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The Family Girl #062: What can you do?

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #62: What can you do?

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I don't know if you read my blog from a couple of months back, but, in that blog, I talked about a friend who was having problems at home, including fighting a weight problem and a diabetic condition (she had lost a foot already), and her insistence on continuing with transitioning.

As with most families, her family was not uderstanding of her transgender issues, and it has become worse and worse for her (She said, "I have examined my living conditions, and found them wanting."). Her children have even threatened her with violence. She and I talked about it and we both agreed that, if she continues to insist on pushing through with her transitioning, there really is no choice but to move out. She set it for July 1, a date I'm sure she picked at the time because she felt it was far enough away to be comfortable.

Alas, it's July 1 today. And it hasn't happened. I guess I just have to shrug and say to myself, "what can you do?"

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Looking for a story

It's my time again. I am trying to find a story called Being Beautiful or The Importance of Being Beautiful. Author unknown. I know I had copies of it but it's gone now. I think it was on FM, but I can't locate it. If any of you other old people out there have a copy, let me know. It was in two parts, the second part was not as good as the first. The storyline was simple. A guy bets his sister in law she can't make him woman enough to enter a beauty contest for impersonaters, and she wins of course, so she gets to make him beautiful and makes him request it.

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Sometimes it feels lonely

being one of the few intelligent life forms on this planet. Over the weekend I laboured in my garden removing an invasive species of plant, periwinkle, which forms matted roots which required me to use a mattock to get through. I took them to my back garden and tried to burn them. The fire smouldered all night, but didn't destroy half the pest. I'll finish the job tonight, thought I.

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About the Through the years

I am still alive, but I have been busy. I have been searching for a job and not finding anything. I also don't own a car, so I walk everywhere. So when I get home I am tired and don't write. I also am running out of money, so my stress is starting to rise.

I will try and get something Tracy related out soon, but no promises. I have a lot of stuff half done, but currently going back over and changing stuff and also dealing with the thoughts that it may just be too weird.

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One Hundred and Forty-six years ago today

One hundred and forty-six years ago today, a strange, improbable, and fantastic country came into being. Its the most awesome place in the world, for a lot of reasons, but there are two that mean the most to me.

First, its my home and native land, and I'd be glad to stand on guard for it.

Second, its the most tolerant country in the world for trans people like me. Nowhere else would be as welcoming, and I am so proud of my countrymen for that.

Happy Canada Day, everybody.

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What's next? I don't know....

Just so everyone knows what's going on, since most (and I emphasize MOST) of this group has been very supportive in the past (especially with my personal and health issues), I'm at a crossroads. The private-side reaction to Bikini Beach: Heroes has been ugly. Very ugly. What you've read in the reviews and comments is extremely mild. A lot of folks disliked the ending, and let me know. These comments were relatively polite, if at times a bit forceful.

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re-reading "Stark"

thanks to the track feature, I happened to re-read Randalynn's "Stark" stories and once more was hit by how well Randalynn writes. Not for the first time, I wished I could meet Jo Stark, since we have a few things in common ...

For those who havent read them before, or just want to read them again, here is a link:

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Problems responding to a PM or possibly many.

I've been trying to reply to a PM well several from the same person but I get the red line saying that my e-mail didn't go through but it shows in the thread that I posted it. Is this just because the person I'm sending it to is offline or is it something here?

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I need help with a story I'm writing. Can someone help with

reading it for content and flow/edit/proofread or collaborate if you find the premise interesting.I don't mean to indicate I need someone to do all those things or maybe an editor does that anyway. I don't know this is my first attempt at writing for consumption though I have written about 100,000 words in three stories that are gathering dust in my hard drive that I'd like to post.

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Hope to hear from You

Welcome to BC; I see we have at least ten new members to BC. I hope you experience it as a community as well as a place to read and be here just for yourself as the need or desire arises. Hearing from one another through story comments or writing to an author is a neat part of BC for me. I read more than I write; I enjoy comments and hearing from others. It helps as a writer and as a person.

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New Peaches

As RL has been a bitch this week and i'm working hard to get Gaby Book 11 finished before my summer holiday, apart from catching a new Gaby chapter here on BC you can read a new Peaches chapter on my site

Look out on Sunday for part three of Gaby Book 11 which is just 4000 words short of completion!


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Same Sex Marriage To Resume In California

As expected, the Supremes have found that if California officials refused to defend Prop 8 in court because they thought it was unconstitutional, no private citizen could defend it, either. This means, the Circuit Court never should have even heard the appeal, and the District Court decision, which found Prop 8 to be unconstitutional, is the final one.

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The Family Girl #061: It's Too Obvious Now

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #61: It's Too Obvious Now

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

It was actually confirmed February 22, but Sweetie and I haven't been telling anyone. We weren't really keeping it a secret, but we would only tell people if they asked. So we've been able to keep it quiet for a while. Which was something we thought was important. I being a post-op TG girl wasn't the issue (as very, very few here know), but the fact that we were in a same-sex relationship was. Especially in a very conservative, predominantly-catholic country like the Philippines. (Guess that's the advantage of Washington DC - people are more blasé about such things back home.) And adding this to the mix will just make us doubly... controversial... So we though keeping this quiet was important.

But that's impossible now.

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Intolerably conceited

I've been feeling quite down and sorry for myself. My church is being demanding and I am acting like a piteous 14 year old; quite intolerable and disrespectful to boot. So, I threw a right fit today and did not report for work as I had promised. I spent the day sleeping too late, eating too much and drinking coffee which is quite forbidden. In my moping about, it felt as if I have been working far too hard and everyone is being mean to me.

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I feel like giving up

I'm starting to doubt that in my lifetime lgbt equal rights will be a reality. With the stranglehold that conservatives have on the court system, recent Supreme Court decision striking down the voting rights act in defiance of the 15th amendment, a pro marriage equality ruling which is only a small step towards equal rights seems increasingly unlikely. The conservative stranglehold in congress means ENDA has no chance of passing the house, and that is only for employement.

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a typically girly reaction?

had coffee with my friend Erin yesterday, and she asked me if I did anything to augment my breasts. I dont, but the whole time we were talking afterward I was self-conscious about them. It felt almost like I was topless, if you understand what I mean. I've been told this is a pretty normal reaction for a girl ....

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Fan page on Facebook

I figured I would try something new, so I made a fan page on Facebook. Don't you want to be a fan? Please? I need validation. Plus I give updates on books that I don't give here (I rarely post something on facebook and then blog about it here). And I'm planning on doing a ton of pictures. Maybe even me as a mistress/dominatrix, I just have to find a lot of black PVC.

Anyway... You can find my fan page here

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Confused about creating content

Long time lurker and reader but made my first comment yesterday. I'm not certain if the blog link is used in place of creating new thread in most forums I use. Or are there another more accepted manner of asking questions.

Please let me know if I need to ask through these blogs or is there a part of the forum I haven't located?



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messing with gender roles

saw my gender doc today, and after it was over I went downtown on a whim. There was a festival called "The works" going on, which is a celebration of visual arts, and while I wondered around, I saw a big burly guy wearing a skirt. Nothing else was even slightly feminine, he wore socks and heavy shoes, a normal guy's shirt, and he had a beard (and hairy legs). I just wondered why the skirt. What message is he trying to send? "look at me, I'm different"? or is it "I'm such a manly man, I can look manly in a skirt"?

Too bad I was too much a chicken to ask ....

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DERP!!! try to be accommodating to my readers and I write this suppositional little tale based on 'Coming Out'. It is not a part two. The tale ended just where it should have; with a question. Now not only is it listed as a continuing chapter...but it has a different name. Derp!!! Someday I'll figure this all out.

I love you all...


PKB_003b.jpg <---this is what a derp looks like!!!

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The Thing about PRINTED books.

OK, so I bought "Dance of the Bacca" and was really chuffed when I got it. The problem is that it is too difficult for me to read because I have tracking problems with my eyes and need the letters to be a half an inch tall, depending.

So, authors, when you publish a book, would you please give some thought to either making it an e book or selling me the computer version so that I can magnify it on my screen?

Much peace


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Having some fun under a beach umbrella

out down by the water with my SPF 50(freckle woman) Some boys down the way asked us to play volleyball with them. That was fun, had a couple of games, flirted a little though mostly between Jasmine and I. Of course they were probably trying to flirt with us, but Jas and I sort of ignored them and Rae and Jess well not a lot of experience with flirting. Then they started getting grabby, so we came back to our spot on the beach.

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Ebooks available outside of Amazon

I have made several books available on Kobo and Smashwords. This is so I can branch out and see what else is out there. So far, it isn't looking promising, but I figured that may be because I haven't told anyone about it. So, here is the official announcement.

I will be making a total of 5 books available on other platforms. So far I have 4 on the kobo and 2 of them on Smashwords. I will eventually get to all 5 as a test run. These titles will be available:

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Cousin located. Phone conversation yesterday.

Thanks to Pippa and her bulldog-like dedication, I DID locate and talk with my first Cousin in New Mexico. He was, of course, quite surprised to hear from me since it has been almost 35 years since last we spoke. Our separation wasn't for any personal problems, but more a case of moving around. Myself through the military, and him because of family and business opportunities.

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Floods in Calgary

Although I was born in New Brunswick, I consider Calgary, Alberta to be my childhood home. I was there from age 5 until age 19, except for the year I spent in Denver, so we're talking 13 years in the city during my school years.

Well, right now, my childhood home is under water.

A flood the likes never seen before has hit southern Alberta, causing the evacuation of more than 100,000 people, and some brave souls have taken to Facebook to post pics of what the city looks like, and its ... devastated.

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Sorry no Bike tonight.

Been out watching hedgehogs in my garden then had to listen to an hour long phone call from my needy friend. It's been an exhausting week, culminating in my working twelve hours yesterday and Tuesday. I am knackered, though enjoyed the hedgehogs - have a family of four zipping round the garden.

Hopefully normal service will be resumed tomorrow.



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So a favorite litte birdy has informed me that a story called Bishop, another one in the works is a sequel LONG LONG overdue to No Obligation, and for you Whedon types a new Firefly chapter to boot....

Same little birdie also may need so encouragement and cheering from the peanut gallery to get her in the right frames of mind to get at them.

So p;ease everyone clap you hands and say "I do believe in fairies. I do believe in fairies..." May not help, but at least I'll feel better :)

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a reconciliation with my brother?

Well, my brother has made some moves toward us moving past some of the hurts from the past. It all started when I sent him a message thanking him for coming to my poetry reading, and I talked about something he had mentioned at the time, that he felt like he was mourning the death of his brother Todd. I said that if you want to think of it that way, Todd laid down his life so I could live, so he was a hero.

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Anyone out there in Albequerque N.M.?

I'm trying to locate my cousin who, at last knowledge, was living there. I am, when it comes to using search engines on the internet, a complete dummy... clueless if you will. If you live there or near there, please contact me for his name. I haven't seen or heard from him in over 30 years and we were, or at least seemed to be, close pals when we were kids and teens.

Thanks in advance.
Catherine Linda Michel

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Gender reassignment surgery

In September of this year I will be undergoing Gender Re-assignment Surgery. I met with DR. Sherman Leis in Bala Cynwyd today and we set the date. I am healthy in all aspects and am ready to make the step I have been waiting to make for a long time. The Surgery will take place in Philadelphia. I have met with Dr. Leis several times. I made my decision based om location, availability and if an emergency arises I am close to the surgeon.
I have met some of his patients and they speak highly of him. I do trust him and have saved the money for the surgery.

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So... some of you might have noticed the fic I posted. Yeah... it was a surprise to me too. Ranma literally mugged me this morning and made me write and edit this today. It's fun and is a nice Epilogue to that story. It's not being helpful in other ways but it's at least something.

I can't remember if I told you all when I sprained my wrist? That had me out for like 5 weeks. Once that was gone I strained my ribs while sleeping. While effing sleeping! If only I could fire my body and hire a new one. Oy! But other than the pain how was the play Mrs. Lincoln? ;)

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Help get me ready for the Trans wedding of the century

The wedding between J. Felix and Katie Leone is definitely going to happen. We are aiming for late summer 2014. This gives people plenty of time to save money for travel expenses and the such. I know Dorothy wants to be a bridesmaid and I've asked Jenn C.. I am dead set on having Erin Halfelvin (because I never know if I should use her real name) to be my Matron of honor. We are getting set to go into premarital counseling. I've got a dressed picked out. But there is a lot to prepare for in a little over a year.

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I'm dancing a merry jig/story update

So... I know some people aren't going to understand this, but I'm rather happy I've finally figured this out and I need to share. (I'll post a story update below so that the whole blog isn't a complete waste). I've been driving myself up the wall trying to figure out a discrepancy in word count between Scrivener and a compiled document when loaded in MS Word or Libre Writer. Scrivener, is a word processor geared toward writers and is probably the best the purchase I've ever made. It let's you organize your story into sub-documents which can be dragged and dropped anywhere you like.

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Life is going to be getting very busy for me here soon, and staying busy for quite some time to come, so I need all the time I can get prepare myself for it. Time that otherwise would have been spent penning out stories. This is to say that I'm leaving BC/TS and that I don't know when, or even *if* I'll be coming back. Should that day come, I'll see you all then. If not, then it's been a fun ride and I thank you all for tolerating me here.


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The Children's Book Project - New info

As some of you may know, I've been trying to get my children's book done. I finally got some preliminary drawings of the first two pages and have added them to the story file. Unfortunately, I can't move the story back to the first page and don't want to repub something as new that isn't.

So, if you want to see the new artwork for But I'm not a Boy, please take a look. The link is here,

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Is Marina Twelve still actively writing?

It seems I'm coming across a lot of unfinished stories on my hard drive lately. I recently read Marina Twelve's hard hitting space saga 'The Last Frontier' and 'The Last Frontier - 100 over 10'. While doing so I also found two stories in the same universe that Marina had started but never returned too. They were 'TLF - The fifth Vector ch.1' and 'TLF - Dark Matter ch.1'. Hopefully she's not gone from the community and one day will pick up her gritty and gripping stories again!


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My New Tale...

I am currently in the midst of another massive literary undertaking when I got the urge to take a break. I felt the need to write a little tale about coming out. There has been much in the news this past year or two about various people coming out about their sexual, and gender, choices. I have always had strong opinions about coming out but I’ve yet to really set something down in words. Thus…this new tale.

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Too descriptive

Some of you know that I have been working on a very frank and blunt autobiograpy. In the initial chapters there is a character who was extremely angry, violent and abusive. He swore constantly. I plan to publish this on the open market, using my old name. I think it will piss some of the family off, hopefully.

So in describing this individual do I use all the swear words that he did, or should I just try to explain how profane he was?

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I wanted to thank everyone who responded to the other blog. That's one thing so wonderful about this site is how supportive we are with one another. While other sites try to tear others down, we are building each other up.

I am in a little bit better mindset. Felix and I are brainstorming things we can do at home to help. I may do one of those kickstarter promotions in order to get the piece of exercise equipment I need (I find that I don't lose weight with just dieting and I don't live in a neighborhood where I can simply walk around without being accosted.)

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Well If All We're Going To Do Is Remake Stuff...

Superman. Not a story but a franchise. As predictable as a McDonalds and just as hard to swallow. Give Lex Luthor a lump of that colour kryptonite that removes his powers permanently, or make Lois Lane his sworn enemy and I might be persuaded to change my mind.

In the myriad ice ages between now and when they finally decide to do something original in Hollywood, here's an idea for a remake.

I'm still waiting for this babe to get her own show. I fell in love with her when I was 9 and you know what they say about first love.

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