TheUnKnownWatcher's blog

DMV makes headlines


here's somewhat of a sticky issue for those between the genders but i have to wonder if the boy since they using the male pronouns had any of the legal documents one might need for such a photo ??

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Authors tab

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hi all someone said i story i was looking for could be by a certain author thier link gave an acess denied screen so i tried useing the author tab at the top i found thier name but when i clicked on them not a single story of thiers was listed the author that was tried is listed below any ideas ?

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Old Story

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hi all im lookking for an old story but cant seem to find it . i thought it was named the other child or maybe the third child . its about a world where births are limited to 1 or 2 but 1 couple got permission from the goverment to have a third as they were looking for certain traits . the child then gets recruited to the space academy where he gets infected by a goo like virus ment to kill women but since he wasnt one the virus mutated and started to turn him into a her . if anyone can help me find it on this site or another many thanks

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Hmmm i must of missed a memo or something some of my old seaches i saved to favorites for certain story types come up with Access denied dont have permission to view that page ? has search function been totaly removed ? as i dont see the search box on main page anymore either wich made it lot easier to find the newer stories of fan fic's like whately or bikini beach just to name a few when they go more then a day or so between stories and some reason miss checking the one day they did post lol . maybe im just spoiled or rambling lol

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copyright ?'s

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hi all i dont mean to be mean thats why im asking here rather then talk to a single person as im unsure if anything needs be said as i dont know the copyright laws and the issue has appeared before i think . well anyway i was surfing netflix the other day on my ps3 and i noticed a movie from 1975 and a story here share the same title but the 2 stories are diffrent as far as i can tell . and i will not say what the movie or story are unless required to do so as dont want anyone in trouble just trying protect site authors and the readers

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my neck of the woods

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You guys wont belive what i say today !!! unless im mistyaken penny lane was in my area today i saw a car with the licesne plate PENNY LN . was it you penny or a poser inqureing minds want to know lol

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unfinished serials

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Hello first blog here but have a ? does any1 know where i can find the endings to the stories in serial section for A Glass Half-Full by Chaosdancer wich ended just before a fight with a demon holding a family member of 1 the herorine's group or for Who's That Girl by PattieBFine wich ended with the introduction of a male suitor creating a love triangle ?

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