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Today finds me many thousands of miles from my home in Everett Wa and back in my old stomping grounds around Philadelphia Pa. [ note Next installment of [ HS will be late. ]
I am having a very surreal experience with my visit here being on roads I drove for 20 + years but finding them totally unfamiliar and foreign. IMPORTANT
When I lived in this area before I was deeply in the closet had just started HRT and only was out to a few people and a couple of occasions.
# 1] The 14 years of living in the greater Seattle Wa area has apparently overwritten the old memories of where I lived and toiled before.
#2] May be I am a very different person now after living fulltime since 2002 and becoming the full time mother of my two girls, [Crystal and Anna ] names altered to protect the guilty. He he he
I lean to #2 because I am a very different person than I was before, I am happier, comfortable in my own skin, have gotten the therapy I could not get before, and last but not least I have matured a lot. Parenting does that to most people.
My brain is no longer swimming in hormones it wasn’t meant to operate in. [or on?] My body thoughts emotions etc etc are all congruent to my identity.
I also assume that unlike my beliefs and rational then I was just changing gender not my brain so I should be the same person just an updated body.
My rational is no longer necessary so delete that excuse, and my experience has transcended and trumps any past beliefs. I am a very different person as a female than when I was trying to ape being a male.
What is your opinion?
End error report. Just pulling your leg
I've said before that
we're not just the same person in a different wrapper, we change with time and experience. Hopefully you're happier and so are your girls. I hope your trip is a safe one.