Havens Salvation Stave 2 ch 14-1 The Phantom Queens Gambit

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Castle In the Sky

Editorial salvation by djkauf
Who patiently repairs my mistakes, any ones found are my responsibility alone.
Creative Consultancy by Bailey Summers, and my two girls Anna and Crystal

Dedicated to

Ms Mary Adelaide Wilkinson
my mother who dragged me all over the back roads of Colorado bringing those historical souls back to life


My two deceased friends Stewart Hills and Karlen Ann Wannop who watch over me from the other side of the veil, all three of us labored in each others behalf and became better for it.
With out all of the efforts from the above this story would never seen the light of an audience


Castle in the SKY.


“Betty my lass worry not, ye have been blessed with acceptance by the land its self, THE LAND itself has chosen to bond with you in the strongest of ways. The last to have that happen was well before my time. Oh my Betty this is a ,very ,very powerful omen, it also points to something else I think I need to communicate with Mom on this before I say any more. But ye have nay anything to be worried about James, is plugging the holes that let the rats in and your more than able to take care of your self again with Alease's help,and ye children be safe with Lilly and Melissa. so take the day off have a good dinner with your kids and enjoy your good fortune.”

“You do have a way of putting me at ease Fay; thank you very much I think I need to lie down until the kids get home from school, there has been too much happening for my nerves to follow.”

I bid Betty a good day and immediately started to plan what I would need to prepare the gift I think will set her feelings right. With the earth being so plastic and cooperative at this time it is the perfect time to do this for her she will just squeal for joy when we surprise her. Mom is going to love this I just know.


Morrigan Madba

You think that your science can conjure up the answers for everything? Take something simple like the earth's age. Although Scientists thought they had a good figure, later they found their certainty was overly optimistic. So trapped by their own certainty, they have neglected to given you the corrected results. Their reasoning for this, was if the public knew the true age, that would destroy the faerie tale of scientific certainty, the same way Galileo destroyed the church myths by discovering that the sun was the center of the solar system. This scares the high lords of science, as they bet everything on their immediate and total knowing, rather than stating 'now this is the best we know.'

You ask, how, would I have, this knowledge? I was there!, I witness events long before Ireland was thrust up from the basaltic rock of the sea floor. When land formed, I was there, when the dry land was just clad in the bonny green of plants. I rejoiced in my freedom to frolic amongst the trees and bushes. I was there, long before humans ever trod upon this my new home. When the human creatures evolved and took habitation of this land, these beings worshiped me as a goddess.

But as my brothers and sisters spread across our new home land of Ireland, there were conflicts, many conflicts with the humans. Danu, our mother, tried to lead our people to live in peace with our human neighbors. Save for my younger sister Rhiannon our family “The children of Danu,”, chose to ignore her wise guidance, but chose instead to fall under the thrall of our wilder natures. I was the worst of all, I am the alpha, the beginning of our race, I was a first born of Danu, In hind sight, I should have heeded me mother’s guidance, I should have led my people according to her council, so we the Tauten de Danu could have, prevent the disasters, our violence sponsored.

There were three results of this disastrous fighting, First, both sides were savaged, leaving only a hand full of human, or Fay to repopulate. The second, these wars taught the humans, to hate our kind. Third, the worse, because of our senseless waring something unthinkable happened, we depleted the elements required for our majik, causing our majik to weaken greatly. To prevent our extinction, Danu was forced to retreat, by once again sheltering our race in the dark abyss we escaped so long ago. Only three of us remained behind, me mother Danu the wise, me Morrigan the sovereign, and Rhiannon the incorruptible.

Danu called a council of us three , at the location where the fighting originated, my home. Our mother then asked me

Morrigan can ye tell me what ye think was wrongly done here?.”

I listed me thoughts of what tactics didn't work, what I would do differently to prevent our defeat.

Me child you have listed a long line of excuses, for your first, and biggest mistake, ye escalated a simple disagreement, into a war, that destroyed everything ye loved ,and cared for. This was because ye thought more of ye self, than ye did of ye family or our world. Ye thought ye was the only thing that counted, but ye were not alone in this mistake, ye brothers and sisters except for Rhiannon allowed their EGO'S to rule there actions as well.

My daughter allow me to explain something, all sentient beings must have the freedom to choose their own path. Hopefully for their own benefit they are following the creator’s guidance, how to follow the path. Regardless if their decisions are good or bad the system remains in balance, If some one prevents them from making free will decisions, the energies of creation start running the wrong way around, and if this becomes severe enough this can create storms of cause and effect, that assaults others, not even involved. If this goes on long enough, the balance of order verses chaos fail, allowing too much chaos or order to dominate removing the sacred balance with the other. This law of sacred balance is observed by the creator of all things them selves and the creator is always adjusting this balance by using the many tools creation has, like the flow of inspiration and incentive, to steer the path of sentient beings take. The Creator in its wisdom have placed through out all of creation. sentient beings as controls to keep the sacred balance between the forces that are not sentient and them selves. If that sacred balance fails all manner of evil becomes possible and the living system can die from the lack of the sacred balance between order and chaos.

My dearest daughter I share responsibility for creating your nature so powerfully monolithic in your ways. This creates problems for you being sensitive enough to understand how the whole world functions. I wish to suggested that you should submit to my teaching you how to be a more flexible being, I wish to separate you into three sister personality’s, your maiden, your mother, and your matriarch. This is so you may become cooler minded in your thinking. By you having the three sister personalities sharing the making of decisions. That hopefully should temper your judgments allowing your nature to be more understanding of all you will encounter." I submitted to me mother's suggestions, and when she was finished, for the first time I knew doubt in me actions, and Danu's wisdom became apparent to me.

Now when I viewed the ruins of the places I truly loved and unsuccessfully tried to protect, me melancholy and remorse was so great, me one hope was to cease to be. Me mother's wiser hope, was for our people to sleep until the time came, that the earth healed, and majik once again flowed. To this wiser, unselfish end, me Mother forbid me seeking or answering me desires. She counseled instead, that I was not alone in being accountable for that which occurred. However as a leader, she still demanded of me, a terrible task in recompense for me deeds. I was to use my demanding sovereignty by becoming the unmovable sentry at this door, protecting our peoples way of return. Me mothers task was to, use her wisdom, to know the proper timing, in awakening our people, then releasing them from there dark prison. Me younger sister Rhiannon task was to use her incorruptibility, to keep me efforts pure in my service to our people, She was to also reminded me that I existed for the time when we may all freely play, in the sun again. The other responsible parties would await mother’s judgment until that later date.

Ice in hell

In her last act here in the sun, Danu helped me created a special impregnable spot in an uninhabited wilderness near to me native soil. The new land would became the Scottish highlands lands. Me mother and I formed, me Fortress, places of audiences, then the Tower of Oath’s. All of this was created with out seams or fault’s, formed from a single mass of earths dense stone basalt, this stone was so hard, and unrelentingly dense, the fires of Tartarus could nary do any harm, other than soot its surface. These locations are outside of the cause and effect of mortal space.

Mom allowed me to create a small refuge space with a village, for those humans who desire to serve the collective good, of both populations. For it's purity and protection it was separate from my place, This new village was named Teramar or Health's Haven the place the Romans called it Porta Santus . These village dwellers were to be, me only human company, their simple ways, teamed with Rhiannon’s incorruptibility educated me about about the honest responsibility of being a sovereign.

That responsibility was tested when in the year CE 700 I had to face the echoes, of our original war with the humans. Some humans were still fruitlessly fighting on several millennial after our complete departure. These invaders came to destroy my village, they claimed it served the ancient evil. I could not directly fight the invaders because my open involvement would fan the flames, continuing the war to destroy us. To save who I could, meant there was no recourse than the loss of so many more, me family of mankind had to survived in just the flowers of the Teramar settlement, meaning with out the support of there families and friends. But the flowers did survive, with all of their knowing, all they created including their seeds, and written material. Of the six thousand inhabitants I was able to save only three hundred. Any more and the invading army would have searched for the missing people, and found their temporary hiding place.

When conditions permitted the 300 were moved, so they now sleep, with me eternal family, this was done with me mothers blessings and assistance as she who keeps sentry on the other side of the veil. I must now shoulder the responsibility of knowing and planing the events that will bring about the conditions where I may correct some of me mistakes so I can put things partial back into their proper place. All done with respect to their freedom of choice, allowing them to walk the pathway they chose to trod, as they walk in the sun, this is the same freedom I violated when I made me original choices, 4000 years ago. I am nearing the first step in undoing my damage. And freeing me people.


I am not flying blind in the performance of me duties. Within me scrying room is a very large Cauldron, which stands in the center. The Cauldron is covered in a runic language not spoken as a living language in over ten thousand years none other than me self or a trained adept can enter. As there are things, that could melt the flesh from your bones, then pull your life force intact from the body, taking it to a place so foreign, your soul will be screaming for all eternity. I am safe in there because I know what me is doing me mother taught me how to use her most powerful tool she bequeathed me before her departure, her Cauldron. This Cauldron allows me to council with another being from the dark matter portion of our universe.

Me sister, or 'me other', is the title me son has given to her, is the reason me mother and I have build. this place of the strongest stone, then warded by our most powerful spells. This special space is safely sealed away from the erosive effects, from the dark mater directly connecting with the matter of our space. These are among the many safely method me other and I have chosen to keep the power within the Cauldron safely contained. Here me other is a guest, this being her embassy in our space. From our first meeting, long long ago, the two of us have been a constant in each of ours lives.

We are diametrically opposite in all manner,, this makes us a very powerful team. I prepare me protective circle raising the wardings then I caress the lip of me cauldron to awaken it. Like all things ancient, this takes some time for it to open itself into me sisters realm. When all is readied the two of us started by me pulling the project the two of us have been working on from within the point that both universes can safely connect. Using me wand, I stirred the contents of the trillions of energies patterns that existed involved with this project, from that source I was able to pull the successful working patterns for this project, so I may interact with them locally, with out causing anything to change in the larger web of events.

Patterns of cause and effect

Me other, and I need not verbally speak to one another, to understand each other. I am able to follow her suggestions, and pull strings of events into contact by altering one or several position, or the quality of interaction, then watch how that one Point alters the interactions between countless other Points. in time, space, present, past, or yet to be. Most fractional alterations only produce minor energy exchange before the momentum runs its path , then ends with all energy dispersed in friction between the interacting Parts.

But when repositioning one particular cluster of weakly glowing Points to a different, geographical location, that cluster of Points luminance grew to become dazzling. What ever other Points that first luminescence fell upon, became interactive with their adjacent Points. This luminance, eliminated the 'normal' human resistance, when a simple threshold was reached, the luminance between all of the other Points, created a chain reaction which into living patterns which pulsed, sang, lived, breathed, then most importantly like other living things reproduced them selves making this chain of events, exactly what we needed. With anticipation, I added in the Points from me group of Teramar survivors, this addition then expanded into an interlocking web between the rest of the sanctuaries, all over the world, and within me 'others' sisters realm as well.

Now have me answer, the timing is right, and all indications are that this is the best that can be hoped for. I am plotting that me family of man who survive in the bodies of the three hundred, now can finally be return. I have found the perfect soil to give them a fighting chance, and the perfect gardener in the person of Betty to protect and nurture them. The world will owe Betty White Owl a huge Huzza for her part in this gambit, and she is totally unaware how much depends on her, as that is the way it should be. It is her free choice to participate or not, all fate hinges on her free choice.

Clearing a path.


It was six am and I was running through the brush lichen to a mad women chasing the devil out of her kitchen garden. I was in full chain mael armor swinging a three pound bastard sward single handed. No I wasn't chasing Grendel, I was trimming the brush on either side of my driven path. I was in boot camp. visa vis Alyssa’s command, to get in shape or perish, After two separate attempts on my life I was inclined to be very supportive in this effort. This being my first week, of my masochistic cooperation in my own pain and suffering. I was at the end of today's early morning toughening jog, through the merry woods surrounding Haven. I released my armor to meld back into the gauntlet. There was sweat running off of my back and face as I returned the sward to my grinning companion James.

March yer shapely ass into the showers before ye Barons awaken, they will surely to ask, difficult to answer question. Me thinks that finding their mother knackered sweating like a race horse could be just a bit alarming.”

My breath returning to normal, gave me the chance to inquire 'Time?”

Twenty two thirty, much better than yesterdays twenty eight even.”

Time to eat the donuts, good god I need some coffee.”

A familiar voice inside of my head sung out

No Donuts, you dolt, ye be just getting into fighting trim. Eating those fat pills would only set ye back. I will be nice, you may have your omelet and chilli, with just a wee portion of potatoes, a small one I say and remember I’ll be watching.”

No rest for this dieter, but to be honest if I scale back me beloved home fries allows me to live longer, so I can be with my children and fight another day, it's worth it

Enter the Cat


Today is a nice slow day, which is making up for the hectic few days before. I am reading a note that James gave me describing how his new girl friend Sam, is trying to get herself out of a jam by trying to run down the real thieves of some high explosives, used at the construction site she is working demo at. Some one was really hot to stop the construction of that power line and it wasn't the environmentalists this time, that wrinkle was worked out before the project started. Who it was no one knows but the outcome may affect us having power through the winter.

I was looking over me bullet Journal when someone came into the Dragon and asked in a familiar sounding clipped voice, if I was there. The problem is that voice was from an imaginary character I created for a collage drama class. When I looked up I was startled to see a very real person ,looking, and sounding just like my made up creation. I was staring at a flesh and blood doppelganger of my comical, outrageous, unflappable, character Erma Cats, she was here in the flesh, I am inhabiting mine right now. So she can not be me. Help, I am very confused.

Erma Cats

I am to be a surprise for Betty and judging from the look on her face I have succeeded beyond anyone’s expectation. I am literally the last thing on earth Betty would ever conjure up in her mind to find looking back at her here and now. Isn't Magic wonderful you wish for a PA and pop here I am, in the flesh.



It took me about an hour to infiltrate our camp from the time I first got the call. The catch was because the area was flooded by people all wearing an alphabet soup of jacket ID badges, FBI. DOD. ATF, FIMA, CIA, NSA there were a couple I didn't know existed. Then there were two suited figures dressed classic MIB uniforms including the Ray Ban sun glasses running the show. The reason for all of this attention is that some one had blown the explosive safe, leaving a small crater in the stone that it was firmly attached to, I knew the content of the safe, as I worked with it last, From the lack of damage, I knew that some one had taken the C4 explosives, also I could not smell even a trace of plastic explosives only black power, and dynamite..

I used the dark and a FBI jacket, I borrowed from its user, to slip into the office tailor then waited for the Chief to come into his office and close the door, before I let him know that I was sitting in the darkest corner of the office.

Good god Sam, is your last name Heart Attack.”

You did say be discreet sir.”

So I did, remember I was in construction not intelligence, sneaking around wasn’t in my training, you cant sneak driving a Bulldozer, or blowing things up. So pardon me that your entrance was a bit startling.”

“ Chief, sorry for the shock, I just didn't want to complicate things by bringing in an outside audience, that could make things messy, what can I do to help Chief,?”

The nose knows

OK you were the last into the locker before it was blown, do you remember the inventory.”

Pulling out me phone I thumbed in me secret 9 digit code to access me secure files.

Remember Chief we were drawing down the supply for me being gone so there was 2 one lb cans of black powder 8 sticks of dynamite, two links of Tovex and two one pound blocks of C4. So my answer to the next question is going to be, no not all of that went up in smoke. my best guess is someone discounted the plastics. The crater is not big enough to have blown the C4 and I only smell the black powder and the dynamite not the plastic.”

The Chief grinned at me ,” Sam you know why I hired you?, You cut through the bull shit and get to the point. You just answered the questions in a few moments that those professionals are still trying to solve and have spent all night trying to answer. By the way does you date have a name, you are willing to share,?”

James McGuffen sir the biggest hunk of solid manhood, I ever laid eyes on. He be hailing straight from the highlands of Scotland,.”

You landed Mc James Sam, Oh me god what a catch for you. Its about time that lummox fell in love, and with my star employe. Hold the phone Sam how can we get so lucky, this will solve our little problem with the authority's right now.”

Picking up his sat-phone from his desk the Chief hit a speed dial.

Mr Black I have some new information for you that you may find interesting, Also could you please contact Mr McGuffen and invite him to these festivities tonight, Yes sir he can clear my employee of any involvement, as she was on a date with him tonight.”

Even I could hear “No firkin shit.” from where I was sitting.

The next three days James and I narrowed down the who done it list, by eliminating the normal list of suspects it came back to one group, that was new on the scene, The Redneck Deconstruction crew,. That name for some strange reason, rang a gong for me.

Taking Stock


In the merry chase I have called me life, I have been all over this green earth. Pole to pole and everything in between. In me recent past, I can honestly state, that I thought I have seen, and experienced all. The one thing I neglected in me very long life, was to experience my emotions at all, when ye are living a life of service to others, feelings had a bad habit of getting in the way, then things need to get done.

I originally made this mistake just before Constantinople fell. I was shaken awake when the first of the giant cannon balls hit the outer wall. The Emperor Constantine the XI sent me with a small party of Greek scholars to escape the disaster. I had just fallen in love with a middle aged nursemaid that served in the court. We dressed her up in a uniform and armor to disguise her. It was risky but I could not bear to leave her in the doomed city. I had to hold her while she died because she took a spear meant for me. It wasn’t until her scream got cut off did I know some one was attacking me. She died in me arms telling me not to grieve as she would have suffered worse, fighting off the rapists who would follow the fall of the city. She professed her love for me then passed. From that moment on I locked me heart in a very tight box and buried it deep within all of me discipline learned in fighting to keep the people alive I am protecting.

Now over a millennium later I discovered that damn heart has escaped its internment, and is now demanding that I allow it to attache me to these people, and this place. This has given me the powerful need to suss out me shadowy trail of where do I fit in. Aye me loves the Scottish Highlands, as the place of me creation, but long ago all of the people who were important to me, either move on, or died out. The simple irrefutable fact is, now I fit here in Haven. This is where my people are now, not the barren highlands. These people care for me, and it took me simple mind, until now, to suss this out.

Never in me life, before returning here this time, had I had a group of people, even knowing me silly quirks and all, who honestly care about me as a person. Not only do I have people who need me, I now have people who love me, and the hardest part to come clean to me self that I love them back just as much. Love was just another four letter word, which I had nay any place for in me life and chosen occupation. Now with being Betty's friend and trainer, and her wee Barons protector by being there big overgrown doggie, I now know what experiencing and receiving love is.

Having Anna telling me all of her fears, and desires while grooming me. I can honestly say this child loves me with all of her heart, as I love her in return. Then there is the little Warrior Queen, Crystal who is becoming a fearsome fighter for her mother's cause. It is her I understand, love, and cherish the most, I have become like a very proud Uncle wanting to train me sister Betty's daughter how to live a good life and fight a good fight. So it is Scotland for the scenery, and here for the people and family, I can't hug or hold scenery. So very simply I have found after two and a half millennium, that I need people in me life, who would have thought. I must add this place is easy on the eyes as well.

This Morning

I had been clearing me mind, from all of this heady stuff by soaking up some good tea and food at Bobs. I was recharging from me extra chores, helping me soul mate Sam in tracking down the vermin who nicked high explosives from her job site. From the first night, the two of us worked like a well oiled apparatus. Over the last three nights, I expected some problems between our styles, but nay any became present. We had eliminated many of the usual vermin, leaving a shadowy trail to suss out trying to locate a group calling them selves the Red Neck Deconstruction Crew. Sam thinks she may have met them a month or so ago plotting to roll a big rock using a pound of C4. Her work mates told her thy saw a couple of them watching her do her job. Tonight we expect some results in our search for these people, I need some action to loosen up and keep in shape, tonight will be fun.

Clearing the Air.

Now as I was musing over me revelation, me dam phone rang from its secure channel. At first this was annoying but when Mr White started to kid me about Sam I knew that I should have expected this call/ I will need to come to the construction site office by one this afternoon. This will also gave me an excuse to go see more of me lady friend. I maybe even get a chance to play around, you know. strictly on a professional basis.

But before I could finish me food and leave when Crystal slipped into the booth opposite of me. She was really direct, like a pint size inquisitor, which means she was channeling her mothers Owl energy, I knew I was in for it when she made her simple statement.

“Hi, Mr big Scotsmen. I know who you are, and we need to talk!”


Hello, you are Betty's daughter are ye not, I work with ye mother but she hasn't introduced ye to me yet.”

Being dissected by a ten year old's piercing gaze, is an experience I never encountered until now. Her incredulous look told me that in the American vernacular that I was 'busted.' She continued in a low conspiratorial voice no one else could hear.

“I am not my sister ,Mr James McGuffen I am not blinded by love for your dogy act. I just need to let you know that if you hurt Anna in any way you will answer to me, and that will be very ugly.”

The certainty of this child's conviction could never be doubted, she would die trying to avenge her sister's honor. Suddenly I received a sharp kick to the shin under the table by me inquisitor.

Mr James, please continue to act like we are just talking. I do not want to hurt you I just need your full and undivided attention to what I am saying. I need for you to come clean about your self and, what is going on here. My mom is a great person, and I want her to stay that way. WE as a family have already lost to much to have some, stray magic, dog man play with our heads. This is the home we have been hoping for, and my mother is happier than she has ever been since my birth mother died, I will not put up with your messing things up, we have too much to lose. So spill Now.”

So ye think ye are ready to hear everything do ye little Warrior Crystal. And just why do ye think you can, take what I could say, whats ye proof that ye can take it?”

Crystals eyes narrowed then through semi clenched teeth she spoke almost in a monotone.

I had me birth mother die in my lap, I have been living for ten years now, watching, everything, every one has done to me family, I am now in my second ten years I am as smart as I ever will be, so I am the judge of what I can take and what I need to know. I have my families back, as they protect me don't think me as being a stupid kid, that doesn't work with me.”

I received another sharp kick even harder than the first, “I don't hear you saying any thing, Mr James.”

I had to respect this person’s determination, and the bruises to me shin so I decided to follow Betty's advice.”If they are old enough to ask, they deserve an age appropriate answer”

Crystal, your world has become a lot larger, a whole lot larger. In ye new world, I am one of three guardians, we are here to protect your families life, and keep ye safe from the bad people who live in this bigger world. Your mother is a very important person to this whole world and a lot of special people are training her to do the job she now has.”

So where do Anna and I fit into this bigger world.?”

Ye are your mother’s heart and soul and both of ye are very special as well, Anna is very magically talented, and ye are a true Warrior heart and soul. Ye skill is something ye mother knows about and is thinking ye needs some training in how to use it properly.”

Why would you care, Mr James, you are just going to get sick of us,, then leave when ever you want. You will just go back to Scotland and play in the mountains there. That's where that really scary lady lives, she is you boss right?”

Crystal I am never leaving, and I will never get tired of being ye families protector, never in a million years. In fact I have decided I needed a change so Haven is me new and always home. Ye family have done the impossible ye have given me something I have never had in me life, a loving family. And I have come to love you as well so I can't leave. I even have found a girl friend who would join ye in hunting me down.

As for me boss being scary, yes they can be scary they are, very, very, very, old and has been performing her job for just as long.”

Who gave her that job.?”

Her mother Danu.”

Mothers do give you some stinky jobs to do, my mom tells me it is to build character and make you a better person. Me James I liked you from the very first time you came into our room, but my sister loves you ,she is older so she knows more than I do, so she has been really very, sad that we have been moving around so much. You are the first thing she has had to hold onto and talk to. I can't just let that be taken away from her.”

Crystal we can keep this little talk between the two of us, and I have no problem being your sisters big pup, I like doing that. Ye kids are a proud part of me heart, that, until, now I never knew I had, I love three of you because ye are very special people and me destiny is to be ye protector from now on. Let me tell ye a wee secret I need ye to keep between us, can ye do that? “ Crystal gave me a partial nod of yes.”Crystal I do not age like everyone else, in fact neither will your mother or you girls. You will grow up into being women, but you will age far slower than the other people here in Haven.”

Crystal looked at me with large eyes trying to take this all in, and trying to decide whether she believed me or not. So I continued talking.

Ye mother has taken on the job of a dear friend of mine Ann McGrager who was the founder and first protector of Haven. Ann trained Maggie of the Island of Mann , who trained your mother. Your mother now is the new protector of Haven and has been promoted up the ladder by the society that sponsored Ann.”

Is that why your pictures from the past are so much like how you look now, with out that stupid beard and long hair. You look so much more better now. Ann was a pretty woman but those dresses did nothing for her looks, and don't get me going about those hair styles.“

This kid was very observant, to pick up the fact those blurred pictures were of us, it must be her mama's Owl sight that dispelled the blurring placed on them.

That was the way of the times Young Warrior, Ann hated those dresses as she could not swing a sword properly, dressed in one, and preferred wearing her hair down and flowing like the Celtic princess she was. Ann was a traditional old school fighter who helped to drive the Romans out of what is now Scotland. Your mother appears to be cut from the same cloth, she does understands the legal requirements of fighting in the courts, but Maggie told me she was very good with the sword and bow for when she needs to make a point aggressively.”

Mom always told us that, the pen was stronger than the sword, but don't fight a sword with a pen.”

Ye mother is very wise; Are we good Crystal have I answered ye questions properly.”

For now big guy my BS detector quivered a couple of times, but you were honest with me. Are you going to ask me mother to train me Mr James.”

Yes I will ask her as soon as I can, and how did you penetrate me cleverly fashioned disguise, Lady Crystal?”

Your smell Mr James there is still a faint doggy smell to you., even now, and when James the dog wasn't there, you were around keeping your distance. I had to stalk you for several weeks before I caught you here.

You have more than a BS detector me Padawan learner you have finely honed senses as well.”

Ah yes Master doggy I will learn fast.”

Crystal please I am a wolf, not a dog, they come from wolfs not the other way around. Master Black Wolf would be ok”

Yes Master Wolfe I do understand.”

Surprise Surprise


Mom, do you think she will like this place?”

How did you like your original place?”

I loved it you struck a good balance in all of your choices. But you had been training me for three centuries by then, you have only known Betty for a short time.?”

I have been watching Betty for some time now Fay. And I have observed her through many of her past lives. So this was not such a stretch to figure this out.”

Mom you never told me about this before, why now?”

Now, you need to know. Always remember my daughter, I have taught you everything you know, it will take a lot more time. before I can teach you everything I know.”

Next You Are Here
Futurus Persevero
[To be Continued]

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