TopShelf Blogs

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On vacation in Sarasota/Siesta Key Florida area

It is currently day 3 of my Florida vacation with my parents and my cousin, and a vacation means that I actually have the time to get back on the site again! Woo! But that time shall pass by briefly, as once I get back to Ohio I need to get back on my work/school thing.

Even with the tail end (at least, I *hope* it's the tail end) of a sudden squall is passing overhead as I'm typing this, it's been fun thus far and I'm looking forward to the sunset sailboat cruse that's lined up for tomorrow, pending the weather.

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Had a nice movie night with my brother

Well, yesterday I had a nice movie night with my brother. We watched "Hairspray" and it was pretty good, and taking him home we had a good talk about things. The bottom line for him is that even though he believes my transition is wrong, he will not cut me out of his life, and he will do all he can to for me to show me he still loves me anyway. That's pretty good, all things considered, even if I wish I could find the right words to convince him that this transition was necessary.

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Background to Lifes a Bitch

Background : After the intro chapter describing current events in Hong Kong where michael awakes from a night of passion with a 'male' colleague the previous chapter gave the background of events leading up to his trip to Hong Kong. It explained how Michael was thrilled to be promoted and suddenly found that instead of taking on new responsibilities with financial benefit he was to be discarded and made redundant. Worse than that he was being passed over for Vanessa who he often baled out and who was taking advantage of the Company.

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I need an editor.

Hey, I hate to ask. But I need some one to proof read and edit my stories. I need some one who understands where I am coming from in my writing and sees the pictures I am trying to paint with my words.
My stories are not dark often but the one I am working on "My Prison" is darker then I have ever written. Partly because I am including snippets of my life in it.

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A new experience

Typing "The End", and "To Be Continued" was something I didn't think I'd ever do. I've written before; I've done writing in one form or another ever since I learned how to put letters together into words. But I've never actually written anything beyond twenty pages or so (for fiction, that is). This has been a very exciting, sometimes frustrating, but mostly enlightening experience. I think I like it :)

Here's another big thank-you to everyone who kept reading to the last page, for all the great advice, eye-opening critique, and clever speculations that sometimes had me in giggles. You're all wonderful people, and I'd love to write for you again soon!

All the hugs,

- Melly

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Dreams dont die easy

I fell in love with Drama in grade six, when my class did a little skit and I played the part of the thief in an adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes story "The Red-headed League". I spent much of the next six or seven years trying to repeat that experience, dreaming of being an actor on stage and screen.

But even though dreams dont die easy, thay can be killed, and this dream finally fell before the sword of Reality when I tried out for a part as a performer at a place called Calaway Park just outside of Calgary.

I stank.

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Over stayed my welcome?

So, I posted this to push the blog I posted this afternoon off the front page. In 120 reads, it got no comments. Hmmm. Well, I know some of you can't stomach my beliefs, or maybe me in general. I feel bad. It was supposed to be a funny, tongue in cheek, jab at life.

I came here, I think in 2001. I was in bad shape. Some here nursed me through lots of hell; 5 hospitalizations in the pink, padded room. Thank you. I'm better now; have a new life.

So, I'm gonna think about this. I'm really thankful to those who have gotten to know me, you're the best.

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Either Or

Here is a question from a psychological perspective. It is a question I have thought of many times and can't seem to place my finger on how I would answer it. I am curious as to how everyone else would answer.

You have to make a choice. It is either one or the other, but not both. What ever your choice is, it's permanent and your body is fixed, prohibiting you from making any alterations through means of surgery, hormone treatment, or any other means.

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Prepare yourself for the Twilight Zone. Edited

Well, this is surprising to me. I wrote this blog in the midst of writing my latest love story, a full on, unapologetic TG one too. As I am writing this story, I am also re-reading 50 shades, watching the news, and processing the romantic proposal of a Muslim Imam.

Am I so far out of step with the folk here that my time has passed? Is it time to go?

As some of you know, I write Romances and over time, some of them have gotten quite soppy, and my naivete has made my life adventurously interesting at times.

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A new book from an old story

The first story that I wrote for this site, actually the first story I ever let anyone read, was a piece called Life’s Pathways. I posted that story a little over a year and a half ago, and the story was poorly written, and poorly told. Despite that first feeble attempt, my story was received by the members of this site with warm and kind words, along with a lot of offers to help me improve. That reception was probably one of the biggest motivations that kept me writing.

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Preferred serial length, B4E story images & story update

First off I'd like to start off this blog by taking a bit of a poll... I know I'm likely to get a broad range of answers, but I'm wondering what is your preferred length for a serial? I will try chose the more natural breaking points, but really its not that difficult with my writing style to find a good break points. Right now I'm leaning towards breaking things up into pieces ranging from about 3000 to 6000 words, but I was wondering what you guys and gals all thought.

Now on to the rest of the blog...

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Leigh Anne - Chapter 11

I read a comment at the end of Leigh Anne - Chapter 11 that said this chapter needed to be reformatted so that the reader could read it either on Internet Explorer or Firefox. I don't use any of these. I use Google Chrome. Now after looking at this chapter I find it has been reformatted. I know this because the lines are shorter. I am sorry if I offend anyone, but, I write like I do for a reason, which to date, nobody has said they finally figured it out.

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Sometimes we all need to be told not to worry.

So, I've had an interesting week. I guess I should start from the beginning. I was hanging out with friends, and we watched pacific rim. after that we went out and had super nachos which is this big nacho plate. anyways. after that we broke up and it was just me and my friend who we all call Jacob or Jake. So we were driving around, chatting and the conversation shifts to high school and college. Basically, in my junior year, I dropped out got my GED, and lost contact with all my friends for a while. While growing up, I was trying to hide the fact I was transgendered from everyone.

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Just posted - now I'm afraid to look at comments

So, after a long time, I managed to get a story written, one or two paragraphs at a time, and with great nervousness. That nervousness has changed to abject fear and trepidation as I just posted it quickly, so I couldn't chicken out. Now the fear is looking at the comments.

Damn, but I'm pretty messed up emotionally right now. Messed up and fragile.

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Work Safe Titles and Teasers on Front Page, new CAUTION tag

This is a new extension to the friendly rule; titles and teasers that appear on the front page should be work safe and if there are non-work friendly images past the teaser, that should have a caution attached.

This means some of my own teasers would not have passed this test but I think we need to add this caveat. It applies to stories, blogs, links, and even comment subject lines. I will take what steps I think necessary to implement this, usually just modifying the teaser, tags or title slightly.


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two down, one to go

Well I had interview #2 yesterday. And while talking to the nice lady, I learned that I wasn't the only one that guy forgot to set up appointments for. Heck, he even sent people who were there for an interview home, so they had to return last night. I think it went well and they sent my app onto store manager, so now the waiting game for her to call me.

Keep those fingers crossed

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delays, always delays

Like the title says there might be some delay in the release of the next chapter of "a boy and his dog". My grandmother has taken a turn for the worse again and I have been spending my free time (and not so free time as well) sitting up with her. She is doing better, and we expect her to improve but I haven't had much time for writing. I have been hearing some pretty interesting family stories though, and we have both agreed that we need to run for president in 2016 since we know all the answers when we are watching the news. My Nanny is going to be running as my VP. :P

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The Worst Idea I've Had This Year?

Thursday 25 July

Another afternoon spent on a rocky foreshore watching the tide come in and letting an unforgiving sun burn my skin that little bit darker. Another afternoon wondering where the hell my next piece of fiction is coming from.

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Some more stories from the archives.

We're probably having more new material every day than ever before, so it's easy for earlier works to be forgotten. I asked Sephy to resurrect Stephanie's Deal as a retro-classic to remind readers who might have missed it before. I just finished reading Torey's 'Switching Playing Fields', and its sequel, 'On The Flip Side'; two stories with a lovely feelgood factor about them. I highly recommend them to those who haven't previously encountered them.

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Four Years One Day

Who'd a thunk it? I've been entertaining you with my random comments (which I've been assured on previous anniversaries are not incomprehensible gibberish, despite the joke in my Twitter bio) and (very) occasional story for just over four years now.

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New Stories & Old Stories

I just wanted to thank all the authors who take the time to write & post the stories we all love so much KUDOS to all of you great creative minds plus thanks to all thiers muses for kicking butts to get they to get it done.
A few posts ago 1 of our readers asked about authors we have not heard from in a long time , to that point have you new & old readers gone back to read any of the great older posted stories you need to check them out.

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now that was embarrassing

As some of you know, I have been looking for work and may have found a job that can work with me and how I really hate dealing with people face to face. I have applied for 3rd shift (or graveyard for you West coast people) GM (general merchandise) stocking at a Meijers near the house. For those who don't know, Meijers is a Michigan based company, like Walmart, but nicer to their employees, or so former workers have said.

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Author: and publishing rights

Some time ago, when the editor of asked for submissions in fairly vague terms, I asked for submission guidelines and got no reply. Recently, I submitted a new story blindly, not knowing anything about the format or subgenres they prefer, and inquired about what publication rights they buy.

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More Bike?

We're approaching 2100 episodes of Bike and I thought I'd better ask the readers if they want me to continue. Bonz and Whizz have indicated they have no difficulties in continuing providing I give them a rise in the number of munchies they get to eat
- blackmailing little monsters.

Judging by the response to the recent birthday episode, I suspect this question is possibly rhetorical, but I feel I should ask it every now and again, just to make sure, and assuming that the management are also happy to continue finding space for my daily ramblings.


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A recycled Orchestra

Thanks to Joani and her Facebook page here is interesting story. Its about a bunch of kids in Central/South America. Go to this address to see it: if this address don't get you there try this one instead: . Like it says just give 54 seconds and will be hooked. Richard

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Just watched 'Burton and Taylor'.

A BBC4 film about the thespian couple who loved each other but couldn't live together. It was very well performed by Dominic West as Richard Burton and Helena Bonham-Carter as Liz Taylor. If you get a chance to watch it, do.

(Photo Leah Gallo/BBC)

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What am I doing?

I was wondering if a few people would help me figure out something that I am racking my brain over. I am wondering what exactly am I doing as an author. I know I don't post stories quite as often as others, but I do have quite an extensive library going on here and am in the middle of yet another major novel. I know a lot of people don't like definitions placed on them, but I am a different bird and sometimes like to know where I stand in the scheme of things. Here is what I got please add or subtract as you see fit.

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Dodged a bullet

Well, the night before last I caught my foot against a pallet at work, and became off balance and started to fall. It felt like someone had yanked on my leg hard. So I went to the hospital to get checked out today, and it looks like I dodged a bullet and didnt do any damage to myself.

Still hurt, though.

Ah, well.

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Need money for rent deposit

I am currently staying at an extended stay hotel and about to become homeless. I need about a thousand dollars to help finish paying the deposit on a rental. Currenlty I am unemployed but have some income coming from my mothers estate but it is not enough to make the down payment. Have job interviews during the next two weeks and awaiting answers on on previous interviews. I had to move to South Florida to find work. I will repay everyone as soon as I can.

Please send all donations via paypal to [email protected].

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Update on my situation

Well, the hormones I'm still on are apparently doing better. Instead of one patch every three and a half days, I'm wearing two patches for a week. That plus the Spiro actually has my breasts growing now. I mean, I wake up in the night finding myself rubbing them going "these aren't a bra or padding, they are really attached to me" and then drifting back into a contented sleep.

I've also noticed that my skin is getting softer and my limbs are getting thinner. My bicep was well developed and I had thick forearms, now they are noticeably thinner.

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Missing admin set

Okay, on the front page of the site, on the right hand side, normally I have a control panel that says "Joy Phillip" and has links to my messages, places like my account settings, my stories and more. I check there daily to see if there is anything new.

Yesterday it disappeared.

I came back today and it's still not there. It is present if I go to a story, a blog post or some other page, but not on the front page.

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Well, I basically just outed myself

So, I have basically just COMPLETELY outed myself to my mum, by accident. How? You may ask. She had just come round to drop off a few things, unannounced. She then stated that she was dying to pee (to hide the fact that she wanted to inspect my flat, of which she has no right). So I let her past the door to go. The first thing she saw was my loungeroom's mess to which she said "oh my god" and I replied "ha, it's about to get much worse". She then delivered another "Oh My God" with a lot more.....honesty.

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Dreaming of sex

Well, this morning as I slept, I had a ... er ... wet dream. Not unusual, but in this particular dream, I was being made love to by a man. Having a man enter a part of my anatomy that doesnt even exist at the moment is a bit of a disconcerting experience ....

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A scrap of writing from my virtual attic

Have you ever found an unfinished piece of writing--one you did weeks, months or even years before--and said to yourself, "Did I write this? I didn't know I could write this well!" That happened to me recently, when I came across an old story excerpt that seemed too good to have come from me.

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Your Ragtime Gal is Back

Some people have been wondering where I've been. So it seems only fair I should tell them.

Just to ease everyone's mind, I hadn't been sucked into the Bermuda Triangle, nor had I been abducted by aliens who force-fed me Cheez-Its while making me watch episodes of "Real Housewives of New Jersey." And, as should be obvious by the presence of this blog entry, I certainly haven't died. Though if I had, and I still managed to produce a blog entry, that would give a whole new meaning to the term "ghost writer." (Slight pause while everyone groans.)

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RE: Ragtime Rachel

This past week, there was a message Rachel not being heard from in a While. I had actually asked Sephrena about her because I had heard nothing in some time and noticed she had not commented on stuff since January.

Well, I send a message to Rachel and got a response and she is still here. Now to hear back from Trapper

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has any one herd (SP) from Sarah UK or SamanthaK

Hello this fish029:
I am not big poster. I love the reading stories more, here on BigCloset they are some many excellent stories and universes to read here about. I am worried about Sarah UK. Has any one herd from Sarah UK? It has been 2 weeks she posted anything. I hope she is not sick or hurt or something worths.

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What Is Wrong With Homosexuality?

Dr. John Corvino ("The Gay Moralist") frequently gives talks on the religious and moral objections to homosexuality (and thoroughly rebuts them). He gets invited to universities as well as conservative organizations. This is the first time one of his full-length talks (58 minutes) has ever been posted to YouTube. If you're interested in having the arguments to oppose homophobes and transphobes, you might want to watch this. Grab a notepad and pencil first.

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I'm at Comic-Con in San Diego!

This is about my 20th time, I attended the third one way back in 72 and I've gone to almost half of them since then. I have a few friends in the industry and know even more people just to say hi to. I always get enthused about my comics work when I'm here. :)

Having been a small publisher back in the first days of indie comics (we called them street-level comics), I get a professional badge and get to hang out with the pros and drink free coffee in the pro lounge. So cool!

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Pleasant Epiphanies.

I am reading Nancy Cole's, "Dance of the Baccha". It in many ways is a pleasant story, though at times quite frightening and tense, the subject matter dredging memories up less pleasant times for me.

I am in the first chapters where "M's" brother is being exposed to things that he had longed for, but had buried so deeply that he had not practiced.

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