Havens Salvation Chapter 1 Finding Home

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Ann McLaren
When James meet her at Hadrian's wall.

Havens Salvation -1
Finding Home


Editorial salvation by djkauf

Creative Consultancy by

Bailey Summers,

My wonderful, funny, insightful and talented girls [ Anna 12y] and[Crystal 9y]

Ms Mary Adelaide Wilkinson [ my mother who dragged me all over the back roads of Colorado bringing those historical souls back to life. ]

Teha Kendi Actress Playwright Director Screen writer. Mother Best Friend, Wife, and the first person to give my writing a good review.

With out all of the efforts from the above this story would never seen the light of an audience.
Misha Nova January 3 2014


Phaedrus The Elder

As sleepy little towns go, Haven was about half way between Cat nap and Rip Van Winkle. Unfortunately for the residents it was slipping into Rip Van Winkle more everyday. Sleepy was a tourist attraction, comatose was a ghost town. The town residents are not lazy or stupid but rather ham-strung as to how to solve their problems.

In the beginning


Haven was born Phoenix like from the ashes of a abandoned mining town. Mining towns come and go suddenly, on the whim of their owners. This location was originally named Forest City. It and several others were owned by the same mining company, and simply outlived the company's need for them. One morning in the late fall , the townspeople were informed that any who did not want to make a thirty mile trek back to civilization on foot needed to be on the 9:00 am train.

Food was left hot on the table, beds left unmade, property abandoned, dreams were shattered and the past forgotten, when that last train pulled out. Suddenly, Forest City and her sisters became ghost towns empty and silent.

What was one person’s ship wreck became another meat and veg. Enter my personal friend, Count Amon Shelgrem. . Amon was a robust Swede who like his ancestral Viking relatives thrived on physical challenges. He hunted to put fresh meat on his table, hiked and climbed. He was a gambling man, in both the world of investment, and the American game of poker.

Mineshaft of love.

The American industrialist John Osgood was in Aberdeen, Scotland attending a banking appointment with some Scottish bankers. Amon and Ann were investing in Osgood’s mining operations in Colorado, America. John was at a reception where he was introduced to Countess Alma Shelgrem, Amon's sister. Then and there John fell into the mineshaft of love.

The next year at a stock holder meeting John was asking Amon's advice concerning John’s desired

proposal to Alma. Amon suggested to John that if he wanted Alma's hand in marriage a proper house would be good incentive. The house could not be in Denver as that was Molly Brown’s town and what ever John was to build it needed to fit his sister’s station as a countess.. John took the advice seriously and after a major face lift to his hunting lodge in Redstone, Colorado. Amon's sister, Countess Alma Regina Shelgrem, accepted the proposal of John Osgood.

Ann and myself were there as wedding guests. I allowed myself to partake in the poker game where the Count won the property of Forest City from the owner who used it to collateralize his bet. A year later Amon ,through a proxy, purchased the rest of the abandoned parcels of property that Washington Mineral and Refining [WMR] owners dumped for two hundred thousand dollars in 1898.

. In 1900, Amon brought my ladyship and myself, to this abandoned town of Forest City. We were shocked at what we found. We came out of the last rail tunnel, before the town station. The view was spectacular even with so much of the landscape stripped of trees, immediately you knew from the silence we were the only people in a sixty mile radius.. We looked over the town and started to look up at the spectacular landscape around us when Amon told Ann

“ All those years ago you befriended me with love and generosity. My lady Ann McLaren I Count Amon Shelgrem declare that this town of Forest City, and all of the district connecting it to the rest of the former WMR claim is here by transferred to you and your sacred order of fine women trying to save the world from its self. I do this on my own free will as as a token of gratitude to you Ann for making me into the man I have become.”

Ann is a Scot like me, and we are not prone to being over generous with emotions. With Amon's announcement Ann turned to me with tears of joy and wonder and spoke in the old tongue.

“James we have found our Haven, from the madness of the world around us. Here is where I will make my stand, From here I will run no more”

We stood our ground for ninety years then one morning ten years ago. I found my beloved Sorceress unresponsive and cold to the touch. I had lost my best friend and the town lost their magical protector. All because I could not protect her from magical attacks, so what good was I as a protector.? This thought drove me to total distraction. So after I returned to my home in Scotland, I retired from active service.

It was a long ten years before I was heard the name of Haven again, and it was all because a woman who was lost made the right turn and blundered into the welcoming arms of a home she had never seen before.

Present time

On the road again


I love driving, especially when I have no place to really be. This was a real zen moment, seeing the dappled sun shining through the trees. Even my radioactive kids had fallen under the enthralling magic of the peaceful late afternoon sun. Crystal was smiling and looking at the mountain country side as it passed by the window. Today Anna realized why mama decided to take a break from the house hunt. I decided now was the time, to hunt for our bliss instead..

The children and I had lived the past six months constantly under severe stress, and depression. All of this caused by one psychotic man bitch, landlord... Our land Lord Kurt loves tormenting us any way he could. . He would get us up really early just to harass us. His office was in the front of the building our apartment was in the back. Every morning, when he opened, he would make all kinds of racket, banging and yelling at his people, so we could not sleep. He never moved the stuff he had stored in our apartment from before he rented to us, the apartment needed repair that he could not get to. How he got past the housing department inspection, I do not know.

Dodging A bullet.

.Yesterday, Thursday morning, I lost it. I had come into the office with my kids to pay rent before going shopping. He took my rent check and started telling me that the liberal law forced him to rent to crappy trans freaks like me, who had crappy kids, and we lived in crap. This was in front of his office staff and customers. Say what you want to me, but insulting my children in front of them went to far.
Not to get back, but to get ahead, I sent an Email video a customer made of the fight with one I had made of our living conditions. That afternoon I got permission from our section 8 manager to leave and look for a better place to live. There was also a warning that I needed to be gone before Friday at nine AM. . Friday morning we had the car packed and we hit the road before the sun lit the top of the trees. Getting into our car I was surprised to find an envelope on my front seat. On the front was “Read After You Are Gone”.

Thirty seconds later we were out of the driveway heading east into the Cascade mountains. Just after we left I saw in the rear view mirror Kurt's truck entering the parking lot followed shortly by several official cars behind him, driving into the parking lot of the dump we lived in.

Ditching Kurt left us in a great mood, and laughing all the way to get breakfast at a diner on the outskirts of Everett. I love Washington State. It is a wonderful place to live. Our family’s sweet spot was here in the Puget Sound area. Sandwiched between the rugged Cascades mountains to the east and the majestic Olympics mountains to the west. We lived in between on the eastern edge of the Puget Sound.

I really didn't want to move from the Everett area, but the costs of rent had slipped out of our financial range. Stacy, our housing representative with our housing program, suggested we try farther into the Cascade mountains for lower rents. There was a lot of other information in that packet but I would need to read that when I got a chance.

Change of Plans

After three days of driving and fruitlessly searching for our next home I decided to change tactics. I thought why not look for what makes us happy. If we find that, we may find our home. I called Stacy to let her know our progress and she reminded me about the package I had forgotten to go through. She then informed me that because of our assistance in catching Kurt red handed and bringing him to heel, there were some hotel vouchers available for us. We needed to stay away from the scene of the crime for our safety.

“ Betty, you and your kids need some time off for good behavior after all this mess you were caught up in. Take some time looking for a new place. The fact is you need to stay away from here just to be safe."

Three days all the richer.

This brings me back to my now and my love of driving going no where in particular, enjoying the total lack of drama. Three days of camping in a tent, cooking on an open fire revitalized me. I was again in my power place here in the woods, among all of the goddess's creations. This morning when I got up, things felt 'specially' different. Something had shifted in our universe for the better. So I say to my self

“Betty, smell the zen and 'just' be in the moment.” Yes, when the mood strikes I talk to myself.!

Phoenix in flight

Right now this moment the wind is in my hair as the road stretches out to the horizon, and the sun is shining lowly through the leaves of the trees forming a lovely tunnel over a two lane black top county road. The sign told us we are heading to the junction of state route 265 in 4 miles and Haven 9 miles.

This road was paved over old time railroad grade. The road was narrow and not well maintained. The low sun had hidden a rough road section allowing it to ambush our aged Caravan. My lower teeth nearly broke my upper teeth when I ran over the tank trap like road hazard. This road’s reality, punctuated my bad back. It spasmed from slamming into my seat. I quietly winced in pain. My back was bad from a car accident five years ago so times like this reminded me of the worst day of my life.

“Mama, are we there yet”, Anna and Crystal whined in unison then giggled at my sour face in the rear view mirror. . Anna then noticed me grimacing and responded.

“ Mama are you Ok? can I help?

“ Believe me if you could I would be asking now. I just need a break from the driving for a day or so. I love to drive but it gets old on my back, baby.”

Anna offered “I just saw a camp ground sign a mile or so back we could deal for another night.”

Just then a sign came into view indicating a town called Blessings to be north 60 miles and Haven straight ahead 5 miles.

“Mama, Crystal giggled, whats a haven? Is that like a hamster?”

I do love her wacky sense of humor at 9; I wondered if Jonathan Winters, or for gods sake, Bill Cosby, were as funny at her age.

“No silly it’s a place, not a critter, dearie.”

That word dearie just made Crystals face shrink into a Mr. Yuck sticker expression.

“I hate that word, mama, it makes you sound so really old, and you’re not old, not yet.?”

“No Crystal, I am not! Old. 'yet'. I have just reached middle age. Uncomfortably but with no real health problems, to speak of. “Ouch.”!

The next sign simply stated, Haven 3 miles. “ And none too soon.” I said under my breath.

Seeking Haven .

We had gone through several very narrow tunnels as we wound up higher into the mountains. After three days of exploring , driving, and camping, it was time to look for a place to sleep in a real bed after a long soak in a tub. We soon found ourselves coming out of the last of the tunnels into a valley. There was a “Welcome to Haven” sign. Crystal, the youngest, made another joke about the funny name with her older sister Anna, asked , sadly,

“I wondered if that included us.”

What I saw was a tidy and nice town but most of the frontage businesses along the highway were dark this early in the evening. With the tourist season not over yet, for them to be closed was shocking. My first impression was that the energy here, compared to where we had been living, was sweet, positive, and relaxed but in the really lazed ghost town kind of way. When I parked the car I was captivated by the total beauty that was around me. Opening the car door I was overwhelmed by the surrounding. The hills were still scarred by the abuses from the past. Greed leaves deep scars. The dead areas were softened by the over whelming greenery showing the resilience of nature. When my energy sagged I was reminded just how much I needed to rest. Because my gut instinct told me to park in front of 'The Havens Rest Inn' in the center of town I went with my gut instincts about feeling that this was a good place.

Because I could clearly see the office from the car, I could leave the kids safely in the car rather than bring my circus in with me. So with my best smile and foot forward, I went the office hoping being a woman with kids was still a bit of a blessing here and maybe held some coin to being reasonably treated .

Let's Have Some Fun

The fragrance of the late summer flowers hung in the air, as I entered the office. I found the office full of foliage with natural materials filling in the balance. This was really pleasant thinking in office design giving the illusion of still being outside.

I was thinking to my self that if the rooms were like this I would love to stay. Because it would be better to set up the tent again, rather than put up with a dirty room that reeked of cigarette smoke. Still the voice in my head insisted, the command for the night was comfort. So this is where the voice delivered me.

The office was neat and smart in appearance, easing my concerns somewhat. I was then cheerfully greeted by a young women who appeared to be about fifteen but acted ,and sounded twenty five. The young woman's manner was refreshingly pleasant.

“ My name is Samantha and welcome to Havens Rest Inn. How can we help you maam?”

The formality of Samantha's greeting caused me to counter in a pretend Elizabethan Shakespearean dialect I play with at Renaissance fairs.

“ Merry meet my fine mistress. Prithee might there be room within your inn for a weary traveler, and her two young charges.”

Samantha's face lit up hearing some one who could joke and be funny. Pressing the call button on top of the counter she let the people in the back of the house know that there was a guest to be cared for, and there presence `was required. It was five PM so still early in the evening with the summer sun not departing in the hills until after six PM.

“My lady, surely we have the accommodations you seek., If I may inquire, should your charges be separately accommodated, or would a shared room be appropriate.”

“My charges are my own younger daughters. So both tradition, and frugality requires, we share a room. And beings I am quite fond of my children's and there company, and they are like wise fond of mine. We would not wish to suffer the others absence.”

“Frugality is wisdom these days my Lady, perchance is there any other services I may render or avail to thee during your stay.”

“ This evening, we likewise seek a place to sup well , The travails of our journeys means the victuals have been sparse, and the quality quite wanting. Pray tell do thee have a recommendation of a dependable establishment for us to seek redress of this situation anon?. ”

“ Verily indeed I do. the dining establishment next to our Inn is both frugal in its pricing, but ample in quality, and service. It should well meet your needs. Be pleased to inform them, you are staying here for a surprise gift at the end of your supper.”

A slightly older version of Samantha appeared at the curtained door behind the counter and inquired “What's up, Sammie?.”

“May I be pleased to introduce my sister Neomie” . Samantha smoothly spoke. Sam informed Neomie of our needs and desires, then Neomie continued the linguistic sparing.

“ We are honored by your presence my lady; if it pleases thee may I assist thee?

“Verily Mistress Neomie as I do find that pleasing circumstance where may I inquire would I stable my mount and carriage for the night.”

Neomie had been entering information from my drivers license and room information into their computer when the desk phone rang and she answered it.

“Hello, Desk, so you have heard? Yes it is open no booking for now or in the near future. Sounds good, mama. Ok talk to you later. My lady Bette . If you would lead your mount and carriage around the side of our keep, you will find the accommodations for yourselves and your mount. If it would please ye would thee care to sup, while we finish preparations to your room I pray thee, will find both your dining , and stay here pleasant.

I was not to be out done. I smiled then slightly bowing to my hostess then with a flourish of a make believe hat commented .

“ Your curtsey serves you well, and fetches me a smile, knowing that proper and courteous service, survives within the hamlet of Haven Shire. I beg your pardon, so that I may take my leave of your delightful company to prepare to sup then retire for the evening tide.”

All was smiles in the office as Samantha and Naomi went about the chores of getting ready for another guest tonight. Business was slow but the little motel did more than most as it was AAA recommended and the location of Haven was just right for travelers along this route to stop for the night.

Filling the empty spots

The kids and I were hungry so after parking the car I gathered myself, my purse and my herd of two cats, and off to dinner we went. We had only a short walk to the restaurant, finding that it was as recommended, clean, with delicious food, and the waitress Marge was friendly and the service excellent.

The girls joked with the bar tender about how to properly make a Shirley Temple. The evening’s meals for the three of us, including desert, cost with tip $15 the surprise was a free breakfast with some coupons for the local stores.

Holy Hilton

Walking back to the room the girls were giggly, and of high spirits. For the first time in a long time, the quiet desperation of our lives was lifted. Both Crystal and Anna were bouncing on their toes and chanting” shower shower shower” before we even got to the stairs the car was parked in front of.

We grabbed the little we needed from the car and went up to the level our room was on. Anna opened the room door with a flourish. The next thing I heard was Anna shouting,

“Wow, mom, this is really great, what a room; it looks like a small house.”

Off the two kids bounded into the room like bunnies playing tag. When I reached the door held open by Crystal’s pack “ Holy Shit.” was only thing I could say!

The view from the door was overwhelming. It was a spacious suite more like a very up scale condominium suite. When I entered , I then noticed, it was even larger than I first thought. The 'room' including a lounge area, a patio over looking a small lake and field below, a galley kitchen the size of an apartment kitchen. Next the girls came tumbling out of a door that went to two separate nice bedrooms. Anna excitedly told me that I had a Jacuzzi tub in my bathroom.. Thinking this can't be right, it must be a mistake I rushed to call the front office.

“ Front desk, Neomie speaking, how can I help you Betty?”

“Neomie is this our room or did we get the wrong key?”

“ No I didn't give you the wrong key, mom told me to give you the new condo suite because it was open and why not let you be comfortable during your stay here. We hope if you like us you will come back, or maybe recommend us to your friends.”

“ Wow, thank you very much, I am in the market for looking for housing so I was thinking of looking in this area. Do you have any discounts if we stay for about 3 to 4 days, maybe a week. ”

“ We do have one week rates but let me talk to my mom and see if I can get you something a bit better. While I am at it I will ask her to call my uncle who does leasing and rental properties as a side job.”

“ Super; that's a great help, tell your mother we love the apartment and I wish to personally thank her.”

“ I will do that Betty, have a nice evening. We are open until 10:00 if you need any thing.”

Icing on the cake

I got the children bathed, to bed, the night time stories were told ,water drunk, then I announced the final call for the bathroom, before I released the nighttime guard dragon, who liked to nibble little girls toes. . At eight o clock their day ended well.
After finishing my Jacuzzi bath my back felt a lot better. I wanted something hot to drink but could not find any of the courtesy tea or coffee. Calling the office I requested some tea for a evening libation.

Neomie was still at the front desk, and received the request with a pleasant tone of voice informing me that it was an oversight. I should have received a complimentary basket of local products, including teas and some fresh baked goods.

“ I will have Sam drop that off for you in a few moments, do you like coffee, we have a local roster who is quite good at his trade.?”

“ Yes I love coffee but I do need some moo with it as I can’t drink it black.”

“By moo I think you mean cream or half and half,. and not powdered creamer.?”

“Yes, thank you for knowing the difference. I can't pollute good coffee with fake creamer or the coffee Gods will curse me for the rest of my life with bad store brand coffee.”

Neomie laughed “ I hope you do decide to stay around, we get our share of people here, but most of them just are customers going here, or there. There are a few like you that I want to remember, or get to know. “

Great, that’s so sweet, thank you Neomie. Allow me let you go. It's really nice to meet and talk to friendly people for a change. “

Getting my bearings

I am finding there are so many really compelling things about this town, I felt lighter, and welcomed not just tolerated. The room was quiet and the children were sleeping peacefully allowing me to partially drop my protective wardings. These allowed me to sense more around me. Using shields, as I call them, allowed me to travel with out being noticed or seen by other maybe not nice sensitives. Reaching out passively just taking in the ambient energies very lightly. I was surprised to find the surrounding local energy to be even more positive than I originally sensed .

Going a little farther I sensed the emanations of powerful field of energy. It was an old and slightly weakened veil, but it was still holding the negative and chaos energy at bay.

Interesting to find this here, I haven't sensed this high of craft since I was apprenticing in Scotland. I am impressed with how very tightly woven and well focused it was. But looking at it closer I saw that it need some desperate attention. I wonder where the care taker is I would love to meet them.

Serving the Servant

The knock at the door shifted my attention back into the physical realm. Raising my barriers again I answered the door. It was Samantha carrying a lovely basket full of goodies. Accepting the basket from Sam who gave me a quick explanation of the content and their source.

“This is so unexpected; thank you so much I cant seem to say that enough. “

“Nothing special here; just a way of spreading business around for the other great businesses that are in town. We have a really nice place here and mom and dad promote it where ever they go. I have some other things to do for our other guests so I need to hit the boards.”

“ What did the boards ever do to you and does your mother know you have lumber abuse issues.”

“ Betty, you sound like my aunt. And that's an old joke, very funny, the way you used it but old. “

Samantha smiled and departed with a pleasant good night. Moving into the little kitchenette near a small round table I was able to examine the contents of the basket.
The tea selections were perfectly matched to my tastes. There was some obligatory hot cocoa packets but the same brand I allowed the children because of their lack of objectionable ingredients, and the good business practices of the company. The local baked goods were muffins, just the correct selections for the girls’ tastes. Crystal liked plain poppy seed and the Anna likes lemon poppy seed ., Also there was two of my most adored everything bagels. The basket was complete with Nutello spread. , There also was individual cream cheese for the bagels and half and half for the coffee both were locally produced. The tiny containers were in a bag labeled “please refrigerate”.

I had to smile as I put the refrigerated items away. There was a warm wave of honest welcome not just from any one person but from the entire substance that made up the town. It was like the town itself was welcoming my family and me. This was the first time, in about five years I felt this. And that was the time before we lost Jenny when our family was complete and together. That was when everything was fine and love was strong.

In that breathy second there was a familiar nuzzle behind my ear reminding me of Jenny being so close yet so far away. Spirits last forever but our physical forms do not. I knew Jenny's spirit was here a moment ago when the vale between the worlds, was just thin enough that Jenny's intent from eternity leaked through to me.

Slipping out the porch door I was able to see the grassy field that was strewn with rocks of all sizes and shapes. It was four days before the moon was in full bloom as Crystal would say. One night waxing before full one night of the full and one night waning three nights when the moon would be at its most powerful. I would be able to really have the full benefit of the energy I had been gathering since the dark of the moon weeks earlier. Sitting at the little table on the patio I was able to sip my tea, and take

in the moonlit beauty. There was peace here, the energy field was holding back the chaos of the outside world. Warding's are my specialty so to my eye I could see the age and strains in the protection. I looked around to see if anything was missing. The larger sentry stones were still in place but the barrier had aged into a chain link fence rather than a solid shield. Curious this is a very simple matter for a guardian to have taken care of, allowing my mind then suss out that may be there was no guardian in residence to perform this simple duty, very curious indeed.

Messenger in the dark.

Just going back in from the deck for the night my ears picked up a faint sound just over my shoulder. When I turned around I was surprised by the view of a living wild white Owl sitting on the porch rail. The Owl was preening quietly and making soft sounds like it was talking to itself under its breath. It was a beautiful snowy white with some brown showing through in places. This was out of place as it was still early August and very warm.

Owl's are both my totem and familiar so this sign was very important. After a few more moments of preening the owl silently took off leaving a few feathers that fluttered to the deck and a small brown lump on the rail that the evenings dark made hard to see. What it was. When I went to retrieve the feathers I looked at the brown lump to discover that the lump was a mouse with a brown piece of yarn tied around it in a complex knot. That sight set the hackles up on the back of my neck. This was an old fashioned attack side of witch craft known as a Witches Knot This particular one was partially chewed up which thankfully broke the intentions behind it. That Owl intercepted this little package, disarmed it, then delivered it to me. There could be no accidents, this was deliberately sent.

I wondered where this came from or who sent it, but I now have a feel for this person’s skunk energy. If showed up again this signature would set off an alert for me. Thankfully the energy was not from around here proper, or I would already have sensed it.. Some one or some spirit was trying to get my attention, and succeeded.

Detective time.

Taking out my small tablet I took several pictures of the mouse, the knotted string, the feathers, and the claw marks, on the hand rail. My religious practices are ancient, but my tech is up to date. So it took just a matter of minuets to compose an Email. I included the short version of the important facts, especially my location in Haven near Blessings. I attached the pictures to all of my teachers, friends and advisers in the States, Europe, and other far flung places. Especially to my benefactress Maggie in Scotland.
Maggie was the first to answer me with a simple message, “ Good call in spotting this. Do not touch the knot directly, salt it, then burn it. Look around the foundations and crawl spaces for more of these corrosive nuances. TNP, More later.” The TNP was “Take Normal Precautions”, a short hand notation we used together. As is our tradition I will not use the names of my circle people. It is a precaution for even today in 2014 people seek to mess us up, if they find out our beliefs.

My next responders spoke the same advice with a few additional bits of information. The best was from a Spirit Walker who bluntly told me to
“Be prepared for a command performance by a very powerful spirit that requires my services to complete a special and important task.”

. A Hopi elder friend in the south west four corners area, spoke that it was a Spirit Bird and not a normal Owl and she was who sought me out tonight. The gift given is the ability to see the truth or falsehood in another's words and actions, the burden is I can not be untruthful my self .

My friend from Greece advised me to see the Owl as needing the wisdom, and patience of Athena, And be mindful of her spirit demanding me to standing my ground, my friend down under spoke that my song line is taking a larger dynamic, and responsibility which can not be denied.

The last, from Hawaii, to beware the invasion of chaos in vessels of marching stone .”

By by the end of the messages it was 1 AM and I had finished disposing of the knot, Recording the messages in my journal, I so needed to sleep. Tomorrow was another day and I needed to be prepared for what ever was coming.

The Morning after the night before

While we were in the tent, our get up time was early ,because the tent got hot and people in camp grounds got rolling early. But being inside the kids took advantage of being comfy, to sleep in.
This gave me time for my morning ritual of stretching and yoga. After our car accident my back was permanently messed up enough for disability. The years since then have been a regimented and very disciplined adventure. But I could walk, drive, and take short walks. So I stay disciplined, did my exercises and swallowed my pills.

Next after my dead man pose that finished up the yoga routine, next step was meditation. My time to have my girl on girl talk with the universe and my goddess. It is impossible to share with some one who hasn't felt the pulse of the universe or the palatable touch from another larger consciousness outside of your self. Nothing like a letter or a phone call more like a comforting feeling that leads to your own knowledge, a spot where you can see things that are hidden behind your own fear, or inertia. There are whole emotions and compact bolts of realizations surging through you. That is a proof you can only have by experience.

After this little dip in the pond of eternity,. it takes a little time to figure out what it all means. But one thing I immediately understood very clearly, this was being home.

Breakfast time and the biscuits are easy.

Nothing brings a person slamming back into motherhood, than when your one child does a Dallies limp clock drape over the sofa singing food, glorious food, food. I need food.. This was followed by yet another child doing the zombie into the front door like a bumper car running amuck.
Walking to the restaurant this morning was enjoyable. All three of us dancing singing things like We’re off to see the waffle the wonderful waffle of OZ. , the birds were singing and the morning sun sparkled in the cool morning air. Things felt relaxed and the living was well, good.

We came into the front door to a round of applause from the cadre of local regulars some older man was telling Bob the owner they liked the floor show. My kids like the thespian hopefuls they are, made there bows with flourishes like they have hats. These kids are so not like me I am always proper. NOT

" Betty, I guess you have enough ham with your two kids to not want any for breakfast.?”

“Bob between the two of them I could feed this town for a year but no I am off pig products for a bit I need to cut calories some where so I stop being the ever expanding Western frontier. "

Marge the waitress looked me over shaking her head “Betty, honey if you think a charm bracelet girl like you needs to lose weight there is no hope for the rest of us. Come over here and park it lady, was that Earle Gray hot for you , Aiyanna would be grapefruit juice neat, and Crystal would be prune juice over ice.

“No Ms. Marge, Anna spoke up I would rather have that juice over easy please. “

“Crystal smiled, prune juice on ice, bring it on please.”

“Marge, I would love the Earl Gray hot, make it so, please.”

“Betty you folks belong here; you fit in like you have been here forever, and we just met, any plans to relocate any time soon? The kids told me that you were looking for a fresh start in a more friendly area”.

I gave my hairy eye ball to my two girls who at the time were looking like they were totally innocent of trying to set me up. Well kids when were you going to tell me about this.. Crystal answered “about what mom”.

“About what” I growled.

By then the regulars started to play peanut gallery, laughing at the situation and playfully teasing the girls for trying a fast one. The rest of breakfast was a running riff of jokes, jolly making, and joshing each other over silly things.

Scene Change

James McGuffen

Location swanky office Aberdeen Scotland.

The office was nice but I much prefer open spaces like my extremely isolated little keep up in the HIGHLANDS. It was just a pile of stones ruin when I came across it but it was validated from several others in the area, to be our order’s original keep built by the first Wolf Were Phaedrus the Elder . This set of ruins and four other like it has no archeological or historic impotence to the National trust, so with the trust being perpetually in need of private funding the donation of a substantial amount of funds, sweetened by the renewal of our protective services contract by my order, gained title and permissions for there reconstruction. The cover story is that a very important movie producer was doing this for a series of movies. This is to explain how a keep was erected out a pile of rubble.

I believe because of the sacredness 'to me 'concerning this project I needed to work the stone and timbers by hand to get this correct. Phaedrus certifying that this was the location, he built his keep. When it was first built this he was protecting his furry hide and his creators from their local Neanderthal neighbors. They were a trifle pissed at Phaedrus for demanding space They did not say much but when they moved into this area of the highlands at the ,ending of the last Ice Age, they considered this land to be all there’s and here was Phaedrus saying no this space is mine.. He had to start by making some elbow room around where he intended to live. The first 300 years were a bit contentious but as the neighborhood grew older, many of the faces changed and the neighbors grew wiser, and kept there distance. And probably gave rise to many of the tails of monsters and beasties that have become the legends handed down by those first poor fools who crossed his path.

Phaedrus the Elder told me for wanting to be doing things by hand, I was a “nut case”. But he still gave me drawings from his memory, just how he did what. His memory was phenomenal and his eye for details, then knowing why the details were important. He had knowledge in his head that would fill several libraries. Things that the normal peoples think are lost to history are common knowledge to him.

Why ?


The King of our order, was rewarding me for my discovery and devotion to the project in finding our ancestral keep. I am the senior protector next to Phaedrus our founder who has me beat in age by a long shot. I was named the Thane of the Home district property and protector of the lands surrounding the keep. When it was announced at the office our American secretary told me to knock my self out on my project. Americans do a right bang up job of creating strange way of speaking. unlike us Scots.

The Magi that created Phaedrus had a problem keeping secrets, so a lot of students poached his methods. Then from the surrounding caves and caverns the students used as their homes our order issued forth. When you marry an ice age wolf to a warrior human-form you get us. The first Magi was trying to create a perfect protector. But that Magi still got himself killed in his study by his own lack of knowledge. He was working on new material, a magic powder from Cathay. He simply blew himself to pieces. This freed Phaedrus and left him on loose ends as to what to do with himself.

The Magi's students were as accident prone as he was, thus many ended themselves the same way.. They continued to trying cracking the code of the original Magi's secret powder of power. And caves continued to belch foul smelling smoke and collapsing on there owners.

The other boot to drop, is the students had not understood that using that much manna to create us, resulted in creating a being who was magic to the core. This graced us with a very very very long life provided we did not get our selves killed. So many of us outlived our original creators.

This freed more like myself so Phaedrus found something to occupy his time and talent forging an order of Protectors. We were hired by people who were high profile and needed real safety. We remained neutral in all matters of war, we just impartially protected.

This keep served as headquarters and home until the late 1500's. Then it served as a hunting lodge in the 1600's. It was war that necessitated it to be abandoned. When I found it the outer curtain wall and insides had fallen into a pile of rubble. The main keep tower outside walls were still stout and true but the roof and all of the insides needed a total replacement from the bottom up. This was a lot hard work to made things right. This was work I enjoyed doing. But it, was now being interrupted by me being called back, to sit in this stifling Office, killing time, awaiting what? I could care less. I know I am burning sunlight and getting nothing done.

Show me the cards

I had a computer pad to fidget with. I had my reconstruction plans on it, allowing me not to go mad with boredom. My patience was rewarded by the polite summons from Mr Keven Smith who is the Official who presides over our protection order services.

Keven was a large man, but not physically sloppy., Unlike most city dwellers, he was well formed, and fit. He greeted me with a firm hand shake and offered me a proper sized chair for me to comfortably sit in. With a cup of good tea. And after a few trivial formalities and some questions concerning how well does the raising of my keep was progressing, we got down to business.

“ James, we have a conundrum we hope you might be able to help us with. It would seam that some one is mucking around your old haunts in Blessing's. “

That got my attention fully, Keven continued.

“It would seem that there is a person contemplating trying to repair your old Mistress warding's, at that location. The person is not a putz and may know enough to either save it or kill it. Something working for us is the muckier was a former student of old Maggie from up on the Isle of Man. Maggie speaks well of Betty as her former student, and Maggie is the one who alerted us. From what Maggie believes Betty may be just the personality we may be looking for to take over Ann's old job, Bette is well seasoned in her craft from both from here, and native American first people. She is a real people motivator, a community organizer, but the biggest plus is this Betty is a real Badger when it comes to protecting what she believes in. .

Keven we both know that Maggie is a great teacher but at her age her judgment may have slipped a bit. Those warding' s are so old school, Anna may be the last one who could have woven them that old way, they have stayed in place for over one hundred years they may need to be rebuilt totally..

James that is not an option ,the times and conditions have changed a lot. Re-erecting them would be impossible these days. They must be repaired or refreshed. Something you may not know is that Maggie was Ann's star pupil.

Some years ago, Maggie spoke to me about this American Betty for another purpose. Then Maggie stated that Betty was her most accomplished student, and cut from the same bold of cloth as Ann. Not at all flashy, solid in her practices. Bette is an old school practitioner being both knowledgeable, and cautious. We need to have you take, a look and see, for us. We are still concerned that if those warding's come down your mistresses sacrifices will be for naught. If she is not up to it you can 'nicely' warn her away. But in the high likelihood this person checks out, then get back to us immediately so we can let you know how to proceed.”

AND Wait for it...

Then there was a long 'but there is more' pause. Before Keith continued;
There is another wrinkle to this conundrum James. We have just started mending the fences with our American family. And it would seem that we now have an American protector within our fold. This person has become endeared to our king’s family. .

It would seem that she has saved the Queen’s life, at great personal cost. Added to that this young women has defeated, in fair combat, the feral leader of the outcast clan, And by the rite of session she is now their new leader. The king recognizes her as his Vassal especially in American Issues. So in deference to the American sensibilities the Young Leader will join you to investigation this situation.

We can't demand you to do this but we can make it worth your while, your transportation will be totally covered, and a bene placito [as much it is needed]. We do realize this is a sacrifice for you and you do have a home now so we will, let's say, allow you considerations, in both materials and help rebuilding your keep. There will also be certain objects which will also be put at your disposal, to service your estate, and if needed keep it secure. So what do you say James are you good with this . ”

I have been watching Kevin very closely as I have an inherent distrust of people who wear starched shirts, and have mister or sir ahead of their name. I only used Mr. my self to impress the natives. Formality leads to respect.

But my worry is, he is more talk than trousers. I also caught the Latin phrase which I have not heard since my days in the Roman Legion. My second assignment was protecting the commanding General of the 11th Legion guarding the Vallum Aelium [ Hadrian’s Wall ] or Hadrian's folly as we called it. That goes back a way, and I need to know just what this Keith is about. This is a large bribe to gain my cooperation. I would go just for Anna so why all this, as Americans say, bling?

“Keith, I need a night to sleep on this. You are asking a lot, and I am getting too old for this. So why don't you show me the travel arrangements you are speaking of, and let me get back to my work.”

To Be Continued

Tailing's of this tale

This is the beginnings of a journey I hope you will find entertaining and hopefully thought provoking. This is the first step on a trail that may cover several book length stories all intertwined with each other. Yes I am certifiably crazy for starting this but it is my humble hopes that may make it into print.
The inspiration for this attempt runs many decades back into my misty past during the last century. And the fuse was lit when I watched a commencement address at Harvard by a very well known author. It admonished the audience not to be stopped by failure but that failure is an essential ingredient to success. I in many ways have a life like that author as I am as broke as any one can be in America and still have housing. I have two children and no spouse as they have gotten lost along the way. In so many ways that the normal American judges these things by I am a total failure. But I am not that normal person Thank the goddess for that, so I am using my sixty years of living and the words and encouragement of my creative consulates Anna and Crystal. And the incredible faith of Bailey Summers to Phoenix into a writer that people want to read.

My story will be as original as I can create and still be understood and in no way to be a copy or ripoff of any other story teller. Remember you are there at the beginning of the very first story of the world of the Blessings and Redemption epic song lines. Please be generous with your comments so I can make this effort better for you my audience.

Misha Nova January 2014

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a interesting beginning

you write it and I'll read it. it looks good so far.
thanks for sharing it


Sounds like an excellent story and well worth reading. The ONLY problem I found in this first installment is the misspellings. When I have to constantly go back to reread a sentence several times to understand what you're trying to get across, it gets frustrating to me. Built-in spell checkers are NOT a good thing to an author. "Seem" vs "Seam" are both a valid spelling for a valid word. Spell checkers have no way of understanding the context of your sentence so, therefor, can not correct such a misspelling. Please proofread for things like this.

Other than that, I fully intend to read following installments no matter what. I enjoy these types of stories and await your follow up.


well I'm not sure where it's

well I'm not sure where it's going but it is definitely an interesting start so far and that's what a good author does, keep their audience guessing.

Bright Blessings

Merry Meet, Merry Met.

'...do as Thy will, with harm, to none.'

Nice start

I liked the story thus far, although I as well had some problems with the way it is written. For instance there means something else than their ;)
An other issue, which took me time, was it on purpose you have exactly the same text beneath "On the road again" and "Change of plans"? I would have preferred one of both.

Yours, Leontine

Read this last night and I love the feel.

It has this mixture of old world brought to the new world but even those woodsy lost in the backroads feeling of those little treasure towns up in the Pacific Northwest.

Lots of characters and tangents but all in all great and Betty seems a doll:)

*Great Big Angel Hugs*

Bailey Summers

Intriguing start

Haven is a magical place is it now? :) You've certainly created enough threads to weave into any number of plots. Please weaver, continue! :)


And Earthy all at once. You have interesting characters going already and a small(?) mystery that holds more than a hint of danger going already with this. Great start and I'll be following more of it as you share it with us.


Greed Leaves Deep Scars

You're a success in my eyes.

Greed leaves deep scars.

You only need one sentence like that to make your mark.

Ban nothing. Question everything.

Nice Feel

terrynaut's picture

This story has a nice feel to it. I'm really enjoying it.

I've read up through part 1 of chapter 4 and I've left kudos for all of the parts that I've read. I'll keep going and try to catch up to chapter 5 in the next week or two.

Thanks and kudos.

- Terry