TopShelf Blogs

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Thank you BCTS

I wanted to say a special thank you to all of you who have blogged or posted stories here or on BTCS's sister sites. In the 3 years that I have been visiting BCTS I have read a lot in order to better understand myself and other people's orientations.

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Bradley Manning Transgender

Bradley Manning, the soldier who released classified documents to Wikileaks' trial is now in the sentencing phase. Apparently, he is using as part of his justification for acting as he did that he is transgender. The stories I've read on different sites and heard on the news seem to conflict in what he is asking for or saying. But basically, as I understand it, he is using his claim to be transgender to indicate some level of incapcity which should have a bearing on his sentence. (I am using he and not another pronoun since his claim is confusing).

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New Source for Public Domain Art

The Getty Museum has begun scanning and placing their collection of artwork that is Public Domain online. That means there are a lot of neat pieces of art that may be used free without seeking permission from them to use it. They ask that you credit them for scanning it in your notes. I know a lot of individuals look for artwork for their stories here, so I thought I would share. You would definitely need to resize the images from their current size to use though (easy with Gimp or Photoshop). Anyway, here's the link to their press release, and a link to the gallery!

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056) Of Foxes of Fire, Diagnostics & the Outta Control RAM.

Holy crapolie. I just solved my super retarded Firefox memory problems I've been having since like. They started coming out with new whole version increments in a constant flood. If anyone else has been fighting this, the solution is simple: disable the following services and shut them down: Diagnostic Policy Service, Diagnostic Service Host, and Diagnostic System Host.

Restart Firefox and browse with 50+ tabs open with NO MORE SLOWDOWNS! YAY!

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Just had a shocking conversation

I just had a shocking conversation with my mom. I was on the phone with Jaci, and apparently my mom remembers me coming home from school in a dress at age 13 and doing a little twirl for her. For some reason, this is making me tear up ...

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Should I give people what they want

I haven't posted a story in what seems life forever. Sure, I posted a poem a little while ago, but that's not the same thing. Rest assured, I am in the middle of a grand work. It is 180k words and still going strong (I don't look forward to editing).

When I don't post new things, sometimes I go back and look at comments and reviews from old stories. And since I sold a small boatload of God Bless the Child books last week I decided to check out the reviews for smiles sake.

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Re-watching the movie "Labyrinth"

I'm re-watching the movie "Labyrinth", and it occurs to me how necessary it was that the protagonist be a girl. I mean, the whole movie only works because its a girl doing the adventure. What do you think?

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Holly Happy Hart is seriously ill and...

is in hospice care as I type this. According to the best information I have right now, she is not expected to live much longer unless hospice care can bring her back.. Apparently the cancer was worse than we knew. This might be the hardest thing I've ever had to write.

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How many motorcycle enthusiasts are readers here?

After reading SamanthaMD's story about a girl and a motorcycle and reading the comments, I wonder how many readers rode or still ride motorcycles? I know I mentioned that I ride on several occasions, but I'd like to know other readers that did the same.

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Hiding behind my weight and facial hair

I wish that being trans was my biggest problem. I'd be darn new home free now. Instead I get to try and deal with both PTSD and a boatload of mental problems as well. For example, my friend Jaci and I were talking and I mentioned that I hadn't shaved in days, giving me a pretty scruffy face. She asked me why I hadnt shaved, and I told her it was for the same reason I struggle with the idea of losing 40-50 lbs. In both cases, its to protect me from the notice of men.

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Cynthia and the Solicitous Sisters-In-Law

I've posted a new story, Cynthia and the Solicitous Sisters-In-Law, Part 1. The story will be in three parts. I played with the idea of posting it all at once because it is quite short - only 14,500 words; however, decided to do it this way. The action picks up considerably in the next part. I think there may be a message in the story; however, at the moment, I'm not too sure what it is.

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Firefox geek needed

I need the assistance of someone who knows all the ins an outs of Firefox 22.0. I've been running Firefox as my preferred browser for many, many years and it's always performed beautifully. Then last week, suddenly it's incompatible with my Windows 7 home premium OS. They've been getting along famously for a year and a half and now I can't get it to fully load. It starts and then without even starting to display it quits.

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Weight loss support group

Dorothy and I have been talking about starting a support group for those of us who want to shed some weight. I've tried some groups online and they've not been much help. They don't understand us or our special needs. At one when I admitted my age, I was told politely that the group was for younger people. At another when I foolishly revealed myself to a woman who I thought had become a friend, she outed me to everyone and I was asked to leave.

Here's part of my last message to Dorothy:

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My comment on the BET issue is hard to find, here it is.

I cannot believe all the negative comments on this article... and about Transsexuals. This person was DISCRIMINATED against for being who she is! Hello? Any of that sound vaguely familiar to anyone else? Gee, what about the Blacks and their fight for THEIR rights? What about women and THEIR fight or their rights? I suppose all you negative folks here think that all blacks should still be slaves and all women should be barefoot and pregnant, huh? Remember this. The same things you all are saying about Transsexuals, were said about blacks and women who were fighting for equality!

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International Ambrosia.

Just for general curiosity what is your Ambrosial foreign food? I could just say Ambrosia in general and I think most would say something domestic, from their region so I decided to make it interesting.
My Ambrosia would be Japchae. It's a Korean dish that features stir-fried Sweet Potato Noodles with beef usually(cept the recipe I use uses dried Shitake mushrooms) and green peppers with a soy sauce that has garlic, sugar and a few other choice items. It is delicious and I wish I was making some right now. My mouth is watering at the thought.

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I guess transgender fiction can sell

I am so happy and excited and I wanted to share my enthusiasm with the site and offer some encouragement to those who are thinking about publishing E-books. There is a market out there and it isn't as small as you may think. If you write good books with global appeal, it will do well. You need to work, you need to market, but it can be done. I'm not the only author on the site who is doing well on Amazon, and I think there are several others who might be wanting to join the ranks.

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breakdown breakthrough

Well, last night I had a bit of a breakdown/breakthrough. I was talking with Jaci (Big surprise, I'm always talking with Jaci, or Kylie, or Ruth ....) and I asked her if she thought I was a fragile as she had told my mom I am, that if I dont move forward toward SRS something really bad would happen to me. She said, "you've had several breakdowns talking to me on the phone, and they are getting worse. The last couple it took both me and Ruth to get you stable again. So yes, I think you're that fragile."

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Sandra Bullock, what the heck ?

So, out of sheer boredom, I was watching Sandra Bullock in "Miss Congenality 2". Lots of T girls in this movie, some of them credible. Well at about 43 minutes from the end, she is having this girly duke out and suddenly her boobs are down round her waist and not staying where they should.

Why didn't they take that part out? I mean she knew she was filming a scene, (not a BDSM scene) but the other kind. Could she not have worn a bra? What was with that? So if her boobs aren't real, why did she not put her bags of rice in a bra?

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a heartwarming and heartbreaking story all in one

I don't know if any of you are familiar with the story of little Logan Stevenson, the little 2 year old boy who was suffering from cancer and served as the best man at the wedding of his parents over the weekend. Sad to say little Logan lost his battle and died Monday night. It was such a sweet story to read and yet it just tears your heart out. If there is one thing in this world that will get to this hard heart of mine, it is child that is in pain for one reason or another. His troubles are now over and I pray the blessings on his family.

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Figuring things out

If you've followed any of my blogs you know that I oft struggle with defining what I do as a writer. I know that may sound weird to some of you but it is very important to me. When writing is a hobby, you can get away with doing whatever you want and I, on occasion, will write as a hobby. When you write as a way of making an income you have to be a bit more defined in what you do. People see your name and they expect certain things from you. So for the last few months I have been trying to figure out who I am as an author. (I view being an author different from being a writer).

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On Being a Proper Woman

Having lived much of my life in the role of a Man, changing to the role of a woman has come as a great surprise to me and it has taken place over a several years. Service in the Military was interesting, but I never seemed to share the same interests as my "Band of Brothers", and by some miracle managed to serve out my term with no serious injuries, or battle trauma.

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A day among butterflies

Well, I took my daughter and her mother to a local botanical garden, and they had a wonderful time. My best moment was in what they called the butterfly house, just standing still and letting these amazing beautiful creatures land on me.

Made having to spend the day in the most androgynous clothes I had and answering to my male name worth it.

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Today is a special day for our beloved Sitemom, Erin Halfelven! It's her BIRTHDAY! She has given up so much for all of us and has given us a place where we don't have to worry about someone putting us down. A place where we can all be who we want or need to be. A place where we can display our writing talents and where we can connect with others to help or be helped.

She has been a major influence on so many, myself included. Without her I wouldn't be a published author.

So let's all join in a rousing cheer for someone who is special to us all.

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Just had an interesting conversation with my mom

Well, I just had an interesting conversation with my mom. She told me that even before I was in kindergarten she worried about the fact I didn't act like a boy at all. So even if I hadn't been raped, hadn't lost my dad, I was still destined to be trans. Nice to have it confirmed by someone who knows me, someone who was there ...

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looking for a story

I never got to reading it, but I wanted to. The only thing I know of on the story is it was on this site and had a picture of a little girl in a field of flowers, arms stretched out and her back slightly arched. if I recall right, there were several chapters, but I can't recall the name

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Interesting proposition

As some may have guessed, my career as a writer is really just starting but it's moving in the right direction. I am selling pretty steadily on Amazon and have another major novel in the works. I have more story ideas than I can shake a stick at, so I should be kept busy for quite a while. Needless to say, I still plan on posting stories to the site, I just don't have anything completed (but 150k words of a new story that should be finished in 2 weeks then editing).

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Kudos to LightofFury AND all authors

I have to say a BIG KUDOS to the mistress of the short story . The story Awakening is the longest story yet and she nailed it a very good plot with everything in it Love,Adventure,Mystery well you get the idea.
I am always amazed at how creative everybody is there is a good reason why we at BCTS are TOP SHELF.
I personally can not THANK every Author that contributes a story enough.
GOD bless all our sisters keep writing .

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Possible spam infiltration

I have just received an email via the address I use solely for BCTS. This appears to be spam and thus means that someone who knows my email addy may have been compromised.

I "viewed source" and it refers to something called Zorbia which is apparently HongKong based. I didn't look any further and I didn't open it. It went in the bit bucket.

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Another TG-related dream

I had a dream in which I was taking part, probably not completely voluntarily, in some sort of medical experiment which involved creating a baby with genetic material from three different people, me and two women, I think. I'm not sure what the purpose of the project was, and I think the baby was incubated somehow rather than implanted in somebody's womb. Anyway, in the dream I asked the people in charge if I could breastfeed the baby myself, implicitly asking them to give me lactating breasts, and it seemed that the request could and would be granted, but I woke up.

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Blind Sided

I just came across an old favorte, Marina Twelve's "Blind Sided", over on Sapphire's Place. The only problem is that I remember there being more than two parts to the story, and there are only two on SP. neither searching this site, nor Google yielded anything relevant.

Any Suggestions?


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Rule One Means...

Disrespecting anyone's profession of belief in a comment, blog or forum post is not allowed on BC. Please don't attempt to embarrass someone with public comments here. But is this a friendly place for atheists? I try to make it so.

You can announce your beliefs without dissing other people's in public. I remove comments and blogs where someone calls out their version of religion as being the only true one. You can announce what you believe or don't believe but no proselytizing. And trying to ridicule other people's beliefs is definitely against Rule One.

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First Same-Sex Weddings Held in Minnesota

Today is the first day for the celebration of same-sex marriages in Minnesota. R.T. Rybak, the Mayor of Minneapolis, began a marathon session of weddings in Minneapolis City Hall at 12:01am and continued performing them personally until after 6:00am. A number of judges from Hennepin County also performed nuptial ceremonies. One ceremony was also performed at the Mall of America's Wedding Chapel.

For photos:

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I got a gift at the V.A. Clinic yesterday.

After my blood tests were finished, I got on the scale just to see what it might indicate. To my shock, it showed that I had lost 25 POUNDS over the preceding couple of months!!!! No, I'm not suffering from some exotic wasting disease, not have I been ill in any other way, save for being sick of heat and humidity.

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Yes, I am perverted.

OK, I freely admit to the duality of my nature. On one hand, I am devout. On the other hand, were I married, things could go way over the top within the confines of our bedroom. It is probably a shock to some of you. In the time when I wished to kill my self, perhaps some will think I should have. Frankly I have an attachment to pain that I did not understand and felt considerable guilt over most of my life. I think only one or two of you actually do understand. I never acted on it they way I wished to.

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The risks of being "retconned" ...

Considering the ongoing interest in comics (and the number of comic retcon stories that were posted on BigCloset some months back), I offer this single strip from Evil, Inc., a comic about a corporation run by super villains. This particular strip is part of a series exploring the work of Divided Way, a charity for super villains who have fallen on hard times.

Hope you enjoy!



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Okay. I know I'm somewhat strange,

but I find myself wondering... How many of you have done what I do? While walking through the mall, I look for the SRU store. Not seriously, mind you... well, sort of not seriously. I actually wouldn't know what to do if I actually found one. I know it's just fiction, but... you know?

Catherine Linda Michel

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Looking for a Story... Again.

Once again I’m appealing for help in tracking down a story that I’ve lost in the maze of my hard drive archives. I think I last read the story within the last two years but I also think it had been hanging around on my hard drive for quite a while before I did read it so it could be as much as five years since it was posted... Somewhere! I believe that the story was quite long, maybe in the mid-twenties of chapters, though I can’t be sure if it was posted as individual chapters or as a single post. I can recall a little of the start and a little of the end...

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A wonderful writer and is on Amazon

A while back Katie Leon and I started a Face Book group Christians who are Trangender, Transsexual and Intersex. Katie has been writing under a new genre Transsexual Christians and her books are selling on Amazon. She is highly talented and very appreciated by those who buy her books. She is in the top 100 authors and her books are quick to be picked up when she puts them on line. It was a major step to start a new genre and it has been accepted. Kudos to Katie for her innovation.

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Well, I go in tonight

My background check came back all clear so I had to do some paper work this after noon. Tonight, I get to go in and work on the computer, doing tests on safety, harassment and other issues and maybe get a crash course in the store. So wish me luck. I have been up since 6 am and may be up till 6 am when I get home.

So as a yay go me, I am posting a new chapter to Through the years.

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