My muse has me writing a story that is turning into a novel-length epic. Workplace situation, contract, etc.
What I'd like is for someone who has some familiarity with the US legal system to review the setup to make sure I'm not making any dumb mistakes. I'm trying to quite thoroughly box in the main character, but if it's too far-fetched, I'll need to modify it.
I'm serious about familiarity with legal stuff. (I'm an engineer - legal stuff is like antimatter to me!) I want this to be as realistic a situation as I can make it, because I'm very likely going to e-publish the completed story.
So if you can help, great.
If you're really worried about it...
then you need to talk to someone who has passed the Bar Exam and is licensed to practice literary law.
Some questions you might want to ask of yourself are:
1. Are you under a NDA (Non-disclosure agreement).
2. Does your manuscript cover anything you do at work? Processes, materials, etc.
3. Are you using information gathered from your work place that is covered by Patient, Business Information, or Company Confidential protections or has not already been released to the public?
If you can say yes (or even MAYBE) to any of these questions, you need to talk to a licensed and practicing lawyer.
Elrod, I'm not lawyer but
I'd like to help if possible. I've spent so much time in courts and legal battles I ought to have a law degree by osmosis. Sorry, I don't have time to read your manuscript. Could you possibly feed me small bits where you have questions? Understand each and every state has different laws to some degree. What is legal or illegal in one state may not be in another. Each state also interprets Federal Laws differently.
If you desire instant answers I am not the best source for a response. I'm guessing a lot of your questions will probably need to be researched. I no longer have access to a legal library as I once did and may not be able to answer. I've given opinions on legal matters on this channel before and had them contested which is understandable. Law is not exact no matter what anyone thinks. Lawyers and scholars argue law, judges interpret it differently and juries decide each case differently. Welcome to the murky confusing legal system where blind justice is just that. Only dreamers and fools believe justice is ever served without error or mistakes.
Write your novel with the understanding no matter how much research you put into it. Someone is going to dispute it. And precedence be damned. The best liar is your best lawyer.
Life is a gift. Cherish it as such until it's time to return it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I'm not a lawyer
But I did sleep at a holiday inn express last night... Oh wait wrong forum!
I grew up in a culture who's motto could be said, "It ain't again' tha law, if'in y'all don't get caught." Which was actually something I heard said quite often by my grandfather and other, 'kin folk,' his age. Which taught me quite a bit about bending and breaking many laws without getting caught along with how and what to do to increase your chances of escaping when you are spotted.
So if any of that would help let me know.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
I am a lawyer
Been one for way too long. I have done both criminal and civil. What specific issues do you need help with?
Is the contract to be questioned in a court of law in your story
If the contract is drawn and never contested, I'd hazard a guess that it's not too critical that it be legal, only that it sound legal enough the the party being boxed in believes it is legal and binding.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann