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The Bone Palace. Discuss.

I'd always considered Savedra to be one of the strongest tg characters modern fiction has produced. Not only is she thoroughly convincing, but her transness (come on Rich, you must be able to think of a better word than that!) isn't immediately obvious.

Clearly this reviewer, who as a trans woman is almost certainly more qualified than me to discuss these issues, has a different opinion. I'll make no comment other than to say it gave me plenty to think about.

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An honest question

I try to produce good works. I really in truly think I tell a very good story. But something must be lacking and I am wondering what it is. As long as it isn't an attack, I am wondering where people think I come up short in my writing so that I can improve. I have vision of finding an agent and a publisher or at least being mildly successful on my own. My goal is to make $2000 a month so I can live off of (right now I make 400 and I wonder if that would last). I sell about 200 books a month (so by math i would need to sell 1000 a month) on amazon.

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Looking for a distraction - LOTR

Trying to distract myself last night, my mind stopped on the clothing designs for Galadriel and Arwen's costumes that Paula described in her excellent story - Fashion Star. Now, I haven't seen the movies so I don't have a clue what was designed for them but I have read the novels and I just couldn't picture the need for crinolines with the sort of outfits Tolkien described. So like anybody these days, I turned to Google for the answer.

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I'm Done writing

Due to Agent Orange, A medication I take for Migraines and my vascular Disease and a myriad of medications I take which gives me problems with my short term memory and I have to stop writing. As much as I try there are days a sentence takes a long while to get out and then the thought of what I was writing about goes away. Not only that my blood sugar often gets low and interacts with my migraine medicine and I put the ditz back in to ditzy.

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Met Queen Ruth today

Well, today I had an awesome day. Queen Ruth (who is a reader here, for those who dont know her) happened to be in town, so we met at the mall talked for a couple of hours, walked around the mall and just before I was to leave, she went and bought me a crucifix.

She really helped me with my anxiety over the surgery too, so that was nice.

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GID related to PTSD, and Borderline Personality disorder?

This morning I have been more calmly reading about certain diagnosisies, among them PTSD and BPD, because I have both. It is astonishing that while many of us think that it takes Military combat to get PTSD, the actual facts are that one can get it from a bad car accident, or an abusive traumatic childhood.

As far as BPD is concerned, this was a bitter pill to swallow, but it now seems much easier to deal with and I am now recognizing its effect in my life.

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Where Did Today Go?

You get up with the best of intentions. You write 642 words - good ones, as well. You take one break to check if there have been any new comments to a story you particularly liked. You find one and think yeah, I know a good Moody Blues track to link to. There might be others as well...

Suddenly it's gone six.

Where the hell did the day go?

No one to blame but myself. (Sighs loudly.)

Bugger it, I might as well link to some decent 70s stuff.

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Just Friends now on Kindle

As has become my practice as of late, I am making certain works available on Kindle. Now, instead of loading up the different parts and wearing out precious mouse components, you can have it for your Kindle reader. I hope no one minds that I do this, but it is a great way to show support and it broadens my readership.

The Kindle version includes:

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I've become aware of a website that seems to actively be trying to work things out. I went in there with my gun locked and loaded, expecting trouble, assuming the worst. That is not what I have found. I am willing to give them a try and just see what we come up with.

I have decided to behave myself and see what sort of dialogue we can have. So far, I have no objection to their policies, but have only been there a while.

I'd like to see what you think of the website. Please behave and don't make me sorry I published this. :)


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Same-Sex Marriage Bill Passes Minnesota Legislature

The Minnesota Senate passed a bill authorizing same-sex marriage today. The Minnesota House had passed the same bill Friday. Governor Mark Dayton has said that he will sign it in a ceremony tomorrow. This would make Minnesota the twelfth state to authorize same-sex marriage.

The new law will take effect August 1st.

Click here for news report.

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I am learning more and more about who I really am. It used to be that I used my writing to explore aspects of myself, but that is becoming less of the norm. I am no longer living as Katie vicariously through characters and words on a page and am living real life as the real me.

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If you have received an email from me, DELETE IT!

It appears that both my gmail and yahoo mail accounts have been hacked by some nondescript asshole in Pakistan. I have sent NO emails in recent memory from either account. Furthermore, I have cancelled my gmail account and changed my password on my yahoo account.

Catherine Linda MIchel

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Where oh where is Renae at...

I've just finished re-reading Renae's superb partial stories, 'After the Ashes' and 'First Among Fools' and thought I'd try to see if she's on BC these days. They are wonderful stories and I'm REALLY REALLY hoping that she will find the wherewithal to finish them one day!

If you have not read them I highly recommend them to you. I have to warn you that they ARE unfinished at present however and will probably leave you with withdrawal symptoms afterwards. lol


First Among Fools

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One way to look at the Girl Code

Some of the (reality)celebrities and real girls from on TV, have decided (got paid) to talk about the way women look at being a woman and what the issue woman have to do and deal with on a daily basis.

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Kudos & Random Solos

Don't know if they're connected, but I've noticed that the Kudos counts for stories are way down the RH column now, where they used be at the top above the author's story list. Whether this has anything to do with the unremovable Random Solos on the front page I don't know. I did notice one "Random Solo" that popped up on the home page for me earlier was Part 2 of a story, I don't remember which story it was, sorry. So I can't say if the story was classified wrong or if it might be a bug in the feature.

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Annoyed with my family

So I went to my mums for dinner tonight, it being Mother's Day and all. It was myself, mum, her boyfriend, my sister, her boyfriend and my 2yo nephew. We were sitting around the lounge room drinking coffee, and somehow they got onto the topic of teaching Hunter (my nephew) the difference between a boy and a girl, based on general appearance. All this time, I'm sitting there thinking "he's 2, he doesn't give a damn, and that's the way it should be" (I'm an equalist). But then the funniest thing happened, my sister has started going around, asking him what each person is, a boy or a girl.

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Book 11

Thought I'd give you all due warning - a new Gaby book will be published this week! It might be Wednesday or it might be next weekend but sure as eggs are eggs it will be available! There's all the angst, racing and general Gabyness you've come to expect so be prepared!

So look out for Gaby - Wunderkind part 1 coming to a screen near you - soon!

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Help finding a story

I need help finding an old story. As I remember: there is a mother with a son and daughter. They are rich with a large corporate company. The son is the best mind and talent to take over but the mother of males. Consequently she has the son transformed into a woman. His problem is that she didn't trust enough to ask. There is a young woman that was rescued by the mother and is working and living in the household. The son and woman eventually marry I think in Minn. There are a couple attacks on the home/mansion using ATV's to approach.

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Search is back for logged in members

Really, we're still testing it. So for now, using the search box will be limited to logged in members. If all goes well, we'll go back to allowing anonymous visitors to use it also and members can use some advanced features.

Category browser in the right column is available also and Google can be used to search the site using in the search bar with your question on Google.


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TG Photographs

Hello, I saw this item on the Daily Mail website. I have a copy of Mariette Pathy Allen’s book ‘Transformations’ from years ago. The article is a positive one and the best rated comments are also positive.

Here’s the link:

Love to all

Anne G.

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TG Story on one dollar

I'm trying to get the hang of bitly links and I figure I might as well promote something in the process. This will be my last one, I promise. But, people probably don't know the dress punishment is up for sale anyway and it has absolutely 0 reviews.

Anyway here is my recent facebook post:

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The Transsexual and the cross is on sale. Save now!!!

I don't know the inner working of Amazon and I don't begin to explain things. But right now The Transsexual and the Cross: Disproving the myth that transsexuality is a sin is on sale for only 3.86. That's less than breakfast at McDonald's. I would appreciate a show of support or a few reviews (it only has one). Don't miss out on this great resource.

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Okay, now it's time to bitch

Okay, I don't normally bitch about comments, but come on? I know I wrote Twins as a fluff piece, but it really is a nice story. I've had seven comments on part one and one on part two. So what you say? Well I've had almost a thousand hits on two and over two thousand on part one. If this was Assassin and you didn't buy it, well then that's your choice, but this is for free and the time Di Wonder and I spent editing the story should warrant at least a response. I didn't include writing the piece because that comes with the territory.

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Tooting my horn

Well, it's May eight again, my birthday. In the past, I used to hide given the outright disasters that used to happen today. My darling, wonderful wife vowed to change that. The last few years has been great if for no other reason that I have someone who cares so much about me to share them with. This year however is different.

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Follow one of your favorite authors on Facebook

I created a separate facebook account for "Katie Leone". This one is where I post all my updates solely about my books. I did this for several reasons. One is to keep my fans and friends separate (a lot of people here are both, but I've gotten some people out of the blue find me and it's been interesting. Evidently the APA has me on their listserv). The other, I'm sure some friends get tired of posts about my books left and right.

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2 steps forward

2 big moments happened in the last couple of days. First, on Saturday night one of my co-workers asked if I wanted to go with a group from work to the new Star Trek movie when it comes out. This is a big deal, because its the first social event I've ever been invited to as Dorothy.

The other moment happened today. As part of prep for a possible move, I took the last of my male clothes to a local charity, and it felt like the last goodbye to Todd, which is about time, I think.

Both good steps forward, dont you think?

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055) In Search of 17-beta-HSD-3 Blockers OR Life's Easy When

As many of you are probably aware I've doing HRT DIY-style.

I've gotten my dosages and scheduling and everything pretty well perfected except for ONE THING. One of my three T blockers is making me tired all the time.

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About the Through the years bios

I have started posting the bios for through the years. I will post the major and minor character bio sheets and updating them through out the next few weeks. Then I shall add links to other stories and the back stories in the bios. So this way I can keep track of my cast of thousands.

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Somehow BC got it wrong

Somehow the BCcomputer got it wrong, Twins is an ongoing story to be posted in three parts due to length. The second and third parts deal with the hormone issue and the story is complete. When I recieve the edited parts back from my editor I'll post them.

My editor is doing a wondeful jod and want to thank Di Wonder for all the work she's doing with this story. She's a Brit so it makes the job that much harder for her. Thanks again Di, Arecee

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Once upon a makeup

Well, I just broke out my new makeup. This was the first time I really put on makeup. I've used lipstick before but that was all. I'm still learning and I have a big uphill battle. I don't even know what colors are good for me. I must of picked the wrong concealer since I look like I have jaundice. Is there a make up for dummies book out there? I know there are instructional dvd's out there but I am not able to purchase them right now. I went into the store and looked at the makeup isle and my mind froze. there are just to many choices. My mind could not comprehend what I saw.

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Soaring With Eagles Post Scripts

There was a time where I thought I might just have Fred and Angie get out of the Air Force and go back to making wine. We would just follow Matt's career; however, Angie sort of took over. I don't know if the American military will ever accept the transgendered. I suspect it will be many years before they do, and if they do, I'm sure that it will be with great reluctance. If there is an Angie out there, it will take someone like her to prove how foolish the current rules are.

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Cat watch: Day 3

Very little change. Had a slight moment of hope this morning when cat tried to lift it's back leg to scratch ears but hasn't done it since. Still fights getting the medicine (liquid in a syringe so if anyone has any idea how to do this better PLEASE HELP). She did go to the bathroom... she pooped in my bed (I'm not mad) and she's peed on herself a few times. I am going to get baby wipes because I can't keep on giving her a bath. I don't think she has any feeling in her hind quarters, didn't even protest to getting wet.

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Is she one of us? (What I meant) Edited

I saw this article today, and wonder if she is one of us.(What I intended to say was, is she on this site?) The article says that she and her family stayed together. Was it because she was honest and straightforward in sharing with her wife? Perhaps her wife is the most remarkable person we have never met.

My own experience in coming out was like WWIII, and left utterly total destruction in its path. Every single day I have to decide not to take my life, today.

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Soaring With Eagles - Some Comments

First of all I want to than everyone of my hard core fans for their continued support. I appreciate the PMs pointing out some editing omissions on my part. Editing is painful. I wish Holly was feeling better, and I really need her help. I think I will post the next to the last part later today, and the last part tomorrow or Sunday (which may be tomorrow for some of you). Concluding this on a weekend is better than dragging it into the beginning of next week.

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Cross-Dressers Like Lure Men to Murder Them!

So I was watching cops, as there was nothing on TV... The episode was originally aired on November, 25th, 2006... It is either entitled "Bad Girls 10" (which is Season 19 episode 9) or just entitled "Coast to Coast" with no episode number, depending where you look.

The episode at one point, has a cop pulling over a male, for suspicion of soliciting prostitution, and then questioning him.

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Cat watch: Day 2

Still haven't seen any improvement, but my cat has shown a lot of spunk. Last night when I opened the door to go for work, she dragged herself outside while I wasn't watching. It is horrendously sad to see. She hasn't went potty for 2 days now, but is at least eating and drinking. I guess the best thing is things haven't gotten worst but I am so scared. I cried over her for an hour. I just don't know what to do and I can't fix it and that makes me feel useless and worthless.

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PINK OUT in Louisville!!! Kentucy Oaks Day...

If you're coming to Louisville for the Derby Saturday, Please come a day early and attend "The Oaks" on Friday. It's a wonderful event billed as "Fillies, Lillies and More" to honor breast cancer survivors. Go here for pictures and information: . All attendees, both women and men, are encouraged to wear pink. Hey, no problem here!

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Sad and Crying

I took my cat Madeline to the vet today. She was such a good cat. I had her in a little pink basket that I put a pillow down in and she just laid there, occasionally rubbing her cheek against me. At first you could tell she was very scared, but she didn't put up any fuss and we waited for 2 hours to see the vet.

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Corrected Historical Error

John from that unpronounceable place in Wisconsin pointed out a historical error in Part 7 of Soaring With Eagles. I had omitted Theodore Roosevelt and his son as Medal of Honor recipients. That error has now been corrected. Thanks, John.

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being pre-op and horny

I was reading Gwen's post about being horny post-op, and it seems like ironic timing. This afternoon I woke up rather ... randy myself, but unfortunately I dont have the right equipment to Jill off, and touching the stuff I got is like ... ick.

Ah, well.

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my poor cat

My poor cat Madeline. Over the past week she has gotten worse. It started with a reluctance to jump and moved to a limp. It is now where she can't move her rear legs. I'm at the vet and very worried. I love my cats but money is tight.i shelled out to fix the van so savings is down. If you pray, please pray for my kitty

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