I got to wondering the other day about the terms we use here on BCTS. Specifically Transgender.
Just wondering if my interpretation of the term is the same as others.
Please reply by stating: "I consider myself as a Transsexual" or "I consider myself as a Cross-dresser" and then if it applies, "I'm also Transgendered."
I'll start out by saying I consider myself as a Cross-dresser and I'm Transgendered.
Now, as you may also feel free to do, I'll elaborate.
I'm primarily a Cross-dresser because that's what I do 99% of time at home and 90% of the time when out and about. (That is ten percent of the time I pass as a normal male even though the clothes I'm wearing came off the women's rack.) Only at work, where I'm issued a uniform, do I wear male clothing and then only outer clothes. I'm still under-dressed.
The previous paragraph is the outward expression of what I feel inside. While I'm not feminine enough inside to say I'm a woman trapped in a man's body, I certainly am not masculine enough to set aside my feminine side as inconsequential. To the contrary; I am definitely a Male Lesbian. Male physically and happy with my biology, but feminine in nature and in my heart and thinking, while retaining the attributes that mark the male brain to grasp math and other logic without giving up on the emotional and artistic feminine attributes.
I'll never seek SRS, though having breasts does seem attractive. I guess I want the best of both worlds, to appear feminine to the world and still preform as a male with my wife.
Am I totally screwed up or what?
You're NOT screwed up.
I consider myself an intergendered transvestite insofar as I would happily live as a woman though at present I live about 40% of the time as a woman and 60% as a man but I do wear female stretchy jeans most of the time. I definitely want larger ('D or double D cup') breasts but the removal of any 'male bits' is inconsequential. Currently my 'C cup' breasts seem unduly small upon my male chest.
Because I've been on female hormones ('self medicating') for over 4 years, my male bits no longer function insofar as I don't get erections but I do get orgasms. (Lucky me.)
I do not pass easily but I'm looking seriously at facial feminisation insofar as getting my jaw feminised and my neck wrinkles (turkey wattle) lifted. Fortunately, I've got a slender 28 to 30 inch waist and very long thick hair.
If modern technology can remove my beard (pure white) I would do that but I have my doubts that it can be removed. Fortunately the white hair means no beard line or shadow.
I don't any woman is ever entirely satisfied with her looks. I spend a lot of time getting make-overs as I try to improve my looks.
What am I?
Well my life feels like a series of falling off the pier, floating the rapids and going over the falls.
The family story is that I was born with both sets of organs and the helpful doc took the female set at birth. In those days, it was common to do such surgery without any documentation what so ever, I am told. I was always effeminate, and was beaten a great deal for that reason. I came out in 1951, but the reaction of my stepfather was so brutal that I eventually forgot all that.
In my late 30's I started to sort of get "echoes" her, and did some cross dressing in private. In the late 1980's whilst seeing a marriage counselor, she clocked me as transgender, right in front of my wife. That was really odd.
To keep this brief, I will leave out the years until around 2001 when "Gwen" began to demand more notice. I became extremely depressed after the 911 attack, not because of the terrorists, but because of the activities of our government and the Bush Gestapo. The put me on copious amounts of mind altering psych meds and that is when Gwen came busting out with a vengeance.
In 2004, I was thrown out and started my life as a woman. I had SRS in August 2007, and have discovered an astonishingly happy life when I let it be.
So, in my estimation I am a woman, and not any sort of trans any longer.
Girl Interupted
I would say that I am a trans woman or a woman with a trans history. That is to say that 9 months into my HRT stage of transition while my Doc and I were trying to schedule my little ride down the road to Trinidad for SRS, my heart failed and I nearly died. The cardiology folks got me stabilized and on the list for a new heart if I could just get strong enough to survive the surgery. I was told that without a heart transplant I might live another 6 months. My Cardiologist wanted me to go in Hospice but I told him that I would rather go sailing.
My son and I hooked up my 26' sloop and drove from Denver, CO to Ft. Lauderdale FL where I lived on my sailboat in an absolutely lovely place for 3 yrs and somehow got much better physically. after 4 more years in Ft.Lauderdale (2 of them working at Home Depot as an out transgendered dyke), I moved north 300 mi to Gainesville FL and have been here since about 7 1/2 yrs. Nope, never did get that new heart. The one I have is perking along at nearly 50% strength. However between that weakened heart and 57 yrs of tobacco damage. I am not a candidate for any but the least invasive type of surgical interventions. My original doc told me that we would not be rescheduling my SRS because the only thing a reasonable surgeon would do for me is put in a new heart.
So, in sum, I am a non-op transexual or as I would put it a transgendered woman.
You are not screwed up. I am
You are not screwed up.
I am a transgendered, transsexual, crossdresser. Although "trans" may not be the right word. I am an agendered, asexual (I hate that term, I am not an amoeba), crossdresser. I have no desire to become a woman, but also do not want to remain male. I really would love to have those annoying bits between my legs removed.
I am also age dysphoric.
none of us are 'screwed up.' In fact, to paraphrase the Firesign Theater, "I think we're all trans-bozos on this bus." Seriously, even if we 'weren't' trans in some way, we'd all be seen by at least a few people as screwed up because we're not just like them.
I don't anticipate any change in my anatomy other than the usual stuff that occurs as I grow older. For me, not as any expression of anger or disdain for my body, but merely because things don't suit who I am the way they used to, I'd be perfectly happy if I didn't have one or a few of the things I was born with, but it's really me inside that counts, aye?
Love, Andrea Lena
Titles are for people...
who want to fit other people into neat pigeon holes. It doesn't really work. The field of sexual identity and preference is so wide and deep it is like a 3 dimensional rainbow, maybe even a 4 dimensional one. It is hard to get people to wrap their heads around this concept.
I tried to cross dress when I was younger, around 20 or so. I was caught, and since I was convinced I was a pervert I stopped for 30+ years and was pretty miserable. Once I accepted I was indeed transgendered I found out it is fundamentally a medical issue. My brain is female in structure, and it durn well knows it.
Since I can not change my brain (I would have if I could have) I have to modify my body and my social presentation to match the inner me. It works. To a ever decreasing minority it is not acceptable, but these folk would rather I die a miserable person (most likely at my own hand) than live as a happy one.
Now I have gone this far I don't want to change back, ever. I am happy, for the first time in a very long time. I used to think I would die young (hoping for it actually), now I am prepared to live a right long life. It will be a good life too.
I do not judge people for how they have to live their life as far as sexual identity. They will choose what is right for them. I will accept it, and damn those who can't, just like they call me damned.
I am not damned, of course. I plan on living a complete and Christian life, even if I don't go to church every Sunday (or whatever). I believe that is much more important than claiming I live a Christian life and trying to make other peoples lives miserable for things that are not done out of choice.
I was, I am or...?
I was transsexual, but as I now am postoperated, I cannot be transsexual as I have no wish to change back again. But given the few alternatives I have to consider me closest to be transsexual.
Well, I'm going to use a
Well, I'm going to use a different order.
I'm definitely transgendered. Even as puberty was hitting, I was doing things like standing naked in front of a mirror with my "boy bits" tucked back between my legs.
I even tried ticking with tape but wasn't clever enough to figure out a way that'd hold.
I'd gotten jumped on for "acting like a girl" real early, so I reluctantly tried to act like a guy.
Only had one opportunity to try crossdressing back in my teens when I found a discarded dress. Didn't quite fir though.
Had lots of fantasies about changing back and forth between male and female (including some combos, and being neuter)
Read a lot of fiction once I got web access way back when. I'd run across a few piece of porn with tg/ts type themes before then.
About 10 years back someone I was involved with online pushed me into seriously trying to crossdress. And from that I ran into a local support group.
Unfortunately, it takes a fair bit of effort to be even somewhat passable. And hair removal (even temporarily) that's funds I can ill spare. So I don't do it much in recent years.
If I had the money, I'd go for permanent hair removal, and maybe some breast implants and removal/relocation of unwanted fat.
I'm ok with my boy bits, and would be unlikely to go for full SRS. But being able to pass while dressed would be good enough.
And if I *could* just decided which way to present without a lot of hassle, I'd crossdress fairly often. Since I can't... :-(
Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks