ib12us's blog

BB Mirror Verse

As some may have notice --- or not. I had removed BB: Falling towards the Abyss.

Why? Because I felt it wasn't something that fit well into the overall scheme of Bikini Beach in itself. This universe was created by the works of someone else whom I greatly admire but...

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The Road


The road grows longer from when first started

Step by step

Mile by mile

Hand in hand to be walked







Night by night

Day by Day

The road continues never ceasing

Others joined as did I

Others wait

Their turn will come

The road continues

When its left



No matter who steps off

Just as I will

Just as you

One day

For the road is always

Stretching beyond

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A place to discuss ideas

Looking for a place to springboard ideas, and not limited to tg related items. As much as I like the community there are stories that I would like to discuss but also afraid of sharing. Why? Because its could lead others to snatch the one doing the work to later snatch the idea itself. No I'm not suggesting all, but like many of the stories posted and then published by some other...well you get the idea.

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Well its been 2 years

Well its hard to believe but its been 2 years since I last put up anything concerning Mel Covington. I'm not sure if there is much of an interest still, or if others even remember what's she's going through, but I'm planning in the next few weeks to put up another chapter.

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I am emotionally inhibited


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There comes a time when a person must be honest with themselves. One is that I'm Emotional Inhibited, thus it makes it hard to put much emotion in my stories except for the same ones over and over again in my writings. I find I have to pilferage others to get a feel of what I want, not even sure if its actually the one I want expressed.

Where did it start? Possibly from being sexually assaulted over the years way back when as a form of living? I'm not wanting to use that for the excuse.

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The call goes out for a beta/proof reader

Okay, the call goes out again from me for a beta/proof reader for another Bobby/Mel story line. Be aware that there is one section that I'm still working on but I would like both:

a. The persons thoughts, opinion on where the story went and how it read.
b. Obvious errors, but be aware there are some places that I'm sure I need to place the dreaded comma's and so forth.
c. What went right and what went wrong.

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Editor, critic needed for story.

I'm sending out a request for someone to look over a story that I'm hoping to be done within the next few days. It's set in the BB universe but is not a Mel story.

What I'm looking for is for someone to critique it as well as offer suggestions on it. Its not looking to be long as I've been wanting to write a 'short' story.

I don't consider it to be one of the standard norms that have been submitted.

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Writing the first draft. Is it always

Is it always the beginning of writing a story that's the hardest? Forcing yourself to lay down the words that you want to tell, only to find later as you edit it over that that part is now easier to do then the first time while looking endlessly at a blank screen or piece of paper? Hell even when you had some words down it was hard to continue as you fought the urge to edit what you had.

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How does?


How does one get 7 years and 12 months?

I just saw it. Go figure

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Have you ever wondered?

Have you ever wondered?

Wondering what type of writer you are? Be it the first, third or narrative speaker?

As I look over the writings of various authors that I would like to emulate I find myself asking, 'What type of writer am I? Where does my writing style fit in?'

By this I mean my writing style. Not so much about the first or third person, but more of how I structure the sentences, the selection of certain words vs spreading out the meaning. How compact vs length.

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Apologies for story.

For those of you that have read my recent submission of a Bikini Beach story. I want to apologize for it. Not for the story itself, but for the grammatical errors that are littered throughout the story. To be honest the story wasn't ready for prime time.

Even though I had caught some items before and even 'revised' it. It still does not meet certain standards and I rushed it. And for that I'm sorry.

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Beta Reader.

I am currently working on a story for the BB universe. I am looking to see if someone will be willing to read over the story with critical input. They 'must' be familiar with both Elrod's BB universe and with 'my' characters.

I would say don't be discourage or hampered if I do not reply immediately as I am still in the process of doing some editing an so forth. I will reply to all those interested of course.

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Story Rules

When writing stories such as scify and such do we sometimes put in so many rules about ones character that we end up bogging ourselves down with said rules for the sake of the story?

By this I mean as we begin to formulate the story we put in some rules that we don't want to break, which is understandable. But when you put in to many rules does it seem to take the fun away from the writing that you decide to give it up or perhaps revamp the rules so that you have a bit more flexibility?

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Scammers are either getting stupider or I'm getting smarter.

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Just received a call from Louisiana, well that's what Caller I D said. Answered and guy called saying he was from the IT department. Yeah we've heard them going around and yes his accent was pretty bad. Said he was calling about my computers operating system. I asked what type of computer I had. Sorry I'm not in the mood to play their little shit game. He said it didn't matter I have Windows OS. I asked what version, said it didn't matter, was the reply. I started on him like crap to the wall. Either he tells me what 'type' of computer I have else he ain't getting crap.

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Same as Elrod

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I'm kinda in the same boat as Elrod. As we have asked before and many times it seems we beg for them its the feedback that our readers provide us that keeps us motivated. Without them, good or bad we have no real inclination of whether our stories are having the impact that we are striving for.

If you were to look at mine from the last story about have of the comments are mine in response.

I like the kudo's but they don't provide me or others with how the story is impacting on you the reader.

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Question concerning stories.

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Due to the sites unfortunate crash along with several days of hard work performed by those creative people to resurrected and breath new life back into its unfortunate demise the question I have is how story posting is being affected.

Case in point is the number of stories that are being posted. This leads me to ask about those that are being pushed further down the pipe than they normally would be. There were several that I'm sure were reposted due to the time differences from A to B.

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Dutch 13year old's perspective of life in transition.

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Here is the POV of a girl and her thoughts of being a teen in transition. They speak in German but subtitles are in English. Thought it might be of interest.

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What to do

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What or how do you work past an issue that makes you uncomfortable. It sounds trivial but for the life of me I cannot seem to, or want to, write scenes that can affect a childs' relationship with his/her parent. I can envision it but I'm unable to put it to paper. I've known several people that have had a poor relationship with theirs but mine was never like that. Its like a stumbling block for when I have to write it. It's essential to the story so there's no way for me to skirt around the issue. Unless the parent is a total bitch (which she is not) I cannot write it.

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Something to lighten the mood

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I thought with all that has been happening I'd provide a small exerpt from one of the stories I'm writing. Understand I haven't truly edited it and its still raw. But so you all know Mel is 13 and Dwayne is 14.

Lisa walked into the apartment when she heard the voices coming from the bedroom. That's right shove that piston in. Mel said.

Do you think I used enough lube? The boy asked.

I hope so I don't want it to be scorched. Oh god that feels good. Pump it some more.

Listening the conversation seemed to get worse.

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