TopShelf Blogs

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I boo booed. I posted latest chapter of Half Term break.

Well I Boo Booed and posted chapter 53 of Half Term break instead of chapter 11. Over the next few weeks the other chapters will appear. Like others I will miss Stanley Morten and hope his editorial team have a few more stories to publish and that one of them will complete the task for him. Stanley eight years ago urged me to publish my Gaby fan fiction on this site. In one of them I had Stanley dying and being sent down the telephone line to live with Gaby. He thought it was funny. Well his spirit still lives on in the internet.

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TV's Major Crimes has story about a TG teen

Major Crimes on the TV station TNT had a fictional story about a thirteen year old TG teen, who was missing. The show was season 2 episode 6. There was a fair mix of supporters and detractors, in the expected places and the police seemed to handle the case well. A grizzly circumstance but fair and even handling.


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Stan and the Christmas Gift

Four years ago I wrote a stand alone Story that became part of a larger work. Stan wrote a very nice comment, and I replied by PM that the story was about him, and it really was. I knew then about his ill health, and thought about what his personal desires might be. So I included Stan in my story, Cynthia and the Christmas Gift. If there is an afterlife or chance to come back, I hope Stan finds a place where he is happy without the horrible physical problems he had to endure.

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A woman's exploration on the high seas, Jeanne Baret

The first woman to circumnavigate the glove was disguised as a man for the first portion of her journey, and was brutally raped by the crew when she was discovered. It's not a pretty story.

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Everythings Sunny With Sarah - Sarah's Adventure

Holy sh** two blog posts in one month I must be sick :P

Anyway folks, just a heads up, Sarah's adventure proof of concept and Pre-Alpha Demo can be found at the following link

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A milestone passed!

Yesterday I had my court date for name change. The whole process to this date had been a bit time consuming but not difficult. Basically I had to supply a SLED(Criminal) background check, fingerprints and all and a DSS background check to ensure that I wasn't a child abuser or neglect-er.

The policewoman that took my prints was super nice, we wound up having a conversation which starts as those conversations seem to...

"Wow, I wouldn't have had any idea until I looked at the paperwork!"


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Sorry, been out

Sorry, I'm entertaining a visitor and we went out for a long walk this evening - it was delightful, but by the time we got back I was late starting Bike and keep falling asleep as I try and write it. So rather than have you read a load of gobbledygook, I'll finish it tomorrow and post it.


Angharad & Bonzi.


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Need a web site host, somewhere to make my site.

Hello everyone who is reading, yes it is that time of the year again where I post this question.

I need to find a web site host provider for my smallish personal transgender fiction website...

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This week has been a staycation one of those times when you have to use vacation time to avoid losing out. We are saving up for a big vacation next year and so our time this year is spent at home. My wife was out of the house all day today and I had an early morning errand to run, so I got dressed in my feminine best and went out. (My wife knows I do this, so don't think I was sneaking out.)

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While I seem to be soldiering on, life seems to be far too big for me at times and I am thinking of disappearing. BCTS seems to be the one pleasant and relatively peaceful place in my life, so I would perhaps not disappear from here.

In real life, I have somehow been harnessed as a stalking horse for certain GBLT activist groups and this public life is uncomfortable for me. I'd rather just quietly live my life, not revealing that I am anything but an elderly woman. I've learned some hard lessons in the last few years.

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Holy S--t

Just checked my account and found that I've been a member of BC for seven years twenty one hours. My how time flies when you're having fun. I'm trying to think of all that's happened in those seven years, and how many stories I've posted? I think the thing that amazes me the most is that I'm still alive and kicking. Had a valve replacement three years ago and a defibulator implanted two years ago, which has saved my life twice that I know of. I'm still self employed as a glazing contractor for those that didn't know and still writing stories when I have time.

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Malala Day

"They thought the bullet would silence us, but they failed. Out of that silence came thousands of voices. The terrorists thought they would change my aim and stop my ambitions. But nothing changed in my life except this. Weakness, fear and hopelessness died. Strength, power and courage was born.” ~Malala Yousafzai

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New book idea and a Typhoon

Well, I am sitting in a hotel in Linkou, Taiwan, staring down the barrel of a Cat 3 Typhoon. So, I thought writing would be something to do, instead of watching the windows flex a lot more than I thought glass was capable of. I have a new book on the story board, and I would like to share the concept of it see if I could get some feedback on the interest. It will be a bit different than anything else I have done, but probably not that much so. Anyway, below is the introduction. I hope it is not too big for a blog. Would like some thoughts on the concept. Thanks.


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had a talk with my supervisor about my co-worker

Well, last night I had another encounter with my clueless co-worker, and after she once again called me by my male name, I made a point of talking to my supervisor about the situation. She talked to the girl, and the girl said she had met me when we both worked at Zellers (I dont remember meeting her, but that doesnt mean it didnt happen.) So according to her, she was having some trouble doing a mental switch and call me by the right name, but would do better in the future.

For now, I'm going to consider this a win, but I will be on my guard around her ....

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'Tootsie' 'Was Never-

Tootsie' 'Was Never a Comedy for Me. I ran across this while surfing. While it may not be TG per say since Dustin Hoffman is an actor in a role, the interview really touched a place that had me crying.
"That's as good as it gets Charley"

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Can't shake this feeling

If I was in a better position financially I would commit myself to a mental ward and never leave. I am dangerously depressed and sleep deprived. Things are going well, but I am so fearful that the bottom is going to drop out and that I'm going to lose everything. I would rather die than to see that happen and that worries me.

I am so tired of the fight, so tired of the struggle, so tired of people looking down at me and sneering at me.

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I need some opinions please.

For those who don't post there's a general rule about how much you can post and how much is on the quickfinds list. Here's my thing and that sometimes that list goes fast with a lots of new stuff coming in and sometimes not. *Note not bitching.*

What I want an opinion on is how long do I leave something in place before putting something up? I mean if it's not getting the comments in that early posted stuff rush and just getting normal comment traffic.


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Contributions to Hatbox and Server Fund Needed

We got in a big check for the server fund in June but other donations for the Hatbox are very behind. The way this is going to work is that when we make the goal for the month, I will donate $500 to the server fund from the Hatbox. Also, donations that come in marked for Server Fund will go there.

So, anything you can chip in will be good. We will probably be using the server fund around October/November to upgrade at least one of the servers to a 3 to 5 year life machine. The other machines may have to wait till next year.

Thanks to everyone.


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helped out at church again today

Today at church, I was asked to help with the communion service, and it was a good experience. We were given these sashes, then we went down to the front to hold out the bread and the wine for the congregation to come down and partake.

Best part? They gave me a sash with a butterfly on it ....

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Good On Yer, Andy Murray

It's finally happened! A Briton has won the men's singles title at Wimbledon. The first since Fred Perry 77 years ago. I'm no fan of lawn tennis, but I had to wipe away a tear because this was sporting history.

To make the moment even sweeter, Andy Murray hails from a lovely little town on the edge of the Scottish highlands called Dunblane, which was blighted by tragedy in 1996 when a gunman opened fire on a group of schoolchildren with horrendous results. Andy's triumph has now ensured that the town will be remembered for a different reason.

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Hmmm, I don't feel a year older........

(Today anyway). It doesn't really feel like I've started the backside of the Half century mark. You think anyone would notice if I started counting back through the forties instead? (LOL). Well in case anyone hasn't figure out what I'm ramblin' about, I've turned 51 today! I know I know, to some of you out there I'm still a young whippersnapper, But seriously there are many days I just don't feel "This young!" LOL. Big Hugs to all, Taarpa

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The DRU and the Future

Well it looks like the DRU might be winding down sadly, I blame myself. I haven't been giving it the attention and the care that I have been in the past. Stories will still be written for it of course, there are stories being written for it now in fact but sadly its just not as popular as it was before. I promise to try my hardest to finish the last two I've been working on. I know the others will try to finish theirs as well :)

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a day filled with pain

Well, yesterday was a pain-filled day. First, my breasts started hurting, and it got pretty bad. So bad that I started crying on the phone with Jaci and Ruth and pretty much blubbered for more than hour, with the only words I could say were "I'm sorry" over and over again ......

Then, at work, my male bits somehow managed to slip out of my panties, and the pain I experienced was tremendous, and the psychological suffering was just as bad ....

Ah, well. Time to sleep, and hope for a better night tonight.

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A question for other authors

I was wondering if other author's did the same thing as I do or if I am totally nuts. See, when I am in the middle of writing a work, I make it a habit not to read anybody. I don't mean just reading things on line, I won't even read a newspaper article (even if I really wanted to).

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The biggest thing about being trans is that it forces you to deal with the assumptions people have about gender. Most people dont think about their gender, or how being male or female influences how people treat you, but as a trans person, I have to face those assumptions every day. Along with the assumptions comes judgement - am I feminine enough, or too feminine? How do people see me, and how do I interact with them?

I'm trying to learn to give myself some slack in these judgments, and am hoping others will do the same.

So far so good .....

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Summer's Here! County Durham Sizzles In The Seventies!

Well it's sort of about holidays. In a single afternoon I saw two crowded beaches, three lighthouses, two windmills, lots of cormorants and kittiwakes, a funfair and a zoo. It's probably the nearest I'll get to a holiday this year.

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When doing Amazon searches

I had an interesting question and I think it might help other authors who also publish on Kindle (I'm hard at work at a brand new novel which is why I haven't posted anything here for a while and after 100k words decided things will work better if I made it first person so it's going to be a while since I haven't even finished the plot yet).

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4th of July

since today is the official birthday of The United States of America I wantto wish all here Happy birthday... To all my brothers at arms whom are veterans like my self. It was an honor to have served our country......Happy Birthday America

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The Family Girl #063: Happy 4th of July

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #63: Happy 4th of July

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

It's too bad that the 4th of July's just a regular workday around here, except at my office, of course - only essential people or on-duty call agents were required to report for work.

Unfortunately, per the office's operations guide, my position is considered "essential," hence I had to work today... darn...

But, nevertheless, A hearty Happy 4th of July to everyone! Enjoy the day, and keep safe!

And a special shoutout to our brave fighting men and women! This is your day as much as it is anyone's.

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Had an awesome birthday !

had an awesome birthday yesterday. I got tons of well-wishes from my online friends, I had a decent dinner with my brother and sister-in-law, and then got serenaded by my co-workers at work. Then to add the cherry to the sundae, two people at work made a point of saying "hey there, birthday girl" to me, which felt awesome.

It was so much fun, I almost dont wanna wait a year to do it again ...

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Thanks, Dorothy, for reminding me of something important!

In a recent blog you mentioned re-reading an older story. That reminded me of what a marvelous repository of excellent fiction we have here at Big Closet. Erin and the other Admins. are to be thanked for what they have provided here.

I often read stories that are many years on the site. But, you know, they're all new when you read them for the first time. I like to thank the author by signing in and giving a Kudos for each chapter: It takes little time and effort and gives them a thank you for their work.

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