the buildings. I got plenty of time to get to my car, and escape. But, I am not going to give them the chance to get to me. I am out of his place... Time... Reality... As soon as possible. I just need to remember, when I get to my car, to zigzag, to keep from being shot by Balalaika and B.'
'Until then, I will stick to the outside walls of the buildings. Everyone else is so high up to get a good shot at me. That is even if they can get me in their sights, this is still a difficult angle to hit me, from the roof, or other high areas.'
'Still, I wonder what they will saying?...'
Lee the focused on the radio. He heard over the radio, as B stated, “I cannot see him from where I am.”
On the radio, Balalaika commented, “I have the same problem. As expected, this was as well planned escape by Lee. And I know you are hearing this Lee. And we are still going to come after you.”
Rock said, over the radio, “Yea. Lee played us. He used himself as live bait, to get us up here, so he could trap us up here. Well played, Lee...”
Lee smirked, as he thought, 'Rock. Balalaika. You both are expecting me to stop, and gloat. That is not happening. Time is short, and I have places to be...'
Lee then turned off his radio, which was still clipped to the left side of this belt.
Next, Lee quickly made his way along the walls of the buildings, in the direction he plotted, towards where his car was.
One minute ago, at the top of the roof, that Lee has escaped from, just after the grenades went off, Revy and everyone got up from where then had hit the ground.
Rock looked around her, at the others women present, as she asked, “Everyone okay?”
A few of the women said, “Yea.”, “Sure”, “Whatever.”
Rock saw that not one was harmed, nor, laying on the ground. She thought, 'I guess everyone is fine. Now, to see if we can follow, Lee.'
The women, including Rock, looked over at the garbage chute, on the east side, of the southeast corner of the building. They saw that the chute at the top was destroyed and push outward.
Nearby Rock, Revy stated, with anger lacing her voice, “This was all a trap by Lee. He wanted to lure us up here. So, he could get back down to the ground, double back to his car, and escape. With no quick way for us to follow him down.”
Rock commented, “That is not bad thinking on his part. But, I believe Lee miscounted the people. Though, we will worry about that later. Let's first keep anyone else from doing something stupid, likely trying to follow Lee down, the quick way.”
Revy said, “I agree.”
Revy thought, 'I don't have to look down to the ground, to know how high we are. It is just simple math, given we are twenty-two stories up. Actually, probably closer to twenty-five. Counting how high that ceiling is, in that warehouse, and that we are on roof.'
Revy looked around her, as she said to everyone present, in a strong tone of voice, “I don't want anyone to even think of trying to jump. It is at least two hundred feet straight drop to the ground. It is too high a fall for even one of us to land safely.”
Natsuru looked over at Revy, as she commented, “I don't think even I could safely land at this height.” She turned to Ranma, as she asked, “What about you, Ranma?”
Ranma said, “I might. But, it is not worth the risk. Besides, I am sure we will get another shot at him.”
On the radio, Balalaika heard all of this, as she asked, “We saw what happened. Do any of you have any rappelling gear? We still might be able to catch him.”
Revy look at the others. They either shrugged, or shook their heads.
Rock answered, into her radio, “No.”
On her perch, on a nearby communications tower, Balalaika cursed under her breath, in english, “Amateurs...”
Since Balalaika could no long see Lee on the ground, she set her sniper rifle to the side, with her right hand. And she held her radio in her left hand, as she she pressed the talk button on her radio. She asked, into the radio, in english, “B, can you still see him on the ground?”
Over the radio, B answered, in english, “I cannot see him from where I am.”
On the radio, Balalaika commented, “I have the same problem. As expected, this was as well planned escape by Lee. And I know you are hearing this Lee. And we are still going to come after you.”
Rock said, over the radio, “Yea. Lee played us. He used himself as live bait, to get us up here, so he could trap us up here. Well played, Lee...”
After a few seconds of silence, Balalaika thought, 'Lee is not taking the bait.' She said into her radio, “B, Lee knows how to counter our shots. So, there is no point to staying up here. So, start making your way down. I will meet you, and the others, where we parked our vehicles.”
B replied, over her radio, “Yes, Balalaika. Though, the chase is not over yet.”
Balalaika responded, “I know. Lee can only keep up this chase for so long. And I am sure even he knows that.”
Balalaika then put away her radio, collected her weapons and equipment. She then used a nearby ladder to start slowly making her way down the communications tower, to the ground.
A few minute later, as Lee ran along the sides of the walls of the buildings, Lee finally came within sight of the alleyway had hid his car in.
While, Lee could not see his car in the narrow alleyway, from angle he was looking at the alleyway entrance. Though, Lee was sure the car was still in there.
Suddenly, he precognition immediately screamed to stop. As Lee stopped walking, he thought, 'If my precognition is telling me something is wrong, then there is a problem. I wonder what it is. If it is an ambush at the car, or the car enough, I need to know before I get there.'
Lee then pulled out the key chain to his car. As he held his right thumb over the lock button of the clicker. He thought, 'I left my door locked. So, if I have to click it more than twice to beep, someone is likely in it.
As Lee clicked the bottom the first time, he heard an explosion, near him, as he saw flames erupt from the alleyway.
Lee's eyes went wide. As he rushed over to the alleyway, he said, out loud, “No. No. No. No!”
A few seconds later, when he reached the alleyway, he saw his car.
The car's front was facing Lee. And Lee could see the damage from where he stood.
The front engine of the vehicle was in flames, but not the rest of the car.
The sunglasses over Lee's eyes, protected his eyes from the brightness of the flames, allowing him to see passed the flames to the rest of the car. He saw that cab was still in one piece, and not in flames.
Lee forced himself to calm down, as he though, 'Damn. Looks like they found my car. And whomever set that bomb was an expert. The way that bomb was planted, and set, was meant to only destroy the engine and not the cab. It was not set to kill me, but scary the hell out of me, in the hopes I would slow down... They still haven't realized that I always plan ahead.'
Lee turned, and he saw that the crowbar, by the building near him was still there. He then quickly located the sewer main entrance, nearby, on the road.
Lee briskly walked over and picked up the crowbar. Next, Lee turned, and walked over to the nearby manhole cover.
As Lee walked towards the manhole cover, he though, “Looks like it is time I go Shawshank on them. Honestly, the only good thing about that movie was the ending. One could just watch the first fifteen minutes of the film, and then fast-forward the last fifteen minutes of the film, before the credits, and the person would see almost all the important scenes of that movie. With the middle part of the movie being just padding to give the actors an excuse to act in a dramatic fashion.'
'Still, it was a good, well planned escape at the end of the movie. With the man in questions leaving the warden holding the bag. Not many prisoners in the multiverse can claim to not only escape prison, with a clean get away, new identity, and a small fortune, but also leave the warden holding the bag. And giving their best friend in the prison, just enough hints to follow him, when his friend got out of prison on parole. While keeping the authorities in the dark. A true moment of awesome for that escape prisoner.'
'Now, let's see if I can pull the same thing off on those after me. Not that the authorities have the firepower, and manpower to capture and hold those after me. But, the cops delaying them should buy me enough time to permanently escape them.'
When he reached the manhole over, he quickly used both his hands, to have the curved end of the crow bar to open the metal manhole cover. He then used the curved end of the crowbar as a fulcrum against the pavement ground, to pivot the manhole cover away from the sewer entrance.
After Lee finished moving the metal cover, he leaned back up, and turned back to the sewer entrance.
When he turned towards he hole, he saw Lotton had partly climbed out of the sewer main ladder. Along with this, Lee saw that she was looking at him. And Lee saw that in Lotton's right hand, Lotton was holding one of her two Mauser M seven-twelve Schnellfeuer automatic pistol, with select fire.
The pistol was set to single shot, with there being an extended twenty round ammo magazine in the weapon.
Lee noted that Lotton had her right index finger on the trigger, and his precognition was warning him that pistol was ready to fire.
Lee immediately dropped his crowbar to the ground. He thought, 'Damn! And I was so close to escaping. I can understand them finding the car. But, how did they guess my second escape plan?'
Lotton ordered, “Intelligent thinking with dropping the crowbar, Lee. Now, back away. And do not try anything, while I climb out of here.”
Lee walked back six feet, away from Lotton. When he came to a stop, he said, “Lotton, you have my word, that I won't do anything until you are out of that sewer.”
Lotton replied, “I believe you.”
As Lee watched the seemingly young white haired woman climbed out of the sewer main, he thought, 'Damn! It looks like am I am not going to be able to pull off my second escape plan. Fortunately, Lotton is one of the saner people after me. And while my current escape plans are a bust. All I got to do as Lotton tells me to do. Within reason. Until I see an opportunity to act. Or, wait for my other plans to happen on their own.'
As made it to the ground, she did not taken her eyes, nor gun off of Lee.
When Lotton stood up on the pavement, Lee got a good look at her. And he saw that she was wearing a female styled version of her same outfit she wore as a man, back in Roanapur. Complete with a black long coat, that fit her shorter physically frame, and sunglasses.
As Lotton continued to point her pistol at Lee, she used her left hand reach into her coat, and pull out her radio. She said into her radio, “This is Lotton. I have Lee. I will meet everyone at open area, by our vehicles, in fifteen minutes.”
Revy complimented, over the radio, “Good work, Lotton. You just made our day.”
On the radio, Rock stated, “We will see you there. Though, be careful.”
Lotton looked at Lee in the face, as she replied, over the radio, “Not to worry. I destroyed his car, and he knows that if he runs, I will shoot him.”
In response, Lee looked down at Lotton's face, as he just shrugged his shoulders, in indifference to his situation.
Rock responded, over the radio, “That is fine. We will all head down to where we parked our cars. See you then.”
Lotton then put away her radio, back into her coat. She lips curled into a smirk, as she continued to look towards Lee. She said, in an eager tone of voice, “Lee, you forgot, you magnificent bastard, that we read your stories.”
Lee replied, “Paraphrasing General George Smith Patton?”
Lotton responded, “Yes.”
Lee shrugged, as he commented, “I guess that would make me, Field Marshal Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel, of the German military.”
Lotton said, “Do not feel bad about the comparison. If you read history, you would know that Rommel was one of the few decent German high ranking commanders of World War Two.”
Lee agreed, “That is true. By the way, good bomb placement, with the shaped charge, on the car. It blew up the front engine, while leaving the cabin itself untouched. If I had been inside the car, that might have startled me. But, I would have otherwise been unharmed. Though instead, I used my car clicker at a distance.”
Lotton happily stated, “Thank you. And I added the clicker sensor to my explosive, because I preferred you not be near the car when it exploded. Just in case my bomb accidentally blew up the entire car. I wanted to scare you. Not kill you. And I do appreciate it when someone admires my skills.”
Lee commented, “Then, you're welcome. Though, I never wrote you as having skills in explosives?”
Lotton responded, “I know. Neither did Tex-Mex. But, both of you realize that I like to be prepared. I have have known how to use explosives even before I first came to Roanapur. I just rarely get a chance to use such skills.”
Lee commented, “It is hard to plan against the unknown.”
Lotton said, “Exactly. And my explosive skills were part of the reason I was sitting at a table with Claude at the table, when we were both first introduced in the Black Lagoon series. We met each other in the bus that came to Roanapur, from the mainland airports.”
“And given we were both foreigner. We sat together. And we began talking. It turned out we were both heading to Roanapur for the same reasons. Jobs of a less than reputable nature.”
Lee let himself smile, as he chuckled at Lotton comment.
Lotton returned Lee's smile, as she responded, “I thought you would get a laugh out of that. Anyway, we also learned from each other, that we were both heading for the Yellowflag, which was well known around the world, as one of the saner places for those working for criminal work in the city. We with both got to the bar, we found out we were the only two people in the bar that were not drinking an alcoholic beverage.”
Lee pointed out, “It was a bar, after all.”
Lotton agreed, “True. With Bao only had milk for those whom did not want an alcoholic drink, or a canned soda. Strangely, he did not have bottle water, on hand, his customers, at the time. But, he did eventually offer that, as well”
Lee commented, “After Roberta first came to that town. I would not be surprised if Bao personally milked the cow for the milk he served.”
Lotton let out a laugh. She then said, “After seeing the series myself. I have to agree. I would not be surprised if that was the case. Anyway, Claude and I found an empty table, and we started talking.”
“Besides preferring not drinking alcohol, we both we agreed that staying sober would help us get a job. And while he was a pyromaniac, I was an explosives expert. Which made for an interesting conversation.”
Lee mentioned, “I would agree. And you know. I do not recall watching, or reading, about such a casual, pleasant conversation, between a pyromaniac and an explosives expert.
Lotton stated, “Yes. Such conversations tend to be surprisingly rare in fiction. We were in the middle of talking about structure demolition of a building. With Claude talking about his flame thrower, and I was talking about my explosives skills. When Sawyer pointed us out, as new guys, to the rest of the crowd.”
“And well, you know the rest... Still, the reason I did not use explosives, and I preferred pistols, was that I knew that, if used in a fight, that fire and explosives both have a way of blowing back on the person using them. As Claude sadly found out the hard way.”
“Though, before that, we both were clearly becoming fast friends. And I am happy you brought Claude back to life. And while Kristina and I are no longer close friends. We are still friends.”
Lee inquired, “I am happy to hear that. And speaking of my stories. By the way. I was wondering. Which part of my stories are you referring to, that gave my plan away?
Lotton smirked, as she stated, “Book three. When Bob rescues Ed. You had Bob's plan C for his group being running from the car, losing Rock, Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru, and then doubling back to their car, and escaping.”
Lee frowned, as he responded, “Of course. I remember now. And it was a good plan.”
Lotton agreed, “Yes. It was. And it worked that time against, Rock. Yet. You should have known better than try the same trick twice with Rock. That is why she had me find your car, deal with your car, and stay down here, in case you did double backed. Which you did.”
Lee defended, “I had too. I had no other options left.”
Lotton said, “I can understand that.”
Lee commented, “Okay. I can see how you would guess my first escape plan. But, how did you guess my secondary escape plan?”
Lotton stated, “Simple. In your position, this would be the same plan B that I would use. And even if I was wrong. It was a good hiding place. I could just listen for the car to explode. If I had not also heard you walking towards me, with my enhanced hearing, I was about to let myself out of here to go and capture you. Thanks to the enhanced strength you gave me, that metal covering is not that heavy. And I just closed the manhole cover behind me.”
“Still, these were intelligent plans on your part. It is just that you were outsmarted.”
Lee replied, “Apparently so.” Lee then sniffed his nose towards Lotton, as he questioned, “You know. For you being in a sewer for a while, you, and that sewer you came out of, don't smell that bad?”
Lotton answered, “I know. As I just pointed out. Enhanced senses. Including enhanced sense of smell. Which is not as bad as you may think. Still, I found out that is not a sewer main. It is an electrical maintenance tunnel, with cables and pipes running down it. It is fairly large, rectangular tunnel down there. At least seven feet high, and nine feet wide. Also, it is fairly clean, and well lit.”
Lee replied, “That is nice to know.”
Lotton said, “Yes. It is.” She then dropped her grin, as she ordered, “Now, down to business. Please, give me your deck of cards.”
Lee slowly pulled out a deck and handed it to her, in her left hand. She did not take her eyes off of Lee, as she pocket the item into one of her coat pockets.
She demanded, “And your other deck.”
Lee did so. And Lotton continued to look at Lee, as she pocketed that item, into her coat.
She asked for, “And your third deck.”
Lee complied. Lotton put that item in her coat pocket.
She said, “Now, the key card.”
Lee pulled out his key card and handed it to her. She put that item into an interior coat pocket.
She requested, “Jayne's radio.”
Lee removed it from the left side of his belt, and handed it to Lotton.
Lotton put the small radio into a coat pocket. She then stated, “And your reality jumping device. Along, with any grenades you have.”
Lee lied, “I left it at my reality device at hotel room. And I only had those two grenades. I don't like having any other explosives on me.”
Lotton admitted, “That is possible.”
Lee warned, “But, if you want to try to search me, even with your enhancements, and that pistol pointed at me, I might be able to take you in a fight, and escape.”
Lotton admitted, “That is possible. Shenhua, Akira, Natsuru, and River, did train you in combat, for years in that time loop. And Sawyer trained you in dancing. Still, if you do use Rock's reality device, we can just track you to your location within minutes.”
Lee thought, 'Thanks for the reminder. Also, this might be a good chance to learn some more about how they track reality travel.' He baited, “Well, why didn't you do that before?”
Lotton cracked a grin, as she responded, “Trying to get information out of me about reality travel?”
Lee pointed out, “I wrote the stories. Among anyone, I deserve to know the details.”
Lotton conceded, “True. And well, the only reason we didn't do this sooner is that with each passing minute after a jump usually takes a few minutes more to get a lock. But, we didn't immediately have tracking scanner with us, right after you jumped. So, it took us a few minutes to find you. By then, we realized that you were heading to Mars. And it we decided that it would be easier to either confirm you were on a transport to Mars. And then catch you on Mars, than to risk creating a mess in Babylon Five, in the middle of an organized evacuation. Or, to risk confronting you, in a spaceship, in hyperspace.”
Lee responded, “Good calls all around. And it is nice to know the basics of how reality tracking works. I never really got into the details of it. I found leaving some things to the readers' imaginations was for the best.”
Lotton raised an eyebrow, as she inquired, “Like the sex scenes.”
Lee stated, “Especially the sex scenes. Do you really want some stranger to tell you how to have sex with someone.”
Lotton said, “Good point. By the way, why did you make me so short as a woman? While I am not as short as Sawyer, I am close to her height.”
Lee admitted, “I believe beauty comes in many forms. And I did not want to give all the gender benders the same physical build. It would be poor writing to do so. So, I change it up a little bit between you various gender benders.”
Lotton replied, “Okay. I can see your point. And my body is still kind of sexy, in a cute way.”
Lee agreed, “Absolutely. And while I did not write it directly. If you followed the same rules as the others. You should still turn into a healthy male version, in your twenties, of your old male form, when you use a packet of spring of drown man?”
Lotton commented, “Yes. I do.”
Lee responded, “That is good to know. Besides, your physical build, as a woman, is similar to Benny's body type as a woman. While you still have a slight better build, and slightly bigger breasts. And you can blame Benny's female body type on Tex-Mex.” He mentally reflected, 'Though, I used Benny's pregnancy to up Benny's breast size by a cup.'
Lotton commented, “Yes. We both know I laughed ass off the first time I saw the Boys and Girls omake.”
Lee said, “While I did not write the scene of you and Chang original seeing the Black Lagoon series and omakes, I always did wonder how that played out.”
Lotton giggled at little. She then stated, “Well, since you would appreciate the answer, I will tell you. After I joined Chang's group, he realized my savviness was of the same vein as his. I was the one he sent to look for the Black Lagoon anime and manga series, in the multiverse. I brought back multiple copies of both the anime and manga, along with english dub versions of the Black Lagoon omake.”
“By the way, the english dub of those omakes I have copies of are of the same dub cast that did the north american version of the Black Lagoon english dub.”
Lee commented, “While I hinted at that. That is nice to have confirmed. That cast did not do the omakes in my reality.”
Lotton agreed, “Yes. It is. Should you survive, you may get the chance to watch them.”
Lee replied, “I will look forward to it.”
Lotton stated, “Good. Anyway, we took our time with watching the anime. And we read the manga, right after we finished the anime. After watching anime version of the Roberta's Blood Trail. Then, we watched the omakes. Then, we read the manga volumes. We compared what happened in our reality, to both the anime and manga endings, and we realized that we were in the anime time line.”
Lee said, “I know. And as idiotic as it sounds, even with her after my ass, I still do not regret giving Roberta the super-soldier serum, and upgrades that make her a cyborg.”
Lotton commented, “I fully understand. You found a way to make that walking badass killing machine even more awesome. And from a purely entertainment standpoint, which was what you were doing at the time, I would have done that myself.”
Lee replied, “I am glad you see my point of view.”
Lotton responded, “No problem. Anyway, Chang and I watched the anime in a manner, in which we would watch a few episodes of the Black Lagoon series, with just the two of us, in his private study, as we had some beers. On the night we finished the Blood Trail, we decided we did not want to end the night on such a sour note. So, we decided to start watching the omakes. Which we planed to watch after the series proper, in case we needed a good laugh after watching something depressing. And we did need a good laugh after watching the ending of the Blood Trail.”
“By then, we were both buzzed from drinking beers. But, not really drunk. Just relaxed.”
Lee inquired, “How far into the omakes, before you were laughing to the point of tears?”
Lotton genuinely smile, as she answered, in a jovial tone of voice, “We were both crying from laughter by the end of the second omake, with Magical Girl Revy. By the time we got to the Boys and Girls omake, we had problems seeing straight, from the laughter, and tears. By the time we finished watching all the omakes. The combination of alcohol, and laughter left us without the ability to even stand up straight for about an hour.”
Even thought Lee still had a gun pointed at his chest, Lee remained calm, as he replied, in a relaxed tone of voice, “Yea. It is fun when you get to the point of laughter, you are laughing so hard, you can barely stand, breath, and with tears running down you face. I have head that happen a few time while watching other series. Such as the Megas XLR series.”
Lotton agreed, “Yea. I have seen the series, as well. At some points, I was not only crying from the laughter, but, that that series was so funny, that I had some mild problems with just breathing.”
Lotton then dropped her smile, again, as she used her left, free hand to point in a direction away from the buildings they were by, and towards the road that lead to the main center building. She ordered, in sober tone of voice, “Though, as fun as this discussion has been. We now have to meet the others. I want you to have your hands up, parallel with you head, and for you to start slowly walking in that direction.” She then dropped her left hand back to her side.
Lee calmly replied, “Yes ma'am.” He then did as she instructed.
With Lee's hands raised, to where his hands were level with his head, Lotton stated, “Now, start moving, at a conformable. Though, keep in mine, you have a longer stride them me.”
Lee said, “I will do so.” He then turned in the direction Lotton had pointed, and he stated calmly walking as a pace that he was sure Lotton would be comfortable with.
They then began walking at a calm pace, for both of them, with Lee in front of Lotton. And Lotton with one of her pistols trained on Lee's back. With Lotton remained no less than six feet from Lee. So, Lee could not try something against Lotton.
As they walked, Lee calmly requested, “Since we still have a little while, until we reach you friends, and my torture sessions begin. I have a few questions for you. But, given you are pointing a gun at me. I do not want you to misinterpret my questions as insulting.”
Lotton thought, 'He has a point.' She removed her right index finger off the trigger, and place it on the trigger guard. Though, she did keep her pistol trained on the middle of Lee's back.
While they continued walking, she questioned, “What do you want to ask? I promise, I will not find it insulting.”
Lee pointed out, “Alright... While I try not to look at such things, back at the Devil's Hotel. I notice that you're breasts look bigger than they usually do?”
Lotton let out a laugh. She responded, “Thank you. And the reason my breasts look bigger is that I am wearing a titanium breast plate fitted for my chest, in place of my bra. A solid punch in the breast can take a woman out of a fight. Though, the inside of the plate has cushions, so my skin, including my breasts, are not touching hard metal.”
Lee commented, “I bet that cost a pretty penny.”
Lotton admitted, “It did. It is fortunate that I had some gold, and other treasures, hidden away, that Shenhua and Sawyer finally let me use. And it was worth the price. But, that was nothing compared to the price of the titanium chain mail I had made for myself.”
“I wear a t-shirt over the breast plate, then the chain-mail, then my outer shirt. It works quite well, and it is fair more comfortable, and flexible, than a bulletproof vest. Though, it is a little heavy. But, with the super-soldier serum, the weight of my clothing is not that big an issue for myself.”
Lee guessed, “Given your level of crazy preparedness. I take it that you are still wearing steel athletic cup? Only, this time, it is a female athletic cup.”
Lotton answered, “Yes. I am wearing a titanium female athletic cup. Given Roberta dented my old steel cup, as a man, I decided when I had the money, I would trade up in quality on that little piece of equipment. Though, I had to have the metal formed to fit to myself. You might find this surprising, but female crotches differ in sizes.”
Lee said, “Not really. No one has the same body measurements. And for such a sensitive area, a person would want full coverage of the area. Though, given how violent some of the women in your group are, I am surprised they they don't wear athletic cups, and breast protection, as well.”
Lotton stated, “Yes. I agree. Getting hit in the breasts hurts as a woman. And getting hit in the crouch as a woman still hurts. The only difference is the soreness doesn't last nearly as long as it does as a man. In your writings, you pointed out that a woman can get hurt down there with a single blow. I admire that level of detail.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.”
Lotton inquired, “You're welcome. By the way, about your alias, Ello Gray. Where did that come from?”
Lee answered, “Well, that is Gray, with an, a. It is an anagram of the word, allegory. As in, symbolism.”
Lotton replied, “Ah. Not bad. I believe you did something similar with Scorpius' name at the end of book three? And the beginning of book four?”
Lee stated, “Yes. I did. Professor Cosupsir, with Cosupsir being anagram for Scorpius. I think I did pretty good with my alias, and Scorpius' alias.”
Lee then smirked, as he thought, 'Oh hell. I might as well tell her. She would appreciate it. And she would likely get a laugh out of me telling her.'
Lee continued, “I know Scorpius was happy with what I did for her.”
Lotton deadpanned, “And how would you know that?”
Lee said, “As you know, Scorpius as a woman, has a very sexy body.”
Lotton shrugged, as she responded, “Yes. You do good work... For the most part. And as you said, you had your reasons for giving me a smaller female body, when compared to my male form.”
Lee responded, “Yes. Anyway, to answer your question. Did you hear about that day Violin brought Scorpius to the Rats Nest, with River, Chang, Molly, Rock, and I? With all of us playing poker?”
Lotton hesitantly said, “Yes... Please, don't tell me this is going, where I think this is going?”
Lee complimented, “You always were sharper than most people gave you credit for... Well, I gave you credit for your savviness. Anyway, after the game, and the others, besides River, and the bartender, left, I went to the men's restroom. Scorpius ambushed me in there. And well... It was going to happen whether I wanted it to happen, or not. So, I just went with it. She then left.”
Lotton asked, “How good was it?”
Lee admitted, “The sex was wonderful. And I did use a condom.”
Lotton complimented, “That was smart thinking on your part.”
Lee requested, “I know. And could you please keep this to yourself.”
Lotton shrugged, as said, “Of course. I am not a gossip. Besides, you are in too deep as is. Mentioning that, at this point of the game, would just be plain mean, and unsportsmanlike.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.”
Lotton responded, “No problem. So, are you really an H.P. Lovecraft fan?”
Lee answered, “Yes. And I am very happy that I did not use any of his material, in my stories. And I think it is best we don't talk about this author and his works, ever again.”
Lotton said, “Given our general situation. I agree with you on all points.”
Lee replied, “Glad to hear it.”
Lotton commented, “Now, as you realize, I have an eye for the details, as well. And while I have no told the others, I have noticed that you have become a real life lethal weapon. You are as dangerous as the rest of us. And I believe you already know that.”
Lee flatly said, “No comment.”
Lotton smirked, as she went onto say, “Sure... You gave a real strong showing, just now, in this chase, and in these factory buildings. I mean it is clear that even with you at a disadvantage, you have the abilities to seriously harm, or even kill us. Yet, you refuse to do so. Why?”
As they continued walking, Lotton could see, from Lee's back at Lee shrugged his right shoulder.
Lee then admitted, in a straightforward tone of voice, “I like you, guys. Girls. Whatever. And I admit I do deserve an ass kicking for what I have done to all of you. Still, I would like to have an ass, afterward. And none of you are known for showing restraint.”
Lotton said, “I can appreciate where you are coming from. And I am starting to see why River likes you so much.”
Lee responded, “Thank you. Though, I doubt you are going to let me go.”
Lotton answered, “No. And the reason why, is that I am sure that if I did, they would hurt me. Though, they would not hurt me much. They would likely rough me up a little, if I did so.”
Lee casually said, “Oh well. It was worth a try... Speaking of those movies. Except for movie four, Lethal Weapon was pretty good movie series.”
Lotton replied, “No argument there.”
Lee explained, “I mean, even movie three was pretty good. Not as good as one and two, but still good. It had the humor, the action, and a decent villain. It was even had humorous bookends, with the building explosions. The problem was that the romantic subplot just did not click like it should have. Still, that guy did deserve a break. And the girl wasn't that bad of a character. And I do admire women that come prepared, as long as they are sane. Double vest, anyone?”
Lotton giggled. She then replied, “Yes. I like women that are prepared. And now, I am one of them. Still, sanity is overrated. Crazy women are very fun, and very unpredictable in bed. And I have two of them that I enjoy a bed with. Still, movie four did suck.”
Lee responded, “I know. You don't include a heavily pregnant woman in the main cast of an action series, or movie, while pregnant, unless she is a badass, and she demonstrates that she still a badass while pregnant. And I have only seen one pregnant badass work like that, once in such a format. That was Aeryn, in the last half of the Farscape, Peacekeeper Wars, mini-series. And no one should ever give a pregnant woman, particularly one who is going through labor, a firearm. Especially, a firearm with an automatic selector function, and hundreds of ammo before needing to be reloaded.”
Lotton giggled again. She then stated, “I fully agree. And after spending some time with Aeryn, I can confirm that shooting really does make her feel better.”
Both of them laughed, for a few seconds.
As they calmed down, Lotton asked, “So, why did you not include Aeryn as part of the main cast in your stories?”
Lee answered, “Well, besides raising Aeryn and John's son, Little D. Both parents should not leave a young child alone. One parent leaving for a time, is fine. Story-wise. But, not both. And the only other reason I did not include Aeryn as part of the main cast for the heroes is that she is so much of a badass, that the story would have ended too quickly. With the heroes winning.”
Lotton offered, “I will be sure to tell Aeryn you said that about her. For that compliment, you might get out of her revenge against you.”
Lee said, “Thanks, Lotton.” He thought, 'I sure hope so.'
A few seconds later, they came to a four way intersession in the road.
Lotton, whom walked behind Lee, said, “I want you to take a left turn here. The next building, we will take a right turn. Then, a left turn. After which, it is a straight line to the clearing we are heading for.”
Lee replied, “Okay. I just hope they don't shoot me on sight.”
As the turned to the right, Lotton stated, “Don't worry. Revy stated whoever captures you, will have first crack at you. And I don't intend to shoot you.”
Lee conceded, “That puts me a little at ease. But, what do you intent to do to me?”
Lotton admitted, “I am not sure, myself. Though, it won't be too bad. Sawyer likes you, and I respect you. But, by taking my time to think, it will likely keep the others from doing something rash towards you.”
Lee complimented, “Intelligent thinking, Lotton.” He mentally reflected, 'Good. Then, this situation will offer me options.'
Lotton commented, “Thank you, Lee. And I have to hand it to you. You had not only come up with a plan A of escape, but a plan B as well. That makes me wonder if those are your only plans?”
Lee could not help himself. As he responded, “Actually, Lotton, I have plans within plans, within plans. If you are wondering. I am on plan G. Plans D through F required one, or both of the maids being here. D required Roberta just being here. E required both maids being here. F required just Fabiola being here. I think plan H is going to be interesting. But, I am not sure how.”
“Still, I hope you are not too sore about me turning you into woman, brainwashing you, and making you a maid servant to Shenhua and Sawyer.”
Lotton thought, 'Nice way of being vague, and then deflecting, by changing the subject. You give me all the information I already likely knew, without tipping your hand to your future plans. And that is exactly what I have come to expect from you, Lee. But, given you are being polite. I will bite.'
Lotton stated, “It is not that bad. The sex has been good, and they treat me better than when I was a man. We have even talked about having kids.”
Lee said, in a sincere tone of voice, “Good luck with that.”
Lotton replied, “Thank you.”
Lee said, “I am glad you are not sore about. Besides, Annie also seems to not be that sore about what I did to her.”
Lotton asked, with curiosity, “Really? She knew who you were?”
Lee answered, “Yes. She figured it out on her own.”
Lotton said, “I am not surprised. Though, I know better than calling her out on not telling the rest of us. Especially, me being up there with Chang, on her shit list.”
Lee stated, “Considering she is now working for Chang, I think you are okay, as long as you don't annoy her.”
Lotton commented, “You are probably right.”
Lee said, “Anyway, I guess being out of that suit and restoring her body back to health made her much happier with her situation. She seems to be the one of the few people, including you, that realizes I was not being completely evil in my writings.”
“She even told me she realized that there was a bit of give and take on her situation. And I am really happy about acknowledging that fact. And I am also happy that she turned out with such a nice personality. Still, Annie is second on the list of people of the multiverse I would never intentionally piss off, next to the Bloodhound.”
Lotton replied, “I completely agree. And do you want to know a secret?”
Lee stated, “Sure.”
Lotton commented, “I broke my programing several years ago, on my own. I help designed the process, in the first place. Being a maid just gives me an excuse to be around Sawyer and Shenhua. I have fallen in love with both of them, and I would be more than happy to continue aiding them in anyway I can.”
Lee suggested, “Well since you plan to keep my secrets. I will keep yours. Though, you really should tell them the truth.”
Lotton said, “I plan too. After all three of us are pregnant with our first batch of kids. That instant spring of drowned man packets made our love life much more fun. I will explain to them that my programing degraded, and I just want to be with them.”
Lee admitted, “That will likely work. And good luck. So, what now? After you lead me to the others.”
Lotton replied, “While I get first crack at you. And what I plan to do to you won't be to bad. I am not sure what will happen after that. Still, you have been a good sport about this. You are not been begging. Nor, pleading for mercy. I respect that. So, good luck to you.”
Lee stated, “Thank you. And I have no intention of running. Since everyone is heading to the ground level, I don't know where everyone is, and if I ran. If you were not able to shoot me. I would likely get shot by someone else. This way, at least when we reach the group, I will know where everyone is at, and I can plan accordingly.”
As Lee said the next part of his comment, Lotton guessed what Lee was going to say. With both of them saying, in unison, “Proper planning and preparation.”
Both of them laughed at their comment.
Lee then asked, “Do you mind if I whistle a tune?”
Lotton replied, “Go ahead.
Lee then started whistling a tone, on key, that Lotton recognized. And given the situation, she found the tone to be amusing.
Ten minutes later, they reached an open space, with buildings on all sides. The area was completely pave, with roads leading between the buildings, from the open area.
Lee still had his hands up, to his sides, at the same level of his head. With Lotton behind him, while she pointed one of her pistols on him.
And Lee was still whistling his tone.
As Lee did so, he look around. He saw the people gathered on that side of the open space, about a hundred feet from Lotton and himself. With Lotton and himself, approaching them. He also saw, in the distance, on the other side of the open space, was where the women and men had parked their vehicles.
Lee could also tell that the saw him and Lotton.
Lee saw that the group was in a semi-circle, with the peoples backs to the open field, and their vehicles, in the distance.
Lotton order, “Head to just in front of the center of the semi-circle.”
Lee remained silent, but her heard the white haired woman.
As they continued walking, Lee looked at the buildings, he saw there were ground level concrete decks, and warehouse doors by a few of the buildings. He thought, 'Some items this factory makes are likely shipped by trucks, here. Also, there is not a lot of cover in this area. Which means, I cannot just bolt, and try to run for it.'
'And their vehicles are too far away, and between these people, and me, for me to try to use them for cover. Or, even steal one of them. If I even could. Hot-wiring a car takes time, and I don't have a key to any of them.'
'Also, given the number of them at are armed, if I reach for my reality device in my coat, a few of them will likely shoot me. Possibly fatally.'
'Still, I believe they are all here. And I can not account for all of them. Meaning, that if I am able to pull something. There are not wildcards, waiting in the wings.'
Meanwhile, along the group of people, what watched Lee and Lotton approach them. Violin recognized the tone, as she stated, “I cannot believe Lee is literally whistling Dixie. I got to hand it to him. He has guts.”
When Lee overheard Violin, in distance. He thought, 'Time for my game face. And I think it is best to remain silent, and not do anything else to provoke them. I am now playing a delicate waiting game.'
Lee stopped whistling, put on his poker face, and remained silent.
Lee soon approached the large group after him, whom were standing a semi-circle, which Lotton was leading him towards the center of, and the adults stood about twenty feet from him, with Lee being in the center of the semi-circle.
Lee remained silent, as he reached the center of the semi-circle. It was then that Lotton ordered, “Stop.”
Lee did so, as he turned to face the group of people.
Meanwhile, Lotton then walked around, to stand beside Sawyer and Shenhua. As she did so, she pointed her pistol away from everyone. She then used her hands to removed the ammo magazine, remove the bullet from the chamber, dry fire the pistol, into the ground, do decock it. She placed the spare bullet into the extender magazine, giving the magazine twenty rounds. She placed the magizine back into her semi-automatic pistol. And she then holstered her pistol, back in right side holster, on her belt, under her coat.
Lee silently watched all this, as he face the group, with a calm, neutral expression on his face.
Lee also look around at the people in front of him. Though, he did not move his head. Instead, he used his eyes, with his shades hiding his eye movements, to look around, as he visually read the people in front of him.
As far as the others were concerned, Lee was just staring directly in front of them.
In front of himself, Lee has accounted for everyone that had chased him into the factory complex was there, with most of them still having their weapons in hand. But, none of them were pointing their weapons at him, nor each other.”
Lee thought, 'Let's see who is here. Besides Lotton. All ten members of the Lagoon family. The Bebop Crew, Shenhua, Sawyer, and Eda. Six members of the Serenity crew are here. Including Jayne, whom is now back to being a man. Aeryn, Violin, Balalaika, and B are here. I also see Ranma, Akira, Natsuru, and their three daughters. Now, what is their general mood?'
Though his sunglasses, Lee looked, in more detail, at the faces of those staring back at him.
Given the light from the outside building lights, Lee could still see clearly with his sunglasses on.
Lee could see the look of excitement on the faces of most of the adults facing him. He saw that Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru has expressions of indifference towards Lee. With Lee seeing looks of pity from the eyes of Eda and Sawyer.
The three trio sisters, and the Lagoon sisters had mixed reactions on their faces, from pity, to sadness.
Lee thought, with concern, 'Well, I am now neck deep in it. And it clear from the looks on their faces, that talking will not get any of the people here to help me. I think the best I can expect from Eda, Sawyer, Akira, Natsuru, Ranma, and the eight teenage adults, is that they won't participate in my torture.'
'And while I have a grenade. It would be useless to bluff my way out of here with just one grenade. Some of them, like Mal, and Spike, would gladly shoot and kill me at the smallest hint of a threat to them, and their friends.'
'Besides which. I cannot out run them. And with Lotton here, that makes thirty-three badasses right in front of me. Most of whom want to torture me. My only hope is to remain quiet, and try escape in the confusion. While they likely try to fight over me like a piece of meat, to a pack of starving wolves. While Lotton said that she had first dibs. These people are not know for restraint. This could turn into a fight real easily.'
'Though, if I try to start a fight. Given how sharp the people are here, it will likely backfire on me.'
'And I feel this is truly my best chance. Because my plan H is looking dimmer by the second.'
'Still, I can use my reality device, if things get too tricky. But, I will have to create a distraction to do so. My grenade can do it, but not in such an open environment. I did not want to seriously harm, nor kill them. But, I am sure, if I am patient, the opportunity will arise for me to use my grenade.'
'Also, I know that there are a few places in the multiverse they will not immediately follow me to, because they are not as crazy and desperate as I am.'
'Now, to listen to some of them gloat, while I figure out my next move. Their gloating will buy me a few minutes. And I need every second I can get.'
Near the center of the group, in front of him, Lee saw Revy and Rock standing in front. Revy to Lee's left, and Rock to his right.
Revy smirked, as she stated, in a smug, arrogant tone of voice, “Well. Well. Well. We finally got you, Lee.”
Lee faced Revy. Though, he chose to remain silent, as he stood in place, with his hands up.
Revy turned to Lotton, as she congratulated her, “Good work, Lotton. As promised, you will have first dibs on Lee.”
Lotton turned to Revy, as she responded, “Thank you.” She then looked at Lee, Lee could see from her facial expression that her heart was no in her words, as she continued, “And I assure you. I don't have much planned for Lee. I will leave plenty for the rest of you.”
Revy turned to Lee, as her smirk turned into feral grin. She stated, “I am sure you will.”
Jayne spoke up, “Where is, Vera, Lee?”
Lee flatly answered, “Twenty-second story of the building I just came out of. In the hallway leading to the northeast stairwell. You can probably see it when you are standing at the stairwell entrance. It is in the hallway facing the door to the stairwell. Though, the weapon had an unfortunate accident.”
Janet shift uncomfortably.
Jayne questioned, “What accident?”
Lee answered, “Let's just say the barrel needs replacing.”
Jayne warned, “That better be all.”
Lee answered, “It is.”
Mal stated, “Jayne, you can go get, Vera, after this conversation is over.”
Jayne continued looking at Lee, as he commented, “Alright, captain.”
Revy ordered, “Lee, I don't want you to get any ideas of escape. I want you on your knees, with you hands staying up, where they are at.”
Lee remained calm, and silent, as he did was instructed to do. He bend down, to where he was sitting on the group, with his legs tucked under him, while he kept his hands up, and level with his head.
Revy walked towards him, until she was less than three feet in front of him.
Lee calmly looked up at her face, through his sunglasses, as she looked down at him, with a scowl on her face.
Revy hissed, “What? No insults? No witty comebacks?”
Lee remained silent.
As Revy used her right foot to kick Lee in his lower stomach, she demanded, in a barking tone of voice, “Say something, Lee.”
As the blow to his stomach made him grunt, he expelled air from his lungs, but he forced himself not to falter. And so, he remained in his position, while showing no other sides of distress, as he continued to calmly look up at Revy.
Revy immediately used her right hand to pulled out her semi-automatic pistol, under her left armpit.
She then pointed the end of her barrel between Lee's eyes, with less than an inch from Lee's forehead.
Lee could see Revy had her right trigger finger on the trigger of her pistol.
Revy ordered, in a loud, angry tone of voice, “Talk, Lee! Or, else!”
Lee showed not hints of worry on his face, as he looked up at Revy's face. He calmly said, “If you put a bullet between my eyes, I will die quick, and happy. And you will have to deal with your very upset friends, whom are right behind you.”
Revy immediately raised her gun into the air, with her firing a few rounds of ammo upward, from the barrel of her pistol, as she yelled, “Damn! Damn! Damn! Why do you have to make so much sense, Lee?!”
Lee could see a few snickers in the crowd behind in front of him, and behind Revy, as Revy had her tantrum.
Revy then suddenly stopped firing. She turned to Lee, as she smirked. She said, “Still, that does not mean we cannot maim you.”
Lee showed no outward expression, as he grimly thought, 'Given the placement of my hands, if she does bring her weapon around to shoot me, I can pull her weapon from her with my left hand, while grabbing her right wrist, yanking her down on top of me. Then, it becomes a wrestling match, that I am not sure I can win.'
'And while we do that, the others won't shoot at me, because of the chance of hitting Revy.'
'Though, no matter which one of us wins, afterward, things are going to get very ugly for me. Still, I will not let her shoot me for her own amusement, without a fight.'
Then, just as Revy was bringing her pistol back towards Lee, and Lee was getting ready to fight Revy, while Revy pistols was pointed away from everyone, Lee saw a glint of metal pass between the two of them, from Lee's upper right, that knocked Revy's pistol away from them, to Lee's left.
Fortunately, the gun did not misfire, as it was jerked from Revy's fingers, and landed onto the paved ground.
Everyone immediately looked at the pistol laying on the ground.
They saw a six inch long, chrome, metal needle sticking through the barrel of Revy's pistol.
Lee immediately recognized was that needled was. He remained outwardly calm, as he thought, with concern, 'I know that ammo... Let's see judging from the angle, they fired from my upper right side.'
Lee and the others then look to Lee's upper right, the crowd's back left, to see, standing on a nearby third story, steel reinforced, concrete, balcony, behind a steel railings, on the side of a twenty-six story building, eight colored hardsuits, standing in a row.
All the hardsuits had feminine figures, with their helmets on and their visors down. Meaning, there were women wearing the powersuits.
In order, from left to right, was a gray hardsuit, a white hardsuit, a green hardsuit, a blue
hardsuit, a light cyan hardsuit, red and pink hardsuit, a yellow hardsuit, and an orange hardsuit.
All the hardsuited women were facing down, towards the people on the ground.
The faceplates on their helmets were down, preventing those on the ground from seeing their faces. Also, Linna did not have ribbons attached to the sides of her head. And while their hardsuits did not look that different than they originally were, their boot heels were less high than previous versions of hardsuits.
Lee thought, with worry, 'Yep. It is the Knight Sabers. And the only reasons they would be here, is obviously for my ass, as well... This night is just getting more interesting by the minute. On the bright side. It looks like they will be tearing into each other, for me. The problem is, that people are going to get hurt and likely killed. And no matter what I do, someone is going to start a fight. Unless, I can make them see reason.'
'The multiverse does have a twisted sense of humor. Most of the people here want to torture and kill me. But, I am going to try to kill them from harming and killing each other.'
'Though, first I need to know who shot that round. And I can work form there.'
Lee then noticed that the blue hardsuit was pointing her right gauntlet at them, with the slots for her wrist mounted rail-guns open. She was also using her left gauntlet holding her armored right forearm, to steady her aim.
Lee thought, 'The blue one is obviously, Priss. Same style hardsuit, and weapons, She clearly used one of her wrist mounted rail-guns to damage one of Revy's pistol. And that was clearly a warning shot. Though, Revy was already angry with me. And damaging one of Revy's cutlasses is going to piss Revy off even further. Still, Revy anger is not directed towards someone else. So, that is better for me. For the moment.'
'And though their faceplates are down, for anyone familiar with the Bubblegum Crisis OVA series, and my stories, it does not take a genius to figure out who is who.'
'Let's see, if I can figure out who is who. Blue is Priss. White is Sylia. Green is Linna. Red and pink is Nene. The other four are Leon, Daley, Mackie, and Kate. With Leon Daley, and Mackie having their gender bent into women in book two of my stories... Among other things, with the other five members...'
'Among the other colors, yellow is the easy one. Mackie used a yellow mech in Bubblgum Crisis OVA, episode eight, Scoop Chase.'
'Since the color cyan is a similar the color blue. And both colors can be associated with the police, and Priss already has a blue hardsuit, I am guessing the cyan one is Leon. And Daley is flamboyant enough in personality to pull off orange. And the gray one is likely Kate. Because the color gray is considered a professional color in business suits and dresses.'
'And I noticed the heels on their armored boots are a bit shorted. I guess the others had a long talk with Sylia, about hardsuit design, in the following years since the fall of the tower. And if they stayed in the Black Lagoon reality, and they are running on the same time as the Lagoon members here, that would be around two decades. That is a lot of time to do a lot of things. Not just revenge against me. And those hardsuits probably have gone through a number of upgrades through the years.'
'Among those upgrades are likely the retractable mono-molecular ribbons on the sides of Linna's helmet. While, it was an upgrade only shown in Bubblegum Crash, which did not happen for these eight people. It is logical that Sylia and Mackie would make that upgrade for Linna's hardsuit.'
'And this is also likely why Sylia did not say, Knight Sabers. It is show time. Or, Knight Saber Sanjo. Because the other members of the group finally convinced her how corny it was.'
'Though, I will worry about that later. Survival comes first.'
'And while their voices will be different from the english dub, and japanese dub, I will try to note who is who, by which voice comes from which hardsuit.'
Though, it was Janet whom spoke first, as she asked, “The Knight Sabers. Plus four. What are they doing here?”
Lee continued looking at the Knight Sabers, as he calmly answered, “Book Two. Chapter Four. The Fall of Megatokyo.”
It took a moment for the others to recall what happened in that chapter. As Janet did so, she said, “Oh... Well Lee, you are screwed.”
Lee deadpanned, “Line forms to the left.”
Rock continued to look at the Knight Sabers, as she thought, 'This is big trouble. And I doubt Lee is the one who invited these women to the party. He would know better... But, then who did?... That is a problem for another time. Right now, I need to keep everyone calm, before someone starts a fight that gets everyone kill.' She ordered, in a stern tone of voice, “Everyone, keep your weapons down. Do not provoke them.”
Natsuru said, “Akira, Ranma, and I, know these people. They know us. They won't fight us, unless we provoke them.”
Given two of the most sane members of their group had told them not to provoke the Knight Sabers, the others in Rock and Revy's group followed Rock's orders.
Even Revy heard Rock's order and understood. Though, Revy still looked over, and up at Priss, in her blue hardsuit, as she yelled., “Bitch! You are going to pay for damaging my cutlass!”
Rock inwardly winced, as she thought, 'It figures that Revy would complain about her pistol. Though, as long as she is complaining at them, she is less likely to shoot at them.'
Priss, using her speakers, to give an electronic style of voice, said, in an arrogant tone of voice, in english, “I would like to see you try,”
Lee thought, with concern, 'While I did plan for them to fight over me, like a piece of meat, without the tearing parts. I did not plan for another group to show up, and create such a lopsided situation. And as much as I would like this to devolve into a fight, I need to keep this civil for a few more minutes. To do that, I first need to know how damaged Revy's pistol is.'
Lee turned his attention to Revy's pistol, on the ground. He noticed that the end of barrel was damaged, with the metal needle sticking through through the barrel, right passed the slide. With no other part of the pistol damaged. He thought, 'Good. Priss is such an excellent shot with her rail-gun, and hardsuit heads up display, that I can salvage the situation. Now, to de-rev, Revy... He, he, he...'
Lee turned to look Revy at in her face. He calmly requested, “Revy, look at your pistol. Your pistol will be fine. All it needs is the barrel replaced. I know you can do that one your own. Though, if you weapon needs any serious repairs, I know for a fact there is a master gunsmith in Plata Podrido that Pedro can get you in touch with.”
Revy turned to gaze at her pistol, as she leaned over and picked up her damaged cutlass. As she did so, she then used the safety level on the pistol, to carefully decocked the hammer of her pistol, and at the same time, setting the safety on the firearm.
A few seconds later, she leaned back up, and looked over to Lee. She commented, in a cool tone of voice, “Well then, I am now glad I did not kill Police Chief Del Soto.”
Lee replied, “So am I.”
Revy shrugged, “I have a spare barrel in my hotel room, back in town. It is an easy fix. Though, don't think them showing up is going to help you escape.”
Lee honestly responded, “I am more concern with surviving the here and now, than escaping.”
Both of them joined the rest of the people on the ground, as they looked back up at the Knight Sabers, whom were still standing on the third story balcony.
Natsuru looked up at the Knight Sabers, as she said, in english, “Hi guys. Been a while.”
Natsuru recognized Daley female voice, as Daley in the orange hardsuit, said, in english, “Yes, it has Natsuru. I see that your daughters are looking good.”
Lee overheard the conversation, as he thought, 'While I didn't write it, it is not surprising that the Knight Sabers and Natsuru's family did visit each other over the years. Even after Yurika, Nodoka, and Mikoto were born.'
Natsuru answered, “Yes. How are your children?”
Daley answered, “All of them are fine.”
Natsuru heard Leon's female voice come from the light cyan hardsuit speaker, as Leon calmly stated, in english, “It is good to see you, girls. Sorry, it is not under better circumstances.”
Akira spoke up, as she conceded, “It could be better. But, I think we could work something out. I will let Rock, one of our leaders, handle the talking.”
Rock requested, in a loud, though even, tone of voice, in english, “Hello. I wish to speak with the leader of your group.”
On the balcony, while wearing her white hardsuit, Sylia spoke, in a calm tone of voice, in english, “Then, you wish to address, myself. And we have no interest in harming any of you, save for Lee. To that end, we would like you to hand Lee over to us.”
Dutch stated, “We were here first.”
Benny commented, “We do not need any Johnny come latelys.”
Spike asked, “What happened to first come, first serve?”
Sylia answered, “You are the foxes that caught the chicken. And we are the dogs that are taking the chicken from you.”
Aeryn suggested, “Before this turns into a firefight. How about we let it be Lee's choice?”
Violin complimented, “Good idea”
Dutch grinned wickedly, as she said, “Now, that is what I call a sadist choice... I like it.”
Sylia conceded, “Such an answer could be amusing to hear.”
Everyone turned to looked at Lee.
Lee looked over at the group on the ground, as he stated, in a straightforward manner, “Given what I did to both your groups. And also, taking into account some good will I have given to your group, Aeryn. I rather go with your group. With you guys, there is better chance for a quick death, for myself...” He turned back to look at the Knight Sabers, as he continued, “With them not by much.”
Balalaika inquired, in a cold tone of voice, “But, I thought you were worried we would hand you over to the maids?”
Lee turned to look at Balalaika, as he casually stated, “Bel, if this goes badly, the maids will be the least of my worries. The Knight Sabers have the advantage here. We are in open area, with no immediate cover. They are in power armor, with weapons, aiming at a downward angle. They literally have the high ground. Most of your weapons will not piece their armor.”
“And even if you were able to reach them, for hand to hand combat. Between their skills, power armor, and melee weapons, they would easily kill you.”
“Also, given they are here, I would guess their hardsuits have build in reality devices, for quick escape. Like the Hell Saber hardsuits. Which I am sure Sylia is royally pissed with me over using her technology for such actions.”
From the balcony, Sylia calmly commented, “Among other things.”
On the balcony, near Sylia, inside her yellow hardsuit, Mackie flatly stated, in english, “It is a long list.”
Lee heard the comments of both Stingray siblings. He thought, 'The sound sensors, and speakers, in those suits can probably allow them to hear every word we make down here.'
Lee did not turned to face the Knight Sabers, as he continued looking at Balalaika. He said, “The only good news is I do not see their motoslaves. And they seem to be on friendly terms with Natsuru's family. Whom are here. So, the Knight Sabers are less likely to attack you.”
“But, that also means that if you start a fight with the Knight Sabers, Natsuru and her family here would be less inclined to defend you. And without Natsuru and her family's abilities to aid you all, in a long range fight, your group's odds of just surviving, let along achieving victory, in a battle with the Knight Sabers, in this situation, are very slim.”
Balalaika responded, in a chilly tone of voice, “Point taken. And don't call me, Bel, again.”
Lee replied, in an even tone of voice, “Yes, ma'am.”
Balalaika smiled towards Lee, in response to his comment towards her.
Aeryn inquired, “What about Violin, and I?”
Violin said, “Good question.”
Lee turned to Aeryn and Violin, whom were standing beside each other, to Lee's left of the group. Lee answered, “I know what you are thinking Aeryn. And even if your pulse pistols can penetrate their armor. Which is questionable. It would still be a hard fight for you.”
“Also, Violin don't even think about going hand to hand with them. I am sure you have seen all eight BGC OVAs. Not just the three we watched together. Though, you are super-fast and super-strong. You are not that well trained a fighter. And while you are physically tough, their range weapon can penetrate your hide. Along with those weapons, their melee weaponry is even more dangerous.”
“I don't even know what surprises the four new members have, but of the original four, three of them are skills fighters. Those being, Sylia, Priss, and Linna. White, Blue, and Green suits, respectively. Each of them use differing weapons and tactics in their fighting styles. And each of them have the skills and resources to kill you.”
“Sylia has her hand cannons and wrist blades. Priss has her fist weapons, rail-guns, and explosives. And Linna is the most dangerous of those three in hand to hand combat. She has weapons on her fists and feet. Also, her head mono-molecular ribbons, which pop out of the sides of her head, can literally cut you to pieces in the blind of an eye.”
“And that is not even counting the four new members, and whatever weapons Nene's suit now has. Which I can only guess at. Among other things. I am sure the other five are now well trained hardsuit fighters, as well.”
“And that is not even counting how their physical enhancements, from the super-soldier serum, which allows them to push the limits of their hardsuits.”
“And because of all these factors, even I am not that sure what all of their capabilities are.”
“Keep in mind that these women were trained for, and their hardsuits were designed, to fight toe to toe with humanoid killing machines. And their results speak for themselves.”
From the balcony, Sylia said, “Thank you.”
Lee looked up at Sylia, as he said, “You're welcome.” He then turned back to Violin and Aeryn, as he concluded his explanation, “So, as you can understand, and as I already said. Any battle between you and them, would be a long range battle. And, from what I am seeing, your biggest guns in that department, right now, are the elemental and energy abilities of Natsuru, and her family.”
Violin said, “Okay. I appreciate the warning.”
Aeryn replied, “As do I.”
Lee replied, “No problem.” He thought, 'As strange as it is. I really don't want anyone to get hurt, or killed, over me. Of course if I said that. It would ruin the mood.'
Natsuru commented, “The gears of your mind are truly something to behold, Lee.”
Lee turned to Natsuru, as he inquired, “Thank you. So, was I correct?”
Natsuru answered, “Let us just put it this way. My family, and I, would prefer not to find out.”
Lee saw Akira, Ranma, Nodoka, Mikoto, and Yurika, nod in agreement with Natsuru's comment.
Lee replied, “Okay.”
Rock turned to look at her group, as she said, “Yes. Lee is right this.” She then turned back to look up at the Knight Sabers, as she sincerely offered, “Perhaps we can work out something.”
Sylia honestly responded, “Perhaps.”
Spike looked over at Lee. She smirked, as she commented, “Looks like your ass is now up for auction, Lee.”
Shenhua pulled out her kukri long knives, with her right hand. She held the flat of blade, of her knife, against her chest. She smiled innocently, as she said, in sweet tone of voice, “Be happy we don't quarter you, and sell you in pieces.”
Lee turned to Shenhua. He raised an eyebrow, as he calming inquired, “Shenhua, I thought we settled your issues with me?”
Shenhua innocent smile, turned into a smirked, as she responded, “We did. But, that does not mean that I cannot joke about it.” She then put away her long knife.
Lee chose to remain silent, while keeping a neutral expression, as the everyone else, laughed at Shenhua's joke.
Shenhua soon joined in on the laughter.
As everyone else laughed at Lee, and his situation, Lee calmly thought, 'I need to ignore them. As long as they are negotiating, there is still an opening for me to escape. I just have to wait for the proper time to act.'
As the two groups started to calm down, everyone started to hear a buzzing noise, coming from the sky above the. A buzzing noise that was getting closer.
Lee thought, 'Screw negotiation. I think my salvation just arrived.'
Lotton asked, “What is that sound?”
As the sound became ear piecing, Lee stood up using only his legs and feet. While he stood up, he lowered his hands to his sides. He smirked, as he said, “I believe that is my ride.”
Suddenly, a flying drone plane dropped from the sky, like a hawk, as it extended a net below itself, and scooped up Lee, from Lee's right to left, as it quickly rose back up, into the sky, away from the other people, with the writer in tow.
As this happen, Lee immediately made his body into a ball, to protect himself from anyone that shot at him.
Though, right before the net captured Lee, Revy was forced to jump back, to avoid behind his by the net. But, she quickly recovered her footing, as, while she held her damaged pistols, by its barrel, in her right hand. She pulled out her already loaded pistol, under her right armpit, with her left hand, as she shoot at the escaping drone.
More than a few other women and men in the various groups took shots at the drone, as well. But, the flying drone was to fast, with the shots missing both it and Lee.
Meanwhile Rock noticed, that as soon as Lee was in the air, the buzzing disappeared.
Rock though, 'That sound must have been an auditory weapon, to distract us. But, who would sent that... Oh no. We waited too long.' She then looked at the others on the ground, as she mentally noted, 'They are rightfully pissed. And I would guess that the Knight Sabers are angry, as well. I might give them minute to calm down, before I tell them that the police will be here soon. Though, I have no doubt we can handle them, if we have too.'
At the moment, after Revy realized her shots missed, she yelled, “Damn you, Lee!” She then muttered, “I cannot believe Lee escaped, right in front of us, again.”
Eda overheard Revy, along with a few others. Eda complimented, “The man understands the value of timing.”
Lotton and Violin started laughing at Eda's comment, and the sheer absurdity of Lee's escape.
Between laughs, Lotton said, “He did say that he had plan H. I just didn't see how it was going to happen. Of course. He said he was not sure. So, that is why I didn't bring it up with everyone.”
Nodoka said, “That doesn't matter. Though, I guess plan H stands for, help, or hostage rescue?”
Lotton turned to Nodoka. She was still giggling, as she she stated, “That would be a good guess.”
As Lotton and Violin calmed down, Violin commented, “That boy has become one hell of an escape artist.”
Aeryn turned to Violin, as she said, “I think this escape ranks up there with some of yours.”
Violin turned to Aeryn, as she replied, “Yea. And it was surprising, to boot.”
Eda commented, “I wish he was this surprising in bed.”
Violin and Lotton then doubled over laughing at Eda's comment.
Meanwhile, Mal looked up at the Knight Saber, as he asked, “Why didn't your sensors pick up that thing.”
Sylia looked down at Mal, as she answered, “Unfortunately, due to is being so low, and between the sides these buildings, our sensors were masked.”
Spike inquired, “And let me guess. You lost track of it.”
Sylia answered, “Correct. And unfortunately, the remote flying machine is taking signals from an antenna on part of the dome. So, we cannot trace those remotely flying it back to their headquarters.”
Jetta had been overhearing the conversation between Mal and Sylia. She commented, “That figures.”
Dutch said, “So, all this was a delaying action on Lee's part.”
Benny commented, “That man seems to have become a master of delays, bluffs, and counter moves.”
Dutch stated, “And that is exactly what one would expect from a master gambler.”
B asked, “Still, who sent that flying machine?”
Dutch pointed out, “Who else? The cops.”
A second later they began to heard sirens in the distance.
Dutch deadpanned, “Speak of the devil.”
Rock ordered, “Everyone get to your vehicles, and teleport to the agreed upon emergency rendezvous location, in the doom location. Also, you make sure you remain in their point of time, when you arrive at the rendezvous location.” Rock turned to the Knight Sabers, as she stated, “And Knight Sabers, just teleport to somewhere safe in the dome. As soon as we find out where Lee is being held, we will get in touch with you.”
Sylia said, into their radios, “Rock, when you are ready to resume your chance, we will be listening by radio. Let us know. And we will aid you.”
Rock pulled out her radio, as she said, “Okay. We will work out the details to our deal later.” She mentally reflected, 'They broke our encryption, and that is how they monitored us. Though, I don't have a clue how they found out about Lee, and his stories. Let alone got here. And I doubt Lee knows as well... Still, that is a mystery for another time.'
Sylia replied, “That will be fine.”
A second later, the Knight Sabers instantly disappeared, as they used the reality devices built into this hardsuits, to teleport somewhere else.
Meanwhile, everyone on the ground turned and ran across the open field, to their vehicles, and zipcraft. They then used the reality devices built in their vehicles to teleport away, to another part of the domed city they were inside of.
Two minutes after everyone was gone, the police finally arrived, to found they had missed the party. And now the police had to piece together what happened.
At that moment, Lee was carried in the net, in the air, by the drone, towards the city.
Fortunately, there was no buzzing sound, and it was a fairly pleasant ride.
Also, the drone has slowed down a little, making the ride less unpleasant.
As Lee rode in the net, he looked up at underbelly of the drone. Even with his sunglasses on, from the lights of the city, that were getting ever closer, he could see that it was shaped like a giant hawk profile, with two jets where the wings met the body. With the netting located where the talons were suppose to be.
While the wind blew through the net, and onto him, and his hair, he thought, 'I guess that guard got through to the police. As I had hoped he would. And this netting is holding me in a way that is not to uncomfortable. With the drone slowing down to the point the breeze is not that bad. This is good. Now, I have to figure out what I am going to say to the police. And in doing so, how I can convince the police to let me go, before the those after me, track me down, again.'
'Though, for right now. I will just enjoy the ride.'
Lee then leaned back in the netting, as he watching from his aerial view, as he approached the cityscape of illuminated buildings, in the darkness, under the very large, very high dome, of Mars Dome One.
To be continued.
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POLICE intervention
Even I didn't see that coming!
Good job in writing this great tale
but the bigger question is whats next ?
Deus ex Machina
I probably have that wrong, but a machine from the gods is what rescued Lee this time. But if we had the memory of Lee, we probably wouldn't have been surprised, just relieved. He did set it up the first thing when he got in the factory building, having the night guard call the cops, but in the multiple close escapes and detailed interrogations with the women, we, or at least I, forgot. I may have to change one of my assessments of him, I thought he had 9 lives, I think it is more like 90 lives, and he used up a bunch before the cops picked him up. And now another unheard of group, at least in Book 5 comes roaring in like an arrogant group of special forces and then gets cut down to size. The cat and mouse description works, but what about going to a reality that scares Revy and Rock's group? That leaves one wondering as has been stated above "What now?" Can't hardly wait. Now it seems that don't know if the crazy women or Lee's cancer is going to get him first. Keep writing, you've got me on the edge of my seat.