Searching for more of a story


Hmmm i must of missed a memo or something some of my old seaches i saved to favorites for certain story types come up with Access denied dont have permission to view that page ? has search function been totaly removed ? as i dont see the search box on main page anymore either wich made it lot easier to find the newer stories of fan fic's like whately or bikini beach just to name a few when they go more then a day or so between stories and some reason miss checking the one day they did post lol . maybe im just spoiled or rambling lol

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Blind Sided

I just came across an old favorte, Marina Twelve's "Blind Sided", over on Sapphire's Place. The only problem is that I remember there being more than two parts to the story, and there are only two on SP. neither searching this site, nor Google yielded anything relevant.

Any Suggestions?


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