So, I've had an interesting week. I guess I should start from the beginning. I was hanging out with friends, and we watched pacific rim. after that we went out and had super nachos which is this big nacho plate. anyways. after that we broke up and it was just me and my friend who we all call Jacob or Jake. So we were driving around, chatting and the conversation shifts to high school and college. Basically, in my junior year, I dropped out got my GED, and lost contact with all my friends for a while. While growing up, I was trying to hide the fact I was transgendered from everyone. My friends didn't have a clue until a couple years later.
After I had dropped out and got my GED I started going to college. For fun and PE credits, I was taking Tai chi classes. In my first class, I saw Branden, one of my friends from high school. He was kinda surprised to see me considering I hadn't had contact with him for a couple of years. We got to talking, and then hanging out again. and this time, my friends all made sure I was in touch with someone. I didn't know it at the time, but they had an idea I was transgendered, but kept quiet for about a year when I was 20 and finally came out of the closet.
back in the present When Jacob told me that they knew before I told them I was curious, so I started asking around. Starting with Branden. He acknowledged it was right around the Tai chi class when he found me again that he knew. something about my body language that was unmistakable. I then went to another friend, who said he thought I was gay. and it kept going with each of my friends having the same story of knowing, and still liking me for me. even waiting patiently for me to tell them.
Honestly, all of this was a shock to me. I thought I had hid it pretty well, but apparently the signs were in plain sight for everyone to see, I just never knew. I guess I just needed the clarification really. It's still a bit of a shock. but at this rate, I don't think my friends are going to lose track of me anytime soon.
I am soooooo happy for you!
You have been blessed with true friends. Cherish them always as it is a rare person who can see through to who you are inside and doesn't care about the outside physical things.
I only wish that I had been brave enough early in life to do what you have done. Who knows? Maybe I would have found out that I had true friends back then as well.
Be happy, and enjoy your time with friends who are accepting of who and what you are.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
True Friends
Are hard to find, naturally, but it sounds as if you've got some keepers there.
Great to hear!!
It's always good to have at least one friend who likes you for you - through thick and thin.
Too many people I have known have been only fair-weather friends - and as soon as the friendship work balance shifts the other way they make themselves scarce.
Indeed. Honestly. I think for
Indeed. Honestly. I think for the time I was under the radar for those 2 years they wondered where I went and worried about me. Branden found me in Tai chi and was talking to me as if I was only gone for a week or two. that honestly surprised me. through all the crap I put up with, something GOOD turned out of it.
Never be afraid to push yourself to new limits. While you might not see the path, you will be amazed at what you can achieve.
Good Friends
Are the best... when you really connect with someone and can just pick up where you left off no matter how much time has passed... that is the best. :D