Sorry. I am quite over myself this morning.

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Many people think I am always sweet and kind. Last night I was a bitch.

I'm Sorry.




If so then you are forgiven child

We all have our moments

elrodw's picture

My kids think I'm an asshole at times. Probably a little truth in that, even though I try not to be. Frustration does that to people.

Don't worry. We're all friends here.

Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein


tmf's picture

We all act crazy at least on in our life time, some are more visible than other.
For my part it's not quite visible, but long lasting ;)
As with other I'm not a religious person, so was not in a position to bring a comment that would be appropriate.

Hugs, Peace and Love

Not to worrry

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

We all lose it now and then. Fortunately for most of it's not in public.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

no problem....

...we are glad to hear that you are feeling better. It is in the past and as far as I am considered forgotten.
Take care and enjoy yourself!


Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I'm sure that there are those would... if you wanted it. ;o)


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann


You wish. ;)


Spanking...spanking???!!! Does that make this an 'R' rating or simply 'mature'?

Love You Always...

Da Brat



I don't think you were a "bitch" but you might have been bitchy. There is a world of differeence.

I did not comment as I do not believe in any organized religion. They have all been so self dealing & only interested in their own interests - not those of their adherants. Many have been war mongers to further advance their control over the fearful.

You have a very good body of work on this site - why would you remove same just because you did not feel appreciated? Many comments on your individual works are positive. I, for one, seldom comment as I do not write & do not feel qualified to critize those who do. I also have many catagories of stories that I do not read as my taste runs to "real life" situations - comics - science fiction - other worlds - specific other situations other than the "seasons" stories are also not my bag.

I really appreciate you comments concerning how we are/are not treated after our SRS. You have been a help in keeping on the straight & narrow in regards to the need for regular dilation for which I thank you.

Be of good cheer & read the Desiderata every once in a while - peace.


May the sun always shine on your parade


Nothing to forgive. Your human and blowing off steam comes with the package. I may not be of your your faith but everything I have had the pleasure to read has been clearly from a person of faith and knowledge.
You are loved and appreciated.


With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
