I am currently working on a story for the BB universe. I am looking to see if someone will be willing to read over the story with critical input. They 'must' be familiar with both Elrod's BB universe and with 'my' characters.
I would say don't be discourage or hampered if I do not reply immediately as I am still in the process of doing some editing an so forth. I will reply to all those interested of course.
I'm not looking so much for someone to 'edit' the document, but more along the lines of flow, structure and so forth. I will welcome both critical and 'constructive' criticism. To tell me 'It's good,' or 'looks great' does not give me the needed feedback that I desire. Nor does the opposite. To also tell me also how you think the story should flow will be listened to but does not mean I will follow said sage advice. Not that I don't want or appreciate it, only that it may not fit in with how I 'envision' my characters either in the now or future.
Oh and for the record I use MS word. Please don't go with the nay saying of what form I should use. This is my choice and no I won't bend on it.
I'm considering offering to help, but I'm very hesitant. I'm not sure that I'm good enough with "lines of flow, structure and so forth". Actually, I'm not sure I remember enough about your characters right now. I'm somewhat more familiar with Elrod's BB universe, of course.
-- Daphne Xu