Feeling fleeting connected with Piper today.

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I will tell you about this to explain something about that.
Years ago when I was 16 [ last century ] my family took a trip to an area in Utah that was known for its Anasazi ruins.

When we were walking through this very dry desolation canyons the signs were everywhere of these ancient people. They were not the huge ruins of Mesa Verdi but small ones of 10 or less families, probably all related. . We found small piles of chipped flint where the hunters had sat watching for game making arrow heads as he sat hidden from the games view. Holding those chips in my hand I could feel a connect to the person making the arrow head when they were alive all those centuries ago. There were pottery shards scattered about from those I could almost feel the women's hands working the clay and painting the pots.

Today I had an experience like that but because Piper was doing some service work which she had warned us about. There could be short interruptions as she re-cabled things for better service.
I use to do this type of work in the past so when one interruption occurred to me, today, I could see her cute face seriously studying the work she was doing as she sure fingered her way through the job helping us be able to have our web site.

Piper you are a very special person thank you for a nanosecond or 2 of this contact.

