elrodw's blog

New ElrodW Whateley story

In case you haven't seen them, there are some new (ish) stories on the Whateley site. Latest is by me (part 2 of a 3-parter) and one by Morpheus (last week). I'll eventually get mine posted here, but if you want to read the latest Whateley tales, check it out. (whateleyacademy.net)

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Research on medications - anxiety, compliance

Writing a long (very long) story, and I need to find some information on medications.

Without hypnosis (I won't use that), I need to find a medication for a story. The main character is being really put through the wringer, and while he has significant motivation to comply with the 'torture', there's suggestion that additional 'help' to ensure compliance / reduce defiance would be needed. It needs to:

mood stabilization
increase sense of compliance
reduce ability to be defiant or objectionable

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I need a fill-in story reviewer / possible collaborator

I have a long story in work that Dawn Jehs was reviewing / collaborating with me on. As a previous post noted, I haven't heard from her for many months, and the lack of someone from whom I can get feedback has really affected my writing. While I don't want to replace Dawn's role, I do need to get someone to assist with this. The role is reviewing chapters or sections as they get written, reviewing / assisting with the story outline, offering suggestions, and generally helping keep me on track.

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Missing collaborator

Has anyone heard from Dawn Jehs (author of Stick-Her-Shock and Stick-Her-Shock 2)? She's been collaborating / co-authoring a lengthy novel I'm in the middle of. A couple of months ago, she said she wasn't feeling well, Since then, I haven't gotten any response to e-mails. I'm worried - not for her contributions / collaboration, but for her personally. With the pandemic, it's a little more worrisome than normal. If you've heard from her, please let me know.

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Research for story - facial feminization surgery

I'm writing a rather lengthy story (working on it interspersed with Whateley) and I have some questions relating to facial feminization surgery. I've looked up what I can on-line, but I'd like to gather more data.

I've identified the following procedures:
brow reduction, eyebrow lift, hairline alteration, rhinoplasty, cheek implants, lip lift, lip injections/implants (minor amount), chin reshaping, jawline reshaping, tracheal shave. others?

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Need reviewer for novel-length story that's in work

I have a collaborator (you know who you are, and you're doing a great job!) who's helping write a new story - it's in work when I find time. Not sure if I'll try to publish for revenue (earn a few $$$) or publish it serially here.

The problem I have is that sometimes I get a little too verbose, and I need someone who can read and then say "this section or paragraph is not needed" or "tighten up the long, boring dialog" or "why don't you narrate it instead of doing the longer dialog thing?" Also any obvious "WTF? This could NEVER happen!" bits.

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Preview of my latest project

I've been a bit busy, and the whole recovery thing from Hurricane Harvey is very slow, laborious, and the conditions keep making me sick. 14 months and counting until our house and lives are whole again - or as close as possible. While I've been very much slowed, I have been working on a few projects. I figured y'all might like a preview of one tiny bit of this already-massive project. It's quite likely that I'll try to sell it. It's tentatively titled "Corporate Coup"

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Idea for collaboration

I’ve been thinking about a couple of items; the primary one is to find a collaborator who does 3-d graphic “novels” or stories, to work with to do a rewrite/adaptation of one of my stories or universes into a graphic novel. Possibly to sell if that interests an artist (with me taking only a small share; i know that art is hard and time-consuming).

If I do this, what story would you readers like to see as a graphic novel?

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I'm still here - and thoughts on a nagging idea

It's been 5 months since I posted? How times flies when you're NOT having fun. This flood repair stuff is getting VERY old. To get a quality contractor means getting your name on a wait list and then trying to be patient. Add in that the mold and dust and normal allergens have my sinuses messed up, and it gets even more un-fun. I'm on my sixth or seventh course of antibiotics for upper respiratory infections. But today we got cabinets! It is making progress slowly, so that's a bit encouraging.

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Assistance on a story - legal perspective

My muse has me writing a story that is turning into a novel-length epic. Workplace situation, contract, etc.
What I'd like is for someone who has some familiarity with the US legal system to review the setup to make sure I'm not making any dumb mistakes. I'm trying to quite thoroughly box in the main character, but if it's too far-fetched, I'll need to modify it.

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Assistance on a story or two

I've been having some difficulty getting my muse working, primarily due to extreme fatigue relating to shoulder pain (repair to a torn rotator cuff) and the disruption of life caused by flooding from Hurricane Harvey. I've been so physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted that my muse seems to be on strike. So I've been doing a bit of reading, and I hit a story that is good, but the ending just didn't quite fit me. So my brain locked on a 'what if' - which got me to at least write something. But ....

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Flooded - slowing my writing considerably

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Well, it's been a while since I've managed to write anything, even on the Whateley site - because we got a bit flooded. As in water in the house. We had co-workers swarm in to get carpet and drywall out - now it's sorting lots of stuff to see what's ruined and what can possibly be saved. I haven't looked at national news in over a week - and it seems like it's been a month! And I haven't felt like writing in over a week, even though I have 2 really interesting stories bopping about in my brain.

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New Whateley story on the Whateley home site

There is a new Whateley story on the Whateley Academy site (whateleyacademy.net new story weekly release of a new Whateley story.

As usual, in a couple of weeks, I'll be posting the story here, but if you're impatient, head over and give it a read.

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JG is Back! JG is Back!

Whateley is very, very, very glad, elated, overjoyed, ecstatic, happy, and all that. Why? JG is back.
Not only that, he released the long-awaited conclusion to the story of Caitlin - Ashes and Steel!

And there was much rejoicing!

Head on over to Whateley Academy to have a read.

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Does anyone know ....


Does anyone know if Karen Page is still around, or if so, how to get in touch with her? I'm a latecomer to 'New Style of Education', and I wanted to give her some direct feedback. It was a quite captivating story, and the author of such a story deserves kudos.

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not shaping up to be a happy birthday this year

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Happy fucking birthday to me - NOT. got until Sunday to get better, but there are NO signs that it will, so this will be another bleh birthday. At least it won't be one that my mom totally forgets about, but ....

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Whateley Academy Gen 2: Looking for artistic help

The Whateley Generation 2 team needs an artist who can help with character sketches for the new main Generation 2 characters. What's in it for the artist? Recognition, bragging rights, some early preview of Gen 2, and we are trying to get at funds together for at least SOME financial compensation. Note - this won't be at commercial rates. We're not that rich - we're all volunteer authors.

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regarding my surgery - I should have .....

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If I'd have known then what I know now, I'd have just had them take out the spare ... part. Sore, sore, sore, and greatly swollen. And sore. Did I say sore? A partial orchidectomy wouldn't have left anything to be sore. or swollen. and it was a spare. Damn. At least, on the bright side, it wasn't a tumor.

At least I've got a couple more days of decent pain meds. sigh.

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Fingers crossed please.

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I found a lump somewhere where it's not supposed to be - enough to worry about testicular cancer. Initial screening indicates that it's most likely NOT cancer, but a cyst. Because of its position, it's been causing significant pain, so tomorrow I go under the knife to get it removed (and biopsied if necessary).

I'm always nervous about full anesthesia; complications can always happen. So if you have a moment tomorrow morning, please cross your fingers or send a wish my way.

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Another year, another disappointment

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Another birthday come and gone. On the boards where people knew that Oct 11 is my b'day, I got 1 message. One. Family was gone today at drama stuff, so I was alone - again. Neither sibling called.

The whole thing is depressing. Wish it didn't exist. Wonder if the world would notice if I didn't...

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Light of Fury allowed me to post some stories

Light of Fury wrote several Whateley stories. At first, she claimed they were only for my amusement, but eventually, she said to go ahead and post them as fan fiction at Crystal Hall. So, if you're a fan of her writing, head on over to the Crystal Hall forums and look in the fan-fic area. They're being posted (chapter a day) under my name, but attributed to her.

(If you feel the need or desire to comment, do so in the fan-fic discussion forum instead of at the fan-fic page itself).

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I'm still here

I wonder if everyone fears that I'll stop writing other things and focus on Whateley. Well, fear not. I'm well underway in a Bikini Beach tale about Natty, and I have a lot of other ideas. Whateley is very important to my writing, but it's not the only thing, so rest assured that other tales will be written.

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In case anyone was wondering where I was / am

Since posting Temptation of Anya, I've been busy, but it's a new front for me. I was accepted as a canon author in the Whateley universe, and I've been working on my first foray into that universe. I still have a lot of non-Whateley story ideas, and I'll be working on them, but my intense focus is my new canon Whateley character Kayda. Hopefully chapter 1 of her origin story will be posted officially soon.

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My test results are mostly good

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My test results are mixed. The good - there is no arterial blockage in my coronary arteries. Great! Now for the not-so-good - my case is ideopathic, without an identifiable cause for the weak area in my heart nor for the low ejection fraction. The electrophysiologist indicated that it could be as simple as a viral inflamation in some of the coronary arteries. It could be amplified by the diuretics I was taking in hope of delaying my next kidney stone (I've had 5 - and the last was 16mm!). It could have been amplified by another med that I was on.

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Medical procedure tomorrow

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A few weeks ago, I got up from my computer, took 3 steps, and blacked out, getting a significant concussion from the fall. The ER did their normal 'check he head' thing, and then they did an EKG to see WHY I fell in the first place. It showed 'probable septal infarc'. Needless to say, that got the doctors' attention.

After a stress test and echo-cardiogram, I know that there's a weak area in my heart, and my heart efficiency is about half of what it should be. Tomorrow, I go in for a cath and probable stent to fix the problem.

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New ElrodW / Whateley tale

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I just posted part 1 of a multipart Whateley Fan-Fic to the Crystal Hall in the fan-fic area of the forum. So far, I have a LONG story outlined. (Okay, it's no Morpheus epic tale, but then nothing but a Morpheus epic tale is a Morpheus epic tale!) Because of this, I'm posting it in parts, and metering it out so that by the time I get to the being ready to post the end of Kayda 1, I will have written the last part of Kayda 1.

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Apparently, my univese cross-ref went unnoticed

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There was a surprise cross-reference in Temptation of Anya - Part 3, but apparently nobody noticed it, or if they did notice, they didn't comment or PM me about it. DID anyone notice it, or was I too subtle? I thought it was as blatant as a 2x4 across the forehead!

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Some days you can't win

There are days that are so f'ing depressing where nothing goes right, and you have to wonder why keep trying? Still have a bad headache from the concussion that makes concentrating - and thus work - very difficult, so I'm getting further behind every day. Son's truck died inexplicably on the freeway yesterday, which means more $$$ I can't afford. Oldest is home from college and already making a mockery of house rules, and I'm getting zero backup from my spouse.

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