Tailing's of this tale
This is the beginnings of a journey I hope you will find entertaining and hopefully thought provoking.
This is the first step on a trail that may cover several book length stories all intertwined with each other. Yes I am certifiably crazy for starting this but it is my humble hopes that may make it into print.
The inspiration for this attempt runs many decades back into my misty past during the last century. And the fuse was lit when I watched a commencement address at Harvard by a very well known author. It admonished the audience not to be stopped by failure but that failure is an essential ingredient to success. I in many ways have a life like that author as I am as broke as any one can be in America and still have housing. I have two children and no spouse as they have gotten lost along the way. In so many ways that the normal American judges these things by I am a total failure. But I am not that normal person Thank the goddess for that, so I am using my sixty years of living and the words and encouragement of my creative consulates Anna and Crystal. And the incredible faith of Bailey Summers to Phoenix into a writer that people want to read.
My story will be as original as I can create and still be understood and in no way to be a copy or ripoff of any other story teller. Remember you are there at the beginning of the very first story of the world of the Blessings and Redemption epic song lines. Please be generous with your comments so I can make this effort better for you my audience.
Misha Nova January 3 2014