not shaping up to be a happy birthday this year

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Happy fucking birthday to me - NOT. got until Sunday to get better, but there are NO signs that it will, so this will be another bleh birthday. At least it won't be one that my mom totally forgets about, but ....

Work - sucks. career ruined by a boss who hated me, sidelined me, has the whole team shunning me, blocked two transfers, and basically is forcing a huge 'experience' hole in my resume that has already adversely affected some transfers to other parts of the organization (would have been promotions that they CANNOT block). No new possibilities on the horizon. It's hugely stressful to be sidelined for almost a year, knowing I'm capable, but am being shunned and sabotaged.

Family - kids are teenagers, so they're in the stage of life where I'm irrelevant. Wife? we're friends, but ... yeah. She's very devoted to work (gets awards and such - I'm very proud of her) and daughter's extra-curricular activities, so ... not much left for me right now. At least I have a dog that loves me no matter what.

Announced a few stories in the queue for Whateley, and got a "meh" response. Like people care about my writing....

I'm really down right now, and just want to say "screw it" for a few days, because it just feels like I don't matter to anyone, anywhere...

Not looking for pity or false sympathy. I just know this is a place I can vent and not get made fun of. And I appreciate that.

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