Linkedln Spam, sorry.

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I guess it is my fault. I got an email from someone I know, and she asked me if I wanted to link with her on Linkedln, a purportedly professional web network site.

Well, now the thing is making its way through every contact that I have of any kind with anyone and sending them invitations to link with me. I am sorry about this. I got duped and did not realize what the consequences would be.

From now on, everything I get from them is getting marked spam.



Started removal proceedures

Yes, I think that you are right. I have been running Norton this last hour, and will do a restore for a week ago. If everything does not look OK, then I will be calling Norton for help. I can't do the gee wiz stuff that geeks do because I am not a geek and don't look like one either.

Sorry about this. Just doing my best.



Actually, these days most geeks don't look like geeks - or act like them either. I don't like it, it's made me respectable ;)


Handling sexist men.

I don't even look smart, especially if my smilie, giggly rountine is running in the background. There is a leak in the roof and it drips on the electronics of the furnace. I told the roofer last time he was here, and he did not listen to me, and now he is coming back again, and I doubt that he will listen to me again either not! He even yelled at me when I got on the ladder to show him. I am calling the landlord to let her know what is going on, but I doubt that she even thinks I can get a hair dryer plugged in.

I'll be damned if I will let anyone push me into my deeply buried, back up mode of crusty nasty old Electrician !!!!!!

Snark Snark :)


64 bit machine ????

Thanks, I found out that this is a 64 bit machine. Whodathought?


Zbot worm: sorry! :(

Well, I do not know how much of this is my fault, but if any of it is I am sorry.

What I found out today after working on my computer with Norton for about 6 hours is this:

  • The Linkedln bot or worm or what ever was put on the net by some Armenian gangsters and was used to skim passwords.
  • They were arrested and are in jail as of two weeks ago, though the software is still out there infecting things.
  • Microsoft called it zbot, but Norton calls it UDSIA.exe
  • I run on a wireless connection but for Norton to do their thing, I had to use a cable back to the modem. The girl was a better techi than the guy was. Both seemed to be Indian.
    • I could tell from the activity, that they had to go into the DLL's and do um "things".

The tool that Microsoft has will identify the threat, but not fix it.

Again, I am sorry for anyone who had trouble. If you got an email from me asking you to join Linkedln, and clicked on it ...
