My test results are mixed. The good - there is no arterial blockage in my coronary arteries. Great! Now for the not-so-good - my case is ideopathic, without an identifiable cause for the weak area in my heart nor for the low ejection fraction. The electrophysiologist indicated that it could be as simple as a viral inflamation in some of the coronary arteries. It could be amplified by the diuretics I was taking in hope of delaying my next kidney stone (I've had 5 - and the last was 16mm!). It could have been amplified by another med that I was on. Both of those meds have been discontinued. But now we can treat this pharmacologically instead of physically, with a decent prognosis. I'll get retested in a few weeks, and hopefully the ejection fraction should improve. If it gets above 35, I can discontinue the wearable monitor/defibrillator. Otherwise, I might have to go to an implantable defib.
As I said, mixed results.
I appreciate all the thoughts, wishes, and prayers. It helps very much to know there's a community of friends who cares. It helps keep my spirits up through this (minor) ordeal.
you got some good news and good luck overall.
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant
Good news indeed!
This little community of ours would a much poorer place without our Elrod to take us away from our everyday worries and problems for at least the time it takes to read one of his wonderful stories.
Keep on keepin' on Elrod. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we want you around for a long, long, looooooong time.
Hugs, love and respect,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Even off of the diuretics,
Even off of the diuretics, feel free to drink lots of water. Your body will flush out the excess (as long as you don't go to extremes)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
The cardiologist
wants me to limit my fluid intake to 1.5 L per day so I don't dilute my electrolytes too much. It sounds weird, because it could end up reducing blood volume, but that's what he wants.
And I used to drink 2.5 liters a day - minimum.
I'm actually thinking about changing cardiologists because this guy doesn't impress me with his patient-doctor manner. My wife and I are both very technical people with advanced degrees (hers is biomedical engineering, no less), but he always talks with a smug air of superiority and condescension. I hate that in doctors.
Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein
Huh. Generally, you bugger
Huh. Generally, you bugger up your electrolytes at about 11 quarts or so. (a woman died because of a radio contest, which really brought it to light)
Two quarts a day had been the recommended _minimum_ for fluid intake for a long time. I don't see how he can think that 1.5 would screw you up.
(buy gatorade powder, dilute it, and see if it helps at all)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Now you understand why
I'm seriously considering changing cardiologists when I hit a point I can. I don't like the way he deals with patients, he wasn't able to easily explain to my wife what v-tach was (hell, I know that!) and he does orders like this 1.5L per day thing, when we know it could result in reduced blood volume.
It makes no sense to me, it doesn't fit with what I (and my wife) know of A&P, and it just flat-ass sounds stupid.
Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein
That's why they say "get a
That's why they say "get a second opinion"
So, finding another Cardiologist sounds like a great idea. Even if you don't _use_ them for long term, you have something to compare.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Sounds like a good start
This news sounds like you are off to a good start avoiding surgery. Take care and know your family here at BC is thinking of you. HUGS!
kidney stones.
I've had 10 kidney stones... You should see me when I get doped up on demerol ... I lose my inhibitions and get flirty... the men around me are NOT safe :-)
A friend refers to it as "damn-it-all", because whatever pain it doesn't take away, you don't really care about anyway.
Doesn't make me flirty. It makes me talk like a certain Star Trek scotsman, and amuses the hell out of the surgical team until I conk out. Seriously. I was told in recovery that the whole OR team was in stitches, because I was complaining that the table "she's listin' ta port, Captain! I canna fix it! We dinnae have enough power!" and so on. I did that twice (that I know of).
For kidney stones, try toridol. Vicodin won't touch my pain for kidney stones, but after suffering (on 3 of my stones) for a long time, I got a shot of toridol, I was sleeping like a baby for 12 hours. One nurse told me that toridol is the pain-reliever of choice for kidney stones, but you can only use it for a very few days.
Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein
Just Be Careful
I worked in a hospital. This patient was admitted talking to her imaginary friend. The doctor took her off a drug and she was fine a few days later. I took a drug to help with my diabetes and it nearly ruined my kidneys. They are still in bad shape. Jenna Hitch is on disability because of a reaction to Splenda. Holly Hart may have contracted her pancreatic cancer through a drug. At 92 my father had an infection. The cure let loose a bacteria that was more harmful than the original infection. The doctor tried to cure him from the new infection, but he still died from that infection.
What I am saying is JUST BE CAREFUL! Not just you, Elrod, but also the rest of us in this community.
I am not anti drugs. They have extended human life. They eliminated small pox and nearly ended polio and other dangerous diseases.
Hang in there, my brother, it
Hang in there, my brother, it can only get better from now on, am still here if you need me