Torey's blog

Pointe Shoes, a sequel

Still trying to finish It's Not Easy to be a DemiGoddess and another chapter of Evolution is also still in the works.

But the muse has me starting a sequel to My Summer With Meg and Our Nutcracker Adventure.

Sorry the first chapter is a bit short. And excuse the typos and the grammatical errors. You know how I just seem to throw things out there.

Hope some of you will find it worth reading.

Love ya,



A heartbreaking story

This was posted by one of my conservative, Christian friends on Facebook today.

So many times my stories have positive outcomes, a world of acceptance by families and friends I wished existed in real life. But so many of us here deal with, or have dealt with the issues this girl faced.

It hits all too close to home to me.

Some very sad news to share.

Yesterday, a 17-year old committed suicide by jumping in front of a semi on I-71 near the South Lebanon exit.

It has come to light that this person likely committed suicide because she was transgender.



Publishing on Amazon

I know this might be a crazy question, but how does one get a story published on Amazon Kindle? I know a few authors here have done so. I'm a bit slammed with work and school, and to be honest could use a little extra income coming in ... not that I would make a lot.

Thought about putting a couple of my longer stories such as His Secret up if I knew exactly what I need to do.

Any help I could get would be appreciated.



Why I haven't been around as much

Just thought I would let people know. We're still going through some personal issues. My work schedule has changed and I'm trying to spend as much time as possible with my kids before my son goes to Afghanistan in a couple of months.

Because of the change in my work schedule, I rarely have enough time to devote to writing as I'd like (one reason you sometimes see typos in my work is that I'll try to write as much as possible in a short time and know real private and personal place to save them).

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An amazing blog I found last night

In the few spare minutes of time I had last night, I stumbled upon a blog that brought me to tears, but yet warmed my heart.

It's a real life story about the type of kid I write about, but this one really hit home to me because I don't live to far from where this child lives, and it's hardly a supportive place for a child with gender issues.

But she has an amazing mother, and supportive father and brothers. But mom has caught hell for letting her daughter be herself deep in the heart of the Bible belt.

The blog spot is called Cammie's Song:

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At what point did you realize you were different?

At what point did you realize you were different?
Maybe it was a statement my real-country grandmother said I needed to pull my pants down to show my cousin's friends I was really a boy.
But seriously, I never really was what some would call uber-sissy.
I knew a couple of boys like that. They were ridiculed because of it, mocked. But I never was.
I wasn't as tough and rough as my older brothers, or the above-mentioned cousin.
It's not like I dismissed everything boys did and wanted to wear tutus and tiaras.

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Why so long? Finally another Flip Side chapter

I'm sorry it's been so long. And I know this latest chapter probably is littered with typos and errors, but its been stuck in my head and I wanted to get it out there.

I've gone through a lot of trials lately. My teenage daughter overdosed and is struggling with issues relating to my ex, who doesn't care about her.

We've also been struggling financially.

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A little background on Switching Playing Fields

I just wanted to say that I appreciate the comments about my story "Switching Playing Fields."
It's been interesting following some of the debates going on.
I wanted to throw some things out there that might be helpful.
I've always been fascinated by boys and girls who venture out of the traditional realm of their gender. Sports is an area I enjoy reading about.

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A 19th century dilemma

I've heard from a few readers who have been following my tale Forever Claire about how Claire would handle male puberty and become the woman, if you've read in the beginning, that she becomes.

I had some good advice about this, but to be honest, I wrestled with even addressing it. I want Forever Claire to maintain some the form of sweetness and innocense that I've tried to portray.

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What is real courage?

I read a story tonight on this site that got me thinking what was fiction, it was so real.

It doesn't take courage to put on your sister's dress when you're eight and when no one else is looking...

It takes courage to ask your mother if you can wear that dress on Halloween...which is something I wanted to do, but never got the courage to do...

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New at this blog thing...

A little about me:

Torey is a persona of how I'd like to see myself. She's a soccer mom with two teenagers who have her pulling her hair out, or its going to turn gray before its time.

But she loves her kids. They keep her centered. She doesn't know what she'd do without them. She's a single parent who struggles very much to get by.

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