I have a request - just drop a note here as a comment, rather than a PM.
I've written a _very_ short story - 392 words - for the Horror contest.
You see, I decided to look at the audience, and try to build upon true horror, rather than using traditional elements. Unfortunately, the story might be a bit 'over the top' for a lot of the people here. (it's also written more in the older Ray Bradbury/Golden Age SF style, although it's not SF)
That being said, I would like two or three volunteers to have it sent to them as a PM, and give me a short amount of feedback. Even if the feedback is good, I may not leave it up for more than a month or so - I'm afraid it might be that upsetting. If it's bad, I won't post it at all.
The reason I'm asking for comments is that once three or four people have posted up asking for it, I won't have to send out PM's telling people "I've already sent it out to enough" :) I figure that if that many people want to see it, I'll just post the whole thing.
I'd love to see it hon
if you want to send it, that is.
I'd be willing to try :D
I'd be willing to try :D
I'll try it. ----
I'll try it.
reading request
I would like to try it thanks.
Okay - looks like I'll be
Okay - looks like I'll be posting it up tonight, once I sit down and work through what it takes to post it.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.