djkauf's blog

need author name

I am trying to find a couple of author names so I can order books for my kindle
one is the story about a boy who is transformed by a mud bath at a resort where his mother works
the other is about a man? who is changed by a goddess after he is attached by marauders

I would appreciate any help
pm me at djkauf



As many of you already know, I will edit your writing quickly and professionally. If you are publishing on BC/TS the edit is done pro bono (I won't charge you). Work which is ultimately sold for a fee (Kindle, Nook, etc.) should be edited at a fee (negotiable). I have a web site at which can visit and see what the charges might be. They would be negotiable for authors on the site.

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An editing business

I have been editing for BC/TS authors for some time now on a pro bono basis. I have been happy to do it and will continue it as a "Thank You" for the stories. Apparently, it has been well received, because I'm getting repeat business.
I would like to transform my skills into a profit making business (NOT AFFECTING THE AUTHORS ON THIS SITE). I already have a web site at, and would appreciate any ideas any of you might have to generate business. The charges will be relatively low ($2-$3 per page) to clean up and improve writing for people who need help.

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Cookbook Being Published

I'm working with Lulu to upload a cookbook that I have written. My intent is to have it available both in PDF and in paperback. It has seventeen chapters and is a mix of opinion and recipes (over 200). The title is "The Opinionated Cook". I will post again as soon as I get it uploaded.


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My background and qualifications

Since I have volunteered to do editing to assist authors, I thought I should supply my credentials. My career spans both management assignments in the IT area of a large corporation and university teaching in a school of business. I have written four books: one on statistics, one on data base principles, one on information resource management and one on cooking (a 200 recipe collection that keeps expanding). I am a self taught speed reader and a compulsive editor.

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editing assistance

I am repeating an offer I made earlier which I misaddressed. I run an editing business at and I would like to offer free editing to authors on bc/ts in thanks for my reading enjoyment. People who want editing can go to my web site and send me a story. (I did an edit on Song of Corazon for Maggie Finson and she was pleased with the work.

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