TopShelf Blogs

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SRS Surgery Video

This is a good video of how SRS is done. On me they re routed the vas deferns to the posterior of the faux vagina. Though I did not understand the vocabulary too well on the new proceedure, it appears as if part of the vagina is now lined with mucus producing flesh to provide moisturization.

Notice how the cavity for the faux vagina is formed. It looks like a shovel handle he's using. :)

On the one year checkup, notice that in this case, the vaginal depth seemed to be 3" or less. Do not expect to be making any porn videos with a 14 inch penis.

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The Family Girl #058: The Quest for the Perfect Bra

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #58: The Quest for the Perfect Bra

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I have read, oftentimes, how difficult it is for girls to find bras that truly fit. They talk about being pinched, being squeezed, or spilling out of too-tight bras, or having straps fall off during inopportune times for too-loose ones. To be totally honest, I have not had that problem, but then again, I have only been wearing them for a short time (a little under eight years), plus my boobies aren’t earth-shakingly big that I would really need the support or the control.

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Change of plans

Well, apparently, there has been a change of plans. Instead of reading the poem at the lunch, I will be reading it during the church service. Anybody who lives in Edmonton is welcome to come, and prayers and good wishes are appreciated, as I havent spoken in front of so many people before ....

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two years

Like the title says, its been two years since I first joined. I don't recall my first comment, but I came to this site through the stories "shoes" and the ones that followed it. I was going to try and have a bunch ready and post daily this week, but looking for work has cut into writing time. But I should have something later today or tomorrow
Thanks to everyone for keeping this site going and making people like me get our stories out there

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Making progress

Well, I saw my endo doc yesterday, and things are going in the right direction. My testosterone levels have dropped from almost 20 to 10.5. Still got a ways to go, they want my levels down to normal female range, which is 2-3. So they have increased my estrogen to 5 pumps per day, and recommended that rather than putting it on one spot, I put each pump onto a different spot to help make sure it absorbs properly.

Still, I'm making progress, and that's a good thing.

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Six completed novels

When, nearly three and a half years ago, I signed up to BC and ceased to lurk in the background, I had six unfinished stories all about 25,000 words in length. I had never been able to finish any work, which tended to become bogged down and so I started something else. Now, as a result of the encouragement and help received, I have just posted the final part of my sixth novel (ranging in length from 66,000-120,000 words) with also a couple of short stories thrown in for good measure - so thanks to everyone who has ever read, kudoed, commented, edited, or corrected any of my stories.

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Had a request about 'Angry Mermaid today' today.

I've had a request today (No names, no pack drill,) to exclude the long Character list at the beginning of each chapter of 'Angry Mermaid' and instead to simply post the said list as a side order in the stories. If anybody's got any opinions or feelings about this please comment. As a matter of course, I'm going to post the Character as a short story in my stories list and see what requests I get.

Betcha' I get my arse kicked.

Lorra laughs, LOLOL


xx's to all.

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My web page is down.

Due to neglect on my part, my web page has been closed. Truth is, I forgot the password and the email they had for me hasn't been active in a number of years. So starting today, I'm going to be posting all my stories here. For all of you who may have been to my site and read them you'll be glad to know I'm editing them and they should be a lot better typo wise. ;o)

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Came out...kinda

Something unexpected happened to me last week. I spontaneously jumped on an open opportunity and came out to my wife of seven years. I know she has detected Megan lurking around, confined, but never really put it together. After a routine evening, I expressed my need for more romance and intimacy. She said I was more of a girl...I went for it this time. She was a little confused, a little disappointed that I never told her, but overall, is committed to me.

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For Richard

Working on the assumption that if even one user takes pleasure from these tunes then they were worth the trouble of linking to, here's a song for Richard Brookbank/Ruth Pattison and another for Peter Stokes's dad.

'The Cinema Show' is my favourite track of all time. If you haven't heard it before I warn you that at about 2:45 you may begin to experience emotions you'll never be able to communicate for the rest of your life. You'll know what they are, you just won't be able to tell anyone about them. I've tried for 40 years so I should know. Anyway, this is for Richard/Ruth.

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After reading Digger's comments I realize that I should have mentioned ALL of the MEN AND WOMEN that served deserve the respect and thanks of those whose freedoms were protected and saved. To those who served and I overlooked I offer my sincerest apologies and greatest appreciation.


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When Wasps Make Honey

When Wasps Make Honey, the sequel to Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, is now available from Amazon in Kindle Format
and from Smashwords in EPUB format. This novel follows the continuing adventures of Kazmina and Launuru as Kazmina secretly rescues slaves from various estates and Launuru is drafted as an acolyte of Kensaulan, the god of the dead. Psavian and Znembalan play larger roles here than in the first book, and there are many new characters, several of whom get transformed in interesting ways.

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Firstly, a big thank you

I received my first cheque for A Witch In Time last week and it made my day ... or rather my lifetime. I never expected to sell as many copies as I have and whilst it wouldn't make literary news anywhere but in my household, it's really put a smile on my face and Penny's too!

I know I have all of you out there to thank for that, so, thank you all!!

I have plans to release more books into 'E' format and hope those are as well received as this one has been.

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Busy Doing Nothing

I've just watched an excellent show on BBC I-Player called '50s Britannia'. It's a documentary about the British rock 'n' roll scene at that time and compares it to what was going on in the USA, describing it as 'a strange variant on a distant phenomenon'.

Although the Beatles are only mentioned in passing, the programme gives a remarkable insight into the cultural changes that made their fame inevitable.

Did those four young men from Liverpool invent something entirely new? Sounded like it, though I suspect not everyone would agree.

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Memorial Day

Today we in America celebrate another holiday. Memorial Day. For some it means having to work, while for others it means a day off. For some today is another day they have to work, be it for themselves or their family. For others its a chance to get together and celebrate the coming of summer. Kids thinking of the long days in the sun an having fun with friends. Others will plan summer vacations and hopefully have a chance to recharge from work, away from cell phones, deadlines and other unwanted interruptions. Today may just mean hanging with friends and having a cookout.

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What's going on

Once again I finished a short series and I've fallen off the edge of the earth, or so it would seem. But I am still around, reading blogs, sending random comments, writing the occasional tidbit to make sure people don't forget about me.

I figured now is as good a time as any to update people on my life and current work.

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I will be reading my poem "Dear God" in public

well, after church today, the Affirm group met to discuss the upcoming Pride week, and one of the things that will take place is a special lunch on Sunday after the service, followed by a guest speaker. During this conversasion, my poem "Dear God" got mentioned, and in the end they would like me to read it aloud at this lunch.

I cant remember the last time I spoke in front of people, so this could be interesting on that front, but I'm incredably humbled to be asked.

It will be on June 9th, and I'm hoping someone can film it so I can make a link afterward.

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Mixed Feelings

So happy the twins got home last night, but Jasmine has not been home in a week now, and been having a hard time reaching her even through the Myst. The girls asked where thier father was, why he was not there when i picked them up. They have talked to Jas via Vid chat and said they loved their new mom. So things should be great but. I wish I knew what was going on with my Beloved, I guess it is sort of my fault, I spent 3 days buried in code catching up, before I noticed Jas had not been home. That's when I found out Jas had not been in her office and her phone and tablet are there.

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I'm trying to enjoy the now

I got a package from the clinic where, God willing, I will be getting my SRS done. While I could spend my time wishing and dreaming about the day I'm post-op, I've decided to take another approach. I'm going to enjoy the now, be grateful for what I have, and try my best to keep looking on the bright side of things. I will probably slip once in a while, and sometimes, I will suffer from depression or PTSD attacks, but I'm really going to do my best to keep my head up.

Wish me luck, okay?

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Sorry that I fell off the planet, but my health has still been spotty, with plenty of migraines and other fun and games. Right now I am dealing with a badly sprained wrist and while my one handed typing is getting better not much is happening on any story front. Pain and an inability to type has certainly thrown a wrench in that one. Oy!

Thankfully you guys have loads of great stories on here to keep you occupied. I am sure you have barely missed me ;)

Take care you all and hope to type at you soon.

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I just finished watching Sally Potter's masterful retelling of Virginia Woolf's novel, Orlando. For those of you that don't know it, the plot concerns a man (Tilda Swinton), who is commanded by Queen Elizabeth I, played delightfully here by Quentin Crisp, to stay forever young, which he/she proceeds to do. I say he/she because halfway through the 400 year timeline of the plot, he wakes up female. She looks in the mirror and states "Same person, just a different sex". You can see why I thought that it might appeal to the habitues of this site.

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Am I getting my "girl card" punched too easy?

I'm sure that some non-trans woman reading this blog will sniff and say I'm getting my girl card punched way too easily. I mean, there are a few things cisgendered girls go through I will never deal with. The most obvious example is periods - I will never know the "joy" of bleeding, of feeling bloated, cramped, and so on that accompanies having a monthly cycle. I'm sure said woman can add other things as well, but before she gets too carried away with herself, there are a couple of things I have gone through most cisgendered women never would.

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Sorry, too late to write tonight.

Sorry folks, I was just starting to write tonight's bike and my needy friend rang - do I have to say more? She talks for England - she's lonely and anxious and I don't have the heart to tell her to go away I'm busy, but after a twelve hour day, I'm going to bed, I'm simply too tired to do Bike tonight. I have started the next 'Bonkers', so over the weekend I might get some more done, along with redoing the brakes on my bike, decorating, gardening, laundry, shopping, cook...


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A Story That Won't Go Away

I still get requests to finish the tale I began in 'Goodbye Master Stokes', and not only on this site. Recently I received a message from someone whose praise was so fulsome, and whose analysis of the story was so erudite and penetrating, that I was compelled to look at it again.

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It Got Better

My name is Wendy Jean M. It was William (Bill) M, and in the eyes of the government it still is. This will be corrected soon enough. I am 56 years old, and am transitioning from male to female (MtF).

Those of you who know me are already aware of the killer depression (literally) I went through. If not for the love of family, whom I love more than myself, I would be gone now. I’ve beat the depression, though traces still remain.

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Certifiably Crazy?

I'm just thinking. My apartment has bars on the window, and to get in you have to go through three locked doors. Some are very worried about Muslims killing me, but none have tried, and I don't think they will. There is no cigarette or pot smoke drifting through here. There is no yelling or fighting here. I feel protected. The only thing missing is that there are no chains and I can get out if I want to.

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My blood pressure has dropped

Well, yesterday I mentioned that wearing a skirt felt so good I could feel my blood pressure drop, and it turns out that wasnt a figurative statement. I went to get my estrogen prescription refilled and used the blood pressure machine while I waited, and my blood pressure was 109/88 - a significant drop from before where I was hovering around the danger zone.

too bad I cant wear skirts all the time, but ah, well.

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Kind thoughts for the authors that are ill.

Some of Big closet's authors are and/or have been under the weather lately. This is a shout out to them from others in this family that they are being thought of and loved. Hope that you get well soon! Hugs!
Feel free to add your best wishes and names to this message!

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And so it starts --- Again

And so I do what I've been doing for quite some time. I am undergoing another project, another novel. I haven't posted anything since the last chapter of Just Friends, but I was busy editing and publishing a few stories on Amazon while I gathered my wits about me.

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"Only A Baby Machine", offered with bells and whistles

Hello All. Back in late 2011/early 2012 I posted a rather long novel of forced feminization, "Only A Baby Machine". (Some liked it, some did not--what else is new?) I've revised it (not significantly, just improved dialog and such) included introductory material not given in the BC version, and added bells and whistles not possible on BC (exotic fonts, pictures). If anyone wishes to see this recent version, send me a message here, and I can email .pdf version.


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I Want A Literary Alter Ego

I have no 'real world' tg issues. I'm lucky enough to be happy with my gender identity, and to have a wide circle of friends who understand why I write tg fiction and who approve of my reasons for doing so.

Here in cyberspace (way to show your age Rich, you'll be talking about superhighways next!) it's different. I want a female alter-ego because I believe it might help me grow, both as a writer and a person.

I'm being serious. This has bugged me for a while, and I want it settled.

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"Snapshots" is the word I use to describe most of my stories. When I get it right, I can invoke a mood, or an idea, but do it in as few words as I can manage. They are not usually intended to give a lot of details (to do that would be like comparing the story to a movie rather than a snapshot), but instead force the reader to fill in some of the descriptions for themselves, individualizing the story to an extent.

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I recently received permission to post stories by Diana Kimberly Heche here and was very excited about that. She is a fine writer, story teller, and a lot of her stories are old enough that they aren't getting the attention I think they deserve. With Diana's approval, I'll be posting around two chapters a week until the story is all told. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

For now, aside from comments, anything you would like to say to Diana should be sent to me and I'll forward it to her.


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Serious crisis

I am in serious crisis. my car's bumper finally fell off, and in a panic I went to my dealership and got talked into a new car, and honestly, its more a month than I think I can handle. I dont know what to do. I signed the paperwork, I'm committed, and I'm close to calling a crisis line ....


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Totally Insane

I recently reread this series and actually enjoyed it, forgetting half the stuff that was in it. I'm tempted to write another episode, even though the person it was written for seems to have vanished. Such is the nature of people with gender identity problems, though I hope she and her family are safe.

Why I'm blogging is, assuming I find the time, and an even bigger assumption - I can rekindle Kylie's innocence and charm - are any of you interested in me doing another one. In other words, would you lot read it?

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The Geese And The Ghost

Strange things happen to you on this site. You read a story by a new author and you think hmmm, that wasn't bad. You read it again, determined to offer a detailed review because you remember the first time you posted something here and while it was nice to see someone say 'keep up the good work' you really wanted more.

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I Lost a Good Friend Today

I lost a good friend this morning due to pneumonia. This was a complication due to pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, and a myriad of other problems. I had known him for about 25 years, but we didn't really become good friends until about 12-15 years ago when we started working for the same state agency. We retired from there about a week apart. More recently, he would ride with me all over the State of Arkansas while I was doing Loss Control Surveys of various businesses. He had done this type of work for years, long before I ever got involved in it after retiring from the military.

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