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He has fought for the three faced goddess of War and vengeance.
But he never had to face a fight over his heart and soul.
Copy Rite 2014 Michele WhiteWolf
Editorial salvation by djkauf
Creative Consultancy by Bailey Summers, and my two girls Anna and Crystal
Ms Mary Adelaide Wilkinson [ my mother who dragged me all over the back roads of Colorado bringing those historical souls back to life. ]
With out all of the efforts from the above this story would never seen the light of an audience.
I just settled in and ordered my first stout, then I went back to talking to my old acquaintance who got wind I was back in Haven. Mr Granger and I were talking about a couple of pieces of construction equipment he told me he would part with to settle a debt I long ago had written off.
“ James, I was thinking that Haven is the size of town that could use that smaller Case front end loader back hoe that you helped me buy. I also have a Solidly running but used Bob Cat skid loader with a few attachments. They are just taking up room in my Equipment garage. Both are in good shape; I just don't have any use for them now they’re too small for my Highway construction work. But they are perfect for the work a township might do; catch my drift?”
“ So what's the deal, Granger; what would I owe you for this generous gift.
“Nothing, Mate, I owe ya, and I don't like a forgotten favor in my ledger. James you helped put me on the map with that equipment , I started small with foundations and swimming pools and graduated to housing developments. But my family is growing and I needed real money on a continuous basis so I graduated to doing highway projects. I am the boss so I just visit the sites to keep them in line. This allows me to be home with my kids when I am needed. I would be a right fool to forget the generosity that made it all happen. While we are at it; is there any thing else outstanding on the books mate?”
“Just the two cases of Stout for the fence post driving wager, Ye lost to me being able to drive a post in with just three blows, while drunk.” ,
“Good God, James, how can you eat that stuff! Beer is meant to be drank not eaten with a spoon..”
“Ah foo Granger you bottle fed American Babies never develop the sucking power us naturally fed Scots have. That's all that stands in the way of ye enjoying one of the gods gifts to mankind; Guinness stout,”
"You are just as bad as those Germans drinking that bock beer. For that you need a knife, fork and a strong set of teeth.”
“But Granger ye know that that beer does not freeze in those Bavarian winters, And I have heard rumors they use it for antifreeze in their cars.”
“James you have loosened up a bit with age. I Don't remember you acting like this with Ann as your boss. You were a bit taciturn then.”
“ AI Granger it would never do, to act this way around Ann she was a stiffly proper woman. Betty on the other hand is a lot less formal, she is into more treating me like family. She prefers me being less morose and more openly involved to get the job done proper.
But to answer your question with another question how are you fix en that I transport that wee bit of equipment to Haven?”
“Not a problem mate; I am needing to take my big trailer in for some welding, you are along the way so it's no skin off my nose to droop them Tonka Toys off to you. Just please don't ask me to gift wrap them I don't have enough tape.”
We both had a good belly laugh over that image of a back hoe wrapped in Christmas wrappings.
Our business done; Granger needed to get back home. His wife was going out tonight and it was his turn to watch the kids. But I never thought he would be a father to little girls. I never seen a person use a back hoe or grader like he could. His reflexes made the Back hoe articulate like a human arm, he could also see slope from his grader's seat, that would rival a surveyors transit. I liked him as a friend but I was happy to see him go. I had other things to hold my interests. And she just was seated opposite of me at the restaurant.
My horse knows the way.
Having the time to run in the out back on Taroke was as close to running on foot as I can get. It's freedom that I crave with the solitude that I need. It is odd how things develop in a person’s life. I never have even considered a relationship, no one would have me and I have ever seen a man who would stand as my equal and not try to become my better.
This is the part of me I can never give up. This is where I feel no stress or worry. Here I am free to stop and enjoy the scent of a flower, listen to a bird song, or watch a hawk hunt. I am my own boss with no middle person shouting do this don't do that. Here the clock meant very little it was the sun and the natural turning of the earth that drove this schedule.
And I know that I would not have this if I was in a relationship. I would be totally contained; tethered to one person and where they want me to or need me to be. I would swallow the barrel of a gun or use it on my spouse. So marrying me would not be a good choice I come with too much baggage.
Maybe it's not who but a what would have me a wolverine? Na that's too smelly and slow. maybe a wolf 'ya that's the ticket.' it would have to be a wolf not one of those timber shepherds, or husky wolf cross. Only the real thing would do; no watered down or tamed in any way. Oh god what’s going on in my head today? From the position of the sun I need to get moving or I will be camping in the rough when it gets dark.
It was easy for me to pick my way through the maze of paths and roads not mapped to find my way over the top of the hills which separated Monroe from Summer town. A forty five mile ride as the snake crawls. The path wasn't straight but it was the shortest distance overland that could be traveled. By the time I reached Monroe I was in need of fresh food; not an energy bar, and a deep hankering for serious libations. It felt like Guinness time, nothing better to wash the taste of dust out of my mouth.
There was a Mexican eatery in town with Guinness, that's a rare pair indeed, so I pointed Taroke that way and made it into the parking lot unscathed by the weekend horde of touristy nincompoops who can't tell their joint from their gouache. I had been here before and from a peek in from the outside I noticed the booth I wanted was open. It let me keep an eye on my bike and the inside of the restaurant. I shook off my duster and used it to protect the saddle and dash panel grabbed my pack and the USB key.
I see You
Although I was taking care of business with my contact I could also keep track of things going on around me. It's a hard thing to describe to some one who is not a wolf by nature. But the moment she walked into the front door there was a ripple that ran through my spine. Being led to their table I could see a smooth and strong flowing walk more like, well like a wolf woman not a civilized women. She requested the booth opposite of me and from the positioning of her body and the close cropped hair there was a military or gunslinger air about her. She worked on some maps and a tablet and payed me nay any mind. Finishing my business with Granger I was able to examine her a bit more completely.
There she sat quietly eying me as I quietly eyed her. Hell, there was as much wolf about this woman as there was with Lilly or Melissa, and this woman was a norm. Good goddess, man, I was internally yelling at my self of all things being attracted to a norm woman was not something I ever fielded in my very long life. I have known some both beautiful and handsome women in my time but never had any feelings for them. So why her why now? I would go happily to my grave never knowing the crowding and envelopment a women would be in my life.
But this one had the look and sense about her that screamed I will run with you and fight by your side. I am your equal. My pulse quickened and there was a tingling along my fingers and ears that got my attention. Everything was amplified and I could feel her fighting to control her own reactions
Then thunder struck like a fast freight train, this is what the King talk about when he met his wife and Queen, Lilly's mother., how from the second he laid eyes on her he was captured and bound. This was Recognition; a moment of synchronicity where two wolf spirits come together if one is norm and this happens their human genetics are a perfect match with ours; such that the bonding would be perfect and the species gap would be overcome, the Norm would physically be transformed into our species. The driving force was both norm and wolf would suffer physically and mentally until they came to an agreement and accepted one another. That is how powerful Recognition is for us as a species.
We are the magical blending of a human shell and intellect and an ancient wolf shell spirit. We are a blended bond of human intellect teamed with the raw animus of a wolf. Being us is a complicated feat of balancing between those two extremes. At our very core is a renewing source of pure magic, it's by that power we are held together.
So when we bond with a norm because of their highly compatible DNA the norm’s physical being is overwhelmed by our source of magic and the spell woven to create us recreates them as one of us. This was an act of procreation the originator of the spells used to CREATE Phaedrus the elder, was unaltered by successive generations of sorcerers trying to gain themselves a loyal body guard.
I did what any good red blooded wolf would do in this intersection of his life I payed my bill and hers ,including another Guinness, for her and got my tail gracefully out of there. I needed some range to sort this out before I made a right proper fool of my self. My timing was perfect when the waitress came to her table with her dinner I slipped out and ran not walked to a spot just outside of the lighting arc of the parking lot. Then I could go no farther I was stopped by force a lot like a chain around me neck. I sat down in the high weeds and mused over my situation. In about a half hour she came out and started her bike then she rubber necked around looking for something or some one. I was already wolf so I sat motionless in the dark sniffing the air watching her and when she finally warily rode away I felt my heart pull behind her motorcycle.
Down inside of my befuddled brain my Lobo self was screaming Good God man I need a woman like I need a bear trap on my leg. And the bear trap is preferable because it doesn't talk.
I was distracted when the waitress brought my dinner and another stout, so I missed him going. I don't remember asking for another drink but if two is good three is better. I still could not shake the feelings I was processing through for that stranger. I just don't react that way never have until today. When I finished my dinner I went to pay the bill just to find it was already taken care of by Tall Dark and Handsome before he left, I was also able to find out his first name is James and yes he was from the Scottish highlands. The waitress told me she thought we would make a good pair up,and yes he acted as nice as he looks.
That shook me to the core, this waitress was the first to accurately tag me as hetero, most people take me as an iron or stone Dyke. Leaving I got the damnedest feeling that he was lurking somewhere watching me. I do a quick scan for who is watching so the only way he could be hiding was if he turned into a black wolf and was lying in the tall weeds and grass. I mentally kicked my self for such a corny monster movie thought, there is nothing like that in this real world, no were wolves, no witches or mummies and no zombie's, with the exception of the one in my head. How ever I felt sick to my stomach when I pulled out onto the highway to go back to Summer Town. It felt like there was something holding onto my heart not wanting to let go, no way no how this is the real world this type of faerie tail story does not happen to me.
I pulled into a grocery store to pick up some supplies including some chocolate ice cream and candy bars. Loading them on my bike I had to stop to wipe a tear from my eye. The wetness shamed me for not being better in control. How can just seeing someone across the room rock me so much, I am a tinker, tailor, warrior and spy; there is no room for this shit, get your head back into the game or end up as road kill, Getting pulled over now, will get me locked up and the key thrown away, just for an imaginary crush on a person who doesn't know you from the town pump, and doesn’t care to know you.
I made the ride back without incident, stopped by the office and paid for a week and got buttoned down in my fortress of solitude. I started to watch a movie and eating ice cream, But the lonesomeness would not leave me alone, I could still very acutely feel him in the distance and he felt the same. What the hell is wrong with me why do I need to cry; why am I crying so much. Damn chocolate ice cream feels good when you are crying but it doesn't replace a pair of warm arms holding you; how can you long for something you never had..???
Sunday Afternoon
The hustle of the preparations getting for the picnic to day has been complected by Bob deciding to invite Strong Bear and all of his lead foremen as well. Yes it was a stroke of brilliance to do so with the exception of one minor point. I could be on the menu if I run afoul of the tribal grandmothers. This could be very very good or awful for me and any long term involvement between the first people and Haven.
I have stood nose to nose with Billion dollar CEO's, bank presidents, state judges they and more are old hat for me. As a group these people are usually tame to work with compared to a group of tribal grandmothers..
Put a bevy of tribal grand mothers in a room and I become a bit frantic. If this doesn’t give you the willies you have no Idea of what you are in for. Those women have the combined wisdom of centuries of experiences and the refined power of their medicine/intent. They take no guff and they know if you ever soiled your undies or told an untruth. Just then James glided on up to me needing to talk.
“Well lass how be you this fine morning. Nervous?”
“Just a bit; Grand Mother Spencer is a real VIP who I need to mind my P’s and Q's with. So much depends on this going well. Where is Melissa I haven't seen her or Lilly And where have you been the last couple of days? “
"Both of the girls are busy Running high cover today, playing at being ghost right now I reckon. And the idea is ye shouldn't see them until ye need them.”
“How is the repair going on that badly damaged section.? And who is your friend with you they have an interesting scent about them.”
“Lass I was discretely trying to handle that ,Ye already have enough on Ye plate, but AI, it is going well. The person is my Druid friend Elric he is an old school style from the day when Druids were real adult men and women not the poffey prats running along today. “
“ James you are doing your job very well: I just wanted you to know, I know how well, also I do not take you for granted. Any thing else I need to know about, James?”
“Nay lass nothing I can't handle. A bit of repair here a wee bit of maintenance there. This is my job Betty you worry about Greta and Gretchen and keep doing what I can't do.
A word of advice; remember to just breathe and don't let Spenser see you sweat.”
“James what can you tell me about this dance circle it seems that the township owns it, what’s with that.?”
“Back in the day when Armon purchased the property, there were protective covenants that came with it. Some of the property had been seized from the local tribe to prevent them from using it for 'pagan ceremonies or rituals. Conveniences like these have recently become a gray area in the laws. Some corporate law judges saying a contract is a contract, the civil law judge saying it is an instance of an archaic form of discrimination and a violation of their freedom of worship.”
“Thanks for the Intel my fine man, if you have any contacts in that magic black book of yours I need to find a friendly court and judge. Also if there are any other portions of this township that belong to the tribe please show me when this is done.?”
“Ai lass, it will be my pleasure to do just that. I need to get this awning up to keep the ticks from dropping into the negotiations bugging the procedures."
I added “Lay on McGuffey“ to that James just chuckled.
James is wound tighter than a one dollar alarm clock, But he is not saying anything. It is not my nature to pry but if he doesn't perk up real soon I will press the matter. I know something big happened last night, It shook me out of bed, I had some images from my sleep but my hands are full with today so the big guy gets off, for now.
Not allowing any thing else to chance I went over to our grill master Bob who insisted on catering today's picnic. He was very adamant about the preparations for today’s festivities.
“No grand mother I know, is going to eat cold food put by the night before, If I ever did that, My Ma would have my head on a serving plate. Heck the crew I have for catering the big parties can handle lunch today. I warned them if Cleo gives me a bad report I will fire them, and find some who will. “
So there Bob was in his natural habitat, fussing and chopping fresh salad. Putting some finishing touches on the Smoked Buffalo roast, Deer Dogs, smoked salmon, burgers, There was things there I could not recognize, I thought this was supposed to be a low key quiet get together to allow the people to sniff me out. But it flowered into getting the work crew lead's together with Strong Bear and his top crew leads. Some how Bob sorted this out in just a day. Personally I think he wanted to show off to the women that he still had the touch.
We had about sixty five people all milling around having a great time talking and munching on picnic food. Strong Bear had his demonstration, and tools set up showing the young green horns from Haven how things were to be done. I like him. he is just the right mixture of pleasant but firm father figure who from his hands I can see pitches right in to get things done right.
Haven’s garden club was present which also is the canning club and cooking club, they were talking to their counterparts.
Suddenly I stiffened something had just changed; there was a powerful force arriving inside of the circle perimeter James and I erected a trip wire shield to come up to keep everyone safe when the Grand Mothers arrived here. Now it gets interesting.
.Grand Mother Spencer
To be sure I was as guilty of prejudgment of Betty as my son was. I didn't know just what to expect. From what I has heard she could be a manly woman want to be or just an ugly mess of a human with no clear up or down.
What I met intrigued me. Betty was a solid woman rather pretty showing in her face the strong Lakota blood of her mother’s people, but with the blue eyes of her father’s Scottish heritage. She greeted me with great humility and respect leaving me to know she revered and lived the old customs of our people.
What I found to be the strangest thing was her total honest manner and openness in our discussions. There were no walls between us, nothing for her to hide behind. There were no pretenses and she was honestly interested in what our people’s point of view of the Haven's past relationship with us and how that had failed. She took my good natured ribbing willing to understand that criticism given with a little humor can take the sting out of things. I was more blunt on how we felt let down when as Ann got older the township lost its way stranding us financially on several projects especially the revitalized RR system. They also lost several key contracts selling our produce and other products hitting us again in the pocket.
Not making any excuses, Betty explained what she had found out from her attempts to put the barrier to rights again. She told me of on the first night staying in Haven how she was surprised by the presence of the Spirit Owl showed her the mouse with the witches knot's trussing the poor creature up. How it was being used to convey bad energies to work against the people of Haven driving them to distraction.
“Grandmother Spenser it was like the heart of the community had gone out of them and they could only endure the suffering, others heaped on them. Grief is a process normally with a beginning a middle and a getting on with it stage. This just crashed them into a state of perpetual darkness. Only the people who had contacts and work outside of Haven had any energy to keep going, outside of just feeding them selves. Them and the spunky few that would float regardless of what happened. Grandmother Haven’s people were frozen in their process remaining trapped forever falling never striking bottom. They never questioned what was happening to them. Everyone I have worked with, acts like they lost the ability to think, and take action. I may be smart but I am in no way the sharpest tool in the shed of this town. But I am the window and door opener, letting fresh air into this stuffy little burg, waking people up."
“Betty, what will happen if you get a better offer to work for more money else where? Haven can't be paying you that much..”
With the ease of a native speaker Betty launched into Salish.
“ Like these mountains I can not leave. Grandmother I was created by Grand Father Great Spirit my purpose is to stand here, to protect this place. Haven is my Stake Dance, There is no one on any pretty painted pony to rescue me. I have learned to fight for what is right by serving the needs of others. I have lived to serve. Here is where I stand and here is where I will be buried. This is what Grand Father Great spirit has shown me my truth to be.
Everything in my life has prepared me for this position this is a spirit debt I would not give this responsibility to any other even if was physically able to do so.”
“I am seeing the other part of you as well. I see in you a deep connection to your teacher and benefactress home land. Scotland. Is that not your truth as well“
“ Truth is truth; the big waters can not be used to separate it. I was trained here first as a novice medicine two spirited person as a healer by my Grand Mother. I was sent to Scotland and trained as a Hedge Witch, a protector of the land. Both knowledge's were to make my place here in Haven.
There are many others to protect that home land. But I am the shield and steward for this place, Haven is unique but only the front door to what stands behind us. My duty is to protect that door to protect you and your people and all people who live here. There has been too much suffering from neglect and envy for what you have. I am here to help shield and protect all of you who live here then I will end that shameful practice.”
“Betty I see that in you there is nothing you conceal or have held back. But there is something unreadable in you, This something is protected by a Raven or Crow I would say.”
This question bothered her, Betty wanted to say something but felt obligated to keep this name to herself.
“Grandmother this is difficult I do not know what I can say or not say. This Haven has been created as an oasis against human created misery that most others choose to live in. The original Haven was a city of healers, herbalists and helpers for all kinds of human ailments or miseries. All were working to the common purpose of creating for the best not the worst we can be. It was violently destroyed by those whose interests were the opposite. This is another attempt and one which I am sworn not to fail. I can not run or hide, Here I stand, here I live or die that is my choice.”
There is something that I have seen in the eyes of the unseen. I would be stupid if I did not sense that the incredible power backing this young woman was through them. She does not look to be a day over twenty five or thirty but her eyes are very old, but unlike many who bare the mark of those who serve the unseen, her eyes held a human warmth. compassion and the pure furry of a women scorned and humbled. but never broken.
My Keystone spirit Guide whispered into my mind’s ear, "This one has fire and determination to be her own being. She can be trusted to keep her word as spoken; there is no shadow in her. She is a What you see is what you get person, I approve as does the rest of your council."
Switching back to American. "Ok, Betty let’s see where this rebound relationship will take us."
“Grandmother, there is another matter I wish to ask about. I am deeply invested in putting things right between the two peoples. I will always speak my mind and I ask for you to do the same. The years of failure has left the taste of ashes in your people’s mouths and it will take a strong showing of good deeds and work following words of agreements before trust can be even partially repaired. I need to ask your blessings to Parley directly with the injured parties so that I may feel and know what I need to accomplish leading my group back to a good relationship. I do not come to ask for things and I will not ask for any agreements before our parley I only wish to know what is what so I may consider how to address the situations. “
“Betty you are asking to play clay pigeon for a lot of hostility and bad blood just to find out that we are hurt and not trusting your township’s manners.”
“Yes grandmother, I do, but If I am not willing to put on my Big Girl Power Panties and face this, how could they ever believe those I represent. All I ask is no physical or medicine violence as I am quite able to protect my self and I do not wish to add insult to injuries all ready suffered.”
“Big girl power panties you say , sounds like a song in there. Betty I like you let me see what I can arrange no promises for now, I just don't want to just let-my-kids-run-around-the mall-like—psychopaths with your head on a stick.”
"Grandmother, I do understand that is why I wanted to speak to you today."
We sat and enjoyed the food al fresco under the canopy of the lovely trees coming into their full fall color. There was the air of hope here, the land of the dance circle felt alive under my feet. Every time I would look at Betty my image would alter just a bit until I could see her in clear vision as a friend and sister who wanted the best for all who lived here. She also struck me as someone who was full of surprises and needed to be watched for the unexpected tactics in proving herself to my people. This may be easier than I thought, only time and the will of spirit can tell.
I could see James on the outside of the festivity brooding over some affairs of the heart. James brooding over affairs of the heart; do wonders ever cease, I just wish the big guy would come closer so I could talk to him but he is keeping his distance for now.
I watch Betty with the ease and grace of someone much older than her sixty years flow into the contact with the grandmothers. She didn't miss a beat and was totally natural. When she started speaking Salish my jaw nearly kissed the ground. Afterwards I caught up with her as the people milled about. There was a certain odd look on her face when I walked up to her like she was having a private conversation with her self.
“Betty, how are things?”
“I think today is going to be successful, every one is on the same page for tomorrow’s harvest start. There will be a work crew finishing the set up of the loading area, Three of the four chilling rooms are operational as of now the quick flash chiller needed some attention so Bear told me, he fixed it in the past, so he is going to look at it it according to him it just needs a little persuasion.'
“I was more interested in how you were doing how did you hold up to inspection,?”
“I think from what I can tell I did fairly well. I know they will be watching me and how I work with the others I will be in charge of the creche for several days I will have both Crystal and Anna helping me so I think we are good.”
“I was wondering Betty I didn't know you spoke Salish?”
“Neither did I until I just started speaking it.”
“ Oh that must be awkward for you lassie ?”
“James you don't know the half of it. We both of have a bit of awkwardness we need to talk about alone.!”
We need to talk, are the four scariest words in either English or American,
I was never so glad to get out of a place in me entire life. I knew Betty had sussed out my nerves and upset. What a wimp I am, AI me, I do have emotions like humans do. but this is ridiculous I was talking to my self,.....I startled at a sudden presences.
“What’s ridiculous, James? Came a well known voice from the dark.”
It was the elder and Fay, was with him good goddess they...
Fay completed my sentence
“ are the last people I wanted to see.!! But we are the people you need to see right now, James we are here for you, what you just experienced has shaken the world yours and ours. So damn you, you are not going to slink off somewhere until you convince yourself of what ever you men do to deny love is real and exists.”
“I am a wee bit indisposed of here, Fay I love ye like a sister but there are some mite bit of problems with, first this couldn't have happened at a worse time.”
The elder cut in.
“You don't chose where, when or even who, you have fallen in love with, if love finds you worthy, it chooses you”
” Y ye gads man ye now are sounding like Fay and her dizzy bunch of lunatics. Me thought ye would at least try to have a wee bit of understanding because ye are a man.”
“Well James thank you for noticing yes I am a man and as a man and as close to a father as our species has so I do have some wisdom to share with you. Before you go and do some damn silly stunt, but first a question how old are you James?”
“A wee bit of change over two grand.”
“ A small bit you say James,
“ A small bit you say James, Fays voice cut in., you are on the best authority Two thousand five hundred and sixty nine years old. And in that entire time you haven't had even one close intimate encounter”
“There ye are mistaken my fine lassie I had me fling but the poor women was Killed before we could be married right and proper.”
Phaedrus added
“Yes and the day after that Roman Carthage fell, no small thanks to your efforts."
Turning to Fay “those bastards killed any thing that moved out side of their walls, No small amount of good it did them in the end. And no James the girl died a virgin as you are still.”
Fay added
“James this is not about your prowess I have seen you swimming and there is no doubt in my mind you are a virile man, This is about your soul and how incredibility rare this opportunity is. The creator of all things the source of all life has chosen to bring to you a perfect mate, and you think you can just say, no Ill pass?”
“What do I have to share with her, how can I say abandon everything that you have known then suffer for three days as your body mutates? Hell yes I can see the response to that, then because she knows about us the unseen I get to kill her. To keep her quiet”
Phaedrus turns to Fay
”is he always this emotional and dramatic,?”
“ No Elder he has Recognition fever badly I have never in all the time I have known him seen him so wound up and upset.“
Not being of the mind to be polite I ripost
“Recognition fever so are you now a Dr Ms Fay or just Daft Ms Fay?”
“Ai you stoney head lummox be still ye gob before I forget ye are me friend. I have been ye witch doctor for about the last eight hundred years since the time I pulled that English broad head arrow from ye ass. If I remember that was when you mooned the English when ye were standing sides with The Bruce, and since then I have stitched and sewed ye up many more times than I have sewed me owe clothing,”
Phaedrus turned to me
“ Now you have done it you have pissed her off. She only has an accent when she is mad”
The out burst and me flagging energies brought me triad to an end.
“Really my friends what am I going to do. How do I deal with this.?”
Fay was winding up when Phaedrus put up his hand heading her off,
“James you lost the perfect opportunity tonight all of the energies were set to make things right. But No for the first and I hope last time in your life you ran away in fear from something you could have easily faced. This is not done not yet, another chance will occur but the two of you love birds are going to be pretty miserable by the time this ordeal is over. But on the bright side you have us to help you through the rough parts as best we can."
Fay added
“But she nay has even that small comfort, think of that
[To be Continued]

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Wee bit over two grand eh?
Wee bit over two grand eh? Sounds like he is being considered just a child by the elder. I do hope James and the woman he ran into in the cafe, get together. Both of them will be the better for it.
Love Is in the Air
Stupid men! I hope James can make it up to poor Sam. I love a good love story and this is starting out very well.
Thanks and kudos.
- Terry
Recognition huh?
if your doing it like in 'Elfquest' the longer they fight it the tougher it will be on them.
great chapter, thanks