My test results are mostly good

My test results are mixed. The good - there is no arterial blockage in my coronary arteries. Great! Now for the not-so-good - my case is ideopathic, without an identifiable cause for the weak area in my heart nor for the low ejection fraction. The electrophysiologist indicated that it could be as simple as a viral inflamation in some of the coronary arteries. It could be amplified by the diuretics I was taking in hope of delaying my next kidney stone (I've had 5 - and the last was 16mm!). It could have been amplified by another med that I was on. Both of those meds have been discontinued. But now we can treat this pharmacologically instead of physically, with a decent prognosis. I'll get retested in a few weeks, and hopefully the ejection fraction should improve. If it gets above 35, I can discontinue the wearable monitor/defibrillator. Otherwise, I might have to go to an implantable defib.

As I said, mixed results.

I appreciate all the thoughts, wishes, and prayers. It helps very much to know there's a community of friends who cares. It helps keep my spirits up through this (minor) ordeal.

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