TopShelf Blogs

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Thanks to everyone who took the time to tell me

Re: Soaring With Eagles - Part 2. I forgot how things change in military training. The last time I fired an M-16 was in late summer of 1966. I remember researching Air Force automatic weapons for a previous story and forgot to reference that for this story. Many things changed over the last 47 years, and they will certainly change more up to the time this story takes place. Thanks to everyone for their help.

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A Wedding and Two Wars - now available as a paperback.

Just a quickie for those who don't like Kindle books. My new Book - A Wedding and Two Wars - is one of sixteen now available as a paperback. Find it here A WEDDING AND TWO WARS


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This Might Be A Help to Readers

I was having difficulty yesterday in accessing an older story with many chapters, so took my older computer and connected it and using AOL Version 1 instead of 9.6 that is in my newer computer, was able not only to access Authors, select the Author, and open and read all the chapters, in "Rules...." by Kaleigh Way, and even the page headings were in full colour like BCTS was until the Problems began.

Perhaps if others simply returned to earlier versions of their internet service providers' programmes, they too could find access easier ?

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Sorry - No Bike tonight.

Sorry I've been distracted by my fridge turning up its compressor or whatever happens to deceased cooling units. I had to dash out an order a new one as well as cough up the readies to pay for it. Amazingly, my freezer is still working, so in that regard it could be worse, but the new one won't arrive until Sunday morning - so bang goes my lie in.

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3/4 of the way through "She's not there"

I'm about 3/4 of the way through "She's not there", and its a tough bit to read. I mean, the early stuff, the early struggle with identity, the fight against oneself, the hope that falling in love would cure oneself, finding a partner and building a life only to realize that it didnt take the urge to be a woman away; all this is stuff I can really relate to. But this is the part where she's just about to have the surgery, and from here on, its going to be territory with which I have no link to, and might never know. But I'll grit my teeth and get through it.

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Old Faithful

Well, Old Faithful, the 14 year old Hp computer that was always there as a backup when newer machines failed finally called it quits. Petty sure it was the power supply since the power light on the front went out but it might've been something else. I'm not a tech. Push the button, it turns on! MAGIC!

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Ma'am, you've dropped your keys.

I was on vacation last week and while I'm on vacation, I like to dress as girlie as the occasion will permit. At home, or when we aren't going any where, that means the full Monty, anything goes. The same goes when I'm out and about alone. However, because my wife is uncomfortable with people (even strangers) knowing her husband is cross-dressing, I have to tone it down to a point where I can present as male. Just where that point is has relaxed over the years.

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A Little Princess

If anyone happens to be in the Northern California region, come and see our production of a new musical theater adaptation of Francis Hodgson Burnett's "A Little Princess" at the Sacramento Theatre Company (in Sacramento, CA... if that weren't obvious). It's a wonderful story about never giving up on your dreams, about imagination and curiosity and understanding other people even if you don't agree with their choices. On top of that, it's a beautiful production with gorgeous music.

If you need more details on how to get tickets or find the theater, PM me.

Kristin Darken

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Pretty in Pink?

Okay, have no problem with the pink coloring as such. However I did like the other format/layout much better. Just a personal opinion but, at fist blush it seemed that it might be easier to navigate. On a strictly personal note, I could have been happy just to have a larger font for the stories, or the option for a larger font. Still great work and many Kudos to Erin and the staff for all their hard work.

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Don't Talk About It

Wow, things suddenly seem to be working very well. The site is operating rapidly, linking is swift, no more interminable waits, etc. Everything seems to be wonderful. I probably shouldn't have mentioned it.

Thanks Erin and staff.


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A trailer on Youtube

I happened upon this trailer on Youtube that reminded me of something I could find here. It was titled "Werewoman Teaser" It is almost as if one of our authors created the plot, a man turns into a woman for the week that his female room mates have their period. The women have lived together long enough that they all are synchronized. The trailer was well made and created as a fund raiser for the video. See what you think:

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I was reading an academic work the other day and they classified transgender as "Tomboys" and "Sissies". I was wondering what the community thinks about these labels? I will put in my 2 cents after others have chimed in. I do know that there are several who have sissy in their name here, I want their input too.

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I have been thinking a bit about dreams lately. I know that dreams may not tell you much about your past or your future, but I think they sort of point to where you are at the moment.

Whately having problems?

Can someone explain why, when going to Crystal Hall's main page you are directed to a page claiming that this is an adult site and you are then given a number of links to various iterations of Big Closet? This is deeply odd, Whately Academy's own site appears to have died.

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Whately having problems?

Can someone explain why, when going to Crystal Hall's main page you are directed to a page claiming that this is an adult site and you are then given a number of links to various iterations of Big Closet? This is deeply odd, Whately Academy's own site appears to have died.

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Computer issues

Well, ever since I moved it has been a battle to get sufficient signal to get on line. I have been using the Hot Spot on my phone but that gets expensive and I worry that the phone will melt. :) The house has "Clear" and my wifi works very spotilly. So, today I bought 50' of CAT 5 cable, measured 40', bought 50' and should have bought 60'. Sigh. I wish I had asked one of the men to do it but noooo miss independence had to get blisters, and sore knees of her own. Somebody spank the girl!

When I send this I will install the cable ends and hope that improves things. Wish me luck.

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not gonna be my best day today

Today is not going to be a good day for me. I have an endocrinology appointment at 11 so I'm going to get next to no sleep, I forgot about the blood test I was supposed to have done before the appointment and need the results asap, and generally, I feel like a dope for forgetting about this.

Ah, well.

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Shaggy Dog Stories

The big thing about shaggy dog stories is the set up followed by a big let down. Fortunately, at least I think so, Soaring With Eagles is not in that category. The first three parts have been a set up for what I feel is going to be a very interesting rest of the story. We are currently about one third of the way through the story, and the next part rather quickly covers the next six years in our protagonists' lives. Fred worries about his best friend who communicates only through rather unrevealing emails. Angelo's parents are upset, but won't tell Fred anything.

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Okay, here's the deal

I have problems posting my stories on BC. Let me explain, I write the text on MSword, edit it, have Holly edit it, edit it again and then change the text to HTML. Everything is wonderful so I click my heels together and download the HTML version at BC. I preview the story and guess what? All my spacing between the sentences or paragraphs disappear so I check my HTML version and lo and behold the spacing is still there. Okay, I get that I'm supposed to do something between point A and point B but I just don't get it.

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Still tuning the server

We hope you have noticed that things are slowly getting better as we tune the server for better performance but sometimes we blow a sour note like this morning. And the server is still a bit flakey which we are still working on figuring that out.

But we have ordered the new drives, they should be in tomorrow and so it's likely that later this week the site will be down for as much as a whole day while we install the new drives and then move the software over. And then there will be another round of tuning things to get optimum performance.

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Anonymous Plans Internet Blackout

"This video below with Hillary Clinton, encourages an internet ‘unplug’ tomorrow, Monday, April 22, 2013, in protest of CISPA. I’ll be turning off my laptop, in great anticipation, and will be curious to see, not only if the blackout occurs, but to see what I may or may not accomplish during a day without the internet."

Video and the entire blog can be found here:

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"How should one address a Dorothy?"

Had an interesting conversation with my store's HR person last night, and she mentioned that when it was announced I was coming to the store, a few people came to her unsure how to address me as my trans status was known to them. She said "Well, her name is Dorothy. How would you address someone named Dorothy?"

The person said they should use female pronouns.

The HR lady said, "then do that for this Dorothy. If there's a problem, I'm sure she'll say something."

Gee, when you put it like that, it sounds so easy ....

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Thought you all might like to know...

Just thought I'd drop in and let you know that health issues are still problematic. They are fading, but they are still there. And then there is the kidney stone I passed last night. So yeah... I have had a few distractions of late. I'm even running out of buffer in the Potter fic because of being unable to write for the last two weeks. Lots of fun going on here.

So, I'm still kicking, I am writing some, working on things never fear. And I hope you all are doing fine.

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The Family Girl #057: It's Half Full!

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #57: It's Half Full!

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

It is disheartening at times (lately it's almost all the time), to be reading tales of woe and hardship, of depression and sadness, here in my favorite site. I suppose our community has more than its share of hardship stories. More than other equivalent communities, I'm sure. I can understand that. I've been there, too, after all. But, even so, I wish there were more positive posts. Goodness knows I try to be positive in my blogs as often as I can, if just to provide a contrast to what is apparently the norm now here in the Blogs section of BCTS.

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The Family Girl #056: Jealous Girl

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #56: Jealous Girl

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Oftentimes I find myself jealous of others, for a myriad of things. I suppose girls with similar... "problems" as mine do, too. When life has given you lemons, and you don't know about lemonade... I am a regular Jealous Girl. At least some of the time.

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return of face pain

well, my cluster headaches have returned. See, just before I started transitioning, I started getting these mysterious pains in my face, centered on just below my right eye. Eventually they found out that they were "cluster headaches", sort of like migraines but different spot, and that they were stress-related.

They went away when I started my transition, probably because I took a serious part of my stress off my plate by living authentically, but I guess it was too much to hope for that they wouldn't ever come back.

Ah, well

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A New Me

Since January I have been taking on a new outlook on life. I've been making amends with family members and people I have wronged. If I have wronged anyone here please accept my sincere apologies at this time. I'm no long the grouchy bitter person I once was I consider myself a happy Israelite.
It all began when I stepped on a scale and my weight equaled he last four digits of my SSN 123.4 per se. only heavier. My blood sugar was higher than my weight and my cholesterol was Higher than my blood sugar.

being scared of success

As my life seems to be heading in a positive direction, I face a strange fear - a fear of success. I think its basically, that any situation you're in, if you're in it long enough, starts to feel like "home", and leaving "home" becomes scary, even if "home" is something horrible. So the idea of actually being a successful adult is kinda scary for me.

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My boss thinks I could be promoted someday?

well, last night, I was being left in charge of "zoning", which basically means making sure the shelves are clean, neat, and that the product is as close to the lip as possible. While this was going on, my supervisor told me that the reason why she was pushing me hard on getting it perfect was because she believes I have the potential to move up into a supervisor's role, should I wish to make that a goal. So I told her my long term plan would include me doing a less physical job, and she said she would talk to people and see about getting the ball rolling for me toward that end.

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Has it been two years already?

I took a look at my profile today and as of right now I've been a member for two years and four hours. I'd like to thank everyone for making me feel welcome and most of all Erin, Saphrina, Piper, Cat and the volunteers who help keep this wonderful site running. It's been a pleasure to be a part of this community.

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A thank you to those who read.

I looked at my account and its past 12k kudos. I can only thank those who have been nice enough to read my stories and say that they like them. It means quite a bit to someone who just started to write a little over a year ago.

I do not consider myself either a writer or author. Many of you seem to want to argue that but, to me anyways, those titles are for those who have put much more time and effort into their stories than I have and do not consider myself to be at that level yet.

People such as Maggie Finson have been a big inspiration to myself.

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Interesting but curious...

Since the death and resurrection of BC, my stories have received more hits but fewer kudos. I accept the extra hits might be multiples by the same reader through continuing tech problems, but curious as to why my kudos rate is down unless of course fewer readers consider my efforts worthy of kudos button.

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Who wants to be the first with a caveat

Who would like to be the first to read my new story? The only caveat is that you will have to edit the story. Sneaky huh? This is the one I wrote as a fluff piece and it grew to be a bit longer than I expected. It's a story about twin boys who witness a murder and the family goes into witness protection, WOW is that original or what? It really is a nice story, no sex but the coming of age of a special young woman. I normally have Holly edit my scribbles but I don't have the heart to ask at this time in her life. It's more important for her to rest than edit a story for me. Any takers?

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Don't know what's changing in me...

This is ... interesting for me to post, and a bit difficult. I don't share a lot of my personal life except with those close to me. However, this is a forum that would probably have more information, so I've reluctantly decided to post and ask for answers.

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Soaring With Eagles

I've posted the first part, one of ten, of my latest novel, Soaring With Eagles. This is the last story of eight in the California Saga series. I find the title ironic, as the story seems to be going over like a lead balloon or a fart in a diving bell; there was not one kudo in the first 64 reads. Maybe the introduction could have been a bit more explanitory. As much as many want instant gratification, overnight transformations, misdiagnosed birth sex, etc., it ain't going to happen that way.

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Somewhat ominously, the Wiki page for FM now begins with,

and I quote: "Fictionmania was..." which indicates one of two things to me. One, Fictionmania might be gone forever or, Two: Wiki is being it's usual fallible self and spreading rumor and assumption.

I DO hope it's the latter. Even though FM has it's "one handed fiction" it also has some of the best works by some of the best writers in the genre.

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been thinking about my brother

Been thinking about my brother a lot the last couple of days. Because I'm the kind of person I am, I can put myself in his shoes a bit, and I dont look good from that angle. I mean, he pretty much had to take over for my father and look after me at an impossibly young age, he did his best by me, and then after I got married and he probably hoped things were on their way up, I went and failed to pay my mortgage, leaving him hurt and having to clean up my mess.

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Seven years

Well, I've done seven, yes SEVEN years here at BC! Whoda thunk? I've penned a few decent stories, read a lot of damned fine ones, and made the odd enemy or a dozen or so. In that same time I've also had open heart surgery as well as a worsening of my Cystic Fibrosis and depression. On the bright side, I've made some wonderful friends, for which I have reason to be extremely grateful. Still got a lot of stuff at least half-finished that I'd love to get wrapped up before I make my final post.

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Boston Marathon

Monday had to be one of the worst days of my life. I live in Boston and attend the Marathon every year to support the runners. This year was special to me as my friend was to run in the race. My friend had called me at 2:20 telling me he just passed mile marker 19 and would call again when he was a mile out.

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Great big gobs of thanks to the entire crew of BCTS

Number 1 A great big thank you to all who tirelessly works behind the counter of our little Cyber Pub we call BCTS, all of you deserve our deepest thanks for your dedication, and hard work.

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Boston Marathon

Monday had to be one of the worst days of my life. I live in Boston and attend the Marathon every year to support the runners. This year was special to me as my friend was to run in the race. My friend had called me at 2:20 telling me he just passed mile marker 19 and would call again when he was a mile out.

I think we lost a story Monday night...

I think we may have lost a story in the database meltdown last night. We had made a backup of what was going on at one point yesterday and it seems to me that at least one story got posted after that backup which is what we just restored from. Please, I hope everyone is keeping copies of their stories before posting them and if your story posted and disappeared, you can just repost. I hope.

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Reapers and Spammers and Bots, Oh, My!

The site was down for a few hours today while Piper and I fought off some reaper bots. We firewalled their ISPs, all of which were in China, and while we were at it, we firewalled out some spammers, too. Took about four hours of solid work.

The rumors of BCs demise were greatly exaggerated. :)


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Free at last

I'm free! I moved into my new place today. Just got a new apartment 30 minutes from where I had been living. It's so great. It's also very empty since I do not have much. But screw that. I'm free. I do not have to hide all my femine things anymore. I love it. It's also only 5 minutes from my job. I'll save a fotune in gas.

After moving all my stuff up 2 flights of stairs, Food and housewears shopping, moving things around, hardly sleeping for 3 days on top of working and other things, Well I am very, very tired.

Plus, I broke a toe this morning moving boxes. Fun.

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The Family Girl #055: A Reminder On My Calendar

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #55: A Reminder On My Calendar

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I had a... drama-filled discussion with a BCTS friend about twelve hours ago via Yahoo Messenger. Seems those are the only kinds of discussions we've had lately. Anyway, she has finally given me a date for when she will be taking the first concrete step towards arresting the "steady decline" (her words) in her life.

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