As some of you know, I have been looking for work and may have found a job that can work with me and how I really hate dealing with people face to face. I have applied for 3rd shift (or graveyard for you West coast people) GM (general merchandise) stocking at a Meijers near the house. For those who don't know, Meijers is a Michigan based company, like Walmart, but nicer to their employees, or so former workers have said.
Well, I finally got a call two days ago and they do a phone interview. After that you come in for 1 interview, if they like you, they set up the next one. There are a grand total of 3 face to face interviews. Well, they liked me, but the guy said he would call, to set up the second interview. He said that on Monday night, almost Tuesday morning. So i took off and headed home, very happy. Heard nothing at all on Tuesday.
This morning I got a call from the woman who would have interviewed me, wondering why I never showed up. So I explained that I was never given a day or time to show up and felt bad that I missed it, even though I had no idea. Now I should explain that Tanya the roommate works there too and has been telling them i am a good worker, so I guess that is why she called me back. So now I have an interview for tomorrow (cross fingers) but after all this mess, now I am second guessing myself thinking "Did she say Thursday? Thursday and not Wednesday, right?" But if she called, I am thinking that this has happened before.
So hopefully I will do fine and get the 3rd and final call. That would be with the store manager. From Tanya's first face to face to hiring, she was working in under a week. So here's hoping. All my severance money from the last job is gone, as is the money from the sick time I never used (over 220 hours worth) and I have bills that need to be paid.