The final chapter

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of Book 9 is now available here on BC.

Also, as promised, you can get the whole of Book 11 - Wunderkind at Lulu from today. paperback digital

The other news of course is that I depart for my hols next Wednesday so this is the last post here and on my site for four weeks! I'm away doing research, ticking stuff off my bucket list and generally misbehaving in Switzerland.

So ttfn


Book 11

Just thought I'd say I enjoyed Book 11. It definitely distracted me this afternoon! Thanks for letting us know the book was up. Have a safe trip!


Maddy Bell's picture

Its difficult to tell from my end whether its okay or not as I so rarely get any form of feedback or review, good to know you enjoyed it.


Madeline Anafrid Bell

I second that ...

Another gem, time to start counting the days till book 12 is done.