Bibliophage's blog

Looking for two separate stories. (old)

I _believe_ both of these stories are from Fictionmania. At least, they were.

1) boy is body swapped by a witch. end of story is mainly in the woods, where the 'new' boy realizes that she has no powers anymore, as she's locked into the boy's body. This is not the version that has adults in it, they're definitely teens.

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Small SD cards.

I seem to recall one or two people here that used SD cards in their e-reader or something similar, but they had to be very small.

I'm cleaning up a lot of my computer parts and supplies, and I've found a small stack of 128 and 256 MB SD cards (and a single 512 mini SD card). They're too small for my needs, and I still have a 1 GB micro-sd card I can put in an adapter if I need one.

So, if you have a need for small SD cards, drop me a line; I'll delete or mark this as 'completed' once I have someone or multiple someones that can use them.

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Death of Robotech_Master

Chris Meadows, aka Robotech Master, and one of the two main creators of FreeRIDErs ( ), has passed away due to brain injuries caused by a SUV hit and run while he was on his e-bike.

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Thoughts about Author Pages - Especially vanished ones.

This is simply a thought, and it might be more work than the admins and moderators wish to take upon themselves.

After re-reading several older stories, it occurred to me that with many of the authors that have ceased to post, their status is unknown for most people.

Might it not help to add a line to authors pages to give whatever information was last known about them? Active authors, of course, could do something similar. "As of 11/14/1776, I'll be going dark to pursue my goal as a crab fisherman in Maui."

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Netbooks - free.

Reiterating a previous offer.

I have three netbooks running Raspbian Linux. They're not the fastest, and I don't know about the strength of the batteries, but they all run, and should stay running for a while.

Their screens are larger than a phone, so anyone who needs a 'home' machine for basic web browsing and documents, let me know.

Continental US, preferably, unless you assist with shipping.

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Offering assistance for those with limited computer access.

I have at least, one, and possibly up to three netbooks. Right now, I have one fully function and ready to go, and I have to locate the other two or three I should have and get them working.

What I'm thinking is this: For those people who have to try to write on tablets or their phones, something even as basic as an older netbook could help enormously. They'll work with phone/tablet hotspots, have a full keyboard, and can be connected to USB devices.

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Bad codes for Kindle/etc posts.

I think I've figured out why I've been so bothered about the constant posts for things 'for sale'.

It's not actually that they're being posted for sale. It's that they aren't actually using the codes that are _supposed_ to be there on the front page. I've found myself, more than once, thinking that it's an update, and finding out it's another "HEY, DOPPLER" or "KINDLE BOOK". - but it says 'SOLO' or 'Day Of The Week' instead.

At the top of the page -

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Susan Brown - any information?

I was re-reading all the Penmarris stories, as well as the St. Vlad stories (including the incomplete The Power)

Anyone know what happened to Susan Brown? The last posting I can find from her was that she was dealing with an elderly relative, but that was two years ago.


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Interesting political summary, post election.

Just to keep things on an even keel - this is written about the Donald Trump campaign (and the man), but it is by someone who supported Clinton. This is pretty darned apolitical, but is good information to keep on hand.

Mind you, in a few spots, I'm using 'apolitical' in the "Irish Neutral" sense, meaning attack EVERYONE equally.

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Disappearing Authors..

In many ways, it seems like 2008 and 2009 were the years of vanishing authors of multi-part stories.

Scanning through hundreds of stories, I've hit upon many that started off quite interesting, then just ... stopped.

I've already mentioned Toni Trepasso.

Jesse Rabbit wrote Elan Owen - - and then disappeared. The last comments were about having some issues, but hoping to post up more stories, and then nothing.

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Toni Trepasso

I decided to do some category searches (not as easy as it used to be. I did it by looking up a story with the code I wanted to search by, then clicked on it), and worked my way backwards through the Science Fiction section. Perhaps I should say that I'm still working my way through it.

In any case, I'm in 2007/2008 right now, and went through Toni Trepasso's stories. However, the last active date of posting was from the last of Becoming Antonia from July of 2010.

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Anmar musing - Plif

This is mostly musing, and I'm not including it in one of the threads because it's not directly applicable.

Plif. Probably the most overlooked country in the Great Valley, but one that I would put as being extremely important for the future of Palarand and Anmar.


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Important for TG in Houston - but possibly upsetting.

The Mayor of Houston, Annalise Parker, has been pushing some legislation on allowing bathrooms to be used by gender presentation, rather than just by physical sex.

Unfortunately, there's a very vocal group that has some NASTY radio ads going - the site itself isn't bad, but the radio ads are very misleading.

Here's some information on the proposed ordinance. (with some information on the group)

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When Women Become Men at Wellesley (Article - NYT)

There's not a "News" category, so I just picked a couple that are somewhat relevant.

Apparently, there's an increasing number of TG's coming out at womens colleges. The article above is specifically about one 'trans-man' at Wellesley, but with asides about other colleges.

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Cloudflare CAPTCHA woes

I've started to see a Cloudflare CAPTCHA when I post.

1) It doesn't say why.
2) It's annoyingly HUGE.
3) It demands on the preview, then demands again on the post.

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Where did they disappear to... (Old Authors)

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I was rummaging through Fictionmania, and came across a couple of authors that I've read before, then let lie fallow, then picked up again - still wondering. Plus others :)

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Anyone heard from Silverdyne lately?

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I've reread some of Sylverdyne's stuff, and realized it's been about five years since there was much activity. Dragon and Tiger, Jet and Quartz (etc)

So, anyone heard from him/her lately? Still alive, at least?


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Lorraine B. (Fictionmania author question)

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I was rummaging around, re-reading older stories at FM, and ran across an unfinished story set from Lorraine B, called "The Alien Within or Holy Crap, There's An Alien In My Bed". Part 1 and 2 were posted in mid-2004, with the name given for part 3, but it appears that part 3 never emerged. I'd normally put it down to the author no longer writing, but she continued to post for another 2 years afterwards.

I figured I would ask if anyone knows about the author, or the story.

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Reading request.

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I have a request - just drop a note here as a comment, rather than a PM.

I've written a _very_ short story - 392 words - for the Horror contest.

You see, I decided to look at the audience, and try to build upon true horror, rather than using traditional elements. Unfortunately, the story might be a bit 'over the top' for a lot of the people here. (it's also written more in the older Ray Bradbury/Golden Age SF style, although it's not SF)

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Psychology of Gender

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An interesting article about gender, with some explanations of hormone experiments on rats.

Keep in mind that some of the data is more than 30 years old; however, it's still interesting to read.

I ended up there when I was trying to find out some of the effects of prepubescent castration in humans - basically, whether or not it would be the same as total androgen insensitivity. (apparently not, at least, not without providing estrogen therapy to trigger puberty)

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Art imitating life? TG Fiction...

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I've pointed a couple of people to the stories written by Wes Boyd, at (Spearfish Lake Tales), but the latest story has taken an interesting turn.

The story is called "The Girl In The Mirror", and is part of what he calls the Bradford Exiles series.

What's shocking about it? Well, he's hit chapter 2, and the character that's described is a M2F transsexual (intersexed). The time period is based upon the graduating class of 1988, with this being the 10 year reunion. (I graduated in 90, so I have no problem envisioning this)

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