I guess it is my fault. I got an email from someone I know, and she asked me if I wanted to link with her on Linkedln, a purportedly professional web network site.
Well, now the thing is making its way through every contact that I have of any kind with anyone and sending them invitations to link with me. I am sorry about this. I got duped and did not realize what the consequences would be.
From now on, everything I get from them is getting marked spam.
It could be something worse.
See if that fits your symptoms when you clicked on it.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Started removal proceedures
Yes, I think that you are right. I have been running Norton this last hour, and will do a restore for a week ago. If everything does not look OK, then I will be calling Norton for help. I can't do the gee wiz stuff that geeks do because I am not a geek and don't look like one either.
Sorry about this. Just doing my best.
Actually, these days most geeks don't look like geeks - or act like them either. I don't like it, it's made me respectable ;)
Handling sexist men.
I don't even look smart, especially if my smilie, giggly rountine is running in the background. There is a leak in the roof and it drips on the electronics of the furnace. I told the roofer last time he was here, and he did not listen to me, and now he is coming back again, and I doubt that he will listen to me again either not! He even yelled at me when I got on the ladder to show him. I am calling the landlord to let her know what is going on, but I doubt that she even thinks I can get a hair dryer plugged in.
I'll be damned if I will let anyone push me into my deeply buried, back up mode of crusty nasty old Electrician !!!!!!
Snark Snark :)
Microsoft has a free Anti-ZeuS tool available
Microsoft has a free tool available
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
64 bit machine ????
Thanks, I found out that this is a 64 bit machine. Whodathought?
Zbot worm: sorry! :(
Well, I do not know how much of this is my fault, but if any of it is I am sorry.
What I found out today after working on my computer with Norton for about 6 hours is this:
The tool that Microsoft has will identify the threat, but not fix it.
Again, I am sorry for anyone who had trouble. If you got an email from me asking you to join Linkedln, and clicked on it ...