Hi.... So a couple weeks ago I posted asking for help, and I was given a lot of info that did help.
We have next week, an appointment with WIC and an appointment next month with a few other services.
Unfortunately, because Amy is on SSD (Disability), the state of NJ considers her money "Un-Earned Income" so it counts against us double/triple when it comes to SNAP/FoodStamps and similar services.
Right now, if we can make it through this month, and the next, December and on are looking QUITE WELL....
But as of right now, I don't think we are going to have a place to live in about 7 days.
We won't be on the street, because her family will take us in if needed. But I REALLY don't want to do that to her. We were there for 7 days, while enjoying the best of her Mom telling Amy she needs to loose weight (She currently weighs 40lbs less now, than BEFORE the pregnancy), and critiquing evey single thing we did, 24 hours per day.
We have till the first of the month, to get together the remainder of our security deposit (Was $995, now down to $695) and we need ANYTHING you can send. Be it $5 or $20 or whatever.

Work for the new year appears to be picking up, plus I'm applying for a couple part time jobs to make ends meet in the mean time, but right now, I REALLY need your help. Don't make me send my Fiance back to that hell, back into the house where she was emotionally, and physically abused as a child.
My eMAil address, which happens to also be my paypal login, is [email protected] and you can also send HatBox donations via BigCloset/Amazon, just PLEASE make sure to tell Joyce that you are sending to help me if that is your intention. Also, if sending via PayPal, PLEASE mark them as "friends/Family" or "Gift".
PLEASE HELP in any way you can.
Thank you, Piper, Amy and NinjaBabyLiam

You've Been PayPal'd
Sent a bit via PayPal. Best of Luck to you.
Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue
Thank You so Much!
It's really appreciated. FYI anyone that wishes to send us a mailing address via PM, and I will send a hand written thank you note, and a picture of NinjaBaby Liam :)
I was under the impression that being on disability payment was, in itself, a qualifying event for food stamps (SNAP).
Please consult this page:
Best wishes from the Jersey girls!
Hi Piper, I have paypal'd you. A little something from a senior girl getting by on SS. Best wishes, Carol Anne
Carol Anne
Across the pond
Hi Piper, Paypal gift on its way, every little helps. Best of luck and thanks for all your hard work.
Can you let me know if it's successful, I've never sent money this way before.
Thank You Everyone!
I wanted to send a heartfelt Thank You to everyone that helped. Be it via PayPal, or Amazon, Paper Check, or even just by sending notes of support and information.
Piper, Amy and NinjaBaby Liam