Misha Nova's blog

An Apology to the board.

An Apology to the board.

I have been absent for an extended time from the board due to RL events that kept me from being on line here. We nearly lost our housing, we did louse our internet provider because they went out of business. Money problems topped this list of barriers to my continuing my story.

I did not stop writing I just could not post what I had been writing. So for those who can find it in your heart to forgive my bad manners in being absence from the scene, I have just posted a new continuing chapter of Havens Salvation for your examination.

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15 British Foods Hated Internationally

15 British Foods Hated Internationally

I stumbled across this on Yahoo but can not figure how to link it here. It originates on the Ask web site and as an American I take issue with some of the food listed as probably very good. The names are funny and original things like,Bedfordshire Clanger ,Cranachan , Cullen Skink ,Rumbledethumps , Stargazy Pie [ The fish heads sticking out of the crust was a bit much for me.]

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Back Again

I have just posted the next portion controlled segment of Havens Salvation. I will be making the postings smaller so there is not so much to digest at one time.

Havens Salvation 2-3

I have just posted the next segment of Havens Salvation. I am hoping that this is an original story not based on any others work. It is hard to know for sure beings I have read so many stories both here and in other circles but a extensive check of my memory I can not find any thing like this elsewhere.
I am trying to bring the characters alive for my audience giving the people you read about warm flesh and blood reactions to there environment and to each other. You my audience will be the final judge of that.

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Fresh Meat

After a year of growing, escaping legal entanglements, divorce,
ETC ETC ETC I have been able to continue the story of Michele's discovery that her freedom is with in reach.
All she has to do is let go of her past and start The Climb up to where she belongs in the sun.

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Just an announcement of my posting an entry to the October contest. This is my first self posting so if it is not as neat as it should be it is all my fault. There is nothing seriously intended by this entry in fact it should be considered as a bit of humorous fluff exploring the most dreadful phrase a person could hear. We Need To Talk.

Bailey,s misbehaving Faerie Huggles

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