any one know how Penny Lane

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has any one heard how Penny been doing?


Still here, just

Penny Lane's picture

I'm recovering from the effects of the narrow escape, throwing down large amounts of steroids (and other drugs to counteract the side effects of the steroids) and generally up to my eyeballs in Real Life.

It looks like I get to keep my kidneys this time. From what I was told I was very close to a complete collapse but got treatment before the point of no return was passed. Now all I have to do is to keep taking the tablets... for two years, at least.

We're just changing broadband suppliers and the new line comes in the house somewhere else than the old one did, so I'm having to do a lot of rewiring to make it all work. Until I can connect up the new, I can't cancel the old, saving £60/month. Add in hospital visits, blood tests once a week and normal activities and I'm afraid there's not been much time to add to SEE lately.

You are all not forgotten, I'm checking in here twice a day for news and reading one or two stories but that's all. Now I have to go downstairs and make cables, so if you'll excuse me...


It was great to hear from you.....

D. Eden's picture

And I am glad that you seem to be progressing! I hope that your life continues to stabilize, both medically and otherwise, and that you are able to get back to what most of us jokingly refer to as "normal" life, lol.

Like many here, I miss reading your work and your posts and look forward to your regular return.


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus